May 2022
Bloomingdale/FishHawk Edition
Page 15
GIRL SCOUTS TRANSFORM ROOM THE RIVERVIEW WOMAN’S CLUB CELEBRATES 10TH ANNIVERSARY AND EARN SILVER AWARD By Kathy L. Collins (4th AABn) has been a part of our community for over 80 years.” “Because of this rich history that the Marines hold in our community and the incredibly demanding nature of their work, our group chose to create a space for the men and women of 4th Assault Amphibian Battalion to relax, reflect, learn and strengthen their camaraderie,” Madison explained. The room the Girl Scouts are The Girl Scouts from Troop 33101 of the Caloosa unit in Girl Scouts of West Central Florida Council, in seeking their Sil- transforming is located within a ver Award, transformed an unused room and turned it into set of buildings off to the right a small area for relaxation and reflection for the Marines of side of Gandy Blvd., before you the 4th Assault Amphibian Battalion. head over the bridge to St. Petersburg. The Girl Scouts from Troop 33101 of the Several of the girls in the troop have Caloosa unit in Girl Scouts of West Cendirect connections to military service. tral Florida Council are working toward Lourdes Reyes is the troop leader, and their Silver Award. The Silver Award is her husband is a veteran. Reyes said, “Girl the highest award a Cadette can earn Scouts are not only about arts and crafts. and only 10 percent achieve this. They learn basic skills that aid both their Ella Madison, a Cadette from Troop physical and mental health. Now they 33101, along with a group of four fellow want to do more for the community.” seventh grade Girl Scouts, are working Madison explained the project by staton a community service project with the ing, “We took an unused conference room goal of bettering the community. Accordand turned it into an amazing room full ing to Madison, the task is to turn an old of artifacts, such as sand from Iwo Jima, conference room at the 4th Assault Amuniform items and battlefield maps. We phibian Battalion into a heritage room ripped out carpet, painted, built shelves where Marines can relax in their spare and hung items. In the process, our group time. Madison said, “This is a way for us learned so much from the Marine volunto give back to those who risk so much teers. Our pride and respect for all the to protect and serve our country. It is Marines there and what they have done meant to be a place where Marines can has grown tenfold. We only hope this unwind and display their rich history.” room will mean as much to them as it Madison added, “The United State Madoes to us.” rines, 4th Assault Amphibian Battalion
By Libby Hopkins The Riverview Womfor Life to fight cancer,” an’s Club is a local Jofko said. “This year, nonprofit organization in honor of our 10th that was founded in anniversary, 10 scholApril 2012 by Donna arships will be awarded Lee Fore and Jeanne to local graduating high R. Burkeson. These two school seniors.” women had a vision to The celebration will provide scholarships take place on Wednesto Riverview students, day, May 18 from 6:30support various educa9:30 p.m. at Summertion needs and to idenfield Crossings Golf tify and support comClub in Riverview. Tickmunity outreach. The ets are $50 per person group is celebrating its and include dinner, a 10th anniversary this cash bar, an awards year. presentation, a motiThe Riverview Woman’s Club is The mission of the vational speaker and a celebrating its 10th anniversary by Riverview Woman’s surprise guest. “Sandy awarding 10 college scholarships. Club is to enrich their Murman, former Hillscommunity through fellowship and educa- borough County commissioner, will be the tional support. motivational speaker, reprising her speak“The difference between the Riverview ing engagement at the Riverview WomWoman’s Club and other clubs is that we an’s Club’s very first luncheon,” Jofko said. are business-focused,” said Club President “Various sponsorship promotional packagJill Jofko. “We have opportunities for peo- es are available and are tax deductible.” ple to promote their businesses, which The Riverview Woman’s Club Foundahelps their businesses grow and become tion Inc. awards scholarships to graduatknown in the group. Our group as a great ing seniors in Riverview, and, for members mix of women from our community.” only, scholarships are awarded to member Since the club’s mission is to support children or grandchildren with no Rivereducation, the club thought giving away view residential requirement. “I feel … one 10 $1,000 scholarships to local students of the club’s biggest accomplishments for would be a great way to celebrate the the last 10 years has been the scholarclub’s 10th anniversary. “Since our start ships we have awarded to the students in in 2012, the club has awarded 45 scholar- our community,” Jofko said. ships and supported the community, such If you would like learn more about the as by helping Rodgers Middle School start Riverview Woman’s Club or if you’d like to their STARR program, donations towards attend the 10th anniversary celebration, the fight against human trafficking, the you can visit its website at www.riverend to Alzheimer’s and support of Relay