7 minute read
Palmer House B&B Owners To Retire
By Libby Hopkins
For more than 19 years, guests who came to the Palmer House Bed and Breakfast in Lithia had the chance to relax under the sprawling oaks on a bench swing. Take a cool dip in the pool; relax in the hot tub; and pick up the pace a little and go canoeing, horseback riding, bike riding or golfing all while enjoying the Southern hospitality of innkeepers Gail and Bob Palmer. “We started Palmer House in 2002,” Gail said. “Our charming Victorian farmhouse is nested on 8 acres and we catered to local and out-of-state guests. We were open year-round for visiting relatives; romantic weekends; corporate events; uplifting couples’ retreats; small, elegant weddings and so much more.” Once their guests entered their gates, they were able to leave all their troubles behind them and relax.
Now, it’s time for Bob and Gail to relax. The couple has decided to retire and sold the Palmer House to a new group of people who are excited to take the beautiful bed and breakfast to its next chapter. “I worked for 28 years for a defense contractor and Bob worked for 32 years as a civil engineer,” Gail said. “I ended up quitting my job, and I always wanted to have a bed and breakfast. So, we built this country house
here in Lithia that we ended up turning into a bed and breakfast. Bob and I just celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary this past March and we’ve been running the Palmer House for almost 20 years, so we’re tired. It’s time for us to retire and For more than 19 years, guests who came to the enjoy ourselves.” Palmer House Bed and Breakfast had the oppor- Bob and Gail feel tunity to relax while experiencing the Southern hospitality of Bob and Gail Palmer. their retirement and selling their bed and breakfast is bittersweet. “We want to thank the community for letting us be a part of their lives and their life events that they had at the Palmer House,” Gail said. “Ministering to the needs of our guests has been the best part of our jobs at the Palmer House. This community has been a blessing to us and we are forever thankful for all their support.” The Palmers’ are excited to begin their new journey. “We are moving into an apartment,” Gail said. “This is the first time we have ever lived in an apartment and we are so excited about it. We are going to rent for a year and travel. We are still going to live in the community that has been a part of our lives for so long because we love it.” Stay tuned for new things coming to the Palmer House Bed and Breakfast. The bed and breakfast is located at 2221 Hinton Ranch Rd. in Lithia.

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The Valrico/FishHawk Chamber of Commerce will host the annual Back-ToSchool Teacher Appreciation Luncheon, sponsored by Ferman Mazda of Brandon, on August 4 at Bloomingdale Senior High School in Valrico. The luncheon is a small token of appreciation for the hard work the teachers and staf are about to endure - countless hours of grading papers, learning the diferent personalities of their students, be role models and so much more. VFCC services 18 schools in the Brandon/Valrico/Lithia area. Each school’s principal is invited to bring six of its new teachers to attend the luncheon.
In addition, OneBlood will be outside collecting valuable, much needed, blood donations for those that are interested. Entering the school, teachers will register and receive a bag to collecting any goodies and business paraphernalia. Chamber members will line the Bloomingdale auditorium hallway where, as the teachers make their way to the cafeteria, they are able to meet and learn about the businesses in their community. A selfie area, sponsored by MJ Photography, is set up just outside of the cafeteria for the teachers’ entertainment. They are then guided to their table where they will be greeted by their table host and business sponsor. Teachers will each have the opportunity to complete a school supply wish list, for the second half of the school year and drop into a wishing well. VFCC chamber members will take the wish lists and fulfill them and will then be distributed to each of the teachers in January 2022 as a continued thank you from the community of businesses.
A boxed lunch including dessert Your Hometown Roofer License# CCC1325939
NextWave Advisors and a drink will be With Us, You have a plan provided by Chickfil-A of Lake Brandon Village and Bloomingdale. While teachers eat, those in attendance from Hillsborough County School District will be introduced then the much loved Dave Mishkin, the voice of the Tampa Bay Lightning on AM 970 will be the guest speaker. He will encourage and inspire the teachers and staf in preparation of their new school year. Members of the Chamber’s board will take a few minutes to speak and then the program will end. As the teachers begin to leave they will handed a bag filled with school supplies needed to help get their school year started of right.
“The Valrico/FishHawk Chamber of Commerce wants to say thank you to every teacher and staf member at each of the schools, may you have a great year with amazing students,” said Abi Merkle VFCC Chairman of the Board.
For more information, visit www.valricofishhawk.org/. Staf Report

By Michelle Caceres
An elite program for distinguished, rising high school seniors returned to the campus of Florida State University in Tallahassee after a one-year hiatus due to the coronavirus pandemic, with some local students in attendance.
The Florida American Legion Boys State, now in its 77th year, brings together hundreds of ‘delegates’ for an all-expense paid week of hands-on mock government activities. The program, designed to mirror the structure and operation of Florida’s state government, provides training in practical citizenship, leadership and character development. Each boy, known as a ‘citizen,’ plays an integral part of the program by assuming responsibilities and performing duties either as an elected or appointed ofcial. They are responsible for drafting bills, participating in legislative sessions and electing ofcials. This year, participants got access to several high-profile guest speakers, including Governor Ron DeSantis, Lt. Governor Jeanette Nuñez and U.S. Senator Rick Scott.
Thomas Levine, a senior at Newsome High School, was selected as one of this year’s participants. Levine was nominated to attend by JROTC Senior Army Instructor Eric Deal and selected after an interview with representatives of an American Legion post.
Levine prepared for the experience by watching an award-winning documentary about Texas Boys State.
“Watching the video prepared me so I knew what to expect,” he said. “I wanted to fully participate and to run for as many positions as possible.” During the program, the boys spent one day each on the structure of city, county and state governments. During city elections, he campaigned for city clerk and city postmaster and got elected to both ofces. The following day, at the county level, he ran for and was elected as clerk of the court. At the state level, he campaigned to
Newsome student Tomas Levine be a member of the House participated in Boys State, a no-cost, of Representatives and weeklong program hosted by the was elected to that ofAmerican Legion to teach high school fice. He also campaigned students about citizenship, leadership to become chief financial and character development. ofcer (CFO), a member of the governor’s cabinet, but lost to Nease High School student Nate Fagen. One of the highlights for Levine was giving a speech about what Americanism means to him in front of his entire political party (he was a federalist) of 180 people. “It was definitely the largest crowd I have spoken to in my life,” he said. “I felt so patriotic giving my speech and talking about my love of country.” The experience will be one he will not soon forget. “I experienced wins and losses and gained leadership skills as well as insight into how our government functions,” he said. There is also a Girls State program, sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary, and it is held annually on the campus of Florida State University. For more information about Boys State or to learn more about the application process, visit www.floridalegion.org/boysstate or call 407-295-2631.