September 2021
Valrico Edition
LOCAL RUNNER TO RUN BOSTON MARATHON FOR CHARITY By Amy Schechter Racing the Bosuncle, Joe Kozlin, ton Marathon is ran over 50 maroften a runner’s athons in his lifedream. When Ron time, and Boston Kozlin found out was always the he was accepted to crown jewel. He run in April 2020, developed leuhe was overjoyed. kemia, and it Unfortunately, evwas the fight he eryone knows the couldn’t win. I end of that story. watched him go The worldwide through that awpandemic postful period of time poned Kozlin’s race, Lisa and Ron Kozlin visit the 20-mile marker on actu- where the treatal Boston Marathon course during training. but not the fire inments weren’t side of him. working, and so I always thought if I was For Kozlin, this is about more than run- going to run a marathon, it would be the ning in a prestigious race. He’s running Boston Marathon.” with the Dana Farber Marathon Challenge Kozlin is excited to finally run in person Team, an organization that raises money on Columbus Day—Monday, October 11— for innovative cancer research. Kozlin said, this year, and he cannot understate the im“The Dana Farber Organization is great. portance of his support system: “I’ve been It’s not just helping cancer patients; it’s training since October of 2019. The long helping with therapies that attack cancer runs are 15-20 miles on the weekend. My cells. All the money raised goes to that ef- wife, Lisa Kozlin, has been an amazing supfort.” Dana-Farber’s mission is to reduce port. She’s usually riding a bike with me, the burden of cancer through scientific getting up at 4:30 or 5 a.m. to ride alonginquiry, clinical care, education, communi- side me with water and flashlights. She ty engagement and advocacy. Last year, even followed me the entire virtual maraeven though he ran the marathon virtually thon.” He’s kept up his training for two enin his neighborhood, he still raised a little tire years, but he knows the cause is well over $11,000. This year, he hopes to raise worth it. “It’s not a trivial thing to commit $13,000. He, along with about 400 com- to; it’s a great way to dedicate yourself to mitted teammates, hope to raise nearly $6 something, especially when you’re asking million as they run Massachusetts’ historic other people to donate,” he said. marathon route from Hopkinton to Boston. Kozlin can accept donations up through Kozlin shared how both family and Friday, October 29, past the date of the acfriends have been impacted by cancer and tual marathon. Follow him on social media how he has a special reason for choosing with the hashtag #runronrun. To donate to this charity and this event: “I grew up in the cause and help him reach his goal, visan extended family of distance runners, it including my father, uncle and cousin. My RunRonRun.
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By Tatiana Ortiz
small group is to read the book that had been chosen the month previous by the group and to discuss it. Wa r i n g stated that the book club likes to choose a variety of books and, as a group, come up with a list. For the month of September, The Guest List by Lucy Julie Carter, a member volunteer who leads the Campo Family YMCA book Foley will be club. discussed. In Those seeking new titles for their readOctober, it will ing lists could join Campo Family YMCA’s be Josiah’s Fire by Tahni Cullen; in Novembook club in Valrico every month. The ber, Send For Me by Lauren Fox; and in Degroup is open to all YMCA members and cember, The Son Does Shine by Anthony meets on the second Tuesday of every Ray Hinton. month at 6 p.m.; the next one will be on Waring mentioned what makes this proTuesday, October 12. gram unique in addition to all of the othCyndi Waring, member experience advi- ers that Campo Family YMCA offers to its sor at Campo Family YMCA, shared how members: “This group is a great opportuthe book club came into fruition. nity for our members from all walks of life, “Years ago, when I was in a different po- backgrounds, cultures and so forth to consition, our executive director at the time nect with each other over something that had asked each of us to start a small group they have in common such as reading.” for members, one that would connect us During the month of September, the to them as well as one that would grow membership fee is being waved. and cultivate relationships,” Waring said. For more information, visit www.tamCurrently, the group consists of 16 peo- If you have questions, conple. Members can join the group at any- tact Waring at cyndi.waring@tampaymtime. Participants bring their choice of Campo Family YMCA is located at titles along with a short synopsis of each 3414 Culbreath Rd. in Valrico and can be to share with the group. The goal of this reached at 684-1371.