4 minute read
By Michelle Caceres
School district leaders in Hillsborough County have created a new virtual tool to help pre-K and elementary school students learn better and reduce learning loss while in quarantine. The program, which uses the Microsoft Teams platform, kicked of on October 4.
Seven certified teachers have been hired to provide one-on-one tutoring and are completely free to families.
Even though parents are no longer required to quarantine children who have been exposed to coronavirus but don’t show symptoms, some parents remain cautious and isolate their children if they have been in contact with someone with the virus.
“We still see some parents who choose to quarantine their students who have had COVID exposure, and we wanted a program to ofer a personalized learning experience for students as they get the educational support they need,” said Elementary Generalist Meagan Parenteau.
Quarantined students get their assignments from their classroom teachers. Those that need help with a tough problem or concept can call the online tutor. Virtual support teachers are available from 9 a.m.2 p.m. every school day.
“These teachers want to help your child
and are ready to assist them in their learning,” said Parenteau. Online teacher Jenine Cowan, who has 14 years of experience as a classroom teacher, said she transferred to the new position because she wanted to better support quaranQuarantined pre-K and elementary school students now tined students have access to free tutoring by certifed teachers. during this challenging time. “Our number one priority is our students, but secondly, teachers have their hands full making sure students don’t sufer learning losses because of quarantines,” she said. “We’re here to make sure these kids don’t miss a beat as they continue to learn, whether its math, science, reading or writing.” Cowan said that while most of her tutoring sessions last about 15 minutes, she’s ready to help until a student masters the concept. “Students and their parents can call back as many times as is necessary,” she said. Older students in middle and high school can get help with a free tutoring chat service called Paper. When students go in quarantine, they will be given instructions on how to access the service. For more about Hills. County Public Schools or any of its programs, visit www.hillsboroughschools.org or call 2724000.


Te Knighten Project packs brand-new suitcases flled with everyday essentials for teens aging out of foster care in Tampa.
What happens when a child ages out of foster care? Often these young men and women are thrust into adulthood and face instant homelessness. Many are still in high school and need jobs or transportation. Additionally, without the guidance of a forever family, they are more likely to develop chemical dependencies, become pregnant while young or turn to crime. Bernetta Knighten founded The Knighten Project in 2015 to restore hope and change these young peoples’ lives one dream and one action at a time.
Knighten explained her passion: “Foster children are a forgotten population. I had friends in foster care growing up, and now it has come full circle with my own children’s friends. I wanted my kids to see us giving back.” The Knighten Project is a philanthropic organization whose sole purpose is to provide a brand-new suitcase filled with everyday essentials to young adults transitioning out of the foster care system in the Tampa area. “While in foster care, they receive many hand-me-downs, and having something brand-new is so important,” Knighten added. “They often leave with their few belongings in plastic bags. Imagine going into adulthood with nothing, no frame of reference.”
Last year, The Knighten Project had a goal to provide 25 suitcases but raised enough to provide 100. This year, the drive runs from October 15 through December 15 with the goal of matching or exceeding last year’s eforts. It hopes to bless as many foster teens this holiday season as possible with suitcases going to foster teens at the Grow Into You Foundation and Camelot. If you want to be a part of what it lovingly calls adult starter kits, please consider making a monetary donation or providing a brand-new suitcase. The Knighten Project also hopes to connect with local businesses interested in providing resources to local foster teens, both physical items, such as toiletries or clothing, as well as knowledge. With each kit, Knighten wants to provide a resource folder where foster teens can learn about local programs that can help them as they find a place to live, transportation and employment. Visit theknightenproject.org/packing-w-purpose-2021-donation-drive or email knightenproject@gmail.com.
By Amy Schechter