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The mission of the Early Learning Coalition of Hillsborough County is to provide children, from birth to 5 years old, a high-quality, equitable and inclusive early learning experience to prepare them for success in school and life through the collaboration of families, educators and the community.

Recently, the Early Learning Coalition of Hillsborough County created a free program that brings STEM to preschoolers. iSpy Tampa Bay has been brought to more than 100 classrooms so far, and it’s looking to add more. Schools in Valrico and Riverview are currently using the iSpy program. “The Early Learning Coalition of Hillsborough County created the program because state tests show only half of kids in Tampa Bay are ready for kindergarten,” said Alison Fraga, chief development ofcer for the Early Learning Coalition of Hillsborough County, “so thousands of kids are starting school each year without the basic skills they need to succeed. This STEM program is one way to fix that.”
The Early Learning Coalition of Hillsborough County, in partnership with ZooTampa, The Florida Aquarium and the Glazer Children’s Museum, strives to improve reading, science and mathematics