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Osmosis viral creative think tank + morrisjones&co : Appletiser Viral USA / SHOT CODE : THE TECHNOLOGY EXPLAINED & Case studies


A SHOT CODE : Can be captured quickly with a mobile phone’s camera & decoded to obtain a web address , this address is immediately accessed by the phones web browser revealing a website as seen above . Shot code technology explores many potential uses of 2D barcodes that support & compliment an interaction with concepts such as Appletiser inviting you to a Taste Test ! Using mobile phones as devices for establishing a brand dialogue through seamless information gathering & exchange SHOT CODES are the perfect experiential marketing tool. Shot codes are the ubiquitous message experience & immediately create an intrigue that fascinates consumers to want to find out what lies behind the graphic black & white boxed code ! Shot codes are the brainchild of Densu in Japan , there are over 30 million shot code embedded mobile phones in Japan – we are sadly lagging behind & have lots of catching up to do . Fortunately very successful tests were carried out in the USA during May 2006 – SHOT CODES HAVE ARRIVED & MADISSON Avenue has embraced this new technology as the following case studies will reveal !


Northwest Airlines is harnessing Japans love of gadgets to open a new frontier in interactive advertising, tempting consumers to access prizes & games by scanning giant SHOT CODES with their cellphone cameras . In it’s latest Tokyo outdoor campaign Natwest Airlines ( the fourth largest US Airline by traffic ) is covering the cities billboards & subway stations with ads containing SHOT CODES, which look like huge geometric rochard tests . The ads taunt passers-by ( tease like we will with Appletiser ) to unlock a message hidden inside the square of black & white pixels called a SHOT CODE . To access this secret message the consumer will need to download a SHOT CODE READER ! ( although most new phones like the Nokia T93 come with an embedded shot code reader ) All it takes is a snapshot of the shot code as seen above for the information to be decoded , directing the viewer to the phone’s web browser where a bouquet of coupons , games , or further product detail await to be explored ! The Northwest campaign created by WPP Group’s Ogilvy & Mather ad agency & mindshare media buying unit, takes Japan’s SHOT CODE PHENOMENON to a new extreme blowing up codes to heights as great as 10 metres. At first, Ogilvy wasn’t even sure if the “ SHOT CODE “ technology would work at such a huge scale – it surpassed their wildest expectations ! Visit http://www.ogilvy.com/uploads/koviewpoint/vp_70-73_brown_apr17.pdf


Mc Donalds Japan is now printing “ SHOT CODES “ on all it’s food packaging so you’ll know exactly what you’re eating. To read the info you simply scan the “ SHOT CODE “ with your cellphone camera, which automatically recognises the code that directs you to a mobile website with low-down on the contents of your Mc Food including any potential allergy warnings. ( we would to the same with our Appletiser calorie counter ) For the two people in Japan who don’t have a camera phone , Mc Donalds is also printing conveniently short url,s for corresponding website Kaywa codes ( Japanese for for SHOT CODE )


How do you connect with a youth audience that’s notoriously difficult to reach ? Who shun traditional media ! Who pride themselves on being of the curve & tech savvy ! Well, if you’re Vespa , an iconic youth culture brand , you do it by piquing their interest, by building buzz , by creating something the likes of which they’ve never seen before ! You do it by creating North America’s first “ SHOT CODE “ enabling advertising ! Vespa placed “ SHOT CODES “ on posters throught Toronto’s downtown core. Once scanned the codes automatically sent people to a mobile site where they could win Vespa mobile wallpaper , Vespa Video ring tones , free Vespa t – shirts , 40 % off clothing at local Vespa dealers , even win a brand new Vespa LX 150 , instantly !

Each offer has been designed to drive players to the dealership ( we are doing the same for Appletiser Taste Test Parties ) where they can redeem their prize , check out the Vespa merchandise & try a Vespa scooter for size ! The programme was an incredible success , not just throught street buz , but incredible earned media as well - ( osmosis to advise on new revenue streams & revenue share between the content provider , client as well as the network service providers – share is currently at 40 % of revenue share ) Visit http://haroeverybody.com/dma/vespa-qr/

“ HEY MAN NICE SHOT CODE “ A huge German Corporation disrupted the German countryside by placing this odd shot code that when photographed read “ HEY MAN NICE SHOT CODE ! “ which just goes to show not all SHOT CODES have to be serious & does make for an interesting tactical brand motivation – something Virgin Airlines is bound to benefit from ! ( Generating a lot of bus for Branson – just a thought )


Games 02 has been offering free pints of beer where the purchaser buying a beer through the use of a SHOT CODE , he is able to even send a beer to a friend in the crowd & pay for it on his phone – it’s as simple as that creates a great buzz for the brand not to mention good will !

WE HAVE MANY MORE EXAMPLES FOR APPLE , COKE , THE DAILY SUN UK , KERRANG MAGAZINE , DOLE FRUIT FARMS , AS WELL AS CAMPAIGNS IN PRODUCTION FOR CLIENTS IN DUBAI – WILD WADI WATER PARK ( for example ) as well as campaigns for Soweto Mall & clients in Lagos – Nigeria ( Dunhill , Dana Air & Peak Milk ) Thanking you – on behalf of MORRISJONES + osmosis viral / creative think tank .

( following pages more shot code formats – purely as reference for your enjoyment ! )

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