3 minute read
As the Lake Brandon Village Chick-fil-A celebrates 25 years of serving the community, it also thanks its customers for being loyal for so many years!

When owners Paul and Tammy opened the location on June 18, 1998, it was the first free-standing Chick-fil-A in Brandon and only the second free-standing Chick-fil-A in the Greater Tampa Bay Area. During construction, staf was hired out of a trailer onsite. The Brandon mall was just about to open, the Lowe’s Home Improvement Center hadn’t broken ground yet and there were fields for miles around!

“We didn’t know a soul,” Tammy said. “We opened a little Chick-fil-A and we didn’t know if it would be successful or not because it was on Lumsden and there were still cows grazing next door, when we opened.”
Fast forward 25 years and there isn’t an empty space for miles and the Lake Brandon Village Chick-fil-A now has more than 80 employees. Throughout the years, the store has been renovated twice, most recently to add the double drive-thru lanes and the covered drive-thru area with podium ordering. In 2017, Paul and Tammy also opened the Bloomingdale Chick-fil-A store near Bloomingdale High School and instant-
By Makenzie Atkins Noel
ly found success with both locations.

“Both Paul and I are proud of what we have accomplished over the last 25-year journey in the Brandon community,” said Tammy, “and have seen many great changes in the area.”

Paul has now been a veteran franchise owner and operator for over 31 years with Chick-fil-A and moved to the Brandon area from Racine, Wisconsin with his wife and four school-aged children to open the Brandon location. When they moved to the community, the family immediately became involved in local schools, local sports and local community events.
Longtime customer Leslie Haxton loves the two locations and says, “Chickfil-A is like Cheers, where everyone knows your name.” She orders a large coke every day, “because Chick-fil-A has the best ice, cups and syrup mixture,” and she pairs it with the famous Chicken Minis.
Chick-fil-A Lake Brandon Village is located 11325 Causeway Blvd, Brandon, FL 33511 and Chick-fil-A East Brandon/ Valrico is located at 2010 Bloomingdale Ave, Valrico, FL 33596. Visit www.chickfilabrandon.com, stop by the restaurant or visit www.facebook.com/chickfilabrandon.
The schools in the FishHawk community have seen many great parent volunteers throughout the years, though one of the longest and most dedicated volunteers has been Patty Fry.

Fry has always loved volunteering in her children’s schools and was involved in FishHawk Creek PTA, Randall Middle School and Newsome High School PTSA and Band Boosters, along with many other extracurricular activities her children have participated in.
As Fry’s last child graduates from Newsome, her 12 years with the band are coming to an end.
“When I think about what makes a great band parent, Patty is the perfect example,” said Christian Finch, the first band director Fry worked with at Newsome High School. “She is patient, kind and always positive. She’ll never let the kids go hungry, she is supportive of the vision of the program, but most importantly always willing to help.”
To honor Fry for her work with the band, the boosters have begun a new volunteer of the year award in her name. Going forward, a volunteer will be named by the executive board of the Band Boosters each year, whose name will be added to a special plaque that will hang in the band hall.
“It was a big surprise, and I am extremely grateful and honored to have been pre-

By Makenzie Atkins Noel

sented this award. As a previous teacher, I believe that volunteering is vital in schools and the community,” said Fry.
All four of Fry’s children have participated in musical extracurriculars since they were young, and music has become a huge part of their lives. Along with other musical ensembles, all of her children played in the Newsome High School Marching Band. As Fry was already part of the Randall Middle School Band Boosters, it felt natural for her to continue into Newsome’s Band Boosters when her oldest moved to Newsome in 2011.
“I have enjoyed working with other volunteers, getting to know them and building meaningful friendships,” said Fry, “but my favorite part of volunteering was chaperoning the students. I enjoyed getting to know the students and being a part of their band years.”
Everyone involved in the Newsome band wants Fry’s name and legacy to live on as she moves into a new chapter in her life. With the Patty Fry Volunteer of the Year Award, she will be recognized in the years ahead.
For more information about the volunteer of the year award or Newsome Band, please contact Amy Metz, president of the Band Boosters, at newsomebandnews@gmail.com.