7 minute read

Hej THS, vad gör ni egentligen? /Osqledaren

Do you know what the management team at THS is actually doing every day?

13 students work full-time in Nymble for a year, and their salary is partly paid by you! To make their work more transparent, we ask them tough questions in every edition of Osqledaren.


Kårordförande | Union President Cornelia Haag ordf@ths.kth.se

1. The academic & operational year is almost over, how do you feel? Some of you are leaving!

2. Individual spicy question!

1. It's been a very fun year in many ways, a very stressful one as well! Leaving is hard, but it also feels good to go back and continue what I started in my studies.

Vice kårordförande | Union Vice President

Karl Arthursson vordf@ths.kth.se

för utbildningsinflytande | Head of Educational Affairs

Filip Axelsson utbildning@ths.kth.se

1. Definitely mixed emotions. On the one hand I am looking forward to getting back into my studies and finally get my degree but on the other hand I will have a large THS shaped hole in my heart. One difficult thing right now is being mindful about the projects I start since I won't be here to finish them.

2. Where are the anonymous exams? Thought that would be done by now? If you mean the decision from KTH, then so did I! The process have gotten delayed but I am confident that we will have a decision in hand before I step down. When it comes to the actuall implementation; that timeline is unaffected and we will know more about it in the fall.

2. Are you leaving a lot of open projects for the next THS President? There's a lot of good things but also some challenges to being a ""one year organization"" - I don't want to leave too many open projects because I don't want to take away from why my successor was elected! Some long-term projects like improving the central structure of THS, our internal and external communication will be here for many more successors, not just for next year

Projektledare för | Project Manager for THS Armada

Leonard Hökby armada@ths.kth.se

1. Feel excited! When you read this we have just gotten all the Team Leaders and Coordinators on board and are planning many things: 1. Interesting companies for all students. 2. A lot of nice merch! 3. Fun events and lunch leactures for three weeks. Follow @ thsarmada for more info!

2. So.. Armada cruise, yes or no? Hahahaha this again! It will all become clear this autumn, join Armada as a host to find out and follow our IG @thsarmada to not miss the recruitment!

1. Leaving is kinda hard and I was sad about it when it dawned on me a couple of months ago. However, now I have come to terms with it and I look forward to wrapping up and giving my successor a great handover!

2. Are you leaving behind a good economic situation for your successor? Not really, a large part of our income comes from KTH and the government and that actually decreased a little bit for this year. With inflation this high for so long, a lot of our costs are significantly higher. I have come to realise that an economic crisis could have big consequences on student life, and that worries me a little.

Chef för utbildningsinflytande | Head of Educational Affairs

Maja Rosén utbildning@ths.kth.se

1. A few months in my work days are now full of exciting projects that I have been a part of from the beginning. As me and Filip talk about the work that willl happen at THS and KTH this fall I often smile as I am looking forward to being a part of it :)

2. How do our own study spaces in Nymble compare to the rest of campus? Nymble has a good variation of study spaces but we need to improve Nya Matsalen with electrical outlets and dividers for it to be up to our students' standards. Microwaves nearby is a plus!

Mottagningssamordnare | Reception Coordinator

Filippa Larsson mottagning@ths.kth.se

1. It feels incredibly bittersweet! There have been some frustrating moments, some exciting moments and it feels like I'm still learning! But it's going to be nice to go back to a normal life and see what my successor does with the role!

2. How long is the wait for an association to get a room in Nymble? Unfortunately, there is a limited amount of space in Nymble. How we use, and should use, that space is an important question. Currently, all the space that we do have is being used, and it isn't very common for an association to lose their room. Under the system we have right now, it's hard to predict when an association might get access to their own space.

Evenemangschef | Event Manager

David Schalin event@ths.kth.se

to be fun doing the handover for the new KL even if I'm still staying until January, I'm hyped for the reception and working with"my own" budget.

2. How well does the cooperation between Programgruppen and the restaurant work? It completely depends on the event or reason for cooperation. I cooperate with the restaurant on a daily basis about shared spaces such as the loading dock, everything in this case is about mutual respect for the fact that we both have important operations running alongside eachother. Usually during events the cooperation is on top.

Studiesocialt ansvarig | Head of Student Social Activities

Emil Blocksjö studiesocialt@ths.kth.se

Projektledare för | Project Manager for SNNC

Gabriel Pinheiro snnc@ths.kth.se

1. I feel very excited about what is to come. It feels very good to see the project starting to flourish and welcome more people. We have a theme, have decided to work on the subthemes and are looking into all the details of the party, even by creating now things that are only needed in December, just so we can use all of the time we have to make the details perfect. It also is the time to get all of our heads together and really think of how we want the party to shape this year. It has been a good period and we are looking forward to making even more progress in the second semester!

Luna Mansour international@ths.kth.se

1. It's a very strange feeling! I'm happy to have achieved a part of the vision I had for the position, but there's still sooo much more I want to work on and it seems like there's so little time!

2. How well does the cooperation with KTH around the international reception work? The communication works smoothly most of the time, we've established a good relationship over the years! However, when it comes to arrival days, it's a very tricky balance between what we believe is good for the students & between how KTH thinks it should be run. The first part of the reception clashes with KTH's vacations & that makes things difficult from our side.

Näringslivschef | Head of Business Relations

Erik Nordlöf naringsliv@ths.kth.se

1. It will be sad to leave this behind, but emotionally i feel ready to finish this chapter of my life. I have learnt a lot and will always be happy i took the time to do this

2. Why doesn't THS organize more lunch lectures? Cuz I'm lazy. No but jokes aside i don't think that should be a priority for my role as it currently stands. Supporting chapters is vital, especially since they do lunch lectures themselves.

1. It feels sad to be honest. I've had a blast working with the students. The work is intense however so I'm happy to move to a more normal workspace. The most sad part is that I'm leaving KTH. But watch out, I will of course be back visiting all of my friends on pubs or other activities were alumni are welcome!

2. How well did SSCO handle VPR? To be honest, the issue is bigger than what you see at first glance. They have actually done quite well this year under the circumstances. The organization right now is quite not there yet to please what our chapters want, but we have gotten very good answers from SSCO and I'm excited to work together with them to improve the situation before I leave my position. SSCO are listening to what we have to say and they are very cooperative!

Studiemiljöansvarig | Head of Student Welfare

Eric Forsell studiemiljo@ths.kth.se

1. I'm only just getting started, and it's getting more exciting by the day!

2. Do the chapters care enough about JML-work? It varies greatly by chapter, but every chapter needs to continously revise and think critically of their JML work.

2. How much is SNNC and the construction week going to negatively impact study spaces and lunch for students in Nymble? I cannot answer this question at the time of writing for this magazine. The plans are being discussed and worked on to minimize the impact as much as possible, but it would be irresponsible of me to deny that there will be an impact. SNNC is a big event and we really need time to make sure all our decor and details are ready by the big night. Parts of Nymble will be closed off at an early stage for construction, but all the information on that will come out on the second semesterm once our details have been fixed.


för | Editor-in-chief for Osqledaren

Benjamin Javitz osqledaren@ths.kth.se

1. To be very honest, I'm not quite ready to leave. I've started a lot of changes at OL and I would love to see them develop more. But it's part of how THS works to hand over to someone else and let them contribute their own ideas and dreams!

2. Is there gonna be a magazine next year? Osqledaren (and Kårbladet before 1959) has survived for almost 80 years - and will live on, hopefully for 80 more! OL always changes, and so do the ways that we consume news, so we'll adapt. The magazine, website, social media, videos, podcasts, there's a lot of ideas and I'm sure there will be people that want to realize them!

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