Osprey Observer 2016-8 Valrico

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Two Sections, 36 Pages of Community News


See Pgs. 26-32 August 2016 C E L E B R A T I N G

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Volume 13, Issue 8 Ph: 657-2418


Hillsborough County Residents Urged To Focus On Safety For Local Blue

By Tamas Mondovics


By Tamas Mondovics

now encouraged to download on their mobile devices available both the Google Play and Apple stores to collect data on litter removal. During last year’s Coastal Clean Up, 4,928 volunteers collected 18,837 lbs. of miscellaneous debris (wood, metal, tires, etc.) from around 86 clean up locations that included 1,746 acres of park, 56 acres of wetland, 41 miles of shorelines, nearly 30 miles of roadways and 37 acres of trails. The total number of trash bags filled amounted to 2,876. KTBB officials also want to thank volunteers for their participation in the Photo courtesy KTBB The Tampa Bay Dragon Boat Club gears up July 5th, After Fireworks Cleanup that to remove litter from the Hillsborough River in has resulted in the cleanup of more September 2015. than 10 acres of park land, 4 miles of trails and prevented more than 2,149 Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful (KTBB) is lbs. of litter and debris from entering into now recruiting volunteers for the Hillsborough River and Coastal Clean Up, Tampa Bay. World Oceans Day, on Saturday, one of the organization's largest annual June 11 had 512 volunteers remove events. 25,501 lbs. of marine debris from locaScheduled for Saturday, September tions along the Hillsborough River, McKay 17, the event will be KTBB’s 29th annual Bay, the Garrison and Seddon channels clean up, which according to Environmental Program Coordinator, Tom and Tampa Bay. “We could not accomplish all of this Damico, fits the organization’s mission without our willing, hardworking volunperfectly as it provides environmental education and volunteer opportunities that teers,” Damico said. For more information or to get the develop individual responsibility and enviregistration link, email Damico at tdamironmental stewardship. “This event is an amazing opportunity co@keeptbb.org. for the community to get a better perspective of what it takes to keep our coastlines clean, how important this event In This is, and how we can move forward as it is Issue pared with education,” Damico said, adding that the six-hour of service comLOCAL PODCASTERS.............................PG 4 mitment is a great way to develop leadership and project coordination skills while DESIGNER SUNGLASSES BINGO............PG 8 meeting new people in the community. ZERO ENERGY HOMES........................PG 10 Since 1989, KTBB has provided bayarea residents of all ages with opportuniHOA HOT TOPICS................................PG 15 ties for meaningful service. Tampa Bay CHALKLINES.......................................PG 24 Beautification, founded in 1989, and Keep Hillsborough County Beautiful, founded in SPORTS CONNECTION.......................PG 25 1992, merged in 2012 to form KTBB. Last year, more than 16,000 KTBB ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT.................PG 33 volunteers took part in 972 community READ MORE LOCAL NEWS ONLINE projects throughout Tampa Bay. Damico added that this year the www.ospreyobserver.com organization has developed a Marine Debris Tracker app that volunteers are

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Osprey Observer 918 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. Brandon, FL 33511-6121

Photo by Tamas Mondovics

Brandon area residents Dee Fridella and Rita Moorman take a minute during the 2016 Candidate Forum to examine the Hillsborough County Commission Map along with the map of the recently redrawn districts for the U.S. Congress and State Senate seats for the upcoming primary scheduled for August 30 and General Election on November 8. The 22nd Annual Candidate Forum was held at the Bell Shoals Baptist Church, located at 2102 Bell Shoals Rd. in Brandon.


Volunteers Needed For Annual Coastal Cleanup



Shining some light on the reality of violence against police in many communities, NLEOMF issued a new report with preliminary data through July 20, which revealed that In a show of support and community partnership, Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Sgt. Harrison Bashner (left) along with deputies Stephanie 67 law Quintana, Jonathan Rosa, Kenzie Basilone and Jeffrey Belcher pose for a photo with HCSO’s #Your Support Matters sign at the Osprey Observer enforcement officers have Community Newspapers. Amidst the recent violence against officers across the nation, HCSO has been able to maintain a great community been killed in partnership and has received much support throughout the county. the line of Recent headlines that read, “Law duty in 2016—an eight percent increase Enforcement Firearms Fatalities Spike 78 over the same period last year (62). Percent in First Half of 2016” or “Ambush Key facts included, that firearmsKillings of Officers Increase More than related fatalities (32) spiked 78 percent in 300 Percent” are just a fraction of the dis- the first half of this year from 18 during turbing and sad reality of violence against the same period last year. members of law enforcement throughout Ambush-style killings of law enforcethe country. ment officers have increased more than Cities like San Diego, Baton Rouge 300 percent from the same period in and Dallas took center stage as topics of 2015, as 14 officers were shot and killed discussion in July, not as summer vacain ambushes, seven were killed stopping tion destinations, but places where offia suspicious person and five officers cers were killed after being ambushed by were killed while executing a tactical a lone gunman. arrest or high-risk warrants, the reports "Each day some 900,000 men and said. women work to keep our communities Texas led all states with 13 officer safe, and we owe each of them a debt of fatalities; followed by Louisiana with gratitude,” declared National Law seven officer deaths. California, Colorado, Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund Florida, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio and (NLEOMF) President and CEO Craig W. Virginia all lost three officers (as of the Floyd. “All American citizens should be writing of this article) thus far in 2016. outraged at the number of officers who Amidst the increase of such violence, have been targeted, shot and killed this however, many are finding ways to show year.” Continued on Page 5


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Valrico Edition

Volume 13, Issue 8

August 2016

Page 3

Valrico Edition

The Drawing Point Provides Free Paint Party For Teen Campers At Rotary’s Camp Florida

By Kathy L. Collins

me, and I want to give the same experience to others. I feel like I am giving them hope. I can see it in their eyes how they get lost in the art.” Carter utilizes both live painting and video to help show the participants not only what the painting will look like, but just how to create a piece of art. But more importantly, Carter encourages participants to be creative and to use the instruction as a guide. In fact, Carter Diane Carter, the owner of The Drawing Point, led a said of one teen camper, “Look, group of teen campers in a free paint party at Rotary’s Camp Florida. she is stepping out and using purple instead of black.” On July 30, Diane Carter and her Rebecca Freeman, age 16 from team of art coaches from The Drawing said of the paint party, “I Clermont, Point led a paint party for teen campers thought it was really nice and cool. It is a with Faces of Courage at Rotary’s Camp fun camp.” Florida in Brandon. The teens, all of The Drawing Point is located in whom have cancer or a blood illness, Carter and her husband, Bob, Valrico. were spending the weekend at Rotary’s have been in business for seven years. Camp Florida thanks to Faces of have taught hundreds of children They Courage. Faces of Courage is a nonand adults drawing skills on a private profit that offers free camps and events one-on-one basis. One of their students for women, men and children with cancer had a sibling who was stricken with brain and blood illnesses. Rotary’s Camp cancer. Carter provided the girl with free Florida is a 22 acre camp that provides art classes and supplies for several special needs users with clean, safe and months. “She became our first Golden barrier-free camping facilities. Paint Brush Princess,” said Carter who Carter donated not only her time and uses her fun mobile paint parties to fund that of the art coaches, but also all of the the Golden Paint Brush Project. supplies for the campers through her more information on The For Golden Paint Brush Project. Carter, who Drawing Point, Faces of Courage and is a cancer survivor herself said, Rotary’s Camp Florida, visit www.the“Research has shown that art reduces drawingpoint.com; facesofcourage.woranxiety, depression, pain and improves press.com; and www.rotaryscampflorithe quality of life in cancer patients. I am da.org. not an expert, but I know it worked for




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Page 4

Volume 13, Issue 8

Valrico Edition

Mulrennan Middle School Student Headed For Leadership In Washington D.C. Staff Report Identifying the next not just talk about generation of leaders making a difference.” is always on the radar Bo is the son of of local schools. Robert and Jennifer Mulrennan Middle Shamblin. Robert is School recently identivice president of JL fied sixth grader Bo Marine Systems, Inc. Shamblin as one of manufacturer of those rare students. To Power-Pole shallow help develop his leadwater anchors based ership interest and in Brandon. Jennifer is skills, Shamblin recenta stay at home, dance ly attended the Junior and golf mom. They National Young also have a daughter, Leaders Conference in Anna, who is currently Washington D.C. in fourth grade also at “I never thought of Valrico Elementary myself as a leader, but School, and a dog Mulrennan Middle School student Bo named Blue and a my counselors and Shamblin recently attended the Junior lizard named Hershey. teachers helped me National Young Leaders Conference in see that I just keep “We’re very proud Washington D.C. putting myself out of Bo and his accomthere. Going to D.C. will be a little scary plishments,” said Robert. “He’s always but very exciting,” said Shamblin. “This been special to us, of course he’s our summer I am starting a small lawn servson, but it’s nice to see others recognize ice company in my neighborhood. I also his talents and think of him as a leader,” play golf. I recently won one of my touradded Jennifer. naments and placed in the top five in sevBo was accompanied to D.C. by his eral others. I am currently leading in entire family. The conference included points for the local summer tour.” five days of training plus a day on the Hill “Bo is very bright, smart, funny and touring the capital and learning how leadyet humble. He is always helpful to his ership plays an important role in governclassmates and many times encourages ment. The intent of the program is to help them to do the best they can,” said Paola students bring home new ideas and conOlivares, his former teacher at Valrico tinue to be leaders as they begin high Elementary School. “He leads by examschool and then on into college. ple and that’s the kind of leaders we are For more information about Bo, conlooking to identify. We want the next gentact Robert at Robert@power-pole.com eration of leaders to make a difference, or call 833-0597.


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Become An Internet Celebrity By Podcasting

By Renee Hobbs

tion to help you in self defense and much more, said the host who added he wants to provide a service to people. Liebespach is part of the Florida Podcast Association which meets monthly. Chris Krimitsos leads the group of over 350 members state wide and said, “Most of us started a podcast because we were passionate about something.” Krimitsos is also the executive producer for the upcoming film about podcasting, The Messengers: A Podcast Documentary. The movie is set to release next February and Krimitsos said, “It explains podcasting and the impact on the communities of this medium.” The idea behind the name of the Chris Krimitsos and Gabe Hobbs at the local Florida Podcasters Association. film, Krimitsos said, is that,”Podcasters are messengers Broadcasting day and night across to try to make the world better.” Krimitsos America is as simple as turning on your added, “It takes you on a journey.” computer. Podcast: “A form of digital Gabe Hobbs, local media consultant, media that consists of an episodic series recently attended the third annual of audio, video, digital radio, PDF or ePub Podcast Movement in Chicago. Hobbs files, subscribed to and downloaded autosaid, “To see the enthusiasm, youth and matically, through web syndication or in this medium is exciting and energy streamed online to a computer or mobile means opportunity.” Hobbs continued, device.” Also according to Wikipedia, the “There are 320 thousand podcasts out word is a portmanteau of “iPod” and there; compare that with about three to “broadcast.” In English, that means indifour hundred radio talk shows.” There are viduals are able to broadcast over the podcasts for everything said Hobbs, who internet from their computers, and individexplained the best way to find a program uals are able to listen to the broadcast. to Google the topic, and add the word is Valrico resident Richard Liebespach podcast, or go through iTunes. started his podcast last spring and said, Individuals interested in podcasting “What I share on the show can save a can visit flapod.org or call Krimitsos at life.” Liebespach’s broadcast, Self 727-858-8131. Protection Essentials, includes informa-

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August 2016

Page 5

Valrico Edition

Hillsborough Residents Support Law Enforcement Continued from page 1 tive impact on our deputies’ morale,” McKinnon said, while emphasizing that over the last couple of decades, the sole function of fighting crime has become only a part of HCSO’s mission. “We have The staff at Osprey Observer Newspapers shows their support significantly increased with local law enforcement officers. our community involvement and their support for their local law enforceinteraction,” he said. ment agents, police officers and sheriff’s Poised to begin his fourth term in deputies. office, Hillsborough County Sheriff David “Thankfully, the vast majority of Americans clearly support and appreciate Gee acknowledged the recent increase of the vital role law enforcement plays in our violence against officers in some parts of the country, but spoke highly of the counsociety,” Floyd said. “Now is the time for all law-abiding citizens to partner with law tywide support his deputies have been enforcement in support of safe communi- receiving. “We are in a unique situation here in ties." Hillsborough County, because of the During a recent speech from the tremendous show of public support,” Gee White House press briefing room, said adding that to earn the support, President Barack Obama put things in HCSO as a whole is truly here to serve perspective for the nation when he said, “Regardless of motive, the death of these the community and work hard to do just that. “We all live here and have a vested brave officers underscores the dangers interest to make our community a safer that officers face every day.” place to live and work.” The President added, “Nothing justiWith safety and security a common fies violence against law enforcement. Attacks against police are attacks against goal, HCSO’s #Your Support Matters logo, which has been making its way all of us and the rule of law.” around the county, has received much To support deputies locally, approval, giving testimony to the fact that Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office Public Information Officer Larry McKinnon public safety is and will remain an anchor encouraged residents to remember some of community partnership. A copy of the full report, “2016 Mid-Year Law of the basics. Enforcement Officer Fatalities Report,” is “Just a simple thank you from someavailable at http://bit.ly/2aXne67. one in the public has a long lasting, posi-

Valrico Teen Shares Baseball Victory In Cuba

By Tamas Mondovics

Local baseball stand School Baseball and out and recent Brandon National Player of the High School graduate Week by Varsity Views. Jerry Biller III (MIF, C) Biller is heading to would have had a pretty Central Penn College in routine summer break Summerdale, was it not for his athletic Pennsylvania this fall to talent that led him to reppursue his higher educaresent his community tion and college baseball career. and his country in a “Out of all the competition in Cuba. schools I considered, Biller was one of 14 Central Penn rose to the selected elite 18U playtop because they made ers on the U.S. Burn me feel at home,” he Baseball Team to Local youth baseball talent Jerry Biller said. “I wanted to find compete against recently had a chance to represent his some of the best community and country as part of the a place that felt like U.S. Burn Baseball Team, which home.” Cuban baseball athenjoyed a recent 5-0 tournament victory To help younger letes, while playing in Cuba. Biller, a Brandon High School athletes hoping to folfive teams in total graduate, will continue his education and athletic career at Central Penn low in his footsteps, including the Havana College in Summerdale, Pennsylvania. Biller emphasized the National Team. importance of dedication, commitment “This tournament was a phenomenal and encouraged them to never give up. once in a life time opportunity,” Biller said. “Things may not always go the way Following four days of competition, you think they should or want them to go,” the team completed the tourney in Cuba he said. “Being an athlete you have to with a 5-0 record. overcome adversity and strive on it. I Biller is by no means a stranger to could have easily quit, but I didn’t. Now as baseball success, and his trip to Cuba is a three-year varsity letterman I had the not his first time to successfully represent opportunity to represent the U.S., playing his community on the field. In 2013 he was part of Team America in Cuba, and I am ready to attend Central Penn College and play college baseball.” that competed in the Dominican Republic Biller’s father, Jerry Biller, summed up Academies, leading his team in stolen the recent trip and his son’s athletic bases with Team America winning the career when he said, “Jerry has a positive tournament. attitude and is a leader on and off the Biller is currently ranked 8th in the field, which coupled with his work ethic, United States High School Baseball attitude and dedication, has led him to Players with Max Preps for fielding with 1.000 FPCT, 209 PO, 26 assists, 235 TC, where he is today and into his bright future ahead. Visit bit.ly/2aHcCZB. and was also selected as Defensive Player of the year with Brandon High

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Page 6

Volume 13, Issue 8

Valrico Edition

Redlands Christian Migrant Association Honored For Work With Latino Families

By Tamas Mondovics

By Bill Coats

Crime Stoppers First Friday’s Fugitives In its continued effort to catching some of the most wanted or most recent fugitives, Crime Stoppers of Tampa Bay has released its First Friday’s list of for the month of August. The agency has once again selected five fugitives to highlight this month, including three wanted by the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, one by Tampa and one by Plant City Police Department as they are asking for the public's assistance. Crime Stoppers encourages members of the community to assist local law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime by overcoming fear and apathy, which are two key elements that inhibit community involvement, the agency said. The public may contact Crime Stoppers by calling 1-800-873-TIPS(8477), report anonymously online at www.crimestopperstb.com or send in a Antelmo mobile tip using our P3 Tips Mobile Ontiveros Application which is a free download for Wanted by the iPhones and Droids. Crime Stoppers must Hillsborough County Sheriff's be contacted first in order to be eligible for a Office for 2nd cash reward. Degree Murder Below is a list of the five fugitives postwith a Firearm & Attempted 2nd ed for the month of August including the Degree Murder reason for their warrant. with a Firearm.

Lemarcus Antone Ashley Wanted by the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office for CarjackingFirearm and two counts of Robbery with a Firearm.

Mario Molina Wanted by the Plant City Police Department for 2nd Degree Murder & Aggravated Battery with Great Bodily Harm. Christian Joseph Torres Sanchez Wanted by the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office for Robbery with a Firearm, Kidnapping Inflict Harm and Aggravated Battery with Great Bodily Harm.

Paul Michael Furey White male, 9/17/1986 Wanted by the Tampa Police Department for FTA Robbery.

We Buy C ins

workers; 83 percent of RCMA children are Hispanic. The Immokaleebased nonprofit operates 68 child-care centers, three charter schools and several community learning centers. In the Tampa Bay area, RCMA operates 18 childcare centers and two charter schools, serving some 1,700 children. While RCMA provides cutting-edge bilingual education, it has long emphasized family services, and stresses to parents: You are Lourdes Villanueva (right), of Plant City, RCMA’s Director your child’s first teacher. of Farm Worker Advocacy, accepts the Family Ultimately, RCMA strengthStrengthening Award along with Ruby Azurdia-Lee, (center) President of CLUES. At left is Renata Soto, Board ens families by turning parChair of NCLR. ents into leaders and advoRedlands Christian Migrant cates, not just for their children, but for Association (RCMA) received a national the communities they represent. award recently for empowering Latino “We are blessed to work with incredfamilies. RCMA received the Family ibly strong immigrant families who face Strengthening Award from the National incredibly difficult problems due to our Council of La Raza (NCLR). A co-winner country’s inability to pass immigration of the award was Comunidades Latinas reform,” said RCMA Executive Director Unidas en Servicio, the largest nonprofit Barbara Mainster. “Helping parents realrun by and for Latinos in Minnesota. ize their importance as the most impor“We are honoring CLUES and tant teachers in their children’s lives RCMA at the 2016 NCLR Annual focuses on the positive and the assurConference for their tireless work in ance of a brighter future. There is nothhelping to transform the lives of Latino ing we do that is as rewarding as this families,” said NCLR President and CEO work. Thanks, NCLR, for supporting us.” Janet Murguía. “Their dedication and NCLR is the largest national success help to strengthen our entire Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organcommunity.” ization in the United States. Like RCMA RCMA serves nearly 7,000 children and CLUES, NCLR works to improve of Florida’s rural poor, particularly farm opportunities for Hispanic Americans.


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August 2016

Valrico Edition

Seeks b u l C ’s r eade YMCA L embers, Young Teen M epare For Fair s Pr Exhibitor More… & lesanti, helle Co

Page 7

Facebook: FishHawk Coyotes Lacrosse. Valrico Student their new chicks for the Receives Military first-ever Commercial Thunder Bay Volleyball Academy Based Scholarship Layer Youth project Club Tryout And Mini-Club which an introductory Hannah Johnson of Registration project for youth to Valrico is a recipient of a become involved in Registration is now open for 2016$2,000 college scholaric M raising egg laying chick17 Thunder Bay Volleyball Club season y b ship awarded at MacDill d m e co Compil observer. y e r ens, and will be tryouts for ages 15 through p s AFB through the Military o @ michelle required to show their 18. Visit www.TBVAclub.com for more Children’s Program. chicks at the fair and information and to register. Club tryouts Johnson plans to attend complete a record book for younger players (14 and under) will the University of Central to show income/expenses Teen Led, Teen Driven - Campo take place a little later in the Florida. She enjoys basYMCA Leader’s Club Seeks Members and a health record. year. However, those players need not ketball, volleyball, LEO Harold’s Farm and Pet wait until then to get a head start on polCommunity Club, The Campo YMCA Leader’s Club is Supply in Dover is the sponishing their skills because Thunder Bay National Honor Society a program designed for students in Hannah Johnson of Valrico and is part of Student sor for this new livestock is also offering Mini-Club again this year. grades 7-12 and is facilitated by a was awarded a $2,000 colproject. Many of the conMini-Club is a two-month fall program Council. The scholarLeader’s Club Advisory. It requires a lege scholarship at MacDill ships for Military Children that includes two practices a week and AFB through the Military commitment to attend regular club meet- tests, arts and crafts, and Children’s Program. livestock project rules and three competition dates. It is a great way Program was initiated in ings, earn volunteer hours and achieve for players between the ages of 10 and 2000 to award scholarfitness goals. An information meeting will entry forms are now available at www.hillsboroughcountyfair.com 14 to get ready for their upcoming club ships to graduating high school seniors be held on Monday, August 29 from 7or visit The Hillsborough County Fair on season tryouts or for new players to give or college-enrolled students and is open 8:30 p.m. at the Campo Y, located at FaceBook. to qualified sons and daughters of mem- the sport a try. Email Thunder Bay at 3414, Culbreath Dr. in Valrico. Leaders TBVAclub@gmail.com, visit bers of the U.S. Armed Services includalso participate in special activities and High School Students Put Cyber www.TBVAclub.com, or call 331-5388. ing active duty, retirees, guard/reserves, overnight events throughout the year. Skills To The Test At GenCyber as well as children of deceased military Teens will have the opportunity to meet Camp personnel. Visit militaryscholar.org. College Planning Workshop new people, build new relationships, Local high school students recently learn valuable skills, get involved in the Thrivent Financial is hosting a free Brandon Broncos Youth Football got a hands-on look at what a career in community, earn volunteer hours and educational workshop to help parents of Offers Partial Scholarships cybersecurity can provide them as part learn what it truly means to be a leader. high school students with college planof a free cybersecurity camp. Twenty Program fees are $45 per year for The Brandon Broncos Youth ning. College Planning Strategies, a 90 students, grades 10-12, received an everywhere Y members, $64 a year for Football League is offering partial scholminute workshop, will be held 7 p.m. introduction to cyber-security in July at Campo only members and $80 a year arships for its varsity football team, ages on Wednesday, August 17 at The GenCyber, a free camp offered in partfor non-members. RSVP to alicia.bentCrossing Church at 10130 Tuscanny 13/14. If your child is interested in being nership with the University of South ley@tampaymca.org. part of Ridge Dr. in Florida - College of Brandon’s Tampa. The Education and the Youth Exhibitors workshop is longest standFlorida Center for Preparing For County ing football presented by Cybersecurity. Funded Fair organization, Matthew through a $100,000 contact Tom Oleson, CFP, The Hillsborough grant from the National RICP, CCPS, Tyson at 898County Fair and its Security Agency, this CRPC, a 4903. youth exhibitors have program’s goal is to help financial repVisit www. been busy preparing for students understand corresentative brandonbronthe 2016 Hillsborough rect and safe online with Thrivent cos.org. County Fair which will behavior and to raise Financial in be held October 20-23 interest in careers in the Brandon. It is FishHawk and October 27-30, cybersecurity field. This designed to Coyotes 2016 at the grounds just was the first time the Youth livestock exhibitors have help parents Lacrosse west of Brandon off begun preparations for the program was offered in and their stuClub Seeks Hwy. 60 and Sydney Hillsborough County Fair which the Tampa area, and the dents avoid Members Washer Road. Though will be held in October. Thunder Bay Volleyball Academy opens registration for only camp in the costly misthe fair is still a few The the 2016-17 season. GenCyber program being hosted in the takes that months away, the youth livestock FishHawk state of Florida this year. Visit can arise throughout the college admisexhibitors are starting to prepare. In Coyotes Lacrosse Club is looking for http://thefc2.org/. sion and selection process. It covers July, over 20 youth exhibitors picked up boys and girls third grade through midbasic facts about financial aid; steps that dle school to participate in and get to parents and students can take to help know Lacrosse. It is America’s first sport save money by using admission and having its origins among the Native academic strategies; and discovering Americans. This is a recreational-level funding sources to help pay for your club and has its first skills development child's college education and other ways and intra club sessions this Octoberto help minimize out-of-pocket expensNovember. The competitive season runs es. To register, call Jimmy Moore at 579during the spring. It plays teams from 2425 or email Bradenton, Sarasota, South Tampa, at James.Moore@thrivent.com or online New Tampa and Wesley Chapel to at Thrivent.com/findaworkshop. The name a few. Visit deadline is Monday, August 15. fishhawkcoyotes.usl.la/ and “like” us on

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Page 8

Volume 13, Issue 8

Valrico Edition

Water Smart Tots To Host Designer Sunglasses Bingo

Staff Report

Designer Sunglasses Bingo go directly to benefit our survival swim scholarship program, the only one of its kind in the area," said Kari Bahour, founder of Water Smart Tots. Doors open at 6 p.m. with a vendor shopping power hour, appetizers and a cash bar. There will be a silent auction and six door prizes of an Alex and Water Smart Tots is holding a Designer Sunglasses Bingo Ani bracelets donated by on Friday, September 16 from 6-10 p.m. at Riverview Hills Country Club to benefit underprivileged and special needs Operation Lotus. Game children to receive survival swim lessons. play will begin at 7 p.m. Winners get to choose a In Hillsborough County, drowning is pair of his or her sunglasses. the number one cause of accidental Tickets for this event can be purdeath among children ages 1-4 years old. chased for $40 (plus $1 service fee) via The Consumer Product Safety www.WaterSmartTots.org. For a limited Commission estimates each year about time, buy two tickets and save $10. 300 children younger than age 5 drown in Special thanks to sponsors swimming pools and spas and more than Waterscapes Pools & Spas, Premier 3,000 that age go to hospital emergency Care Pediatrics, Cardel Homes, Southern rooms due to non-fatal submersion Post-Tension, Inc., DJ Jake Dela Cruz, injuries. An unknown number of those Doran Real Estate Company, Bright Start hospitalized will suffer permanent disabiliCredit Solutions, Watch Me Swim and the ty, including brain damage. It also reports Osprey Observer. Water Smart Tots also that formal swimming lessons have seeks additional sponsors. Sponsorship proven to reduce pediatric drowning. levels begin at $100. For info, contact Water Smart Tots Designer 810-8106 or info@watersmarttots.com. Sunglasses Bingo will take place on Water Smart Tots is a 501(c)(3) nonFriday September 16 from 6-10 p.m. at profit corporation dedicated to eliminating Riverview Hills Country Club located at pediatric drowning by promoting aware3943 New River Hills Pkwy. in Valrico. ness through water safety education and The proceeds will benefit financially by providing access to survival swimming underprivileged children or those who skills to infants and young children ages have special needs in Hillsborough 12 months to 6 years who are financially County by providing scholarships for surunderprivileged or who have special vival swim lessons. "We recognize that needs. For more information, visit drowning prevention is a community www.WaterSmartTots.org. responsibility. Funds raised from our

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August 2016

Page 9

Valrico Edition

Wigs For Kids Provides Hair To Children In Need Free Of Charge

By Renee Hobbs

If you can add 12 LGC Hair inches to your hair Restoration of length, you can donate Brandon, Craig it to one of over two miladded, “It can give lion hair loss sufferers in people the self conthe United States. Wigs fidence they need.” For Kids (WFK) is a LGC is an ambassador salon national nonprofit group for WFK, meaning that provides wigs to Craig can take children, with no cost to donations year them or their parents. round and is able The value of each wig to help recipients hair replacement is through the whole about $1,800 and the wig process, “from children who receive start to finthem can suffer from ish,” she medical conditions such said. WFK as chemotherapy, radiaprovides chiltion or Alopecia (born Nicole Martocchio, 11, dren with without hair). donated her everything Jeffrey Paul foundhair to Wigs for they need ed this organization Kids, helping other children receive hair. said Craig, who over 30 years ago, added, “I am when a young family always here for them.” Craig said the member was diagnosed with Leukemia. beginning of the school year brings in a Paul said, “I promised her that she would lot of people and continued, “We’re going have hair and when you make a promise to be slammed.” to a kid, you keep it.” Craig had misty eyes as she talked There are a few ways to participate. about one of her clients, a little boy, “Who You can donate hair to an ambassador salon, which will ship the contents directly just wanted hair.” It was very emotional for the family said Craig, who added, to WFK. You can also sponsor a child or “Parents already have enough stress donate financially to the group. There are without adding this.” Craig goes on to say restrictions if you’re thinking about giving that when he emerged with hair, “It was away your hair, including you must have beautiful.” The only listed ambassador at least 12 inches of hair in a pony tail, salon in this area is LGC and you can and permed or color treated hair will not reach Craig at 990-9234. If you are interwork. ested in being a recipient or in finding out “Having hair can change a person’s life,” said stylist Laura Craig. The owner of more about WFK, visit wigsforkids.org.




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Page 10

Volume 13, Issue 8

Valrico Edition

Zero Energy Homes Coming To Waterset By Candace Rotolo other needs. Since the homes are expected to produce as much energy as is spent with average use, homeowners should not have an electric bill. Representatives from Greenergy and Newland Communities celebrate Greenergy the groundbreaking for the new Eco Village at Waterset. Residences will will offer both be powered by solar energy. single story Homebuyers who want to reduce and two-story homes. The four open floor their dependence on traditional energy plans will feature three to four bedrooms sources will have a new and unique with dens, two car garages and range option to choose from at Waterset. from 2,300 sq. ft. to 3,000-sq. ft. Home Homebuilder, Greenergy, broke ground prices are expected to start in the recently on its first net zero energy model $290,000s. home in the master-planned community, “Energy efficiency is becoming an scheduled to open before the year end. important consideration for more and Greenergy will offer 77 high performmore homebuyers,” said Pam Parisi, vice ing net zero electric homes in Waterset president of marketing for Newland that will be entirely powered by solar Communities. “We believe the option of energy. The homes will feature designs net zero electric homes will not only be and high performance elements not comunique in the Tampa Bay marketplace, monly found in homes throughout Florida. but also appealing to many prospective During construction, many eco-friendly buyers. We are very happy to welcome materials will be utilized to ensure a truly Greenergy as a new builder in Waterset.” eco-healthy home. Rooftop solar panels Greenergy has also launched other will produce the power that is used Net Zero Energy neighborhoods in Port throughout the home to run all aspects of St. Lucie, Kissimmee and Bakersfield, the home. Other features will include air California. ducts located below the attic to improve Newland Communities is the master airflow and reduce costs, and smart developer of the community. Waterset is home automation to turn off lights, pull one of more than 30 communities that the down window shades and regulate cliNORTH AMERICA SEKISUI HOUSE, mate when the homeowners are away. LLC-Newland partnership owns together Natural gas will be used for cooking and in 11 states across the United States.

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August 2016

Page 11

Valrico Edition

Leadership Brandon Class 2016 Makes Dreams Come True For Foster Children

By Kathy L. Collins

for the older children. They are often taken out of their homes in the middle of the night and have nothing of their own. We thought that they could create art work for their walls, and it will be something that belongs to them.” Mary Berg, executive director of A Kid’s Place said, “If it was not for the community, we The Leadership Brandon Class 2016 has been busy could not do this for the children making dreams come true this year for the children because we do not have the who live at A Kid’s Place in Brandon. funds.” Berg would encourage Each year, members of the commuothers, including individuals and organizanity, including representatives from local tions, to donate an outing for the children. businesses and non-profit organizations, “If we can provide an offsite activity where participate in Leadership Brandon, a com- they can experience something, it is great munity leadership development program for them. We can provide transportation of the Greater Brandon Chamber of and youth counselors to accompany the Commerce. The 2016 Leadership children,” said Berg. Brandon Class is comprised of a dynamic The Dream Team 2016 has provided and energetic group of individuals. tickets to Novemberfest, movies and Part of what each Leadership bowling. When the children went to the Brandon Class does is raise money for a Florida Strawberry Festival, they were local non-profit. This year’s Leadership escorted by the Hillsborough County Brandon Class, known as the Dream Sheriff’s Office. Team 2016, selected A Kid’s Place. The Leadership Brandon Class 2016 According to Suzy Watts, a member of is holding a Casino Night Party on Friday, the Dream Team 2016, “We considered September 16 from 6:30-11 p.m. at The many charities. A Kid’s Place tugged at Regent located at 6437 Watson Rd. in our hearts. We liked the idea of helping Riverview. Attendees are asked to bring kids because they are our future, our new shoes (all sizes for both boys and family, and we take care of family.” girls) for the children at A Kid’s Place. If On July 15 Beverly Walker, owner of you bring new shoes, you will receive Pinot’s Palette in Brandon, opened her three tickets for the Chest of Cheer studio so that some of the older children Raffle. For more on Leadership Brandon who live at A Kid’s Place could come and Class, A Kid’s Place and Pinot’s Palette, create a piece of art just for them. Watts visit Brandonchamber.com, akidexplained, “We wanted to do something splacetb.org and pinotspalette.com.

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Page 12

Volume 13, Issue 8

Valrico Edition

KnowledgePoints Celebrates 15 Years Of Success With Personal Approach To Tutoring

By Samantha R. Evensen

over 25,000 different lesson materials to customize the lesson plan to fit the learning style, level and individualized skill of the student. Consultations with academic providers at the school are also arranged to ensure that the learning at the center transfers over to the classroom. With its focused learning environment, students work without distraction for motivational rewards. There’s no requirement to commit to a certain amount of days; it is an individualized program at the student’s own pace. “Unlike most brick and mortar tutoring facilities we’re affordable, we achieve goals faster and are therefore more cost effective,” said Rod. KnowledgePoints has affordable monthly payment plans as low as $150 a month. Rod and Elyce‘s goal is to help those who really need it and create that success by fostering a confiOwners of KnowledgePoints Rod and Elyce Burkhardt celebrate the success of 15 years in dence in school and in life. individualized education. “We started this because we Owners of KnowledgePoints saw first-hand the value of individualLearning Centers, Rod and Elyce ized instruction and the results speak Burkhardt, celebrate 15 years of nurturfor themselves (an average of two years ing academic success. growth in just 40 sessions),” noted KnowledgePoints provides individu- Rod. alized tutoring instruction for students in KnowledgePoints is located in three grades Pre-K-12th grade who are strug- convenient locations in Valrico, Plant gling, have fallen behind or are in need City and Riverview. For more informaof an additional challenge. tion, visit knowledgepoints.com or KnowledgePoints is equipped with call 655-4353.


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August 2016

Valrico Edition

Page 13

Page 14

Volume 13, Issue 8

Valrico Edition

rty, a P e c n a D lub C n e d r a G … e r o M & Meeting

bats, moths and hummingbirds. The scouts anticipate this project will inspire people to create their own pollinator gardens and help others to be aware of the importance of pollinators. lesanti, o C e ll e Recently certain pollinators such h d by Mic rver.com e il p m o e as bees are in decline, and with C obs @osprey e ll e h ic the help of pollinator gardens m these species will flourish again. Beth Alence and Becky Ellis, master gardeners, assisted the girls, Saturday Night Swing Party At The offering their expertise and skills in Way 2 Dance the garden as well as their vast Join The Way 2 Dance’s Monthly knowledge of pollinator plants. Saturday Night Dance Party on The pollinator garden is located at Saturday, September 24 from 7-10 the Hillsborough County Extension p.m. The theme for the month is Office in Seffner at 5339 C.R. 579. It Rhinestone cowboy. The group class is open Monday through Friday from starts at 7 p.m. followed by the non8 a.m.-5 p.m., with free admission. stop dance practice party from 8-10 p.m. Mix music and variety of dances Honoring Local Military, Law guaranteed. Bring your own music Enforcement, Firefighters, EMS, and we will play too. Name your Teachers, Healthcare Workers favorite song and it will be bought on On Saturday, September 10 from the spot and played for you. The cost 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Robert W. is $10 per person. The studio is locatSaunders, St. Public Library, located ed at 610 Oakfield Dr. in Brandon. at 1505 Nebraska Ave. in Tampa, celCall 966-4788 or visit and help say thanks to local ebrate www.theway2dance.com. heroes at a community event. There will be food, music, games, kid’s First Seasonal Meeting For activities along with a blood drive and Riverview Garden Club raffles. City of Tampa police and fire The Riverview Garden Club will departments will be on site. This is a hold its first seasonal 2016/2017 free event which will include a private meeting on Wednesday, September award ceremony for local heroes. 14 at 10 a.m. in the Riverview Civic Sunshine Real Estate of Tampa Bay Center, located at 11020 Park Dr., and Ann Thompson and Associates Riverview. The guest speaker is Joe Realty, who Parr, director of are associatHorticulture at ed with Busch Gardens Homes for Tampa. There is Heroes, are free parking and the organizers admission is free. of this event. Call 727-6567. Homes for Heroes startPollinator ed just after Garden Blooms the tragic In Seffner events of Girl Scouts 9/11. This from Troop 360 nationwide West Central program is Florida are workdedicated to ing on a pollinator Girl Scout Troop 360 works with Nicole Pinson giving back to garden for their and Lynn Barber of the UF Institute of Food and those that Silver Award proj- Agricultural Sciences Extension Office in Seffner serve our to create a pollinator garden to help attract ect with the help species that help spread pollen. country and of Nicole Pinson community on and Lynn Barber of the University of a daily basis when they are buying or Florida Institute of Food and selling a home. There will be parking Agricultural Sciences Extension office at 1475 Tampa Park Plaza in Tampa. in Seffner. This partnership will lead to a beautiful pollinator garden, which Plant City Community Chorale is a type of garden that improves the Seeks New Singers environment for “pollinator” species The Plant City Community that spread pollen. Some examples of Chorale’s ninth anniversary season these pollinators are bees, butterflies,

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begins Monday, August 15. The chorale is still the only true community choir in Plant City, a central location for many of its members who travel from Polk County, Brandon and Tampa. The fall season will begin with new music in several languages, including German, Spanish, Latin and Italian. Composers include Brahms, Eric Whitacre, Mozart, Carlos Guastavino and David Childs. If you like to sing, can read music and are able to commit to weekly practice, then you are welcome to join as the new season begins Monday, August 15 at 7 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, 404 W. Reynolds St. in downtown Plant City. Sponsors, donors and lovers of music for the soul are welcome year ‘round. Led by Artistic Director, Claudia Liliana Becerra Bolan᷈o, a native of Columbia, singers are challenged and inspired by her passion for music. Learning a mix of traditional and contemporary choral pieces each season, the chorale presents four concerts each season. The chorale is seeking singers (especially Bass) of all ages from 16 to 96. The cost per season is $30 and performance attire will need to be purchased in time for the October concert.

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August 2016

Valrico Edition

Page 15

Ridge Top Exteriors Provides Window, Door Services To Homeowners

By Tatiana Ortiz

By Nicole Heubusch

Three Ways To Promote A Fun Community When people decide to move to a Homeowners Association (HOA) neighborhood, they are usually hoping to find a community that is fun and welcoming. Looking for a few easy ways to bring your HOA community together? Here are a few simple tips for creating a fun and memorable community within your HOA neighborhood.

Add More Community Gatherings To Your Social Calendar

Hosting fun events for your residents is a great way to get the community together at the pool or clubhouse. Whether you host seasonal events or parties, movie nights, or just picnic gatherings; there are plenty of social activities you can plan out to encourage a strong sense of community. Forming a “Party Planning Committee” is a good way to not only bring a group of residents together to plan fun events, but it will also give them the chance to express their opinions and ideas.

Health Or Exercise Classes

A few communities in the area have

started offering group activities like yoga in the park and cooking classes and that’s a great way to promote health and to bring your community together. Offering yoga, Zumba, tennis competitions or even a running group are good ideas, as well as hosting healthy cooking classes or potlucks.

Don’t Forget About Networking Opportunities

Business professionals love opportunities to connect with other business professionals, especially when they can do it in the comfort of their neighborhood’s clubhouse. Having your HOA sponsor networking events once or twice a month in the evening or morning (try a coffee meeting) will be sure to bring together likeminded business professionals who might never have met, even if they live just one street over. If your HOA has any other ideas or suggestions for promoting a fun and welcoming neighborhood, or is hosting any upcoming events that you would like featured in the Osprey Observer, send them over to nicoleh@ospreyobserver.com.

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Ridge Top Exteriors installs new and replacement home windows and door manufacturers. It offers high quality materials to protect residence and their family from weather and theft. Their brand of EnergyMax consists of energy windows that includes single hung, double-hung and much more. Windows come in multiple colors, styles and configurations. Along with that, homeowners can choose from several unique styles of doors. “Anything that the client wants, we can provide that An inside look of window displays at Ridge Top Exteriors. for them,” said Gebhart. At times, some homeowners might In regards to a warranty on windows, need to change a window or a door in Ridge Top Exteriors brought in a private their home, which could be costly. Ridge label. The private label provides five Top Exteriors in Tampa gives homeowndiverse styles of windows and it can suit ers the option to participate in their dollar anyone’s budget. The warranty is lifetime down program. and transferrable. “The client gives them a dollar down. A 10 percent discount can be When the project gets completed to 100 received for current and former military percent of their satisfaction, the client will personal, state and community law owe a balance,” said Ridge Top Exteriors enforcement and senior citizens with a Owner Larry Gebhart. valid identification. Ridge Top Exteriors opened in March “Overall, we want the community to of this year. This 4,900 sq. ft. building know that we provide a great product for became the first store in Florida. It is their them with our honest and fair prices,” said sixth location within 14 years. Ridge Top Gebhart. Exteriors began its journey in Madison, For more information about Ridge Wisconsin. Since then, the business Top Exteriors, visit www.ridgetopexteriorsexpanded to other locations such as fl.com or visit them on Facebook. It is Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Las Cruces, New located at 10101 E. Adamo Dr. in Tampa. Mexico; St. Louis, Missouri; and Atlanta, Hours of operation are Monday through Georgia. Seven employees work at the Saturday 7 a.m.- 5 p.m. Other times by Tampa location. appointments. Call 616-1227.

Page 16

Volume 13, Issue 8

Valrico Edition

ce & n a d i u G l Financia inment At rta e t n E w e N ens d r a G h c s Bu nti, e Colesa hell d by Mic rver.com e il p m o C obse @osprey e ll e h ic m

Take Control Of Your Money With Free, One-On-One Financial Guidance

Hillsborough County residents can receive free one-on-one financial guidance on basic personal finance topics from Florida Master Money Mentors. Mentors meet at a community location at a time that fits an individual’s needs. Residents who meet with a mentor will receive guidance on how to develop a spending and savings plan, manage debt, build a good credit history, and achieve financial goals. The mentor will provide continued guidance for as long as needed to help an individual master the basics of financial management. Any Hillsborough County resident who is interested in meeting with a Florida Master Money Mentor can call 744-5519, ext. 54143.

Busch Gardens Announces Entertainment Series

Busch Gardens Tampa Bay, a leading Florida destination for all ages, announced an evolution of entertainment

with its all-new second-gate, premiere event offering, the Busch Gardens Red Carpet Series. Held in the Moroccan Palace Theatre, kicking off the series is award-winning comedian and musician Wayne Brady, and legendary Latin jazz artist and ten-time Grammy winner Arturo Sandoval. Newly renovated, the intimate 1,100-seat Moroccan Palace offers three tiers of comfortable seating with stellar sight lines and state-of-the-art acoustics. Boasting a unique personality all its own, the Moroccan Palace is the perfect venue to experience the top artists in entertainment. Ticket prices range from $30-$99 (taxes not included) and can be purchased through seaworldparks.com/en/buschgardens-tampa/pages/redcarpet-series. A limited number of VIP Packages will also be available that include premium seating, culinary offerings and more. Gates open at 6:30 and theatre doors open at 7:15 p.m. Wayne Brady - Friday, August 26 at 8 p.m. - Music and comedy has been at the center of his wildly successful and diverse career. He has been entertaining audiences with his singing, acting and unmatched improvisational skills for well over a decade. In 1998, his career took off with Whose Line is it Anyway? for which he won a 2003 Emmy Award for Outstanding Individual Performance in a Variety, Musical or Comedy Series. He hosted his own award-winning talk show, The Wayne Brady Show, for which he won two

A team of students from FastKicks Academy in Seffner recently competed in the United States Chung Do Kwan Association's National Championships. The team took home many first place medals, as well as the 2016 team championship.

Emmys for Outstanding Talk Show Host. renowned classical artist, pianist and His award-winning talent has led him to composer. Sandoval has been seen by hosting opportunities for high-profile millions at the Billboard Awards, Grammy shows including the NAACP Awards, Awards, and the Oscars. He is the recipiBET Honors, The Late Late Show and ent of 10 Grammy Awards, in addition to the Emmy-nominated Let’s Make A Deal. six Billboard Awards and an Emmy, and Arturo is one of the Sandoval most dynamic – Saturday, and vivacious September live perform17 at 8 p.m. ers of our - A protégé time. His latof the legest Grammy endary jazz award-winning master albums, Dear Dizzy Diz, Every Gillespie, Day I Think of Arturo You as well Sandoval as Live at was born in Yoshi's are Artemisa, a now available Busch Gardens Red Carpet Serires will be held in the worldwide. small town Moroccan Palace Theatre. on the outBe the skirts of Havana, Cuba in 1949. Sandoval first to know about new events, special began studying classical trumpet at the deals and future announcements by folage 12, and it didn’t take him long to lowing the park’s blog catch the excitement of the jazz world. He at BuschGardensTampaBlog.com, or stay has since evolved into one of the world’s connected and join the conversation most acknowledged guardians of jazz using #NightatthePalace on Facebook, T trumpet and flugelhorn, as well as a witter and Instagram.


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August 2016

Page 17

Valrico Edition

lom, a h S h t e B ies At Study Ser unity Outreach Comm ams & More… ogr Tennis Pr olesanti, helle C d by Mic rver.com e il p m o C obse @osprey e ll e h ic m

BCWC’s New Season Of Luncheons Begins With Salute To America

The Brandon Christian Women's Connection will commence its season of luncheons with a theme, music and a spiritual speaker on Monday, September 12 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Salute to America with a patriotic theme and music will honor veterans. This is a nondenominational luncheon for all ladies and no membership is required. The luncheon will take place at Bell Shoals Baptist Church in the Special Events Center located at 2102 Bell Shoals Rd. in Brandon. The cost is $15; first time guests only pay $10. Reservations are required by Monday, September 5. Call 740-0098.

Congregation Beth Shalom Shabbat Services And Study Series Shabbat services: Welcome the Sabbath on Friday evenings at 7:45 p.m. Oneg, nosh and mingle follows. iEngage: Jewish Values and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, A Hartman Institute Lecture & Study Series, led by Rabbi Torop, will address and explore the IsraeliPalestinian conflict, and the complex meanings of peace in Jewish tradi-

tion. Explore ideals and values that animate different attitudes toward the conflict and how these values shape their own political understandings and engage in a new values-based discourse about Israel. The first class, Talking about Israel: Foundations for a Values Discourse, explores the different Jewish valMichael-Ray Pallares, One Love Tennis Inc., organized play for youngsters in Zambia, Africa, and is planning an ues and moral event locally for the Tampa Bay Inner City Youth in December. claims toward the Israeli-Palestinian with John Nomad's Nomad Sports centers contributing to the fight conflict. This will take place on Academy to conduct an Exhibition against diseases such as malaria Tuesday August 16, from 7-8:30 p.m. and Play-Day Clinic for a group of 20 and HIV/AIDS throughout Zambia. Congregation Beth Shalom, is locatorphans from the Mukuni Village in The Nomad Sports Academy for ed at 706 Bryan Rd. in Brandon. Call Livingstone - Southern Province, orphans is designed to motivate, cre681-6547. Zambia. ate self-discipline, and provide the The event, which was held at the necessary skills and environment so Michael-Ray Pallares Brings One Livingstone Royal Golf Club, began that naturally talented vulnerable chilLove Tennis Inc. To Zambia with an exhibition match between dren can have an opportunity to train Pallares and local Zambian Davis their bodies and minds in order to Founded in 2011 by professional Cup hero Patrick Mufumbila. Pallares become the leaders of tomorrow. tennis player and ITF Expert Coach then organized a Play-Day Clinic for Pallares through One Love Michael-Ray Pallares, One Love the children, including games and Tennis Inc. is planning on organizing Tennis Inc. is a non-profit organizaprizes for all. an event locally for the Tampa Bay tion designed to reach underpriviThe Butterfly Tree Charity supInner City Youth in December. He is leged and low income youth through ports children in rural villages seeking to incorporate with communiaffordable tennis, education, and fitthrough an orphan support program, ty outreach programs in the Brandon, ness. In July, Pallares traveled to providing improved health and eduValrico and Riverview areas. To conLivingstone, Zambia in southern cation facilities, safe water and sanitact Pallares, email Africa to team up with Jane Kayetation, feeding programs, and health mrpallares3@gmail.com. Bailey's Butterfly Tree Charity, along

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Page 18

Volume 13, Issue 8

Valrico Edition

Primrose School Of Bloomingdale Celebrates Fifth Anniversary

By Katelyn Massarelli

Since opening Assistant in August of 2011, Director at Primrose School of Primrose School of Bloomingdale has Bloomingdale, brought a unique Jennifer Carroll, childcare experihas experienced all ence to families that Primrose within the commuSchool of nity. Their vision to Bloomingdale can give a child acaoffer to children demic and life The Primrose School of Bloomingdale team through her own skills that they can personal experi(from left), Jennifer Carroll, Sonya Boyette, Debra Temple, Ami Gohi, and Angela Cleek ence. Whether it utilize during and celebrate the school’s fifth anniversary. after moving on be setting the table from Primrose is what the school has with no one telling them to or having a used to make its students successful structured schedule, Carroll’s two children when entering elementary school. are a prime example of what Primrose “Celebrating our fifth anniversary is a Schools can do. big deal for us,” the owner of Primrose “[My children] are developing responSchool of Bloomingdale Ami Gohil said. sibility and life skills they can use outside “Establishing the preschool in the area of the classroom,” Carroll said. “I’m no shows our ability to build our reputation longer as worried about them starting and continue to grow.” Kindergarten.” Primrose Schools can be found With the children at the school their nationwide in 28 states and are dedicated number one priority, Primrose School of to setting the path for learning and life for Bloomingdale also makes their teachers children through their education and child- an important part of a child’s developcare environment. Having worked as a ment. According to Education and teacher previously at Primrose School of Curriculum Manager at Primrose School Westchase, Gohil opened the of Bloomingdale, Sonya Boyette, the Bloomingdale school with her husband. school is committed to providing the supAccording to Gohil, childcare is most port needed to ensure students succeed. rewarding and having children of her “A child spends a large portion of own, she decided to open a Primrose their day here, so it’s important they feel School within Bloomingdale in pursuit of bonded, loved and cared for,” Boyette her passion. Since then, she has been said. For more on Primrose of dedicated to creating an environment that Bloomingdale, contact 438-5980, allows students to learn and grow info@primrosebloomingdale.com, or visit throughout their time at the preschool. www.PrimroseBloomingdale.com.





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August 2016

Page 19

Valrico Edition

STEVE MORAN P.A. 813-661-2476

Waterscapes Pools & Spas Making Backyard Dreams Come True

By Nicole Heubusch

Springs, Waterscapes services residents in Hillsborough, Manatee, Sarasota, Lee and Collier counties. John Collier, vice president of Waterscapes, is a resident of Apollo Beach and has built dozens of pools in the Hillsborough area. When asked what his favorite part of being a pool builder is, he replied, “I enjoy seeing the transformation of taking an empty piece of land and creating a backJohn Collier, vice president of Waterscapes Pools & Spas. yard oasis. For my customers, it’s like providing It's summertime in Florida, and if you them with their own private paradise.” don't have a pool, you're probably wishing Waterscapes Pools & Spas offers an you did. Neal Communities, an award abundance of pool styles to choose from. winning local home builder with over 40 Their creative design staff will help you years of experience, created a pool comselect from popular pool styles such as pany that will help you take your vision infinity edge, beach entry and from a variand design the pool of your dreams. This ety of custom features like waterfalls, division of Neal, Waterscapes Pools & overflowing spas and even a fire feature. Spas, is one of the area's largest pool With periodic promotions throughout builders of residential and commercial the year, it’s always a good time to call pools in Florida. Waterscapes and schedule a personal Waterscapes Pools & Spas is family consultation. Their website showcases owned and operated and takes pride in many examples of beautiful designs that providing their clients with the same level will help inspire the possibilities of building of customer service that Neal your own pool for friends and family to Communities is renowned for. With 16 enjoy all year long. people on staff, they are efficiently able to Waterscapes Pools & Spas is located design, build and coordinate as a team to at 8141 Lakewood Main St., Ste. 209A in make sure the process of creating your Lakewood Ranch. Learn more today by dream pool is as easy as possible. With visiting waterscapespools.com or calling offices in Lakewood Ranch and Bonita 252-2716.

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August 2016

Valrico Edition

Page 20


August 2016

Volume 13, Issue 8

Ph: 657-2418

InThis Section

CHALKLINES.........................................PG 24 SPORTS CONNECTION.........................PG 25 POLITICAL SECTION.....................PGS 26‐32 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT...................PG 33 TOPSOCCER SEEKS PLAYERS...............PG 34

FishHawk Fitness & Boxing Offered In Lithia

events, partner listing on website, and community membership among a Personal class of new Trainer Warren workers who are "Shannon" to organdriven Keene offers priize their profesvate personal sional lives and group trainaround continuing. Strength & personal ous Conditioning are The Valrico/FishHawk Chamber recently held a ribbon cutting for Isabel "Cissy" Boza Sevelin running for Circuit Court Judge, Group 24 (left) growth, meaningoffered for men, and Stanley Gray running for School Board District 7 (right). ful relationships, women and chilOwner Shannon Carlton is excited to more productive and less isolated. The and the service of something greater than dren. Weight loss, diet plans, speed and share that CoWork Landing (shared co-working space offers a place where themselves. agility, and self-defense available for all workspace) will be ready to open for busithe independent worker can come sit for Visit www.igscommunity.com or call ages. ness in a couple of hours and get work done, at 924-4679. Carlton Boxing September. attend a personal development or nettraining is What is working function, Wedding Expo also availa meeting or offered: hold At Uncle Mike’s able. The Affordable, proconference or colBlake Hall facility is fessional worklaborate with other located on A Wedding space solution members. The 10 acres Expo will be held for work-frommajority only work (including a on Friday, from a co-working FishHawk Fitness & Boxing offers private personal and home profesboxing ring) group training and more for men, women and children in September 9 sionals and space 20 percent at 2310 from 6:30-9:30 Lithia. of their work educational Thompson p.m. at Uncle week. opportunities for entrepreneurial endeavRd. in Lithia. Open 5 a.m.-10 p.m. Call Mike’s Blake Hall, (deskmag.com) ors. Quiet, professional work and meeting 767-6504. located at 120 Perks of spaces for one-on-one and small groups S.R. 60 in Plant membership will be available. 522 Oakfield Will Be Home City. Tickets cost A Wedding Expo will be held Friday, September include Internet, Who it will help: small business ownTo CoWork Landing In September $5 (BOGO for 9 at Uncle Mike’s Blake Hall in Plant City. mail, conference ers, freelancers, remote workers and Brides). Come The Intentional Growth Strategies room, quiet room entrepreneurs who want a place to go and enjoy Leena’s Chocolate Fountain, journey began in January by growing a for small meetings, break room with cofand do work during their day. community of entrepreneurs and now, Continued on Next Page fee, free personal development Professionals who feel more creative,

Page 22

Valrico Edition

Business Column Continued............. Hors Doeuvres, cocktails and music. Blake Hall is perfect for weddings and parties with 8,800 sq. ft., it holds up to 290 guests. Vendors are still needed for this event and are welcome. Call 6446888 or visit umcatering.com.

U-Haul Truck Rentals Pull into Valrico Mini Storage

U-Haul Company of Florida is pleased to announce that Valrico Mini Storage has signed on as a U-Haul neighborhood dealer to serve the Valrico community. Valrico Mini Storage at 2108 Jelane Dr. will offer U-Haul trucks, towing equipment, support rental items and instore pick-up for boxes. Hours of operation for U-Haul rentals are 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m.1 p.m. Saturday. After-hours drop-off is available for customer convenience. Reserve U-Haul products at this dealer location by calling 413-1018 or visiting bit.ly/2aAitja. Valrico Mini Storage owner Carole Drake is proud to team with the industry leader in do-it-yourself moving and selfstorage to better meet the demands of Hillsborough County. U-Haul and Valrico Mini Storage are striving to benefit the environment through sustainability initiatives. Truck sharing is a core U-Haul sustainability business practice that allows individuals to access a fleet of trucks that is larger than what they could access on an individual basis. Every U-Haul truck placed in a community helps keep 19 personally owned large-capacity vehicles, pickups, SUVs and vans off the road. Fewer vehicles means less traffic congestion, less pollution, less fuel burned and cleaner air. Valrico Mini Storage is a great place to become U-Haul Famous. Take your picture in front of a U-Haul product, send it in and your face could land on the side of a U-Haul truck. Upload your photo through Instagram using #uhaulfamous, or visit www.uhaulfamous.com to submit photos and learn more.

By Michelle Colesanti Brandon Auto Services, Inc. & Salvage Holds Ribbon Cutting

gram will be done via video conference. Call 340-1368 or email lwadsworth@verizon.net.

Mathnasium Partners With National PTA On STEM Initiative

Owners Steve Holland and Ken Mathnasium Learning Centers is Anderson of proud to Brandon announce Auto that it has Services, joined forces Inc. & with National Salvage PTA as a recently celepartner in brated 45 PTA’s nationyears by wide sciholding a ribence, techbon cutting. nology, engiBrandon A ribbon cutting was recently held by the Brandon neering and Auto Service Chamber of Commerce to celebrate Brandon Auto math Services, Inc. & Salvage’s 45 years in business. sells parts to (STEM) educonsumers and will do auto repairs on any car or truck. It has recently expanded and opened a second location in Plant City. It welcomes Insurance claims and gives a lifetime warranty on services. Brandon Auto Service is located at 3159 S.R. 60 E. in Valrico. Call 689-8131 or visit www.brandonauto.com.

Local Holistic Health & Wellness Owner Named Top Health Coach In Health & Wellness

Lynne Wadsworth, CHC, owner and operator of Holistic Health & Wellness LLC, has been named Top Health Coach in Health & Wellness for 2016-2017 by the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP). While inclusion with the IAOTP is an honor in itself, only a few members in each discipline are chosen for this distinction. These special honorees are distinguished based on their professional accomplishments, academic achievements, leadership abilities, longevity in the field, other affiliations and contributions to their communities. Wadsworth works with people who suffer from migraines and chronic headaches as well as people who struggle with weight loss, life balance, stress and other health issues. A new group program for natural migraine relief will begin on Monday, August 22. The six week pro-

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Volume 13, Issue 8

cation and family engagement initiative. Through this collaboration, Mathnasium will support National PTA in the development and deployment of resources, activities and events that engage students and families in STEM/math experiences. Launched in 2015, National PTA’s initiative seeks to fill a critical gap in STEM education, increase access to STEM experiences for all students and inspire the next generation of STEM professionals. Its goal is to deliver 100,000 STEM experiences over the next three years—in schools and at home. The effort will include a focus on urban areas and among girls and underrepresented youth. For additional informatoin, visit mathnasium.com/brandon or call the store at 655-6284.

August 2016

Valrico Edition

Page 23

Page 24

Valrico Edition

Volume 13, Issue 8

Photos and story by Tamas Mondovics

Hillsborough County Public Schools 2016-2017 Calendar & New Teacher Orientation 2016-2017 School Calendar

Hillsborough County Public Schools will begin welcoming more than 200,000 students back to the district on Wednesday, August 10. Cutting the summer break a bit shorter, the district’s approved new calendar has shifted the school year up two weeks. View the full calendar onine at www.sdhc.k12.fl.us/calendar/.

New Teacher Orientation

Led by Superintendent Jeff Eakins, school board members, and district staff, more than 600 new teachers were welcomed to Hillsborough County Public Schools during the annual New Teacher Orientation held last month at Armwood High School. This year’s four-day orientation emphasized a fresh look, in response to the needs of district teachers as well as their feedback from previous years. The first two days aimed at familiarizing teachers with the district’s mission, vision, and goals through a comprehensive induction model. Days three and four included CHAMPS/Discipline in the Secondary

Classroom training to assist teachers with establishing classroom culture during the first few weeks of school. Experienced teachers were invited to register for various courses offered during day there and four at the district’s main training facility. For more information about Hillsborough County Public Schools, visit www.sdhc. k12.fl.us.

Valrico Boy Counts To A Million Earns Mathematics Award

Five-year-old Valrico boy, Cade William Weart, is starting Kindergarten this fall and while according to his parents he is no different from his classmates and friends, there is one thing in which he stands out; his love of numbers. “Cade has been obsessed with numbers since the age of four,” said his father, Jeremy Weart. To show his love and zeal for mathematics, Cade has decided that he wanted to count to one million, a goal, which with the help and support of his parents took him about seven months to accomplish. Cade was recently recognized for accomplishing his goal with a certificate of excellence and a mathemat-

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ics award at the Apostles Lutheran the end of counting as Cade is now preschool where he attended VPK ready for the next level in the world last season. of numbers. Jeremy “He wants said that to master his Cade started multiplication out slow and tables,” counted to Jeremy said, 100, followed adding that by wanting to his son count to demands they 1,000. cover at least “I thought one multiplihe was done cation table but he before he begged me goes to sleep help him each night. “I reach 1 milkept him from lion,” Jeremy division for said. “I didn't the longest think we time but he would get insisted on done, but we learning how finally did. to do it, so I Joined by his teachers Sandy Sorenson and Mrs. We counted mix it up and Nancy at Apostles Lutheran preschool Valrico resident Cade William Wreat, 5, holds his by ones to try and make get to 1,000. mathematics award while recognized for reaching his it really fun goals of counting to one million. Then I decidfor him.” ed we needed to count by a thouNow father and son takes about sand to get to one million or it would 30 minutes a day on average to practake us two years. tice and to sharpen Cade’s math Reaching his goal does not mean skills.

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August 2016

Page 25

Valrico Edition


Sports Connection




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Durant High School Lady Cougars Confident Of Fall Season Success

By Tamas Mondovics

There is little doubt that the Durant High School Lady Cougars volleyball team is ready to turn in another solid winning season. To outdo the previous season’s success is not an easy task. Of course, the question of whether the team, which will be sporting a strong senior starting lineup, is able to do even better this fall is not raised for the lack of talent or the need for better coaches as both categories are well covered. The challenge for players and coaches is actually their own success and the fact that the winning program has always been a top contender. The program, under the direction of Head Coach Brittany Wilson, and Junior Varsity Coach Amanda Beers, assisted this year by Coaches Javier Fortuno, and 2015 Durant graduate Jasmine Shamberger is everything the school, parents and volleyball could ask. Last year, the girls dominated the district reaching the post season with an undefeated (6-0) record, ending with a 16-8 overall record, just two games short of a state appearance. “We did great last year, but this is a new season and I am confident that we will do even better,” Wilson said.



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Under the coaches watchful eyes, Durant High School students sport their skills during volleyball tryout for the 2016 fall athletic season.

Judging by the strong turnout for the 2016 fall season tryouts earlier this month, which saw more than 50 girls hoping to make the team, volleyball at Durant has never been better.


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The Cougars are returning six seniors and plenty of great new young talent to fill its 15 varsity and 15 JV roster. “We are like family here and these girls are just so special to me,” Wilson


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said as she spoke about her returning players who have been with her since their freshmen year. Wilson’s first season at Durant was 2011. “They are not just leaders on the court, but also in the classroom,” Wilson said. “They work well together and are best friends, all of which are vital to the program’s success.” Expectations are high for each player and, as excited as she is about the upcoming season, Wilson admitted that each year brings its own challenges. “I like to win,” she said. “So, I put a lot of pressure on myself and in turn on the girls, but I love what I do, love the sport, and the girls love it as well.” Durant faces a solid district with Bloomingdale as its top opponent, along with Strawberry Crest, Plant City, Lennard and Tampa Bay Tech. Summing up what lay ahead for the team during the 2016 season, what it takes to win and what will carry the program as far as it will go this year, Coach Beers said, “We play with our hearts; Its the Cougars way.” For more information about the Lady Cougars upcoming season, visit www.maxpreps.com.

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Page 26

Volume 13, Issue 8

Valrico Edition

Candidate In Group 24 Gary Dolgin Prepared To Serve As Circuit Court Judge

By Kathy L .Collins

With 26 years of through the process. experience and the People want someexpertise that comes one who is an expert with being a Board in what is going to Certified Attorney in happen with their chilMarital and Family dren, their money and Law, Gary Dolgin is their property.” uniquely qualified to Moreover, Dolgin serve as a has experience in Hillsborough County criminal law as he Circuit Court Judge. served as an Dolgin is running for Assistant State judge in Group 24 and Attorney in Manatee encourages everyone County and an to vote on Tuesday, Assistant Public Gary Dolgin wants to be the first August 30. Defender in Circuit Court Judge elected in Hillsborough County who is Board In Florida, Board Hillsborough County. Certified in Marital and Family Law. He has handled juveCertification recognizes an attorney’s special knowledge, nile delinquency and dependency cases skill and proficiency in a particular area of as well- all areas of law that a Circuit law. It also recognizes professionalism Court Judge must rule upon. and ethics in practice. The minimum stanDolgin said, “I want to be this comdards to become Board Certified are munity’s Marital and Family Law Judge quite rigorous which is why there are only because the area impacts a tremendous about 26 attorneys in Hillsborough number of people, and citizens deserve a County and only 273 in the state of judge who has both the expertise and Florida who are Board Certified in Marital passion for the law.” and Family Law. Dolgin has lived almost all of his life Dolgin is the only candidate in Group in Hillsborough County. He has been 24 to have achieved this distinction. In married to Wendi Towbin-Dolgin, a regisaddition, he would be the first Circuit tered nurse, for 25 years. They have twin Court Judge elected in Hillsborough 18 year olds, a son Corey and a daughter County who is Board Certified in Marital Mallory, and a 12 year old son, Ari. and Family Law. Dolgin has been recommended by According to Dolgin, this makes him the Tampa Bay Times, endorsed by the qualified because, “Family law is the diviHillsborough County Firefighters and the sion that most new judges are assigned. Associated Builders and Contractors. This area of law affects the greatest numFor more information on Dolgin’s ber of citizens in our state. Everyone has candidacy for Circuit Court Judge in a friend or family member who has gone Group 24, visit www.garydolgin.com.

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Hillsborough Voters Have Three Methods To Choose

By Kathy L. Collins

Voting is a right. In “Vote by mail has order to exercise this become increasingly right, every voter in popular and is the Hillsborough County most convenient way needs to know where to to vote, and we even vote and how to do it. pay the return There are three methpostage,” said ods-vote by mail, early Supervisor of voting and election day Elections Craig voting. In order to vote, Latimer. “Vote by mail you must be registered and early voting by Monday, August 1 results are the first to for the primary and by Hillsborough Supervisor of Elections, be reported on elecCraig Lattimer (left) with the help of tion night.” Visit Tuesday, October 11 JC, getting ready to mail out ballots. for the general election. www.votehillsborFor the primary election, Florida is a ough.org for instructions. closed primary state. This means that EARLY VOTING your ballot will reflect the party that you Early voting is set up before both the have selected. In other words, you vote primary and the general election. This only for the candidates from your party as year, early voting will take place for the well as non-partisan races such as judge primary (August 30) from August 15 (county and circuit), school board and through 28. For the general election amendment 4. (November 8), early voting will take place In the general election, your ballot is from October 24 through November 6. based upon where you live. View sample In Hillsborough County, there will be ballots at www.votehillsborough.org. 16 early voting sites open. Visit VOTE BY MAIL www.votehillsborough.org for a list. Vote by mail is the most convenient Early voting is just like Election Day method. If you request this method, you voting. You must bring one or two forms will receive your ballot in the mail, and of identification with your photo and sigyou can take your time making your votnature on it. Acceptable forms of identifiing decision. The vote by mail ballot must cation include Florida driver’s license, be received by the Hillsborough U.S. passport, student ID and more. Supervisor of Elections Office by 7 p.m. ELECTION DAY VOTING on Election Day. You can mail it or drop it Polling places, or precinct, noted on off in person at one of their offices or at your voter registration card, are open an early voting site. Rest assured, if you from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. on Election Day. You choose this method, your vote will be can bring your sample ballot with you and counted. use it while you vote.

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The 2016 Primary Election will be held on Tuesday, August 30. Early voting runs Monday, August 15 through Sunday, August 28 from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. daily at the following local libraries: Bloomingdale Regional Public Library at 1906 Bloomingdale Ave., Riverview Branch Library at 10509 Riverview Dr., SouthShore Regional Library at 15816 Beth Shields Way, and Bruton Memorial Library at 302 W. McLendon St. in Plant City. Included are the races where more than one person is vying for a position within each party. We have included the districts that represent Osprey Observer local readers. The information included will link you to the candidates so that you can easily learn what each one stands for. For more information on the other races that will be decided in November, visit www.votehillsborough.org. Get out and vote.

Circuit Court Judge - Group 3


ROBIN FERNANDEZ FUSON Visit fuson4judge.com or on Facebook at: Robin Fernandez Fu son for Judge for more information.

County Judge - Group 10

CARL HINSON Visit www.carlhinsonforjudge.com or Facebook at: Carl Hinson for more information. HINSON


SHELTON BRIDGES For more information, visit www.BridgesFor Judge.com, or on Facebook at: Bridgesfor Judge.


Circuit Court Judge - Group 24


ISABELL “CISSY” BOZA SEVELIN For more info, cissysevelin4judge.com or on Facebook at: Isabel Cissy Boza Sevelin for Circuit Court Judge, 13th Circuit, Group 24.

GARY DOLGIN For more information, visit www.garydolgin.com or on Facebook at: Gary Dolgin for Judge. DOLGIN

MELISSA POLO For more information, visit melissapoloforjudge.com or on Facebook at: Melissa Polo For Judge. POLO

MIRIAM VELEZ VALKENBURG For more information, visit www.miriam 4judge.com or Facebook at: Campaign Committee to Elect Miriam Velez Valkenburg for Judge.

LANELL WILLIAMS YULEE For more information, visit www.Vote4Yulee.com.


Clerk Of The Circuit Court State House Representative (Democrats) - District 59 PAT FRANK For more information, visit www.patfrank clerk.com or on Facebook at: Reelect Pat Frank for Clerk.

KEVIN BECKNER For more information, visit www.kevinbeckner.com.



RENA UPSHAW FRAZIER For more information, visit www.RenaForFlorida. com or on Facebook at: RenaforFlorida.

NAZE SAHEBZAMANI For more information, visit www.naze4floridash59.com.



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School Board - District 7 (Countywide) ALAN CLENDENIN For more information, visit www.alanclendenin.com/ or on Facebook at: Alan Clendenin.

JOSEPH P. CAETANO For more information, visit www.votejosephcaetano.com.




CATHY JAMES For more information, visit www.electcathyjames.com or on Facebook at: electcathyjames.

LYNN GRAY For more information, visit www.LynnGrayForSc hoolBoard.com; or Facebook at: Lynn for School Board. GRAY


CARLOS FRONTELA For more information, visit www.votecarlosfrontela.com.

NORENE COPELAND MILLER For more information, visit www.vote4norene.co m. FRONTELA

RANDY TOLER For more information, visit www.randytoler.com or on Facebook at: Randy Toler.

STANLEY GRAY For more information, visit www.vote4gray.org.



County Commissioner - District 6 (Countywide) Republican Primary Candidates TIM SCHOCK For more information, visit timschock.com or Facebook at: Tim Schock for Hillsborough County Commission.

JIM NORMAN For more information, visit www.votejimnorman.com or Facebook at: Jim Norman for County Commissioner. SCHOCK


Democratic Primary Candidates


BRIAN WILLIS Visit votebrianwillis.com or on Facebook: Brian Willis for more information.

PATRICIA ANN KEMP Visit electpatkemp.com or Facebook: Pat Kemp 2016 for more information.

JOHN DICKS Visit www.votejohndicks.com or on Facebook at: Vote John Dicks for more information. KEMP


TOM SCOTT For more information, visit www.electthomasscott.com.


Melissa Polo Seeks To Serve As Circuit Court Judge In Group 24

Shelton Bridges Endeavors To Utilize Experience, Passion As County Court Judge In Group 10

For Melissa Polo, the their time on the bench. law and becoming an Polo is a third generattorney has been a callation Floridian. “My ing. This, along with a ancestors who emigrated strong commitment to from Cuba and Sicily public service, is why she passed along a tradition is running for of hard work, integrity, Hillsborough County respect, compassion and Circuit Court Judge, community service,” said Group 24, on Tuesday, Polo. In addition to runAugust 30. ning a successful law Polo has practiced practice, Polo provides law in Hillsborough an average of 40 hours County for more than 20 per year in pro bono years. She worked as a legal service to the comprosecutor for the munity. She is involved Hillsborough County with many outstanding State Attorney’s Office organizations including Melissa Polo is running for Circuit Court Judge in Group 24. for four years. After prosHillsborough County ecuting and trying hundreds of cases, Sheriff’s Office Hispanic Advisory Council, including felony drug cases, she became the Spring and Teen Court Program. In an advocate for people in need and has addition, she has mentored law students successfully run a private practice since through the Hillsborough Association for 2009. Polo now handles all types of civil Women Lawyers. and criminal cases. “I care about this community. It is my “Of those running in Group 24, I have home. For me, the most effective way to the most diverse background with respect give back to the community is by serving to the types and level of cases litigated. I as a judge,” explained Polo. have litigated cases in both state and fed“My practical litigation experience eral court. This diversity in cases handled handling hundreds of cases in all areas of has given me a lot of experience, and will Circuit Court, coupled with my courthouse allow me to function effectively as a relationships and community involvement judge,” said Polo. She has extensive will enable me to run an organized, effiexperience on both sides of civil and cient, respectful, meaningful and fair criminal law and has worked in many courtroom,” added Polo. areas where Circuit Court Judges are For more information, visit called upon to preside over throughout www.melissapoloforjudge.com.

With a strong sense 11 years. Bridges has of service, Shelton always wanted to be an Bridges makes a great attorney, and he believes candidate for County that being a judge is a calling. “I believe that in law, Court Judge for as in life, you have to treat Hillsborough County, people as you want to be Group 10. The election will treated. The lack of civility take place on Tuesday, is a problem, and we need August 30. judges that bring the “My parents reared appropriate demeanor to me with a strong belief of the bench,” added service. After 16 years of Bridges. practicing law, 11 of which The challenges of required me to be in court being a County Court every day, I see what Shelton Bridges is a fifth Judge are unique in makes a good judge. I generation Floridian running for want to be a judge that County Court Judge, Group 10, on that it includes Small Tuesday, August 30. Claims Court where serves the people of many litigants represent themselves. As Hillsborough County,” said Bridges. such, a County Court Judge must be able Bridges graduated from the to guide the process without giving legal University of Florida with three degrees advice. “A County Court Judge has to including a law degree and an MBA. He have a certain temperament and has worked in both the Hillsborough demeanor to help reduce the stress and County Public Defender’s Office as well make the system work,” explained as the Hillsborough County State Bridges. Attorney’s Office for a total of 11 years. Bridges added, “Being a judge is a He has tried more than 100 jury trials to verdict and has practiced in Federal Court privilege. A judge must treat everyone as well. “The breadth of my experience is who comes before him with dignity and what makes me uniquely qualified to be a respect.” Bridges will not only bring a high level of legal experience and knowledge County Court Judge,” said Bridges. to the bench but a desire to treat others Moreover, Bridges is a fifth generarespectfully. tion Floridian who has resided in For more information on Shelton Hillsborough County since 2000. Bridges Bridges and his run for County Court is an active member of his church, Hyde Judge in Group 10, visit www.bridgesforPark United Methodist Church, where he judge.com. has taught children’s Bible Study for over

By Kathy L. Collins

By Kathy Collins

Stanley Gray Runs For Hillsborough County School Board, District 7 Staff Report Stanley on improving Gray has dedihigh school cated his life to graduation rates taking action through early childhood interwith purpose. vention. Gray He is now lookfounded a noning to take that profit organizamission to the tion, “On Track,” Hillsborough which helps County School teach first Board by rungraders to want ning for the to learn how to District 7 counread. tywide seat on “Reading is the August prithe key. If you mary ballot. get elementary Gray graduschool students ated from the to enjoy reading, United States it sets them up Naval Academy for success for and then served rest of their time as an Officer of in school and Marines before being medically Stanley Gray is running for School Board, District 7. in life,” Gray said. discharged. In the service, he was an Gray has served on boards and instructor at several schools and helped executive committees of numerous create curriculum and training prolocal non-profits and is looking forward grams. Following his service to the to representing all of Hillsborough country, he worked as a human County on the School Board if elected. resources executive at several large “I want to be a voice for all of the citicompanies and later founded his own small firm. In semi-retirement, Gray has zens of Hillsborough County,” Gray said. served as a substitute teacher in You can learn more about Stanley Hillsborough County schools and as a Gray by visiting his website at mentor to countless young people over vote4gray.org or at the years. Facebook.com/VoteGray. He believes that we need to focus

Cissy Sevelin Pursues Position Of Circuit Court Judge In Group 24

By Kathy L. Collins

“Equality before the law the Middle District of Florida is not just a legal principle for nine years. During that to me; it is my entire reason time, Sevelin wrote thoufor being an attorney, medisands of legal opinions. ator, law clerk and public Sevelin has been a servant,” said Isabel Cissy sole practitioner in Boza Sevelin (Cissy Thonotosassa since 2013. Sevelin), candidate for However, she is not in a Circuit Court Judge in traditional practice. This is Group 24. because 100 percent of Sevelin stated, “My Sevelin’s practice is devotdedication and involveed to pro bono work. Her Cissy Sevelin is running for ment with our community clients are financially dissets me apart from others Circuit Court Judge in Group 24. advantaged and cannot who are running in my group. I am comafford representation. passionate about providing life-changing Sevelin explained, “The general legal assistance to the poor and nature of my current practice is representoppressed in our community. I have dedi- ing indigent clients in various areas of the cated more than 2,500 hours in pro bono law such as Domestic Violence Injunction legal services since October 2013. I am Hearings, Family/Domestic Relations, dedicated to following the rule of law as Wills, Trusts and Estates, Advance written and not as I wish it to be.” Directives, and Juvenile Dependency and Throughout her life, Sevelin has Delinquency Hearings.” Sevelin is also a worked in a variety of fields before Certified Family Mediator where she becoming an attorney. She began workdeals with custody, child support, division ing at the age of 12 when she went to of property and other family law matters. work at Olympia Bakery in Tampa. “I personally understand what it takes Sevelin received her Associate of Arts to accomplish goals in life and be able to Degree from Hillsborough Community set aside potential legal obstacles. While College in 1989 and graduated from the raising three children and working full University of South Florida with a dual time, I was able to attend college and major in accounting and finance in 1995. complete my education,” said Sevelin. “I Sevelin has worked as an accountant, a believe that I have the credentials, the loan officer and a small business owner. spirit and the experience to pursue the Sevelin became an attorney in 2002 and opportunity to become a member of the worked as a mediator and then as a judiciary.” Bankruptcy Law Clerk for the judges in Visit www.cissysevelin4judge.com.

Page 32

Valrico Edition

Volume 13, Issue 8

For Hillsborough County Circuit Judge Group 24 GARY DOLGIN IS MOST PREPARED TO SERVE • 26 years of Legal Experience • Board Certified Expert in Marital & Family Law • Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Law Mediator • Owner of successful law practice since 1993 • Former Assistant State Attorney & Public Defender

Brandon Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting Recognizes Gary Dolgin for Circuit Court Judge as a new member

Tampa Bay Times Recommends Gary Dolgin:

“He is widely admired as smart, polite and attentive to his clients, all traits that well serve a judge. ...he holds judicial office to the high standards the public expects. His work ethic and sense of fair play would well serve those before him. Dolgin is prepared, punctual and respectful, vital qualities for judges in the clogged court system. And his grasp of family law would help as the courts look for more holistic ways of addressing the impacts of broken families.” - 8/1/16 Endorsed by: Hillsborough County Fire Fighters Local 2294 Endorsed by: Associated Builders & Contractors Gulf Coast Chapter

Please remember to VOTE on August 30, 2016 www.GaryDolgin.com

Like us on Facebook: Gary Dolgin for Judge

The Dolgin Family: Corey, Ari, Gary, Wendi, Mallory and “Chester”

Pd. Pol. Adv. Approved by Gary Dolgin, non-partisan for Circuit Court Judge Group 24.

August 2016

Valrico Edition

With Arts & Entertainment Editor Kathy L. Collins

Local Artist, Roy Adams, Displays Work At Bruton Memorial Library This Month

installed. Adams explained that the piece is a photograph of a railroad pocket watch that has been stamped 20 to 25 times. The piece is in the style of Andy Warhol’s pop art. “A lot of my family has worked on the railroad in Oklahoma and Arkansas,” said Adams. His artwork has also been shown at the Ft. Smith Regional Art Museum in Arkansas. He has five photos that have been included in the permanent collecPlant City artist Roy Adams shown decked tion at the museum as well. In 2017, out in a custom made hat by fellow artist Betty Jones, has an eclectic show of his art- Adams will be in a Sketchbook Art Project in Brooklyn, New York. work at the Bruton Memorial Library. The current exhibit at the Bruton The August exhibit at the Bruton Memorial Library is truly an eclectic one. Memorial Library in Plant City is a fantasIn addition to the very interesting mixed tic collection of artwork by local artist, Roy media pieces, there is an abstract and Adams. There are six large pieces on disone of an American Indian. Adams, who play, and the mediums include ink and oilis of Cherokee Indian descent, said, “I stick on canvas, acrylic on canvas, acrylic really like the Native American painting on wood and multi-media assemblages. and wanted to share it. The painting The latter include a whimsical collection depicts a Native American who was a of cassette tapes anda piece which uses dancer at the Florida Strawberry Festival.” paint sticks. All of the art on display was created in In addition, you can view some of Plant City. Adams’ sketchbooks in a nearby display Chad Loving, the administrative and case. services assistant for the Bruton Memorial Adams, who lives in Plant City, is a Library said, “Adams’ art is very eye painter, photographer and printmaker. catching and very bold. His use of ordiAdams studied at the Universty of South nary but unexpected objects (paint sticks Florida and has travelled around the and cassette tapes) is extraordinary.” world. His work has been shown locally at The Bruton Memorial Library is locatthe Florida Museum of Photographic Art ed at 302 McLendon St. in Plant City. in Tampa and at the Robert W. Willaford For more information on Adams, visit Railroad Museum in Plant City, he will www.printmaker.mysite.com. have an interesting piece of pop art

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Page 33

Carl Hinson Makes A Run For 13th Circuit Court Judge

By Kathy L. Collins

As a successful As past president solo practitioner, of the Tampa Bay mediator and comTrial Lawyers munity leader, Carl Association, Hinson Hinson has the reqestablished an annual uisite experience golf tournament. The necessary to be a funds generated from fair and thoughtful the tournament are Circuit Court Judge. donated to local nonIn addition to running profits. Hinson has his law practice for personally supported 22 years, Hinson A Kid’s Place and is has been a certified an active member in mediator since 1994. the Greater Brandon, He has mediated Plant City and Greater close to 100 claims. Riverview Chambers “As a mediator, I Carl Hinson, shown here with his wife of of Commerce. 27 years, Yvette and 12 year old daughhave to know the Hinson was eduter, Vanessa, is running for Circuit Court law and be able to cated locally and is a Judge in Group 3. determine whether a long time resident of claim has been correctly evaluated. As a Hillsborough County with close, personal seasoned trial lawyer, I am able to under- connections to Eastern Hillsborough stand the strengths and weaknesses of County. The reigning Florida Strawberry both sides. A judge has to be able to Festival Queen is a distant cousin. In explain to the litigants why you have ruled addition to being a successful attorney for or against their claim,” explained running his own business, Hinson has Hinson. been married for 27 years and has a 12 Hinson’s expertise and fairness has year old daughter. been vetted and recognized. The Judicial “My years of experience as a trial Nominating Committee (JNC) has nomilawyer and mediator will allow me to be nated him on two separate occasions to an impartial and fair trial judge,” said be appointed judge. The JNC is made up Hinson. “The sole purpose of a judge is to of non-partisan nine-member committee listen to disputes and make decisions of lawyers and non-lawyers who locate, based on the facts and the law.” recruit, investigate and evaluate appliHe is running in Group 3 for Circuit cants for judicial office. In addition, he has Court Judge and you can vote for him on been endorsed by numerous local offiTuesday, August 30. cials including Hillsborough County Sheriff For more information, visit David Gee. CarlHinsonForJudge.com.

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Valrico Edition

Brandon TOPSoccer Opens Registration For 2016 Fall Season

By Tamas Mondovics

“It’s all for the kids.” Starting its 18th season this year, Brandon TOPSoccer hosts its programs at BAYSL, 3104 S. Kings Ave. in Brandon, behind Kingswood Elementary School. Since its start, the program has grown annually from 25 players in 1998 to more than 120 last year, which gives clear testimony to its continued success and need in the community. Young players with the Brandon The 2016 season is scheduled to TOPSoccer Club chase the soccer ball down start on Saturday, September 10, at 9 the field. a.m., and will run through November 19. Brandon and surrounding area youth Fall season registrations will began with mental or physical disabilities who on Friday, August 12 (6-8 p.m.), Saturday, would like to learn and play soccer can August 13 (9 a.m.-12 Noon), Friday, now register to join Brandon TOPSoccer August 19 (6-8 p.m.), Saturday, August for the upcoming fall season. 20 (9 a.m.-12 Noon), Friday, August Organized by youth soccer associa26 (6-8 p.m.), Saturday, August 27, (9 tion volunteers, and locally sponsored by a.m.-12 Noon) at the BAYSL clubhouse. The Brandon Area Youth Soccer League Players must be 5 years old on or (BAYSL) now West Florida Flames, before September 10, 2016, and must Brandon TOPSoccer, (The Outreach bring a copy of their Individual Education Program for Soccer) gives boys or girls, Plan form to registration. age 5 and up, with special needs a TOP Soccer is currently seeking volchance to enjoy the sport as well as good unteers and coaches, which gives high association. school students an excellent way to earn “Our goal is to enable our young athcommunity hours. letes with disabilities to become valued Adding to its nearly two decades of and successful members of Florida Youth success, Brandon TOPSoccer, now the Soccer and the U.S. Youth Soccer family,” largest TOPSoccer club in the state and said Ken Muzyk a member of TOPSoccer among the top 10 in the nation, was recboard of directors. ognized last year by the Florida Youth Muzyk added that as a corporate and Soccer Association as the Program of the individually sponsored program with no Year. cost for the family, TOP Soccer’s fall seaAnyone interested in coaching a son is a great opportunity for families to team may contact Muzyk at 657-5271 or take advantage of. Fred Englehardt co-founder at brandon“Our program is a relaxed format with tops@aol.com. Visit www.brandontopsocno practices, score keeping or team cer.com. standings—just fun games,” Muzyk said.

Volume 13, Issue 8

August 2016

Page 35

Valrico Edition

Locally-Owned And Built New South Windows Guaranteed For Life

Your FishHawk Community Physician for Health& Beauty

By Michelle Caceres

New South Window Solutions President and Owner Earl Rahn said the company’s windows are made in Florida for Florida homes by Florida workers.

Brandon resident Assosouvale Pili’s home was invaded with the sounds of the outside world. The sounds of birds chirping, dogs barking and lawnmowers broke the solitude that he was looking for in his home. “I had old single pane windows and every little noise outside could be heard,” he said. Pili decided to replace his windows, so he researched companies and chose to hire New South Window Solutions. “From the salesperson to the installer, everyone was so professional and confident in their work,” said Pili. He wasn’t the only one to think so. When the county inspector came to make sure the work was done correctly, he was impressed with the quality windows. Now, with his new vinyl-frame, double pane windows installed, Pili said the birds, dogs and lawnmowers are still making noise but he doesn’t hear it. New South Window Solutions

Owners Dan and Deb Ochstein and Earl and Amy Rahn said that is exactly why they left successful careers at one of the country’s largest window manufacturing companies in Ohio to open New South Window Solutions in Florida in 2010. “We came here to bring energy-efficient windows to the state,” said company President Earl. “Single pane aluminum windows, which used to be so popular here in home construction, no longer meet current energy codes.” In addition to dramatically cutting down on outside noise, New South Window Solutions’ windows save money on energy bills year round, add value to homes, extend the life of air conditioning and heating units, add curb appeal, improve security and protect carpet and furniture from fading due to UV damage. Earl said New South Window Solutions, located at 4901 Oak Fair Blvd. in Tampa is not a window store. As a factory-direct company, custom windows are made in their factories for each individual customer, put on the back of their trucks and driven to customers’ driveways. “We offer an unconditional lifetime warranty on our windows,” said Marketing Director Amy. “It’s the last window you’ll ever need.” Osprey Observer readers that mention this article will receive 40 percent off the purchase and installation of three or more replacement windows. New South Window’s factory showroom is open Monday through Friday 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Sunday 12 Noon–4 p.m. Visit www.newsouthwindow.com or call 793-7948.

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Page 36

Volume 13, Issue 8

Valrico Edition

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WATERFRONT BEAUTY! 5/5/3 + bonus + pool/spa home with private dock! Tray ceilings, large windows & kitchen with granite counters, cherry cabinets topped with crown & stainless appliances incl. 5 burner gas stove! $712,500 ! EW E N RIC P


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WALDEN LAKE HOME ON PIE SHAPED LOT! Fall in love with this 3/2.5/2 home of almost 1,900 sqft! New roof in 2009 gives move-in peace of mind! Hardwood floors, soaring ceilings & open floor plan! Community lake with boat ramp! $194,000

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