Osprey Observer Riverview/Apollo Beach November 2022

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Riverview/Apollo Beach Edition

November 2022

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This year, celebrate ter Village. the holiday season The Tampa Theby visiting the Winatre will offer two ter Village and its holiday movies on outdoor ice-skating the lawn on Saturrink. It is a great holday, November 19 iday activity for the and Friday, Decemwhole family. The ber 16 at 6 p.m. Winter Village is loBack this year is cated in Curtis Hixon the popular WinWaterfront Park at ter Village Express. Get into the holiday spirit with a visit to 600 N. Ashley Dr. in the Winter Village located along Tampa’s The family-friendbeautiful riverwalk at Curtis Hixon Wadowntown Tampa. ly excursion takes The Winter Village is terfront Park. You can enjoy holiday sights you from Whiting and sounds, ice skating and even curling open Friday, NovemStation, located in this year. ber 18 through Janudowntown to Ybor ary 4, 2023. City, and back on the TECO Line StreetLocated along the Tampa Riverwalk, car. The one-hour trip features a holiday Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park is trans- sing-along, holiday trivia, milk and cookformed each year with the sights, sounds ies and added surprises along the way. and activities of the holidays, which is New to the holiday celebrations at great for children and adults alike. the Winter Village this year is curling. Each year, a giant ice-skating rink is This will be available on a first-come, erected on the perimeter of the park. You first-serve basis. Equipment will be must purchase and reserve tickets for ice available for rental. There will also be skating in advance. Tickets are $17, and a curling league. This will be available the cost includes skate rentals. All hours from Wednesday, November 30 through are subject to weather and rink condi- Wednesday, December 28. Games will be tions. played every Wednesday from 6-10 p.m. In addition to the 5,000-square-foot Katie Collins of Valrico said, “The Winice-skating rink, the Winter Village fea- ter Village is truly special. It really puts tures random Santa sightings, the Curtis you in the holiday spirit and is a fun way Hixon Choo Choo, shopping and snack to spend a few hours in downtown Tamand beverage options. The Curtis Hixon pa.” Choo Choo offers a five-minute ride For more information on hours and through the park where riders can enjoy rentals, please visit www.wintervillagthe sights, lights and sounds of the Win- etampa.com.

The Brandon BalPlum Fairy, and the aulet will present three dience is left wondering live performances of whether it was a real trip Tchaikovsky’s holiday or just a magical dream. classic, The Nutcracker. This year, the role of The performances will Sugar Plum Fairy will be held on Saturday, Debe reprised by Courtney cember 10 at 7:30 p.m. Moody. Drosselmeyer and on Sunday, Decemwill be played by new ber 11 at 2 and 5:30 p.m. company member AnAll performances will dres Gomez. be held at Riverview Hannah Townend, Photo courtesy of Ricardo Romero. administrative director High School, located The Brandon Ballet is celebrating the at 11311 Boyette Rd. in for the Brandon Ballet, Season of Discovery with three live perRiverview. said, “This performance formances of The Nutcracker at Riverview The Nutcracker is is the company’s first High School this December. a magical Christmas Nutcracker under new production that is both imaginative and a artistic direction of Alice H. Bock and Brenttimeless classic that is great for the whole wood Townend. Along with rehearsal direcfamily. tor Courtney Moody, they are proud to presTickets are available online at www.bran- ent a production in which some of the lead donballet.org. Tickets are $35 for adults and roles in act two will be danced by student $25 for children 12 and under and seniors. company members.” Homeschool students can get tickets for Townend added, “Of special note is Jada $15 per person. For the latter, please email Stevenson, a senior at Blane Hugh School dance@brandonballet.org. Tickets are who has danced with Brandon Ballet for available at the door, but all prices increase many years. Stevenson will be performing by $5. the lead Arabian role for the first time.” The Nutcracker is set on Christmas Eve “Our 2022 production will include a Nutwith a gathering of friends and family. cracker Prince, and Drosselmeyer will be During the performance, toys come to life included in the snow scene. This change and rats grow to life size characters. Clara is has never been done in any other Nutcrackgiven a toy soldier by her uncle, Herr Dros- er production. Audiences will be surprised selmeyer, and is transported to magical at the athletic and theatrical ability,” said lands, including the Land of Snow and the Townend. Land of Sweets. The toy soldier turns into a For information, visit www.brandonballet. magical nutcracker. Clara meets the Sugar org or call 684-4282.

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