3 minute read
The Hillsborough Education Foundation’s (HEF) Take Stock in Children (TSIC) mentoring program is designed to give at risk students the opportunity to attend college. HEF is accepting applications from students in seventh or eighth grade. The deadline to apply is Monday, May 15.
TSIC, a Florida nonprofit, was established in 1995. It is independently managed in each county. HEF manages the TSIC program for Hillsborough County and has been enrolling students since 1996. HEF administers the application process, recruits the mentors, monitors students’ academic progress and mentor interaction, raises funds to support the mentoring program and provides scholarships to students upon high school graduation and completion of the program. The Florida Department of Education, foundations and donors provide funding for the program. Every dollar that is raised is matched dollar-for-dollar by the Florida Prepaid College Foundation.
In order to qualify for the program, students must be in seventh or eighth grade, be enrolled in a Hillsborough County Public School, qualify for free or reduced lunches (income) and have an unweighted GPA of 2.5.
Students who are accepted into the program are paired with a success coach and an adult mentor. Students have the
By Kathy L. Collins
opportunity to earn a Florida Prepaid Scholarship if they maintain a 2.5 GPA, attend biweekly meetings with their mentor, stay drug and crime-free and exhibit good behavior.

Anna Corman, HEF’s chief program ofcer, said, “Students in our program face challenges that may prevent them from graduating high school or going to college. Our scholars are committed to working hard and maintaining their grades in hopes for a brighter future. Many of our students are without positive role models to help guide them through the challenges in school and in life. Their environment may lack emotional or educational support. For some students, they are the first in their family to go to college or even graduate high school. We are looking for students who can benefit from the motivation and accountability that mentors can provide.”
Since 1996, more than 1,200 students in Hillsborough County have been supported by the program. For the past three years, 100 percent of seniors in the program have graduated. Compare that with the graduation rate of 83 percent for atrisk students in 2022.

To apply, visit www.educationfoundation.com/tsic-scholarships. For information, including on how to become a mentor, contact Corman at 813-463-4283 or acorman@educationfoundation.com.

Ha Pham, Owner


March and April started out with incredible winds, but May presents better fishing opportuni-ties this season. Tarpon will be showing in the large passes and inshore reefs this time of year. Break out your heavier tackle for these giant silver kings.

Tarpon can be caught on pass crabs, thread fins and dead cut mullet. They are both live-bait eaters and dead-bait scavengers. They get a little moody sometimes so don’t get frustrated. Once they start to feed, it’s not uncommon to hook up with several in a row. When you target these beasts, pay attention to the tides and moon phases. Keep that knowledge in your brain bank and adjust the times to the same environmental settings.
Start with 4/0 to 7/0 hooks on a 60# to 80# leader line. It’s somewhat of a waiting game with these fish, but idle around in the passes or casually drift till you see them breaking the surface or show up on the depth finder, then hold on!
Snook will be closed in May, June, July and August to harvest but can still be caught. Many of the large females and males will head into the bigger passes for the season spawn, but there will still be plenty in the shallows. https://www.anytimefitness.com/schedule online/?club=4090

The grasses are back and flush. This will hold many trout and snapper for the anglers to play with and potentially harvest. Try to use plastic baits for the trout. You will find a much better catch rate and it is much better release result using the plastics. Find the depth that the trout are resting in and work the areas.
Spanish mackerel will also be running the flats. Plastics work for them also, but live greenies tend to give the best results. Don’t resort to using a steel leader for these toothy critters, but instead try a #40 leader. They tend to shy away from the steel. Also, run an extra-long shank, #1 silver hook. This will give you a little better chance to keep the fish on the hook.
School is almost out, time to get in shape after a hard year of learning!
Come join us for Youth itness amp at Anytime Fitness located at Park Square Starting May 29th.