1 minute read


Fixated by the fear, Curious about the sting, She’s gnawing nervously On crimson fate’s string

Dye dribbling down her chin, Rouge matching her own blush, Pastel cotton-candy words Gently bring hers to a hush

With a sweet tooth for him And his sugar-coated tongue, A sharp craving begins And red thread is strung

His heart, her breath, Catches making a fair trade— Soft giggles paint the night Mixed with honeyed serenade

But a single fleeting sunrise Is all a painting grasps— Beyond the sky’s golden palette Awaits the unfastening of clasps

Soon, dye drips to blood, Blush, but bruises of pain, Miscommunications blur colors Where words can’t explain

Fate’s lace fades, frays, And yet its knots prevail— Brush still beaded with wet paint, An unfinished fairytale And so, fixated by the fear, Curious about the sting, She’s tugging lightly On crimson fate’s string

| Tasbiha Rahman

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