34 minute read
Hooked On Books
The kitchen truly becomes the heart of the home during the Christmas season. Between the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it may be difcult to focus on the true meaning of Christmas—the birth of Jesus—and create meaningful and faith-based family traditions that can be passed down from generation to generation. One of the traditions that we practiced as family when my children were young was making Christmas cookies and gingerbread houses at their grandparents’ house. The process of baking and cooking together with your kids or grandkids gives families an opportunity to slow down and enjoy each other. Christmas baking is a timeless joy and creates a lifetime of memories and family recipes. As time moves on, holiday traditions may change, but the special memories of time in the kitchen with family at Christmas will be something that everyone will always treasure. Below is a small collection of faith-based cookbooks with recipes, ideas and activities that will help you create this special family tradition. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Bake through the Bible at Christmas By Susie Bentley-Taylor, Bekah Moore
This book helps parents to explore the Christmas story with their child while having fun cooking together. It contains 12 Bible stories, told in a simple, engaging style, that take a child through the events of the first Christmas. Each story is supported by a cooking activity that reinforces the main teaching, along with questions to discuss while cooking and a simple recap to use while enjoying what you’ve made. With clear, illustrated recipes, you don’t have to be a good cook to enjoy this book— just ready to have some fun as you bake through the Bible at Christmas!
Christmas Delights: A FaithFilled, Family Favorite Holiday Cookbook
Compiled by Barbour Staf

Delight your family with the festive flavors of Christmas with this faithbased book. Browse through more than 250 recipes illustrated with full-color photographs and create the perfect delicacies for every Advent occasion, including bountiful breakfasts and brunches, hearty holiday dinners, popular party foods, cookies and candy, edible gifts your friends and neighbors will love and more.

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Te Doors of Te Church Are Open
Church Services 10am Sunday Join us for Christmas Service on Dec. 19th at 10:00 a.m.
Youth & Teens
Church School 9:00 a.m. Kingdom Builders 10:00 a.m. (Children’s Church 2-10)
Bible Study
7pm Tuesday (Teens) 7pm Wednesday (Adults)
Community Food Pantry
2nd & 4th Tursday 11:00 -2:00 Monthly
Second Chances Job Training
Mon.-Turs. 12 Days of Christmas with Six Sisters’ Stuf: 144 Ideas for Traditions, Homemade Gifts, Recipes, and More By Six Sisters’ Stuf

In this book, the Six Sisters share their stories and expertise for making a memorable holiday season with practical tips, delicious recipes and great ideas as they share with them and their families the traditions and joys of Christmas. This beautiful book includes fun recipes, projects and ideas along with full-color photographs and easyto-follow instructions that will make the holidays a success.
It’s a Wonderful Life Cookbook
By Karolyn Grimes ‘Zuzu’ and Franklin Donanyos

Celebrating one of the most beloved American Christmas films of all time, Director Frank Capra’s It’s a Wonderful Life, this book is full of movie folklore and recipes meant to delight and entertain everyone and is presented by the actress who played star Jimmy Stewart’s youngest onscreen daughter. From savory main courses to festive desserts, this book provides 250 old-fashioned recipes inspired by the movie, including Violet’s Spicy Chicken, Silver Bells Christmas Cookies, Henry Potter Pot Pie, Harry Bailey Hero Sandwich & more.

Churches Ofering Holiday Services
Staf Report

Bell Shoals Baptist
Bell Shoals Baptist church is offering services at its four locations.
In Apollo Beach, Christmas Eve services will take place at 1, 3 and 5 p.m. On Sunday, December 26, there will be one combined service at 9:15 a.m.
The Brandon location will ofer a Christmas Worship Experience on Sunday, December 12 at 6 p.m., which will include a night of worship led by Bell Shoals Music. The team will perform songs from the new Christmas album, Born Unto Us, as well as an original arrangement of many Christmas favorites. No tickets are required for this event. Christmas Eve services will take place in Brandon at 1, 3 and 5 p.m., and on December 26, there will be one combined service at 9:30 a.m.
The Palm River location will host a Christmas Eve service at 1 p.m. and the Riverview location will host a Christmas Eve service at 5 p.m.
The Brandon Campus Chapel will host Una Noche Buena at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 22.
Te Crossing Church
The Crossing Church, with campuses in Tampa, Ruskin and Plant City, is inviting residents to encounter hope and celebrate The Coming King this Christmas.
The Tampa campus, located at 10130 Tuscany Ridge Dr., ofers services on Thursday, December 23 at 6 p.m. and Friday, December 24 at 3 and 5 p.m.
On Christmas Eve, the SouthShore campus, located at 2409 E. College Ave. in Ruskin, will host services at 3 and 5 p.m. The Plant City campus is located at 507 S. Wheeler St. and will have a Christmas Eve service at 5 p.m.
To learn more, visit www.crossingchrist mas.com.
Love First Christian Center
Love First Christian Center, located at 12847 Balm Riverview Rd. in Riverview, is ofering Christmas services on Christmas Eve and Sunday, December 26. On Friday, December 24, from 7-7:30 p.m., Friday Night Live with Pastor Jomo and Charmaine will take place. Sunday morning worship takes place at 7:45 and 9:45 a.m. To learn more, call 671-2009 or visit https://lovefirst.churchcenter.com.
Mt Zion AME Riverview
Located at 5920 Robert Tolle Dr. in Riverview, Mt. Zion African Methodist Episcopal is ofering a Christmas service at 10 a.m. on Sunday, December 19. To learn more about the church, call 337-7457, visit www.mtzionriverview.com or find the church on Facebook.
Holy Innocents’ Episcopal Church
Holy Innocents’ Episcopal Church in Valrico will host Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services this month. On Friday, December 24 a Family Service will take place at 5 p.m., followed by a seasonal music prelude at 10:30 p.m. and a Festive Eucharist at 11 p.m. A variety of seasonal music will be ofered. On Christmas Day, the Holy Eucharist will take place at 9 a.m.
The church is located at 604 N. Valrico Rd. and can be reached at 689-3130. For more information, visit www.hiepiscopal.org.
St. Anne Catholic Church
St. Anne Catholic Church in Ruskin has a busy advent and Christmas schedule with multiple Masses scheduled each week. For a full schedule of mass times, visit www.saintanneruskin.org.
Christmas services start at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, December 24, and Christmas Day Mass will take place at 8 a.m., 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. On Sunday, December 26, Holy Family Mass will take place at 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 p.m. and 5 p.m. The church is located at 106 11th Ave. in Ruskin and can be reached at 645-1714.

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Luke 14:28 (NLT): 28 But don’t begin until you count the cost. For who would begin construction of a building without frst calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to fnish it?
Everything in life comes with a price tag. The question we must ask ourselves is, “Am I willing to pay the price for success?” We must be willing to work hard to achieve the success we want. Remember, the only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.
If success is our goal, then we must be willing to count the costs—which include our time, our talent and our treasure—to make it happen. Counting the cost is like going to a bufet, paying the price up front then having the ability to eat as much as we want. Success is always available. The chal-
Pastor’s Corner
Jomo Cousins, PhD COUNT THE COST
lenge is that most people are not willing to pay the price to receive it. Success does not go on sale; it is always full price.
The Bible says we reap what we sow (Gal 6:7, NKJV). So, be willing to invest the time and energy required to receive what you want. It is vital to have a budget for life and for business because if something doesn’t make dollars, it doesn’t make sense.
“Measure twice, cut once,” is one of my favorite proverbs. Obviously, it is a great rule for carpenters: cut the wood improperly and the piece is ruined. But it is also a great rule for business leaders: it’s better to double-check than to make a mistake.
Father God, I thank You for the wisdom, understanding and discernment to count the costs of the decisions I make in my business, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Except from: 60 Prayers in 60 Seconds, Page 20.
By Libby Hopkins
Last year, the COVID-19 pandemic made all community holiday events extremely difcult to host, especially for Center Place Fine Arts & Civic Association in Brandon.
“Center Place’s annual Christmas Tree Lighting has been a part of the Brandon community more many years,” said Center Place’s executive director, Libby Hopkins. “The tree lighting was one of Center Place’s biggest event of the holiday season, and it was attended by the entire community. Last year, we had to limit the attendees to just 50 guests. This was heartbreaking for Center Place and our community.”
Center Place Executive Board member and local resident Mike Owen has graciously agreed to be the sponsor of this year’s Christmas Tree Lighting event that will take place at on Wednesday, December 8 at Center Place.
“I wanted to sponsor this event because the tree lighting at Center Place meant a lot to me growing up in Brandon,” Owen said. “The tree in the lake always signaled to me that Christmas is here. I can remember like yesterday, playing baseball at Brandon Little League and seeing the tree lit up across the street. I want the kids growing up in our community to have the same experience I had, so I’m proud to sponsor this event.”
The Christmas Tree Lighting at Center Place is a free community event, and the center is working with local vendors like ABC Event Planning to help make this year’s event special. “The tree lighting in the lake is important to our community now more than ever,” Owen said. “Our community just went through a tough year. Our business community was turned upside down because of the pandemic. Now it’s time to get back to normalcy.” Owen and Hopkins hope this year’s event is attended by the community and bring back many fond memories of Christmas past. “I hope to have a large turnout from all parts of Hillsborough County,” Owen said. “Center Place is not just a Brandon community center, it’s for all of the residents of our county, and I believe that will be reflected by those who attend. The Christmas tree in the lake at Center Place is just as important to me as the tree in Rockefeller Center. As a matter of fact, it is better, and I will take our community at Christmas over any community in the world.”
The Christmas Tree Lighting at Center Place is a free community event that will take place on December 8 from 6-9 p.m. at Center Place. Free light snacks and refreshments will be available to the first 100 guests.
Center Place is located at 619 Vonderburg Dr., Ste. B in Brandon next to the Brandon Library.

Staf Report
The Rotary Club of FishHawk-Riverview is pleased to announce 37th annual Alafia Lighted Boat Parade and Chili To-Go event to be held on Saturday, December 5. The celebration will take place at the Riverview Civic Center starting at 5 p.m. and in conjunction with other sites located along the Alafia River. First United Methodist Church of Riverview has agreed to be a viewing site this year, and the boat parade winners will be announced at River’s Edge Bar and Grill.
“Last year, our event featured many decorated boats, chili cook-of contestants and refreshments,” said Christine D. Ans, public relations chair of the Rotary Club of FishHawk-Riverview. “Children received the opportunity to have their picture taken with Santa Claus, heard Christmas music and saw the bright holiday lights of the boats in the parade.”
Last year, more than 30 boats participated.
“This year promises to be just as fun with the added precautions that we need to take in our county due to the COVID pandemic,” said Ans. “For instance, we will have Santa on a boat greeting everyone as we go down the river; we are having Chili To-Go, sponsored by The Flying Locksmiths, available
at the two viewing sites for a donation of $5; and entertainment outside at the Riverview Civic Center.” The group hopes to attract more than 1,500 people to this annual Riverview tradition. All proceeds will fund charitable activities of the Rotary Club of
Te Rotary Club of FishHawk-Riverview will hold the 37th annual Alafa Lighted Boat Parade and Chili To-Go event FishHawk-Riverview and Friends of the County Parks. on Saturday, December 5. Since its inception, the Rotary
Club of FishHawk-Riverview has been involved in numerous service projects, including the College Scholarship Program (over $58,000) awarded to date to financially needy students at Riverview, Spoto and Newsome High Schools; the Alafia Lighted Boat Parade; High School Interact; Student Dictionary Distribution (over 9,000 dictionaries to elementary school children since the program began); Rotary’s Camp Florida (camp for special needs children in Brandon); Group Study Exchange; Reading is Fundamental (more than 900 free books to Head Start students); S4TL (Seminar for Tomorrow’s Leaders); Sylvia Thomas Center; Brandon Outreach (over $10,000 given); ECHO; and local YMCAs (over $10,000 given). Club members have separately given through dues and donations over $100,000 in the past 15 years to Polio Plus and The Rotary Foundation. Rotary International is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations and help build goodwill and peace in the world. Contact Boat Parade Chairperson Kim Tyson at hummingbird133@verizon.net.

By Kate Quesada
A local hero will always be remembered by Brandon drivers thanks to a ceremony that took place last month.
The 2021 Legislature of Florida designated SR 60 from Philip Lee Blvd. to I-75 as Sergeant Brian LaVigne Rd. in honor of the fallen sergeant who was killed in the line of duty on January 11, and last month, Representative Andrew Learned, along with other members of the Florida Legislature, Hillsborough County Sherif Chad Chronister and Hillsborough County Commissioner Kimberly Overman, honored the late Sergeant Brian LaVigne during an unveiling of his road plaque.
LaVigne, who was 54, had one more day of work before retiring after 30 years when a fleeing suspect crashed into the driver’s side of his cruiser.
“Sergeant Brian LaVigne will never be forgotten, and this will serve as another reminder of his selfless service to his community until the very end of his life,” said Chronister. “Now when people drive down
this stretch of roadway, they will be reminded of the legacy and impact left by Sergeant LaVigne.” LaVigne’s wife, Cathleen, also spoke at the ceremony and explained that in addition to being an ofcer, her husband was a loving father to his daughters, one of whom, Caitlin, is also a deputy with the Hillsborough County Sherrif’s Ofce. He
LaVigne’s wife, Cathleen, with children Caitlin-also a deputy with the received many profesHillsborough County Sherrif’s Ofce and son Liam. sional achievements in
his career, including being named Deputy of the Half in 1992 and receiving the Sherif’s Ofce Life Saving Award in 2017. “This designation is not for the way Sergeant LaVigne died. This memorial is how he lived,” Learned said. “To the 29 years, 361 days of his service to the people of Brandon.” The dedication of the roadway was made possible thanks to a bill, SB 1716, signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis in June. The measure named sections of roadways for three fallen ofcers, including LaVigne. At the time, DeSantis spoke about the importance of the recognition the measure allowed. “What we do here today, I know, is not going to unring the bells, but I do think that it’s an appropriate recognition, and I think it’s a signal to say we’re not going to forget their sacrifices,” DeSantis said. “We’re not going to forget what they did to protect our communities.”

By Kelly Wise Valdes
The City of Bethlehem will once again be brought to life at Kings Avenue Baptist Church for its 35th annual Walk Thru Bethlehem (WTB) event. The church has been hosting this festive, Christmas tradition since 1986; it is an interactive, family-friendly holiday event that transports guests directly to the ancient City of Bethlehem as it existed during the time of Jesus’ birth. Guests will feel like they have been transported to the actual events of that time and experience the miracle of Christmas.
This free community event normally draws more than 6,000 visitors each year. Registered guests are transported during a 30-minute guided tour through authentic settings of the ancient City of Bethlehem, traversing through the town’s shops, smelling the aromas and hearing the sounds of the hustle and bustle of Bethlehem’s citizens.
Anyone wishing to attend this year will need to register in advance in order to visit the recently expanded city. Registration can be completed online at www.walkthrubethlehem.com. Chairman Tracy Hoyt is excited to bring back the event this year, as last year’s event was greatly modified due to COVID-19. “We added an hour to each weekend day to allow for more visitors,” said Hoyt. “We have implemented COVID precautions such as limited seating areas, increased distancing between groups and actors and guests. We are very excited to bring it back this year after not
having the city last year.” Throughout the city are actors in time-period clothing, sets, scenery and animals. More than 225 volunteers each evening transform to be the townspeople of Bethlehem, populated by Roman Guards, weav-
Walk Tru Bethlehem PIC 1- Kings Avenue ers, blacksmiths, bakchurch will be hosting its 35th annual Walk ers, carpenters, pot-
Tru Bethlehem. Tis is a free event, but ters and shepherds. registration is necessary. The tour concludes
with a visit to the manger with Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. Tour groups consist of 15 people leaving the chapel every five minutes. The tour lasts 45 minutes and ends with a petting zoo area, including a camel, various other animals and free hot chocolate. Many families have made WTB part of their family’s holiday traditions for years, and Hoyt is excited to be able to bring the full event back to the community. “My favorite part of the event is seeing the faces of our visitors and listening to their joy,” said Hoyt. “I love to hear how some families have made it a tradition and come every year, and what new things they discover.” Walk Thru Bethlehem takes place on Thursday, December 2 from 6:30-10 p.m., Friday, December 3 from 6:30-10 p.m., Saturday, December 4 from 3-10 p.m. and Sunday, December 5 from 3-10 p.m. To make a reservation, visit www.walkthrubethlehem.com or call the church at 684-9453. Kings Avenue Baptist Church is located at 2602 S Kings Ave. in Brandon.

By Kelly Wise Valdes

After missing the annual holiday concert in 2020, the Plant City Community Chorale is thrilled to announce its 2021 holiday concert, From the Realms of Glory. The concert, sponsored by Hopewell Funeral Home & Memorial Gardens, will be presented on Saturday, December 4, at 7:30 p.m. The Chorale is excited to be performing for the first time at this location.
The Chorale is under the direction of Claudia Liliana Bolano Becerra and will perform holiday favorites such as “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,” “White Christmas” and “Coventry Carol.” The audience will find themselves humming along to other selections and feeling warmed by the spirit of the music and the joy of the holiday. This is Becerra’s last concert as artistic director, as her family is moving to Parma, Italy.
Carol Walker, executive director of the Chorale, is excited about this family-friendly event. “We are very grate-
ful to the Nativity Catholic Church for allowing us to sing in their beautiful church,” said Walker. “We hope that the audience will enjoy and get involved in the story we are singing about Christmas and are filled with the Christmas
The Plant City Community Chorale is thrilled to announce that its spirit.” 2021 holiday concert, From the Realms of Glory, will be held on Sat- This event is the perurday, December 4 at Nativity Catholic Church in Brandon. fect way to start the
holiday spirit. “Christmas is a very special time of year and our Christmas concert represents, to me, the beginning of the Christmas season,” said Walker. “With our last Christmas concert being in December 2019, hopefully the audience will feel how grateful we are to be singing again and will embrace our love and enthusiasm in singing for them.” Tickets are available at www.pccchorale.org, Facebook at fb.com/pccommunitychorale, from any Chorale member or by calling 965-7213. Tickets may also be purchased at the Walden Lake Car Wash at 1414 S. Alexander St. in Plant City or at the door on the night of the concert. Tickets are $15. Children 12 and under are free. The event will be held at Nativity Catholic Church, located at 705 E. Brandon Blvd. in Brandon. The Chorale respectfully requests that masks be worn during the concert.

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By Kelly Wise Valdes

For most people, the Christmas holidays are full of joyous celebrations with family and friends; however, this isn’t true for many local families who are struggling to make ends meet during these difficult times. One out of every six people in our area are food-insecure, which means that may not have enough food or money for their next meal. Incredibly, many food-insecure people are not homeless—more than 94 percent that need help either rent or own their own home.
The Brandon Gift of Hope has provided Christmas gifts and meals to more than local 600 families each year since 2011. This is a multi-church community and has partnered with many other local area churches to provide people with holiday toys and food. Each year, registered people and families will find a hospitality area, a prayer chapel, a shopping area (where each guest selects gifts for their children they registered for), a gift wrap area and a gift card for a holiday meal.
Melanie Langston, the registration and volunteer coordinator for this program, is excited to be part of this meaningful outreach again this year. “I enjoy being part of a multi-church and business outreach for the community around us,” said Langston. “I love being a part of a community that
takes cares of each other.” Langston also mentioned that one of her favorite things to look forward to each year is the registration team. “We have served together (all from diferent churches) for at least 10 years,”
Brandon Gift of Hope will be providing holiday gifts and said Langston. “I food to more than 600 families this Christmas season. look forward to
September every year to planning ahead for the event and seeing the team.” Currently, greatest need for this year’s event is toy donations and getting the community registered. Registration is open from now until Friday, December 3. Registration is taking place at ECHO of Brandon at 507 N. Parson Ave. in Brandon from Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., and on Tuesday from 5-7 p.m. An additional registration site is ECHO of Riverview, located at 7807 Capitano St. in Riverview from Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Registrants must bring a picture ID, an original social security card and proof of address. The actual event is taking place from Wednesday, December 15 through Friday, December 17 at New Hope Church, located at 213 N. Knights Ave. in Brandon. For more information about volunteering, donations and people who would like to register to be recipients at this outreach, please visit www.brandongiftofhope.com or call 4855604.

St. Anne Catholic Church
Advent & Christmas Schedule
ADVENT MASS SCHEDULE Monday - Friday Masses
8:00 a.m.
Tuesday Mass
10:00 a.m.
Wednesday Mass
7:00 p.m. (6:45 Novena)
Tursday Spanish Mass
7:00 p.m.
Saturday Masses
10:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Vigil Mass
Sunday Masses
FIRST WEEK OF ADVENT Friday, December 3
7:00 p.m. Mass followed by Adoration until 10:00 p.m.
Saturday, December 4
8:00 a.m.-10:00 Adoration followed by Mass at 10:00 a.m.
SECOND WEEK OF ADVENT Feast of the Immaculate Conception Wednesday, December 8
Holy Day of Obligation Vigil Mass 7:00 p.m. (Dec 7) 8:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. & 6:30 p.m. Masses
Hwy. 41 106 11th Ave • Ruskin 813-645-1714
THIRD WEEK OF ADVENT Sunday, December 12 Our Lady of Guadalupe
12:00 p.m. Spanish Mass
Advent Penance Service Wednesday, Decemer 15
7:00 p.m. Several priests available
Simbang Gabi Friday, December 17
6:30 p.m. Rosary 7:00pm Mass
FOURTH WEEK OF ADVENT Friday, December 24
8:00 a.m. Mass 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Reconciliation Te time of preparation ends as we welcome the newborn King.
3:30 p.m. Choral Singing 4:00 p.m. Family Mass 6:00 p.m. Christmas Preludes 6:30 p.m. Mass 9:00 p.m. Spanish Mass
11:30 Christmas Preludes 12:00 a.m. Mass
8:00 a.m. • 10:00 a.m. • 12: p.m. Masses
8:00 a.m. • 10:00 a.m. • 12: p.m. & 5:00 p.m.

Bay Life Church 1017 Kingsway Ave., Brandon (813) 661-3696 Bell Shoals Baptist - Brandon 2102 Bell Shoals Rd., Brandon (813) 689-4229 Congregación Hispana 2102 Bell Shoals Rd., Brandon (813) 689-4229 ext. 242 Bell Shoals Baptist - Apollo Beach 408 Apollo Beach Blvd., Apollo Beach (813) 641-2222 Bell Shoals Baptist - Palm River 5415 Palm River Rd.,Tampa (813) 621-2058 Bell Shoals Baptist - Riverview 9990 South Hwy 301, Suite 10024, Riverview (813) 689-4229 First Baptist Church of Brandon 216 N. Parsons Ave., Brandon (813) 689-1204 First Baptist Church of Bloomingdale 3303 Bloomingdale Ave.,Valrico (813) 689-3847 First Baptist Church of Gibsonton 9912 Indiana St., Gibsonton (813) 677-1301 First Baptist Church of Ruskin 820 College Ave. W., Ruskin (813) 645-6439 FishHawk Fellowship 15326 Fishhawk Blvd., Lithia, (813) 655-7431 Grace Baptist Church 2909 John Moore Rd., Brandon (813) 689-7190 Journey Church 415 W. Lumsden Rd., Brandon (813) 699-8262 Shiloh Baptist Church 1104 Cason St., Plant City (813) 752-8345

CATHOLIC Nativity Catholic Church 705 E Brandon Blvd., Brandon (813) 681-4608 St. Anne Catholic Church 106 11th Ave. NE, Ruskin (813) 645-1714 St. Matthews Anglican Church 10701 Bloomingdale Avenue, Riverview 813-663-0334 St. Stephen Catholic Church 10118 Saint Stephen Circle, Riverview (813) 689-4900
CHURCH OF GOD Boyette Springs Church of God 12114 Boyette Rd., Riverview (813) 671-0086 Plant City Church of God 2103 Mud Lake Rd., Plant City (813) 752-4591
EPISCOPAL Holy Innocents' Episcopal Church 604 N. Valrico Rd., Valrico (813) 689-3130
LUTHERAN Apostles Lutheran Church 200 Kingsway Rd, Brandon (813) 689-2571 Immanuel Lutheran Church 2913 John Moore Rd., Brandon (813) 689-1787 Living Savior Lutheran Church 2650 Lithia Pinecrest Rd., Valrico (813) 681-2375
METHODIST First United Methodist Church of Seffner 1310 South Kingsway Rd., Seffner (813) 689-3513 Grace Community United Methodist Church 5708 Lithia Pinecrest Rd., Lithia (813) 661-8858 • info@mygraceumc.com Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church 5920 Robert Tolle Drive, Riverview (813) 337-7457 New Hope United Methodist Church 120 N. Knights Ave., Brandon (813) 689-4161 Riverview First United Methodist Church 8002 US Hwy 301., Riverview www.riverviewflumc.org Ruskin United Methodist Church 105 4th Ave. NW, Ruskin (813) 645-1241 South Shore United Methodist Church 11525 Big Bend Rd., Riverview (813) 649-9462 NON-DENOMINATIONAL Calvary Chapel Brandon 1331 Kingsway Rd., Brandon (813) 681-5318 Centerpoint Church 1801 S. Miller Rd., Valrico (813) 689-1906 Grace Community Church 1425 N Valrico Rd., Valrico (813) 689-9781 Harvest Bible Chapel Bloomingdale High School 813-699-0517 Love First Christian Center 12847 Balm Riverview Rd., Riverview 813-671-2009 River of Life Christian Center 6605 Krycul Ave, Riverview 813-677-4453 New Life Christian Church 401 S. Saint Cloud Ave, Valrico 813-548-2733 South Bay Church 13498 US 301 S., Riverview 813-677-0721 The Chapel at FishHawk 6026 Churchside Dr., Lithia 813-661-7105 The Crossing Church - Main Campus 10130 Tuscany Ridge Dr., Tampa, (813) 626-0783 The Crossing Church - SouthShore 2409 East College Ave., Ruskin (813) 626-0580 The Palms Church 207 New Hope Rd., Brandon (813) 841-9598 True Sanctuary 6528 US Hwy 301 S., Suite 114, Riverview (813) 319-5862
Destiny Church 2322 11th Ave. SE, Ruskin (813) 645-3337 HighPoint Church of Brandon 2207 Lithia-Pinecrest Rd., Valrico/Brandon (813) 685-4827
PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Church of Brandon -PCUSA 121 Carver Ave., Brandon (813) 689-4597 Redeemer Church-PCA 12404 Boyette Rd., Riverview (813) 741-1776 Westminster Presbyterian Church PCA 402 E. Lumsden Rd., Brandon (813) 689-6541

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By Tatiana Ortiz

Norm Cookson had a humbling experience during the first period of the Tampa Bay Lightning game against the Florida Panthers on October 19. Jabil presented a $50,000 grant to Norm through the Lightning Foundation and the Lightning Community Heroes Program. The grant will benefit A Kid’s Place of Tampa Bay.
A Kid’s Place of Tampa Bay opened in 2009 with a mission to provide a safe, loving and nurturing home for foster children ranging from newborns through the age of 18. This unique, state-of-theart, 60-bed facility for abused, neglected or abandoned children has provided a home to more than 1,500 children and has assisted more than 675 families.
Since 2012, Norm and his wife, Heidi Cookson, both have worked at A Kid’s Place of Tampa Bay as House Parents. Norm, who was once a foster care child himself, had a desire to work with them. Norm has made a positive diference in the lives of the children with his eforts, such as gaining their trust and building
relationships. Norm mentioned that since his arrival at A Kid’s Place of Tampa Bay, he tries to think outside the box and develop tools to work with the kids, which includes music. “I have put on at least 50 dances as well as play music all over campus and do house dance parties,” Norm said. Elizabeth Frazier, senior vice president and philanthropy and
Norm Cookson holding the $50,000 check which he received on October 19 for being a Lightning Community Hero. community initiatives executive di-
rector of the Lightning Foundation, shared how Norm got selected. “ T h e committee reviewed hundreds of applications; Norm’s stood out as a finalist for the Lightning Community Hero through his dedication to the kids at A Kid’s Place of Tampa Bay,” Frazier said. Jef Vinik and his wife, Penny Vinik, established the Lightning Community Hero Program in 2011 to honor deserving heroes and funding to nonprofits within the Tampa Bay community. The Viniks pledged another $10 million dollars for the next five years to this program over the summer of this year. The deadline to apply for a grant is Friday, February 11, 2022. For more information, visit www.nhl. com/lightning/community/community-heroes. For more information about A Kid’s Place of Tampa Bay, visit https:// akidsplacetb.org.

By Kathy L. Collins
With Halloween behind us and Thanksgiving fast approaching, we all know that means just one thing—Christmas is almost here. For children, this is an exciting time of the year. One age-old tradition that is being kept alive is ‘Letters to Santa.’
The Regent, located at 6437 Watson Rd. in Riverview, will once again serve as a special North Pole dropof location for Letters to Santa. A mailbox is located outside The Regent’s front doors and will remain there through Christmas.
Soon, a life-size Santa will appear at the door closest to the mailbox so children can see him watching as they drop their letters in the special leg of the North Pole Post Ofce.
Letters received by Friday, December 17 will receive a specially drafted personal response before Christmas. In addition to the response, children will receive a gift of a Happy Meal card or Chick-fil-A ice cream/cookie card.
This is the second year The Regent has served as a leg of the North Pole Post Ofce. According to Shannon Keil, chief executive ofcer for The Regent, “We started last year, knowing kids were at home needing some activity. With COVID distance and gathering guidelines in mind, the outside box gave kids the opportunity to come and experience a fun activity, with anticipation of a return letter—all while being safe.”
Keil explained, “We retrieve the letters and my staf, partners and community volunteers help Santa write letters back with a gift of a Happy Meal card or Chick-fil-A ice cream/cookie card enclosed.” The Regent is the primary sponsor of the event, but community partners include Dustin Portillo with Caspers McDonald’s and Tammy Holm-
Children of all ages can write a letter to Santa and drop it of at the special outpost of the North Pole Post Ofce located at Te Regent in Riverview. berg with Lake Brandon Chick-
fil-A. Keil said, “Both of these partners were willing to help us last year when this program was new and we were not sure of the response. They are staples in our community and thought of as leaders with heart, as they give often and do it with genuine love for their community.” Keil added, “It is a safe, well-thoughtthrough activity. I like that it brings a little bit of the Christmas magic back to kids, as so many things have been changed due to the pandemic and political climate. There will be more decorations this year and lots of holiday photo op spots starting the first week of December.” For more information about The Regent, please visit www.experiencetheregent.com.

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