2 minute read
The fever for Lawn Ornament has never been higher. We’re not sure if it’s because there are so many out there, striving to be professional photographers, or if it’s for the free t-shirt for your troubles (it’s probably the cool t-shirt). We thank you for finding the rusted and forgotten buggies behind the garage, to those-near-mint, centre of the lawn types, and the modern rides left out back just waiting for snow. We want to see the lawn ornaments in your neck of the snowbelt; snap a photo and send it in. If your photo is selected and published, you will receive a freshly screened OSM t-shirt. Email your pics to our man Jake at info@osmmag.com Remember, curb appeal is nice...snowmobiles are better.
I found these two old girls on a walk through the woods with my granddaughter. The Cat seems to be all there, and the Citation is missing the seat, but the twin cylinder motor is still there. The best part is that the owner said I could have them both - No Charge! Now all I need is a chainsaw, 200 feet of cable, and a winch. Have a great day! The sleds are located in “Woodsman Point” in New Brunswick. Rob Thompson, Grand Bay –Westfield, NB

Hey OSM, I found this 65 Ski-Doo and it was rusted out and smashed up bad, so I painted it up a bit and made a flowerpot! Kevin Hafner, Bryant, WI.

Cheryl Renaud from Boyne City, MI sent this photo in of a mid 80’s leafer. With the leaves on the trees, it’s obvious that the owner is showing off their lawn décor, as well as a used tire. Good evening, Well, after all the complaints about our yard ornament, it may actually have some worth. Our neighbors have high-end, carved wooden statues of bears and eagles. We have this outside our BraaapShack in Brantingham, NY, and love it! Melissa and Sledder Scott Bailey,