Spring 2021
admiration By: Alex Wright
Sir Ainsley Stonecaste of Naporia was a proud man. He was a proud man because he had much to be proud of! You see, Sir Ainsley was a castle builder. He had built castles, fortresses, and even a few palaces far and wide. He was famous for designing the keep which kept King Forells guards. He Painstakingly laid the foundation for Queen Ja’Mrins extravagant tower. He himself dug the moat surrounding Duke Irleas’ motte. He even laid the stone and the brick for each and every palace within fifty miles. He was knighted by the king for his deed, gifted many treasures from the queen and
promised support of the dukes army in time of need. Yet, for all of this Sir Ainsley did not live lavishly. His hut was wooden, his bed made of straw and feathers. He ate just like any other peasant. Why? He did not strive to live as royalty does, for royalty is admired only by the people they rule. No, Sir Ainsley was not content with the life of royalty for he did not live for the admiration of his peers. He lived for the admiration of kings. Of queens. Dukes and duchesses. Royalty does not admire other royalty. Face to face, they share pleasantries but in separate rooms, they scheme against one
Artwork by Vintage Illustrations