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An Homage to the Things I See Out of the Corner of My Eyes
Whether you are my friend or indifferent to my existence, I simply wanted to speak to you, in no formal manner
Just something on my mind, homage might’ve been too strong a word
But I liked the title so I’m sticking with it
But I digress, I wonder what you are
Whether you’re a product of my overactive imagination
Or maybe something more tangible, something crawling around in the darkness
As I walk through the empty rooms of this house
You seem to appear at anytime of day, with no rhyme or reason for your appearance
It seems that you all simply show up, uninvited but not unwanted
I don’t mind you there in the corner of my eyes, you always make me glance a second time
But by then you’re gone
You’ve never bothered me, so I’ve no reason to bother you.
I simply wonder what you are and why you are, But no way to ask, so here’s to you
Things I see out of the corner of my eyes
I like your potentially false existence, I like the scavenger hunt my mind plays on itself
But still I wonder what you are
Some of you have towered over me and seemed like you don’t fit in the room in which you stand
Others so small I’m surprised I can even notice your presence
You’ve never walked into my room but I’ll notice you in the hallway
Or down the stairs
So what are you doing there
Simply watching and wandering
Or something more, not that I’ll ever get an answer
Mainly cause I know you’re not real and only exist in the out fringes of my mind and eyesight
Still I’d like to meet you someday, just to know what you are