
Grace Notes: 04
Hooked On Books: 09
Faith & Footprints: 15
Grace Notes: 04
Hooked On Books: 09
Faith & Footprints: 15
Buddy Cruise Inc., a local 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity that provides educational opportunities, awareness, advocacy and inclusion for individuals with special needs and their families, recently announced the 2023 Erin’s Umbrella scholarship winners.
Founded in 2008, one of its key programs is an annual conference at sea that hosts interactive workshops, events and activities for all ages and abilities. Families from across the globe come together for this unique, life-changing experience.
Maria Dellapina and her daughter, Erin, enjoyed several years of Buddy Cruising until, sadly, Erin passed away in 2019. Later that year, Erin’s family, onboard the Buddy Cruise, announced the creation of the Erin’s Umbrella scholarship.
Erin’s sweet, caring and infectious smile will be remembered by allowing new families to experience the same joy onboard the Buddy Cruise. Scholarship winners will receive a voyage on Buddy Cruise 2023, including a cabin for two and conference fees with access to all sessions, events, activities and Buddy Cruise swag.
Nominations were received from across the country, and with so many heartfelt stories, three families were awarded scholarships this year, includ-
ing two local families.
One of the scholarship winners is Diego Rangel, a Newsome High School student with multiple special needs. He continues to succeed and overcome many diagnoses. He and his family have endured many hardships this past year, including the passing of his grand-
mother, who was his caregiver while his mother, Daniella Vetencourt, underwent chemotherapy treatments. They are excited to join the Buddy Cruise this year and celebrate life.
The other scholarship winner is Madelyn Hart, who has several disabilities that afect her daily life. The Buddy Cruise will give her a chance to socialize with other individuals who know what it is like to be neurodiverse in a safe environment. Hart has four siblings, two of whom also have unique needs. Her mother, Donna, a teacher at Newsome High School, is thrilled to share this experience with Hart and take part in their first Buddy Cruise.
The third recipient of the 2023 Erin’s Umbrella scholarship is Cody Reyes. Reyes is a 22-year-old man who resides in Terrytown, Louisiana.
The Buddy Cruise welcomes everyone: individuals with disabilities, their families and friends. Even if you are not a part of the special-needs community, you are welcome to come along for an amazing journey. The 2023 event will be held onboard Royal Caribbean’s Wonder of the Seas for a fun Halloween sailing from Sunday, October 29 through Sunday, November 5. For more information about the 2023 Buddy Cruise or other upcoming events, visit, email or call 877-239-2789, Ext. 0.
In bloom is the vision for a community garden at Grace Community United Methodist Church in Lithia, where Rev. Tracie Ashley believes any efort to address food scarcity is a blessing for today’s economic and inflationary pressures.
“We want it to be place for the community to grow things” for themselves and for church dinners, said Rev. Tracie, who, as co-pastor at Grace Community, works with her husband, Rev. Erick Ashley. “And for people who find themselves with food scarcity, the garden will be a place where they can get good, healthy, organic vegetables at no cost.”
Eforts to plant Grace Community’s garden began before the pandemic, which in turn caused a pause in development. Now, “a small, but very excited” group of volunteers, including a soil expert and an expert in seeds, “are wanting to put their own skills into this for the benefit of the community,” Rev. Tracie said. “Others of us, who are willing hands, we want to get into the dirt and be part of a movement.”
According to Rev. Tracie, colleagues around in the community garden movement serve as an inspiration for Grace Community’s vision. “Their gardens
not only are beautiful, but they also draw the community together for a purpose,” Rev. Tracie said. “What could be better, people coming together, connecting and feeding others.”
Likewise, that is what draws Rev. Tracie to preaching at the pulpit. “Our mission is to create a community where all people can experience God’s transforming grace,” she said.
“We’re really doing the same things, it’s just not with dirt.”
Rev. Tracie said it’s a good antidote to what ails us in post-pandemic times to ask churchgoers and community members to plant a community garden together.
“We had a pandemic, I think now there’s an epidemic of loneliness,” Rev. Tracie said. “This [community garden] is like going back to the basics, connecting to the earth and caring for the earth, and connecting to each other and caring for each other.”
Indeed, “you get in the dirt, you work side by side, and you just miraculously grow things and it nourishes someone else,” she said. “That’s what it’s all about.”
Grace Community United Methodist Church is at 5708 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. in Lithia. For more information, visit or call 813-661-8858.
Cake is easily the hallmark of any birthday, the dressed-up delight being perfect for capturing the excitement of growing one year wiser. Not only is blowing out the candles and secretly making a wish a joy at any age, but as clients of the Ruskin Senior Center will tell you, it is a vital tradition.
On the first Friday of every month, the Ruskin Senior Center hosts a birthday party and provides a cake to celebrate all members whose birthday is in that given month. While the center has previously relied on alternative suppliers in the past, recent changes prompted Elizabeth Barr, senior supervisor for the Ruskin Senior Center with Hillsborough County Aging Services, to reach out to the SouthShore Chamber of Commerce for help. After speaking with Barr at an Elder/Senior Outreach Committee meeting hosted by the chamber on February 21, Melanie Davis, SouthShore Chamber of Commerce executive director, was only too happy to oblige.
After Davis issued a request on February 22 for all interested chamber members to order and provide a cake for each monthly party, within the same day, all remaining 2023 months were sponsored by these local businesses. In fact, this feat was accomplished in about one hour.
“Our chamber members are always extremely generous, and I really think that they’re just waiting for ideas on how to enhance the community and how to support
the needs of the community,” said Davis.
“Any time we put out a request like that, they just jump right on it. It’s incredible.”
On March 3, the first birthday party serving a cake provided by a SouthShore Chamber member was held after the clients had been served lunch, around 12:30 p.m. This cake, sponsored by Khalid Abu of Pita Kebob, was both chocolate and vanilla-flavored, with white icing and frosted orange roses.
Additional chamber members sponsoring cakes this year include Debbie Caneen, Sun Towers; Roberta Chaplain, Campaign Against Human Trafcking; Melissa Hartman, Osprey Observer; Sydney Ladner, Gabro Event Services; Minday Laing, C&S Fasteners; Rodney Ward, Claims Appraisal and Remediation Services; Sherry Webb, Green Compass Global; Wendy Yeo, Suncoast Credit Union; and Wellspring Church.
“We are so extremely appreciative of the SouthShore Chamber of Commerce and all the area businesses who are willing and able to support our senior adults in the community,” said Barr. Please call 813672-1107 or visit www.hillsboroughcounty. org/en/locations/ruskin-senior-center. The center is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and is located at 905 6th St. SE in Ruskin.
More information on the SouthShore Chamber 813-645-1366 or visiting www.
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Sefner ofers a multitude of services for homeless people and those facing financial difficulties. The services are ofered to anyone who lives in the area regardless of religious afliation, and you do not have to be a member of the church.
St. Francis of Assisi is located at 4450 County Rd. 579 in Sefner.
Each day, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m.-4 p.m., St. Francis of Assisi provides a packed lunch for the homeless. It serves approximately 500 people per week. The packed meal consists of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, water, cookies and chips. The church gives each person two bags.
In addition to the packed meals, the church ofers information and referrals to agencies and other services that might be of help to the individual.
On Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m., St. Francis of Assisi provides a hot sit-down meal for anyone in need. Diferent groups within the church prepare and serve the meals. Last week, the church served approximately 100 meals to individuals and families.
In addition to the meals, St. Francis of
By Kathy L. CollinsAssisi has a food pantry. On Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:30-3 p.m., anyone in the area can come in and receive food. The church gives items such as meat, vegetables, fruit, rice, beans, milk and cereal. They provide enough food for a family to cook and consume for a week.
St. Francis of Assisi does not require proof of identification for either the meals or to use the food pantry. For use of the food pantry, they simply ask for your name and ask that you come every other week. Individuals and families can also get clothing and shoes.
Fr. Edison Bernavas, I.C. is the pastor of St. Francis of Assisi. He has been with the church since 2017.
Fr. Bernavas said, “We are here to help area residents and support them in any way that we can. We are here to take care of people.”
St. Francis of Assisi is in the planning stages of constructing an afordable housing unit for seniors over 62 years old. The building will consist of 140 units. Be on the lookout for additional information on this project.
For more information, please visit or call 813681-9115.
“Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” — Ephesians 5:2.
I’ve long embraced the gist of the verse — that Jesus, God’s Holy Son, willingly gave Himself as a sacrifice on the cross for the payment of our sins so that we could enjoy fellowship with our Heavenly Father now on Earth and for all eternity in heaven.
But one small phrase puzzles me: “fragrant ofering.”
I can’t imagine any possible fragrance in the whole horrid ordeal of Good Friday’s murderous crucifixion. Only the stomach-churning odor of Jesus’ blood mixed with the soldiers’ sweaty body odor.
Yet “fragrant” implies pleasant aroma, not stink.
I remember the story recorded in Mark 14 where Mary of Bethany poured a jar of expensive perfume over Jesus’ head at a dinner party.
I picture the thick, rich, sweet-smelling liquid (spikenard) saturating Jesus’ hair, then flowing down to his shoulders, arms and torso, blanketing him with Mary’s fragrant love ofering.
Although some disciples rebuked Mary for ‘wasting’ the rare, potent ointment, Jesus responded, “Let her alone; why do you bother her? She has done a good deed to Me. She has done what she could; she has anointed My body beforehand for the burial ... wherever the gospel is preached in the whole world, that also which this woman has done shall be spoken of in memory of her.” — Mark 14:6-7,
Wow. Mary’s fragrance ofering was a BIG DEAL to Jesus. He proclaimed it a faith memorial to her forever.
And this happened only days before His crucifixion. What if the penetrating aroma that had saturated Jesus’ hair and body lingered as Jesus’ skull was impaled by the crown of razor-sharp thorns and his tender back was torn open by Roman whips?
I like to imagine that Jesus, as he hung the sufering the vileness of ultimate evil, could catch a faint whif of Mary’s love ofering. That maybe a tiny remnant of that sweet aroma, the proof of a faithful woman’s devotion, clung to his hair and gave some small comfort to his soul.
The scent of love intermingled with the stench of hate.
And I’d like to think that somehow my own fragrant ofering of love, like Mary’s, could be detected by Jesus on that cross.
Have a pensive Good Friday and a blessed Resurrection Day, my friend. May we carry the fragrance of our love for Jesus with us everywhere we go.
“Thanks be to God, who always leads us in His triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, to the one an aroma from death to death, to the other an aroma from life to life.” — 2 Corin thians 2:14-16 NASB.
Debora M. Coty is an inspirational speaker and award-winning author of over 40 books, including the bestselling Too Blessed to be Stressed series. Visit with Debora anytime at
Immanuel Lutheran School is hosting its first annual golf tournament and rafe fundraiser to support its kindergarten through eighth grade students.
The golf tournament will be hosted starting at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, May 1 at the River Hills Country Club, located at 3943 New River Hills Pkwy. in Valrico. It will be the largest fundraising event hosted by the Parents Actively Lending Support (PALS) committee.
“Our hope [is] the PALS committee is [able] to raise enough to ofset the cost of an upgraded kitchen. A portion will go to purchasing new technology equipment for the school. Technology equipment would be Chromebooks, iPads or even smart boards for the classrooms,” said PALS Committee Chair Julie Jewett.
The PALS are hoping to raise $25,000 to ofset the costs of their improvements through sponsorships, donations and registration fees. With the funds raised, Immanuel Lutheran aims to purchase 20
a team,” said Jewett.
Registration costs $400 per team, and the school is hoping to host 25 teams in its inaugural tournament.
Sponsorships range from $500-$5,000. All sponsorships come with four tickets and the opportunity to provide company collateral in gift bags given to participants.
Five parents are working to organize and advertise for the golf tournament in May. At the event, the PALS plan to have 15 parents and church members volunteer to execute its first golf fundraiser and rafe.
Immanuel Lutheran School is a nonprofit organization that has served the Brandon community for over 40 years. All donations and contributions made to the school and golf tournament are tax-deductible.
Monetary or rafe item donations from individuals or businesses can be sent to the school at 2913 John Moore Rd. in Brandon to the attention of PALS Committee, Julie Jewett. Contributions will be acknowl
Dawning Family Services is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides emergency shelter and services for Hillsborough families with children under the age of 18 and/or a pregnant women who are touched by homelessness. This includes single-parent families, couples with children, multigenerational families and LGBTQ+ parents with children.
Specifically, Dawning Family Services has four pillars of service, which include family homeless prevention, an emergency shelter, a rapid rehousing program and employment services. Additionally, it has a food pantry and computer lab.
The only eligibility requirements are that, in addition to living in Hillsborough and having at least one child under the age of 18 and/or a pregnant women, families must present a government-issued photo ID.
James Whitehurst, director of development for Dawning Family Services, explained, “Each family is unique with diferent circumstances. We typically provide services for families up to a year to one and half years. Approximately 80 percent of our families in emergency shelter move into permanent housing within two to three months. Once a family moves into permanent housing, we can contin-
ue working with them on a graduated scale to ensure that they are stable and do not fall back into homelessness. Additionally, family members can contact us anytime to receive further employment support services, such as job interview skills, job search and job placement.”
Dawning Family Services has an emergency shelter located near USF. However, to be clear, Dawning Family Services can assist any family with a minor child who lives in Hillsborough County.
Whitehurst said, “Dawning Family Services is the only low-barrier shelter for families in Hillsborough County. We work with all families regardless of their size, income, mental health, criminal background and substance misuse issues. We believe every child deserves a safe place to sleep and hope for a brighter future. Support from our community will help us continue serving our community’s most vulnerable families.”
Dawning Family Services started in 1981 as Alpha House of Tampa, providing housing and services only for single mothers with children under the age of 5 and pregnant women. In 2018, it expanded its mission and services to provide for more families and rebranded from Alpha House of Tampa to Dawning Family Services.
To get help, visit and submit a “Get Help” form, or call 813-875-2024.
Matthews Anglican Church 10701 Bloomingdale Avenue, Riverview 813-663-0334
Stephen Catholic Church 10118 Saint Stephen Circle, Riverview 689-4900
Boyette Springs Church of God 12114 Boyette Rd., Riverview 671-0086
Plant City Church of God
Mud Lake Rd., Plant City 752-4591
Innocents' Episcopal Church
N. Valrico Rd., Valrico
Immanuel Lutheran Church
John Moore Rd., Brandon
Living Savior Lutheran Church
Lithia Pinecrest Rd., Valrico
United Methodist Church of Seffner South Kingsway Rd., Seffner
Grace Community United Methodist Church
Lithia Pinecrest Rd., Lithia
661-8858 •
Hope United Methodist Church
N. Knights Ave., Brandon 689-4161
Riverview First United Methodist Church US Hwy 301., Riverview
Ruskin United Methodist Church
4th Ave. NW, Ruskin
South Shore United Methodist Church
11525 Big Bend Rd., Riverview
Calvary Chapel Brandon
Kingsway Rd., Brandon
Centerpoint Church
S. Miller Rd., Valrico
St. Stephen Catholic Church
10118 Saint Stephen Circle, Riverview
(813) 689-4900
Grace Community Church 1425 N Valrico Rd., Valrico
(813) 689-9781
Boyette Springs Church of God
12114 Boyette Rd., Riverview
(813) 671-0086
Plant City Church of God
Harvest Bible Chapel Bloomingdale High School
2103 Mud Lake Rd., Plant City
(813) 752-4591
Love First Christian Center
Holy Innocents’ Episcopal Church
12847 Balm Riverview Rd., Riverview
604 N. Valrico Rd., Valrico
(813) 689-3130
River of Life Christian Center
6605 Krycul Ave, Riverview
Apostles Lutheran Church
200 Kingsway Rd, Brandon
New Life Christian Church
(813) 689-2571
401 S. Saint Cloud Ave, Valrico 813-548-2733
Immanuel Lutheran Church
2913 John Moore Rd., Brandon
(813) 689-1787
South Bay Church 13498 US 301 S., Riverview
Living Savior
The Chapel at FishHawk
6026 Churchside Dr., Lithia
The Crossing Church - Main Campus 10130 Tuscany Ridge Dr., Tampa, (813) 626-0783
The Crossing Church - SouthShore 2409 East College Ave., Ruskin (813) 626-0580
Jeremiah 29:11 (MSG):
“11 I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out — plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.”
If God had a plan already laid out for you, would you want to know it? I think most people would. Know this: God’s plan is the best plan for our best life. Businesses do not succeed without plans, so why not follow God’s plans for your best business success?
I love traveling on planes, watching the pilot’s meticulous focus as he goes through all his checks and balances before takeof. Could you imagine a pilot taking of without knowing his fnal destination? You would think he was crazy! How many businesspeople are working without a plan to succeed, just like a pilot
with no route?
Proverbs 29:18 (KJV) tells us that where there is no vision, people perish. As crazy as it sounds, so many people are fying blind, with no clear direction on their fnal destination. We will never hit a target that we have not identifed. We will never fulfll what has not been defned.
In business, as in life, having no plan and no vision is like being on a course to nowhere. You move forward, but you don’t really get ahead.
Father God, I thank You right now for the plans, the vision and the course corrections that will lead me to the path of success so that I can be a blessing to Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Excerpt from: 60 Prayers in 60 Seconds, Page 50
Access to quality medical care for the uninsured is a significant problem. For residents of Hillsborough County who are uninsured and fall within 200 percent of the federal poverty level, the Outreach Free Clinic and Resource Center (Outreach Clinic) is here for you.
The Outreach Clinic, located at 517 N. Parsons Ave. in Brandon, was founded in 1987. The Outreach Clinic is open Monday to Wednesday from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and on Thursdays from 9 a.m.-12 Noon.
The Outreach Clinic provides primary care to patients by appointment. Patients can make an appointment as often as needed.
Allison Hedrick, executive director, said, “Outreach Clinic provides services to residents of Hillsborough County who are low-income and do not have insurance. These are often people who have jobs that are part time, or their jobs do not ofer health insurance benefits and they simply cannot aford health insurance.”
Hedrick further explained, “Patients do not need a referral to the clinic. They simply must complete the screening process with a case manager and quality for services. Patients must be rescreened annually to continue to qualify as a patient. Some patients will qualify for Hillsborough County Health Care, which we will
By Kathy L. Collinshelp them apply for and see them at the clinic until they are approved.”
The services given at the Outreach Clinic are free. All of the medical providers, including doctors, RNs, LPNs, residents and pharmacists are volunteers.
Hedrick said, “While the clinic provides primary care for patients, some patients do need specialty care. The clinic has a few volunteer specialists that see patients at the clinic. These include a cardiologist and orthopedist. The clinic also partners with other specialists in the community and provides referrals for patients to be seen at no charge to the patient.”
More than 43 percent of the patients at the clinic are treated for high blood pressure and are provided free blood pressure monitors and medication.
Hedrick said, “Last year, the Outreach Clinic saw 1196 patients, donated an estimated $218K in medical supplies and hygiene products back out into the community. We depend heavily on donations from the community to be able to provide free medical care such as blood pressure and diabetes medications and to pay for items such as electricity, water, phone and internet to be able to provide these services.”
For more information, please visit
The month of Easter has arrived, and it’s a time to rejoice. Sometimes its difcult to think of the crucifixion as something to celebrate, but as Christians we know that the death of Jesus is followed by the promise of His resurrection on Easter morning. Why is this so important? If Jesus had not died for our sins and rose again three days later, then the entire hope of Christianity would not exist. His death and resurrection for us is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. This good news is that Christ died on the cross for all humanity so that we can have everlasting life. So, temporarily set aside the fun notions of the Easter bunny, egg hunting and chocolates and instead celebrate God’s unconditional love with our families, praise Him at a sunrise service and fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” — John 3:16. Have a blessed Easter.
Celebrate the hope we have through Jesus’ resurrection. Jesus Calling for Easter ofers 50 meaningful devotions from Sarah Young’s New York Times bestseller, Jesus Calling. With 50 seasonally themed selections, you’ll find devotions that include: resurrection truths, hope for the new season, joyous reasons to celebrate and stunning imagery.
Regardless of where someone is in their relationship with God, this 30day devotional contains specific challenges that will help believers grow in faith. Each week, discover how Jesus can help reach your God-given potential and transform the community. These devotions will draw people into a real, authentic relationship with God and the life they’re looking for.
Max Lucado invites you to examine the cross, contemplate its purpose and celebrate its significance in He Chose the Nails. Go ahead and linger on the hill of Calvary and see just how much God did to win your heart. There were no accidents on the days surrounding Jesus’ death. His last moments were not left up to chance.
Make John your Gospel of choice this Lent. This resource features brief readings from the Bible, alongside short reflections, journaling prompts and room to jot down your thoughts following each day’s reading. Think on: “Here I am, Lord; what would you have me do diferently in view of Christ’s sufering and death?”
The SouthShore Christian Women’s Connection (SSCWC) has been busy as of late, with more to come.
On February 22, SSCWC feature coordinator Carolyn Woodall delivered 25 gift bags for the women at Mary & Martha House. The SSCWC planning team filled the bags with goodies, necessities and lots of prayers. At the luncheon, a style show was presented with a variety of clothing from the Mary & Martha Thrift Store, located at 312 S. U.S. Hwy. 41 in Ruskin.
‘When Irish Eyes are Smiling’ was the theme for the SouthShore Christian Women’s Connection luncheon that was held on March 8 at the Life Enrichment Center at the United Methodist Church of Sun City Center (SCCUMC). Over 80 women attended the event and enjoyed the corned beef brisket, cabbage, potatoes, salad and dessert.
The feature was Miriam Bredesen. Bredesen and her husband, Tom, send eyeglasses to third-world countries. They not only send them, but they also repair, sort and fit them for their clients.
Linda Winwood, bestselling Christian children’s author, motivational speaker, storyteller and author of a book called “Colored Eggs for Jesse,” was also at the luncheon. Winwood presented ‘the real story of Easter’, which she told by
using plastic eggs with little articles in them. Her energy and passion were enjoyed by everyone. Winwood would love to share her story with your group/organization, and she does not charge. You can visit her website at http://
The SSCWC is ‘wheeling into spring’ and invites you to join in the fun on Wednesday, April 12 at the SCCUMC’s Life Enrichment Center.
Pat Simmons, founder of Bikes For Christ, will be the feature. Bikes For Christ is a ministry that provides donated bikes for people in need, veterans, underprivileged children and seniors.
The guest speaker, Linda Moore from Gainesville, will share her story, presenting questions such as “Is it truly all about me, or is there a bigger picture and a truer happiness out there?” and “When the going gets rough, is shopping enough?” Don’t miss out on the answer to these questions and more.
Doors open at 11 a.m., and the program runs from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., with lunch provided by the SCCUMC. For reservations and additional payment details, call Amy at 317-414-9062 or email Reservations are due and must be paid for by Friday, April 7. For additional information and upcoming events, please visit www.
For the first time, Grammy® nominee Phil Wickham and five-time Grammy winner Brandon Lake are joining forces for Summer Worship Nights, a co-headline bill slated to make their first stop at Tampa’s AMALIE Arena on Thursday, August 10 at 7:30 p.m. Presented by leading concert promotor Transparent Productions, the highly anticipated tour will feature direct support from hip-hop titan KB.
“It’s been so fun watching Brandon carry what God has given him, and I respect him as a leader, brother and friend. At ‘Summer Worship Nights,’ we truly want to gather as worshipers, to sing and lift up the name of Jesus,” Wickham shared.
“This is a dream come true for me. There is no one else that I have imitated my life after more than Phil Wickham. He’s been a hero, brother, mentor and friend,” Lake added. “The energy on this tour is going to be absolutely crazy.”
“God’s glory is not restrained or limited to any musical genre,” said KB, who will open each night with his authentic brand of gospel-centered rap. “I’m excited for this opportunity to celebrate the diversity of the body of Christ by uniting together to bring Him glory.”
Wickham’s new single, “This Is Our God,” is proving to be one of the biggest songs of his career to date. The anthem is cur-
rently in the top 20 and climbing on both the Billboard and Mediabase Christian Audience charts. “This Is Our God” previews the California native’s forthcoming studio effort, due later this year, and follows three backto-back chart-topping singles from Wickham’s Dove Award-winning album, Hymn of Heaven.
Meanwhile, Lake just scored his first No. 1 at radio as a solo artist with “Gratitude” from his full-length label debut, House of Miracles. Alongside his group, Maverick City Music, Lake recently won all four Christian/gospel categories at the 65th annual GRAMMY® Awards in February. Prior to co-headlining the Summer Worship Nights outing with Wickham, he’ll take his Miracle Nights Tour to 13 cities this spring, which began on March 17.
Fresh of the release of his first book, Dangerous Jesus, KB will kickstart each evening of the Summer Worship Nights tour with new music, as well as fan favorites, including his recent collaboration with Lake on “Graves.”
The tour is sponsored by Compassion International, which will join media partners K-LOVE and Air1.
Tickets for this event go are on sale now at Visit www. or call 813-301-2500 for more information.
This is no secret. They don’t work for you, they work for the builder! They are not representing you, they are representing the Builder. So that’s a major problem guys!
You want to be represented by a professional who will make sure deadlines are met and have your best interests in mind! At the Tony Baroni Team, we deal with all of the builders and we’ve sold houses through all of them over time. There are hardly any builders locally we have not worked with or that we don’t know.
WITH NEW CONSTRUCTION, YOU DON’T SAVE THE MONEY BY NOT USING A REAL ESTATE AGENT. A lot of people think, “well, I don’t want to use a realtor because I want to save whatever that commission is. I want them them pass those savings onto me.” Here’s the news guys, the builder does not pass those savings on to you, they keep it for themselves. They fgure that a realtor is going to be a part of every transaction. If there is no realtor commission, they simply pocket it.
YOUR NEW CONSTRUCTION REALTOR IS YOUR ADVOCATE. They are going to make sure that everything is set up properly. A professional realtor knows what closing costs are. Your new construction realtor will help you negotiate what’s important to your individual needs.
YOUR NEW CONSTRUCTION REALTOR SHOULD HAVE AWESOME REFERRAL SOURCES. So for example we have some home inspectors we work with. They go through each phase of the construction process. Also: homeowners insurance referrals, fooring referrals, etc.
If the builder can get 20% as a deposit, they would. It’s typical that we negotiate what that is. For them to take the home of the market or start the construction process, it may be $2,000 or maybe $5,000, but if they could get 20%, they’re going to get 20% from you so you need a realtor representing you for that.
You know, what upgrades pay later when you need to go to the Design Centre, what matters when you go put stuf in, when you’d make decisions on what fnishes you should go with versus outside. We will help you weigh through all those options.
If the builder says we’re going to close on this time, we’ll try to keep them on task.
What lot do you choose? Are some lots worth the extra cost? An agent will walk you through all the pro’s and con’s!
If there’s an in-house lender; let’s say you can’t get pre-approved with that in-house lender. We will probably be able to get you pre-approved elsewhere and then work to deal with the builder to make sure you still get incentives as if you’re using a in-house lender, very important stuf
SouthShore Christian Women’s Connection Delivers Gift Bags To Mary & Martha House
SouthShore Christian Women’s Connection (SSCWC) feature coordinator Carolyn Woodall delivered 25 filled gift bags for the women at Mary & Martha House. The SSCWC planning team filled the bags with goodies, necessities and lots of prayers. At the February luncheon, a style show was presented with a variety of clothing from the Mary & Martha Thrift Store on 312 U.S. Hwy. 41 in Ruskin. Mary & Martha House provides emergency and transitional housing and support services to homeless women, victims of domestic violence and their children so that they can gain employment and permanent housing. For more information visit
On Sunday, April 16 at 5 p.m., First Baptist Church of Brandon will be hosting a
gather for moms to enjoy food, fellowship with other moms, an encouraging message and a moment to breathe. This month, Starrla Penick will be sharing how to set goals with your kids through vision boards. First Baptist Church is located at 216 N. Parsons Ave. in Brandon. To register and for information, visit www.
In a world full of distractions and contradictions, you aren’t alone in navigating the ups and downs of marriage. Be a part of a one-night marriage conference on Friday, April 21 at Bell Shoals Church and learn what it looks like to experience a healthy marriage in a broken world. Attendees can choose to partake in a special dinner prior to the main event. Dinner
guests will have access to a catered dinner plus fun extras, such as a photo booth experience, which includes a souvenir photo print. The cost of the dinner plus the conference is $50. The cost for only the conference is $25. The marriage conference will include interactive games, tons of great giveaways, meaningful worship and an inspirational word from the guest speakers, Rick and Sherri Burgess. Doors open at 5:45 p.m., with dinner to be served at 6:15 p.m. The conference begins at 7:30 p.m. For more information, visit
Carlos Whittaker is bringing hope to humans all over the world. Whittaker is an author, podcaster and global speaker backed by the power of a massive Instafamilia, his enthusiastic social media followers who tune in daily to join forces with Whittaker to find connection, do
good and be in community. Come out to see Whittaker at FishHawk Fellowship Church on Sunday, April 16. For times and more information, visit the website at
Te Crossing Church Hosts Women’s Conference
The Crossing Church is hosting its Women’s 2023 Becoming Conference, ‘Fearless,’ with guest speakers, Megan Fate-Marshman, Elaine Fisher and its pastor, Tamara Dumas, for a weekend designed to activate your faith to conquer the days ahead. This annual event brings women from all over the bay area to experience a life change through worship, fellowship and God-empowering messages. The conference is taking place on Friday and Saturday, June 23-24. Preregistration costs is $79. For the address, times and registration, visit the website at www.
The public is invited on Saturday, April 8 from 10 a.m.-12 Noon to join in Limona Village Chapel United Methodist Church’s Easter Eggstravaganza. There will be a huge Easter egg hunt on the playground, free pizza, lawn games, face painting and a special visit from the Easter Bunny. Limona Village Chapel is located at 408 Limona Rd. in Brandon. For more information, visit
Join First Presbyterian Church of Brandon in its annual Easter egg hunt on Saturday, April 8 beginning at 10 a.m. There will fun and games for the whole family. The church is also holding an outdoor sunrise service on Easter morning, Sunday, April 9, at 7 a.m. First Presbyterian Church is located at 121 Carver Ave. in Brandon. For more information, visit
You do not want to miss Easter at Extraordinary Church on Sunday, April 9 at 10:30 a.m. It will be a day that you will never forget. Come and find a church that feels like fam-
ily and loves to have fun. There will be a glow-in-the-dark egg hunt for the kids during the Easter service. Extraordinary Church is located at 1700 E. Bloomingdale Ave. in Valrico at Bloomingdale High School. For more information, visit https://extraordinarychurch. net/.
At Centerpoint Church, while parents enjoy some ‘grown-up time’ in the main auditorium during Easter, elementary-aged children will be having a blast at the Centerpoint Kids Glow Party with its glow-in-thedark games, dance party and more. Preschool kids will enjoy fun Easter crafts in their environment. This will take place during all services on the Easter weekend. There is a secure checkin system to keep kids safe. Complete the new family form to expedite the checkin process. Services are on Saturday, April 8 at 5 p.m. and Sunday, April 9 at 8:30 a.m., 10
a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Centerpoint Church is located at 1720 S. St. Cloud Ave. in Valrico. Register at www.
At Grace Baptist Church, enjoy a fun family day in a safe setting with more than 10,000 eggs, bounce houses, refreshments and pictures with the Easter Bunny on Saturday, April 8 from 9 a.m.12 Noon. The preschool egg hunt begins at 10:30-10:45 a.m., story time is from 11-11:15 a.m., the elementary egg hunt will take place from 11:30-11:45 a.m. and pictures with the Easter Bunny are available from 10:30-11 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.-12 Noon. Grace Baptist Church is located at 114 Kingsway Rd. in Brandon. For more information, visit
Easter Eggstravangza At First United Methodist Church of Seffner
Join First United Methodist Church of Se f ner for its Easter Eggstravanza and Bubble Palooza. The egg hunts will be
at 10:20 a.m. for Pre-K kids and under, 10:35 a.m. for kindergarteners through second graders and 10:50 a.m. for third through fifth graders. There will also be a petting zoo and food, along with a variety of bubble activities. Festivities are on Saturday, April 8 from 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. First United Methodist Church of Se fner is located at 1310 S. Kingsway Ave. in Se f ner. For more, visit https://www. fumcse f
Easter Celebration At Central Baptist Church
Come join Central Baptist Church as it worships and celebrates the Risen Savior on Easter Sunday. The church will be having a family day. Join in for worship, food, a bounce house, games and an egg hunt for the kids on Sunday, April 9 from 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Central Baptist Church is located at 402 E. Windhorst Rd. in Brandon. For more information, visit
Saint Anne Catholic Church
Vigil Saturday 4:30 p.m.
Monday-Friday Wednesday &
Sunday8 a.m., 10 a.m., & 5 p.m. (12:30 p.m. Spanish)
Monday-Friday 8 a.m.
Vigil.....................................................................Saturday 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday & Jueves 7 p.m.
Sunday........................ 8 a.m., 10 a.m. & 5 p.m. (12 p.m. Spanish)
Monday - Friday......................................................................8 a.m.
Wednesday............................7 p.m. Jueves.........................7 p.m.
Recorded Masses can be viewed on the St. Anne website ( and Facebook page.
Reconciliation Tue. at 8:30am, Thurs. at 6pm, Sat. at 3:15pm and By Appointment.
Te Masses will be streamed and uploaded to the St. Anne website ( and Facebook page.
Te church will be open weekdays for private prayer between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Reconciliation Tues. at 8:30 a.m., Tur. at 6 p.m., Sat. at 3:15 p.m. and by appointment. For more information, please check the St. Anne website.
For more information, please check the St. Anne website. Registration is now open for the 2021-2022 Faith Formation year. Please call the ofce for more information.
Te Next Report Card is going to be better!
Te Next Report Card is going to be better!
Canterbury Cathedral is one of England’s most famous cathedrals and is considered the first Church of England. Founded by St Augustine in A.D. 597, Canterbury Cathedral is a unique place of worship, a work of art and architecture and one of the England’s most-visited historic sites. The cathedral has been at the center of several major historical events. It’s currently the seat of the archbishop of Canterbury, and a resting place of many saints and royalty.
This historic Gothic-style cathedral also served as a rich and powerful monastery of the Benedictine monks in the 12th century. Because of its prominence and due to the famous murder of Archbishop Thomas Becket that took place there, Canterbury Cathedral continues to be a significant historical site.
In A.D. 597, the pope sent St. Augustine from Rome to Kent, England to convert the English to Christianity. Settling in Canterbury, he quickly established the beginning of Canterbury Cathedral. The remains of this original cathedral can be found underneath its current nave.
The cathedral eventually became a Benedictine monastery, and in 1070 it was completely rebuilt following a fire.
A century later, the cathedral became the site of an infamous crime — the murder of Becket.
Becket, who had been made archbishop by King Henry II, soon began to clash with the king, mostly as to whether his loyalty lay with the king or the church. Frustrated at Becket’s refusal to bow to his will, the king famously asked, “Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest?” Four of his knights took his outburst literally and murdered Beckett inside the cathedral.
Canterbury Cathedral continued to operate as a monastery until King Henry VIII disbanded it in 1540. He also destroyed the shrine to Becket, now symbolized by a single candle.
The Canterbury Cathedral Library on-site contains more than 50,000 books with many books printed before 1501. In addition, the library contains nearly 200,000 documents — the oldest of which dates from the late eighth century. Today, Canterbury Cathedral is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with some of its oldest parts, such as its crypt, dating back to the 12th century. For more information, visit www.
“Carry each other’s burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ.” — Galatians 6:2.
I want to set the tone for today’s column by talking, briefly, about public service, with a little help from my dog, Max Retriever.
Each Monday morning, we take an hour or two to visit the residents at an assisted living facility in Raleigh. We have been there often enough that we are getting to be a familiar presence. There is a sense of expectation now when people see Max, and the smiles are genuine.
I’m mentioning this today because I ran across some research which explores the generally accepted fact that “giving makes people feel good.” In the study, one of the
subjects complained that she didn’t get the warm feelings she was expecting every time she was generous.
The problem with such an approach is that if we are generous in order to ‘get’ a certain feeling, then we are missing the whole point. Generosity is not about us, it is about what we can do for others. Being generous is about living our faith out loud, it is telling the truth about the gospel of love simply by being.
Later, the study somewhat redeemed itself when it found a direct correlation
between the level of personal involvement and “feeling good inside.” In other words, simply giving financially did very little for the donor. Becoming directly involved with real people and hands-on help, however, resulted in what one participant described as “the best feeling of my life!”
Again, I am not sure that is anywhere near the best reason to be generous. And — of course — we need to be generous both with our time and with our money, but it certainly doesn’t hurt (and it is no
By Derek Maulsurprise) that helping others comes with significant emotional benefits.
Max Retriever knows this. But more than that, Max shares himself — selflessly — because that is who he understands himself to be.
God is love. If we are created in God’s image, then isn’t that the essence of our true nature too?
Derek Maul has written for many news outlets, including the Tampa Tribune, Te United Methodist News Service, All Pro Dad, FOCUS Magazine, Newsweek, USA Today, Te Christian Science Monitor, Presbyterians Today, Guideposts, Chicken Soup for the Soul and many other publications. Read Derek Maul’s daily blog posts at
Premier Productions And Elevation Church Announce Teir Fall 2023 Tour
Premier Productions and Elevation Church are bringing back their successful Elevation Nights Tour for fall 2023. The tour will feature Elevation Worship and Steven Furtick as the life-changing night of worship sweeps across eight cities this October.
The tour follows the success of three previous Elevation Nights tours. The Elevation Nights 2022 tour saw sold-out arenas of ten thousand per night and ushered in life-changing ministry experiences.
The Elevation Nights tour is a full worship experience as Steven Furtick preaches and Elevation Worship leads some of their hit songs, including “Graves into Gardens,” “RATTLE!”, “Do it Again,” “The Blessing” and others. The eight-city fall tour will kick of on Tuesday, October 3 in Miami, with stops in Tampa on Wednesday, October 4 at AMALIE Arena at 7 pm. Tickets for the fall leg of the Elevation Nights 2023 Tour are available for purchase now at www.elevationnights. com.
Jesus Revolution becomes Lionsgate’s Highest-grossing Film Since 2019
Faith-based film Jesus Revolution is continuing to have success at the box ofce, becoming Lionsgate Film’s highest-grossing film since 2019. The film, starring Kelsey Grammar, has surpassed $40 million in sales at the box ofce since its opening in
late February. It earned third place at the box ofce its opening weekend, far exceeding expectations with $15 million in ticket sales. The recent popularity of faith-based entertainment like Jesus Revolution shows audiences are hungering for films with messages grounded in faith.
American Idol Contestant Gets Surprised By Lauren
Daigle In “You Say” Audition
Megan Danielle, an American Idol contestant, was in the midst of performing “You Say” by Lauren Daigle for her audition when she got the surprise of a lifetime.
Danielle, from Douglasville, Georgia, loves music and singing and wants a career in music. After some helpful advice from her late grandfather, Danielle decided to concentrate on singing music to praise and glorify the Lord.
Danielle, hoping to make her dreams a reality, went on American Idol and auditioned in front of Lionel Richie, Katy Perry and Luke
Bryan. Danielle’s song of choice was Daigle’s smash hit “You Say.”
As luck would have it, Daigle was in the same city where Danielle was auditioning. Daigle decided to drop in about halfway through Danielle’s audition to surprise her.
ielle that she was going to Hollywood to continue her American Idol journey. As Danielle’s audition on the popular television program so beautifully illustrates, you never really know what God has in store.
This Easter ofers a new tradition for families to experience the redemption of Jesus in The Thorn through an at-home Virtual Cinema Event. For 25 years, over 1 million people have experienced The Thorn, a live stage experience of movement arts and visual efects portraying Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. It’s described as Cirque du Solei meets The Passion of the Christ. Through sound, dance and visual arts, The Thorn inspires the God-given creativity within everyone while proclaiming the gospel.
The Thorn features a cast of 40 worldclass performers who are masters of music, movement arts and visual efects. Film masters captured the stage performance from a view only experienced on-screen, editing down hundreds of hours of 4K footage to allow audiences to feel as though they’re immersed in the live performance.
Danielle, after she was able to regain her composure from the shock of her musical hero randomly appearing, went on to knock her audition out of the park. As a result of her audition, the judges, in unison, told Dan-
Audience enthusiasm from the live stage show inspired creators to develop an onscreen experience for those unable to attend in person. Families can now enjoy the show from the comfort of their own homes by purchasing a showtime for $19.99 through the Virtual Cinema Event. The event can be streamed through Chromecast, Apple TV/ AirPlay, Roku or HDMI. For more information, visit
If you’re going to enjoy a comfortable retirement, you should know, among other things, how much money you’ll need. And you may have a much better chance of knowing this if you get some professional help.
Consider these fndings from a 2021 study by Dalbar, a fnancial services market research frm:
• Investors who worked with a fnancial advisor were three times more likely to estimate what they would have saved at retirement than “do-it-yourself” investors.
• More than two-thirds of investors with a fnancial advisor were satisfed with the amount they would have saved at retirement, compared to about 27% of the do-it-yourselfers.
How do fnancial professionals help their clients in these ways?
First, consider the issue of determining how much money will be needed for retirement. It’s not always easy for individuals to estimate this amount. But fnancial professionals can help clients like you arrive at this fgure by exploring your hopes and goals. How long do you plan to work? What kind of lifestyle do you anticipate enjoying in retirement? Where would you like to live? How much would you like to travel? Are you open to pursuing earned income opportunities, such as consulting or working part time?
Next comes the other key question: How much money will be available for retirement? This big question leads to many others: How much do you need to save and invest each year until you retire? About what sort of investment return will you need to reach your retirement income goals? What level of risk are you willing to take to achieve that return? What is the role of other
income sources such as Social Security or any pensions you might have?
Having a fnancial professional help you gain a clear idea of your retirement income picture can certainly be reassuring. But there may be other reasons why “going it alone” as an investor might not be desirable. For example, when the fnancial markets are down, as was the case for much of 2022, some investors make decisions based on short-term volatility, such as selling investments to “cut their losses,” even if these same investments still have solid business fundamentals and good prospects for growth. But if you work with a fnancial professional, you might decide to stick with these investments, especially if they’re still appropriate for your long-term strategy. Other times, of course, the advice may be diferent — but it will always be advice based on your goals, needs and time horizon.
Furthermore, if you’re investing on your own, you may always be measuring your results against the major market indexes, such as the S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average. But in reality, your portfolio should contain a wide range of investments, some of which aren’t contained in these indexes, so you might not be assessing your performance appropriately. A fnancial professional can help you develop your own, more meaningful benchmarks that can show the progress you’re actually making toward your goals.
In some areas of life, going it alone can be exciting — but when it comes to investing for your future, you may beneft from some company on the journey.
This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
Floridians are no strangers to alligators, as many of us have seen them in our community ponds, sunning on the grassy banks. But to experience them in the wild, or better yet, of the front bow of an airboat, is an altogether diferent experience!
Wild Florida, a walkable zoo, driving safari and airboat adventure park, docks on lovely Cypress Lake just east of the Florida Turnpike, where over 600 gators enjoy their natural habitat.
Your first stop is the gift shop, which ofers a variety of unique, wildlife-themed toys, apparel and household trinkets, as well as an aquarium-housed, extremely rare albino alligator, born at Wild Florida. If you purchase the airboat tour, which we highly recommend, you walk the dock to a 15-person airboat, piloted by knowledgeable captains, who navigate their crafts on a thrill-ride-like racetrack of tall marsh grass. Protective earmufs are provided, but not required. During our visit, our boat found a cute pod of baby gators, numbering fifteen or more, while the mama lurked quietly on the lake bottom, nearby, afraid of our boat.
After tying up at the dock, we headed for the walk-through shaded gator park home to a gorgeous full-grown Florida panther named Nala, an Australian black mamba, curious lemurs, colorful macaws, and much more. The park also houses its patriarch and largest alligator, the 14-foot modern-day dinosaur, named Crusher. The park ofers an experience where patrons can have “lunch with Crusher” in his enclosure. We found this curious and also frightening, so chatting with a couple of Crusher’s keepers, they commented that driving I-4 is more dangerous than entering Crusher’s lair.
To complete the afternoon, we jumped in our car for the drive-through safari experience with zebras, gazelles, deer, bison, and wildebeests. Pro Tip – if your vehicle is approached by an ostrich, roll up your window! Cap of the drive by hand-feeding the girafe from an observation platform. Wild Florida is a terrific and fun experience for the whole family, and you’ll definitely get much more than you expect! Note the park is closed on Sundays. For more information visit
The Florida Orchestra (TFO) shared the stage with a living legend, violin superstar Itzhak Perlman, in a sold-out, energized Mahafey Theater on March 11. Music director Michael Francis conducted a magical night of world-class entertainment to celebrate 55 years of Florida’s premier orchestra, at home in Tampa Bay.
The fundraiser — postponed from October 2022 by Hurricane Ian — was worth the wait. Undeniably the reigning virtuoso of the violin, superstar Perlman joined the orchestra to perform a night of curated film music as only he can, including the Theme from Schindler’s List, which he performed for the Academy Award-winning film; As Time Goes By from Casablanca; the love theme from Cinema Paradiso; music from Out of Africa; and more.
The concert was a resounding success in celebration of Florida’s largest professional orchestra, and the only arts organization that bridges Tampa Bay. The net proceeds benefit TFO’s high standard of artistic excellence onstage as well as robust education and community programs all year long, including free TFO Strings for Kids violin classes, youth concerts and more. Nonprofit TFO exists to inspire, educate as it builds community through the power of music.
The Florida Orchestra extends special recognition to honorary chairs Montserrat and Emmanuel Cerf, and thanks for the generosity of Perlman’s sponsor, the Cerf
Family; presenting orchestra sponsor PNC Bank; maestro sponsors Mark and Marianne Mahaffey and Mahafey Apartment Co.; and all VIP sponsors and patrons who help make everything TFO does possible.
The Florida Orchestra’s season continues through May. Tickets are on sale now at
About Itzhak Perlman
Beloved for his charm, humanity as well as his talent, Perlman has received 16 Grammy Awards, four Emmy Awards, a Kennedy Center Honor, a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award and a Genesis Prize. Perlman has also received multiple distinctions from U.S. presidents, including a Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, in 2015. For more visit
About Michael Francis
In his eighth season as music director of The Florida Orchestra, Francis has raised artistic excellence to new heights, strengthened the audience’s connection to the music and reinvigorated TFO’s community and education programs. The internationally acclaimed conductor also is the music director of the Mainly Mozart Festival in San Diego and principal conductor of Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz in Germany. For more about Francis, visit michael-francis/.
Join Impact at Bloomingdale High School for the seventh annual Impact’s Got Talent and support the e f orts of teaching healthy habits to teens.
On Friday, April 28 at 6:30 p.m. at Bloomingdale High School, kindergarteners through high school seniors will be performing their talents and competing for a grand prize of $250. Enjoy the best vocalists, actors, dancers, musicians and more.
With amazing talent, special-guest judges, audience-choice votes, concessions, 50-50 ra f es and silent-auction prizes, Impact’s Got Talent is going to be a night of fun.
All ticket sales will benefit the Impact Program and its continued e f orts to inspire parents, leaders and teens to fight for a healthy lifestyle. Tickets are $10 per person and are available for purchase online.
“This is a great opportunity for students in our community to get involved while raising funds for the Impact Program,” said Angie Kagey, executive director at Impact.
The Impact Program promotes healthy lifestyles for teens by encouraging parents, teachers and leaders to
empower kids so they say no to things like premarital sex, drugs, tobacco and alcohol.
The three programs work with di f erent levels of the community to fight unhealthy behaviors and teach smart habits, and they are able to reach over 10,000 kids every year. Impact serves the community through schools, churches and other community organizations.
There are multiple ways you can get involved in Impact and support its mission, such as donating gas cards or bags of hard candy to Impact, helping toward its need of passenger vans used for summer programs, or volunteering as administrative support, an event volunteer or an education specialist. Businesses can also help support Impact through financial or services like printing, media, accounting or legal services.
To learn more, please contact Jennifer Crum at 863-661-3236 or or visit To purchase tickets for watching Impact’s Got Talent, visit For students and parents who are seeking help, visit to find more educational resources.
During his ministry, Jesus frequently challenged conventional wisdom, and He also encouraged His followers to radically demonstrate God’s love. He often did this through the use of parables. Jesus used these short stories to relay important instructions and lessons in ordinary language. There are more than 30 parables in the Bible, each with its own dynamic lesson.
Jesus mentions mustard seeds several times during his ministry here on earth. He teaches about it in parables as well as in an illustration about faith. The parable of the mustard seed is a powerful yet simple illustration that describes how we can use our faith to make a difference. It also gives us a perspective to approach the struggles and obstacles that we will encounter in throughout our lives.
Jesus taught this parable in Matthew 13:31-32: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.”
In Palestine, large mustard bushes filled with flocks of birds were common sights. These large bushes were important because mustard seeds were cultivated for their oil during bib -
By Kelly Wise Valdeslical times and were ground into powder for culinary as well as medicinal purposes.
The significant lesson that Jesus teaches about the mustard plant is that a huge, significant plant can come from a small, insignificant beginning like a tiny seed. He also draws this parallel about the Kingdom of God. There are a multitude of seemingly insignificant events in the Bible that hold such huge meanings, like the little town of Bethlehem, a wooden manger, an unknown carpenter and his young wife, everyday fishermen willing to follow Jesus, a few loaves and a couple of fish (that miraculously fed a large crowd) and a tree that would someday be a cross. The Bible is filled with little mustard seeds.
It may sometimes seem that the small part we play in this world is insignificant. Maybe we feel that our faith is small, and our Christian testimony doesn’t matter.
But, just like the mustard seed, our faith can grow to a large shrub and can spread very quickly. We can make a difference as our faith grows and develops. Just like in this simple parable, our mustard seed faith can continue to grow, spread and make a significant impact in someone’s life. Never underestimate the power of a tiny, little seed.
It’s hard to believe but summer is just around the corner and camp registrations are open and gearing up for an active and busy camp season!
Camp Osprey LLC
For a fun, traditional camp experience, check out Camp Osprey, which is located on 204 acres of beautiful woodlands alongside the Little Manatee River in Wimauma. Camp activities include high ropes courses, ziplines, horseback riding and much more.
Mathnasium Of Riverview And Brandon
Have your child’s math skills been impacted by the last school year? Have they fallen behind? Then Camp Mathnasium will be perfect for them, ofering a typical summer camp environment with diferent learning activities.
Music Showcase/FAOPA
The Florida Academy of the Performing Arts at Music Showcase ofers summer camps for aspiring actors and musicians. With a variety of camp options in full and half-day experiences, there’s something for every young entertainer.
Patel Conservatory
The Patel Conservatory at the Straz Center is hosting a variety of week summer camps
for rising actors, musicians, and danc ers starting May 30 and running through August 4. Weekly camps will take place Monday through Friday and before and af ter care will be avail.
Kids ‘R’ Kids Circa
With locations in Valrico and Lith ia, Kids ‘R’ Kids has been of fering sum mer camps since 2004. This sum mer, students can sign up on a weekly basis or for the whole summer. Meals and field trips are in cluded.
High 5 Inc.
Brandon’s High 5 Inc. is inviting students to sail away for the best summer of their lives, kicking of on May 30.
All camps begin on May 30 and run - August 4 with 10 separate sessions available Monday through Friday.
TLC’s Gypsy Haven
TLC’s Gypsy Haven offers weekly themed riding camps, ages 8-99, focusing on riding and grooming. The camps take place from 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Sidekicks Summer Camp
Sidekicks Martial Arts is gearing up for its Summer Camp program with martial arts, field trips and more.
D-BatSouth Shore
If you have a baseball or softball players, summer is a great time to develop skills in D-Bat South Shore’s state-of-the-art facility in Ruskin. Navigator Academy
Navigator Academy’s full-day camp will be open for K-8th grade students with lunch and field trips included.
River Hills Country Club
Budding tennis players and golfers will find summer camps for kids ages
7-13 for all levels of players, with half and full-day camps available.
Code Wiz FishHawk
Code Wiz FishHawk is ofering full and half-day camps for coding and computers with Roblox, robotics, Minecraft, gaming and more.
Cedarkirk Camp
Cedarkirk Camp & Conference Center is located on 170 acres of woodland along the Alafia River in Lithia and will hosts weekly camps starting June 11. Campers can sign up for a week or summer. Camps include all meals.
Ostingers Baseball Academy
Learn baseball from the pros at Ostingers Baseball Academy. Four weeklong sessions will take place in June and July for players ages 7-14 years old at the academy’s fields in Lithia.
FishHawk Fellowship Church
Ofering a selection of half-day sports camps starting June 5 - August 4. Look for our Summer Camp Sweepstakes link where the Osprey Observer will buy your child a week of camp at the summer camp of your choice! Or, enter now by emailing (subject line ‘Summer Camp Free’) contest@ Email inquiries to!Have a great summer of fun!
Make this a summer of creativity with one (or more) of the 50plus camps and classes ofered at the Patel Conservatory. If your child loves to dance, sing or emote, take a look at the courses Patel has scheduled this summer. Whether your child is a beginner or already practicing their Tony Award® speech, Patel has a class to fit their skill level.
Patel students enjoy the advantage of instructors who have real-world experience in the fields of dance, music and theater. Its professionals will teach your burgeoning star the skills necessary to excel in their field. Patel also can fill them in on the nuts-and-bolts aspect of a career in the arts.
It’s an ideal environment for a young person considering a career in the performing arts. Patel has an impressive track record in this regard, with alumni appearing on Broadway, television, national tours and more. Patel alumni also fill vital roles ofstage as well, such as being directors, producers, writers and technicians.
Patel’s Summer Intensives let young performers immerse themselves in their craft, whether the focus is on the voice,
a musical instrument, acting or ballet. Many intensives conclude with a ticketed performance open to the public.
There are plenty of non-intensive opportunities as well: beginners’ classes in ballet, jazz and tap; a theater apprentice workshop; classes on adapting literature for the stage; workshops for repertory orchestra and opera; and so much more.
Individual instruction from members of our music and theater faculty is also available, as it is year-round. Learn oneon-one with a professional actor or musician. Individual lessons for musicians are available for beginners and intermediates, as well as more experienced players preparing for a professional career.
Scholarships are available to help cover the cost of tuition. The deadline for financial aid applications is Sunday, April 2.
Learn more about Patel by attending one of its summer open houses: Saturday, March 25 from 9-10 a.m. and Monday, May 22 from 6-7 p.m.
The Patel Conservatory is located at 1010 N. Macinnes Pl. in Tampa. For more information, call 813-222-1040 or visit
Mathnasium is hosting its first summer camp since the coronavirus shutdown at the Brandon location from the end of May to early August to help fight ‘the summer slide.’
Camp Mathnasium will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m.-12 Noon for students through sixth grade with a ‘Wild About MATH’ theme. Additionally, the Brandon location will be adding the Great Foundations program for pre-K through kindergarten students following requests from parents and families.
Camp Mathnasium will help students fight the summer slide — the months of learning loss that occurs between the school years.
“I hope that [through] Camp Mathnasium they see how much fun math can be and that it helps keep their skills sharp during the summer,” said franchise owner, operator and center director Becky McDaniels.
Camp Mathnasium will run alongside the year-round Mathnasium program,
but camp days will o f er a typical summer camp environment with different learning activities. Students will begin their morning with an hour of the Mathnasium program to provide an individualized learning lesson for each student. They will then participate in an activity and finish the day with a STEAM activity.
During registration, students can enroll in a minimum of six and maximum of 12 STEAM activities throughout the summer. Students will be divided by age during these activities, allowing older students to take a more in-depth approach.
Families are encouraged to register early so Mathnasium can prepare for the right number of students. A $25 early-bird discount for those that register before Sunday, April 30 will be o f ered. For specific pricing or to learn more about Camp Mathnasium, Great Foundations or Mathnasium’s year-round program, visit
High 5 Inc. is hosting its annual summer camp to bring kids “Around the World in 50 Days” with cruisethemed activities throughout the summer.
“Each week, the kids will be visiting a diferent country. During their trip, they will learn about its uniqueness, history, culture and so much more,” said director of family experience Jada Spano.
The camp will run from Tuesday, May 30 to Friday, August 4. Each day, participants can arrive as early as 7 a.m. and leave as late as 6 p.m. to accommodate parents’ work schedules over the summer.
Until the camp ofcially starts at 9 a.m., campers can take a High 5 Summer Cruise photo with their family and go to their stateroom, a High 5 classroom separating campers by grade level. The counselor-to-student ratio will be around 1-to-25, but it is often less since activity specialists will support employees during excursions.
Daily excursions will be available for all campers from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Each hour
will feature several diferent options for campers to participate in every day.
“Our travelers learn the basics for familiar and some new sports, such as cricket, soccer, handball, pickleball, tennis, even a little splashball. Meanwhile, travelers that would prefer the nonathletic route will have the opportunity to explore everything from creating their own boomerangs and rain sticks of Australia to carnival costumes and rhythms of the Caribbean islands,” said regional director Nicole Brown-Collins.
Campers will have the option to purchase a lunch or snack, but they are encouraged to pack one lunch and two snacks. They should arrive in a bathing suit and have a change of clothes in their backpacks.
The camp will cost $175 per camper each week for nonmembers, but High 5 members can register for $160.
To register, visit camp-3.
Sending your children to summer camp where they can get out of the house during those long summer days, make new friends and learn a new sport can be really beneficial at their young age.
River Hills Country Club in Valrico is ofering a Junior Summer Camp for children ages 7-13, Monday through Friday, with days packed full of golf, tennis, swimming and more. Summer camp can be attended in half or full days.
River Hills has multiple summer camp options, such as Golf Camp or Tennis Clinic and Sports Camp, which all involve learning a new sport and spending time with friends while also enjoying other summer camp fun.
The goal of the Junior Summer Camp at River Hills is to combine the right amount of sport instruction with other interesting activities in order to keep children engaged and excited about learning the sport and its etiquette.
River Hills’ Junior Summer Camp will take children from beginner players to competition-ready ones by starting small and building their individual skills. The coaches at River Hills pride themselves in ofering a low-pressure environment where children
can gain respect for the game and fellow players through practicing with their peers.
“Golf camps ofered this summer at River Hills Country Club will expose children to the great game of golf in a nurturing and educational environment,” said Bryan McManis, general manager at River Hills Country Club. “We want to introduce the game in a fun way so they can practice and apply their skills as they progress through the program.”
The River Hills U.S. Kids Golf Curriculum is taught by a PGA-certified instructor, and Tennis Camp will be led by a United States Professional Tennis Association-certified instructor. On top of golf, tennis and other sports lessons, the Junior Summer Camp will also include swimming, movies and other camp activities.
Golf, tennis and other sports at River Hills include instruction and conditioning to build stamina and endurance. Sports instruction will be provided based on the age and level of the children at the camp.
To enroll your children in a River Hills Country Club summer camp, please call 813-653-1554, ext. 242 or visit
Located at 4325 Keysville Rd. in Lithia, TLC’s Gypsy Haven ofers weekly themed riding camps, for ages 8-99, focused on riding and grooming. The camps take place from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. from Monday, June 5 to Friday, August 4.
Students pack their own lunch, snacks and drinks and are encouraged to wear light pants or leggings, but boots are a must. The camp boasts one teacher, one aide and one volunteer per 10 students.
For more information, visit www.tlcsfarms. com, call Tammi at 813-842-4236 or email
Te Patel Conservatory
The Patel Conservatory at the Straz Center is hosting a variety of weekly summer camps for rising actors, musicians and dancers starting Tuesday, May 30 and running through Friday, August 4. Weekly camps will take place Monday through Friday, with pre- and post-camp available for an additional $30 each or $50 for both extensions.
Information on the camps ofered as well as specific dates, times and pricing are available in the 2023 summer camps and classes brochure on the Straz Center’s website at For more information on specific details of the camps, contact the admissions staf at 813-222-1040 or 800955-1045 (toll-free).
Tampa Metropolitan Area YMCA
kids crave at one of its many summer camp locations.
YMCA camps ofer an array of fun where activity specialists will lead campers through various experiences each day, including swimming, science, high ropes, outdoor education, nature encounters, horseback riding, canoeing, visual arts and more.
All camps begin on Tuesday, May 30 and run through Friday, August 4 with 10 separate sessions available from Monday to Friday. Book one weeklong session or book them all. Camp programming runs from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. with free early-morning care beginning at 7 a.m. and free afternoon extended care until 6 p.m. Prices start at only $184 per week for YMCA members and are open to the public. Discounted rates for members, early registration, siblings, multicamp sign-ups and early-bird registration are available.
For more information on specific locations and pricing and to register, visit
For a fun, traditional camp experience, check out Camp Osprey, which is located on 204 acres of beautiful woodlands alongside the Little Manatee River in Wimauma. Camp activities include high ropes courses, ziplines, horseback riding and much more.
Camps take place every week starting on Sunday, June, and campers can sign up for a week or the whole summer. Day and overnight options are available, with day camp costing $325 a week and overnight being $795. Meals are provided and snacks can be purchased in the camp canteen.
New this year is COSMO Camp Osprey Smoky Mountain Outdoor adventures for groups of 12 campers ages 13-16 years old.
The camp is located at 18050 U.S. Hwy. 301 S. in Wimauma and can be reached at 941-9286860. For more information, visit www.
Kids ‘R’ Kids
Kids ‘R’ Kids has been ofering summer camps since 2004. This summer, students can sign up on a weekly basis or for the whole summer from Tuesday, May 30 to Friday, August 4.
“Camp will showcase unique weekly themes designed to make your campers smile, think, explore, collaborate and grow in exciting new directions,” said Fernandes. “Our camp includes all meals and field trips to a Rays game, Sea Screamer in Clearwater, Ringling Museum, Treasure Island Fun Center and much more.”
Kids ‘R’ Kids Circa FishHawk is located at 5815 Kids Crossing Dr. in Lithia and can be reached at 813-654-7000. Visit its website at for more information and to register.
Cedarkirk Camp & Conference Center
Cedarkirk Camp & Conference Center is located on 170 acres of woodland alongside the Alafia River in Lithia.
Camps take place weekly from Sunday to Friday starting on Sunday, June 11 and finishing on Friday, August 4; campers can sign up for a week or the whole summer. Cedarkirk ofers overnight camps for older students, and younger campers in grades one through three can attend a shorter threeday camp. Camps range in price from $465 a week to $510 and include all meals plus two daily snacks. Cedarkirk Camp & Conference Center is located at 1920 Streetman Dr. in Lithia and can be reached at 813-685-4224. For more information and to register, visit www.cedarkirk. org.
Code Wiz FishHawk
Code Wiz FishHawk is located in Park Square at 16132 Churchview Dr. in Lithia. It will be running full and half-day camps for students interested in computers and coding. Camp activities will include Roblox, robotics, Minecraft and building your own 2D/3D video games. The half-day camp runs from 9 a.m.-12 Noon and from 1-4 p.m.; a full-day is 9 a.m.-4 p.m. A week of half-day camp is $350 and $550 for a fullday camp; discounts are available for siblings, multicamp and early-bird registrations. For more information, visit www.thecodewiz. com/fishhawk-fl or call 813-820-6583.
A positive no pressure learning environment where respect for the game of golf and fellow players is taught.
A fun experience that includes golf instruction, rules and etiquette with additional non golf fun activities in the afternoon available i.e. swimming, movies and other camp activities.
It is the goal of this camp to combine just the right amount of golf instruction to keep students engaged in enjoying the game of golf.
has what
Mathnasium Of Riverview & Brandon Mathnasium’s personalized learning plans are proven to improve grades and give them a head start going into the new school year. With live face-to-face instruction, either in-center or online, its summer programs are designed to work in tandem with the other summer camps and activities. Just two or three one-hour sessions per week are all kids need to help keep their math skills on track for the upcoming school year, and your child will continue to enjoy summer because Mathnasium makes learning math fun. Space is limited so don’t delay in registering your child. Call today for a free assessment.
Mathnasium of Brandon ( is located at 1048 Bloomingdale Ave. and can be reached at 813-655-6284, and Mathnasium of Riverview ( is located at 1388 U.S. 301 and can be reached at 813-565-1102. Coming soon is a new location at 13388 S. U.S. 301 in Riverview.
Music Showcase
The Florida Academy of Performing Arts (FAOPA) at Music Showcase ofers summer camps for aspiring actors and musicians. With a variety of camp options in full and halfday experiences, there’s something for every young entertainer.
The traditional camp exposes campers to music and more. You can sign up for one weeklong camp or you can sign up for multiple camps. Camps are structured by age, ability and interest.
Its other camp option is a musical theater camp, where campers work together over the course of a few weeks to put on a show.
For further details, visit or call 813490-2787. Music Showcase is located at 402 Oakfield Dr. in Brandon.
River Hills Junior Summer Camp
Do you have a budding tennis or golf player in your home? Sign them up for camp at River Hills Country Club, which aims to combine just the right amount of sport instruction with fun to keep your children loving the sport. Camps are suitable for all ages from 7-13 years old and all levels of players, having a U.S. Kids Golf curriculum being taught by PGA-certified instructors and tennis instruction with drills and conditioning from a USPTA instructor. Half and full-day sessions are available. River Hills Country Club is located at 3943 New River Hills Pkwy. in Valrico. For more information on summer camps, visit or call 813-653-1554, ext. 242.
High 5 Inc.
Brandon’s High 5 Inc. is inviting students to go “Around the World In 50 Days,” kicking of on Tuesday, May 30 and running through Friday, August 4.
Each week students will be visiting a diferent country and learn about its uniqueness, history, culture and so much more.
Camp is ofered Monday through Friday
from 7 a.m.-6 p.m. at High 5, which is located at 405 Beverly Blvd. in Brandon. Campers can sign up for individual weeks throughout the summer or the entire summer. To register, visit camp-3.
Camp costs $175 a week per child for nonmembers and High 5 members can register for $160.
To learn more, visit or call 813-689-0908.
D-BAT South Shore
Does your child love baseball or softball? Help them develop their skills this summer at D-BAT South Shore, located at 351 30th St. NE in Ruskin. Summer camp programs are being ofered from Monday, May 29 to Friday, July 28, and state-of-the-art technology will be used to allow campers to enhance and improve basic baseball and softball skills. This is a great opportunity for students to get involved with others who share their desire to grow and develop their ball skills. Camp runs on a weekly basis from 8:45 a.m.-2:30 p.m. and costs $175 a week for platinum members. Additional information can be found on its website at https://dbatsouthshore. com/ or by calling 813-645-3228.
Navigator Academy
Summer camp at Navigator Academy is a full-day camp open for incoming kindergarteners to eighth graders. Weekly and daily rates are available, with field trips and lunch included. Navigator Academy is located
at 1101 Bloomingdale Ave. in Valrico. Additional information can be found on its website at
Ostingers Baseball Academy
Learn baseball from the pros at Ostingers Baseball Academy. With a combined 30 years of professional playing and coaching experience, Ostingers Baseball coaches are ready to provide young athletes with safe fun this summer. Four weeklong sessions will take place in June and July for players ages 7-14 years old at the academy’s fields in Lithia. Your child will develop a better understanding of the game of baseball through instruction, drills and games. Having a good time while learning the fundamentals will be the main focus of this camp. To learn more, visit or call 813-737-3000.
FishHawk Fellowship Church
FishHawk Fellowship Church, located at 15326 FishHawk Blvd. in Lithia is ofering a selection of half-day sports camps that include basketball, soccer and flag football running from Monday, June 5 until Friday, August 4. Most camps are for first through fifth graders, with some available for first through eighth graders from Monday June 26 to Friday, August 4. All camps run from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., and the price is $105 for the week. For additional information, call 813-655-7431.
Location: M-W Ostingers Academy • 8711 Lithia Pinecrest Road Th-F Field for games and other activities
Age Group: 7 - 14 yrs
Time: Cost: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm
$225/ multi camp or multi child discount
*Must register for multi camp discount all at once
For More Information: Call 813.737.3000 or visit our website at
Looking for a way to help fill your child’s summer? Look no further than D-BAT South Shore, where summer camp programs are being offered to help your child develop their baseball or softball skills while having a great time and making new friends. D-BAT ofers state-ofthe-art technology that is implemented into the training, which allows campers to enhance and improve basic baseball and softball skills. Some of this technology includes, but is not limited to, Hack Attack pitching machines and Blast Motion hitting technology. Another great aspect of this camp is that all it requires of the young players is to show up with the basic gear for the sport along with lunch and water, then they are good to go. This is a great opportunity for kids to get involved with others who share their same interest and a desire to grow and develop their skills while engaging in classic baseball and softball comradery. The facility features both indoor and outdoor setups to ensure that camp can continue unimpeded by the elements, while the indoor elements of the site are climate-con-
By Jonathan Hursttrolled. With a camper-to-instructor ratio of 8-1, every player who comes through the camp will be well coached and attended to.
D-BAT South Shore also features nine batting cages along with pitching lanes to ensure that campers are getting their skill practice in. If they are doing well, there are also end-of-week prizes for the skill leaders of the week.
This summer camp runs on a week to week basis from Monday, May 29 through Friday, July 28, and can be attained for as little as $175 for the entire week for platinum members. Further discounts for early sign-ups, multicamp sign-ups and signing up siblings together. Every camp runs on the weekdays with the drop-of opening at 8:45 a.m. and the latest pickup being at 2:30 p.m.
D-BAT South Shore is located at 351 30th St. NE in Ruskin. For more information, visit its website at, go to its Facebook page at or call 813-645-3228.
It’s that time of year again where you have to begin to decide what summer camp is best for your children. With over 130 years of experience in providing a safe place for kids in the community, Tampa YMCA Summer Camp is a great choice for filling those long summer days with something exciting and educational.
The YMCA ofers a variety of summer camp options, from art camp to adventure camp there is something for everyone.
“Summer camp is more than singalongs and splash pads,” said Michelle Leahy, camp director at Campo Family YMCA. “Campers at the Tampa YMCA ACA-accredited summer day camps are given a safe space to discover who they are and what they want to become while experiencing fun, friends and adventure.”
Summer camps are open from Tuesday, May 30 to Friday, August 4 and range from $184-$225 a week for YMCA members and $235-$298 for non-YMCA members. Multiweek teen camps start at $330 for members and $410 for non-YMCA members.
Campers are expected to wear cool, comfortable clothing that can get dirty, closed-toe and closed-back shoes as well as
sunscreen, and they should bring a bathing suit and towel since campers will have the opportunity to swim in the YMCA pools.
Join in on the fun in one of the many locations in Brandon, Riverview, Plant City, Tampa and more.
Tampa YMCA
Summer Camps being ACA-accredited means they underwent a thorough review on operations by the American Camp Association (ACA), from staf qualifications and training to emergency management, and complied with the highest standards in the industry. With ACA accreditation, the YMCA is one of the safest places to get your kids to have fun out of the house this summer, as not only are staf certified in first aid and CPR, but they are also certified fun and learning experts.
Tampa YMCA Summer Camp prides itself in helping kids explore personal interests, build self-esteem, develop interpersonal skills, discover the creativity and health benefits of the outdoors and make lasting friendships and memories.
Visit or find the YMCA on social media at TampaYMCA.
Busch Gardens
Tampa Bay’s Food & Wine Festival will ofer guests a oneof-a-kind experience of flavor and rhythm from various latitudes of the world.
The highly anticipated event will provide guests with an elevated culinary experience and the opportunity to enjoy live musical performances from some of the most popular artists in the entertainment industry. The event runs through Sunday, May 21, featuring a total of 20 food and beverage cabins for guests to sip and savor, as well as 23 live concerts. The Busch Gardens Food & Wine Festival is included with park admission. Busch Gardens Tampa Bay is dishing up a variety of headlining concerts for every taste as part of the Food & Wine Festival. Twenty-three headlining acts spanning genres of pop, rock, country and more will take the Festival Field Stage for 11 weekends jam-packed with rhythm and flavor, including Kansas, Maddie & Tae, SWV, Dustin Lynch, Rodney Atkins, Flo Rida, Jeremy Camp, +LIVE+, The Fab Four, 38 Special, Mitchell Tenpenny, Air Supply, Gabby Barrett, Hoobastank and WALK THE MOON.
The Food & Wine Festival transforms into a melting pot of Latin cultures featuring
world-renowned iconic dishes and live música from award-winning Latin artists. Cinco de Mayo and Viva la Música take place every Saturday and Sunday from Friday, May 5 to Sunday, May 21. For this Latin fiesta, guests can expect a complete transformation of the festival area and enjoy authentic Latin gastronomy and entertainment. The full Latin artist lineup for 2023 is: The Como La Flor Band, Celia Vive – A Tribute to Celia Cruz, El Gran Combo, Toño Rosario, Grupo Niche, Elvis Crespo and Luisito Ayala.
All headlining concert performances are included with park admission and will take place in the Busch Gardens Food & Wine Festival main stage located past the cabins on the Festival Pathway.
The absolute best way to experience the flavors of the Food & Wine Festival at Busch Gardens is with a Food & Wine Sampler Lanyard. Starting at $70 and redeemable at the numerous cabins located throughout the park, sampler lanyards ofer the best value for guests and will be available in quantities of 10 and 15. To view showtimes and purchase reserved seating and VIP packages, guests can visit
For a summer of song and dance look no further than the Music Showcase from the Florida Academy of Performing Arts. Here, the campers will be immersed in the world of performing with a variety of options to get involved. Whether your child wants to just test the waters or is a full-fledged theater enthusiast, there are plenty of options.
For those who are a little unsure, there are full and half-day options for the weeklong camp Music and More, where students will interact with multiple avenues of performing, such as acting, singing, dancing and more. Students will also be exposed to instruments to see if anything clicks for them, as well as general art. Drop-o f time for Music and More opens at 8 a.m., and the latest pickup time is at 6 p.m.
Music Showcase has eight weeks of Music and More summer camp.
ing about how to put on a production and all the elements that go into that. These students will work on skills such as acting, singing and various theater techniques and practices. This camp concludes with a performance of a play featuring the campers. Musical Theater Camp runs from 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
“There is something for all ages and abilities,” said academy director Danielle Sanchez.
For those with a bit more of a commitment to performing arts, there is the Musical Theater Camp, which is a bit more intensive when it comes to the theater aspect. This camp runs for two weeks and involves the students learn -
The Music and More camp runs weekly from Tuesday, May 30 through Friday, August 4, and Musical Theater camp has the same time frame but on a two-week schedule. There is a one-time $30 registration fee with the cost of the Music and More at $230 a week and $275 for the Musical Theater Camp. There are scholarships and discounts for siblings available as well.
For further details, visit www.faopa. org or call 813-490-2787. Music Showcase is located at 402 Oakfield Dr. in Brandon.
Also hiring for 2023 Summer Camp Counselors & Runners.
Summer Camp Includes:
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Ofering at 3 loctions:
High 5, Inc. Main Campus, Symmes Elementary, and Fishhawk Creek Elementary
(813) 689-0908
405 Beverly Blvd Brandon, FL 33511-5507
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles presented by Tampa International Airport is a beloved one-day community event featuring a wide variety of family activities held each year at the Plant City Airport since 2010. It was one of the last public events held in 2020 just before the COVID crisis shuttered most gatherings, and after a 2-year hiatus it is making its highly anticipated 11th annual return on April 22nd, 10AM – 3PM. Featured highlights will be numerous real aircraft on display, radio-controlled aircraft displays and demonstrations, a large car show, and operating model train layouts. A major LEGO display is scheduled featuring all modes of transportation. First responder vehicles and personnel along with train safety vehicles and equipment will also be in the lineup. There will be many hands-on stations for kids, including STEM education exhibits and flight simulators from SUN ‘n FUN’s Aerospace Center for Excellence, Young Eagles discovery flights conducted by Plant City Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 1178, Scout merit badge opportunities, a pinewood derby, and many other activities. Younger children will enjoy inflatable bounce houses and other fun adventures just for them! Food trucks and local vendor displays will also be part of the lineup where area businesses can showcase their products and services to attendees.
PT&A Committee Chairman
Jason Jones is the founder of the event, and he says that the return of this fan-favorite community event is very welcome.
“Planes, Trains, & Automobiles has become one of Plant City’s signature events that we really look forward to, and to have it return postCOVID to serve our community is really exciting”, he said. “The purpose of the event has always been to give families an afordable day together discovering the wonders of transportation, introducing them to not only aircraft and aviation opportunities at their local airport but a wide variety of “how things work” displays and fun educational activities to capture the imaginations of our local youth.”
The event is managed by the Tampa Bay Aviation Association and presented by Tampa International Airport. The scholarships will be for flight training, mechanic, and professional career education. Come and join the fun!
Parking is FREE, ticket pricing is $7.25 online in advance, $10 at the gate. Visit for tickets and event information.
Bigger and better than ever, the Tampa Bay Rodeo and Family Festival, presented by Bartow Ford, gallops into the Hillsborough County Fairgrounds from Friday through Sunday, April 1416 with three fun-filled days of action, activities and eats.
On the Friday and Saturday nights, cowboys and cowgirls compete in the rodeo through bull riding, barrel racing and bronco busting. Parents can register their littlest cowpokes on-site for the very popular mutton bustin’.
The evenings begin with the Family Festival prior to the rodeo, with delicious food, exciting games, amusing animals and live music on the Bud Light Entertainment Stage. New this year, plan to come back on Sunday for the Family Festival to enjoy all the day’s oferings and live music from different musical artists.
Tampa-area and Nashville recording artist Randy McNeeley takes the stage on Friday and Saturday nights, and nationally touring country artists Craig Campbell and Canaan Smith each perform on Sunday afternoon.
Everyone will have a rip-roaring good time at the Family Festival where guests can participate in a host of challenges, including riding the mechanical bull and axe
throwing. The littlest wranglers can have fun with face painting, an interactive barnyard where they can pet and feed the critters, camel and pony rides and other fun activities and games like giant Jenga and an inflatable slide. Tasty grub that will please even the littlest wrangler is available throughout the entire event, including barbecue, corn dogs, fried Oreos, turkey legs, tacos, cotton candy and much more. There’s something for everyone at this spring extravaganza.
The Tampa Bay Rodeo is an EBA-sanctioned event. Bulls, broncs and barrels are presented by 5S Bucking Bulls, based in Lithia. Competitors in EBA rodeos range in age from 7-55 years old, and at the Tampa Bay Rodeo there will be around 40 men and women competing.
Gates open at 4 p.m., and the rodeo begins at 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday; Sunday’s Family Festival is from 12 Noon- 5 p.m.
The Hillsborough County Fairgrounds are located at 215 Sydney Washer Rd. in Dover at the intersection of State Road 60 and Sydney Washer Road, east of Brandon. Visit for tickets and more information.
Join Experienced Autism Alliance in helping to spread awareness and show support for families afected by autism at its first annual Golf ‘Fore Autism’ Tournament & Fundraiser.
“The funds raised at our charity tournament will allow Experienced Autism Alliance to continue assisting, supporting and empowering parents and caregivers with children and adults with autism throughout the year in our community,” said Tanya Hines, organizer of the event.
The golf tournament itself is held by Experienced Autism Alliance of Florida and will raise money to donate to and help those afected by autism. Since April is Autism Awareness Month, Hines and Experienced Autism Alliance believe this is the best time to hold the event. In addition, there’s no better time to support a local Hillsborough County charity.
“The golf tournament will be a fun-filled, 18-hole charity golf competition on Friday, April 28, 2023, at Freedom Fairways Golf Course, Sun City,” said Hines.
Check-in time for the tournament will be held at 7 a.m., with the ball drops at 8:15 a.m. and a shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. Everyone is encouraged to enter in teams of four or individually. The individual entry fee is $100 and will include the golf entry itself,
one drink ticket and a ticket for both breakfast and lunch. The foursome entry fee is $400 and will consist of golf entries, drink tickets for each person in your party, breakfast and lunch tickets as well as entries into the putting contest.
Each participant in the golf tournament will be treated to a continental breakfast before the ball drops. Competitors will also be treated to a lunch consisting of pulled pork, chicken tenders, baked beans and coleslaw. Jell-O shots and cocktails will be provided as well for those with drink tickets.
There will be a few miscellaneous activities too, such as the wagon of cheer rafe, the lotto board rafe and a ball drop Rafe. Other contests will include the hole-in-one contest and the longest-drive contest. Rafe baskets will also be ofered for everyone to enter with a minimum value of $50.
Experienced Autism Alliance of Florida would also like to thank RE/MAX Bayside in Apollo Beach for being the top event sponsor. The charity also encourages other businesses and individuals to sponsor the event, as no donation is too small.
The golf tournament will be held on April 28 at the Freedom Fairways Golf Course & Tennis Club and run from 7 a.m.-12 Noon. Please visit
Tampa Theatre will present the 10th annual Family Favorites classic movie series during the month of April. Tampa Theatre has been a favorite destination for area moviegoers for generations. This April, the next generation of young fans will get the chance to see some of their parents’ most beloved childhood films on the big screen.
Tampa Theatre will also be ofering a discounted ticket rate for children ages 3-12. Older children will be admitted for just $8, and an adult ticket is $10. It is hoped that the discounted ticket price will appeal to families looking for an afordable weekend outing in downtown Tampa.
Jill Witecki, Tampa Theatre’s vice president and director of marketing, said, “This is the only classic movie series for which we ofer a child’s price.” Witecki added, “While many of our summer and holiday classic oferings are family-friendly, this is the series that we program specifically with families in mind. I want parents to be able to introduce their kids to some of their own favorite movies from childhood and experience that nostalgia of seeing them on the big screen again.”
First up, come see the 1989 comedy Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure on Sunday, April 2 at 3 p.m. The film is rated PG.
Next, come back on Sunday, April 9 at 3 p.m. for a showing of the fantasy The NeverEnding Story The film is rated PG. On Sunday, April 16 at 3 p.m., Tampa Theatre will present the drama Akeelah and the Bee. The film is rated PG. See the sci-fi thriller Tron on Sunday, April 23 at 3 p.m. The film is rated PG.
Finally, on Sunday, April 30 at 3 p.m., Tampa Theatre will present the Disney animated classic Toy Story. The film is rated G.
Prior to the showing of Toy Story, guests can pose in front of the green screen and take home a free 4” by 6” souvenir photo. This special event is made possible courtesy of presenting sponsor Bank of America. Guests can get their photo starting at 2 p.m. in the Tampa Theatre lobby.
Tickets for the Family Favorites classic movies are available at the box ofce, located at 711 N. Franklin St. in downtown Tampa, or online at www.tampatheatre. org.
The City of Tampa’s Creative Arts Theatre Company, in partnership with Hillsborough County Public Library Cooperative (HCPLC), is excited to present a live children’s theater experience. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star by Ernie Nolan is an interactive play that serves to remind the audience that mistakes happen, but no problem is too big if you ask for help.
This immersive and exciting show encourages children to participate by using props in the cozy, darkened performance space. In this story, a new galactic recruit, a missing star and a bit of unexpected mayhem create the world of the Star Keepers. The Star Keepers must ensure each star is awake and ready to shine every night, but what happens when one goes missing? You follow the procedures, of course!
This play is recommended for young audiences ages 2-6. Due to the interactive nature of this experience, the attendance is limited to 40 people for each performance.
Additionally, for those who may be sensory sensitive, the show will take place in a smaller four-sided, darkened space so that participants can see the glowing and twinkling lights (representing stars) held by the performers.
Local performances of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star can be seen at these libraries: Saturday, April 1 at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. at the Bloomingdale Regional Library; Tuesday, April 11 at 11 a.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library; Wednesday, April 12 at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. at the Riverview Public Library; and Thursday, April 27 at 3 p.m. at the Ruskin Branch Library.
Creative Arts Theatre is the City of Tampa’s resident professional theater company for young audiences. A staf of five professional artists create and perform innovative theater experiences, inspired by classic and contemporary children’s literature, with a mission to encourage literacy throughout Hillsborough County through the magic of live performance. Over the past 50 years, they have performed for more than 1 million children and their families. Visit for more information and upcoming shows.
For additional showtimes and location details for Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and other HCPLC programs, visit
There’s always something new and exciting to look forward to at Florida’s most visited cultural institution, and one has just begun in ZooTampa at Lowry Park. Join in with ZooTampa to experience BUGTOPIA, a limited-time family-friendly event that opened on February 25. This larger-than-life exhibit is free with zoo admission or membership and features 13 enormous animatronic bugs that will amaze and educate guests in fun and unique ways.
BUGTOPIA enables guests to glimpse into the world from a bug’s perspective, delight in their bizarre beauty and reflect on what we can learn from their brilliant behaviors. Roles will be reversed as guests venture into a bug’s world where they will find themselves looking up into the eyes of a larger-than-life Mexican red-knee tarantula or at the tail of a mighty emperor scorpion looming more than 10 feet in the air.
“Bugs are fascinating creatures, and we’re proud to be able to share them with guests of all ages in BUGTOPIA,” said chief operating ofcer Scott Rose. “This exhibit is full of enormous animatronic bugs and insects that show what these animals look
The Florida Academy of Performing Arts
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like close up and how they’ve perfectly adapted to the world around them — our guests will never look at bugs the same way again.”
In addition to all the buzz from BUGTOPIA, the zoo is kicking of its extended springtime hours. During the days of Saturday, March 11 through Sunday, March 19, guests can enjoy the zoo from 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Also, during the months of March and April, the zoo will stay open until 7 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.
ZooTampa at Lowry Park is operated by the Lowry Park Zoological Society, an independent 501(c)(3) charitable organization committed to excellence in conservation, education, recreation and research. The zoo is accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) and is recognized as Florida’s leading and most attended zoological cultural institution.
It is located at 1101 W. Sligh Ave. in Tampa and is open seven days a week (except Thanksgiving and Christmas) from 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., with extended hours for select events. For more information, visit www. or follow it on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Musical Arts
For All Ages
Full and half-day week-long camps, plus daily drop-ins
• Free early drop off and late pick up
• Activities to explore instruments, acting, singing and art
• Themed weeks: Disney Villians, Harry Potter, Super Mario
• Scholarships and sibling discounts
Musical Theater Camps
• Productions for all ages and skill levels
• Elementary, Middle School, and High School productions
• Broadway Boot Camp - Broadway Artists To Attend
• Visit for shows, schedules, and performance dates
Come one, come all, and celebrate the 2023 Egypt Shrine Circus. The Egypt Shrine Circus has been ofering afordable family fun and entertainment for generations in the Tampa Bay area, and this year the 58th annual circus will be held for the first time at the International Independent Showmen’s Association grounds, located at 6915 Riverview Dr. in Riverview, from Thursday through Sunday, April 6-9.
This three-ring circus is back in full swing after COVID-19 cancellations, and the new location under the big top at the Showmen’s grounds promises to bring a bigger and better circus than ever.
The Egypt Shrine Clowns will be performing and are sure to bring hijinks and hilarity as they perform under the lights in the big top. Along with traditional clown performances, there will be professional performances from Circus Hollywood.
“We couldn’t ask for a better partnership than with the Showmen’s Association. The grounds and location are perfect to put on family-fun performances with some of the best performers in the circus industry,” said Dennis McDermott, circus director.
In addition to the circus, there will be a carnival managed by Arnold International Carnivals, along with a petting zoo, food
vendors, games and more.
The circus show hours are on Thursday, April 6 at 6:30 p.m.; Friday, April 7 at 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, April 8 at 11:30 a.m., 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.; and Sunday, April 9 at 1 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Come early to the shows as seats are limited to the first 1,000 individuals.
What’s more, the Shriners are celebrating the opening of the new Egypt Shrine Center, located on the Palm River at 5017 E. Washington St. in Tampa, south of the Lee Roy Selmon Expressway. The building has many features, including a 30,000-square-foot facility that has multiple areas available to rent for events large or small. There is also the Palm River Oasis and Waterfront Grille, providing a full bar and limited food menu open to the public. The full kitchen is due for completion in March.
“Our new Shrine Center will bring new visibility and provide a central place for many activities, including Shrine-sponsored events like the ever-popular, annual Feztival of Trees,” said Dennis Bryant, the Egypt Shrine potentate.
For more information on the circus, visit For information on the Shrine Center, visit www.
Tampa Bay’s newest ride, Serengeti Flyer, is now open for all guests. The park’s latest attraction, which opened recently, is the world’s tallest and fastest ride of its kind, providing riders with breathtaking views of the park’s expansive 65acre Serengeti Plain.
Serengeti Flyer features twin dueling arms that soar progressively higher, reaching speeds of 68 mph, a maximum height of 135 feet at the ride’s peak and the pulse-pounding thrill of multiple negative-G moments. The park’s new thrill features the capability to adjust the ride’s intensity level, giving guests the opportunity for a milder or wilder experience. Serengeti Flyer allows 40 guests to experience the ride at once, seated back-to-back in rows of 10 across two gondolas.
“Thrills are in full swing at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay with yet another exciting, record-setting ride for our guests to enjoy,” said Neal Thurman, park president of Busch Gardens Tampa Bay. “As the world’s tallest and fastest ride of its kind, Serengeti Flyer joins a world-class portfolio of attractions, ofering breathtaking views
of the park and a oneof-a-kind experience for all our guests.”
Busch Gardens
Tampa Bay’s annual pass is the best way to enjoy an entire year of thrilling attractions and exciting seasonal events. Categorized in easy-to-use tiers, all options provide guests with unlimited yearround admission and unbeatable benefits like free parking, in-park discounts and monthly rewards starting as low as $15. Additionally, those interested in paying for a day and playing all year can take advantage of the current buy-one, get-one Fun Card ofer. For a limited time, guests purchasing a Busch Gardens Tampa Bay Fun Card will receive an Adventure Island Fun Card for free.
Guests can visit to purchase tickets and learn more about the annual pass program’s benefits and monthly rewards, the current special ofer for the 2023 Fun Card and stay in the know about new events, special deals and future announcements by following Busch Gardens Tampa Bay on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube and Twitter.