lawn ornaments The fever for Lawn Ornament has never been higher, and the only cure is more PHOTOS. Now we’re not sure if it’s because we’re all striving to be professional photographers or if it’s for the free T-Shirt but thank you for finding these rusted and forgotten buggies. Some are found behind the garage, to those-near-mint centre of the lawn types and the modern rides left out back just waiting for snow. Either way, we want to see those lawn ornaments in your neck of the snowbelt, snap a photo and send it in. If your photo is selected and published in OSM, you will receive a fresh OSM T-shirt. Email your pics to our man Jake at Remember, curb appeal is nice…snowmobiles are better. Adam’s cat Mister Bigglesworth was actually the one that found this down sled. For Bigglesworth’s trouble we will see if we have any balls- of string in the back room we can send with the shirt for your human.
Adam from Cameron, ON., submitted these finds of a 1976 Merc Trail-Twister. If you put a blue windshield on it, sprayed it with a little Pledge it would be pretty close to showroom quality. Now if you look closely, you will see the original rubber side hood straps. MINT!
Judging by the hole in the fuel cap, we think it would be safe to say that there is water in the gas. RIP