2013 FCS Did you know?

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Family and Consumer Sciences


The Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Educators work through statewide issue teams to address the issues of Environmental Degradation, Familly Resilience, Financial Readiness, Health, Hunger, Jobs and Employment, Risky Behaviors, and Safety.


Reality Check: Helping the Next Generation of Oklahomans

The Reality Check program is an interactive, hands-on financial education program, where young people participate in occupational and lifestyle simulations. • Students become aware of basic skills in financial planning, goal setting, decision making and career planning.

Making Sense of Money Management

• Resulted in a 40 percent decline in bogus check writing in the first three years in selected counties. • Completion of program waives the $198 bogus check fine for the participant.


The OrganWise Guys

A youth nutrition education program that teaches healthy eating habits and physical activity habits to youth. The OrganWise Guys utilizes a comprehensive approach and involves all aspects of a school, including health officials, food service, counselors and teachers. • In 2012, the OrganWise Guys reached 6,594 youth in approximately 271 classrooms throughout Oklahoma.

Farm to You: Teaching Science to Our Youth The Farm to You exhibit has been experienced by almost 77,000 elementary students and over 4,300 community volunteers. This interactive exhibit teaches students where their food comes from and how to make healthy food choices. • This exhibit was featured in Weighing the Options: How can we Encourage Healthy Weights Among America’s Youth. • Farm to You received the Dr. Rodney Huey Memorial Champion of Oklahoma Health Award.


Community Nutrition Education Programs: Fighting Hunger

The Community Nutrition Education Programs (CNEP) program teaches nutrition and food budgeting and in 2012 provided help to 2,368 low-income families and 29,777 youth, affecting the lives of more than 37,636 Oklahomans. • Of the program graduates, 96 percent report positive behavior changes in diet-related behavior, and an additional 41 percent of adult program participants report fewer instances of running out of food before the end of the month. • The CNEP-Youth program has saved more than $26 million in health care related costs.

Family and Consumer Sciences


Extension Disaster Education Network Family Preparedness

Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) Family Preparedness curriculum uses novel techniques to help Oklahomans overcome financial, time, and motivation barriers to emergency preparedness. • Oklahoma ranks third in the nation for number of disaster declarations. • Consumers are learning to shop in their own home to prepare emergency kits from items they have on hand and to identify a safe place in or near their home where they can take shelter before emergency conditions arrive.


Provides direct service, education and networking to support the rehabilitation and assistive technology needs of Oklahoma farmers, ranchers and their family members impacted by a disabling condition. • Oklahoma is just 1 of 22 state AgrAbility projects in the nation. • Since 2002, its services have reached nearly 300 families, trained nearly 400 health care professionals and reached more than 860,000 people through outreach programs.


Co-Parenting Through Divorce

Program focuses on teaching parents how to reduce the effects of divorce on their children and work on their relationships in a positive way. • In 2012, Co-Parenting Through Divorce reached nearly 1,500 parents throughout the state. • Oklahoma judges appreciate having the resource and the course has become a part of the process of getting a divorce in many areas of the state.


Other programs focusing on recycling, home food preservation and home energy management are part of the scope of work for the Environment Issue Team. Other programs focusing on parenting, bullying, character development, and high school graduation rates are part of the scope of work for the Risky Behaviors and Resilience Issue Teams.

To learn more about Cooperative Extension in Oklahoma, visit www.oces.okstate.edu. For more information about Family and Consumer Sciences, visit www.fcs.okstate.edu.

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