Osprey Observer Brandon 05 2019

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Two Sections, 40 Pages of Community News


22 C E L E B R A T I N G

Hillsborough High Schools Page 28

May 2019 Volume 14, Issue 5 Ph: 657-2418 1 7







Two Candidates Help Local Charities During Annual Honorary Mayor Race

Class Of 1969 Raises Scholarship Funds For Brandon High Students

Brandon area residents have many opportunities to help those less fortunate in the area over the next few weeks. The annual Brandon Honorary Mayor’s Race, hosted by The Community Roundtable, will take place from Donelle White (L) and Angie Kagey (R) are running for the June 1 until 8 a.m. coveted titled of Honorary Mayor of Brandon this year. on July 4, offering Angie Kagey, executivedDirector of a wide variety of fundraising events with Impact Program, Inc., is running to raise 100 percent of profits going to local chari- funds for Impact and Soles Shaping ties chosen by the candidates. Souls. According to The Community Round “I decided to join the race as a way to Table President Janine Nickerson, this is bring community awareness and financial the 60th year the Honorary Mayor’s Race resources to the selected charities as well has taken place in Brandon with all as support our community by increasing money raised going directly to local chari- my involvement,” said Kagey. ties. Impact Program, Inc.’s mission is to “Although we call it a mayor’s race, promote healthy living and relationships there really is no loser,” said Nickerson. to teens through various targeted pro“Our community and the charities are all grams. Based in Hillsborough County, the winners.” group serves the community in multiple Money can be raised by candidates venues including schools, churches and through fundraising throughout the month organizations such as Boys and Girls of June and the first three days of July. Clubs, YMCAs and Parks and Recreation The candidate who raises the most Centers. money during that time is named Soles Shaping Souls was founded Honorary Mayor right before Brandon’s last year by Camden Grant, a student at annual Fourth of July Parade. They then Newsome High School. Grant started the ride in the parade. The first winner, 60 charity as a donation drive with the hopes years ago, was Brandon High School of gaining enough funds to provide the teacher Nat Storms, who raised a total of students at Booker T. Washington $500. The most money raised by a single Elementary School with a new pair of candidate was Chuck Burgess, who shoes each. After an overwhelming earned the title in 2016 by raising response for donations, she decided to $100,500. form a 501(c)(3) and keep working to This year, two residents have help as many students as possible. stepped up to vie for the title and raise Continued on Page 8 money for their favorite charities.

Five Brandon High really had a need and School students will be would put the money to heading to college in the good use,” said Burkett. fall with a little help from Principal Jennifer some generous friends. Sparano and a group of The students each Brandon High teachers and received $1,000 scholarstaff members chose the ships thanks to memstudents based on their bers of the high school’s school records and postclass of 1969 who raised Brandon High School alum secondary plans. Seniors more than $5,000 at and State Attorney Mark Ober Michael August, Nathaniel presented a scholarship check Reynolds, Shellby their 50th reunion last to student to Kimberly Ogun. month. Chesson, Simon Chummar “When putting and Kimberly Ogun together our big reunion, received the scholarships. it crossed our minds that Ober presented the we might have some checks to the five students money leftover to during an award ceremony donate back to the in April. school,” said Judy “We are so proud to Burkett, member of the see this great example of class of 1969 and cothe giving legacy of chairman of the Brandon High School,” said (L) Gina Carlson, Brandon High School career counselor Sparano. “Our community Reunion Planning Committee. “I was think- received a scholarship check is known for taking care of from Linda Tozier, Class of ing we might end up each other and we feel very 1969 reunion committee treasurer. with about $500, which blessed. Once an eagle, would be very helpful to one student.” always an eagle.” But thanks to the generosity of Brandon High School is located at Burkett and her classmates, during the 1101 Victoria St. in Brandon and can be event, which was attended by 150 peoreached at 744-8120. ple, the money kept rolling in and by the end of the night the total reached $5,079. In This “One of our classmates who played Issue football when we were in high school brought his original helmet, worn in the state championship game, so we BSAC NEW SWIM DIRECTOR..............PG 3 passed that around to collect money MEET YOUR COMMISSIONERS ........PG 10 during the event,” said Burkett. “Maybe that helped.” BSHS MUSIC DEPT VISITS EUROPE ..PG 14 Former Hillsborough County State WARRIOR GAMES ............................PG 15 Attorney Mark Ober, also a member of the class of 1969, was the MC for the HI TECH CELEBRTES 15 YEARS .........PG 22 event where members of the current stuEYE ON BUSINESS .......................PG 25‐26 dent government volunteered and the school’s Choral Aquilla 19 performed. NEW OUTDOOR CONCERT VENUE ..PG 30 According to Burkett, the group had ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ..............PGS 38 certain criteria for the students who received the scholarships. READ MORE LOCAL NEWS ONLINE “We wanted to make sure the recipients were hardworking but also that they www.ospreyobserver.com


By Kate Quesada

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ECRWSS EDDM Osprey Observer 918 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. Brandon, FL 33511-6121

By Kate Quesada


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Page 2

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Volume 14, Issue 5

May 2019

Page 3

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Aquatics Expert, Miranda Briggs, Leads New Swim Lesson Program At BSAC

Brandon Adult-Living Residents And Young Children Benefit From ‘Hope’s Therapy’

Brandon “I know how Sports and Aquatic happy my husband Center (BSAC) has would be for this officially launched chance to work with its brand new swim so many awesome lesson program people at BSAC in which offers eight such a beautiful progressive stages place,” said Briggs. of development. “I feel very close to This exciting him still- he was a expansion is being swimmer- so I led by Miranda know how excited Briggs, BSAC’s Miranda Briggs is the new Director of Swim he would be.” Education at BSAC. new Director of This will be Swim Education. Miranda’s 15th year in the aquatics field After a recent drowning spike in since starting as a swimming instructor. Hillsborough County, the BSAC aquatics As her passion for teaching grew, so did team found Briggs, and used real case her career. She successfully coached divstudies to restructure curriculum and creing, USA Swimming, Master’s swimming, ate a plan of action, which will directly Summer League, and Special Olympics. impact the youth in our area. Children will She also has valuable experience as a progress through fun levels of developWater Safety Instructor and Lifeguard ment while learning vital Instructor, and will water safety skills that will make a great addihelp keep them safe tion to the BSAC around bodies of water. team. “Our new program For more than compares to no others,” 55 years, BSAC said Briggs. “We put a big has worked to fulfill focus on teaching safety skills that will its mission of youth drowning prevention translate for the rest of these kids' lives.” in the Tampa Bay area. Briggs hopes to In 2018, Briggs became a Gold Star expand the program even further by writSpouse after losing her husband, Garrett ing new curriculum that would serve US Briggs, an Army Ranger in 1st Battalion veterans through aquatic therapy in the at Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, future. BSAC proudly offers military disGeorgia. Relocating to the Brandon area counts to families. has given Briggs and her one year old Visit Briggs and daughter Essex on daughter, Essex, the opportunity to start a the pool deck during BSAC’s Dolphin and new chapter and make a major impact in Pup class this summer. For more inforthe community. mation: www.mybsac.org/swim.

Brandon resithey pet her.”, said dents and high Paulette. school sweetLinda Kelly, hearts, Paulette activities assistant at and Robert Speirs, Hawthorne Village now married for Retirement more than 47 Community, added years, recently that pet therapy has decided to give so many physical back to the comand mental benefits munity through for Hawthorne’s resi‘Hope’s Therapy.’ dents. “Since Hope Hope, who is a has been coming to pointer/hound mix our facility, we have rescue dog that seen tremendous was saved by the improvements in Speirs approximany of our resimately five years dents. Everyone ago, has since waits with anticipaHope is a Therapy Dog that works with reschanged the lives idents at Hawthorne Village and students at tion for Tuesdays. of many residents Cimino and B.T. Washington Elementary Hope is kind, gentle School. of the Hawthorne and attentive. She Village Retirement Community and puts a smile on everyone’s faces,” said countless elementary school children. Kelly. Hope is a certified Therapy Dog that Students at B.T. Washington is registered with ‘Paws for Friendship’ Elementary and students from Ciminio and ‘Paws for Reading’. Elementary get to spend some time Paulette Speirs said, “I believe reading aloud with Hope and the ‘Hope’s Therapy’ is a calling we received Speirs. Small groups of children attend to help people in need.” these sessions to aid in developing their Hope has four therapy sessions reading skills. weekly, every Tuesday, at Hawthorne’s “The goal of these sessions with the Assisted Living Facilities and children is simple, it is to build reading Hawthorne’s Nursing Home. There, confidence and fluency,” according to the Hope spends quality time with the resiSpeirs. Hope sits with the children and dents, and she is fed doggie treats. attentively listens as the children take “From the time Hope walks in, she turns reading aloud to their furry friend. greets everyone with barks and the resiFor more information about ‘Hope’s dent’s faces just light up. She will lie on Therapy,’ please call Paulette Speirs their laps or gently sit by their side while at 685-1049.

By Carli Walko, BSAC Director of Marketing

By Franka Potter




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Page 4

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Volume 14, Issue 5

Create Lifetime Memories By Hosting A Local Scout Dedicates Eagle Scout Project To An Influential Figure In His Life French Student This Summer By Michelle Colesanti

Would you like Anyone can to enjoy new culturparticipate al experiences this although it does summer without help if you have leaving Florida? children at home. A group of What better way to teenage students expose your chilfrom France are dren to internationexcited to be travelal people, ideas ing to our area for and language? three weeks this It is not necessummer, ready to sary to have kids share cultural You family will share cultural exchanges and the same age as memories that will last a lifetime by hosting a the students as the exchanges and French student this summer. create meaningful students love havmemories and lifetime ing younger sibfriendships that will lings. You are also span across both welcome to host countries. even without chilTampa dren in the houseCoordinator Pearl hold. Chiarenza said, “ECI (Exchange Cultural “The host families do not need to International) is a program that allows stu- speak English as English is a second landents from France to visit Florida during guage for the students. the summer to help improve their Families who have participated in the English.” past have enjoyed the experience,” noted The students will arrive on Saturday, Chiarenza. July 6 and will stay through Thursday, During their visit, students will also July 25. get together as a group to visit Busch Host families are needed from the Gardens, Universal Studios, a water park area to welcome students into their and an overnight trip to Miami. Host famihome. lies are also welcome on all of the field Students will participate with the host trips except to Miami. family in any activities that you would norStudents need to be placed by mally do while they are visiting. Some Sunday, July 1. Please call 449-3308 or fun activities you might plan could include email ecitampa@hotmail.com for more Escape Rooms, Segway Tours, Miniature information or if you would like to host a Golfing, Pinot’s Palette, Top Golf, iFly as student. well as visiting places like the beach, Bok For more information on ECI, visit Tower or county and state parks. https://eciusa.org/.

By Taylor Wells

On April 8, kids’ childlocal Scout Eryk hoods, and Chazares from without them, Boy Scout Troop they might 89 of Brandon not be able to presented his be better than Eagle Scout who their parproject, which ents, like the will help the kids migrant workat RCMA Sam ers are, and Allen CDC and they just Eryk Chazares, Dorothy Bell, Sundy Chazares and might continis dedicated to his coworkers along with Eryk’s friends, family and Dorothy Bell, the administrator of the RCMA building at his Eagle ue that trend who gave his for generaScout project dedication. father, Sundy Chazares, immense moral tions to come.” support and guidance in a time of need. Thanks to Bell being the mentor, In the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), friend and mother he never had, Sundy Eagle Scout is the highest rank achievis currently the principal of Simmons able. It is not an easy goal, as only seven Career Center in Plant City and is an percent of Scouts have attained it. advocate for students facing similar For his project, Eryk constructed a struggles. ‘Shelf of Knowledge’ for RCMA. He said, “She showed me the values of a “When I went to go visit them, they had hard worker, perseverance and making the books in little plastic bins that the sure that you don’t quit or give up so teachers and the kids had to carry easily in life because life will bring you around to each classroom.” With this challenges and you have to learn to bookshelf, they will not have to carry overcome them,” said Eryk. books around. The bookshelf was installed in conHe added, “I decided to install it junction with Troop 89. On it, Eryk placed there because my father, when he was a plaque to formally dedicate it to Bell, younger, was a migrant worker, but his which says, “‘My father would have never parents never wanted him to go to made it without your guidance, love and school until he met a guidance counpatience.’” selor, [Dorothy Bell], who decided to take Eryk hopes that other people, includhim in and…allow him to stay at her ing the young kids at RCMA, will always house for the remainder of the time he remember that compassion, love and was at school.” understanding can go a long way. On how he picked the name, Eryk Eryk’s Shelf of Knowledge stands in said, “Because books are important. RCMA Sam Allen CDC, located at 2701 They lay the basis of the foundation for De Montmollin Rd. in Plant City.

May 2019

Page 5

Brandon/Winthrop Edition






FOLLOW US: 918 Lithia Pinecrest Rd., Brandon, FL 33511 657-2418 (fax) 657-4469

Coffee With A Cop

Thursday, May 23; 8:30-9:30 a.m. Starbucks, 6042 Winthrop Town Centre Ave. in Riverview. Join neighbors and sheriff's deputies for coffee and conversation.

7 © Copyright 2012-2013 - Osprey Observer, Inc. No reproduction without written permission.



Marie Gilmore

Michelle Colesanti







Kathi Hayes

Kathy Collins







Chuck Hoening

Terry Vassalotti







Kate Quesada

Denise Graf







Taylor Wells

Jennifer Hurst








Patricia Tracy

Carole Fluhart







Kerrie Hoening

Trisha Becker






If interested in advertising in our Brandon or Valrico editions, please contact us at 813-657-2418.

Melissa Hartmann




Amanda Boston




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Ad, Story or Press Release that you would like in the next

Bloomingdale/FishHawk edition

please contact Osprey Observer 657-2418.

Deadline for next BL/FishHawk edition is 10th of month.

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Social Security Benefits Seminar Hosted By Angeloni Tax Advisory Group

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Pet Vaccination Clinic At Kim’s Natural Pets

Saturday, June 1; 2-3 p.m. Kim’s Natural Foods – 2110 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. inValrico. EZ Pet Low Cost Pet Vaccination Clinic. Call 684-3663 to confirm.

Parkinson's Support Group At Savannah Court Of Brandon

Third Tuesday of the month; 6 p.m. Savannah Court of Brandon, 824 N. Parsons Ave. in Brandon. Call 643-6767 to RSVP with Rhonda Fournier, Executive Director.

Hawthorne Health & Rehab Parkinson’s Disease Support Group

Third Thursday of the month; 2 p.m. 851 W. Lumsden Rd. in Brandon. For more information or to register, call 661-8998 - M-F 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Tampa Bay Chief Petty Officers Meeting

Fourth Thursday each month; 6:30 p.m. Tampa Buffet, 3904 S. Dale Mabry, Britton Plaza in Tampa. For information, call Chuck Peterman, President – 767-1569.

Calling All Marines, FMF Corpsmen And FMF Chaplains

First Tuesday of the month; 7 p.m. Alafia American Legion Post #148, 7240 US Hwy. 301 in Riverview. The Sgt. Walter P. Ryan Detachment of the Marine Corps League is looking for new members. All Marines welcome. Other military branch members accepted too. Email mclsgtryan@gmail.com or call Ron Essick at 503-0390.



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Page 8

‘Dr. Google’ Is Not A Real Doctor

Brandon Mayor’s Race...Continued From Page 1

By Kate Quesada

Kagey has them to make a arranged eight difference in chilevents to take dren’s lives,” said place during the White, an attormayor’s race to ney with The raise funds for her Brandon Legal charities. After a Group. “Kids are kickoff event on leaders of tomorSunday June 2, row and all of the the campaign will charities I am host a Coach supporting give Bingo at The Barn them skills in difat Winthrop on ferent and imporThe first Honorary Mayor’s Race took place 60 Thursday, June 6. tant ways.” years ago. Brandon High School teacher Nat Storms took home the title after raising $500 A movie night is White has a also scheduled for with the campaign slogan “A Pig for Every Pot.” number of excitJune 11, a Clay Shoot for June 15, a ing events lined up to raise money for her bunco for June 18, Spirit Night at Chipotle charities. on June 25, Tea and Fashion Show on Starting with a Campaign Kick-Off June 29 and Family Fun Night at The event on June 1 at Gran Agave Mexican Alley on Sunday, June 30. restaurant in Riverview, followed by a For more information about Kagey’s Trivia with the Candidate night at events, search for Angie4Mayor on O’Brien’s Irish Pub on June 3, a Coach Facebook or email her at Bag Bingo event at The Bridges Assisted akagey@whatisimpact.com. Living in Riverview on June 11, a Flag The second candidate, Brandon resi- Day Golf Outing at Summerfield Crossing dent Donelle White, is well known in the Golf Club on June 14 and Hambingo at Brandon community for her involvement Touch Martini Bar on June 17, there is with local charities. Her sponsoring organ- something for everyone. ization for the race is The Kiwanis Club of “I am honored and excited to be a Greater Brandon, a group with which she part of such a wonderful Brandon tradition has been involved for two years. Her and way to really help out our communicampaign is also benefiting The ty,” said White. Forgotten Angel Foundation, a group that To learn more about White and follow helps children as they age out of the fosher events, search for Donelle White for ter system, and the Brandon Junior Honorary Mayor of Brandon on Facebook Women’s Club which gives a holiday or email donelle.white@brandonlegalparty to 100 needy children every year. group.com. “Through my campaign I intend to For information on The Community further the missions of my three charities Roundtable, visit by improving our greater Brandon comwww.TheCommunityRoundtable.org or munity and working hand in hand with call 661-4350.

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Volume 14, Issue 5

Brandon/Winthrop Edition


Surveys and research indicate that approximately 40 percent of pet owners go online for information before they take their pets to the veterinarian. What's more, the statistics are strikingly similar for people, who often surf the 'Net before they visit their own doctors. In the pet community, this can be positive, leading to better conversations with veterinarians about the symptoms pets are exhibiting and also can promote a better understanding of not only the health issues, but also the best course of treatment for each pet. One of the top risks of relying on the internet for medical treatment is the overload of information available. A recent Google search for the words ‘pet health’ brought up 1.9 billion results in less than three seconds. Much of this information is not ‘fact-checked’ or vetted, so you actually could cause serious harm to your pet if you treat them without expert veterinary guidance. Product reviews that have no regulatory oversight for safety or effectiveness, as well as anecdotal or home remedies, also can be risky. For example, a pet owner may not be aware that Tylenol can kill a cat and harm a dog's liver, while Advil can damage a pet's kidneys. Still another risk is that a pet owner may decide to wait a day or two to see if the pet improves, which can lead to the condition worsening and ongoing-and unnecessarily-suffering, as well as costly

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By Dr. Jennifer Challenger DVM, MPH


diagnostics, lengthy treatment, prolonged recovery or worse. There is a well-known case in veterinary circles about a pet owner who gave her pet a penny because ‘Dr. Google’ reported that it would kill worms. This was a few days after the veterinarian had diagnosed and treated the dog for worms. When the pet later presented with a blood disorder, the veterinarian took an X-ray and found the penny. Fortunately, the pet survived after treatment and a very expensive surgery. Another example, on the lighter side, is the pet owner who brought a new female puppy to her vet. Then told it was a male, the owner said her breeder said the dog was female. When shown the puppy's obvious male ‘appendage,’ the pet owner said she had Googled ‘female puppy with a lump on its belly,’ and ‘Dr. Google’ had diagnosed the puppy with an umbilical hernia. The bottom line is this: Veterinarians have dedicated many years to their schooling and training and, as a result, have developed an expertise in veterinary medicine, while ‘Dr. Google’ does nothing more than send pet owners to various web pages that may or may not have accurate information. The veterinarian still needs to perform a thorough physical examination, but can then have an informed discussion of diagnostic and treatment options, leading to a better overall experience for everyone and, most importantly, a healthier outcome for your pet.

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May 2019

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Page 9

Army Golden Knights Jump For 2,000 Students At Brandon High School

You Are Invited To New Horizons Group Homes’ 20 Year Celebration Tea

Cadet Drigo reports this summer to the United States Military Academy at West Point to join the class of 2023. Following the official performance, cadets joined the Golden Knights on the football field to assist in re-packing their parachutes for their next demonstration. Founded in 1959, the Golden Knights are one of only three Department of Defense-sanctioned aerial demonstration teams, along with the U.S. Navy Blue Angels and the U.S. Air The Golden Knights jumped into the stadium Force Thunderbirds. Utilizing five dediwith the Eagle Battalion's colors flying in the breeze - from left to right Christian Gontowski, cated aircraft, the demonstration teams Adrian Delarosa, Golden Knight parachutist perform at more than 100 events every and Rayna Drigo. year. Over the last 60 years the Golden Knights have conducted more than 16,000 shows in 50 states and 48 countries, reaching an average of 60,000 people per show. The team has earned the U.S. Army 2,148 gold, 1,117 silver, and 693 bronze medals in national and international competition with team members breaking 348 world records in skydiving. For information, visit www.goarmy.com/events/goldenknights.html.

For the last aged to become 20 years, New all that God creHorizons Group ated them to Homes has probe,” said Brenda vided homes to Watkins, board developmentally member and disabled men and Parent. women offering “Thankfully, that them a Christianis still the philosobased family phy of New atmosphere. Residents of New Horizons Group Homes are Horizons, and I productive members of society thanks to the A 20th am so thankful skills received and family atmosphere. Join in for that our resianniversary a 20 year Celebration Tea on Saturday, June 8 Celebration Tea from 12 Noon-2 p.m. at First Baptist Church of dents, including Brandon. will take place on our daughter, Saturday, June 8 from 12 Noon-2 p.m. at have become productive members of First Baptist Church of Brandon, located society. They care for each other, enjoy at 216 N. Parsons Ave. in Brandon in the being with each other, and are a blessing dining hall. to so many people, both inside and outCome to celebrate and enjoy deliside of the homes.” cious food, along with a short performBeth Tyree, board member and parance by the resident actors. Men are also ent said that New Horizons has been a encouraged to attend. There will also be huge blessing to her family. “Our daugha drawing for a two-night stay at a local ter has lived there for almost five years, lake home. and in that time, she has become a more New Horizons opened its first home confident and independent young for six ladies, the Mary Lou Creamer woman.” Home, on June 1, 1999. In October 2002, Tickets for the tea cost $25 per perthe Alice Storms Home opened for six son. You can also sponsor a table for men, and in December 2017, the Peter eight for $175. and Brenda Watkins Home opened for Please call Shannon Griffith at 363six additional men. Currently 19 residents 2078 or Brenda Watkins at 653-2466 for call New Horizons home. tickets or more information. “Over 27 years ago, when a group Sponsors for the event are being of people who had a heart for our develsought. You can send a check to New opmentally challenged friends came Horizons Group Homes, 109 E. Clay together to discuss starting homes for Ave., Brandon, FL 33510 and indicate them, we all agreed that they should be that it is to be used to sponsor the tea. Christian-based, family-oriented homes For more, please visit where the residents would be encourhttps://www.newhorizonshomes.org/.

Staff Report

Eagle Battalion Commander Rayna Drigo (center) with the Golden Knights Team.

On April 5, students from Brandon High School and McLane Middle School were treated to an aerial demonstration usually reserved for major sporting events and air shows. Sponsored by U.S. Army Recruiting Command, and coordinated by Brandon’s Army JROTC Battalion, the Army Golden Knights conducted a parachute jump into E.F. McLane Stadium to the amazement of over 2,000 students. During multiple passes by the team’s distinctive aircraft, free-fall jumpers deployed smoke canisters and performed exacting maneuvers while under canopy. Along with the national colors and state flag, the Golden Knights unfurled the Brandon Eagle Battalion's school colors while descending onto the football field. "Getting to see the Army Golden Knights jump into your high school football stadium is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for many of our students," said Donald H. Gunn, Jr., Senior Army Instructor, Brandon High School and Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army (Ret.). Once safely on the ground, Golden Knight soldiers were introduced to the audience and recognized Cadet Lieutenant Colonel, Rayna Drigo, with a baton passed in the air during the jump.

Cadets Brugger and Barkevich assist in packing a Golden Knight's parachute.

Cadet Adrian Delarosa ready to jump with the Golden Knights.

By Michelle Colesanti

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Volume 14, Issue 5

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Meet Your Elected Hillsborough County Board Of County Commissioners

By Kathy L. Collins

Commissioner Sandra Murman District 1

Commissioner Ken Hagan District 2

Do you know what the Hillsborough Board of County Commission (BOCC) does and who the Commissioners are? In this article, we will explain what the BOCC does, introduce you to the seven County Commissioners and let you know how you can contact them. The seven County Commissioners are there to serve the residents of Hillsborough County. The Hillsborough County BOCC oversees the county and creates policies which provide a plan for the County Administrator to implement. In other words, the Hillsborough County BOCC is like a Board of Directors for a company. They are responsible for overseeing the county budget (your tax dollars), managing growth, land use and infrastructure. They are also responsible for every day issues such as garbage, street lights and filling potholes. As part of their duties, the seven County Commissioners sit on various boards and Advisory Committees such as the Hospital Authority, Tampa Sports Authority, Expressway Authority, Visit Tampa Bay, Florida Aquarium, Arts Council of Hillsborough County, Environmental Protection Commission and Southwest Florida Water Management. Commissioner Sandra Murman represents District 1 which covers West Hillsborough County from Ruskin to Keystone. Her Legislative Aides are Della Curry and Jeffrey Huggins. (272-5470) “As a longtime resident of Hillsborough County, I focus on economic development, creating jobs, transportation, ending homelessness and fighting the opioid crisis locally. I

Commissioner Les Miller District 3

als focus on tackling human trafficking through awareness and education, addressing mental health issues through a successful Jail Diversion Program; and providing high quality critical children’s service,” said Commissioner Murman. District 2, Commissioner Pat which covers District 6 Citrus Park, Lutz and parts of North Brandon, is represented by Ken Hagan. He is a native of Hillsborough County He has served on the BOCC since 2002 and has represented several districts during that time. Commissioner Hagan’s Legislative Aides are Eric Denney and Richard Reidy (272-5452). Lesley ‘Les’ Miller, Jr. is the County Commissioner for District 3. Commissioner Miller is the Chairman of the BOCC. District 3 covers most of Tampa. He was elected to the BOCC in 2010. Prior to that, he had a long and distinguished career in the Florida Senate from 2000 to 2006 and the Florida House of Representatives from 1992 to 2000. Commissioner Miller’s Legislative Aides are Alphanette Jenkins and Larry A. Williams (272-5720). District 4 touches Pasco County to the north, Polk County to the east and Manatee County to the south. District 4 is represented by Commissioner Stacy White.


Commissioner Stacy White District 4

Commissioner Kimberly Overman District 7

Commissioner White said, “While I live in Valrico, I was raised in Wimauma as a fifth-generation Floridian. I want to protect and preserve the East Hillsborough lifestyle.” Commissioner White added, “Being a County Commissioner, you are at the level of government closest to the people and work on issues that can have immediate effects on the lives of your constituents.” Commissioner White’s Legislative Aides are Megan Nixon and David Garcia (272-5740). Districts 5, 6 and 7 are Countywide Districts which means that these three Commissioners represent every resident and every corner of Hillsborough County. District 5 is represented by Mariella Smith. She has been a community advocate for decades working on community plans, transportation plans, growth management and environmental protection throughout the county. Smith is a fourth-generation native of Tampa. She lives in Ruskin. As an avid cyclist, Commissioner

Commissioner Mariella Smith District 5

Smith is working to get a paved trailthe South Coast Greenway Trail- built through South County. Commissioner Smith said, “I will always put the interests of our communities and citizens first.” Commissioner Smith’s Legislative Aides are Amanda Brown and David Yunk (272-5725). District 6 is represented by Pat Kemp, the Vice Chair for the BOCC. Commissioner Kemp said, “I focus on land use, transportation and sustainability. In addition to serving as Vice Chair, I am the Chair of the Environmental Protection Commission.” Commissioner Kemp added, “I am a huge supporter of the Ferry System to connect South County to MacDill Air Force Base, downtown Tampa and St. Petersburg.” Commisssioner Kemp’s Legislative Aides are Laura Lawson and Raquel Valdez (272-5730). District 7 is represented by Kimberly Overman. Commissioner Overman focuses on transit, homelessness, juvenile justice and affordable housing. “I focus on these issues so that people can get around the county safely. As a Financial Planner, I have experience in giving advice that helps people make good decisions to take care of their lives.” As the County Liason to MacDill Air Force Base, Commissioner Overman is committed to seeing the Ferry System get implemented as it will help people who live and work in the county and at MacDill. Commissioner Overman’s Legislative Aides are Maya Brown and Monica Petrella (272-5735). For information, visit www.hillsboroughcounty.org.

May 2019

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Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Leagues & Summer Fun At The Alley By Libby Hopkins

Summer is just around the corner and parents will be in search of fun activities or camps for their children to be a part of during their summer break. The Alley at SouthShore is one of those fun places for kids and their parents this summer. “The Alley has been a member of the South Shore community since our opening in March 2009,” said Faith Hanaway, Events and Sales Manager at The Alley at South Shore. “I am responsible for FUN at The Alley! Securing and orchestrating birthday parties, field trips, corporate events, family gatherings, networking groups and meetings, banquets and celebrations with our leagues.” The Alley at South Shore is 42,000 sq. ft. of fun that includes 24 bowling lanes, eight lane VIP bowling suites, an arcade packed with nearly 60 new and classic games and billiards, a full service restaurant and bar with big screen entertainment and an ice cream parlor. “Yearround, but most heavily, in the summer, we offer very economically priced field trip packages,” Hanaway said. “We are extremely fortunate to have so many local summer camps, public, private, charter and home schools that allow us to host their children.” During the summer months, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, The Alley

offers Summer Cosmic Bowling. “Cosmic Bowling means black lights, colored twirling lights, even a spinning disco ball, accompanied by very upbeat, ‘mom approved’ music,” Hanaway said. “This year, Summer Cosmic starts on Tuesday, June 4 and ends on Wednesday, August 7. It is available on Tuesdays from 10 a.m.–12 Noon and Wednesdays from 1–3 p.m. and costs $8 per person, and includes bowling shoe rental.” The Alley at South Shore also offers league bowling on a year-round basis. “We have leagues for children of all ages, from three to 93,” Hanaway said. “Summer league session will start in May and June. The cost is nominal and the comradery is priceless. Relationships made on our lanes span distance and time.” League information is available at The Alley and on their website. “This summer, I hope to see The Alley, our lanes, restaurant and arcade full of families enjoying all of the wonderful things we have to offer,” Hanaway said. “Our commitment to providing a safe, familyfriendly entertainment is unwavering. I invite everyone to stop in and have some fun with us.” Visit www.thealleyatsouthshore.com or call Hanaway at 672-8353. The Alley at South Shore is located at 10221 Big Bend Rd. in Riverview.




















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Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Volume 14, Issue 5

Calusa Creek & Cypress Bay Luxury Townhomes -

May 2019

Brandon/Winthrop Edition


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Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Volume 14, Issue 5

Bloomingdale Students Fill Vienna And Prague With Sounds Of Music

By Kathi Hayes

under the direction of During spring Bloomingdale Senior High School Music Jason Locker, band break, beautiful Students performed in Vienna and Prague. director Jon Sever and Austria and Czech orchestra director Republic were Beverly Sutherland. invaded by the ‘Red One of the parentSea’...170 chaperones, Cheryl Bloomingdale Kehrmeyer said, “It was Senior High absolutely amazing to School’s (BSHS) see and hear our stumusic students that dents performing in the is! Downtown beautiful cathedrals and Vienna and Prague Principal Sue Burkett (R) joins Band to watch the band were filled with ‘The Director Jon Sever (C) and Chorus march through the town Sound Of Music’ as Director Jason Locker (L) squares. All of the the band played performances were through the streets packed with such as locals and other appreciative fans from tourists heard and all over the world. We felt the BSHS spirtraveled with 170 stuit. dents, who all worked Evan Hydock, so hard in the months a BSHS senior leading up to this trip, and the drumline really represented our captain said, “I’ve community well and always wanted to made it easy for the travel outside of Cheryl and Jake Kehrmeyer enjoyed parents and chaperthe U.S.; visiting sightseeing in between performances. ones--and made us Europe has really works of archiall so proud.” Her son Jake Kehrmeyer, a opened my mind tecture...there is BSHS sophomore in the chorus and on to realize all of the Trey(L) and Evan (C) Hydock stand the wrestling team said, "It was a great Orchestra Chamber and Chorus perform inside the really nothing wonders the world beside guard outside of Prague Castle. like it in America. opportunity to perform in these historic beautiful St. Peter’s Church in Vienna. had to offer. In the orchestra and chorus filled the Vienna The art and the culture pervade every cathedrals alongside my classmates and U.S., we tend to think that the ‘American Community Church, the Peterskirche, part of the cities, and it was wonderful to to experience other cultures." way’ is the only way. But after visiting Praque’s Church of the Holy Saviour and experience the beauty that they had to For more information about Vienna and Prague, you are forced to the Church of St. Nicholas in Old Town offer.” Bloomigdale Senior High School, the immerse yourself into a whole new culSquare. Trey Hydock, a BSHS sophoFor several years, the trip has been music department or to contact Principal ture and discover a ‘new way’ of doing more and first chair viola in Chamber organized through Youth Music Of The Sue Burkett, visit http://bloomingdale.mysthings. It’s a bit out of the norm at first, but said, “The cities of Vienna and Prague World, which creates and organizes perdhc.org or call 744-8018. BSHS is locatit is an experience that is more than worth are just so full of culture and history. formance travel programs to the world’s ed at 1700 E .Bloomingdale Ave. in it.” When you walk through the streets, all most prestigious countries. The chorus is Valrico. The rich and vibrant sound of the around you are sculptures and beautiful

May 2019

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Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Tampa Bay To Host Warrior Games For The First Time, Events At Alafia State Park Locally

By Nick Nahas

The Warrior Games, for the first time ever, will be hosted by the U.S. Special Operations Command in Tampa, and will have more than 300 wounded, ill or injured activeduty and veteran military athletes compete from June 21-30. Events will be held at MacDill Air Force Base, Amalie Arena, the Tampa Convention Center and USF’s Yeungling Center in addition to other locations around Tampa. This year, Warrior Games athletes will represent members of the United States Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Special Operations Command, athletes from the U.K. Armed Forces, Australian Defence Force, Canadian Armed Forces, Armed Forces of the Netherlands and the Danish Armed Forces. Team members are military service members or veterans with upperbody, lower-body, and spinal cord injuries; traumatic brain injuries; visual impairment; serious illnesses; and post-traumatic stress disorder. “Our game here will look more like Chicago. Chicago is the first time we really brought it to a major urban setting,” said

Schedule Of Events

Friday, June 21 Golf Prelim, Eagles Golf Course 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Saturday, June 22 Track, University of South Florida 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Golf Finals, Eagles Golf Course 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Mountain Bike Demonstration, Alafia State Park 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Opening Ceremony, Amalie Arena 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Sunday, June 23 Field, University of South Florida 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Wheelchair Tennis, University of South Florida 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Cycling Time Trial, Bayshore Boulevard 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 NOON Monday, June 24 Archery Prelim, Tampa Convention Center 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Powerlifting, Tampa Convention Center 2:00 – 8:00 p.m. Wheelchair Basketball Prelim, Tampa Convention Center 3:00 – 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 25 Archery Finals, Tampa Convention Center 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Indoor Rowing, Tampa Convention Center 2:00 – 8:00 p.m. Wheelchair Basketball Prelim, Tampa Convention Center 3:00 – 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 26 Cycling Road Race, MacDill Air Force Base 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Wheelchair Rugby Prelim, Tampa Convention Center 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Sitting Volleyball Prelim, Tampa Convention Center 3:00 – 8:00 p.m. Thursday, June 27 Shooting Prelim, Tampa Convention Center 7:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Wheelchair Rugby Prelim, Tampa Convention Center 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Sitting Volleyball Prelim, Tampa Convention Center 3:00 – 8:00 p.m. Friday, June 28 Shooting Finals, Tampa Convention Center 7:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Wheelchair Rugby Finals, Tampa Convention Center 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Wheelchair Basketball Finals, Tampa Convention Center 3:00 – 8:00 p.m. Saturday, June 29 Swimming, Long Aquatic Center 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sunday, June 30 Wheelchair Volleyball Finals, Yuengling Center 12:00 NOON. – 4:00 p.m. Closing Ceremonies, Amalie Arena 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Army Col. Cary Harbaugh, U.S. Special Operations Command Warrior Games 2019 director. “It’s heartwarming for your wounded warriors when they see big crowds out there cheering them on as they play these games.” Athletes will compete in 14 events, including archery, wheelchair basketball,

road cycling, time-trial cycling, field, golf, powerlifting, indoor rowing, wheelchair rugby, shooting, sitting volleyball, swimming, track and wheelchair tennis. For the first time in Warrior Games history, golf, wheelchair rugby and wheelchair tennis will be introduced. The 2019 DoD Warrior Games is

open to the public. All are invited to attend, support and honor U.S. and international wounded warriors as they overcome adversity through sports. Created in 2010, the DoD Warrior Games introduce wounded, ill and injured service members and veterans to paralympic-style adaptive sports. The Warrior Games showcase the resilient spirit of today’s wounded, ill or injured service members from all branches of the military. These athletes have overcome significant physical and behavioral injuries and prove that life can continue after becoming wounded, ill or injured. To mark the occasion, Warrior Games athletes and coaches, will gather with USSOCOM and community leaders in downtown Tampa for sports and equipment demonstrations, including a wheelchair basketball exhibition and a demonstration by the ParaCommandos, USSOCOM’s premier aerial parachute demonstration team. Attendees will also hear from General Raymond A. Thomas III, Commander of U.S. Special Operations Command. For more information, visit DODWarriorGames.com.

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Volume 14, Issue 5

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

BayCare Fitness Center Offers State Of The Art Health & Wellness Solutions

Family Promise Of Hillsborough County Receives Two Distinguished Awards

“We offer integration of medical services with BayCare TechDeck, single registrations desks and other innovative technology,” said Jones. “We’re also personalizing services that meet members where they are and recommending programs and materials that support The BayCare Fitness Center in Bloomingdale includes a HealthHub their journey.” and state of the art fitness facility that is a one-stop experience for health and wellness for the whole family. The BayCare Fitness Center in The new BayCare Fitness Center in Bloomingdale is part of the BayCare Bloomingdale is a 20,000 sq. ft., state-ofHealthHub-a high-tech health and wellthe-art facility designed to provide servicness destination designed to make life es focused on whole body health and better for residents in the greater Brandon wellness. The fitness center, managed by EXOS–a global leader in human perform- area and surrounding communities. The state-of-the-art health and wellness facility ance and fitness management incorpoincorporates innovative technology and rates high-tech wellness tools through convenience to not just treat symptoms, web, mobile and in-person experibut also to keep families healthier. The ences. At the recent open house, com115,000 sq. ft. facility integrates traditional munity members and BayCare team health care services such as primary members were invited to take a first look at the state-of-the-art fitness center. More care, pediatrics, adult rehabilitation, behavioral health, urgent care, imaging than 200 guests attended the event. and laboratories with wellness activities, Todd Jones, vice president of ambuincluding fitness classes, nutrition educalatory experience and operations, tion and like-minded retailers, to promote explained that the facility includes the lathealthy living. Patients also experience a est cardio and strength equipment, perstreamlined visit as they check in only sonal training, a free fitness tracker for once at a central registration desk for members, more than 50 group exercise multiple health and wellness services. classes per week (including barre and This facility’s amenities also help creyoga), separate yoga and cycling studios, ate an environment where wellness, comfully equipped locker rooms and nutrition munity and fitness become one. At the and meal planning services with a certiheart of a holistic approach to fitness are fied registered dietitian. On-site childcare the Four Pillars Methodology–mindset, services will be available for an additional nutrition, movement and recovery. fee. BayCare Fitness Center is located at According to Jones, what makes this 2470 Bloomingdale Ave. in Valrico. For fitness center different others is, “the intemore information, call 995-8728 or visit gration, innovation and personalization of www.baycare.org/locations/b/baycare-fitmultiple services under one location.” ness-center-bloomingdale.

When families are Community faced with homelessRoundtable of ness, Family Promise, a Brandon’s annual nonprofit organization, dinner on February exists explicitly to keep 27 and was awarded families together. While ‘Nonprofit of the typical homeless shelYear.’ Then the folters separate men lowing day at the from women, ‘WEDU Be More which often Empowered’ lunchincludes young eon, Family Promise Pictured is Family Promise’s Edwina received the adolescent boys from Reddick, executive director, and their mothers, Family Deborah Humphrey, president of the ‘Ultimate Medical Promise’s unique setup Academy, Small board directors. affords families the ability to stay together. Nonprofit Award,’ which recognizes With assistance from local church organizations with a budget under congregations, church buildings provide $500,000 that has a significant impact on temporary shelter as families work toward the community. attaining permanent and sustainable Edwina Reddick, executive director of housing. The 90-day program equips Family Promise of Hillsborough County, families with a plan to become self-suffisaid, “It was such an honor and very cient through training in financial literacy humbling to be selected as the winner. and case-by-case management of First time in a long time I was speechresources and services. less.” Family Promise is part of a national Family Promise of Hillsborough movement that began 28 years ago. County operates with minimal staffing but Today, the national organization has makes a major impact on the community. 180,000 volunteers that serve more than When asked about needs, Reddick 50,000 people annually. The Hillsborough replied, “Currently, we need more host County Family Promise opened its doors facilities; volunteers for the Day Center on on May 4, 2014. To date, the local nonthe weekend; toilet paper, paper towels profit has graduated 46 families to safe both the single fold and roll kind; and and affordable housing. Among those monetary donations.” families were 99 school-aged children. Family Promise has 12 host faciliLast year, through the partnership with ties—most of which are houses of worManna Ministries, Family Promise distribship. Reddick said Family Promise is uted more than 11,000 pounds of food to open to using other facilities as host sites. graduate families and others in need in To learn more on how you can donate or the community. volunteer, please visit www.famiFamily Promise attended the lypromisefl.org or call 681-6170.

By Kelly Wise Valdes

Making a Positive Impact on the Lives of Women and Children 813-645-7874 www.marymarthahouse.org The Transformation Starts Here

By Amanda Boston


Mission: Providing emergency and transitional housing and support services to abused and homeless women and their dependent children so that they will gain employment and successfully transition to permanent housing.

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May 2019

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

s, e h c a o he C rkshop T t e e M ver Wo Caregi More… olesanti, &iled by Michelle Cr.com erve Comp preyobs s o @ e ll miche

Bloomingdale Senior High School Takes On Newsome High SchoolTeachers Edition

Come cheer for your school in this intense, yet friendly, basketball game as the Bloomingdale Teachers take on the Newsome Teachers on Thursday, May 23. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and tip off will be at 6 p.m. Tickets will be $3 at the door. There will be light concessions sold at the game. All ticket proceeds will go to The Boys and Girls Club of Clair-Mel. For more information, please contact the Assistant Prinicpal, Dr. Marcos Rodriguez, at 744-8018 or visit the school website at http://bloomingdale.mysdhc.org/. Bloomingdale Senior High School is located at 1700 E. Bloomingdale Ave. in Valrico.

Ducks Unlimited Award To Shoot Straight Shoot Straight on US Hwy. 301 has enabled the East Hillsborough Ducks Unlimited Chapter to sponsor conservative-minded youth educational events as well as fund raising over the last five years. In partnership with other organizations, Shoot Straight enabled the local chapter to restore 210 acres of Florida’s wetlands.

Caregiver Wellness Workshop Presented At The Bridges Retirement Community If you are responsible for

the care and wellbeing of an aging parent or spouse, you know that it is hard work. It can be physically and emotionally exhausting. Learn what studies say is really important in the areas of nutrition, exercise, sleep and mood by attending “What About Me? Why Self-Care is The 100 Woman Who Care, a group that meets four Critical for the Whole Family” on times a year to learn about and donate to local Thursday, May 23 from 11:30 a.m.- charities, recently presented a $2800 check to Souls Shaping Souls. A 50 percent matching donation of 1 p.m. Cheryl Pruitt, MSW, $1400 will be made by the Schulze Memory Disorder Clinic Family Foundation of $1400. Coordinator at the University of Bloomingdale Senior High School South Florida, will share a few simple Hosts ‘Meet The Coach’ For Rising changes that can make a big impact on Freshmen 2019-2020 School Year caregiver wellness. If you are a caregiver, self-care is critical to maintaining your Bloomingdale Senior High School quality of life. (BSHS) will be hosting its ‘Meet The The Coach’ event on Friday, May 31 (the last day of school) at 6 p.m. for rising freshmen interested in playing a sport. The purpose of this event is to invite the incoming freshmen students and their families to come learn about its athletic workshop, programs at held at The BSHS. Families Bridges, 11350 Bloomingdale Ave., will meet in the Riverview, is free to attend. A light lunch is auditorium to learn about the athletic included. Space is limited. Call Janet at packet information covering any new or 413-8900 to reserve your seat. updated procedures and the requirements. Immediately following, families will move to the gymnasium to meet the coaches. Each sport will host its own table and coaches will be available to answer any sport-specific questions. For more information, please contact

Presenting the Environmental Conservation Award to Tom Allen are Ducks Unlimited Committee members Evan Smith and Joseph Layrisson.

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Page 17

the Assistant Prinicpal, Dr. Marcos Rodriguez at 744-8018. For information about the school, visit the school website at http://bloomingdale.mysdhc.org/. Bloomingdale Senior High School is located at 1700 E. Bloomingdale Ave. in Valrico.

Fellowship Christian Athletes (FCA) Hosts The King of Kings Tournament

FCA hosts its Sixth Annual FCA King of Kings 7 on 7 Tournament presented by AdventHealth Care. Since 1954, the FCA has transformed the playing field into a mission field with its vision “to see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.” The event will take place on Saturday, June 8 from 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. at 1 Buccaneer Place in Tampa. The tournament features 32 high schools with more than 1,300 football players from Hillsborough, Pasco, Pinellas and Polk counties. FCA anticipates over 2000 spectators. There will be music, vendors, food and fun for the entire family. FCA is looking for sponsors. Churches can set up a booth for $100 and businesses for $250. Churches and vendors will have a 10’ x 10’ space for their booths from 7 a.m.-12 Noon. If you would like to be a sponsor, contact the East Hillsborough Area Director, Dee Franks at dfranks@fca.org or call 356-8291. For info, visit www.7on7.eventbrite.com. To get involved with the Tampa Bay FCA, visit www.fcatampabay.org.

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Brandon/Winthrop Edition

ons, i t a n o rD o F e ash c n W g Da o D lub, C re… o n i M o C & ets lle Colesanti, P p l e To H iled by Miche ver.com

Living Community and 1700 E. Bloomingdale Ave. in Valrico. teenagers with the Brandon The show will feature dancers of all Angel Foundation’s Junior abilities in ballet, jazz, tap, acro, and hip Angel Program worked side hop. The dances will take you to outer by side recently to make space or encourage you to shoot for your 200 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The Comp ospreyobser sandwiches, along with @ e ll miche fruit snacks and chips, were bagged and delivered to St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Seffner that supports the Hillsborough County Girl Scout Donations Help Those In Homeless Initiative. Need "It was wonderful to watch them Girl Scout Troop 3212 worked hard Bridges residents and Junior Angels recently work side by side and help each other worked together to help feed the homeless. this year to help learn how to ‘Change a make the sandwiches while talking, Story’ for someone in need. The troop laughing and getting to know each other," biggest dreams. Tickets are $7 now or focused on how to change the world stated Jill Lansky, Chair of the Brandon $10 at the door, doors will open at 3:30 around them, to be Foundation p.m. The all-inclusive dance program is a philanthropists, and Junior Angel 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that offers learn to meet the Program. classes for a reduced price and donates needs, no matter According to resia portion of class tuition back to charity. how small. The main dents Bruce and For more information, call 601-3009 goal is to build selfLeslie Frimet, “It or stop by the studio at 1076 E Brandon esteem and a sense was so nice to Blvd. #101. Visit https://dancingfordonaof community and connect and work tions.weebly.com/. sisterhood among the alongside these girls. kids and to see Washing Your Dog At EarthWise Pet The Troop them so gung-ho Supply Can Help Other Pets recently donated Pictured with the donations are Savannah about helping Community Pet Project (CPP), a approximately $500 Linscott, Aya Kabi, Allison Michael, those less fortulocal 501(c)(3) organization provides for Savannah Armstrong, Kaelin Lander, Kallie worth of supplies by nate.” These two the pets of the homeless and at risk resiPalombo, Avalyn Manteiga, Millie Myers, gathering donations Riley Palmer, Christie Ryan, Ava Justice, groups have dents of Hillsborough County. We distribfrom family, friends, and Ellie Baltra. been working ute food, treats, collars, leashes, flea preand Holy Innocents' together since 2017 and are committed to ventative and other basic care items. Our Episcopal Church. Donations were made continuing their partnership to support vision is to keep pets happy and healthy to both Rogers Middle School for needy those in need. and out of the already overpopulated students as well as ECHO in Brandon. county shelter. The Troop is led by Abby Baltra, Dancing For Donations Recital On Sunday, June 9 from 12 Noon-5 Rebecca Myers, and Chris Volk. Proceeds Will Go To Charity p.m., EarthWise Pet Supply is hosting a Dancing for Donations presents fundraiser for CPP. Seniors And Teens Feed The ‘Shoot for the Moon,’ its second annual Please join in at Earthwise, located at Homeless recital, on Saturday, June 8 at 4 p.m. at 3454 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. in Valrico. Residents at The Bridges Assisted Bloomingdale High School, located at

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Volume 14, Issue 5

Brandon Coin Club Hosts Coin & Currency Show

The Brandon Coin Club Inc., a 501(C)(7) nonprofit organization, will hold its next Coin & Currency Show on Saturday, June 15 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Brandon Elks Lodge #2383, located at 800 Centennial Lodge Dr. in Brandon. There will be 30 dealers/45 tables – Free American Silver Eagle. Admission and parking are free. Free coin grab bags for all children under 12. Food will be available on site. There will be free appraisals and door prizes. ICG Grading Service will be in attendance and offering free verbal opinions along with $10 slabbing. For more information, contact Jack Laci at 352-777-6073 or brandoncoinclub@yahoo.com.

Congregation Beth Shalom Upcoming Services And Events Welcome the Sabbath with services on Friday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Oneg, nosh and mingle follow. Services now stream live and afterward on Facebook at Congregation Beth Shalom of Brandon. Upcoming events include: Learning all night long - In celebration of Shavuot and Rabbi Akiva's legacy of learning, Rabbi Bryan Mann will host an ‘all night session’ of teaching on Saturday, June 8 from7-10 p.m. Join Rabbi and lay teachers as all contribute to the session. Everyone welcome; A Taste of Tanach – Saturday, June 15 from 10-11 a.m. – Formerly called ‘Bibles and Bagels’. Rabbi Bryan Mann will lead a session on the torah portions. All are welcome to services and any of the events. Congregation Beth Shalom is located at 706 Bryan Rd. in Brandon. Call 681-6547 for more information.

May 2019

Err On The Side Of Caution And Know When To Go Seek Emergency Room Care According the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 136 million Americans visit an emergency room (ER) every year for everything from injury-related emergencies like broken bones, cuts and burns to unexplained illnesses like chest, abdominal and head pain. But how do you know when it is time to go to the ER? It is a question many people ask themselves when faced with a personal emergency. Dr. Michael Patch, a board-certified emergency room physician at AdventHealth Tampa, has seen a wide variety of emergencies. “When you practice emergency medicine, you see people at their most vulnerable point. The fear and uncertainty of what to do in an emergency can be as bad as the pain or illness you’re feeling,” said Dr. Patch. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), the following signs and symptoms constitute emergencies that may require medical attention: Head injury with fainting or confusion, Injury to neck or spine, especially with loss of feeling or inability to move, trouble breathing, passing out, fainting, dizziness or weakness, severe chest pain or pressure, pain in the arm or jaw, sudden unusual or bad headache, sud-

Page 19

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Staff Report

denly unable to speak, see, walk, or move, sudden weakness on one side of face or body, seizure that lasts 3-5 minutes, possible broken bone, loss of movement, coughing or throwing up blood, severe pain anywhere on the body, severe burn, severe allergic reaction with trouble breathing, swelling, hives, high fever that does not get better with medicine and throwing up or loose stools that don’t stop. When it comes to the question of whether to go to the ER, Dr. Patch’s advice is simple. “Always err on the side of caution. If you think you or a loved one may need emergency medical care, call 911 immediately.” AdventHealth Tampa’s unique Doc1stERSM process ensures that you are seen by a board-certified emergency medicine physician first. This concept pushes typical ER points of contact, like registration, to the back of the ER experience, keeping the focus on treating your emergency. AdventHealth Tampa is building a new ER in Brandon, opening in early 2020. For more information, visit Doc1stER.com or call 971-6000. AdventHealth Tampa is located at 3100 E. Fletcher Ave. in Tampa.


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Page 20

Volume 14, Issue 5

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

ing l w o B , e l a Garage S ater Safety Event, W & More… Lessons , lesanti helle Co ic M y b d m Compile preyobserver.co s o @ e ll miche

Sight Support Group Enjoys Bowling Event

Honor’ program. “Every time I have the opportunity to meet one of these heroes, I am reminded that we are the land of the free because of the brave…” said Rep. Spano. “Seeing the pride and honor in these veterans’ eyes as they look at their monuments has to be one of the most humbling experiences I’ve had in Washington. On behalf of all district residents, it is an honor being able to

The Palms Church Sight Support Group met April 16 at the Brandon Crossroads Bowl. It was a time for overcoming challenges for this visually impaired group. A good time was had by everyone. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, June 4 at 1 p.m. at the Palms Church, located at 204 New Hope Rd. (off Parsons Ave.) in Members and spouses of The Palms Church Brandon. At the monthly meetings Sight Support Group enjoy a day of bowling at you will share coping methods, learn Brandon Crossroads Bowl. about new technology and listening to various speakers. The Group is free thank them for their service.” and open to the community. Flight to For more information, please Honor Polk is contact Maren Funderburk at a nonprofit 685-8407. organization created to Spano Welcomes WWII, honor Korean And America’s vetVietnam Veterans To erans. The Washington, D.C. organization transports vetOn April 29, U.S. erans to Representative Ross Spano (RWashington, FL) welcomed Polk County D.C. to visit World War II, Korean and and reflect at Vietnam veterans to the Lincoln their memorials. This was ‘Mission #5’. Memorial in Washington, D.C. The visit To date the organization has helped over was organized by the Polk County 600 local veterans and their sponsors Veterans Council as part of its ‘Flight to HAULING & CLEANUP

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travel to visit the monuments.

Free Water Safety Lessons At The YMCA

As a leader in drowning prevention, the YMCAs of Tampa Bay are teaming up with the Florida Blue Foundation and the YMCA of the Suncoast is joining forces with the Juvenile Welfare Board to offer free water safety lessons from May until August. Thanks to both generous supporters, the Safety Around Water (visit www.tampaymca.org/programs/swimming/watersafety/) program is free and open to all 312-year-old beginners and non-swimmers in the community. During the 4-day course, certified instructors teach kids a Fred Astaire Dance Studio Presents sequenced set of skills that will reduce Dance Fantasy the risk of drowning and give them confidence in and around water. On Friday, May 31, Fred Astaire Participants must be Dance Studios of present on the first day of Tampa Bay will presclass and bring their own ent Dance Fantasy; its swimsuit and annual show featuring towel. A YMCA memberboth pro/am and proship is NOT required; howfessional ballroom ever, due to limited space, dance numbers on pre-registration is required This year’s show will feature the stage at the at these participating Ys: hits of Queen, along with various Palladium Theater in styles of both dance and music. St. Petersburg. It feaTampa Metropolitan Area YMCA locations, including Campo, North tures the very best of all four Tampa Bay Brandon, Spurlino and Camp Cristina, Fred Astaire Dance Studio locations will hold the program from Tuesday to when it comes to partnership dancing Friday, May 28–31 & from Monday to and show-stopping production numbers. Thursday, August 5-8. For location inforEach studio will present professionmation, please visit https://www.tamally choreographed routines, complete paymca.org/locations/. with glitz and glam, and some pretty heart-pumping music. Tickets can be purchased by calling the box office or 2019 Honorary Mayor Coach Bingo online at www.mypalladium.org/fredEvent For Angie Kagey Angie Kagey is running for Honorary astaire-dance-studios-dance-fantasy/.

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Mayor of Brandon, an annual event to raise support for Brandon-based charities. She will be raising support for Teen Impact and Souls Shaping Soles. Grab your girlfriends for a night of fun, friends, food, raffles, silent auctions, and 10 chances to win a Coach purse. Coach Bingo will be held on Thursday, June 6 from 7-9 p.m. at The Barn at Winthrop, 11349 Bloomingdale Ave. in Riverview. Doors open at 6 p.m. Tickets are $40 per person and are available online through Eventbrite at angie4mayorcoachbingo.eventbrite.com. Limited tickets will be available at the door. For more information, call 2649368. Visit www.whatisimpact.com and www.solesshapingsouls.org.

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May 2019

Page 21

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

The GFWC Brandon Service League Celebrates A Successful Year At Annual Country Jamboree By Kathy L. Collins President, Jeri Robinson also recognized several long-time members of the Brandon Service League. These included the Spring The GFWC Brandon Service League awarded $10,000 in grants to local Fundraiser Founders: nonprofit organizations at their Annual “Denim & Diamonds” Country Jamboree on Sunday, March 31 at Center Place. The nonprofits include Pat Elam (35 Winthrop Arts, Inc., Men’s Resource Center Brandon, ECHO, The years); Outreach Clinic and Women’s Resource Center of Brandon. Glenda On March 31, the GFWC Thurow (36 years); Shirley Alderman Brandon Service League held its (50 years); and Merci Hernandez (60 29th Annual ‘Denim & Diamonds’ years). Country Jamboree at Center Place The Brandon Service League Fine Arts in Brandon. This annual has been serving the community for event is an opportunity for members over six decades. The Brandon to celebrate, along with guests, the Service League holds numerous success of the year. It is also a time events throughout the year including to award grants to local nonprofits. the much-anticipated Annual Holiday The evening was a fun one filled Home Tour. This event is usually with great dining, dancing and enterheld on the first Saturday in tainment. The highlight of the night December. This wonderful event is came when the club presented the the club’s largest annual fundraiser. proceeds from the annual Brandon In addition to the Holiday Home Holiday Home Tour to representaTour, the Brandon Service League tives of several nonprofit organizahosts the Alice Storms Very Special tions that are supported by the club. Arts Festival, the High School Art In total, $10,000 was raised and disShow and other programs. The tributed to the following: The Brandon Service League also holds Outreach Clinic, ECHO, Women’s events to fund scholarships which Resource Center of Brandon; Men’s are awarded to deserving high Resource Center Brandon; and school seniors and women who are Winthrop Arts, Inc. either re-entering work or advancing Candy Jackson, Second Vice their education. President said, “We have been supJackson said, “We are a part of porting some of these organizations the Greater Federation of Women’s for many years. Club members had Clubs, an international organization volunteered and/or seen firsthand dedicated to serving local communihow these organizations impacted ties through volunteer service. We the community. They soon became welcome all women over the age of aware of how much these organiza18 to join us in this service.” tions needed the additional financial For more information on the support that would enable them to GFWC Brandon Service League, continue and extend this impact.” please visit www.gfwcbrandonserJackson and First Vice viceleague.org.

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Page 22

Volume 14, Issue 5

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Buy a $10 Game Card Get an Additional $10 Bonus Play

Family-Owned Hi Tech Automotive Shop Celebrates 15 Years

By Kate Quesada

For 15 years, from other garages, Brandon area drivers Melissa answered have trusted their cars easily. to the Canfield family. “We go the extra Owners of Hi Tech mile,” she said. Automotive, located This was echoed on S. Montclair Ave., by some of their many Joe and Melissa customers. Canfield “Hi Tech has prohave vided quality service serviced at unbeatable prices thouon our vehicles from Melissa & Joe Canfield own Hi Tech sands of vehicles for oil changes to major Automotive and are celebrating its 15th happy customers repairs,” said anniversary this month. since they bought the garage in 2004. FishHawk resident Melina Olver. “Their The list of services offered at Hi Tech customer service from the owner to the is long, from quick lube services to service tech is over the top. They even extended warrantee work, but what really helped us on Easter Sunday last year. No sets the garage apart is the staff’s dedica- one likes to visit the mechanic, but I tion to customers and the community. always leave Hi Tech with a smile on my “We strive to be advisors and probface.” lem solvers for our customers,” said But for the Canfields, owning a small Melissa. “Rather than strong-arming peobusiness is more than just making cusple who are worried about their car into a tomers happy. service, we like to be able to tell them “We do everything we can to give whats going on and then give them back to the community that has made this options and advice on how we would fix it dream come true for us,” said Melissa, if we were facing the issue ourselves.” who holds leadership positions at two The family-run business with 12 fulllocal chamber of commerces and time employees is a dream come true for Newsome High School PTA and sponsor Joe who has worked in the auto industry countless sports teams and charity for most of his life, including 12 years with groups. Goodyear in both retail and wholesale. To celebrate 15 years in business, “Working for Goodyear, Hi Tech’s the now award-winning, People’s Choice previous owners were one of Joe’s Best of the Best, Hi Tech is hosting a ribclients, so when the opportunity to buy bon cutting ceremony on Friday, June 28 the garage came up, we decided to do from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Visit www.hitechautowhatever we had to do to make it hapmotiveofbrandon.com or call the garage pen,” said Melissa. at 684-1556. Hi Tech is located at 119 S. When asked what sets Hi Tech apart Montclair Ave. in Brandon.




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May 2019

Page 23

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Leadership Hillsborough Golf Tournament To Benefit A Kid’s Place

By Kathy L. Collins

Tournament Director “The 2018-19 class visited A Kid’s Place during our Social Services Seminar Day. Members of the Leadership Hillsborough Class and the Board of Directors invite everyone to the Golf Tournament. We just knew Leadership Hillsborough will host its this was something we wanted to supFifth Annual Charity Golf Tournament on port. The campus and the staff are both Saturday, June 1 at River Hills Country incredible.” Club in Valrico. A shotgun start is set to Scott added, “A Kid’s Place provides begin at 1 p.m. Proceeds from the event children with some normalcy during a will benefit both A Kid’s Place and scholchaotic time in their lives and allows them arships for future members of Leadership to live with at least a portion of their famiHillsborough. lies intact.” Leadership Hillsborough is a 10This is the first year that the tournamonth program that provides leadership ment has been held at River Hills Country development opportunities for Club. Scott said, “We are so thrilled to be Hillsborough County professionals who able to hold our event at this private and seek to grow as leaders and expand their exclusive club this year.” knowledge of the issues, challenges and Leadership Hillsborough, which was opportunities that impact their work and established in 1989, welcomes all the community. It is open for individuals Hillsborough County professionals to parfrom the for profit, nonprofit and governticipate in the program. Applications are ment sectors of Hillsborough County. currently being accepted for the 2019Members attend 12 full day semi2020 class which begins in August. nars, and they get to interact with estabThe cost to participate in Leadership lished leaders in Hillsborough County. In Hillsborough is $1200. Scholarships are addition, each class selects a community available and are generally awarded to service project and a nonprofit to assist the most qualified applicants that demonwith a fundraiser. strate the need for a scholarship in order A Kid’s Place, located in Valrico, is a to participate. nonprofit where siblings are allowed to To register for the tournament, please remain together and live in a home like visit https://birdeasepro.com/leadersetting after they are taken into state cus- shiphillsborough/. For info on Leadership tody due to neglect or abuse. Hillsborough, visit http://www.leaderAccording to Paula Scott, shiphillsborough.org.

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Page 24

Volume 14, Issue 5

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

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BEAUTIFUL REMODELED HOME! Fall in love with this 3 bedroom/2 bath + bonus + pool home overlooking a pond with roof & A/C replaced in 2016! Adorable home that offers wonderful paint choices, kitchen with white cabinets, updated master bath & generous sized secondary bedrooms! Fenced yard & new dock in 2018! $239,000 ! G EWIN N T S LI

PERFECT HOME IN GATED COMMUNITY! You will love this 4/3.5/2 + office + bonus home with upgrades galore siting on a conservation lot on cul-de-sac street! Interior offers wood look tile, decorator paint choices,wide base,crown,French doors & so much more! Gourmet kitchen with espresso cabinets, granite, island & stainless appliances! Screened patio! $355,000 ! EW E N RIC P

STUNNINGTURN-KEYHOME IN GATED NEIGHBORHOOD! 4/3/3 + office home just a short hop to I-75! This beauty truly has it all with neutral paint palette, stunning light fixtures & tile floors throughout the living areas! The stunning kitchen offers stunning 42" cabinetry, granite counters & stainless appliances! $360,000

GET READY TO FALL IN LOVE! Be impressed from the moment you arrive with this 4/3/2 + pool home on a waterfront lot that greets you with circular brick paver driveway & pretty landscaping! Other features include fresh exterior & interior paint in 2019, crown, volume ceilings, plantation shutters & gourmet kitchen! Perfect! $345,000 ! G EWIN N T S LI

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Read InThis Section

CHALKLINES....................................PG 28 TIGRIS ROLLER COASTER ................PG 32 BOKORS CORNER............................PG 37 May 2019

Free Bottle Engraving At AJ’s Fine Wines & Liquor

Volume 14, Issue 5

Ph: 657-2418

adults can start their AJ’s Fine Wines & Liquor orthodontic will offer its free engraving treatment. event on Saturday, June 8 Whether it is from 5-8 p.m. Find the perfect the innovagift for Father’s Day by tive Damon engraving a bottle of brackets or Gentleman Jack, JD Single being an Barrel Woodford Reserve. industry There are no quantity restricleader tions and you can pre-order. Invisalign, AJ’s Fine Wines & Liquor, Hess Drs. Watson and Martha Ducatel stand with USF your neighborhood liquor Orthodontics President Judy Genshaft Ajay Jambhekar offers free bottle said Dr. Michael store also offering cigars, has treatment options for both children engraving at an event on Saturday, June Hess. “Straighter walk-in beer cooler, craft and adults. Call 645-4377 to schedule a 8 from 5-8 p.m. This is a great Father’s teeth means betbeers and fine wines, is free consultation today. Hess Day gift idea. ter oral health, located at 3443 Lithia Orthodontics has locations in FishHawk, which in turn, has a direct impact on the Pinecrest Rd. (in the Publix Riverview, Apollo Beach and Parrish. rest of the health of your body. Poor oral Plaza).Hours are Monday to Thursday health including tooth decay and gum from 10 a.m.-10 p.m., Friday and Healthy Bodies Recognized By USF disease are linked to heart disease. Saturday from 10 a.m.-11 p.m. and As One Of The Fastest Growing Bull Straight teeth help prevent this.” Sunday from 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Special Led Companies Hess Orthodontics uses cutting orders upon request. Call 654-6488. Healthy Bodies Medical and Dental edge Damon brackets for their patients Center was recognized as one of needing traditionHess Orthodontics University of South Florida’s (USF) al braces. Launches $199 A Alumni’s fastest growing companies in Research has Month Braces And the world. shown that Invisalign Program The celebration took place at USF Damon patients Hess in Tampa on April 26. Dr. Watson were treated in Orthodontics recently Ducatel and Dr. Martha Ducatel were an average of 6.33 months less time launched a new program that allows proud to accept the award which rated than those treated with conventional both children and adults to get state of them as the third fastest growing comtwin brackets. Damon patients were the art orthodontic treatment for only pany led by USF graduates. Healthy treated with seven fewer appointments $199 a month. Bodies Medical & Dental Center opened than those treated with conventional “We are always looking to provide in 2017 and will soon celebrate two the perfect mix of cutting-edge technolo- braces. years. With only $500 down children or gy and provide value for our patients,” “We are inspired by this honor as

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT...............PG 38 we work fervently to help people live more fulfilling lives,” said Dr. Watson Ducatel. “We're about excellence in medicine and excellence in dentistry. And we are excited and thankful to have the community’s support.” Healthy Bodies is located at 3416 Brook Crossing Dr. in Brandon. Call 540-5005.

Ace Golf Brandon Closes

After 26 years, the Ace Golf in Brandon closed to make way for the future site of 333 apartments by Edward Rose Properties. Ace Golf will now focus on its Riverview location which opened in 2003. Upgrades to the Riverview location are anticipated for next year, including LED lighting, new batting cage netting and more. Craig Skiles, manager of Ace Golf Brandon, will become Golf Director at the Plantation Palms Golf Club in Land O’ Lakes. Sean Walter, Assistant Manager of Ace Golf Brandon, will become Assistant Manager of Ace Golf Riverview. Some of its other staff members and golf instructors will also move to Ace Golf Riverview. The Manager of Ace Golf Riverview is Matt Primrose, who was named ‘Top 50 Golf Instructor in the US’ by US Kids Golf and has been recognized the last five years by the PGA for his contribution to junior golf. Ace Golf is located at 12910

Continued on Next Page

Page 26

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Business Column Continued.............

By Michelle Colesanti

Boyette Rd. in Riverview. Visit https://ace-golf.com/.

Herrera at dherrera@charterk12.com or call 954-414-5767 x1119.

Florida Orthopaedic Institute Launches Reconstructive Limb Loss Clinic

Now You Can Smile Again At Perfect Dental

The Reconstructive Limb Loss Clinic, headed by Orthopaedic hand surgeon Dr. Jason Nydick, is a multi-disciplinary clinic offering the latest surgical innovations and technology to restore maximum limb performance and help patients live life to the fullest. The Clinic, occuring on the first Tuesday of each month at the main FOI campus, 13020 Telecom Pkwy N., in Temple Terrace, includes a multi-discipline approach. TMR is a surgical procedure which involves transferring amputated nerves to activate the remaining muscles in the limb. Visit FloridaOrtho.com or on Facebook:facebook.com/Florida.Orthop aedic.Institute.

Local Volunteer Recognized Through AARP Services Inc.

Perfect Dental’s team offers quality dental services. The specialists work every day to study the case of each patient and give the best solution. Perfect Dental is happy to see each customer pleased with their new smile. Improve your nutritional quality by being able to bite and eat all food without pain, perfect smile improves your image and increases your self-esteem. Prevention is better than treatment. Perfect Dental has the following specialties: dentures, crowns, cleanings, fillings, bridges and extractions. Perfect Dental is located at 1090 E. Brandon Blvd. in Brandon (Walmart Plaza). Call to make an appointment at 548-7037. Visit www.Brandonperfectdental.com.

Humana Looking To Fill 100 FullTime Positions In Tampa Bay

Leading health and well-being company Humana Inc. (NYSE: HUM) is hirAARP Services lnc., a ing to fill 100 full-time new wholly owned subsidiary of national phone sales posiAARP that oversees tions in Tampa Bay. providers and the products The Telesales Agent offered to its members, recpositions, based at ognized Lori Brown for 50+ Humana’s local call center volunteer hours through the in Tampa at NetPark, 5701 ACES community service E Hillsborough Ave., will program. Brown performs provide national phone community service with sales and enrollment assisthree organizations close to tance for the company’s her heart: volunteer ministry Medicare benefit plans and with Jehovah's Witnesses, specialty products. These Guardian ad Litem and The positions will also directly Straz Center for the handle inquiries and proPerforming Arts. Visit vide guidance to help new Owner and Dentist Dr. CreateTheGood.org to find and existing Humana Dharmendra Pansuriya. local volunteer opportuniMedicare Advantage memties. bers nationwide find benefit solutions to meet their needs. Hiring Event For Teachers These roles are being added in Charter School Associates is hostorder to meet the demand of the annual ing an in house hiring event for all Medicare open enrollment period, which teachers on Wednesday, May 29. The runs from October 15 to December 7. event is being held at 13221 Boyette Humana is seeking to hire immediately, Rd. in Riverview from 4-8 p.m. Charter with starting dates beginning in June. School Associates has much to offer The successful candidate will have their teachers such as competitive a high school diploma or GED and be salaries, free health care, dental and available and willing to work any shift vision, 401K Plan, professional growth between 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., including opportunities, acknowledgment for weekends. Bilingual candidates, advanced degrees and PTO (paid time including those who speak Spanish, off). For more information, email Denise Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean,

Volume 14, Issue 5

Vietnamese, and Polish, are strongly encouraged to apply. A Fortune 100 company, Humana offers competitive salaries and benefits. Candidates with their health insurance license are strongly encouraged to apply. Humana will also pay for telesales agents to obtain their health insurance license and for in-depth certification and sales training. To apply online, visit careers.humana.com and search requisition number 215042.

Top Gold Male Awards (Vince Harwood). Frost expresses her gratitude to all the students that have attended the lessons during these 10 years. The Way 2 Dance studio teaches up to 17 different dances and keeps adding more as the world of dancing continues to change. The studio specializes in one-on-one dance lessons for singles and couples, preparing wedding couples for their first dance or any social event or competiThe Way 2 Dance is The Way 2 Dance Celebrates celebrating 10 years. tion. 10 Years The Way 2 Dance is located at The Way 2 Dance studio in 610 Oakfield Dr. in Brandon. Call 966Brandon opened its doors for Salsa, 4788 or visit www.theway2dance.com. Ballroom and Swing dance lessons in June, 2009. “It has been a fun journey David Bradley, Jr. Joins The Law and a blessing to teach my students Office Of Kari L. MacDonald social and competitive dancing The Law Office of Kari L. throughout these years,” said Tatyana MacDonald announced that David Frost, owner. These Bradley, Jr. has been talented and dedicatadded to its team. He ed students have graduated from the received several Top University of Central Awards in local comFlorida in 2005, the Florida petitions, including Top Coastal School of Law in Large Studio Award, 2012 and was admitted to Top Organized Studio, the Florida Bar in 2013. Top Excellence Studio His prior experience as Award, Top Newcomer a teacher and a financial Couple (Joe and Mary advisor has given him valuCrossfield), Top Male able experience which only (Ron Beck) strengthens his career as a Newcomer, Top Male Family Law attorney for David Bradley, Jr. has recently (Jerry Burgin) and the last four years. joined The Law Office of Kari L. MacDonald in Brandon. Top Female (Missy You can meet David Ide) Newcomer Award, Top Bronze at the office located at 634 E. Male (John Ware) and Top Bronze Bloomingdale Ave. in Brandon or call Female (Missy Ide) Award as well as 655-1075.

Expires 6/30/19

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May 2019

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Page 27

Local Dentist Has Been A Part Of The Community For 30 Years

By Libby Hopkins

There is an Welch is old saying by also a diplomat in Mae West that the International goes, “Love College of Oral conquers all Implantologists. things except “We have an inpoverty and use crown, toothaches.” Dr. bridge and denHarold Welch in ture lab where Seffner would we are able to Dr. Harold Welch opened his practice in Seffner in repair most parnot agree with 1986 and he has been there ever since. He feels tials and dentures this saying his patients and staff are his extended family. because he within a few loves being a dentist and loves helping hours,” Welch said. his patients with all their dental needs. “Matching the color and aesthetics of His love for his practice could conquer crowns and bridges is one of the most toothaches. “Dentistry is a combination of difficult aspects of dentistry. Having our science, art and socialization,” Welch lab techs in office to see the crowns in said. “I thoroughly enjoy science, art and the patient’s mouth is very beneficial to talking to people and because of these maximizing the aesthetics.” three qualities, dentistry was the perfect Welch feels as if his staff and profession for me to go into.” patients are his extended family. “My Welch graduated from University of practice is a family practice,” Welch said. Connecticut Dental School in 1984. He “I have many families who have been completed a General Dentistry patients of mine for many years, and now Residence in Tampa and then opened I am seeing patients who were children his office in 1986 in Seffner. “I was the when their families started coming to my first dentist in Seffner,” Welch said. “I practice who are now married and have a have enjoyed the technological improvefamily of their own and they are still comments that have occurred in dentistry ing to my practice. I have an excellent over the years; for example, we are now staff. They are very friendly and efficient. able to fabricate most crowns in an hour Nine of my staff members have been using 3-D scanners and CAD/CAM techwith the practice for over 20 years. Like I nology.” said, we are a family dental practice and Another technological advancement our patients and staff are part of our in dentistry is implants. “Implants can extended family.” replace one missing tooth or many missFor more info, call 684-2279 or visit ing teeth by utilizing and in-office CAT www.facebook.com/drharoldwelch . It is Scan to do guided implant surgery in this located at 807 W Dr. Martin Luther King profession,” Welch said. Jr. Blvd. in Seffner.

NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Call today to schedule an appointment.


631 W. Lumsden Rd. | Brandon, FL 33511

Page 28

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Mr. Patrick Kennedy edy Mr. Kenn

Grade 9th-12th Pepin ies c A adem y

Sponsored B

Kumon Of Brandon

Teacher Of The Month

Why did you decide to become a teacher? I received my Bachelors in Psychology from the University of South Florida. I worked as a paraprofessional for a year after graduation and fell in love with teaching. I knew that sharing different cultures, perspectives and experiences through reading would enlighten my students and hopefully ignite their interest in reading. I heard about Pepin Academies from a fellow teacher and realized that I needed to be a part of the ESE teaching community.

What is a goal of yours as a teacher? As a reading teacher my goal is to open up the world beyond what my students experience between school and home. In working with young people and students with disabilities, I’ve come to realize how little students know about what life is like outside of the neighborhoods and cities they live in. I wanted to share the excitement and passion I have for exploring the world around me and seeing life through different perspectives and diverse backgrounds.

Mr. Kenn

edy has been a 15 years teacher for .

What is something your students don’t know about you? Most of my students don’t know that I have a Minor in sign language and a second Bachelor’s degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Is there a quote or saying that you live by? “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.” –George R R Martin.

What is your favorite book and why? My favorite author is Stephen King. I read Pet Cemetery in middle school and fell in love with reading. This year my class and I read Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds. My students and I have gotten excited to read more books written in poetry. I generally like books with a quicker pace and this one is definitely nonstop from beginning to end. It also has many social issues such as gun violence, decision making, and the importance of getting second chances. What would you like to see changed in the schools? I would like to see less focus on test results and more focus on creating experiences that encourage my student’s curiosity in the world around them. Having a new generation of conscientious citizens, who can identify problems in their communities and come up with solutions to make life better for themselves and those around them is my hope for my students.

-Nominated by graduating senior, Jakob S.

Volume 14, Issue 5

All High Schools In Hillsborough Schools Ranked Among the Best In The Nation Every high school in Hillsborough County Public Schools is among the best in the state and the nation, as ranked in U.S. News Best High Schools report, including six top-100 schools in Florida. This is the first year all 27 high schools in our district made the list, in addition to Hillsborough Virtual School. The U.S. News Best High Schools rankings include data on more than 23,000 public high schools in 50 states. More than 17,000 schools were ranked on six factors based on performance on state-required tests, graduation rates and how well they prepare students for college. The high schools were ranked statewide and nationally, along with a separate category for the best magnet programs. Plant High School in South Tampa remained at the top of the list in Hillsborough Schools for the third year in a row, ranked #36 in the state and #582 nationally. Steinbrenner High School in Lutz, Newsome High School in Lithia, Sickles High School in Citrus Park, Robinson High School in South Tampa and Tampa Bay Technical High School in Northeast

Staff Report

Tampa were all in the top 100 in Florida. Twenty Hillsborough schools earned a U.S. News Best High Schools badge, which is widely recognized as a symbol of excellence in education. This year’s rankings are based on a more in-depth analysis than in the past. “I am thrilled for every high school in our district,” said Superintendent Jeff Eakins. “Students should be proud of their hard work and determination as they are outperforming many other students across the country. The critical work by our district’s teachers and staff is key to the success of our students as they graduate and then go on to college or a career. Our entire community should celebrate this news.” Last year, Hillsborough Schools set another all-time graduation rate record of 85.8%, continuing towards our district’s goal of a 90% graduation rate by the year 2020. For more information on Hillsborough County Schools, visit https://www.sdhc.k12.fl.us/. For more information on the U.S. News Best High Schools, visit www.usnews.com/education/best-high-schools.



May 2019

Page 29

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Hillsborough Education Foundation Receives AT&T Grant For STEM Projects Public school students in Hillsborough County will benefit from a statewide investment by AT&T this year, one that will increase their understanding of how classroom curriculum translates into STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) careers. To provide a critical link from classroom to careers, AT&T is once again working with the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations (CFEF) to provide experiential learning opportunities for students in school districts across Florida. Real-world applications of STEM education concepts, problem-solving and critical thinking skills will all be key elements of the 45 separate projects to be organized and funded through CFEF members, including Hillsborough Education Foundation. On February 6, 1,479 projects were displayed at the Hillsborough Regional STEM Fair, and on February 7, the winners were selected. One former Best of Show winner even came back to speak at the breakfast provided to the event sponsors. “The world is sometimes characterized as being divided into dreamers and doers; the science fair has allowed me to believe that the best researchers are actually both,” said Maggie Parrish, thirdyear environmental science major at the University of Florida. “This is the future

By Hannah Resendiz

right here, and it’s incredible because you walk through and you see the most incredible projects…you just know the future is bright, so it’s hard not to be enthusiastic.” “We know that industries engaged in STEM disciplines will create a majority of highvalue, high-wage jobs within ten years; almost nine out of ten new jobs will require education beyond a high school degree,” said Joe York, AT&T Florida President. “We are pleased to make this contribution because Florida’s K-12 education foundations are well-positioned to be the link between schools and local businesses for students, enabling them to build connections with potential employers in their communities and get a sense of what careers they offer and the skill sets they require.” Another CFEF contributor has followed AT&T’s lead to provide a similar STEM program with local impact throughout Florida. The Motorola Solutions Foundation is funding ten larger-scale projects through a competitive grant process. Hillsborough Education Foundation provides educational resources and financial assistance to help give every Hillsborough County Public School student the opportunity to achieve personal success. For more information, visit www.EducationFoundation.com.

NOMINATIONS NEEDED! Your favorite teacher could have their very own spotlight editorial in the Osprey Observer Community Newspaper! Complete the form below and email your nomination to: teacher@ospreyobserver.com

Rescue Cats Has Mission To Find ‘Fur’ever Homes At PetSmart Adoption Weekend

Staff Report

their perfect, forever homes. Our animals are spayed or neutered, microchipped, and are up to date on all vaccines prior to being adopted,” said Cohen. Rescue Cats, has a mission not only to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome, abused and homeless animals but also to increase public awareness of the companion animal overpopulation issue and provide solutions to end the killing of adoptable animals in the Tampa Bay area and beyond. For the past two years, Rescue Cats of Florida has saved over 1,500 more cats and kittens from the Hillsborough

Come on out to PetSmart the weekend of May 17-19 from 12 Noon-5 p.m. Dogs and cats will be available for adoption.

Rescue Cats of Florida is ramping up for an amazing weekend of adoptions, giveaways and public education during the PetSmart Charities National Adoption Weekend, May 17-19. It will have fully vetted cats and dogs of all breeds and ages available for adoption at five PetSmart locations all around the Tampa Bay area including Tyrone (St. Petersburg), Valrico, Plant City, and Kissimmee. Adoption times will be 12 Noon-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at all stores. Jeanine Cohen, Director for Rescue Cats of Florida said, “We are very excited about this adoption event because we are doing a spin the wheel promotion where you can win free food, free pet bed, or a percentage off the adoption donation. And everyone who adopts gets to spin. It’s a great time to come out to meet the pets and our volunteers for those thinking about volunteering with our great rescue.” To see what pets will be at which locations, we urge you to follow its Facebook page, which has the most current information. On that page you will find the adoption and volunteer application. Rescue Cats of Florida is an allvolunteer, 501C3 non-profit organization that works in conjunction with PetSmart and local shelters to find loving homes for abandoned and homeless cats, kittens, dogs and puppies. “All our adoptable pets are fostered by loving individuals and families in their homes until they find

County Pet Resource Center in 2018. It has adopted out over 2000 animals through PetSmart Charities in 2018. As an all-volunteer group, help is always needed. Each of the adoption centers is cleaned and taken care of by volunteers working with employees at each store. More volunteers are utilized each weekend at adoption sites to help educate and match adoptable animals with the potential adopters. To submit an application to volunteer or foster, or for more information, please email rescuecatsofflorida@gmail.com or look for the volunteer application on our website. The rescue covers all pet food, medical and supplies for fosters. Students can earn community service hours with the organization, as volunteers are always needed at each of the adoption locations as well. The Valrico PetSmart is located at 3313 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. For more information on Rescue Cats of Florida, visit www.rescuecatsofflorida.org.

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Page 30

Volume 14, Issue 5

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

The Comics Club Celebrates 30 Years In Business With 120,000 Plus Items

The Area's Newest Outdoor Venue Tabellas To Host Summer Concert Series

When it comes to fun was a child growing up in businesses, selling comic Michigan. I have spent my books, games and toys adult life as a self-professed ranks up there with the comic book pusher, trying to best of them. That is exactget as many people as posly what The Comics Club sible involved in this great, in Brandon has been doing fun hobby,” says Stamper. since 1989. For D.J. That is no overstateStamper, owner of The ment. Stamper uses his perComics Club, it just gets sona as ‘The Comic Book better and better with each Pusher’ on his Facebook passing year. pages to help “It’s a golden age for promote comic books, comic bookcomic book The Comics Club's Super Prize was given related movies and televireading and away to one lucky cussion shows, and for entercollecting, tomer in May. Other tainment retailers like me and he has prizes will be given who get to be at the center throughout the year to even written celebrate its 30th of it all at our comic a blog, anniversary. shops,” said Stamper. ‘Confessions “Fans come in to pick up the latest issues of a Comic Book Pusher,’ at www.comicof their favorite comics.” bookpusher.com to relate his experiences According to Stamper, it was in early of selling comic books to the masses. 1989 that he made the decision to start a In celebration of 30 years in busimail-order business selling comic books ness, The Comics Club has been offering to fans and collectors. Starting with 3,000 monthly discounts on select merchandise comic books from his own collection, at 30 percent off, the sale changing to Stamper grew the business year-by-year, offer different items from different cateaccumulating an ever-growing inventory gories of merchandise (comics, games of comic books and other collectibles. and toys) each month. When his inventory reached 20,000 Upcoming events will take place; comics in 1994, he launched The Comics Demo Day and Free Role-Playing Game Club into the retail world with a brick and Day on Saturday, June 15 and during mortar store. Today, his inventory has Halloween ComicFest on Saturday, expanded to more than 120,000 comic October 26. books, plus thousands of graphic novels, The Comics Club is located at 714 as well as hundreds of games and toys. W. Lumsden Rd. in Brandon. Visit “My love of comic books, especially www.facebook.com/TheComicsClub or the amazing artwork that the medium is call 653-4111 for information on all known for, has been part of my life since I upcoming events.

Tabellas at While at Delaney Creek, Tabellas, you can located in the enjoy food from Palm River area several food at 5818 trucks featuring Causeway Blvd., delicious items is Tampa's newest such as wings premiere outdoor with guava BBQ venue. The sixsauce, Lalo's acre property is Brisket Tacos Come kick off the summer at Tabellas at perfect for all and the Real Deal Delaney Creek as they hold their Memorial occasions from Cuban. Cheer on Day concert. birthday and retirement the festival with a craft parties to corporate beer, wine, sangria or sigoutings and festivals. nature cocktail. Tabellas will be The Fourth of July hosting a Summer concert will be held on Concert Series. There Saturday, July 6. The will be a concert for Memorial Day, the Labor Day concert will be held on Fourth of July and Labor Day. The conSaturday, August 31. certs are actually day long festivals featurAccording to Danny Hernandez, ing several bands. operations manager for Tabellas, The Memorial Day concerts will be "Tabellas is Italian for table. At home, the held on Saturday, May 25 from 1 to 9 best conversations happen around the p.m. Kozmic Pearl will kick off the festival table. We want to create that kind of from 1 to 2:30 p.m. They will be followed atmosphere here." by Primitive Campus from 2:45 to 4 p.m. Tabellas is owned and operated by Then, Damon Fowler will take the stage Angela and Robert Garcia. They took a from 4:15 to 6:15 p.m. The evening will dilapidated piece of land and turned it into end with Uncle John's Band from 6:30 to a beautiful venue complete with a canopy 9 p.m. of mature oak trees, a stage, covered Advanced tickets are $25 per person. patio and dance floor. Delaney Creek, Day of tickets are $30 per person. which was cleaned during the transformaVeterans can use code WESALUTEYOU tion, runs along the back of the property. and get $5 off. You must present military There is ample parking for any event, ID at the door. You can get advanced tick- including the Summer Concert Series, so ets by visiting http://tabellassummercongrab your friends and family and plan on certseries.eventbrite.com. attending one or all three of the concerts You can bring lawn chairs for the day this summer. long event. No pets or coolers allowed. Visit www.tabellas.com.

Staff Report

By Kathy L. Collins




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May 2019

Page 31

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

LongHorn Steakhouse Has Regional Champion Grill Master And Launches New Pairing Menu

By Kathy L. Collins

With a nod toward made for LongHorn. its heritage and a love Blue Moon beer of great cooking, is paired with the LongHorn Steakhouse Boneless Ribeye. The in Brandon is presentbold seasoning on the ing delicious, perfectly well-marbled steak paired drink and steak pairs well with the meals. The LongHorn bold hops and citrus Steakhouse Is a great notes from the place for date night, Belgian style pale ale. dinner with friends or a Enjoy a Perfect celebratory dinner with Margarita Long Pour LongHorn your family. and a New York Strip. Steakhouse in Kim Velez is the The well-balanced Brandon has new menu pairings. managing partner and Perfect Margarita cuts the consummate host. Velez and her staff through the richness of the steak go out of their way to make sure everybecause of its citrus notes. one has exactly what they want and are All of LongHorn's steaks are grilled happy with their meal. by certified LongHorn Grill Masters. One Velez said of the new pairing menu, of Brandon's Grill Masters, Sean Regan, "Our heritage is deeply rooted in beer, is the regional champion of LongHorn bourbon and margaritas. The lineup is Steakhouse’s Steak Masters Series true to our heritage." Velez added, "We which was recently held in Orlando. Velez pride ourselves on serving fresh, never said, "It is cool to have one of my Grill frozen, expertly grilled and boldly seaMasters win the competition." soned steaks." "Everyone who works here is fully Truer words were never spoken. The trained to help execute LongHorn's dedipairing menu lives up to the standard and cation to quality on each plate," added the heritage. Velez. The pairing menu includes Three In addition to perfectly grilled steaks Dons Margarita and Flo's Filet. This is paired with perfectly crafted cocktails, one of their newest drinks featuring three LongHorn offers fresh grilled chick, different premium Don Julio Tequila. The Atlantic salmon, and fall-off-the-bone different age statement of the tequila baby back ribs with house made BBQ holds up to LongHorn's boldly seasoned sauce. steak. The LongHorn Steakhouse located in The Bone-in Outlaw Ribeye is perBrandon is the biggest location in the fectly paired with the LongHorn Old country according the Velez. LongHorn Fashioned which features a Knob Creek Steakhouse is located at 11102 single barrel bourbon that is exclusively Causeway Blvd. in Brandon.

Expires 7/31/2019

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Page 32

Volume 14, Issue 5

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Tigris Opens At Busch Gardens® Tampa Bay To ‘Roarin’ Reviews Tigris, Busch Gardens® Tampa Bay’s newest roller coaster, opened in April to rave reviews from roller coaster aficionados. It is Florida’s tallest launch coaster; racing along more than 1,800 ft. of steel track designed to mimic the awe-inspiring agility of the world’s largest and most powerful cat – the tiger. I never say no to an opportunity to try a new roller coaster, and at the time, sitting buckled in the front row of the 18seat car, all I could see was a track ahead of me going straight up. I could see nothing beyond. As I stared into the ‘eye of the Tigris’ and contemplated what was to come, the coaster quickly bolted out of the station, and I didn’t have any more time to think about it. Adrenaline took over and I could barely hear myself screaming (in delight). Tigris is quite different from the traditional roller coaster experience. For one, there is no time to think about the ascent as you do on traditional coasters. Its launch is immediate and quick up to almost the top of the first part of the track - and then it stops - just before

By Michelle Colesanti

It is time to ride Tigris, Busch Gardens® Tampa Bay’s newest roller coaster, which recently opened.

it hurtles back through the boarding station and up another hill in the other direction. It then falls back, going through the boarding station once again before setting off on its wild journey, twisting through its inverted heartline roll; roaring to heights of 150 ft. As it reaches the top, the coaster actually slows down as it goes through the twists, giving you a great view of the park below and then of the sky above you – right before careening down another hill with looping twists and at great speed. The coaster reaches a top speed of 62 miles per hour. Although it is not the fastest roller coaster in the world, while you are riding, you feel that it might well be. If you are a coaster enthusiast, this is a must-try because of its unique components. Tigris is the ninth coaster in the park’s collection, solidifying Busch

Gardens Tampa Bay as Florida’s thrill ride leader. It joins a top-rated list of favorites for coaster enthusiasts, including Cheetah Hunt, the park’s longest coaster; SheiKra, a 200-ft. tall floorless dive coaster; Falcon’s Fury, a 335-ft. freestanding drop tower; Montu, an inverted coaster; Kumba; and Cobra’s Curse, to name a few. The best way to experience Tigris and all of the attractions at Busch Gardens as well as more than a dozen seasonal events throughout the year is with an Annual Pass. Guests can choose from four unique passes for the benefits and value they want most. Pass Members

will also enjoy exclusive ride time on Tigris for the first two weekends in May before the ride opens for the day to general guests. Would I ride it again? Absolutely! To learn more and to be the first to know about new attractions, events and future announcements, fans can follow the park’s blog at https://buschgardens.com/tampa/blog/or join the social conversation using #TakeOnTigris on

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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May 2019

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Page 33

Donatello Offers Authentic Italian And Live Jazz For Romantic Date Nights

Rotary’s Camp Florida Seeks Donations For Environmental Center And Boardwalk

Donatello Italian are the things that set us Restaurant offers a secapart. Our dedication to ond generation familyservice and quality, you owned restaurant that won’t find anywhere else,” takes pride in its Northern said Gino. “Some of our Italian roots, its atmosartwork comes from actual phere and its reputation of Venetian painters. Each taking care of its guests. piece was made for the Opened in Tampa by restaurant. My stepmother Guido Tiozzo and now hand painted the ceiling managed by his son, Gino, tiles with gold leaf herself.” Donatello opened in 1984. Tradition is important Gino Tiozzo loves seeing and interacting with the cus- to the Tiozzo family and Donatello’s fine cuisine is tomers at the Donatello. derived mostly from Italy more than eight of its and the northern style of staff members have been cooking, but also feawith the business for 30 tures traditional dishes years or more. that range as far south The atmosphere is as Naples and the Amalfi romantic, comfortable coast. Such dishes and welcoming. Attire is include: Calamari business formal and it’s Amalfitama; chilled calathe perfect date night, mari dressed in a flavormilestone and occasion ful olive oil, garlic, lemon destination. Monthly spejuice and parsley dresscial events, theme nights ing. Capelli al Pomodoro; and Opera Tampa nights, traditional tomato and bringing talented singers basil sauce over angel to entertain the guests, hair pasta & more. are a big hit. The restaurant, now Live music is now Since 1984 a four-star authentic available in the piano Italian fine dining restaurant has hunbar/lounge Wednesday-Saturday with dreds of reviews and is listed as the Best Happy Hour Monday-Friday from 5-7 Italian Restaurant in Florida by Trip p.m. Advisor. Celebrities like Robin Williams, Donatello Italian Restaurant is locatJohn Travolta, Magic Johnson, Ronde ed at 232 N. Dale Mabry Hwy. For more Barber, Mike Alstott, John Elway, Derrick information on special events, reservaBrooks and many more musical and tions and private room bookings, call sports greats adorn the entry walls. 813-875-6660 or visit www.donatel“Authenticity, quality, tradition – those lorestaurant.com.

Rotary’s preservation…we Camp Florida, a have a lot of ani501(c)(3), barriermals here, so it’s free, ADA-complione thing you want ant camp, is planto make sure that ning to construct they understand a waterfront enviabout; the nature, ronmental center the native plants, and boardwalk, native wildlife.” but to do so it is seeking donations. With only a Concept art of the treehouse, environmental center and boardwalk. single other place in Hillsborough County for kids to experiRotary’s ence Florida’s outdoors in a classroom Camp Florida setting (Nature’s Classroom), special talked with the needs campers have a hard time getting Treehouse that same experience, so Rotary’s Camp Guys, a TV proFlorida wants to provide this opportunity gram, about building the center, which will for them. cost at least $150,000. The camp has The camp’s center and boardwalk reached $90,000 so far. will be universally accessible. “The focus “Of course, if they don’t take it on as of the camp is actually for special needs a project for the TV show, we will continuser groups, so that means we provide a ue with the project and we will use that barrier-free environment for any child or funding to build it ourselves, so it will get any adult with any disability, so we’re done one way or another,” said Fields. making sure that it’s accessible to visual A generous donor of the center is impairments, hearing impairments, mobili- offering a $50,000 match, so he will ty issues, people that use match new individual donors dollar for wheelchairs…so that anybody can actual- dollar. With this, the center’s funding ly use the treehouse at the environmental should go over more easily. center,” said Liz Fields, executive The environmental center and boardDdirector of Rotary’s Camp Florida. walk will be located at Rotary’s Camp The camp aims to make it an educaFlorida, which is at 1915 Camp Florida tional and fun experience for everyone, Rd. in Brandon. For more information or no matter their needs. “I just think that a to donate, visit https://rotaryscampflorilot of children with disabilities don’t have da.org/environmental-center-boardwalk/. the opportunity to enjoy things like that,” You can also mail a check to: she added. “It’s also something that I Rotary’s Camp Florida, Inc., P.O. Box think we can train children about nature, 1027, Brandon, FL 33509-1027.

By Elisa Santana

By Taylor Wells

Page 34

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Volume 14, Issue 5

Embark On Healthier Lifestyle Through Medi-Weightloss Program

Pet Supplies Plus Is Your Neighborhood One-Stop Shop For All Your Pet Needs

Located at 203 Society of Bariatric W. Bloomingdale Physicians, regisAve. in Brandon tered dietitians and and serving the other healthcare proTampa Bay area in fessionals to aid her several other locain her weight loss tions, Medijourney with a Weightloss has strongly-founded been dedicated to treatment plan. helping its patients Hicks was reach their health pleased with the goals since 2006, staff’s hands-on and with an average of supportive approach Before After three million to her health journey. pounds lost nation“They will answer wide since its foun- Bay area resident Michelle Hicks was suc- any of my questions, cessfully guided through her health jourdation. motivate me if I was ney by medical professionals at MediBy basing its disappointed in my Weightloss and lost 55 pounds. programs on a ‘balance of education, weekly progress and guide me to next appetite management and exercise activi- steps, if needed. I was always presented ty,’ according to its website, this physiby smiling people, which made me feel cian-supervised weight loss program that they believe in what they are doing. proves to be much more than another The doctor would check in with me often quick-fix treatment. to discuss my progress as I went through Patients can come in for an initial the program,” she said. consultation and treatments are personal“I feel better than ever,” she ized using a patient’s own health profile exclaimed. “My blood pressure and chorather than a generalized treatment. lesterol are in normal range. I feel like I've Through several patient success testirewound the years,” she added. Hicks monies, including that of Brandon resinow enjoys her healthier lifestyle after losdent Michelle Hicks, Medi-Weightloss ing an impressive 55 pounds. continues to gain a wide range of support Medi-Weightloss directs its treatment from clients whose lives were changed approach away from typical fast diets that for the better. are ultimately ineffective and gears Hicks turned to the experts at Meditowards a comprehensive, three-phase Weightloss after unsuccessful attempts to program that will yield stable results for lose weight through self-treatment and patients in the long run. other various diets. After doing her For information, visit research, she was guided by board-certihttps://www.mediweightloss.com/ or call fied physicians who are members of the 877-MED-LOSS.

Pet Supplies keeping the pet. Plus specializes “We are a comin keeping your plete family of foster pets happy and failures,” said healthy. It carries Kesselring. “Dave and a large selection I have my first foster of premium, failure Charlie, a organic, all natuLhasa Poo mix. We ral and grain-free adopted him March products as well 17, 2010.” as a self-service Pet Supplies Plus, located at 1937 S.R. 60 The Keselring’s E. in Valrico, is a one-stop shop for all dog wash which love for animals tranyour pet supply needs. allows you to scends into the love of keep your pups looking and smelling running Pet Supplies Plus. Jacki their best. explains that Pet Supplies plus is neighNo one knows better about happy, borhood store, not a big box company. healthy pets than Pet Supplies Plus “When a neighbor comes into our owner, Jacki Kesselring. Jacki and her store, they will be greeted, acknowlhusband Dave came to the area from edged and helped as they shop and if Detroit, MI. The couple dreamed of purchasing a large or heavy item, will be opening their own business and when a helped to their car,” said Jacki. “Then as franchise opportunity in Florida became the they keep coming back soon they available, the Kesselring family opened will be known by name, we will learn all shop in Valrico in March 2016, and they the names of their pets, what they like never looked back. and don't like and we also get to “Dave and I started talking and become friends with the pet parents as wanted to start our own business,” said well.” Jacki. “We started looking into the Pet Supplies Plus is competitively opportunity and we decided this was the priced and features many natural, holisright fit for us.” tic and raw options to enhance your Part of the reason Pet Supplies Plus pet’s health and offers a 10 percent miliis such a good fit is that the Kesselring tary discount with ID. The self-service family is dedicated to the love and care dog wash includes four different types of of animals. Jacki started rescuing dogs shampoo and conditioner, dryer and when she was 9-yrs.-old. She refers to towels. The cost is $10 but there is also herself’as a ‘foster failure’ which is a a ‘dirty dog discount’ for $25 that humorous term describing a person who includes five washes. fosters pets from a rescue group until an Visit www.petsuppliesplus.com. The appropriate family can adopt the pet – store is located at 1937 S.R. 60 E. in however, they end up falling in love and Valrico. Call 540-0645.

By Manuela Graf

By Kelly Wise Valdes

May 2019

Page 35

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Palm Harbor Dermatology Offers Convenient Care

Fresh And Delicious Cuisine Served Up At New Asian Kitchen Is A Win Win

Great medand adult ical care is an patients. Dr. Scott absolute necessiLindsey is a ty, but too often board-certified patients receive dermatologist felunnecessary prolowship trained in cedures or imperboth Mohs sonal treatment. Micrographic That is not the Surgery and case at Palm Cosmetic Harbor Dermatologic Dermatology. Surgery. They Founded in 2008 have a wonderby Dr. Amy S. ful team of Ross, advanced pracPHDermatology tice registered always strives to Palm Harbor Dermatology's friendly staff will take nurses including care of all of your dermatology needs. keep the Julie Bucciarelli patient’s best interests in mind. Physician and Erica Underwood, whose commitliaison, Jenni Kelly, summarizes their ment to building relationships complecommitment to excellence in patient care: ments their passion and knowledge base “When you visit us, you can have confiwithin their field. dence that we’ve done our homework, Robin Winkler, a patient, raves, “I but also that we will answer your queswould highly recommend coming to tions until you share our confidence that PHDermatology. They explained everythe treatment is right for you.” Now with thing thoroughly for my appointment.” locations in both Brandon and Riverview, Palm Harbor Dermatology has eight you can be sure to see why patients convenient locations all over the Tampa believe they have never been treated so Bay area. If you do no want to go into the well. office, you can book a Televisit online and Each location offers care by boardspeak to a doctor from the privacy of your certified dermatologists. They can treat home. To find out more information or to any dermatology need from skin cancer book an appointment in office or online, to rashes, acne, warts, mole evaluation visit https://palmharbordermatology.com/ and removal. They also offer Mohs suror call 855-743-4968. To reach the gery for precision care. You will love the Brandon or Riverview offices directly, call fantastic team. Dr. Brittany Hearn enjoys 657-3330. The Brandon office is located all areas of dermatology including medat 621 Medical Care Dr. in Brandon. The ical, surgical, and cosmetic, and she has Riverview office is located at 10141 Big experience treating pediatric, adolescent Bend Rd., Ste. 209 in Riverview.

A group of menu offerings us visited Win are different. Win Asian You might be Kitchen, which yearning for recently opened some Fried Rice, at 812 but you will have Providence Rd. a decision to in Brandon. make. Do you Sharing various want it Chinese, menu items Japanese, gave us the Singapore, opportunity to try Vietnamese or a lot of dishes. Thai style? Your While all were choice of meat different, every remains the one of them was same for all of delicious. them. The restauThe Spicy rant is considCreamy Shrimp ered fast-casual, was quite differwhich means ent. It is served that although in a creamy you place your white sauce order at the with sesame counter, it is seeds. It had a delivered to slightly sweet your table. All flavor that I meals are could not quite served on figure out, but I china, so the could have cononly difference tinued eating it between Win if it was not for Win and a sitall the other down restaurant delectable is the ordering items such as process. All of Win Win Asian Kitchen recently opened at 812 the Dynamite Providence Rd. in Brandon. Enjoy all types of the food is Shrimp, which Asian cuisine which are made to order. freshly made to had a nice kick order. to it. One of the items I really enjoyed This is the seventh restaurant was the Cantonese Chow Fun. that Perry Liang has opened in Instead of your basic Lo Mein nooTampa Bay, including Liang’s Bistro dles, these are the wide Chinese Asian Cuisine on Bruce B Downs and Rice Noodles. You do not see it on Perry’s BBQ, located inside the very many Chinese restaurant menus Westfield Brandon Mall. here. I last enjoyed them long ago in It is evident that his experience New York City’s Chinatown. has transferred to the new restauTerry Vassalotti especially rant. When you walk in, the first thing enjoyed the Mongolian Beef. “The you notice is how clean and fresh ingredients were so fresh. I was most everything looks; from the restaurant impressed with the high quality of the itself to the food you are served. meat.” Many of the menu features are The Orange Chicken is a special signature dishes brought from the recipe and really quite tasty. If you chef at Liang’s Bistro. Wok classics are looking for something a little as well as fried rice and noodle comlighter, you can try Win’s Lettuce binations are on the menu along with Wrap with either chicken or shrimp. choices of soups, salads and appeAlthough an appetizer, it is large tizers. enough to be a full meal choice or Win Win offers the standard dish- pair it up with a side order of es that you might find in other AsianEdamame. style restaurants such as Sesame To check out the menu, visit Win Chicken and Wok Classics as well as Win Asian Kitchen on Facebook or Pad Thai Noodles, but some of the call 653-1111.

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Page 36

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Volume 14, Issue 5

May 2019

Page 37

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Professional Storyteller Inspires Students At Schools And Libraries By Kate Quesada

Over his 40year career as a teacher, Windell Campbell has touched the lives of countless students. But 25 years ago, he found his passion and has been using it as a way to reach local children ever since. Campbell is a professional oral storyteller who travels all over the state visiting libraries for summer reading programs in addition to running after-school clubs in two elementary local schools. During the summer programs, he performs some of his favorite stories, usually from folk and fairy tales, and teaches the children how to present themselves, giving their own interpretations to the literature. “The main goal of the summer program is to inspire children to pick up and check out books,” said Campbell. “There are many other wonderful side effects too though.” Through the sessions children also learn the structure of stories and how to perform them using gestures and tone. “They also master how to stand up and perform in front of a group of people, a skill that will benefit them into adulthood,” said Campbell. “When they are successful it gives them confidence, makes them feel accomplished and inspires them to learn more.” A teacher of gifted studies at Plant City’s Cork Elementary, Campbell also holds Storytelling Clubs at two local schools where students regularly meet after school. Some of the clubs’ members have gone on to compete in annual local and state storytelling festivals. “Some are really, really good,” he said. “It is powerful to watch.” Campbell became interested in storytelling after seeing another performer dur-

ing a school field trip. “I was captivated and decided I needed to learn how to tell stories the same way,” said Campbell, whose favorite tales come from a storytelling book called Sody Sallyratus. A Valrico resident for many years, during which time he taught at Alafia Elementary and Mulrennan Middle

Local elementary teacher Windell Campbell is a professional storyteller who will visit libraries throughout Hillsborough County this summer to host Summer Reading Programs.

schools, Campbell often performs at the Bloomingdale Regional Library and plans to visit libraries all over Hillsborough County this summer. “My wife, Pam Lewis, has been a great support in not only my storytelling career but also in forty years of teaching,” said Campbell. “Without her, I could not have managed combining my two careers in such a meaningful way.” To learn more about Campbell, who also performs for birthday parties and church groups, email him at windell.campbell@verizon.net or call 6843819. For a schedule of summer programs at local libraries, visit www.hcplc.org.

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Brian Bokor Corners Local Growth On Facebook Page

By Michelle Colesanti

You may have the area along with a seen Bokors Corner lot of general employon Facebook. The ment that is being creman behind the ated by all the new page is local resident services, restaurants, Brian Bokor. shops, etc. I'd much Bokors Corner rather live in an area started as (and still where new growth is is) a personal hobby occurring versus a part for Bokor; a place for of town where shops him to keep track of are closing and strip all the local commumalls are half full.” nity growth taking He did note that place. It is for his the flip side is the Brian Bokor created the Bokors personal use, but as Corner Facebook page to keep track increased traffic that it is all public record of all the growth taking place locally. all these new service(no confidential information), he grasobring. “It’s inevitable; it's despised by ciously shares his finds with the com100 percent and it's dangerous. I feel munity. for those that have to commute to and Born in Chicago, IL, Bokor grew up from Tampa on a daily basis.” in Charlotte, NC and graduated from He agrees that the growth is North Carolina State University in 1986. absolutely necessary, but overgrowth He worked for Allstate Insurance as a can become restrictive on its residents. Financial Analyst for 15 years and then He added that everyone has opened up a Real Estate Appraisal firm access to the information he currently in 2003 with his wife, Sharon, who is supplies, although it can be daunting both an appraiser and a real estate bro- trying to find it. ker. With the development boom of the Bokor visits the Hillsborough current market, her focus has been County Property Appraiser site specializing in assemblage of vacant (www.hcpafl.org), which gives you land. owner info, property location and curBokor has his reasons for wanting rent use, size of parcel and more. to be in the know. “Being an appraiser “If you can find those little yellow by trade, it made sense for me to know signs on the project site, they will have what was being built behind my proper- the rezoning or file or application numty and how it could impact my future ber for that specific project listed. This property values. I then visited with my is when you would need to go to neighbors and asked anyone if they the Rezoning, Plans and Permit knew that an 81-unit apartment comInformation (PGM) Store website to do plex had been proposed in our backfurther research at ‘www.hillsboroughyard, to which all of them said ‘No.’ county.org/en and search ‘PGM.’” That’s when the bell went off in my He notes that sometimes you have head.” to dig through several file folders in Their current home was built by his order to find the information you might father-in-law in 1996. “I moved to the be looking for. area in 1997. Our first home was in Bokor loves the interaction with Bloomingdale East, so we are very those who use his Facebook page. If familiar with all the changes that have you see something while you are drivtaken place since then,” Bokor noted. ing around the community, let him know Bokor feels that that all this new and he will find out what is going on. construction is a double-edged sword. Like Bokors Corner at “Some really good jobs are coming to www.facebook.com/bokorscorner/.

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Page 38

Volume 14, Issue 5

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

With Arts & Entertainment Editor Kathy L. Collins

Emerging Artist Ben Hough Exhibits His Steampunk Art At The Winthrop Arts Art Factory Gallery

Tampa Theatre Announces 28th Annual Summer Classics Movie Series

Ben Hough, Hough a longtime explained that he Brandon resisurrounds himself dent, is an with objects such extraordinary as pipes and artist. Hough clock pieces, creates works with the Steampunk art. pieces and begins Specifically, he to build somecreates tablething. The end top lights, canproduct pops into dleholders, his head and it is clocks, coat what he ultimately racks/hooks produces. Local artist, Bryant Martinez and emerging and cigar Hough recentartist, Ben Hough recently collaborated on sev- ly entered the tables. eral pieces of artwork, combining Hough’s Steampunk Steampunk art with Martinez’ painting. The two 11th Annual held an art exhibit at the new Winthrop Arts Art Winthrop Arts art is a subFactory Gallery in Riverview. genre of sciFestival and ence fiction or science fantasy that Market in March. This was his first incorporates technology and aesthetic juried art show, and he was awarded designs inspired by 19th century one of two Emerging Artist Awards. industrial steam-powered machinery. Hough said of the win, “I always knew Hough’s artwork has a very I was an artist, but this win is a whole industrial look to it. He uses pipes, new thing.” salvaged auto parts and clock pieces Recently, Hough collaborated with to create his visually appealing and local artist, Bryant Martinez to hold usable artwork. His lights, clocks and their first collaborative art exhibit at candleholders are eye-catching and the new Winthrop Arts Art Factory different. The fact that they have a Gallery in Riverview on May 9. purpose makes them so much more Martinez said, “After he received the than just an unusual art piece. award at the festival, he asked if we Hough said, “I wanted to purcould create some art pieces togethchase a lamp. When I saw it, I er. The idea of a show together gave thought that I can do that. So, I just us a common focus.” set out to create my own lamp. I Hough and Martinez worked on evolved from that point.” several pieces for the show including When asked to describe his art, a wall coat hanger. Martinez added, Hough added, “My art is made from “For me, collaborating with other upcycled items. I make a unique artists is what I love to do.” piece. Yes, others do the same kind You can follow Hough on of art, but none are as unique as Instagram @bens_steampunk_19 or mine.” call him at 610-8751.

The shown on Tampa June 30. Theatre Next, get knows that your vocals fans of clasready to singsic films like a-long to to see their Grease on favorites the July 7. way they The were meant Tampa to be seenTheatre will on the big bring the Come see the winner of the screen. The drama with All ‘Fans Pick’ the Classic movie, Tampa That Jazz on sing-a-long Grease, on Theatre's July 14. Sunday, July 7. 28th Annual The adventurous Jurassic Park Summer Classics Movie Series Lineup will be shown on July 21. will feature a diverse group of movies Take a walk down the yellow brick from over nine decades of extraordinary road and watch The Wizard of Oz on July filmmaking. 28. Each year, fans are able to nominate The Philadelphia Story will be shown and vote for their favorite film. According on August 4. to Jill Witecki with the Tampa Theatre, Come see 9 To 5 on August 11. "The nostalgic musical romp, Grease, will The dramatic The Shawshank return to the lineup in its sing-a-long form Redemption will hit the big screen on for the 'Fans Pick the Classic' spot this August 18. summer." Witecki added, "And just Next, the Tampa Theatre will present because it is such a great summer the silent film, The Silent Clowns: movie, we also included the runner up Comedy Shorts, with live music from 'Fans Pick' Jaws." nationally acclaimed organist Dr. Steven All movies will be held on Sunday's Ball on the Tampa Theatre's Mighty at 3 p.m. except there will be an addition- Wurlitzer Organ on August 25. al showing of Casablanca on Saturday, The series will close out with two August 31. showings of Casablanca on Saturday, First up in this year's series is Mr. August 31 and Sunday, September 1. Smith Goes To Washington on June 2. Tickets to the Summer Classics Some Like It Hot will be shown on Movie Series are $10 ($7 for members) June 9. for all regular films and $13 ($10 for The runner up in the "Fans Pick," member) for the sing-a-long and silent Jaws will be shown on June 16. film. You can purchase tickets online at Cool Hand Luke is the next film to be www.tampatheatre.org or by visiting the shown on June 23. Box Office located at 711 N. Franklin St. The thrilling Dial M for Murder will be in downtown Tampa.

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May 2019

Page 39

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Rosecastle At Delaney Creek In Brandon Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary The Rosecastle at Delaney Creek in Brandon cordially invites the local community to commemorate it being in operation for 20 years. This event will occur on July 18 of this year from 4 p.m.- 6 p.m. with a 90’s theme décor. Food, entertainment, tours and more will provided for those who attend. In 1999, Rosecastle at Delaney Creek opened. The 52,000 sq. ft. building features an option of a six floor plan such as a studio, two-bedroom, one-bedroom and more. It also offers 24-hour on-site staff, which includes LPN’s (Licensed Practical Nurses) and caregivers. To add, residents get specialized care for those with memory loss or Alzheimer’s disease. Residents also receive assistance with daily activities that include dressing, grooming and much more. Rosecastle at Delaney Creek executive director, Christopher Kmet expounded on the kind of premiere services it offers to their residents. “With our extended care license residents can age in place,” Kmet said. In addition, some primary services that one could receive would be home health,

By Tatiana Ortiz

physical therapy, occupational therapy and more.” Kmet also mentioned about the various completed renovations here. For example, Rosecastle at Delaney Creek got a new roof and the interior was painted just to name a few. With Kmet’s role as the executive director he strives to make sure that Rosecastle at Delaney Creek continues to maintain its reputation that it had since 1999. He also aims to bring awareness about what the facility does, especially for those who never visited Rosecastle at Delaney Creek. In regards to the 20th year anniversary celebration, Kmet shares his excitement about it. “We hope to bring in the community and show them what we did,” Kmet said. “To add, in this industry it’s not an accomplishment that many companies can fulfill.” Overall, as the population ages, Rosecastle at Delaney Creek will continue to provide quality care for its residents. For more information, visit http://rosecastleal.com/delaney.html. Delaney Creek is located at 320 S. Lakewood Dr. in Brandon. Call 655-8858.

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Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Volume 14, Issue 5

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