Hampton herald may 6, 2014 web

Page 1

Fresh with Food: Starting your own vegetable garden, preparing the soil on Page 20

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Hampton Herald May 6th, 2014

Free, thanks to our advertisers

Ask The Chef: New Brunswick Fiddleheads, Cooking and Storing on Page 10

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RAVINGS by Mike Hickey “Your Community Connection”

Published Bi-Weekly Next Issue: May 20th Deadline: May 13th

P.6Listen In P.10 ASK THE CHEF p.20 FRESH WITH FOOD P.24 Well Rested P.25 Pic of the month P.28 Up Up & AWAY

For your convenience you can drop off ads and editorial at Ossekeag Publishing. 242 Main St. Hampton, NB E5N 6B8 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

Hypocrisy - “the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.” (Google) You may or may not have seen Mr. Jim Irving, (co-CEO of J D Irving Limited) in various interviews defending the companies forest management practices. The easiest way to locate a couple of these interviews is to simply do a google search for “interviews with Jim Irving”. When you hear, watch or read any of the interviews, he comes across as a man who is deeply committed to doing what is right in the forest and doing no harm to the environment. So one wonders if this is a great act or if in fact he “walks the talk”. Now in one interview Mr Irving stated: “J.D. Irving has been operating a scientific research group for 15 years with six people holding doctorate degrees and a dozen graduate students hired annually for summer employment.” What he did not state was this group apparently was not consulted with at all in regard to the new harvesting plan!! According to one of the PhDs interviewed, the company will listen to them but would not follow any advice that harmed the bottom line. I would suggest, if at all possible, you view the video (episode 6) at “Is our forest really ours” (isourforestreallyours. com) but I will highlight some of the key points. The video documents clear cutting that occurs around cottages that have been built on small parcels of

crown land. Then the video takes us to a view of the Irving fishing lodge on the Restigouche River. Now according to the video producer, Charles Thériault, hundreds of acres surrounding the lodge is designated protected land. What this appears to mean is that one of the provinces leading practitioners of clear cutting and protector of our crown lands, appears to be saying that what is good enough for the rest of New Brunswickers just isn’t good enough for their family. While there is no evidence that the Irvings somehow manipulated the selection of surrounding forest to be protected, out of 3.4 million hectares of crown land, the idea that several hundred hectares was randomly selected around their lodge, does stretch one’s credibility. Reputable news agencies may wish to ask Mr Irving to clarify if their forest management policies only apply to the rest of us, but “not in my backyard”????? This would make a great investigative topic by the Telegraph Journal. We have been assured that they have editorial independence, but do they also have job security???? 0001

Mike Hickey Tech Support, Ossekeag Publishing

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The Hampton Herald

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The 140 Kingston Peninsula Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps is looking for new recruits - ages 12-18. The 140 Army Cadets meet once a week and about one weekend a month to learn and have fun together. Meetings are normally held on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-9:00pm at the Macdonald Consolidated School, on the Kingston Peninsula (5 minutes from the Gondola Point Ferry). To learn more or to join, drop by the school on a Wednesday evening, make sure your parents come with you, to meet the staff and sign the necessary registration paperwork. Top three reasons to join the 140 Army Cadets: It’s Free - no cost to join, not even for your uniform and you get paid to go to summer camp0: It’s Fun - all sorts of activities, from paintball and pizza parties to wilderness adventures; It Opens a world of Opportunities - not only can you gain some incredible skills in leadership, outdoor expeditions and marksmanship, there are also opportunities to travel within NB, across Canada and around the work if you apply yourself and make the most of the training you receive. Have any questions? Call the commanding officer, Captain Wheaton at 639-2965 or email: daniel.wheaton@ cadets.gc.ca. 2760

Breakfast will be held the second Saturday of each month 7:30-10:00am at the WI/ Seniors’ Hall (2117 Rte 820) in Upham. Come and enjoy a really filling breakfast with your friends and neighbours for only (please note price change) $7/person - or have just toast & coffee for $2. Sponsored by the Anglican Parish Churches of Upham. For more information contact 832-7463 or 832-1851. G33

“WELCOME TO MIDDLE SCHOOL” EVENING Do you have a child in grade five who will be attending Hampton Middle School in September 2014? Hampton Middle School is hosting a “Welcome to Middle School Evening” on Thursday, May 8. Parents and students are invited to drop in to Hampton Middle School anytime between 6:30-8:00pm to learn more about what the school offers: Transitioning from elementary school to middle school; Extra-curricular activities; Communications between the school and home; Volunteering at the school; Tours of the school and much more! This is an informal evening for parents and students. Members of Hampton Middle School’s Administration, Teaching Team, and Parent School Support Committee (PSSC) will be there to answer any questions you might have. We hope to see you there. 2762

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Most people delay seeking help for their hearing loss; however, most people I work with regret waiting so long to take action. Usually there is an emotional response to newfound hearing and clients are surprised at how much they were missing. The experience of our grandparents is not the same as today’s experience. Current hearing aids, when fitted properly, are a vast improvement over the cumbersome and often, obnoxious hearing aids of yesteryear. Today’s hearing aids are more sophisticated, flexible and comfortable; however, hearing aids alone do not determine a successful outcome. It is crucial that you feel comfortable with your audiologist and participate in the rehabilitation process. In our clinic, client satisfaction is most important and we recognize the value of a good working relationship. We welcome your questions and concerns and support you each step of the way. In recognition of Speech and Hearing Month as well as Mother’s Day, we are offering a FREE hearing screening and consultation for Moms. Book an appointment for your Mom by calling 847-3030. Visit our website at www.kvhearingcentre.com and“like us”on Facebook

May 6th - May 19th, 2014


WHAT’S HAPPENING Tuesday, May 6 Marie Dunn House Concert & Supper, 7:00pm at Pleasantview (old hotel) in Hatfield Point, 2127 Rte 124. Tickets $20 include supper (seating for 30) and two 40-minute sets. 10% of door goes to the Belleisle Watershed Coalition. For tickets 485-0889, email: cunning2@gmail.com, or see ‘Pleasantview’ on FB. Thursday, May 8 Sussex Valley Parkinson’s meeting at 2:00pm in the Heritage room at the Kiwanis Nursing Home with a guest speaker. For more info please contact Leona at 433-5342 or rog56@rogers.com. Everyone welcome. Saturday, May 10 Flea Market, sponsored by the Kingston Peninsula 140 Army Cadets at the Moss Glen Legion from 9:00am-2:00pm. For table rental contact Kim Miller at 7633773 or kmiller@bellaliant.net. Table $10 each. Spring Tea & Fashion Show at the

Hampton Seniors Resource Center (31 DeMille Court, Hampton) from 11:00am1:00pm. Fashion show compliments of Alia/Tan Jay, craft & bake tables. Admission $8, proceeds to the Resource Centre. Everyone welcome. Tilley Birthday Bash 2014 - celebrating Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley’s 196th birthday 7:00pm at the Queens County Court House, Village of Gagetown with refreshments and music. Tickets ($30) may be reserved by calling 488-2483, email: info@queenscountyheritage.com or by PayPal on website: queenscountyheritage. com. Hammond River Angling Association Annual Fundraising Dinner & Auction at Saint Mark’s Church, 171 Pettingill Road, Quispamsis. Doors open at 6:30pm. Tickets are $50 and there is an “early bird” prize for tickets purchased by April 30. For information/tickets, contact the HRAA at 832-1230. Spring

Tuesday, May 13 Luncheon & Card


sponsored by the Ladies’ Division of the Hampton Golf Club, 12:30noon at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church (Rothesay Road). Tickets ($12/person) may be reserved by calling Bobbi McLoughlin at 849-1155. All proceeds to the St. Joseph's Hospital Foundation Breast Health Trust fund. Thank you for your continued support.

Wednesday, May 14 Anglophone South School District DEC will meet in public session at the Quispamsis Middle School, 189 Pettingill Road, Quispamsis - 7:00pm. Friday, May 16 Hampton “Friends 60+” Dinner 12:00noon, price is a freewill offering. Come, join your friends at the Hampton Baptist Church. For more information contact Sandi at 832-3541. Saturday, May 17 Community Yard & Book Sale 9:00am1:00pm at the Bloomfield Hall. Canteen

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WHAT’S HAPPENING available, and there will also be a bake table. All monies raised used to send Parish children to summer camp. Tables $10 each. For more information, please contact Amy (721-4090) or Raegan (8325152). Singles & Friends Dance, doors open at 8:00, band (Second Time Around) plays 9:00pm-12:00midnight. Admission $6, open to both singles and married people.

Tuesday, May 20 & 27 Two-part Pastoral Care Workshop Journeying Together: Seeing You & Me - at the Church of St. John & St. Stephen Home (130 University Ave, Saint JOhn), registration at 6:30, workshop begins at 7:00pm. To reserve your free space call 643-6118 and leave your name & phone number. Saturday, May 24 Plant & Yard Sale at the Belleisle Creek Hall starting at 9:00am, sponsored by St. Simon & St. Jude's ACW.

Country Music Show, 7:00pm at the Millstream Rec Centre in Berwick with local talent and bake sale table. Admission $7.50 at the door. Proceeds to the Wesley United Church (Berwick) Mission & Service fund. All welcome.

Tuesday, May 27 Sussex Art Club meeting at 7:00pm in the Board Room of St. Paul’s United Church Hall (4 Morrison Avenue). All who are interested in art are welcome. Saturday, May 31 Hampton Legion #28 Yard Sale from 9:30am-4:00pm. Tables ($10) are available by calling Lyla McCrea at 832-7979. Legion will be open Friday, May 30 from 7:009:00pm for vendors to set up their tables. Country Music Show in support of the Sussex Kiwanis Nursing Home from 7:00-10:30pm at the Sussex High School. Tickets ($10/advance, $12/at the door assigned seating) are available at Backstage Music (569 Main Street, Sussex) 433-2122.

Proceeds to funding of equipment & activities for Kiwanis residents.

June 1-6 50+ Friendship Games at the Seniors’ Resource Center in Hampton. Opening ceremony, various events (Auction 45 & Bowling to Lawn Bowling & Swimming), and Awards Banquet. Registration fee $25. For further information contact the Resource Center at 633-8781. Sunday, June 1 SJ Vocational School 50th Reunion for grads of 1964, registration/fees deadline. Reunion to be held on August 1 & 2. For more information on reunion events please contact: Brenda Graham 738-2607, brenda.graham@bellaliant.net; Linda Graham 693-7365, lggraham@rogers. com; Clarisse Fournier (Gamble) 2142180, mcgamble45@rogers.com; Sandra Smith 757-2773, paul.smith@bellaliant. net.


Sunday Worship 10:15am

Rev. Kelly Hudson-Lewis May 11th: Mother’s Day/Christian Family Sunday May 18th: Spring Hymn Sing: Hampton United’s Top 10

All are welcome to worship in our community of faith. Church: 832-5050 huc@nb.aibn.com



Tuesday, May 20th 7:00pm

St. Alphonsus Parish, Church Street, Hampton “As day draws to a close...” Silence, Song and Word become prayer.

Evening Prayer welcomes the community of Hampton and Kings County one Tuesday of each month, September to June.

Minister: Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Stevenson Youth & Young Families Minister: Bette Ashley www.2riversunited.com Church Office: 757-2201 May 11

Peninsula Worship at Long Reach Westfield United

09:30 am 11:00 am

May 18

Peninsula Worship at Summerville Westfield United

09:30 am 11:00 am

May 25

Peninsula Worship at Long Reach Westfield United

09:30 am 11:00 am

June 1

Peninsula Worship at Summerville Westfield United

09:30 am 11:00 am

May 6th - May 19th, 2014


LISTEN IN by Jeff Liberty (winning!) hasn’t really sunk in. Jeff - Being in a boy band/SuperGroup is there any internal competition for popularity? Any clash of ego’s on the show with the other contestants? Kyle – “No, it’s been a pretty mutual experience for Rebel Coast. We are doing it all together is how everyone feels. I’m also pretty close friends with Electric Ave (runner up’s on the show). I talk to them all daily”. Jeff - You guys currently have only two songs/singles; “We are the Brave” and “Don’t Stop Now”. Are there plans for new recordings soon? Do you have a hand in the writing or are you just brought songs to record? Kyle – “Yes we have plans to record more. We are writing as well so we have our own input in the material along with other writers. I am very excited about our future. The Wall Street Journal just did an article on us”! (Read the article here - online.wsj.com/article/PRCO-20140413-901398.html). Kyle credits his family, friends and

LOCAL NEW POP STAR Last week I took a trip uptown to the funky candy shop the Freak Lunchbox to meet up and interview a newly christened Pop Star. The aforementioned rising star is no other than 17 year old Kyle McVea, a grade 12 student at Kennebecasis Valley High School. Kyle is the only East Coast member (the other members are all from the GTA) of the winning group Rebel Coast who were just crowned the winners of the YTV “The Next Star: Supergroup”! I first met and witnessed Kyle’s immense talents when he was a contestant and I was a judge for Saint John Idol a few years ago on the boardwalk. It just goes to show if you work hard and have raw talent anything is possible if you want it bad enough! Here is how our chat went down. Tell me about the whole experience? Kyle – Um, A lot of it didn’t really seem like it was all happening at the time. Most of it happened last summer. It’s such a surreal feeling to talk about it now. It

coaches for all their support saying, “Some friends even came to Toronto for support! It was a real tear fest” he laughs. “I couldn’t have done without them” he continues when referencing how the show’s vocal coach and dance choreographer, Sarah Morrison and Nico Archambault, helped him with his performance. It couldn’t have happened to a more talented and down to earth individual! For everything else on Rebel Coast -rebelcoastmusic.com. 0041

Jeff Liberty Columnist, @Jlibertyartists

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The Hampton Herald

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Spring Tea Hampton Seniors Resource Center

31 Demille Court Hampton, NB E5N 5S6

May 10th

11am - 1pm Admission $8.00 Craft & Bake Tables

Something for everyone, come and bring a friend. Enjoy the tea and see the new spring fashions. Fashion Show Compliments Alia/Tan Jay. See what’s new for Spring.

COMMUNITY YARD SALE FOR IWK Many families in our community rely on the wonderful services provided by the IWK Children's Hospital. In support of the upcoming IWK Telethon for children, to be broadcast on May 31 & June 1, the 8th Annual Community Wide Yard Sale will be held in Petitcodiac from 8:00am to 2:00pm on Saturday, May 24 (rain date of Sunday May 25). A $10 registration fee will ensure your home or business is advertised on the village map. The fees collected will be presented to the IWK at the Telethon held in Saint John on May 31 & June 1. To register, please call Marcy at 7568593 by Sunday, May 18, as maps will be available on Tuesday, May 20 at the Village Office, Petitcodiac Super Variety, and the Irving Mainway. 2773

SNOWMOBILE RUN FUNDRAISER UPDATE The Goshen Snowmobile Club Inc. held their 6th annual Russell Sprott Memorial Snowmobile Poker & Steak Run on March 1 raising $4,585 for the Canadian Cancer Society. The event honours the memory of Russell Sprott, a long-time member of the club who passed away from cancer. 2775

NORTON “GOLDEN NUGGETS” SENIORS Our March 15 meeting was held at noon in the Norton Municipal Building. Following our meal, guests George Boone and Melissa Brennan entertained the 18 members present with music

and song. The meeting opened with the singing of O Canada and the reciting of the Lord’s Prayer. Roll Call was held and the Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Treasurer’s report was given, adopted and approved. The Secretary read a letter from Judy Hill, Dairy Zone Secretary, informing us the next Zone meeting will be held at Moss Glen on April 15; lunch at 12:30, meeting at 1:00pm. Nominating Committee of Connie Kendall and Jim Gilchrist reported the following slate of officers: President Russell Webster; Vice President - Jim Gilchrist; Treasurer - Shirley Teakles; Secretary - Catherine Parlee. Beattie McGinnis conducted the Swearing-in Ceremony. Happy Birthday was sung to Vivian Patriquen, who is celebrating her birthday. 13 members committed to going on a Nancy Drury bus trip to the Tattoo in Halifax. Catherine Parlee booked 13 seats for July 6. Our next meeting was held on April 15 at 5:00pm. New members are always very welcome. Secretary, Catherine Parlee. 2771

HACC BURSARY DEADLINE Applications for the Frederick R. Dearborn Bursary will be accepted until May 31, 2014. The $500 bursary is offered annually by the Hampton Chamber of Commerce to a student entering a university or community college program leading to a career in business. Application forms are available on the HACC website at: hamptonareachamber. com or by emailing the Chamber at: hacc@nbnet.nb.ca. 2769

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Primrose Gardens now operates as part of the Avon Valley Floral Group, producing Spring plants for Garden Centres throughout Southern New Brunswick. Effective 2014, we are no longer operating a Retail Garden Centre. We want to thank all our retail customers for your past support and encourage you to support your local Garden Centre carrying our Avon Valley Floral products produced right here at Primrose Gardens and at Royal Gardens in Penobsquis, NB. Sincerely, Brian and Doug MacArthur



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Primrose Gardens now operates as part of the Avon Valley Floral Group, producing Spring plants for Garden Centres throughout Southern New Brunswick. Effective 2014, we are no longer operating a Retail Garden Centre. We want to thank all our retail customers for your past support and encourage you to support your local Garden Centre carrying our Avon Valley Floral products produced right here at Primrose Gardens and at Royal Gardens in Penobsquis, NB. Sincerely, Brian and Doug MacArthur


The Hampton Herald

WHY I RELAY Florence moved to Hampton in 1974. She is married to Robert Corner, has one daughter Bobby Jo, and one granddaughter, nine-month old, Sunny. In her words: My journey with cancer began on February 1, 2010. I was dressing to take Bobby to the airporthe was going to Yellowknife for three months. I noticed my right breast was swollen and very red. I didn't mention anything to him - just let him go - I didn't tell Bobby Jo either - no need for all of us to worry. I got an appointment with Dr. Collings for February 5 - he put me on an antibiotic but made an appointment for a mammogram on February 15 ("just in case"). I had the mammogram as well as an ultrasound and a biopsy. They also made an appointment with Dr. Scarth (a surgeon) for February 26 ( just in case). I'm beginning to hate that phrase! On February 24 the biopsy report was back - CANCER. MaryAnn volunteered to be my "chauffeur" and second pair of ears until Bobby came home on March 6. Dr Scarth explained I had Inflammatory

Breast Cancer- rare & very aggressive. I would need six months of chemo, a mastectomy & 25 sessions of radiation. Now the fun began. I think I had every test in the book over the next months. That's ok… they were all necessary. I met with Dr Burnell ( oncology) and Dr Naz ( radiation) and had my pic line put in my left arm. It was my "buddy" until May 10/11. My first chemo was on March 11/10 and an injection of Neulasta on the 12 of March. Because I couldn't afford, it I was given Neuprogen - that meant I had to give myself a needle for the 10 days after every chemo treatment - after the first two - no problem. During chemo I lost my hair, my finger nails, toe nails & the feeling in my hands & feet (most have come back) & boy was I sick completely useless! Without the help of my family, friends & church family I don't know what we would have done. Finally in July 2010 I had my last chemo - now to get myself in shape for surgery which I had October 14/10. I'm a sort of wimp - I hated this! Extra Mural came in to tend the drain - no complications - drain out. Now to physio to prepare for radiation. I didn't

mind radiation at all - just very tired the 25 sessions ended on January 19/11. Sure, I have a few lingering problems but nothing to complain about. Here it is 2014 and I'm alive and kicking. I pray my cancer won't come back but if it does - would I do all this again? In a heartbeat! 2580

TRANSITION HOUSE - GOLD RUSH 50/50 LOTTERY It’s our weekly Toonie 50/50 draw - play your number every week! The deadline to play is 2:00pm on Wednesdays and the winner will be announced on Thursdays at noon. To play - go to a Gold Rush location (Sobeys Fast Fuel, Star Lite Video, Connie’s Collectables, Sussex Rite Stop, Sobeys, Four Corners Irving, Circle K Main Street, Curves); fill out a card; put the ticket with your name address and phone number in the box along with your numbered toonie; keep the stub with your Gold Rush number. Proceeds from the Gold Rush 50/50 support the Sussex Vale Transition House. G118

Build your Dream Home with

PLUME Constr uction Ltd. Welcome to Middle School Evening – May 8th Do you have a child in grade 5 who will be attending Hampton Middle School in September 2014?

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Hampton Middle School is hosting a Welcome to Middle School Evening on May 8th, 2014. Parents and students are invited to drop in to Hampton Middle School anytime between 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm and learn more about what the school offers: • • • • • •

Transitioning from elementary school to middle school Extra-curricular activities Communications between the school and home Volunteering at the school Tours of the school And much more!

54 Aiton Road, Sussex






Starting at




This is an informal evening for parents and students. Members of Hampton Middle School’s Administration, Teaching Team, and Parent School Support Committee (PSSC) will be there to answer any questions you might have. We hope to see you there.

May 6th - May 19th, 2014


ASK THE CHEF FIDDLEHEADS Colin Sifton here from Holly’s Restaurant and Catering with another answer to a great question while we are still waiting for spring to begin. Every spring, New Brunswickers wait for the harvest of fiddleheads. Fiddleheads are an edible fern that grow along river beds and are found all along the Saint John River Valley. These ferns are picked before they open. Once they open, they are no longer edible and this is why the season is so short. Fiddleheads are a great antioxidant and are high in fatty acids, omega 3, omega 6 and are high in iron. Fiddleheads get their name from the shape’s resemblance to head of string instruments. Cooking fiddleheads properly is very important as they can make you sick if done incorrectly. Because fiddleheads are a fern, they act as an air filter and collect toxins from the air. It is suggested that we not only boil fiddleheads once, but twice with new water. The best way to do this is to blanch your fiddleheads. This is

by Colin sifton

the process of boiling them until almost cooked, then plunging them into ice water. This will stop the cooking process, preserve the vitamins and keeping the bright green colour. To finish them, bring new water to a boil, add your blanched fiddleheads and bring them back to a boil for about a minute. Blanching your fiddleheads prior to freezing is the best way to preserve them so you can enjoy them all year round. As New Brunswickers, the most popular way to enjoy fiddleheads is to boil them, toss them in butter, salt and pepper. Here are a few other ways to enjoy them. I like to take the blanched fiddleheads and make a salad with them. Toss your fiddleheads with onions, shredded carrots, tomatoes and cucumber with an oil based dressing like Italian to create a great starter to your meal. As a vegetable, I like to take my blanched Fiddleheads and sauté them in a pan with diced onions, chopped bacon and a strong vinegar. The last way I will suggest is to make a Fiddleheads chowder. Add your Fiddleheads to a vegetable stock with onions, celery and diced potatoes. Thicken with a roux and add heavy cream.

Finish it off with some seasoning and maybe something something else to make it your own: diced chicken, diced ham, a different vegetable like parsnips or turnips. Every year at this time I like to use Fiddleheads as much as possible at Holly’s. This is one of New Brunswick’s greatest products and we will be trying to incorporate them as much as possible on our different buffets and as vegetable of the day. Stop by to see some different ways we are using them and if you have a recipe you enjoy, let us know. We are always looking for new ways to enjoy this New Brunswick treasure. 0040

Colin Sifton Owner/Chef, Holly’s Restaurant


Have you considered starting your own business? Attend a free information session to find out more about available government programs that can help you get started. When: Every 3rd Thursday of the month at 10:00 am Where: 27 Centennial Road, Hampton (Hampton Municipal Building, Conference Suite 2)

For more information, please call: 832-6207 The 18th Annual Show will be held in Sussex on Saturday & Sunday, May 17 & 18, 2014 at the Agricultural Museum of New Brunswick & 8th Hussars Sports Centre, Princess Louise Park ~ Featuring ~ Antique Tractors ▪ Old Gas & Steam Engines ▪ Vintage Farm Equipment EVENTS INCLUDE:

Parade - Saturday @ 10:00am Antique Auction - Saturday @ 1:00pm Exhibitors Welcome

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10 The Hampton Herald

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BARBERSHOPPER OF THE YEAR Sea Belles' Chorus recently held a weekend music retreat with Singing Judge, Wendy McCoole in preparation for the upcoming Area 1 (Atlantic) Convention and Contest. The highlight of the final evening was the presentation of the Barbershopper of the Year Award. Each year the chorus members secretly vote on who they feel has given the most of their time and energy to promote the chorus in many different ways. The recipient of this year's Barbershopper of the Year award is Marilyn Hickman, a 29-year member of the chorus and Harmony, Incorporated. The award was presented by Margie Fife for Janet Kidd, last year's recipient of the award, who was unable to attend the celebration. "Winning Barbershopper of the Year was unbelievable for me!" stated Ms. Hickman, who has been Assistant Director for the chorus for the past 15 years. "I was very surprised as there are so many deserving girls of this award. I am truly honoured to have been chosen. It is a wonderful feeling as you are chosen from the membership. To know that you are appreciated in this way is truly awesome," added Hickman. During this weekend retreat, new Chorus officers were also installed, including Tracey Harkins, President; Debbie Sabean,Vice President; Brenda Smith, Treasurer; Charlene Richard, Secretary and Board members Margie Mazerolle, Hazel Alexander, Heather Devlin, Helen LeForte, Vangie Mofford and Jane Trites. For more information on Sea Belles, go to: seabelles.ca or Sea Belles of Harmony, Inc. facebook page. 2721

HAPPENINGS Summer Preschool Camps – July and August 2014

HALL’s Summer Preschool Camps offer lots of fun-filled mornings to explore, discover and make new friends. HALL is excited to provide this camp to preschoolers between 3 and 5 years old in the Hampton and surrounding areas. Date *July 2 - 4 July 7 – 11 July 14 – 18 July 21 – 25 July 28 - Aug 1 *Aug 5 – 8 Aug 11 - 15 Aug 18 - 22

Theme Little Picassos and Musicians Camping Fun Under the Sea Jungle Safari Treasure Hunter Science Exploration Down on the Farm Kids in the Kitchen

2014 Summer Schedule

When: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to Noon Where: Main Hall, St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, 978 Main Street, Hampton Cost: $60 per week/ *$50.00 per week *Indicates a shorter week Registration is on going. Call the office to receive a registration.

Playtime Learners Preschool – School Year 2014-2015 HALL is accepting registrations for the 2014-2015 Playtime Learners Preschool This preschool is a licensed care facility approved by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. Playtime Learners Preschool has ages 3 and 4 years old mixed classes. Monthly fees are $100.00 per month. Monday/Wednesdays and Tuesday/Thursdays classes - 9-11:30am located at the Hampton Elementary School.

An Open House for the preschool will be Thursday, June 12 from 6:30-7:30pm at thepreschool for those who would like to visit it with your child. Registration forms will be available at that time as well. For more information or to register about the above or if you have any questions, please contact us at (506)832-5665 or email us at haforll@nbnet.nb.ca or check out our website at www.hamptonalliance.ca. Like us on Facebook (Hampton Alliance for Lifelong Learning) for frequent updates. Tuesday AM Playgroup and Wednesday AM Celebrate Baby program run out of St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church (978 Main Street, Hampton)

38 Years serving greater Saint John and the Kennebecasis Valley 308 Model Farm Rd Quispamsis 5 year guarantee

Spring’s Here...

Let’s Get Gardening!



Garden center


Awesome plants: trees, shrubs, perennials, annuals... Every kind under the sun! Open 7 days/week 8am - 9pm


3 Trailerloads of gorgeous new trees and shrubs just arrived!

May 3rd ICE STORM WEEKEND Sat 10am Lecture: Repair or Replace?? Dealing with ice storm damage to your trees and shrubs. ICE DAMAGE SALE: Up to 50% off replacements for your damaged plants. Call us for details: 847-8244 May 10th MOTHERS DAY WEEKEND Get your Mum a Gift certificate - 20% off. MOTHERS DAY DRAW: Put your name in for a flowering tree for your Mum. Enter all spring. Draw May 11th 5pm. Other great gift specials too.

BRUNSWICK NURSERIES LANDSCAPING SERVICES ICE STORM DAMAGE TO YOUR TREES & SHRUBS? CALL US! Messy bed? Let us make it for you: Pruning, edging, weeding, mulching, perennial care & transplanting Landscape Design & Installation: Beds, Lawns, Walkways, Ponds, & Patios. Spring clean-ups & brush hauling


New Beds Created, Old Ones Made Beautiful

Free Estimates Call Duncan at 645-8222

Come visit the Corral and duck pond! See the alpaca, goats, pigs, and all their friends. Bring veggies for them, bread for the ducks.

Baby pigs and Lambs have arrived!

May 6th - May 19th, 2014


May 11th, 2014


or the last few issues of your community magazine and on our facebook page we’ve been promoting our Mother’s Day Contest. It was a chance to tell us about your Mom, and to tell us a story about what makes her great and special to you. A number of you jumped at the oppurtunity to write to us about your Mothers. There was a common theme of Mothers who are self-sacrificing, loving, caring and kind. Each one exemplified Motherhood, some were funny, some were sorrowful, some were lighthearted and touching. We took the time to read through them all, some of them twice, and we’re genuinely touched by all the stories of caring Mothers. They exemplified why celebrating our Mothers, no matter what age we’ve grown to be, is important. Mothers are our first friend, the person we can always trust, the shoulder we can cry on, and someone who listens constantly

75 Consumers Don’t forget to celebrate your Mom throughout the year.

Dr., Saint John, NB, E2J 4Z3 (506) 633-8899

without judgement or ridicule; with an open heart ready to share your sorrow and joy.

To feature your ad in our publications

Make Mother’s Day as special for your Mom as you are to her. Whether it’s a card, a phone call, a gift, or maybe a nice dinner the two of you can share



Happy Mother’s Day Complimentary High Speed Internet Hot Item Buffet Breakfast Ample On-Site Parking Unlimited Local Calling

Hampton Inn & Suites

www.hamptoninnsaintjohn.com 51 Fashion Drive (Behind Home Depot)

12 The Hampton Herald

Rob Moore, MP Fundy Royal 832-4200


Happy Mother’s Day! Hampton Seniors Resource Center

31 Demille Court Hampton, NB E5N 5S6

As children we don’t think of our Mother as our friend, then one day we wake up and realize she was our very first friend. (bring Dad too, he’s important as well). Let your Mom know you care in a way that only her children can. It’ll warm her heart and bring a smile to her face. For all of the touching entries we received, In the end we could only choose one winner, for the weekend getaway, and that winner was Heather, from Belleisle Creek. Congratulations Heather, we hope you and your mother enjoy your weekend, courtesy of Hampton Inn & Suites and East Side Mario’s. Thank you to everyone who submitted, from all of us here at Ossekeag Publishing.

Home of the Hampton Herald, Sussex Herald, Valley Viewer & The Tides

Happy Mother’s Day! Call 832-5613 Email info@ossekeag.ca or visit ossekeag.ca

A Mother’s ion Day Tradit 3 for over 4 years!

MOTHER’S DAY Budded or Blooming Hardy 3 Gallon “Knock-Out” Shrub Roses


Beautiful 10” & 12” Baskets Buy 2 & Save! Gorgeous Speciality Baskets & Planters

Organic Produce arrives every Saturday BBQ Cookhouse NOW OPEN Daily! 100% Grass Fed Beef Old Fashioned Bakery 60 Flavours of Ice Cream www.kredls.com OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9am-9pm

May 11, 2014

Dinner Specials:

Chicken Stir Fry Seafood Caserole Roast Turkey Roast Beef

$12.99 $19.99 $14.99 $14.99

Kids under 6 eat free from our children’s menu

Call for reservations 1-506-432-6687

WALK-INS WELCOME! May 6th - May 19th, 2014


Bayview Special Care Home

Wishing Mothers Everywhere a Happy Mother’s Day

485-2022 160 Belleisle Shore Road, Kars “Where everyone feels at home” 2 Vacancies Available

Celebrating Mom! Mom’s are some of the busiest people we know! Don’t forget to show your Mom how much you appreciate her! We have Gift Certificates available & lot’s of great Gift Ideas!


Tues 9-8 Fri 9-7 Wed 10-9 Sat 8-3 Thurs 9-8

Celebrating 10 Years!


am writing to say that my Mom is the most caring, hardworking woman I know. She is a giver to everyone and never puts herself ahead of others. She has worked at a seniors home for over 40 years. She has taken in other kids and adults even though she had her own 3 kids to care for. She did it out of the goodness of her heart. That’s just my Mom. She took time off work to care for us when we were small. When we were school aged she always made sure there was fresh bread and hot cinnamon rolls coming out of the oven when we got off the bus. She has had some pretty tough obstacles in her life too but always finds a way to get through it and was always so positive. At age 47 she lost her best friend. Her sister passed away at the age of 45 with cancer and our Dad had a serious car accident and later on had a farm accident and lost a limb. I wish I had her strength to carry on like she does. I think Mom well deserves to have someone else cook her dinner and have a night away to enjoy and maybe relax. She works full time and then comes home to clean for another 3 or 4 hours before hitting her pillow. There’s just so much I could write down on paper about how grateful I am to have a mother that I do. I’m blessed to have her. I hope my Mom has the best Mother’s Day. I love you Mom. Hugs and Kisses from your daughter Heather. XOXO ~ Heather N. Belleisle Creek, NB

Now offering a Foot Care Clinic every Wednesday & Thursday. Debbie Erwin is now accepting patients. Debbie is a Foot Care Nurse, LPN. Receipts for Insurance purposes available.

Now offering Massage Therapy with Samantha Campbell. Receipts for Insurance purposes available.

Beverly Campbell is an Esthetician, Laser Technician, Medical Facial Specialist, Reiki Practitioner and Certified Podologist.


www.BeverlysLaserSpa.com 14 The Hampton Herald

9 Crawford Street, Hampton

Located at the Traffic Circle

5 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas 1. A Day at the Spa Give your Mom a day out the spa, make sure you include a manicure, a pedicure, a facial, and a massage to really treat your Mom to a nice day out. To make it extra-special make it a day trip for the both of you. 2. Flowers Cut flowers are nice and really liven up a room with their fragrance and beauty. Ask the florists what they reccomend when picking out your flowers if you don’t know what your mom’s favourite is. 3. Take Her to Dinner Take your mom out to dinner or a nice lunch, let her pick the restaurant, and spend some good

quality time with her, stick around for dessert and coffee. 4. Write Her a Heartfelt Letter It’s never too late to tell your mom how you feel with a nice letter, it may not cost money, but that won’t diminish the warmth it brings her if do it right. Make it heartfelt and personal, cite specific examples that stick out in your mind. 5. Compile a Photo Album Taking photos has become commonplace and very easy. Take some time and explore your hard drives, look through old boxes of photos, and put together an album for your Mom of your best pictures from over the years.




Mother’s Day Luncheon Sunday, May 11th 12-3pm

Treat your Mother, special Lady or yourself to an enjoyable luncheon while supporting a great cause. All profits from this event go to our “Helping Hands Program”.

Homemade Soup and Specialty Sandwiches

$4 Child $7 Adult $10 Refills Assorted desserts & drinks included


Barnsville Presbyterian Church Hall

Treat Mom this Mother’s Day to a buffet at home or Mother’s Day flowers!

10” Hanging Baskets $19 each or 2/$35 12” Hanging Baskets $25 each or 2/$40 All prices taxes included

BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF WINDOW BOXES, HANGING CONE AND BEEHIVE BASKETS AND MUCH, MUCH MORE! PLUS ALL YOUR FAVOURITE ANNUALS AND PERENNIALS! Wide Variety of Herbs and Vegetable Plants More Exciting New Varieties More Greenhouse Upgrades with over an acre of plants Organic Fertilizers

PROUD SUPPLIER TO SPUDS N THINGS GARDEN CENTER 89 Ganong Road, Erb’s Cove Kingston NB 832-5948

Gift Certificates Available CASH OR CHEQUE ONLY 7 Days A Week 9am-8pm

DIRECTIONS From the Kingston Ferry: Go right until 4 corners at Kingston, take a right, about 4 miles to Whiting Lane, turn left onto Whiting, 1 mile to Ganong Road, then about a mile to the Nursery. You’ll see us!

DIRECTIONS From Hampton: Left at Kredl’s, take main road towards Kingston, turn right on Peters Hill Road, then turn left on Ganong Road. You’ll see us!

May 6th - May 19th, 2014


at 7:00pm at the Sussex Middle School library. For more information call Faith McMillan at 433-5227 or check out our website at: 5386.toastmastersclubs.org.

SUSSEX TOASTMASTERS An Activity That Improves Your Leadership And Public Speaking Skills: try something new this season and visit Sussex Toastmasters, a club where you “learnby-doing” and where men and women hone their leadership and speaking skills in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere. There is no instructor in a toastmasters club; instead, members conduct the meetings. A typical meeting is broken into three areas: 1. Prepared speeches, where members work in a communication program manual that has a series of 10 speaking assignments designed to instill a basic foundation in public speaking. 2. Evaluations, which are the cornerstone of Toastmasters and afford the speaker immediate feedback on what members liked and identifies areas for improvement. 3. Impromptu talks or “thinking on your feet” where a member responds to various topics. Toastmaster members have the opportunity to serve as officers in various leadership roles and learn parliamentary procedure. Best of all, in Toastmasters, you can go at your own pace. Meetings are held every other Wednesday evening


KINGS COUNTY WOMEN IN BUSINESS The Kings County Women in Business networking group (KCWIB) is an organization of career women, female professionals and entrepreneurs and women with a particular interest in the business world, who will support the growth and stimulation of women entrepreneurs in the region. Meetings will occur the first Tuesday of each month from 8:30-9:30am at Timeless Cottage. Membership with the KCWIB is $50 for one year. Benefits include networking opportunities with local business women, participation in a members-only Facebook group and professional development opportunities. For more information email kingscountywib@gmail.com. G110

SUSSEX VALE QUILTERS’ GUILD Sussex Vale Quilters' Guild meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month (September to June) commencing at 1:00pm at the St. John’s United Church Hall, 3 Needle Street, Sussex Corner. The Guild also meets in the evening every second and fourth Monday at St. John’s Church Hall starting at 7:00pm New members are always welcome, if you are interested in learning to quilt, please call Gail Fearon at 433-4400 or Marilyn Wynn at 433-3928. G029

SUSSEX CROKINOLE CLUB The Sussex Crokinole Club meets on Wednesdays at the Masonic Hall (482 Main Street, Sussex), starting at 2:00pm. Boards are supplied. Crokinole is open to the public and new players are always welcome. G109

Alzheimer Cafe

Making More Memories Held monthly on the last Sunday of each month 2-4pm at St. Mark’s Church, 50 Dexter Drive, West Saint John

Education and support services for those living with dementia, their loved ones and caregivers. Health care professionals are on-hand to answer questions and offer advice with volunteers providing information, entertainment and activities. Proud Supporters

For more information contact Ed Sullivan at 672-5286 sulli@nb.sympatico.ca

16 The Hampton Herald

Alzheimer Cafe Saint John NB on Facebook www.alzheimercafesj.ca

St. Mark’s United Church

Ad Sponsored by: Ossekeag Publishing

National Energy Board

National Energy Board

Office national de l’énergie

Office national de l’énergie

Public Notice

NATIONAL ENERGY BOARD – OPEN HOUSES TransCanada Pipelines Ltd. is seeking approval for the Energy East Pipeline National Energy Office national Project. The proposed project would Board de l’énergie include converting an existing natural gas pipeline to an oil transportation pipeline and the construction of new pipeline segments to transport oil from Alberta to New Brunswick. An application for Energy East is expected later this year. The National Energy Board (NEB) will be hosting in-person open houses about the NEB’s role, the hearing process and how to participate in a hearing, as well as the Participant Funding Program. NEB experts will be available to assist and answer questions.

National Energy Office national Board Brunswick de l’énergie Saint John, New

Saint John Exhibition Association, Building #1 37 McAllister Drive 12 May 2014, 6:30pm-8:30pm

Hampton, New Brunswick Saint Alphonsus Parish Hall 22 Church Street 13 May 2014, 6:30pm-8:30pm

Edmundston, New Brunswick Quality Inn 919 Canada Road 14 May 2014, 6:30pm-8:30pm

Cacouna, Quebec Parish Hall 425, rue de l’Église 15 May 2014, 6:30pm-8:30pm

The National Energy Board is an independent federal regulator of several parts of Canada’s energy industry with For more information contact: the safety of Canadians and protection The Energy East Process Advisory Team of the environment as its top priority. Its Tel: 1-800-899-1265 E-mail: EnergyEast.ProcessHelp@neb-one.gc.ca purpose is to regulate pipelines, energy Visit on our website: www.neb-one.gc.ca development and trade in the Canadian public interest. May 6th - May 19th, 2014


HAMPTON-PIGGS PEAK NEWS The BYU Sinfonietta fundraiser at the Imperial Theatre was a great success, with over 500 people treated to an incredible performance by an extremely talented group of musicians. At the event, I had the opportunity to share with the audience the following email received from Karen Mandy, describing the impact the Hampton-Piggs Peak Partnership is having in Piggs Peak. “Having a family who are all involved in music in one form or another, I was especially excited to learn of the HPPP fundraising event set for April 25. Music has the ability to unite people in a unique way, across all barriers - gender, economic, ethnic and even location. How fitting then, for this wonderful event to be used as a vehicle to raise funds for young people - living in very different circumstances to those you find yourselves in tonight - on the other side of the world.” “Pastoring a local church in Piggs Peak, with 2/3 of our congregation under the age of 25, has meant that I have had a close connection to a number of young people over the past ten years. Being a teenager brings struggles enough, but being a teenager in this part of the world brings troubles beyond what most of us should ever endure. With Swaziland

having the dubious title of highest HIV/ AIDS prevalence in the world, many of these youngsters face the death of loved ones on a regular basis. Most have only one parent and often, no parents, from a young age. Education is no luxury to these children - it is a ticket out of the poverty and suffering that they have been thrown into; but with a high school education costing, on average, at least three year’s earnings, it becomes an insurmountable mountain for many of them to climb alone.” “The funds that come to Piggs Peak from Hampton are without doubt, an answer to many prayers. Helping to provide an education to these children is giving back

hope into a hopeless situation. It is giving these young people the glimpse of a future that life has ripped from them. I feel extremely blessed to witness first hand, the difference that can be made when a small group of people, on the other side of the world, join hands and commit themselves to something bigger than themselves. It is a rare and beautiful testimony to the human spirit.” “From all of us here in Piggs Peak, thank you for your love, your support and your commitment to helping us give back a future to this generation of young Swazis. Siyabonga kakhulu (thank you very much).” 0010



Window Treatment SALE

Monday, May 5 through Sunday, May 18

20-60% OFF shades, blinds, custom window treatments & fabric book orders

18 The Hampton Herald

& DÉCOR Inc.

170 Hampton Road, Quispamsis, NB E2E 4J8

(Located conveniently on the corner of Campell Dr. and Hampton Rd.)

(506) 847-2468 “Moore” than Paint

LEGIONS Hampton RCL #28 1032 Main Street, Hampton Sunday Brunches - 9:00am-12:00noon. Mondays – General Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at 7:00pm. Tuesdays – Lions’ Bingo, doors open at 5:30pm. Saturdays - Please note that the Hampton Legion Market is done until October. Sunday, May 25 - 2:00-5:00pm, Zone #3 Vets & Friends at the Hampton Branch #28. Anyone wishing to rent the Hampton Legion Br #28 for a function call Barb Sherwood at 832-7886 or Stewart Tays at 832-4674 (cell 653-7431). Our Branch doors will be staying open. Anyone wishing to join the Branch or to get reinstated Please call Lyla McCrea at 832-7979 or Stewart Tays at 8324674 or 653 7431. If you are a Veteran or dependent, please contact Buster Rogers at 832-5798. Peninsula RCL #62 1356 Rte 845, Clifton Royal NB, E5S 2B9; rclpeninsulabr62@bellaliant.net, 763-2009 Outback Down Under Pub - (open Thursday-Saturday from 5:00-9:00pm), pool tables and darts available (situated back of Legion's wheelchair ramp)? Everyone welcome. Thursday, May 8 - Seniors’ Zumba. Friday, May 9 - Open House for National Day of Honour Afghanistan Veterans, families and friends. Saturday, May 10 - 10:00am-2:00pm, Cadets Flea Market. Proceeds to 140 Peninsula Army Cadets. For table rental (Kim) at 7633773. Sunday, May 11 - 10:00am-1:00pm, Mother’s Day Brunch; 7:30pm, Crib. Monday, May 12 - 12:00noon, Peninsula Pearls Seniors’ Lunch/Meeting. Guest speaker, Mae White on cake decorating and demonstration. Sunday, May 18 - 2:00-4:00pm, Vets & Friends at Greenwich Br #87. Dinner at 4:00pm. All are welcome to join or attend the abovementioned activities. For Hall Rental please contact Doreen Stack at 763-2959. People who have booked the hall for May, June and July functions, please contact Doreen Stack to confirm reservation and to advise further requirements such as kitchen and/or bar, etc. Norton RCL #76 1935 Rte 121, Norton NB Mondays – 8:00pm, Auction 45’s. Tuesdays & Saturdays – 8:00pm, Crib. Wednesdays – 8:00pm, House Darts. Thursdays – Family Charitable Bingo. Children are welcome to play if

accompanied by an adult. Fridays - Texas Hold’em Tournament (starting May 23). Registration from 6:007:00pm, play starts at 7:00pm, sharp. Ticket to play $25, only 40 tickets available. Sunday, May 25 - 2:00-5:00pm, Zone #3 Vets & Friends at the Hampton Branch #28. All Legionaires and friends welcome. Break Open Tickets - $.50/ticket for a chance to win up to $250. Tickets are available at the Legion. Portion of the proceeds go to

the IWK. Are you a veteran who does not receive a pension or health care benefits? For more information contact Gordon McKenzie, Service Officer RCL #76 at 432-0779. Military Service not required for Legion membership. The Legion Hall is available for rent (birthdays, anniversaries, showers, etc) by contacting the Legion or Sandra at 4334965. 0012

Recycle Frog is back by popular demand in Sussex

Royal Canadian Legion in Sussex 66 Magnolia Avenue Friday, May 9 from 12 pm - 6 pm Saturday, May 10 from 10 am - 4 pm

May 6th - May 19th, 2014


GET FRESH WITH FOOD HOW TO GROW YOUR OWN FOOD AND WHY IT IS IMPORTANT: I was having a conversation with Greg Daggett, about the future and how we want to operate this business. That applies to both Kredl's and Dave's Produce Packs, I told him that my ultimate goal is to put myself out of business. I would have no

trouble finding other ways to provide for myself. Before my incredible staff disown me for that last sentence, let me tell you where I am going with this. My goal is to hopefully inspire people to grow their own food. By educating our community about the importance of having your food source close to home, the reliance on other food sources should diminish. If everyone could just grow

by Dave Wolpin

their own food or even some of it, I could relax and take a few days off ;). So how can you grow your own food? If you have even a small piece of ground that gets a respectable amount of sunlight, you first need to rip up the lawn. If you don't have that, community gardens are everywhere, so go rent a plot. It is always a good idea to scoop some dirt from all corners and the centre of the plot and take it to the co-op for a soil test. If you can't be bothered, just buy compost or well-rotted manure and mix it into the topsoil. If there isn't much, buy some top soil too. Your best value is to use a truck and buy it by the tractor scoop. You also need to add lime, which sweetens the soil and raises your PH. The ideal PH for most vegetables is between 6.5 and 7. It is an exponential scale, so 5.8 won’t do. Adding 15 pounds of lime for every 100 square feet would be a good rule of thumb. Lime takes at least six months to activate, so don't be disappointed if your first year isn't phenomenal. If your soil is really sandy, it doesn't hurt to add peat moss, but peat moss is acidic, which lowers your PH, so if you add any, add more lime too. You cannot over-lime. I strongly encourage you to avoid chemical fertilizer, which is NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium). Compost is a great source of nitrogen. I also recommend pelleted chicken manure, any other well-composted manure and worm castings. These can also be applied by top-dressing or making a manure tea and pouring it around your plants. Phosphorus can be fed to your plants in the form of rock phosphate, bone meal, fish meal and wood ash from your fireplace or stove. Potassium can be accessed from K-Mag (can be bought at co-op), wood ash, greensand (I can get) and seaweed meal, which you can make yourself. Once you have concocted this harmony of dirt, you need to add to it each year and/or test your soil and just add what it calls for. Now, I will add one addendum, a very important one; read my next column to find out… 0039

Dave Wolpin Kredl’s Corner Market

20 The Hampton Herald



PHARMASAVE 599 Main St., Hampton

Locally owned and operated

Live well with Pharmasave

While quantities last

May 6th - May 19th, 2014


HAMPTON SENIOR'S RESOURCE CENTER NEWS The Hampton Senior's Resource Center News is where you are able to keep up to date with what is going on for seniors, and their friends. Mondays - 9:00am-1:00pm, the Monday Morning Craft Group gathers with some quilting, some doing rug hooking and others doing crafts. New members are always welcome; at 1:00pm, the Swedish Weavers are doing some very attractive work and new members are always welcome to help or to learn. They have a cup of tea and a snack; at 8:00pm, the Hampton Hoedowners Square Dancers gather and have an evening of enjoyable dancing, then a cup of tea and a snack. If you dance why not join them. Tuesdays - 7:00pm, the Bridge players are there and if you would like to play call Barry Kilpatrick at 832 - 5701 and he will arrange it. Wednesdays - 7:00pm, "Auction 45" players are playing and you are welcome to join them. Thursdays - 10:00am, musicians gather and for two hours you will hear songs and music that you may not have heard

for some years. At noon there is a dinner served and the price is $4/members and$5/ non-members. The price for membership is only $10 again this year. The first Thursday of each month is Potluck, and if you bring a donation to the dinner that covers your admission. Thursday evenings from 7:00-10:00pm is ‘Open Mike’ and if you want to hear some great tunes both old and not so old, for only $3 at the door, that is where you should be. It is not possible to have the Open Mike on these dates. Mark these dates on your calendar for Blood Donor Clinics - May 22, June 19, Oct 16 & Nov 27. Other Thursdays are “Open Mike’. If you have a birthday or anniversary we send you “Best wishes”; anyone sick or in hospital, we wish you a “Speedy Recovery”. Submitted by Mary Long. 0009

BINGO & CARDS IN UPHAM Card Party on Mondays at 7:30pm, $5/person, light lunch and Bingo on Wednesdays at the WI Seniors Hall in Upham (2117 Route 820). Everyone welcome. G35

HHS DRAMA FESTIVAL PLAYS With the Wizard of Oz now under our belts, the Hampton High School Theatre Company is busy preparing for the 2014 New Brunswick Provincial Drama Festival. Held on the campuses of St.Thomas/UNB Fredericton, over 1000 students from all corners of the province attend this annual event. HHS has participated since 1993. Our two entries for this year are Ghosts, a social commentary on bullying, written and directed by grade 12 student Damon Gordon; and Memoria, a play about a group of high school students who study the lives of the World War I soldiers whose names appear on the Cenotaph at Veteran's Park in Hampton. This piece is partly adapted from Hampton Remembers, a volume of narratives researched and published by the HHS Modern History students of 2007-2008. Both plays will be performed for the Hampton area public on the evening of Wednesday, May 7. Admission is a free will offering and all donations will be used to offset production costs. Curtain time is 7:30pm. 2774

In Loving Memory of a dear Husband, Father, Father-in-law, Grandfather and Friend.

John (Francis) Marks who passed away May 12, 2013

Share your excitment for only



22 The Hampton Herald

No words we write can ever say how much we miss you everyday. As time goes by, loneliness grows! We think of you in silence, we often speak your name. But all we have are memories, and photos in a frame. No one knows our sorrow, no one sees us weep, but the love we have for you is in our hearts forever to keep. We’ve never stopped loving you and never will. Deep inside our hearts, you are with us still. Heartaches in this world are many, but ours is worse than any. Our hearts still ache as we whisper low, “We need you and miss you so.” The things we feel so deeply are often the hardest to say, there’s a place in our hearts that no one else can fill. We love you so and always will! Love Always, Nancy Marks; Wendy, Peter Rebecca, Michael and Karleigh Smith; Ashley, Brian and Charley Howe; Gary, Wendy, Jackson, Bayton and Talon Marks

In memory of

Alex Steen who passed away

12 years ago.

In loving memory of John (Franny) Marks June 5, 1957 - May 12, 2013 Our heart aches at times knowing you are gone, but wanting you back would be wrong. Your life was short but full to the brim. Your gentle eyes and that teasing grin. You are our brother who we truly miss. We love you dearly, sealed with a kiss.

In sad and loving memory of a dear son Stephen Monahan who was so tragically taken from us seven years ago

May 13th 2001

Still sadly missed.

From the Family

Wilband, Angela 1950-2012 April 24/12

Two extra stars are in the skies, We know they are our mother’s eyes; Always smiling, thoughtful and kind What wonderful memories you left behind.

Husband Gary Son Colin, Daughter-in-Law Jacinda Grandsons Emery & Blake Son Greg, Daughter-in-Law Amber Grandsons Brody & Linkin

Brother Charles; Sister Geraldine, Brother-in-Law Donnie & Family

In Loving Memory of

Louise Tamlyn

As time unfolds another year, Memories keep you ever near. Silent thoughts of time together, Hold memories that will last forever.

They say there is a reason They say that time will heal, But neither time nor reason Will change the way I feel. For no one knows the heartache That lies behind my smile. No one knows the many times I’ve broken down and cried. I want to tell you something So there won’t be any doubt; You’re so Wonderful to think of But so hard to live without. Loved and sadly missed, Mum

Sadly missed by, Her husband Don, son Mike (Diane), daughter Karen (Larry), son Jeff (Wendy) and her grandchildren and great grandchildren

Friends and Family of Josephine Morrell Scribner are invited to come celebrate her

Birthday A 90th Birthday Celebration will be held for

Carl Mercer

at the Sussex Legion on Saturday, May 17th from 2-4 pm Please stop by to say “Hi” Best Wishes Only

Thank You! The family of the late Helen Scott would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to family, friends and neighbours for all your support, prayers, visits, food and donations. Many thanks to the Sussex Select Funeral Home. Albert, Ida, Ivan, and Families

80th Birthday May 10th 2-4pm The Belleisle Community Centre

Best wishes only! May 6th - May 19th, 2014


WELL RESTED OSA: THE “NOT SO SILENT” KILLER Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a common breathing disorder of sleep. It is marked by heavy snoring,pauses in breathing, gasping for air and daytime sleepiness. Other factors in OSA include morning headaches, a large neck, being overweight and high blood pressure. There are strong associations between untreated Sleep Apnea and Cardiovascular Disease. Those with untreated OSA are at greater risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, stroke and early death due cardiovascular problems. This grim outlook can be changed by having your sleep apnea diagnosed and treated. Where to start? STOP and talk to your doctor if you answer YES to any of the following: S - do you SNORE loudly? T - do you feel TIRED? O - has anyone OBSERVED you stop breathing? P - do you have high blood PRESSURE? Your doctor may decide to refer you for a sleep test either in your own home or in a sleep lab to see if your breathing is disturbing

your sleep. Some of the most common treatments for Obstructive Sleep Apnea include Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), weight loss and Mandibular Advancement Devices. The gold standard in treatment for OSA is Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. You may have a friend or neighbor who “sleeps with a mask on at night.” Well, that is CPAP. The mask is attached to a machine that generates an air pressure and blows it into the person’s nasal passage at night and essentially splints their throat open so that they can breathe at night the way that they do during the day. The can maintain a deep sleep instead of constantly waking themselves up through the night. This form of treatment has been shown to bring many of the Cardiovascular Risk factors into the normal range. Weight loss is effective at decreasing sleep apnea. Some folks are able to shed enough weight that the extra tissue collected in their throats shrinks enough to remove the obstruction entirely. A

Happy Birthday to Eva Babin! 1 of the original Darlings Island “Darlings”! All these years later and still 2 members strong! Love Always! <3 xo From 2 of us that didn’t make the cut!

by Angie Cummings smaller percentage of the population can lose weight but their anatomy is such that their throat still closes off, Mandibular Advancement Devices or MADs are oral appliances, made by your dentist or sometimes available over the counter, that change the position of your bottom jaw in relation to your top jaw. It works very well for some with mild to moderate Sleep Apnea or snoring. Others find that they get jaw pain, or that their bite gets out of alignment. For more information on Sleep Apnea and treatments, to arrange a free talk for your special group or a free at-home sleep study, call Angela Cummings BSc, RRT at Sussex Sleep Clinic Inc., 434-7667. 0047

Angie Cummings, BSc RRT, Sussex Sleep Clinic


Happy Wedding Anniversary to Murray & Sally Ritchie Family & Friends are invited to help celebrate on Sunday, May 18th, 2014 from 2pm - 4pm at St. Alphonsus Church Hall

Best wishes only!

To feature your ad in our publications

Call 832-5613 24 The Hampton Herald



Sponsored by: Ossekeag Publishing

APRIL “PIC OF THE MONTH” Congratulations to Maggie Avery of Kiersteadville, who submitted this photo of a grouping of Crocuses to our “Pic of the Month” contest during the month

of April. Maggie has won a Movie Pass (for two, including popcorn & drink), compliments of Ossekeag Publishing. The theme for May is “Birds”. No people or pets please. Deadline for photos is the 25th of each month. Happy shooting!! 0037

Applications are now available at the Sussex Regional and Belleisle Regional high schools (as applicable) for the Hazel D. White Bursary and the Sussex Health Centre Bursary. Applications are to be submitted by June 30. Students may approach their Guidance Counsellor for these bursaries. 2768

BREAKFAST IN BARNESVILLE Our Community Breakfast is held the 3rd Saturday of each month (next breakfasts May 17 & June 21) from 8:00 until 11:30am. There is a choice of two breakfasts for the price of $5 for adults, $3 child and preschoolers eat for free. Join us for a complete meal and socialize with your community or order take-outs at 832-7790. Donations fore our Helping Hands Food Basket are always welcome. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated. G101 82 Marr Rd. Rothesay 849-4040

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847-2792 May 6th - May 19th, 2014


1st Annual Youth Arts Competition

Anglophone South School District TWO GRAND PRIZE WINNERS




Paint, draw, sketch - your choice!


Do you love to write?

Share your original and creative pieces with us about what the future of Canada is to you!

• You must be enrolled in a school within the Anglophone South School District • Please include your age, name, school and grade on the back of your piece Questions can be directed to Alberta Stanton at (506) 643-2005 or via email alberta.stanton@gnb.ca

Deadline: Entries should be sent to the following address no later than May 31st, 2014 Saint John Education Centre ASD-S c/o Alberta Stanton 490 Woodward Ave. Saint John, NB E2K 5N3

For more information on Canada Day Celebrations visit www.sjcanadaday.ca 26 The Hampton Herald



Ganong, Sherri and Ben Warner, Ronnie Ganong and Roland Ganong. Interment will be in Erb’s Cove Baptist Cemetery in the Spring. Donations in memory of Donald, may be made to CNIB, Canadian Cancer Society or memorial of the donor’s choice. Personal condolences to the family and donations may be made through www.reidsfh.com. 0007



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May 6th - May 19th, 2014


It is with great sadness, the family of Donald Henry Ganong of Hampton NB, husband of the late Joyce ( Ne l s on ) G a n o n g announces his passing which occurred on Tuesday, April 8 2014, at his residence. He was born on May 30, 1925 in Elmhurst NB, the son of the late Hedley and Mildred (Titus) Ganong. Don worked in trucking and farming all his life. His greatest passion was his farm and the time spent there with his grandsons. He also enjoyed weekends at the summer cottage on the Belleisle with his family, especially his grandchildren. He was thrilled to become a great-grandfather in recent years. Donald is survived by his sons Brian Ganong and his wife Jacqueline of Hampton NB and Robert Ganong and his wife Sharon of Halifax NS; daughter Sharon Cogswell and her husband William of Hampton NB; grandchildren Christopher Cogswell (Crystal), Nicholas Cogswell (Randi), Michelle Godbout (Mike), Jill Ganong (Jamie Fowler), Thomas Ganong: great-grandchildren Grace Godbout, Lily Godbout, Ivy Cogswell and Hayes Cogswell; brother Paul Ganong and his wife Rita; brother-in-law Malcolm Nelson and his wife Betty; sister-in-law Ethel Nelson; as well as several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his brothers Clarence, Roland and brother-in-law William Nelson. He rested at Reid’s Funeral Home, Hampton NB, with visiting on Thursday April 10, 2014 from 2:00 to 4:00 and 6:00 to 8:00pm. Funeral service, conducted by Rev. Dan Austin and assisted by Rev. George Howe, was held from Reid’s Funeral Home Chapel at 3:30pm on Friday, April 11 2014. Organist Janice Bates played as the congregation sang “How Great Thou Art” and “The Old Rugged Cross”.

Special music “Where the Roses Never Fade” was sung by Rev. George Howe and “I Come to the Garden Alone” was sung by Rev. Dan and Fiona Austin. Eulogy was by Rev. Dan Austin. The active pallbearers were Christopher Cogswell, Nicholas Cogswell, Mike Godbout, Jamie Fowler, Tim Gillis and Michael Ganong. The honourary pallbearers were Paul and Rita


GANONG, Donald Henry


Up, Up & Away by ellen tucker WOW! A WORLD CRUISE! Have you dreamed of taking a world cruise, but dismissed the idea as beyond your financial reach? Well, you might be pleasantly surprised, because the per diem cost is often more reasonable than for shorter cruises. Most world cruises start from Southampton, UK, New York or Los Angeles, and many include airfare from your home city to the departure port, and return to your home from the last port. More cruise lines are scheduling world cruises recently, because they are increasingly popular. Crystal’s 2015 world cruise is already sold out, and they are booking for 2016. Oceania has now added a world cruise. Regent does Grand Voyages for 62, 71 and 86 nights. The most famous world cruise ships are the Cunard Queens, and each one does a World Cruise. In 2015, Cunard will commemorate the 175th anniversary of the company’s founding, and the planned global voyages will celebrate this milestone

in style. This festive time will herald several Cunard Royal Rendezvous events during the World Voyage itineraries: Queen Mary 2 and Queen Elizabeth will depart Southampton together on 10 January 2015. On 12 March 2015 Queen Mary 2 and Queen Victoria will meet in Sydney, Australia, and on 3 May 2015 all three Queens will return from their World Voyages to Southampton. Cunard’s 2015 World Voyages and Exotic Cruises Programs feature voyages ranging from eight to 127 days aboard Queen Mary 2, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth. Passengers will have the option to combine itineraries into and out of Sydney, Australia across two ocean liners, and to create customized World Voyage options with a land portion in between. Passengers will also have the opportunity to visit South Africa, the South Pacific, to circumnavigate Australia, and to discover the excitement of Japan and Southeast Asia. Altogether, the ships will visit 82 unique destinations in 46 countries, from major cities to less frequented locales. With four maiden calls and an enhanced

After thirty-two and a half years of hard work and dedication, it’s time to take a permanent vacation! Please join us for refreshments

Tuesday May 13th from 2-5pm at J. Clark & Son Limited 50 Leonard Drive in Sussex as we wish Marshall Fanjoy best wishes on his retirement. 28 The Hampton Herald

East-West loop that includes New Zealand, flagship Queen Mary 2 kicks off her exciting 113-night World Voyage from Southampton, on the way to 38 ports of call in 21 countries. For an idea of the cost, the Queen Mary 2 fares start at $21,998 for an inside stateroom, which is $195 per day. If you book as soon as the cruises are announced there are substantial discounts. If you wish to book for 2015 there are still some incentives, such as upgrades from ocean-view to balcony staterooms, and complimentary gratuities. Those are substantial benefits. So, if this has piqued your interest about a world cruise, my best advice is to book early. Cunard will soon announce their itineraries for the 2016 World Cruises. 0043

Ellen Tucker Owner, Freedom Tours

PENINSULA BR. 62 OPEN HOUSE Royal Canadian Legion Peninsula Br. 62 will be holding an Open House and reception on Friday, May 9 from 7:009:00pm in honor of our Afghanistan Veterans, their families and friends. This event is open to the general public and we would like to invite everyone to helps us recognize this milestone in our history. The Government of Canada has declared May 9 as a National Day of Honour to mark the end of our country’s military mission in Afghanistan. This will be a special celebration of Canadian patriotism. His Excellency, the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, will issue a Royal Proclamation celebrating the strength and resolve of our troops, their families and the many communities they call home. A National Ceremony will occur on Parliament Hill with Veterans of all branches of the Canadian Armed Forces and families. This will be an occasion to pay tribute to the fallen, the sacrifices of the wounded and the special burden borne by military families.

Our goal is to honour the end of a generational mission that affected almost every community in Canada. The tremendous respect our men and women in uniform have earned through their courageous efforts has been evident from coast to coast to coast. May 9 will be the culmination of these tributes and a special opportunity to salute the fallen, honour our Veterans and celebrate the strength of our country’s remarkable military families. These heroes deserve our unwavering support and everlasting respect. If you are a Veteran of Afghanistan or family member and plan to attend this event please contact Kelly Newstead at 763-3009, prior to noon on May 9 if at all possible, to allow for time to put your name on our list of recognition. 2778

“RAISE THE WOOF” FUNDRAISER In support of the Saint John SPCA Animal Rescue, a stand-up comedy show “Raise the Woof ” will be held on

Saturday, May 17 (7:00pm) at St. Mark’s Catholic Church, 171 Pettingill Road, Quispamsis. Join us for an evening of fun and hilarity with Emmy nominated comedian, Lamont Ferguson; local writer & comedian, James Mullinger and Raise the Woof creator, James Uloth. The evening will also feature a silent auction, door prizes, raffles and a cash bar. Tickets ($25) are available by calling 608-6048. Free on-site parking. For more information visit the Raise the Woof website at: woofraisesj.com. 2777

KITCHEN PARTY IN BARNESVILLE Please join us for a weekly Kitchen Party at the (new location) Barnesville Presbyterian Church Hall (1257 Rte 820) each Tuesday from 7:00-9:00pm. Bring your instruments and\or voices for an entertaining evening of music and fun. There will be a freewill offering, 50-50 draw and light lunch provided. We will be accepting donations for Helping Hands Food Basket. See you there! G125


Your Business Learning Resource

Dyson & Melissa Regular Owners/Operators

Grief Support - Feelings after a loss The death of someone we love is the greatest loss any of us may endure. After the initial shock, we may feel angry, guility, abandoned, helpless and confused. These feelings may overwhelm us immediately, or the may surface after weeks, months, or years. Although we may feel devasted by our loss, we can learn to cope and grow through the grieving process.

Loss is woven into the fabric of living Grief is not an illness: it is a natural part of life. Grief is not a stable thing with a clear beginning, middle or end. It is a process that may (or may not) include anguish, fear, denial, despair, illness, sadness, and longing. You do not have to endure your pain in silence and isolation. Talking will not change your loss, but it can help make your feelings bearable. What you feel and need today may be different from yesterday, may be different tomorrow and may be different from the needs and feelings of other people.

Ɛ Ă ƐŵĂůů ďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ ŽǁŶĞƌ͕ ĚŽ LJŽƵ ĮŶĚ LJŽƵƌƐĞůĨ ƐƉĞŶĚŝŶŐ ŵŽƌĞ ƟŵĞ ǁŽƌŬŝŶŐ ͞in the business͟ ĂŶĚ ŶŽƚ ĞŶŽƵŐŚ ƟŵĞ ǁŽƌŬŝŶŐ ͞on the business” ? If you said yes, join us for this lunch & learn:

The Strategic Business Owner >ĞĂƌŶ ƚŽŽůƐ͕ ƚĞĐŚŶŝƋƵĞƐ ĂŶĚ ŐĞƚ ĂĚǀŝĐĞ ŽŶ ŚŽǁ ƚŽ ƚŚŝŶŬ ĂŶĚ ĂĐƚ ƐƚƌĂƚĞŐŝĐĂůůLJ ŝŶ LJŽƵƌ ďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ͘

Wednesday, May 14, 2014 10am-2pm dŝŵĞůĞƐƐ ŽƩĂŐĞ ŽŶĨĞƌĞŶĐĞ ĞŶƚƌĞ͕ EĂƵǁŝŐĞǁĂƵŬ ΨϰϬͬƉĂƌƟĐŝƉĂŶƚ ;,^d ŝŶĐůƵĚĞĚͿ ,Žƚ ůƵŶĐŚ ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞĚ &ĂĐŝůŝƚĂƚĞĚ ďLJ EƵ&ŽĐƵƐ ^ƚƌĂƚĞŐŝĐ 'ƌŽƵƉ͘

ZĞŐŝƐƚĞƌ ƚŽĚĂLJ͊ &Žƌ ŵŽƌĞ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚ͗ Jill Ganong at ;ϱϬϲͿ ϴϯϮͲϲϮϬϳ Žƌ

email: jill.ganong@cbdc.ca


profitlearn.com May 6th - May 19th, 2014


HAMPTON FOOD BASKET NEWS We are very thankful for all the contributions of time, talent and treasures; without the wonderful community support that we receive a great many families would be experiencing severe hardship. We especially thank Flo and Philippe Gallant for their wonderful help in preparing Income Tax returns for our clients, (along with all the other help they offer). We will continue with the screening process in May and ask that clients bring proof of address and the most recent tax return with them, our hope is always to assist and be good stewards of the moneys and food that are donated to the Basket. Our experience tells us that the majority of our clients are doing an amazing job at stretching their very small incomes, we are proud of their ability to ‘make do’. Next preparation day will be on May 14, starting at 8:00am, clients will be served on May 15, from 8:30 am until 11:00am. Please note, Emergency numbers are for Emergencies only! Several clients are making a habit of skipping the client day and then calling for emergency supplies, this puts needless stress on our volunteers.

We ask that you mark your calendars for the third Thursday of every month and come on that day; if you cannot attend then please designate a friend to pick up for you, provide them with a note to authorize the pickup and a medicare number of an adult in your family. We are in need of a few items, if you are replacing appliances or furniture and have any of the following to give away, please call Janice at 832-4340, leave a message if need be and she will return your call: 2 double beds; 1 double bed frame; 1 twin mattress; 1 dresser; 1 pressure cooker. The cooking classes, that are run by the wellness group each month, are great fun and very useful; since some of the parents have small children needing to be entertained at that time, we are hoping that some people may have toys and books that can be used by the baby sitters, please call any of the emergency numbers if you can help with this. We extend our most sincere condolences to the family of Brian Ganong as they mourn the death of Don, Brian is a valued volunteer with us and we pray God’s blessing and peace upon him and the family at this sad time. Emergency numbers are: Catherine 9430158, Janice 832-4340, Debbie 832-4039 and Betty 832-7526.

‘Inasmuch as ye have done it, unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me....’. 0029

PLEASE HELP KEEP HAMPTON TIDY Just like our spring weather, Hampton Communities in Bloom is also off to a slow start. We normally ask our groups to tidy up their areas during the month of April, but this April the task would have required snow shovels! So we are asking our groups to clean up their assigned areas sometime during the month of May. Your efforts year after year are very much appreciated! Hopefully the task gets easier each year as there is less litter to pick up. We are also asking Hampton residents to take a look around their own properties and tidy up the bits that the winter winds have left behind. Just pop what you collect in with your household waste. Please help Communities in Bloom keep Hampton tidy! Our goal is to have a litter free Hampton with no clean-up required! For further information please call 832 7244. 2779

The Hampton Speed Skating Club had a very successful and productive 2013-2014 season for all skaters thanks to parents, families, volunteers and coaches for their time and dedication to the sport. A huge thank you to the following business sponsors for supporting our annual meet and ensuring our hosting success:

Meal Deal


THANK YOU • Bruce Gray Designs • Hollys Restaurant • Tim Hortons • Pharmasave • Town of Hampton • Close to My Heart • Freedom Tours

30 The Hampton Herald

• Timeless Cottage • Beverlys Day Spa • Napa Auto Parts • Baxter Milk • Cooperators/Melanie Lyons • Hampton Rink Staff

Includes Can of Pop or Medium Coffee

Chance to win one of $50 Irving & Robin’s Gift Card Draw at end of the month

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832-5858 632 Main St., Hampton

CHERRY BROOK ZOO UPDATE Please note: the Earth Day event which had been planned for April 27 is being rescheduled. Watch for further information. New zoo volunteers are always welcomed. Several training sessions for new volunteers (ages 16-seniors) take place May. Please call the zoo office 634-1440 for dates and times. Volunteer applications are at the zoo office or online at: cherrybrookzoo.com. Claws Mini Golf Course and Vanished Kingdom Park both reopen around May 1 (depending on the weather!). Your zoo continues to depend on your financial support by visiting the zoo, attending special events, booking a Birthday Party, catered seminars, become a monthly sponsor, become a member of the Animal Sponsor Program. Volunteer Diana is again hosting the very popular Zoo Yard Sale in June. If you have any yard sale donations just drop them at the Zoo office. All yard sale proceeds go right into the daily animals care budget. Diana is hoping to make over $1000 this year. Let’s celebrate Cherry Brook Zoo’s 40th

Communities in Bloom will not be holding their

Annual Plant Sale this year. We would like to thank those who have contributed over the years and of course those who have attended.

Hope to see you all next year! anniversary all year. Zoo office 634-1440; Zoo hours 10:00am-5:00pm every day. 2736

SNOW CENTRE THANK YOU The VA Snow Centre, Management, staff and patrons would like to express their sincere “thank you” to all the folks who supported our 2014 Community Fundraiser. It is your personal commitment that makes this event a success within our community and we wanted to say, thank you. 2784

DRAMA & DONATION THANK YOU A huge ‘Thank You’ to all who came out to our Easter Drama on Friday, April 18 and Sunday, April 20. On both nights we accepted a freewill offering in support of the Breakfast Program at Belleisle Regional High School; and with your support we were able to present a cheque for $300 to the program. Again, we thank all for your support of the Drama and the Breakfast Program. Outreach Pentecostal Church. 2780

6243 Rte 111, Jeffries Corner $94,500

582 Back Rd., Penobsquis $99,900

Raised bungalow on 2 acres 3 brs, 1 bath, full basement 2 sheds, New roof, private. Faith 432-0077 MLS SJ141776

Two houses for one price! Mini home, 4 bdrs, 1.5 baths Bungalow 2 bdrs, 1 bath. Faith 432-0077 MLS SJ141672

Mini home is 2 bdrs, 1 bath, new steps Enclosed deck, two sheds and a barn.

Faith 432-0077 MLS SJ132935

Cute & Cozy 2 bdr bungalow Mud rm, main floor laundry Mature treed lot. Many updates. Faith 432-0077 MLS SJ134445

1357 Scenic Narrows Blvd., Codys $179,900

908-910 Carsonville Rd., $289,900

33 Orchard Cres., Picadilly $79,900

Goshen Rd., South Branch $35,000

Lots of updates, 3bdrs, 1.5 bath Two barns, pond, 116 acres Double garage, waterfront lot. Faith 432-0077 MLS SJ135145

Two 3 bdr houses, two barns , pond Approx 125 acres, swimming pool Rent one and live in the other.

3 bdrs, 2 baths, walk in closet Only 4 yrs old, two decks Lot rent applicable .

16.45 acres with drilled well Perfect for your new home Mixture of wood, mins to town.

Faith 432-0077 MLS SJ141388

Faith 432-0077 MLS SJ135772

Faith 432-0077 MLS SJ125311

93 Horton Lane, Penobsquis $124,900 Address Wow,Place 2 acres $000,000 of beautiful grounds

590 Rte 715, Coles Island $59,900

May 6th - May 19th, 2014


HHS GRADUATION REFRESHMENT DONATIONS Each year, we are able to defray costs of graduation events by the generous donations of snacks, sweets and beverages by parents of the graduates. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and donations to this effort. Exam Week (June 9-13): Beverages & Pancake Mix - each graduate is expected to bring two beverages (either pop or juice) which will be served at both the Prom and the Graduation Reception. Also, students with last name beginning A-L are asked to bring one box of pancake mix (must be type that is mixed with water) and students with last name beginning with M-Z are asked to bring an extra bottle/can of juice (syrup is being donated by Crosby’s). Bring items to Room 124. Baccalaureate Service (June 15, 7:00pm at Hampton United Church): Sweet Trays, Fruit Trays, Dips, etc - drop these off in the basement of the church when you arrive for the service. Prom (June 15 8:00-9:00am): Drop off snacks, veggie trays, fruit trays, dips, etc in the school lobby. Please use disposable

Serving trays. These snacks will be served at the prom. Graduation (June 19, 8:00-9:00am): Drop off sweet trays in the school lobby. These are served at the reception following the graduation ceremony. Please use disposable serving trays. We greatly appreciate the help parents are able to give us; the special events that school staff and parents provide ensure that the graduates feel special and that they have a memorable graduation. Thank-you! 2783

FREE CLASSES FOR ADULTS The Sussex Adult Learning Program offers free academic upgrading classes for adults (19 and over) at the Lion’s Den (58 Willow Court, Sussex). In our small classes, learners work at their own pace towards their own goals. Our program will help you improve your literacy skills, prepare you for employment, or prepare you for the GED exams. Our flexible schedule allows you to attend 15 hours a week, Monday to Friday, by choosing a morning or an

afternoon class. You want to upgrade your skills faster, why not attend 30 hours a week by coming for a full day. Interested? Call Instructor Paul Roy at 433-6109 for more info or to register. Financing for this free program is provided by NB Department of PostSecondary Education, Training, and Labor. For more information, call 433-6109. G34

PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP A Prostate Cancer Support group for Saint John and outlying towns and communities will hold regular meetings on the first Tuesday of each month (September–June) in the social room at St. James the Less Church located (1760 Rothesay Road, Rothesay) at 7:00pm. Support group members provide emotional support to each other; demonstrate that one is not alone, and that others share similar experiences and concerns. For further information call Doug Moore, Co-ordinator, at 847-1628. G055

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32 The Hampton Herald

FINAL SERVICE FOR NORTON CHURCH St. Luke’s Church in Norton, built in 1881, announces that its final service, a Special Service of Holy Eucharist, will be held on Sunday, June 1 at 10:00am. St. Luke’s, a gothic designed building, where the parson tied up his horse on the iron rod as he entered and the bell - from a CPR train which travelled between Norton and Chipman - rang announcing to the faithful that the week’s work is done… it’s a day of rest, a day to thank the Lord for blessings received. Join us on Sunday, June 1 to help celebrate the life of this historic building where weddings, christenings, Sunday school and funerals were observed for 133 years. Everyone is welcome. 2782

CARDS – LOWER NORTON Lower Norton Community Hall hosts Cribbage on Tuesdays at 7:30pm and 45's on Thursdays at 7:30pm. Everyone is welcome to come for a great evening of fun and prizes. Light Refreshments. G003

HRVS SENIORS’ BINGO Bingo, sponsored by the Hammond River Valley Seniors will be held every Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm. Regular Card Party is held every Monday at 7:30pm. Music Kitchen Parties are held every Tuesday from 7:00-9:00pm. Everyone welcome. G104

PENINSULA FOOD & CLOTHING BANK The Peninsula Food & Clothing Bank is open on Saturdays from 9:00am1:00pm; and Wednesdays from 9:00am12:00noon, weather permitting. If you have an emergency and need food, please call the Parish Office at 763-3183 and leave a message, someone will get back to you. We ask that you do not bring us the remnants of your yard sales or larger items such as computers and TVs as we do not have any place to store them and it costs us money to have them taken away. We continue to need clothing

and food and appreciate any donations which may be left at the Parish Hall any morning of the week, Monday through Saturday. G106

ALZHEIMER SOCIETY OF NB Caregiver Support Group: Held on the fourth Thursday of each month in our offices at 152 Westmorland Road at 7:00pm, this is a great opportunity to speak with others who have had similar experiences and to share their stories with one another. It is a small group who enjoy helping others along their journey. Alzheimer Café: A social gathering for the whole family to socialize and mingle with others who have been diagnosed and their families. We incorporate musical entertainment and education as well as serve light refreshments and snacks. Held on the last Sunday of each month at St. Mark’s Church on the Westside at 50 Dexter Drive from 2:00-4:00pm. Join us on facebook “Alzheimer Cafe Saint John NB”. G066



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May 6th - May 19th, 2014


ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Hampton Rural Cemetery Association

In accordance with it’s bylaws, the Annual General Meeting of Hampton Rural Cemetery will be held on

May 28, 2014 at 7:30

Church Hall of St Paul’s Presbyterian Church Main Street, Hampton For the purposes of: • Read and approve the minutes • Receive Annual report • Consider and approve the • Election of Directors financial statement President Marjorie Yeomans

HAMPTON ACTION CIRCLE Amnesty International’s vision is of a world in which every person enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments. In pursuit of this vision, Amnesty International’s mission is to undertake research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of these rights. John Peters Humphrey was a founding member of the first Amnesty Group in Canada, founded in St. Lambert, Quebec in 1973. The group in Hampton has been in existence for over 10 years and meets the third Sunday of each month, from September until June at 1:30pm in the Hampton High School Library. The group write letters on behalf of people whose rights have been abused. The focus of the local group continues to be indigenous people at risk in Canada and Colombia. Public letter writing campaign is held each year in early December to coincide with the Write For Rights Campaign of AI. The Hampton Action Circle invites new and old friends to attend a meeting. For more information, call Pat at 832–3350, visit our Facebook page, or search: amnesty.ca. G113

YOUTH GROUPS IN SALTSPRINGS All are welcome to join the youth groups at the Saltsprings Baptist Church (Rte 860) every Wednesday. Group for ages 6-9 runs from 6:00-7:15pm; ages 10 and up from 7:30-9:00pm. For more information please contact Ferna at 832-0345. G108

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS Amnesty International’s Hampton Action Circle meets the third Sunday of each month, from September-June, 1:30pm, at the Hampton High School library. The group writes letters on behalf of victims of human rights abuses in Canada and around the world. All are welcome to join us. G107

34 The Hampton Herald

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May 6th - May 19th, 2014


MUSINGS by Debbie Hickey I’D RATHER BE A CAT A few days ago I made the difficult decision to take one of our cats on that final trip to the vet. She was sixteen, a pretty good age for a cat, and had been failing for the last few weeks. I had hoped she could go quietly in her own home, but as she grew obviously more uncomfortable it became apparent that was not going to be. She was never fond of the crate, and even less fond of the car (unlike dogs, car trips for cats are rarely something to look forward to), so it was not the way I had hoped things would end for her. When the short trip in the car looked to be less traumatic for her than the continuing discomfort she was in, the choice became obvious. She was very well treated and slipped away peacefully. A much preferred end to how it was playing out.

The debate on assisted suicide has recently been back in the news, with many good points to be made by those who are concerned for the rights and well-being of those with mental and physical challenges. For myself, though, I would far rather have the option to go as easily as did my beloved pet if the alternative is to continue in pain, confined to a hospital bed and with no hope that this is going to improve and will lead to its inevitable end anyway. If my mind is gone and I no longer recognize my family, or even myself, do I really want to continue because my body is too darn stubborn to shut down? Yes, there must be safeguards for those who cannot speak for themselves. But is it fair to those who would choose this gentle alternative to be denied that option? Those who are still well enough can perhaps find ways to end

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their lives, but having access to the medications that would make it as easy as it was for my cat is unlikely under current legislation. How sad. Thanks for sharing sixteen years with us, Miss Em. “Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.” ~ Robert A. Heinlein. 0002

Debbie Hickey President, Ossekeag Publishing

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COMMUNITY CLASSIFIEDS EMPLOYMENT LOOKING FOR COMPANION, willing to do light house keeping and to do errands, keep appointments etc. 8 hrs per day, 5 days per week. 832-3697 RECEPTIONIST NEEDED? Ready to work. Great organization skills. Hours of work not a problem (preferably in Hampton area). 832-3697 FIREWOOD FIREWOOD CUT, SPLIT and delivered. Good prices. Maple and yellow birch. 839-2967, cell 567-0318. SPRINGFIELD FIREWOOD- quality hardwood, cut, split, delivered. Servicing new and loyal customers for over 10 years. Call 485-2349. FOR RENT BRACKLEY BEACH COUNTRY COTTAGES, PEI: brackleybeachcountrycottages.com. 4 log 2-bedroom housekeeping cottages, queen-sized beds, BBQ’s, microwave, TV, covered patio, lawn chairs, picnic tables, outdoor fireplaces. Winter: 506485-0905, Summer: 902-672-1938. Dan & Marquita Duplisea. APARTMENT FOR RENT, heated, stove, fridge. Call 832-7907 or 333-1815. 3 BEDROOM COTTAGE, West Point, PEI. On the water. Fully furnished. $550 weekly Sat-Fri. Going Fast. 832-3333. ONE BEDROOM BASEMENT apartment in Hampton. All utilities/appliances included for $735, plus damage deposit. No pets/smoking. Mature person only. 832-4516. FOR SALE WHEELCHAIR (good shape) $60; Hoppy headlamp aimer (new) $300; pocket novels (211) mostly westerns $1 each; horse harness (2 sets) collars, bridles, etc. $300 for lot. 485-2470 if no answer, please leave a message. PINE BEDROOM SET (double bed) $700; Pine stereo stand with speakers and system $100; Pine coffee table $50; Ethan Allen Rocker $25; Wardrobe about 6’h, 4’w, 20” deep $75; Radial arm saw (Sears) 10” $150; Table saw 10” Delta $75; Bandsaw 14” $200; Joiner 6” King $300; Air compressor 5hp $300, 1hp $150; Lathe Craftsman $300; Gas powered washer $250; Mountain bike 26” $50; Backpack with frame $10; Sander shapes $25. Many more things etc. Call 433-4057. NOTICES FLEA MARKET - Hampton Curling Club, 8325348. Saturday, May 24, 9:00am-1:00pm. Table rentals. Also June 21, July 19, August 23 and September 20. I JOSEPH L KANE, of Kingston Corner, County

of Kings, New Brunswick and is Land Grant no. Eleven of the Kingston Grants. Granted by QueenVictoria and the New Brunswick Court of Chancery in the year 1853, registered and kept at the forestry Building, Fredericton, New Brunswick. within the Grant Map I have had the property line compromised by usurpers, breach of trust and other surveyed by Court Appointees, year 1853. Supported by a number of registered Deeds with Riparian rights. I have had my rights violated. Article no. 15 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Current Property no. Pid 159566. RECYCLING BIN WYNFORD HALL AM/FM tuner with multiplex, AFC tuning meter, 8 track, with KRACO stereo cassette adapter, 2 small speakers, headphones and recording mic. Excellent condition. 763-3647 after 5:00pm. SERVICES OFFERED BUYING JUNK CARS, trucks, travel trailers, motor homes, farm machinery. I pay you cash. Call 721-4255. HENDERSON OVERHEAD DOORS - Sales and services of overhead doors, operators and weather stripping of all models. Phone 485-2151. WEDDING OFFICIANT - plan ceremony celebrating love & commitment; when, where, how you wish. Book now for best dates. Janet 847-9833. LAWN GROOMERS, “If you look good, we look good”. Now taking bookings for fertilizing and lime, lawn and yard clean-up and also mowing and trimming. Home 832-2844, cell 609-8485. MARITIME RIGGING - Wide range of industrial products: wire rope, chain, netting, tarps etc.for marine, forestry, towing, construction, commercial applications. Action car and truck accessories. Days and Evenings 832-1198 BRIAN’S MAINTENANCE & Home Repair, carpentry, kitchens, bath, painting, ceramic tile, electrical, etc. Over 20 years experience. Free estimates. Call Brian 839-2296. WE HAUL AWAY junk cars, trucks, tractors and farm equipment. Small fee for appliances and small scrap. Drop off site 54 Backland Road, Kingston. 763-2933 or 333-9067. VILLAGE UPHOLSTERY & REFINISHING Craftsmanship. RV’s, boat covers, recovering & restyling repairs. HD foam, T-Trailers, caning, seagrass, canvas. 832-7870. H.R.D CLIENTS Do you need dentures? Do you wear dentures? Are your dentures 3 years old or older? IF SO CALL Kim at 639-0061. RITE WAY CLEANERS is now accepting new clients for residential and commercial cleaning. We also offer one-time cleaning of your house or apartment. 832-3894.

DAVE’S LIGHT TRUCKING & Cleaning Service, junk, garbage, construction & roofing materials, demolition, brush, trees, decks, small moving jobs. 7 days a week. Also picking up unwanted vehicles. 832-3982 or 653-0026. REGISTERED FOOT CARE NURSE is now accepting clients. Offering foot care in the comfort of your own home in Hampton & surrounding areas. For professional foot care & details, call Shirley at 832-2126. Covered with most insurance plans. CARD READINGS BY DONNA Regular playing cards with 100 year old chart, also Angel cards. Contact for prices: i.e. Individual, party, group, or phone. 506-849-0550 or angelcardreader2@ gmail.com. FREE SCRAP METAL DROP OFF. All car parts, batteries, lawn mowers, washers & dryers, pots & pans, scrap metal etc. Free junk car and truck removal. Free refrigeration disposal. Open 7 days/week, 187 French Village Road. Phone 847-3569. NOW ACCEPTING NEW customers for the Hampton area. Call JD’s Yardman at 434-5843. Offering yard maintenance, mowing, trimming, eaves-trough cleaning and odd jobs. Find us on Facebook. BASIC PAINTING - Interior painting, drywall patching. 832-3697. STRICKLYBOOKKEEPING14@OUTLOOK. COM provides accurate current record keeping service to small businesses as required. Working in Quickbooks and Sage50. 506-839-2667. TUNE-UP/ REPAIR - Lawn mowers, garden tillers, lawn tractors, snow blowers (parts available). Wanted to buy (working or not)- lawn mowers, garden tillers, lawn tractors, snow blowers. Call 832-4905 FIREWOOD & EXCAVATION SERVICES- M & J Construction and Logging offering excavation work of all kinds (driveways, ponds, septic, landscaping etc). Floating services, trucking also large excavator and mini with rubber tracks. Building lots cleared and prepared, ready to build. Tree and stump removal (fully insured). 30 years experience. Firewood cut, split and delivered. Buyer of stumpage (reasonable rates). Specialize in select cutting. Free quotes. Please call 832-7446. WANTED DRIVE FROM HAMPTON to near Quispamsis. Arriving 7:00am, Mon-Fri and possibly ride back. Willing to share expenses. 847-1090. YARD/GARAGE GARAGE SALE May 17, 18. 3897 Rte 845 Kingston, NB. Many household items. More info please call 433-4669.

May 6th - May 19th, 2014







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Kredl's - 1172 Main St. Hampton Home Hardware Hampton - 406 William Bell Drive Hampton Ossekeag Publishing - 242 Main St. Hampton Norton 1-Stop - 19 Route 129 Norton

38 The Hampton Herald

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Ossekeag Publishing

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