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and community soccer leagues and nonsoccer events. Engagement with stakeholders and exploration of stadium location and funding options can begin now that the team has been announced.
“This commitment to bring top-tier women’s professional sports to Tampa Bay, in a new stadium where it can truly shine, represents a sincere investment in making this great community even stronger for the future,” said USL Super League President Amanda Vandervort.
The USL Super League is developing service@repcopest.com
The USL, headquartered in Tampa, also oversees the USL Championship professional men’s league, which includes the Tampa Bay Rowdies. To stay connected with Tampa Bay’s new team and sign up for updates, visit www. superleaguetampabay.com and follow on Instagram @ superleaguetb.

Residents and commuters who travel Lithia Pinecrest Road between Fishhawk Boulevard and Lumsden Road can participate in a transportation study to help the county understand the community’s desire for proposed road improvements.
The purpose of the study is to identify ways to relieve congestion and enhance safety on Lithia Pinecrest Road. The study will identify and evaluate potential improvements to Lithia Pinecrest Road and on Bloomingdale Avenue from Culbreath Road to Pearson Road. The total proposed project length is 7.5 miles.
Safe mobility for all roadway users, regardless of mode of travel, will be considered and incorporated into the study. Alternatives will be evaluated and will be generated based on the results of a tra f c analysis and feedback provided by the community. These alternatives may include:
• Access-management improvements to incorporate turn lanes onto side streets.
•Intersection analysis to evaluate roundabout alternatives and other intersection configurations.

•Improved pedestrian and bicycle accommodations, including shared-use paths, a connected sidewalk system, bu f ered bike lanes, mid-block crossings, etc.
• Moderating travel speeds to improve safety through reduced lane widths, lane deflections, landscaping, context-based roadway treatments, etc.
• Corridor enhancements with additional lane capacity in some areas.
The county is conducting a virtual engagement using the Hillsborough Engagement & Education Hub to gather feedback from the public about the project. Comment for this project is open through Tuesday, June 6. Visit www.hcflgov.net/hcengage to participate.
For more information, please call Hillsborough County Public Works at 813635-5400.