Ossett Sixth Form College Prospectus 2014/15

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ossett sixth form college prospectus 2014/15


i n tr o d u cti o n Welcome to Ossett Sixth Form College Prospectus 2014/15. We hope that the information here will give you a true flavour of the great range of courses, opportunities and facilities available to you at our Sixth Form College. Our strength at Ossett comes from our focus on you as an individual, delivering a fully inclusive Post 16 education for all our 16-19 year olds. The courses we run, together with the specialist subject tutors and our great resources, are all aimed at ensuring that each and every one of you reaches your true potential. At Ossett, our students achieve exceptional results; we’ve had a 100% pass rate from all our A Level subjects over the past 2 years, together with outstanding BTEC Level 3 performance. This great track record wins our students top places at their destinations of choice, including, Oxford and Cambridge, Russell Group and Redbrick universities. Many more of our students secure competitively high-level apprenticeship places or take up exciting employment opportunities.

There’s also a chance to join in with many aspects of college life including, sport, music, drama, charity events and student voice. It’s a great place to gain new skills and interests, make new friends and develop a wonderful social life. Students who come to Ossett are ready to move on, to make changes in their lives, to become more independent and to take advantage of the great support and guidance on offer, starting their journey towards true success. So why not come and see for yourself, at one of our open day or evening events? Or simply contact the college either by phone or email and make arrangements to visit and chat through your choices with one of our experienced Learning Leaders here at the college. We think there are many great reasons to choose Ossett Sixth Form College and we do hope you’ll decide to join us.

Justine Tipler Director of post 16 education




Click on the headings (Purple) to jump to the relevant sections within this prospectus.


mathematics maths further maths


Getting to ossett


a helping hand


making the right choice


art, Design & technology








30 31

modern foreign languages french







Art and design













Business & ICT






Business Studies






government & politics







creative arts drama




physical education physical education




btec courses it


english literature




english language


health & social care


language & literature




humanities history





Football academy


applications 05

getting to ossett

a helping hand At Ossett, we realise every student is an individual with individual needs. Our highly dedicated and experienced Sixth Form Team is on hand every day to help you, whatever your problem.


Sandal Dewsbury Rd

From Dewsbury/Wakefield take the 126 or 127 that runs via Ossett.


Wakefield Rd



Teall Street

Our study support team will work with you to ensure that you are given every opportunity to achieve in your chosen subjects, They will be on hand to help organise intervention, arrange careers guidance and spend time with you in our specialised study areas giving you the one to one time and guidance you may need to move your studies forward.

Tutor Team

Study Support Team

Financial support

Grange Moor

We pride ourselves on the individual support we are able to give all our students, making sure that you achieve your true potential. Our study support team will be there every day with a friendly face always happy to listen and help with any of the following:


Study worries, homework and coursework problems – we can help you become a true independent learner who is able deal with an increased workload and meeting deadlines.

We understand that some students may have worries about the financial implications of attending college and so at Ossett we try to ensure that the cost of attending college is kept as low as possible. So don’t worry if you do need extra financial help; there are several sources of assistance available to you, depending on your individual circumstances. For more detailed information on this, go to sixthform.ossettacademy.co.uk

Flockton Emley



Lepton Earlsheaton

Savile Town From Thornhill take the 283 to Dewsbury and then change to the 126 or 127.

Thornhill Lees

Dalton Moldgreen

Dewsbury Aspley

Thornhill * Providing sufficient numbers

Our supportive student service staff will be there to help you with queries about attendance, travel, financial help or any other issues that might be affecting your studies or life outside college. However big or small the matter, student services are always on hand to offer support and guidance.

An extension of the Sixth Form Team is our highly experienced and dedicated group of Post 16 tutors. Each tutor has specialist knowledge of the issues associated with life in the Sixth Form. Your tutor will be your first point of contact on a day-by-day basis. They will have an overview of your progress and will be there to encourage you in all that you to achieve with both your academic and personal goals.

Emley Moor Manor Rd

From Huddersfield take the 232 that runs between Huddersfield and Wakefield and change in Horbury to the 127.


Learning Support

At Ossett College our careers provision is first class, with our own impartial careers advisor employed on site to offer support, advice and guidance on life after Sixth Form. Whether you need support with your UCAS application and university choice, are seeking and applying for the right apprenticeship or need help with your CV and taking up employment, we have all the ingredients to make your application hugely successful as you take the first steps in your future career.



Queen’s Rd

Student Services




From Wakefield take the 117 that runs between Wakefield and Dewsbury via Dewsbury Road


From Kettlethorpe take the 110 that runs between Kettlethorpe and Wakefield change in Wakefield to the 127 or 126.

Belle Isle


Ossett Sixth Form College is a popular choice for students from the Wakefield area and beyond. We are conveniently placed on several bus routes feeding from Central Wakefield, Thornhill, Kettlethorpe, Earlsheaton and Huddersfield. We are also able to offer subsidised transport* for students travelling from outlying areas.


Revision – helping with revision strategies that work for you, planning timetables to help you fit everything in and arranging subject intervention to help you with specific revision worries. Other issues – Friendship problems, issues at home, financial worries or simply a friendly person to speak to.


making the right choice -Your Pathway to Success The wide range of courses that we offer at Ossett will allow you to follow a programme of study that will cater to not only your subject strengths and the grades you attained at GCSE, but also your interests and your future aspirations and career ambitions.

When making your choices, here are a few factors worth thinking about: Subject Choice: It is really important that you enjoy the subjects that you intend to take, so think carefully about your options, speak to the different subject areas during your visit to the college, make sure you have a passion for the subjects you choose. Future Plans: Do you know what you want to do with your future? Do you need to attain specific qualifications in specific subjects? Find out the answers by speaking to our careers advisor who will be on hand throughout the open days and enrolment events. Entry Requirements: What are your GCSE results likely to look like? This is a question worth asking yourself now. Different courses do have different entry requirements, so make sure you check by looking at the subject requirement in this prospectus or by talking to the subject staff in person.

ART, DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY The Art, Design and Technology Department is committed to promoting the talents of our students by providing exciting and comprehensive courses, excellent facilities and dedicated teaching staff.

Which Programme of Study Is Right For You? How you perform in your GCSE’s will dictate the Programme of Study that we recommend you follow. To give you some ideas take a look at the guidelines below. All of the pathways shown can give you access to university, apprenticeship or employment.

4 AS Levels + EPQ BTEC Extended + 1 AS Level E =English / M =Maths

3 AS Levels 8+ A*-C including E+M

BTEC Extended 2 BTEC Diploma

5 A*-C including E+M ks4 performance

BTEC Diploma + 1 AS Level 3 AS Levels +L2 resit M or E

5 A*-C including E or M*

2 BTECs Diploma +L2 resit M or E

BTEC Extended +L2 resit M or E

08 5 Cs including E and/or M

BTEC Extended +L2 resit M or E



Art & Design

Head of Faculty: L. Fozard


Head of Faculty: L. Fozard

What Will I Learn?

What Will I Learn?

Entry Requirements

You will build on existing knowledge, skills and understanding covered at GCSE Level to further develop experiences in drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, 3D studies, computer generated images, animation and textiles. Taught sessions will be both studio based and on field visits in and around the UK, Europe and America. All work produced will be examined under the AQA Art syllabus, internally marked and externally moderated.

We aim to provide and portray a lively, challenging and happy environment in which students can learn and explore, where students are encouraged to break new boundaries in terms of their own personal development. The department encourages diversity and celebrates other cultures. Most of the teaching is initially group based but emphasis is placed on weekly one-to-one discussions with staff, allowing us to give pertinent direction and guidance in the use of media and resources.

It would be of benefit for students wishing to join this course to have a grade in Art GCSE of at least a C, though this is not essential. We are also looking for students who are keen to experiment and try new things, as well as working with a wide variety of materials. A portfolio of either Photography or Art work will be required on application to assess your suitability.


Students will learn how to convey and interpret ideas, feelings and meanings through Photography, recording experiences and observations mainly in visual form. Students will explore, discuss and evaluate images, objects, artifacts from everyday life, using their understanding to develop and realise the full potential of ideas through Photography. Experimental photography will also play a large part in their learning. Students will be encouraged to participate in all aspects of Photography such as visits to Art Galleries and Exhibitions. All work will be assessed against the AQA Art and Design Criteria, Photography specification.

Course Progression

Unit 1: Course (50% of AS) Unit 2: Examination (50% of AS) – 8 hour timed exam – marks contribute to A2 year. Unit 3: Coursework (50% of A2) Unit 4: Examination (50% of A2) – 12 hour timed exam Entry Requirements 5 GCSEs grade A*-C, including Grade C in Art. We are looking for students who are keen to experiment and try new things, as well as working with a wide variety of materials. You may be asked to provide a portfolio of your work as part of your interview. Course Progression Art and Design has a huge array of job opportunities through Media, Fashion, Product Design, Graphic Design, Advertising, Retail display, Textiles Design in addition to Museum and Gallery opportunities through Fine Art study.

“You get the guidance you need, but you also get the freedom.”

Photography has a huge array of job opportunities through self employed as a freelance Photographer, Media, Fashion, Graphic Design, Advertising, and Retail display. Course Value After 1 Year of Study One AS Level Course Value After 2 Years of Study

Assessment Unit 1: Course (50% of AS) Unit 2: Examination (50% of AS) – 8 hour timed exam – marks contribute to A2 year. Unit 3: Coursework (50% of A2) Unit 4: Examination (50% of A2) – 12 hour timed exam

One A Level Popular Combinations Art & Design, Textile Design, English, Business, History, Psychology and Sociology.

Hannah, Art Student

Course Value After 1 Year of Study One AS Level Course Value After 2 Years of Study One A Level Popular Combinations Textile Design, Photography, English, Business, History, Psychology, Sociology




Head of Faculty: L. Fozard

What Will I Learn? Students will develop practical and theoretical knowledge and understanding of relevant materials, processes, technologies and resources. They will learn how to convey and interpret ideas, feelings and meanings into textile work, recording experiences and observations mainly in visual form. Students will explore, discuss and evaluate images, objects and artifacts and use their understanding to develop and realise the full potential of their ideas through the techniques of textiles. Assessment AS Level Unit 1 Art and Design Coursework 50% of Advanced GCE, 50% of AS Internally set / Internally marked/ Externally moderated.

A2 Level Unit 3 Art and Design Coursework (Practical work + Personal study) 25% of Advanced GCE. Internally set / Internally marked / Externally moderated.

Unit 2 Art and Design – Externally Set Assignment 50% of Advanced GCE, 50% of AS. Externally set / Internally marked / Externally moderated.

Unit 4 Art and Design Externally Set Assignment 25% of Advanced GCE. Externally set / Internally marked / Externally moderated.

BUSINESS & ICT Studying Business, Economics and ICT in the Sixth Form prepares students for the real work place and gives you the skills that you need for the fast and ever changing world.

Entry Requirements 5 GCSEs grade A*-C, including Grade C or above in Textiles, or equivalent. Course Progression Textile Design should prepare students to progress for a variety of creative routes within textiles, design and fashion. Career opportunities may include fashion/textile design, fashion buying, fashion merchandising, fashion marketing and trend forecasting. Course Value After 1 Year of Study One AS Level Course Value After 2 Years of Study One A Level Popular Combinations Art, Photography, IT, Business, MFL, English, Drama




Business Studies

Curriculum Leader: R. Rhodes

What Will I Learn? You will study how to start up a business, how businesses operate and how outside influences can affect businesses, including what makes a ‘successful’ enterprise. Business Studies cover topics such as: Marketing, Accounting and Finance, People, Operations Management, External Influences and Objectives and Strategy. Business Studies will help you develop an understanding of how businesses are organised, structured, operated and financed. You will develop many enterprising and employment skills.

Entry Requirements

What Will I Learn?

The course is suitable for anyone who has achieved at least five GCSEs at Grade C or above including Grade B in both English and Mathematics. Students choosing Economics should have the ability to tackle extended pieces of writing, particularly for the Year 13 modules. There is no requirement to have studied Business or Economics at GCSE.

You will learn about all aspects of the economy; through studying micro economics in ECON1 to macro-economics in ECON2 you will develop a deep understanding of the functions and purpose of the UK economy and how it impacts upon individuals, the government and businesses in everyday life. As your economic understanding develops in Year 13, you will understand business economics and how income is distributed and you will be able to apply your knowledge to both the national and international economy.

Assessment You will sit two AS module examinations at the end of Year 12, which are assessed through a combination of data response and pre-release case study material, and a further two modules for A2 at the end of Year 13. All topics areas are covered in both examinations.

Course Progression

AS and A2 Level Business Studies is a foundation for a range of Business related courses in Higher Education. It is recognised as valuable by a wide range of employers including finance, banking and the private sector. It also prepares you for self employment.

AS and A2 Level Economics are good foundations for a wide range of courses in higher education. The analytical skills, evaluation skills and the ability to apply complex theory to real life situations learned mean that choosing A Level Economics can open a number of doors both in Higher Education and in future employment. Economics is often studied in combination with other social sciences and as a foundation for a range of business courses. It is recognised as valuable by a wide range of employers including finance and banking, accountancy, and local government. Combined with subjects like Mathematics and Physics it can lead into engineering and in the present climate, Languages and Economics provide an excellent base for those looking to work abroad or in a company with overseas links.

Course Value After 1 Year of Study

Course Value After 1 Year of Study

One AS Level

One AS Level

Course Value After 2 Years of Study

Course Value After 2 Years of Study

One A Level

One A Level

Popular Combinations

Popular Combinations

Mathematics, Economics, BTEC IT, Psychology, Sociology, English, MFL and PE

Business, Psychology, Sociology, Maths, Physics, Languages

Entry Requirements 5 GCSEs grade A*-C, including English and Maths. You do not need to have completed a Business Studies course before, but if you have at GCSE level, a Grade C or better is essential. Course Progression



Curriculum Leader: R. Rhodes

The AS modules are: Markets and Market Failure (ECON1) The National Economy (ECON2) The A2 Modules are: Business Economics and the Distribution of Income (ECON3) The National and International Economy (ECON4) Assessment Students will sit two modular AS examinations in year 12 (June) based on a choice of data response questions and 25 compulsory multiple choice questions. At A2, students will then sit a further two modular exams (June). These are again based on a choice of data response questions and also include a choice of essays.



Curriculum Leader: R. Rhodes


Curriculum Leader: R. Rhodes

What Will I Learn?

Entry Requirements

What Will I Learn?

Course Progression

We live in an information rich era. Those who wish to exploit the opportunities offered by today’s technology-driven economy will need a thorough knowledge of how information can be communicated. This course offers grounding in the following ICT topics:

5 GCSEs grade A*-C. The A level ICT course is suitable for students who have achieved at least grade C in GCSE ICT or GCSE Computer Studies. However, any students with good all round GCSE results will be considered depending on their level of prior expertise in the subject.

This A Level course prepares you for progression on to higher education courses in media studies, cultural studies, film studies, communication studies, media production, television studies, literature etc. in a range of media related areas. This course can provide career opportunities in journalism, advertising, marketing and public relations for example.

- Nature, Role and Context - Management and Manipulation - The use of generic application software for task solution - Systems within organisations - Policy, strategy and systems - The use of information systems for problem solving

Course Progression

This gives you a comprehensive and integrated coverage of media theory and practice with a particular focus on new technologies. The course covers audiences as both producers and consumers of media texts. You will have the opportunity for media production both in AS and A2 and will be able to investigate what interests you. There is a choice of cross-media studies with an emphasis on contemporary issues and debates. There is a rolling programme of production briefs and preset topics.

In addition to gaining useful knowledge and understanding, you will also extend your ICT capabilities to advanced level as you design and develop information systems for real life clients.

You will have advanced level skills in Application Systems Solutions, which will provide you with practical experience to offer an employer. You will gain the academic foundation needed to apply for an ICT course at University. Course Value After 1 Year of Study One AS Level

You will sit three module AS examination at the end of Year 12 which are assessed through a combination of examinations (ICT01 & ICT02 each worth 30%) and coursework (ICT03 = 40 %) with a further three modules for A2 in year 13.

One A Level Popular Combinations BTEC IT, Psychology, Sociology, English, MFL and PE

One AS Level

Assessment Unit 1 – MEST1 Investigating Media - 50% of AS, 25% of A2 - 2 hour written examination Two sections: A - four compulsory short answer questions B - choice of one from two essays

Course Value After 2 Years of Study Assessment

Course Value After 1 Year of Study

Unit 2 – MEST2 Creating Media - 50% of AS, 25% of A2 n- Practical Unit, internally assessed and externally moderated. Two linked production pieces taken from two of the three media platforms studied in Unit 1 plus 1500 word evaluation

Course Value After 2 Years of Study One A Level Popular Combinations Mathematics, Economics, BTEC IT, Psychology, Sociology, English, MFL and PE

Unit 3 – MEST3 Media: Critical Perspectives - 25% of A2 - 2 hour written examination Two sections: A – three compulsory questions on unseen stimulus pieces B – one essay from a choice of two topics Unit 4 – MEST4 Media: Research and Production - 25% of A2 - Practical Unit, internally assessed and externally moderated. Two sections: - Critical Investigation - Linked production piece Entry Requirements Five GCSEs at Grade A*-C including English and Maths. You will also need a good visual sense and/or ability with words.




Curriculum Leader: m. devereux

THE CREATIVE ARTS The Drama and Music Departments are committed to promoting the talents of our students by providing exciting and comprehensive courses, excellent facilities and dedicated teaching staff.

What Will I Learn?

Entry Requirements

AS Unit 1: Exploration of Drama and Theatre: You will explore two contrasting play texts looking at the way they are put together and how they can be brought to life on stage, through practical workshops and a set of Exploration Notes.

5 GCSEs grade A*-C. It is recommended that students should have shown themselves capable of working in practical and written areas equivalent to GCSE grade C or above. Course Progression

AS Unit 2: Text in Performance: You will prepare and perform two different pieces to an audience and external examiner: - as part of a group on a full length scripted play - in a monologue or duologue from a different play

The course can lead on to further study in Drama, Theatre Studies, Performing Arts and related or combined courses at degree or HND levels. It can help build confidence and communication and many other transferable skills.


Course Value After 1 Year of Study

A2 Unit 3 - Exploration of Dramatic Performance: You will work in a group to devise and perform an original piece that you have created and shaped from a given stimulus. Written evidence of the research, understanding and evaluation of the process will be produced.

One AS Level Course Value After 2 Years of Study One A Level

A2 Unit 4 - Theatre Text in Context: You will answer three questions from a 2 hours 30 minutes written paper. A set text will be studied from the view of a director. Two questions will be set to explore your practical and academic knowledge of the play. You will see a live performance of a play written in a particular historical period and will answer a question to compare this contemporary performance with the original staging conditions.

Popular Combinations English, Music, Art, Sociology, Psychology and MFL. Psychology, Sociology, English, MFL and PE

“It really helps build your confidence and there is great teamwork.� gabriella, drama Student





Curriculum Leader: A. Delaney

What Will I Learn? The course continues to develop skills in Performing, Composing, Historical and Analytical studies. Assessment The AS forms 50% of the assessment weighting of the full A2 course. AS candidates take Units 1, 2 and 3 (Unit 1 Performing 40%, Unit 2 Composing 30%, Unit 3 Written Exam 30%). A2 candidates take Units 4, 5 and 6 (Unit 4, Performing 40%, Unit 5 Composing 30%, Unit 6 Written Exam 30% of available A2 marks). • Unit 1 – Performing • Unit 2 – Composing • Unit 3 – Introduction to Historical Study

• Unit 4 – Performing 2 • Unit 5 – Composing 2 • Unit 6 – Historical and Analytical Studies

Additional Information Performing is coached mainly by individual instrumental teachers. Students will be expected to participate in at least one of the many varied Extra Curricular activities on offer in the Music Department. Composing encompasses working in free style and making a study of certain established styles. Any work can be undertaken using the Cubase 5 and/or Sibelius music software available in the Department. Entry Requirements The course is suitable for students who have gained at least grade B at GCSE level Music. Keyboard skills are an advantage but not essential. For AS level a minimum of grade 4/5 Associated Board grade standard on at least one instrument is required to access the higher grades in Performance. For A2 level a mini- mum of grade 6 Associated Board grade standard on an instrument is required to access the higher grades in Performance. Course Progression AS and A2 level Music prepares students for an extensive range of courses in Higher Education with emphasis on either classical, jazz or pop styles in performance, composition and/or Historical aspects. Course Value After 1 Year of Study One AS Level Course Value After 2 Years of Study One A Level Popular Combinations


English, Drama, Art, Sociology, Psychology and MFL. Psychology, Sociology, MFL and PE

english language

Curriculum Leader: r. rawling


What Will I Learn?

Entry Requirements

The course involves: • Analysing the way in which language works • Developing creative writing skills • Reading fiction and non-fiction • Carrying out independent research

5 GCSEs grade A*-C, including GCSE grade B or above in English Language. The AS/A Level English Language course is suitable for those people who are interested in exploring and analysing language.

Two teachers teach each group, which allows for a useful balance of approaches and opinions. Learning takes place in class time via direct instruction, discussion, paired or small group work or a mixture of these.

The English Department focuses on teaching students how the changes in linguistic patterns can create changes in meaning, developing their creative writing skills and analysing the way in which language works in everyday lives.

Essays and other types of written work will be set regularly during the course and you will be required to write and perform class presentations. A variety of textual material is studied which includes both literary and non-literary material. You are expected to read widely outside the course and be able to research topics using reading lists.

Course Progression This A level will be useful for any future career which involves work with the general public, or any career which involves some measure of writing skills or communication. Future careers might include: journalism, law, media, advertising, teaching, performing arts and business. Course Value After 1 Year of Study One AS Level


Course Value After 2 Years of Study

Assessment will be by one examination each year. There will be two pieces of coursework – one in AS and one in A2.

One A Level Popular Combinations

Additional Information You need to be enthusiastic and curious about language – how context alters its usage and how it has changed over time. You will have a keen interest in written communication of all kinds. You also need to be able to engage in discussion about how language is structured (grammar) and how words and linguistic patterns create changes in meaning. You will have independent study skills and plenty of personal motivation.

History, Drama, Art, Sociology, Psychology and MFL.

“It’s fun to have interesting and open discussions in class” 22

sophie, english Student



language & literature

Curriculum Leader: r.rawling

Curriculum Leader: r. rawling

English literature

What Will I Learn?

Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements

This A Level blends together both analytical and creative skills and is most similar to the GCSE you will have studied. You will be required to study literary texts and also produce your own creative writing. You will learn to analyse literary texts and your own writing using grammatical and linguistic terminology. You will begin to develop an overview of Literary heritage and you will learn to be a thoughtful and creative user of language. Two teachers teach each group, which allows a balance of approaches. At the same time, each teacher will probably specialise in a different area of the course.

5 GCSEs grade A*-C, including 2 GCSE grade B’s in English Language and English Literature, or a grade B or above in English.

5 GCSEs grade A*-C, including 2 GCSE grade B’s in English Language and English Literature or a grade B or above in English.

Assessment By examination and coursework. You will take one written examination in your first year and one in the second. There is coursework in both years.

Course Progression This A level will be useful for any future career which involves work with the general public, or any career which involves some measure of writing skills or communication. Because so much literature is studied in this course, you would still find it a useful A level with which to study English Literature at degree level. Future careers might include: journalism, law, media, advertising, teaching, performing arts and business.

“I enjoy digging further into a novel to find deeper layers & meaning.”

You need to be enthusiastic about reading in order to enjoy this course. You will have a keen interest in written communication of all kinds. You also need to be able to engage in discussion about how language is structured (grammar) and how words and linguistic patterns create changes in meaning. Students who study this course will be given opportunities to visit theatre performances, if available, and there are often lecture-style events at local universities.

This A level will be useful for any future career which involves work with the general public, or any career which involves some measure of writing skills or communication. Future careers might include: journalism, law, media, advertising, teaching, performing arts and business.

Haley, english literature Student

Course Value After 1 Year of Study Course Value After 1 Year of Study

Additional Information

Course Progression

One AS Level Course Value After 2 Years of Study One A Level Popular Combinations English, History, Drama, Art, Sociology, Psychology and MFL.

One AS Level What Will I Learn? The course involves the study of a wide range of literature drawn from different historical periods and genres and actively encourages you to develop interest in and enjoyment of English Literature. We aim to build on the foundations laid down at GCSE by developing confident, independent and reflective readers. Classes are smaller than those you will probably be used to at GCSE, allowing you greater opportunity to share your views and work closely with your teachers. Each group is taught by two different teachers, enabling different styles and points of view to be considered and discussed. We endeavour to make lessons interesting and interactive by using a wide variety of strategies including group work, research, drama and formal note taking.

Course Value After 2 Years of Study One A Level Popular Combinations History, Drama, Art, Sociology, Psychology and MFL

Assessment By examination and coursework. Additional Information You need to be enthusiastic about reading in order to enjoy this course. You will have a keen interest in written communication of all kinds. You also need to be able to engage in discussion about how words and linguistic patterns create changes in meaning.


You need to be able to discuss the philosophical and cultural contexts of a text and how texts have been received over time by literary authorities. You will be given opportunities to visit theatre performances, if available, and there are often lecture-style events at local universities.



Curriculum Leader: R. Whitehouse

HUMANITIES The Humanities Department offers an exceptional choice of courses and has an excellent reputation for outstanding results. All students are given total support to reach their full potential.

What Will I Learn?

Entry Requirements

Geography is an all-encompassing discipline that seeks to understand the world - its human and physical features - through an understanding of place and location. Geographers study where things are and how they got there as well as the interaction between people and the world in which they live.

5 GCSEs grade A*-C, including Geography.

Geography is considered "the bridge between the human and physical sciences" and "the mother of all sciences”. Geography looks at the spatial connection between people, places, and the earth, which makes it an excellent linking subject between the Sciences and Arts.

Course Progression Companies are recognising the skill that a geographically trained individual brings to the workforce. You'll find many geographers working as planners, GIS specialists within the Armed Forces, environmental managers, urban planners, travel editors, research analysts, environmental scientists, meteorologists and those working in the police services and oil mining industry.

Assessment AS level: There are 2 examinations, Unit 1 Physical and Human Geography and Unit 2 Geographical skills A2 level: There are 2 examinations, Unit 3 Contemporary Geographical issues and Unit 4(b) Geographical Issue Evaluation.

Course Value After 1 Year of Study One AS Level Course Value After 2 Years of Study One A Level

Additional Information There is a compulsory residential fieldwork opportunity for students. The work undertaken during Fieldwork will be examined at AS level in the Unit 2 “Practical Skills” examination.



Popular Combinations English, History, Science, Maths, Psychology and MFL



Curriculum Leader: R.Whitehouse

What Will I Learn? History is a popular and engaging subject. Students will explore national and international events, examining important political, social and economic changes from the Medieval era, to more recent affairs in modern European history. Students are guided through the course using a series of study units. These offer opportunities for preliminary and wider reading. They also take students through each unit in a structured way allowing them to work independently. These units also provide foundation notes for all major topics.


Assessment At A2 level, students will complete their coursework which consists of two, 2000 word essays based on the topic of America 1917-1941. One essay is an Independent Investigation and the second essay is an analysis of Historical Interpretations. The final unit at A2 level is a thematic study of Russian history between 1855 and 1964 and there is a 2 hour exam at the end of this course. The exam requires students to complete 2 essays from a choice of 3. Additional Information

Mathematics is a very rewarding subject, developing skills that are valued by employers. The Maths Department staff are highly qualified and are successful in helping students work towards a career in industry, business, finance and technology as well as many others.

In recent years enrichment activities have included visits to: Leeds Metropolitan University, Beth Shalom Holocaust Memorial museum, Krakow (Poland) to visit the old Jewish ghetto where Schindlers List was filmed. Involvement in the Auschwitz Project. New visits: students will have the opportunity to visit London Battlefields and Berlin-Krakow.

Entry Requirements Students who have achieved at least a grade C in five or more GCSEs. It is not strictly necessary to have completed a History GCSE course but it does require a proven academic foundation. GCSE English at grade C-A* is a requirement. Clearly students will also need an enthusiasm for the subject, an enquiring mind and the ability to work independently. Course Progression The transferable skills developed whilst undertaking A-Level History are held in high academic regard amongst the varied qualifications that can be chosen today. It is a popular subject at degree level and prepares students for careers in a variety of professions e.g. law, politics, journalism, teaching and the Civil Service. Course Value After 1 Year of Study One AS Level Course Value After 2 Years of Study One A Level Popular Combinations English, History, Science, Maths, Psychology and MFL


“There is a good balance between modern history, and looking further back during the Medieval period, which most courses don’t offer” rebecca, history Student




Curriculum Leader: p. yems

Curriculum Leader: P. yems

What Will I Learn?

Entry Requirements

What Will I Learn?

By the end of the course you should be able to: Recall, interpret, select and use your knowledge of appropriate mathematical facts, concepts and techniques in a variety of contexts. Construct rigorous mathematical arguments through appropriate use of precise statements, logical deduction and inference and by manipulation of mathematical expressions. Evaluate mathematical models including an appreciation of the assumptions made, and interpret, justify and present the results from a mathematical analysis in a form relevant to the original problem. Use a calculator proficiently.

5 GCSEs grade A*-C, including high GCSE grade B or above in Maths. The high algebra content of all six modules means that you should be particularly strong in this area in order to enjoy a successful time on this course. In addition, trigonometry is an important part of four modules.

The course is a modular course run by Edexcel. The benefits of a modular syllabus include provision for re-sitting and ‘cashing in’ modules early to provide an AS qualification in Further Mathematics. Any student who is considering a Mathematics degree should seriously consider this course as the content is broadly the same as a first year degree course. (This does mean it is made up of very hard sums!)

Course Progression


A qualification in mathematics beyond GCSE is as good as it gets. It is demonstrable that a qualification in A level Mathematics significantly improves your earning potential.

The examinations will consist of one paper for each module (duration 1 hour 30 minutes). The papers will contain about nine questions with varying mark allocations per question, which will be stated on the paper. All questions must be attempted. Further Mathematics’ students need to gain 12 modules. It is expected that Further Mathematics’ students will complete six modules by the end of Year 12. The remaining six modules will be taken at the end of Year 13.

Assessment 3 modules AS / 3 modules A2. The examinations will consist of one 90 minute paper for each module, contributing equally towards overall A-Level grade.

Course Value After 1 Year of Study

You will be given a CD-ROM offering unrivalled support: Live-Authored solutions to the sample exam papers – see and hear model answers to help home exam technique. Support material and exercises to ease the transition from GCSE to A level. Extension material and exercises to extend and inspire higher attaining students.

“Studying maths opens up a lot of career paths” Lauren, maths Student

One AS Level Additional Information Course Value After 2 Years of Study

Additional Information

further maths

One A Level

The course is taught by experienced Mathematics graduates. There will be time for individual help and advice on any aspect of the course over and above the normal teaching process.

Popular Combinations

Entry Requirements

Further Maths, Sciences, Social Sciences and Business Studies

Any student who is considering Further Mathematics should discuss this with the Head of Mathematics. It is expected that Further Mathematicians will comfortably gain at least a grade A at GCSE level. Course Progression A qualification in mathematics beyond GCSE is as good as it gets. It is demonstrable that a qualification in A' level Mathematics significantly improves your earning potential. Course Value After 1 Year of Study One AS Level Course Value After 2 Years of Study One A Level Popular Combinations Maths, Sciences, Social Sciences and Business Studies



Curriculum Leader: H. Care


What Will I Learn?

MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES Any modern language will give you a valuable extra skill, which is a definite advantage in today’s competitive society. Language translation skills are widely sought after and students are intrigued to learn about other cultures including social, political and environmental issues.

You will develop your understanding of written and spoken French/German/Spanish and improve your ability to communicate through the study of interesting and carefully chosen topics. We use a range of multimedia, the internet, language games, film and songs to make your lessons stimulating and interactive.

In addition, we have a weekly programme of language clubs for our younger students and encourage our Sixth Form students to get involved and assist with these. Entry Requirements

Assessment AS: By examinations in June. A combined listening, reading and writing paper (70% of the total AS marks) and a 15 minute speaking test based on the topics studied during the year (30% of the total AS marks). A2: By examination in June. A combined listening, reading and writing paper (35% of the total A2 marks), and a 15 minute speaking test based on the topics studied during the year (15% of a total A2 marks). Additional Information Our French/German/Spanish assistant will also provide opportunities for you to speak in small groups of no more than 3 students about the topics we study in class, as well as contemporary issues in French/German/Spanish society. This will be an extra scheduled hour in your timetable. The MFL department offers a range of activities to enhance the curriculum. We run annual trips to France, Germany and Spain, as well as day trips to events such as MFL immersion days at Leeds University.

Entry for French: 5 GCSEs grade A*-C, including GCSE grade C or above in French. Entry for German: 5 GCSEs grade A*-C, including GCSE grade C or above in German. Entry for Spanish: 5 GCSEs grade A*-C, including GCSE grade C or above in Spanish. Course Progression In a changing world, studying a foreign language opens many doors, both culturally and in the work of work. Employers place a high value on students with language qualifications. Britain has been renowned for not being a nation of linguists – you can change that by studying a language at A Level. Course Value After 1 Year of Study One AS Level Course Value After 2 Years of Study One A Level Popular Combinations Sciences, Social Sciences, Business Studies and Drama.





Curriculum Leader: k. scott

SCIENCE By studying in the Department of Sciences you will have access to modern, well-equipped facilities. Science provides lots of interesting topics and challenges the imagination, as well as giving students the ability to develop skills, which may ultimately lead to great discoveries.

What Will I Learn?

Entry Requirements

Biology is a fast moving and dynamic science. All of the teaching at Ossett is in modern well-equipped laboratories enabling much of the practical work to be carried out on an individual or small group basis. In addition to the formal teaching and practical sessions there are opportunities for students to arrange individual tuition sessions with one of the full time teachers.

5 GCSEs grade A*-C, including GCSE high grade B in Core Science and Additional Science or Biology GCSE. Also, minimum GCSE grade C in English and Mathematics.

The course is modern and up to date and students are provided with new textbooks written for the course. There is plenty of practical work and this is integrated with the theoretical work. Homework is set on a regular basis and students are expected to demonstrate a committed and hard-working ethic. Students are actively involved in their learning through a variety of activities including research tasks and experimentation in the field (a residential field course is a component of the A2 course).

Course Progression A Level Biology is an excellent foundation for a wide range of courses in Higher Education, and a suitable qualification for many careers and professions, including: medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, agriculture, nursing, teaching, physiotherapy, genetic research – you can include other courses/professions such as: sports science, accountancy, environmental science and radiography.

Course Value After 1 Year of Study One AS Level

Assessment AS: Modules BIOL1 and BIOL2 are assessed by written examinations, together they account for 80% of the final AS mark. BIOL3 is an externally assessed coursework investigation making up the other 20% of the AS mark. This consists of a Practical Skills Assessment (PSA) and an Externally Marked Practical Assessment (EMPA). BIOL1 paper is 1 hour and 15 minutes; BIOL2 is 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Course Value After 2 Years of Study One A Level Popular Combinations Maths and Further Maths, Psychology, Geography and PE.

A2: Module BIOL4 is assessed by written examination, the paper lasting 1 hour and 30 minutes. Module BIOL5 is also assessed by written examination. The paper lasts 2 hours and 15 minutes including synoptic principles, a synoptic essay and data analysis.

“There’s lots of practical work and interesting theoretical work” mark, biology Student




Chemistry What Will I Learn? The OCR syllabus focuses on Chemistry principles and how Chemistry is important in everyday life. Some examples of topics covered include: - The Periodic Table - Energy - Analysis - Transition Elements The lessons involve a range of activities including practical work, group work, analytical techniques and problem solving. Students are encouraged to seek help and support out of class on a less formal basis. Homework is set on a regular basis and takes many forms as the scheme is followed. It is also expected that students will be actively involved in their own learning through a variety of methods. Assessment AS Level F321 – 30% of total AS GCE marks, 1 hour written exam, 60 marks F322 – 50% of total AS GCE marks, 1 hour 45 minutes written exam, 100 marks F323 – 20% of total AS GCE marks, Coursework, 40 marks A2 Level (AS = 50%) F324 – 15% of total Advanced GCE marks, 1 hour written exam, 60 marks

Curriculum Leader: k.scott


Curriculum Leader: K. Scott

F325 – 25% of total Advanced GCE marks, 1 hour 45 minutes written exam, 100 marks F326 – 10% of total Advanced GCE marks, Coursework, 40 marks. Entry Requirements 5 GCSEs grade A*-C, including GCSE high grade B in Core Science and Additional Science or Chemistry GCSE. Also, minimum GCSE grade C in Mathematics. Course Progression A Level Chemistry is an excellent basis for a wide variety of Further or Higher Education courses and careers, including Pharmacy, Agriculture, Medicine, Accountancy, Physiotherapy, Chemical Engineering and many more. Course Value After 1 Year of Study One AS Level Course Value After 2 Years of Study One A Level Popular Combinations

“Physics is very challenging, but you really can get a lot out of it.”

What Will I Learn? Physics at Ossett is a demanding subject, encompassing diverse and challenging content with direct routes to the very top Universities and career pathways. You will be required to be IT literate, have exceptional study skills, dedication of adequate out of lesson time and more than anything, have an attitude to succeed. The course itself covers many diverse topics including 'Forces and Motion' and 'Electronics', and covers materials all the way from the smallest particles that exist in 'Nuclear Physics' to the largest objects in the Universe in 'Astrophysics.'

sam, physics Student

Assessment Year 12 • Unit 1 – PHYA1 Particles, quantum phenomena and electricity • Unit 2 – PHYA2 Mechanics, materials and waves Both are written examinations – (70 marks/120 UMS), 6 or 7 structured questions. Duration: 1 & 1⁄4 hours. 40% of the total AS marks. 20% of the total A Level marks Available January and June • Unit 3 – Investigative and practical skills in AS Physics - Centre or externally marked assignment.

Maths and Further Maths, Psychology, Geography and PE. Year 13 • Unit 4 – PHYA4 Fields and further mechanics. Written examination. Duration: 1 & 3⁄4 hour • Unit 5 – One of PHA5A, PHA5B, PHA5C, PHA5D. Written examination (75 marks/120 UMS). 20% of total A Level marks – available June only.

Entry Requirements 5 GCSEs grade A*-C, including GCSE grade B or above in Physics, Additional Science or Double Award Science. Also, minimum GCSE grade B in Mathematics. Course Progression Many students who have completed the A2 Physics course at Ossett Sixth Form College have progressed on to take physics or engineering courses at prestigious universities across the country. Course Value After 1 Year of Study One AS Level Course Value After 2 Years of Study One A Level

• Unit 6 – Investigative and practical skills in A2 Physics – Centre or externally marked assignment.

Popular Combinations Maths and Further Maths, Psychology, Geography and PE.



Curriculum Leader: L. Kirk

SOCIETY The Society Department offers an exceptional choice of courses and has an excellent reputation for outstanding results. All students are given total support to reach their full potential.

Government & Politics

What Will I Learn?

Entry Requirements

The course examines how Britain and America are governed and explores important political issues in both nations. In addition, both AS and A2 will focus on the workings of different systems and the often contrasting philosophies that underpin them.

Students who have achieved grade C in five or more GCSEs. It is important that student’s possess English Language or Literature grades at this level. Students who have studied the GCSE short course must have achieved a grade C or above.

Smaller teaching groups provide students with the opportunity to develop the discursive and analytical skills essential in all subjects at degree level. It is a unique discipline; through their studies students are encouraged to develop and explore their ideas about society and human interaction.

Course Progression

Knowledge and understanding gained from all aspects of the course are drawn together and the similarities and differences between the two political systems are identified. Students are encouraged to discuss topical issues and case studies in Politics lessons. It is important that they understand the reasons for, and ideologies behind, their own beliefs. A variety of study methods that involve both the individual and the group are encouraged, and opportunities to conduct research occur frequently. All sections of the course are supplemented by comprehensive study notes and study guides. Assessment Assessment in AS is by two written examinations each worth 25% of the total ‘A’ Level mark or 50% of the A2 mark. Assessment in A2 is carried out over two written examinations. They are worth 50% of the final ‘A’ Level mark. Assessment is by the exam board Edexcel.

A Level Politics is a good foundation for a variety of courses in Higher Education. Government and Politics teaches a wide range of skills traditionally valued by employers and provides an excellent foundation for careers in: Teaching, Law, Journalism, the Civil Service, Local Government, Personnel and the Media. Course Value After 1 Year of Study One AS Level Course Value After 2 Years of Study One A Level Popular Combinations English, History, Science, Maths, Psychology and MFL

“It teaches you about the modern world and general life skills” 38


Josh, Government & Politics Student



Curriculum Leader: L.kirk


Curriculum Leader: L. Kirk

What Will I Learn?

What Will I Learn?

Entry Requirements

The AS Psychology course is split into 2 units: Unit 1: Cognitive psychology, developmental psychology and research methods.

This course will enable you to develop an understanding of the principles of English Law and the structure of major aspects of the English Legal System. You will investigate how Law is made and the role of judges, juries and the legal profession. You will learn about sources of Law including statutory interpretation, precedent and European Union Law. You will study some of the more philosophical elements of the subject such as the relationship between law, morality and justice. Finally at A2 you will study the Law of Torts, examining amongst others the law of negligence, trespass against the person and vicarious liability.

No prior knowledge of the subject is required. 5 GCSE’s grade C or above, including English. This is due to the heavy literacy element in in this course of study.

Unit 2: Biological psychology, social psychology and individual differences. The A2 Psychology course is split into 2 units: Unit 3: Gender, aggression and eating behaviour.

Assessment Unit 4: Psychopathology, Anomalistic psychology, research methods.

In Year 12: two units assessed by examination. In Year 13: two units assessed by examination. Weighting: Unit 1 is worth 60%, Unit 2 is worth 40%, Unit 3 is worth 60% and Unit 4 is worth 40%. Assessment is by the exam board OCR.

Assessment At AS you will have 2 exams in June. Both exams are 1 hour 30 minutes long and will consist of a number of questions some short and some long. At A2 you will have 2 exams, again in June. The exams will consists of both essay style questions and shorter answer questions.

Entry Requirements

Additional Information

Course Progression

The department is an expanding, well-resourced area with access to ICT. There will be many opportunities during the course for students to engage in both individual and group work. The well qualified, specialist teachers deliver the course through a mixture of formal teaching, group discussions, and individual tutorials.

Psychology is a sound foundation for a wide range of courses in Higher Education. It is especially useful for professions that involve dealing with people, including teaching, social work and medicine/healthcare. It combines with many subjects including Biology, Mathematics, English and Sociology.

“You learn about the scientific process of how the mind works” megan, psychology Student

Course Progression A Level Law is a good foundation for a variety of courses in Higher Education. Law teaches a wide range of skills traditionally valued by employers and provides an excellent foundation for careers in: Law, Journalism, the Civil Service, Police, Local Government, Social work, Personnel and the Media. Course Value After 1 Year of Study One AS Level Course Value After 2 Years of Study

The course is suitable for students who have achieved at least 5 grade A* - C at GCSE. This should include English and Mathematics.

Additional Information Since Law involves precise definition and use of words; constructing and challenging arguments, the Course will require a considerable amount of wider reading and research in order to keep abreast of legal developments and the fluid nature of the subject. Moreover, as it is a literary subject the quality of writing and expression is fundamental.

One A Level Popular Combinations English, French, Sociology, Psychology, Economics, Business Studies and History.

Visits to Leeds Magistrate’s Court and the Houses of Parliaments in London are organised for students on this course.

Many students from the sixth form do progress onto study Psychology at University. Course Value After 1 Year of Study One AS Level Course Value After 2 Years of Study One A Level Popular Combinations English, History, Government & Politics, Sciences and PE




Curriculum Leader: L.kirk

What Will I Learn? The AS Sociology course is split into 2 units: Unit 1: Families and Households Unit 2: Education and Research Methods The A2 Sociology course is split into 2 units: Unit 3: Beliefs and Society Unit 4: Crime, Deviance, Theory and Methods Assessment At AS units will be examined mainly by structured and short answered questions. However in Unit 1 there will be two essay style questions to answer (24 marks each) and in Unit 2, three essay style questions (20 marks each).

PHYSICAL EDUCATION The Physical Education Department inspires all students to aspire to greatness in all that they are involved in. The Department offers courses which students find exciting and challenging, giving outstanding knowledge and developing personal skills .

At A2 there will be two exams. Students will sit a 90-minute exam for Unit 3 and a two-hour exam for Unit 4. Unit 3 will consist of two short answered questions plus two essay style questions. Unit 4 will consist of a variety of questions, both short and essay style. Additional Information The department is an expanding, well-resourced area with access to ICT. There will be many opportunities during the course for students to engage in both individual and group work. The well qualified, specialist teachers deliver the course through a mixture of formal teaching, group discussions, and individual tutorials. Entry Requirements The course is suitable for students who have achieved at least 5 grade A* - C at GCSE. This should include English and Mathematics.

Course Progression

Course Value After 2 Years of Study

Sociology is a sound foundation for a wide range of courses in Higher Education. It can be a great foundation for work within the police, teaching and social work.

1 A Level

Course Value After 1 Year of Study

English, History, Government & Politics, Sciences and PE

Popular Combinations

1 AS Level




Physical education

Curriculum Leader: C moorby

What Will I Learn?

Entry Requirements

The course builds on students’ experiences at Key Stage Four, and GCSE level PE. The course involves interaction between the theory and practice of Physical Education. It aims to provide you with the skills, knowledge and understanding required for higher education or employment. The content of the course covers current contemporary issues in sport, such as the use of technology, ergogenic acids, and commercialism in sport. It also covers exercise physiology and skill acquisition, at AS level.

5 GCSEs grade A*-C. Studied GCSE PE or BTEC Sport, grade B or equivalent.

Assessment The assessment is based on 60% written examination marks and 40% practical activities. You will be assessed in your choice of sports in two roles from: player/performer, official or coach. There is no written coursework. There is one AS PE examination and one A2 PE examination.

Course Progression This qualification can lead onto higher education, to pursue a career in teaching or coaching, officiating, professional sport, work in the leisure and tourism industry, recreation management, work in the health and fitness industry, Physiotherapy, Sports Psychology, Sports Science, Sports Sociology, Physical Education, Sports Media and much more!

Ossett Sixth Form College offers a selection of BTEC Courses in a range of academic areas.

Course Value After 1 Year of Study One AS Level

Additional Information

Course Value After 2 Years of Study

There will usually be three theory and two practical lessons per week, which will be delivered by a range of specialist teaching staff. You are also encouraged to be involved in extra-curricular activities and other clubs outside school, in order to improve your personal performance and leadership/officiating skills. There will also be the opportunity for a residential trip at AS and A2 level and for you to extend your skills in activities such as mountain walking.

One A Level



Popular Combinations English, Biology, Sociology, Psychology and History





Curriculum Leader: R. Rhodes


Curriculum Leader: R. Rhodes


What Will I Learn?

What Will I Learn?

Entry Requirements

The course will develop learners’ ICT based practical and theoretical skills. The topics covered range from Communicating in the ICT Industry to Computer Games Design.

The course involves understanding various aspects of the world of Business. The subjects range from The Business Environment to Marketing in a Business to Understanding Retailing.

The course is suitable for anyone who has achieved a minimum of five GCSEs at Grade C or above (including Mathematics and English) or its equivalent. There is no requirement to have studied GCSE Business Studies.

The teaching is developed by well-qualified staff and will include formal lessons, discussions and Internet research. The majority of the work will come from students working independently with individual support from staff on their assignments. This course looks at applying students’ knowledge to practical ICT situations, which prepare them for working life. The VTLE will display all the assignments and resources needed to complete the course. The course is set up in such a way so as to allow learners access to all grades. Assessment The vocational learning style is completely different from more traditional routes. Learners may research topics and take part in practical tasks and present evidence in a variety of ways other than written text.

The teaching is by well-qualified staff and will include formal lessons, discussions and Internet research. The majority of the work will come from students working independently with individual support from staff on their assignments. This course looks at applying students’ knowledge to “real life” business situations preparing them for working life. The VTLE will display all the assignments and task sheets needed to complete the course. The course is set up in such a way to allow learners to achieve their full potential. BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in Business is recognised and respected by employers, professional institutions and higher education establishments. The course is linked well to the requirements of businesses.

Entry Requirements The course is suitable for anyone who has achieved a minimum of five GCSEs at Grade C or above or its equivalent.


Course Progression

The vocational learning style is completely different from more traditional routes. Learners may research topics and take part in practical tasks and present evidence in a variety of ways other than written text.

BTEC IT is a foundation for a range of ICT related courses in Higher Education. It is recognised as valuable by a wide range of employers in the ICT Industry. The student will also gain a wide range of skills and knowledge, including web design and a working knowledge of computer systems.

Course Progression BTEC Business Studies is a foundation for a range of Business related courses in Higher Education. It is recognised as valuable by a wide range of employers including finance, banking and the private sector. The student will also gain the skills and knowledge needed to enable them to set up their own business. Course Value After 2 Years of Study The BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in ICT contains twelve units, which result in 120 credits. This is equivalent to 2 x A levels. Popular Combinations BTEC IT, Psychology, Sociology, English and PE

Course Value After 2 Years of Study The BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in IT contains twelve units, which result in 120 credits. - This is equivalent to 2 x A levels. - Also available as a triple award. Popular Combinations BTEC IT, Psychology, Sociology, English, ICT




Health & Social Care

Curriculum Leader: L. Kirk


Curriculum Leader: c. moorby


What Will I Learn?

What Will I Learn?

Entry Requirements

The BTEC Diploma in Health and Social Care has 12 units in total, which all focus on a different aspect of Health and Social Care. You will learn about a number of topics, including, Health and Social Care services and how they operate, how to communicate effectively with others, how we develop and change through the different stages in our lives and how the body and mind work in relation to our health.

The National Diploma has 720 Guided Learning Hours and is equivalent to 2 A-Levels. You must also choose one or two additional A Level subjects alongside the National Diploma. The Extended Diploma has 1080 Guided Learning Hours and is equivalent to 3 A Levels. Alongside the Extended Diploma you will be given the opportunity of completing additional qualifications, such as CSLA and other coaching qualifications. Both will give you the opportunity to develop your knowledge and investigate a wide range of aspects; from the scientific to the sociological, and from the psychological to the nutritional aspects of sport. You will learn inside and outside of the classroom with many units involving practical delivery to explain theoretical information, ensuring the course is engaging and relevant to real life situations.

A minimum of 5 GCSE A-C grades or equivalent. These should include either a Merit Grade in BTEC First Sport or at least a grade D in GCSE PE. The course is suitable for learners who are motivated to pursue a career in the Sports Industry.

The BTEC Extended Diploma has a further 5 units to make a total of 17 units.

“The course opens a lot of doorways to various career paths” Hannah, health & Social care Student

Throughout the course you will develop your knowledge, skills and practice as well as exploring your own values and beliefs in relation to working in Health and Social Care. This will help you understand your own personal abilities, goals and career aspirations. You will also learn a range of skills and techniques, personal skills and attributes that are essential for successful performance in all aspects of working life. Work experience is a mandatory part of the course and you are required to complete 100 hours in total for the BTEC Diploma and an additional 100 hours for the BTEC Extended Diploma.

Entry Requirements The BTEC Health and Social Care course provides a specialist work related programme of study that covers the key knowledge and practical skills required in the appropriate vocational sector.

This course will provide an excellent base for anyone thinking of opting for a career in any aspect of the sports industry. The vast range of unit content will provide a step in the right direction to the following careers: PE Teacher, Sports Development, Sports Coaching, Fitness Instructor, Leisure Centre Manager, Sports Psychologist, Sport Nutrition and many others. BTEC Diploma Route Course Value After 1 Year of Study: BTEC Subsidiary Diploma = 1 X A Level Course Value After 2 Years of Study: BTEC Diploma = 2 X A Levels

Assessment The Diploma is broadly equivalent to two 'A' Levels and is taught over 2 years with approximately 720 Guided Learning Hours.

You will start your work experience at the start of year 12 during your free periods and lesson time will be allocated to work on and reflect upon what you are learning during your visits.

The Extended Diploma is equivalent to three ‘A’ Levels and is taught over the 2 years with approximately 1080 Guided Learning Hours. Students have the opportunity to do either the Diploma or the Extended Diploma depending on which other subjects they choose to take.


Course Progression

All of your work will be assessed though assignments/practical demonstration. 100% Coursework presented in a variety of ways, for example by producing a professional development portfolio and a professional practice log book. There will be no exams at all for this course. You are graded according to Pass, Merit or Distinction per unit and as an overall grade.

The course allows full-time learners to progress to vocational qualifications such as the Edexcel BTEC Higher Nationals in Applied Biology, Applied Chemistry or health-related or other science-related qualifications. Course Value After 1 Year of Study BTEC Subsidiary Diploma = 1 A Level Course Value After 2 Years of Study BTEC Diploma = 2 A Levels Some students may complete the Extended Diploma = 3 A Levels


Course Progression

Popular Combinations English, History, Government & Politics, Sciences and PE

The course is 100% coursework; there will be no exams throughout the course. Also, there will be no accreditation or marks awarded for practical sporting ability - the course is based solely around knowledge and understanding and the ability to portray this. Each unit of work will include an assignment split into measurable tasks for learners to complete. The nature of these tasks will be flexible in order to meet the needs of a variety of learners and learning styles. For example learners may produce a presentation or video evidence to meet the assignment criteria, therefore engaging them with interesting and innovative projects and tasks.

BTEC Extended Diploma Route Course Value After 1 Year of Study: BTEC Subsidiary Diploma = 1 X A Level Course Value After 2 Years of Study: BTEC Extended Diploma = 3 X A Levels Popular Combinations BTEC Business, BTEC IT, Sociology & Psychology.

Additional Information You must have a keen interest in sport. The course will require a degree of sporting knowledge and learners with a sporting background will find this beneficial. Due to the nature of assessment, independent research and study skills will help when completing tasks. For students who study this course, every attempt will be made to involve as much learning outside the classroom as possible. This may include visits to professional sporting clubs or organisations.


If you would like to apply to Ossett Sixth Form College apply on line at www.ucasprogress.com or alternatively visit sixthform.ossettacademy.co.uk to download a copy of our application form. All applications are welcomed and are given serious consideration. Our aim at Ossett Sixth Form College is to provide a Post-16 route to suit your needs. If you need any further guidance then please do not hesitate to contact us. Ossett Academy has a fantastic reputation as a Sports’ College. Our super facilities include a swimming pool, 3G floodlit pitches and well-equipped fitness suite, and all are regularly used by our Sixth Form Students. Furthermore, the newly formed Football Academy has been hugely popular, offering Post 16 students the chance to combine their studies with professional football coaching and competitive games. Through our link with Huddersfield Town FC, students develop their technical skills with the help of professional coaches. Alongside this, students are given the opportunity to complete FA accredited courses, such as the FA Level 1 Coaching Course and the FA Refereeing Qualification, enhancing their chances of gaining work and entry to the University of their choice. As a member of the Football Academy, you will also have the opportunity to visit elite football facilities such as St Georges Park and Everton FC`s Academy. Previous students have gone on to gain football scholarships with top Universities in the USA.



Storrs H ill Road, Oss e t t, West Yor ks h i r e , WF 5 0D G sixth form.os s e t tacade my.c o.uk 019 24 2328 60

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