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Registration for the 2024 Cain’s Quest will be Opening Soon
It’s that time of year again! Cain’s Quest 2024 Race will open registration on May 1st, for the upcoming endurance race in 2024. Unfortunately, the race was suddenly cancelled this year due to unsafe weather conditions yet the excitement for the race still remains amongst the participants. Join the anticipation for the 2024 race, and register your team.
“3 Old Guys” Venture on a Ride of a Lifetime
The “3 Old Guys” – Rob Hallstrom, Rex Hibbert and Paul Dick –Decided on a near impossible snowmobile ride from Grand Rapids, Minnesota to Fairbanks, Alaska, roughly a 4750 Mile trip through some of the toughest conditions North America has to offer. Unsurprisingly, there have been complications along the journey such as: sled repairs, Hallstrom’s Snowmobile catching fire and even needing parts to be flow to various places along the way.
Dates announced for the 36th annual Toronto International Snowmobile, ATV & Powersports Show.
October 20-22, 2023 – Mark your calendars now.
University of Maine Students Create First Clean Snowmobile:
University of Maine Engineering Team finishes second place at the Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress, after remapping the fuel-system of a snowmobile to allow it to run on Hydrogen and Natural gasses, causing a significant decrease in the by-products emitted from the engine. Although only a prototype, this could pave the way for more environmentally friendly engines to be found in motorsports.

Dates are set and production is underway for the 26th annual Peterborough
SLEDARMA Snowmobile & Off-Road show, Swap Meet and Show & Shine.
The one day only show will take place Sunday Novermber 19th, 2023 for more information or to have a exhibit space at the show call 905-722-6766 or email info@sledarama.ca

Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Snow Run 25th Anniversary Event announces dates for 2024!

Registration is now open for the 25th annual Event taking place Feb 2-4, 2023, register today.
The 24th Annual Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Snow Run was a great success with Over $410,000.00 raised in pledges and corporate sponsorship. The team is very proud of the $8.4 million that they have raised over the past 24 years!

Need some time alone in your thinking room, have a seat on the throne and give it a go.
Arctic Cat Bacon
Battery Belt
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