2 minute read
Pastor’s Corner
Jomo Cousins, Ph.D. GIVE CREDIT
ened by your workers. Be confdent in where you are, what you have and what you can do. Saul should have been celebrating with his people since his enemy was defeated and he was no longer at risk.
I have seen too many instances in business where bosses felt threatened by their employees. As business owners, our goal should be to leverage their skills to help our businesses grow. Use their gifts and talents to help the business thrive and do not worry about credit. Focus on the fruits of their labor. If you have a successful employee or manager running your business well, give them all the credit because, at the end of the day, they are helping your bottom line. Never allow their gifts to threaten you. Stay in your lane!

Prayer: Lord, give me the wisdom I need so that I will not feel threatened by my employees. Help me to encourage them and celebrate their victories. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Except from: 60 Prayers in 60 Seconds, Page 46.
The 11th annual Love on Purpose (LOP) Marriage Conference is coming back to Tampa on Friday and Saturday, February 17-18 at the Tampa Convention Center. This year’s conference will focus on Seedtime and Harvest utilizing relatable principles that can be applied to marriage. Speakers Drs. Jomo and Charmaine Cousins as well as J.J. and Trina Hairston are ready to deliver an exciting two-day event packed with a dynamic word, fun activities, relationship games and more.

Prepare for an immersive experience where you’ll learn how to properly maneuver marriage and the typical and not-so-typical challenges couples often face at various stages of their journey. It will focus on pruning negativity and planting seeds of encouragement to ultimately cultivate a stronger foundation for your marriage. You’ll learn the differences between sowing and reaping in your marriage and just how impactful your roles are individually and as a couple. Couples and spouses will learn how to practice positive communication, tend to each other’s needs and ultimately grow in love for one another.
The LOP Marriage Conference will feature six dynamic and educational sessions to nurture, strengthen, encourage and restore your marriage to reap God’s abundant harvest. Dance the night away at an exclusive all-white-attire performance, featuring J.J. on Friday evening. This electrifying concert will allow you and your partner to fellowship together and celebrate in love.
Dr. Jomo and Dr. Charmaine are senior pastors at Love First Christian Center in Riverview. They have been married for 24 years and have three children.
Their goal is to create a community of people who aspire to enjoy life together as a couple. With a strong foundation in Christ, they hope to inspire and motivate those who may need a little guidance.

“At the core of what we live and teach is ‘Love, Laugh & Learn.’ These three pillars are integral to our relationship and something we try to encourage others to embrace in their relationships,” they explained.
Pastors J.J. and Trina are the bold, nurturing and charismatic leaders of All Nations Washington DC. With Pastor J.J. and his background in music and entertainment and Pastor Trina with her background in religious beliefs, together they’ve built a culture of counseling, healing and bringing people together.
To register or for additional information and FAQ visit: https://brushfire. com/lfcc/lopconference/543565. For more information on Love First Christian Center visit https://lfcc.tv/.