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Newsome Varsity Softball has a history of success that spans well over a decade and continues to this day. This level of success is not a given however, as the Newsome High School program certainly puts in the work to compete at this level, and that all starts with head coach Ally Ledenham.

Ledenham has been on the staf at Newsome since 2016 and has served as the team’s head coach since 2019. Originally joining the staf to fulfill an internship requirement for her sports management degree, Ledenham did not have any longterm plans pertaining to coaching. After returning to her alma mater, that internship quickly turned into a position on the staf and led her to the head coaching position she holds today.

“I wasn’t sure if coaching was my path but thought it would be fun to spend my internship coaching where I was once a player and to see the other side of the game. I reached out to the previous coach, coach Dunn, and have been here ever since,” Ledenham said.
Under the leadership of Ledenham, the Newsome softball team has not skipped a beat, as they have set records in her four years as head coach. In 2021, Newsome completed a perfect regular season with an

By Jonathan Hurst
unblemished 25-0 record, which was a first for the school. This past December, the program had a school record with seven players signing letters of intent to continue their playing careers at the collegiate level. While Ledenham plays a large role as head coach, she is quick to recognize that this is not a onecoach show, and the team benefits greatly from the talent of the staf
“My coaching staf is amazing, and I could not do any of this without them. The amount of time and energy they put in is something I am extremely thankful for,” Ledenham said.
This cohesion amongst the staf has a trickle-down efect, as team chemistry among the players is one of the key elements of Ledenham’s coaching philosophy. The program also places a lot of emphasis on efort and controlling what the players can control.
While it is a simple style of coaching, its efectiveness is undeniable, and the results at Newsome speak for themselves. With Ledenham running the show, one can expect the success to continue into the future.