The Oswegonian 3-9-18

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A4 Shiza Shahid shares Pakistani culture with Oswego campus


Downtown area renovation begins City of Oswego will be looking shiny, new soon Kassadee Paulo Asst. News Editor After being chosen to receive $10 million from New York state, downtown Oswego will be getting a makeover, which is scheduled to start this summer. The Downtown Revitalization Initiative is a $100 million grant for 10 select cities in New York to improve infrastructure and boost the economy. “The DRI aims to transform local

neighborhoods across the state into vibrant communities where the next generation of New Yorkers will want to live, work and raise a family,” according to a press release from Gov. Andrew Cuomo. The money given by the state is being used for 12 separate projects, including but not limited to: c o m p l e t i n g a n a e s t h e t i c re n o v a tion to West Bridge Street, building a mixed-use commercial and residential multi-building on West First Street, constructing an indoor wa-

ter park, renovating the Children’s Museum of Oswego, improvi ng t he r i ve r f ro n t a nd c re a t i ng a pocket park on Market Street. These projects vary in cost from $3 million to $20 million. “The Water Street makeover and construction of the pocket park on Market Street is a direct aim to provide more activities for college students and millenials by giving them reasons to spend time in our down

See CITY, A5

Proposal drafted to raise student fees by $39 for coming academic year Alexander Gault-Plate News Editor Student fees for the health center, athletic depar tment, campusbased transpor tation and campus technology are proposed to increase by $19.50 per semester for the 20182019 school year. Those fees are paid by every Oswego State undergraduate student and are meant to cover the costs associated with the various services provided by the campus. For the current 2017-2018 academic year, costs per semester total to $637. For a full year, they cost $1,274. These fees, called the “broadbased fees,” go to pay for four major departments on campus: Mary Walker Health Center, Campus Technology Services, the Athletic Department a n d t he t r a n s p o r t a t i o n p o r t i o n o f Auxiliary Services’ budget.

“The transportation fee pays for the Blue Route, the G reen Route and break transportation,” said Michael Flaherty, general manager for Auxiliary Services. The health fee, athletic fee and technology fee will all be increasing by $6 per semester each, and the transpor tation fee will be increasing by $3.50 per semester. The health fee covers costs associated with use of Mary Walker Health Center, which provides basic medical services to students who pay the health fee, such as flu shots, STD testing and strep throat tests. “The health fee covers all services provided by the health center, counseling services, Lifestyles and all staff salaries,” said Angie B ro w n , d i re c to r o f M a r y Wa l ke r Health Center.


Taylor Woods | The Oswegonian Buildings around the Oswego downtown area, including waterfront property and main streets will be renovated in the coming years, starting this summer.

Student disrupts class carrying fake bomb Perpetrator arrested by UP, considered non-threat by administration Alexander Gault-Plate News Editor


At 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Oswego State University Police responded to a disruption in a Marano Campus Center classroom that turned out to be a student carrying a potentially dangerous item. According to an email sent out by Oswego State President Deborah Stanley on Thursday morning, an alert was not sent out to campus members because “members of our campus were not in any danger.” “We moved deliberately to amass verified information and

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put it out quickly without inadvertently making it seem like an emerg e nc y, w h i c h i t neve r w a s ,” s a i d Wayne Westervelt, chief communication officer for Oswego State. The student responsible was John Mietus, who was first met by University Police officers in a hallway in Poucher Hall. Police escorted Mietus out of the building and searched him in a nearby parking lot, where they discovered a suspicious item. Mietus was immediately placed under arrest and taken to the police station, along with the suspicious item. There, the Oswego fire depar tment determined that the item was not a hazard. “I commend our University Po-


lice for responding immediately to what initially came in as a repor ted classroom disruption,” Westervelt said. “They promptly re m ov e d t h e s t u d e n t f ro m t h e building, investigated the matter, and it was at this point when they discovered an object that was later determined not to be hazardous.” A c c o rd i ng to We s t e r ve l t , t he situation was never considered a threat to the greater safety of the campus because Mietus never threatened violence, but was simply carrying a suspicious item with him as he disrupted the class


Weekend Weather in Oswego FRIDAY

HIGH: 36° LOW: 31°


HIGH: 36° LOW: 30°


HIGH: 36° LOW: 29°

Extended Weather Forecast on Page 2

Weather forecast provided by Robert Robak from WTOP-10


Laker Review “DAY 69”- 6IX9INE


Cole Parzych | The Oswegonian

Rachel Futterman | The Oswegonian

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***Blotter information provided by the Oswego Police Department.


John Mietus, 18, was arrested on March 7 for one count of attempted "placing of a false bomb or hazardous substance" in the first degree. At approximately 10 a.m., University Police received a call about the student who was verbally disruptive in Marano Campus Center.





L: 30 °



H: 33°

***Blotter information provided by the Oswego Office of Communications and Marketing.

Provided by Robert Robak from WTOP MONDAY, MARCH 12 THROUGH FRIDAY, MARCH 16

Extended Forecast

H: 34 °


Ryan M. McCar thy, 21, was arrested at 2:08 a.m. on March 3 for public urination and defecation. He was released with an appearance ticket for Oswego City Court.





Weather forecast provided by Robert Robak from WTOP



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L: 32 °


H: 33°

L: 24 °



H: 32°

L: 24 °


H: 37°

L: 29 °



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The Oswegonian Editor-in-Chief | Cole Parzych Managing Editor | Samantha Flavell News Editor | Alexander Gault-Plate Opinion Editor | Derek Smith Sports Editor | Luke Scoville A&E Editor | Dominick J. Lioto Photo Director | Taylor Woods Creative Director | Rachel Futterman Multimedia Director | Joey Lioto Chief Copy Editor | Maria Pericozzi Copy Editor | Jordan DeLucia Copy Editor | Jessica Wickham Copy Editor | Ben Grieco Asst. News Editor | Kassadee Paulo Asst. Sports Editor | Ryan Zalduondo Asst. A&E Editor | Ian Saunders Asst. Photo Director | Greg Tavani Web Director | Jazmyn Fields Web Editor | Samantha Flavell Events & Promotions Coordinator | Cloey Olkowski Ad Manager | Alexis Acevedo Sales Associate | Liz DeMartino Sales Associate | Brett Lahey Business Manager | George Burke Asst. Business Manager | Diana Soler Social Media Coordinator | Michael Reilly Social Media Coordinator | Eugene Segrue Classifieds | Selena Ferguson Faculty Advisor | Brian Moritz

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QUOTE OF THE WEEK I believe SUNY students look at the surrounding community when they decide where to go to school, so making our city appealing to SUNY students is a win-win for everybody.”

-Billy Barlow, mayor of Oswego city



Caribbean taboos, culture discussed at program Caribbean Student Association hosts event about 8 different countries Imani Simpson Contributing Writer More than 30 people at Oswego State were in attendance at “Taboos of the Caribbean Culture,” hosted by the Caribbean Student Association on March 6. The event intended to showcase practices that were looked down upon in different Caribbean cultures and let the audience know what to do “for when you go on vacation,” in the words of host and event organizer, Jabari Daniel. The crowd was animated, with about half of the attendees being students seeking IST credit. IST credit, a necessity for living in Hart Hall, is a popular draw for these events. Programs that offer it generally see spikes in attendance, according to club records. About a quarter of those that came out to support were club regulars or members of various committees and the executive board, and the remainder were those there for the first time. The program was divided into two sections. The first part was a lecturestyle presentation on eight Caribbean countries: Jamaica, Haiti, Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada, Barbados, Guyana, St. Lucia and the Bahamas. The second was a trivia session about the information that the presentation had gone over. One attendee, Fadi Gaye, remarked that this was her first time coming to a CSA program, although she attends other club meetings regularly. She went in knowing some background in-

Women’s lacrosse vs. York College, noon, Saturday, March 17 at Laker Turf Stadium. Men’s lacrosse vs. St. John Fisher, 3 p.m., Saturday, March 17 at Laker Turf Stadium.

Planetarium show: “A Trillion Planets,” 7 p.m., Sunday, March 18 in Shineman Center, Room 223. Art Exhibition: Voices of Oswego Veterans, 7:45 a.m., Monday, March 19 in Penfield Library.

A Taylor Woods | The Oswegonian Members of the Caribbean Student Association presented taboos from eight different Caribbean countries.

formation on the Caribbean and wanted to hear people’s perspectives and the differences and similarities between taboos in the countries. She said homosexuality is a common taboo in Caribbean cultures. “A lot of people don’t talk about [homosexuality],” Gaye said. “Even though gay marriage came out, it’s not as freely spoken about compared to other issues.” Homosexuality was covered in the

Taylor Woods | The Oswegonian Students watched as members of the Carribean Students Association presented aspects of their culture.

As a guest to the Senate, Associate Vice President for Facilities Services Mitch Fields spoke to senators and directors about updates regarding renovations around campus. Fields said Wilber Hall is supposed to b e d o n e i n Au g u s t , t h e new multipurpose room in Swetman Gymnasium should be done in the fall, and there are plans to update other buildings such a s M a r y Wa l ke r H e a l t h Center and Hewitt Union. Fields also spoke about

presentation in reference to Jamaica, where homosexual intercourse is held in the same regard as beastiality. Both hold the same punishment for men in the country - 10 years jail time for having sexual intercourse and seven years for attempting to do so. As the program went along, the information stopped being about taboos and instead superstitions associated with each country. The crowd reacted with confusion at superstitions like the Guyana belief that “if you throw salt away anywhere except in water, you will pick it up with your eyes after you die” and surprise at the Trinidadian taboo against cutting hair or nails on a Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday for fear of bad luck. C S A C o m m i t t e e me m b e r D o m i nique Perry said that even if she were not part of the club, she would still attend this program “to learn about certain things that different countries don’t agree with.” The club hosts events such as this almost every Tuesday, and the turnout varies from meeting to meeting with IST-approved events generally gaining more traction.

eventually using Oswego’s cold winters to the c o l l e g e ’s a d v a n t a g e b y building an underground ice chiller, which would bring air conditioning to Mahar and Lanigan halls and Hewitt Union.

Student Association Director of Finance Miranda Kryskow told senators there is $9,680 left in the contingency fund and that budget council will be working on the first part of special interest clubs’ budgets.

Movie: “Im Juli,” 7 p.m., Monday, March 19 in Marano Campus Center, Room 132.

Presentation: Natural Hair Care Tips, 7 p.m., Tuesday, March 20 in Marano Campus Center, Room 231.

Softball vs. RIT, 3 p.m., Wednesday, March 21 at Laker Softball Field.

Ke-Nekt Concert: Pocket Concertos, 7 p.m., Wednesday, March 21 in Sheldon Hall Ballroom. Penfield Library Success Fair, 1 p.m., Thursday, March 22 in Penfield Library lobby.

Students for Global C h a n g e , a n e w o rg a n i zation focused on making an impact on animal habitats, requested $600 for tabling and promot i o n a l i t e m s t o s p re a d their message to sign their petition.

Two and A Half, an organization dedicated to r a i s i n g a w a re n e s s f o r

issues such as sexual assault, domestic violence and human rights, requested $1,700 for items for their 11th a n n u a l R a i s e Yo u r Voice event, which will be held on April 20.

Fa s h i o n At O s w e g o , an organization recentl y re c o g n i z e d b y S t u dent Association, requested $1,000 for their 3rd annual Pop Up Shop F a s h i o n S h o w, w h i c h will be held on March 23 in Hewitt Ballroom.

A4 NEWS Oswego State psychology professor, students share thoughts on effects of divorce on children THE OSWEGONIAN FRIDAY, March 9, 2018

Children of divorce speak out on how parents' split affected their youth, from finances, social lives to emotional growth Taisha Khalil Staff Writer Some experts suggest that children are greatly affected by the divorce of their parents, but others claim that there are minimal effects. Evelyn Benavides, Oswego State sociology professor, said older children are more affected by their parents’ divorce than younger children because of

a shift in family structure. However, Reid Adler, Oswego State graduate student, said otherwise. “I was 19 years old when my parents got a divorce. It was one of those incidents that was a long time coming,” Adler said. “It was sudden, but I kind of hoped they would divorce… I was OK with it.” Adler said socially and academically, his life remained the same. However, his 13-year-old brother’s life was altered and is still affected today.

“Sibling support systems are important,” Adler said. “People with siblings tend to handle divorce better than only children. I spoke to my younger brother a lot when my parents were getting a divorce. He kind of separates himself from the whole family.” Adler and his brother’s experiences contrast with Benavides’ statement. However, Randy Rivera, an Oswego State junior, provides a similar example. “I was 8 when my father left,” Rivera

Rachel Futterman | The Oswegonian

Health, transport, technology, athletic fee may rise next year Proposed raise attributed to inflation, increased staff needs, union requirements PROPOSAL from COVER The proposed increase to the health fee would cover the increased expenses due to cost-ofliving wage adjustments for health center employees required by their union and the state of New York, an increase to staffing and the increasing costs of some medications, according to Brown. A c c o rd i ng to a re p o r t by C o n s u m e r R e p o r t s , i n t h e p a s t y e a r, about 22 percent of Americans saw an increase to the costs of at least one prescription medication. The athletic fee covers the costs from the 24 varsity college sports teams supported by Oswego State. “[The athletic fee] provides financial resources for our entire athletics operating budget, including transportation, meals, lodging, uniforms and equipment,” said Susan Viscomi, director of athletics for Oswego State. Unlike club sports, which receive their funding from Student Association, the varsity teams are supported

by Oswego State directly. Club sports teams propose a budget to SA annually and can appeal for money from the SA contingency fund to cover unanticipated costs. Money from that contingency fund is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, and teams generally do not get the total amount of money that is required to cover their expenses, requiring teams to fundraise or for team members to cover a portion of their costs themselves. Students on the varsity teams are not required to cover costs through out-of-pocket payments, and things like building costs, referee payments and the costs of traveling to games are covered through the athletic depar tment, which uses the studentsuppor ted athletics fee to cover a large portion of those costs, according to Viscomi. The technology fee covers the costs of the technology present on campus, including Banner and MyOs w e g o s e r v i c e s . I t i s a l s o u s e d to maintain and upgrade the internet ne t w o rk p re s e n t i n a c a d e m i c a nd residential buildings on campus.

The broad-based fees can be increased by a maximum of 2 percent from their amounts the previous academic year, which is a limitation set by the Higher Education Price Index. The HEPI is a national figure that tracks the effects of inflation on higher education. The directors of the departments that collect these fees hold an annual forum the week before spring break recess in order to garner student feedback on the proposed changes. Last year, no students attended the forum, and this year, according to Flaherty, one student who was working on a report for class attended the forum. The forum is not the only source of student feedback, as each department that collects broad-based fees also goes before SA to get feedback f ro m t he s t u d e n t re p re s e n t a t i ve s . Mary Walker Health Center also has a Student Health Advisory Committee, which represents the student voice as the health center makes decisions about what services to offer, according to Brown.

Shiza Shahid discusses Pakastani culture, gender inequality Malala Fund co-founder shares experience of advocating to educate girls Noah Blake Staff Writer On March 1, Oswego State gave a warm welcome to the I Am Oz guest speaker Shiza Shahid, the well-renowned co-founder of the Malala Fund. T h e M a l a l a Fu n d w a s s t a r t e d a f t e r t he t r a g i c s ho o t i ng o f M a l a l a Yo u s a f z a i by t he Ta l i b a n i n 2 0 1 2 w h e n s h e s t a r t e d a d vo c a t ing for other young girls to receive an equal education. After giving a speech to the United Nations and publishing a book called “I am Malala,” Yousafzai became the youngest person ever to win a Nobel Peace Prize, at 16 years old. Shahid started the Malala Fund because she said she felt she could help the young girls in in her home country of Pakistan escape the danger of the Taliban attacking all-girl schools, receive an education and have a safe haven. Shahid held a public forum before her speech for students, discussing their majors and future aspirations, as well as clubs and organizations on campus. Some of the students expressed how they are just starting or want to start up clubs on campus, and they asked for advice on how to get the word out to more young women and men about getting involved in the community. They went into depth, breaking down barriers of gender inequality in society and holding people accountable for their actions. Lastly, a student brought up the recent issue of the gender inequality that is currently transpiring at Oswego

State, the underfunding for female sports compared to male sports. Shahid gave advice to all of them and shared her contact information in case anyone has any questions for her in the future. Shahid told the audience her story, being born into a Pakistani family and being raised in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad. She said she was born into a modest family and received a good education, which is part of what drove her to launch the Malala Fund. After receiving her degree from Stanford University, she had to make a life-changing decision whether to move on with her career choice or go back home to continue helping other girls have their voices heard. Shahid made the choice to go back to Pakistan, to the Swat Valley region where the Taliban was attacking young girls. From the Swat Valley, the young girls were transported to Islamabad for shelter and to receive education and life skills. Shahid provided advice to the audience, especially to students as they move up the social ladder. She introduced the Japanese philosophy “Ikigai,” meaning “reason for being.” In this philosophy, there are four areas one can achieve happiness: passion, mission, profession and vocation. Each of these words include certain notions, as each of them go hand in hand. For example, the transition from passion to profession would be “something in which you are good at." Transitioning from profession to vocation would be “something in which you are paid for.” The third transition includes the words vocation and mission, which is something “in which the world needs.”

Finally, the last transition comprises of the words mission and passion, w h i c h i s “s o me t h i ng i n w h i c h o ne loves to do and are doing it for a certain purpose.”

said. “Their divorce didn’t really affect me. I had a good relationship with my dad, but I just remember him being there, and then the next day, he wasn’t.” Rivera said his social and academic life did not change after the divorce. His father being gone became the norm for him. “I think young kids are adaptable, and they adapt to the family structure easier,” Benavides said. “When you get set into patterns of behavior, it is a lot harder to adjust.” A divorce can greatly affect a families’ economic situa tion. How ever, Adler’s parents’ divorce is an apparant exception. Although money was the cause of their divorce, he said their economic status remained the same. “My parents fell on financial troubles,” Adler said. “My mom tried to remedy them without telling my dad, and my dad got p***ed when he found out. But their separation didn’t really have an impact on our financial issues. That remained the same after the divorce.” However, Rivera’s economic situation after his parents’ divorce was slightly different. “We didn’t have that luxury to spend anymore that we sort of had before,” Rivera said. “I started asking for less toys and stopped being a spoiled kid who wants everything. I tried to help my mom out. The divorce still impacts me economically.” Benavides said when children go

from a two-parent home to a single-parent home, there is going to be an economic impact. “There is a 10 to 30 percent economic decline,” Benavides said. “Studies done after the 1980s showed that it mainly depends on class. In poor families, the impact isn’t that extreme because of low wages and things like that…But poverty does increase for children with divorced parents.” Social impacts can also be found in divorced children. Adler was not affected socially, but Rivera was greatly impacted. “My mom was overly protective,” Rivera said. “She never wanted me to go to the park with my friends after school because she’d worry about my safety, and because of that, I lost friendships. I think if my dad was around, she would have been less protective.” Benavides said it is also found that many children lose a connection with their fathers, especially in families of color. Although the statistics for this are decreasing, it remains to be one of the largest effects of a divorce. Couples do not always stay together for their children, but according to Benavides, studies have found that the divorce rate has been relatively stable for the past 30 years. Recently, divorce rates have been decreasing, but the impact it has on children remains the same.

A5 NEWS HIV diagnoses falling nationwide, even among IV drug users THE OSWEGONIAN FRIDAY, March 9, 2018

Photo Briefs Utica College Shooting Threat

Photo provided by The Tangerine

Utica College students sheltered in place for over six hours Monday, as a gun threat caused the campus to lock down. An assailant called the Utica Police Department and reported that he was in Utica College's Gordon Science Center, reportedly taunting police by saying "come get me." While there were preliminary reports of shots fired, Utica Police say that no shots were fired, and there were no injuries as a result of the lock down. Students were sheltered in place as police cleared every building on campus, taking students to the designated safe zones of Utica College's athletic

center and student center. The student who made the threat, Fahrudin Omerovic, has been charged with the felony of making a terroristic threat. Omerovic reportedly used a voice-changing app on his smart phone to disguise his voice as he made the calls. Omerovich was arrested at his home in Utica after calling to make another threat on Tuesday, which did not result in a lock down as police determined the threat was not legitimate. Omerovich is being held in Oneida County Jail on $100,000 bail or $250,000 bond.

Spring Break Travel Woes

As opioid crisis continues, cities like Ithaca look to safe injection sites to protect victims Alexander Gault-Plate News Editor Intravenous drug users are at a higher risk of contracting HIV and other blood-borne diseases than the rest of the population, but those numbers are unsteadily decreasing nationwide. “Sharing needles, syringes and other injection equipment puts people who inject drugs at high risk for getting HIV and other infections, including hepatitis,” said a representative for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. According to the CDC, annual HIV diagnoses among people who inject drugs decreased by 48 percent from 2008 to 2014. Different groups are more or less likely to contract HIV from injecting drugs such as heroin, and diagnoses among black and Hispanic or Latino individuals who use injected drugs have fallen at a higher rate than those for white individuals. Annual HIV diagnoses among black, Hispanic and Latino individuals fell by 50 percent between 2008 and 2014, but annual diagnoses for white individuals who use injected drugs fell by only 28 percent between 2008 and 2012. Between 2012 and 2014, no significant decrease in caucasian drug users with HIV was recorded by the CDC. In New York state, the Department of Health has specific programs that work to cut down on the transmission of HIV through drug use. “Preventing the transmission of HIV through intravenous drug use is vital to New York’s harm reduction program and ending the epidemic in New York state,” said Erin Silk, media representative for the New York state Department of Health.

Silk said in the 1990s, over half of those newly infected with HIV had a history of injection drug use. However, currently, fewer than 2 percent of new HIV diagnoses are related to injection drugs. Currently, the Department of Health is seeing more issues with Hepatitis C, which is a viral infection that leads to liver inflammation. “We are seeing an increase in Hepatitis C diagnosis that is clearly tied to [intravenous drug use],” Silk said. In Oswego County, approximately 15 people died in 2015 due to an opioid overdose, 78 were sent to the emergency room, and 18 were hospitalized, according to the New York State Opioid Annual Report from October 2017. Onondaga County had approximately 327 deaths, 2,265 emergency room admissions and 473 hospitalizations due to opioid drug overdose in 2015, according to the same report. In the Syracuse region, which is how the Department of Health breaks down their report on HIV infections, including Cayuga, Cortland, Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, Madison, Oneida, Onondaga, Oswego, Saint Lawrence and Tompkins counties into one statistical area, a total of 1,034 people are living with HIV that has not turned into AIDS, and 1,256 people are living with AIDS. New diagnoses of HIV in the region for 2016 totals to 67 people. Using the state-provided metric of less than 2 percent of new HIV diagnoses being attributed to injected drug use, approximately one person in the entire region contracted HIV from injected drugs, if the local trend follows statewide trends. The Department of Health declined to provide information on the local links

between HIV and intravenous drug use. “There are a small number of cases [of drug related HIV infection], and for privacy concerns, I cannot provide you information,” said Jiancheng Huang, the Oswego County public health director. “In the county, we have a few HIV cases.” The CDC provides guidelines for injection drug users, suggesting that they use only new, sterile syringes, dispose of used syringes in a safe manner and never share injection equipment. The federal government also allows states to use some federal funds to finance syringe service programs, which provide safe areas for injection drug users to administer drugs with minimized health risks. The CDC suggests that local law enforcement “address legal and law enforcement barriers that prevent or discourage the use of [syringe service programs] and substance use disorder treatment.” One of the most prominent cities to follow this CDC suggestion is Ithaca. The Ithaca Plan, a series of 25 recommendations for addressing the injection and opioid drug addiction problems in the city, seeks to treat drug addiction as a public health issue, rather than a law enforcement issue, according to Gwen Wilkinson, coordinator for The Ithaca Plan and former Tompkins County district attorney. “Addiction is clearly a disease, and most of if not all the collateral effects of addiction, such as Hepatitis C, HIV, they’re all public health issues,” Wilkinson said. “Arresting people and putting people in jail is not going to fix it.” The Ithaca Plan was drafted in February 2016, and certain aspects, including the safe space to inject drugs, are not currently available.

Student carries false bomb on campus, gets arrested by UP

Campus police neutralize threat before issues arise; no danger determined

STUDENT from COVER he was present in. “Had this been an incident in which a threat was made, a bomb was referenced, or a person was reported to be armed and or dangerous, we would have responded very differently with a different set of actions and immediate communication with our students,

faculty and staff,” Westervelt said. According to Stanley’s email, Mietus has been arrested on one count of attempting to place a false bomb or hazardous substance in the first degree, which is a Class E felony. Mietus has also been suspended from Oswego State, effective Wednesday, before he was taken to court. He will not be permitted back on campus

without making arrangements with the Dean of Students. “Let this incident remind our campus community that if any of us becomes aware of something that we believe could be a threat to our campus and each other’s safety, that we immediately speak up and contact University Police,” Stanley said in the email announcement.

Photo provided by Loco Steve via Flickr

As Oswego State students prepare to head back to their hometowns for spring break, a major snow storm may put a damper on their plans. Winter storm Quinn has already caused the Greyhound bus transport company to cancel certain routes, including the Syracuse to New York City route. Virtually every route leaving from or going to New York City has been canceled, with no reopening dates provided on the Greyhound website. Amtrak service has been modified heavily, with certain services on Friday being sold out as of Wednesday. 284 Empire Service from Syracuse to New York City is sold out, as well

as 64 Maple Leaf service. 48 Lake Shore Limited service has only sleeper cabins available from $255 a person. Train tickets typically rise in price as the travel date approaches, and those who do not have train tickets to return downstate for spring break will have to spend a fair amount higher than usual to get to New York City. On Saturday, the day the Oswego State campus officially closes, tickets to New York City on Amtrak services start at $123 for a coach seat as of Wednesday, with some services having only rooms available. 284 Empire Service from Syracuse to New York City on Saturday is offering only business class seating as of Wednesday, for a base price of $187.

Bailey Maier | The Oswegonian Mietus was taken to the University Police station on West Campus, where the item he was carrying was determined to not be dangerous, before being taken to court.

City of Oswego to benefit from $10 million state grant, renovate downtown area Waterfront properties, historic buildings, central parks, city streets, business plazas, new housing to see improvement DOWNTOWN from COVER to w n a n d a b e t t e r a re a to s p e n d time not only at night, but during the day as well,” said Oswego City Mayor Billy Barlow.

This funding is more than an investment in Oswego. It's an investment in the future of the region" - Andrew Cuomo governor of the state of New York

Barlow said Oswego considered the college during the planning process by taking into consideration

what the students look for in a community and what they like to do. “I believe SUNY students look at the surrounding community when they decide where to go to school, so making our city appealing to SUNY students is a win-win for everybody,” Barlow said. The Water Street and pocket park projects are meant to be completed this summer, according to Barlow. The mayor also said the aged Cahill building is currently under construction, the Global Buffet building and Midtown plaza projects are moving through the city planning and zoning boards, and the indoor water park project will begin construction this summer. “This funding is more than an investment in Oswego. It’s an investment in the future of the entire region,” Cuomo said in the press release. “These investments will help make this downtown an economic engine that will support lo-

cal businesses, foster growth and have ripple effects that will keep central New York rising for decades to come.” When Oswego applied for the initiative in 2016, 122 other cities had also applied, of which only 10 were chosen by the state to split the $100 million. Barlow said a major point in the application was explaining that some of these projects had already been in motion and that the extra funding would expedite the process. “ I h ave s e e n p o s i t i ve c h a ng e s a nd e ne rg y t a ke hol d i n O s w e g o thanks to the leadership of Mayor Billy Barlow and local community leaders,” said New York state Assemblyman Will Barclay. “The anchor projects selected today will build on that positive momentum by providing investments in Os wego’s historic downtown and waterfront areas, which will improve the local economy and the quality of life for residents.”

Taylor Woods | The Oswegonian The historic Coleman's Irish Pub building on West Seneca Street will be turned into waterfront housing.


s l






B5 j_10suited via flickr





B3 Haofeng Deng | The Oswegonian

FRIDAY, March 9, 2018



John Barnes



Mike Dellicarri

Eli Holton



Brandon Nicholson

Zach Whelan


Robert Donnely

Starting Pitchers: Reston Pettit | 10 Robert Donnelly | 17 Brian Nolan | 30 Bobby Zywicki | 27


Cole Tracy


Lukas Olsson

See BASEBALL, B3 Headshots provided by Sports Information

Shore Report Baseball


SUNYAC Standings Overall

Brockport Cortland Fredonia New Paltz Oneonta Oswego State Plattsburgh

Men's Lacrosse


Oswego Scoreboard








3-1 2-1 2-4 2-1

0-0 0-0 0-0



W2 L3 L1











Cortland Geneseo Oneonta Oswego State



















Plattsburgh Potsdam

Women's Lacrosse Cortland Buffalo State Fredonia Brockport Oswego State Oneonta Geneseo New Paltz Potsdam


Cortland Plattburgh Brockport Buffalo State Geneseo New Paltz Oneonta Fredonia Oswego State Potsdam



0-0 0-0

W2 W1

0-2 0-2


L2 L2





L1 W1











Conference 0-0 0-0

Saturday, March 3









0-0 2-4

0-0 0-0


0-0 0-0 0-0

0-0 0-0 0-0



Men's Lacrosse


COR: (4-4, 0-0) JHS: (3-3, N/A)



MOR: (0-3, N/A) GEN: (1-0, 0-0)


The Oswego State men's ice hockey team recently picked up a new commitment to the program. Steven Kozikoski, who plays for the Oswego Stampede in the NA3HL, currently has a 2.93 goals against average so far during the season. The Stampede are nearing the end of their regular season with a couple of games to go. The new goaltender is a local kid, calling Liverpool his hometown.


Armstrong: 2 goals, 5 shots Ferguson: 1 goal, 1 assist O'Brien: 10 saves


Moriarty: 2 goals, 1 assist Wolejko: 23 saves


Connors: 3 goals, 2 assists O'Donnell: 11 saves

Women's Lacrosse Monday, March 5


Men's Tennis Saturday, March 3




Livecchi: 4 goals, 2 assists Fallone: 3 goals Goodermote: 6 saves


Gayvert: W 6-3, W 6-2 McDonald: W 6-0, W 6-0 Terzian/Buxbaum: W 8-2


Shattuck: 3 goals, 4 assists Ponto: 9 saves


Tracey: W 6-3, W 6-1 Tracey/Gervase: W 8-1

Upcoming Events Baseball

Saturday, March 10

Men's Lacrosse Saturday, March 3



9:00 a.m. (DH)

12:00 p.m.

OSW: 2-0 (0-0) SJC: 1-2 (0-0)

Women's Lacrosse



Two women's track and field athletes jumped 5.56m at the NCAA Atlantic Region Championships hosted by Ithaca College. Tylea McCarthyWalker and Sarah Yensan both jumped the mark to set a new program record, which was previously held by Walker at 5.33m. Despite tying, Walker was given third place and Yensan was given second place. Both athletes now head to the outdoor season.

Sunday, March 11

10:00 a.m.

2:00 p.m.

OSW: 2017: 17-20 (11-7) CNR: 2017: 16-22 (N/A)

OSW: 2-1 (0-0) ELM: 0-1 (0-0)

Laker Athletes of the Week

Kyle O'Connor


OSW: 1-1 (0-0) MOR: 0-3 (0-0)


Saturday, March 10

HOU: (0-1, N/A) BUF: (1-0, 0-0)




Ellis: 4 shots Noss: 2 shots, 16-27 faceoff Madrigal: 48 saves


Women's Lacrosse


Saturday, March 3


Around the SUNYAC Baseball



Streak -


Men's Lacrosse

Women's Hockey


2-0 1-0

Overall 0-0 0-0


Tori Laneve

Men's Lacrosse Sophomore | Dexter

Women's Lacrosse Junior | Syracuse

Kyle O'Connor had an all-around performance for the past two games for the Lakers against Ithaca College and Hartwick College. Against Hartwick College, O'Connor had a goal and an assist. The sophomore also leads the team in groundballs with 11, tallying six alone against the Hawks. The Dexter native has also been the faceoff specialist for Oswego State and has a .604 faceoff win percentage, going 2948 early in the season. The Lakers go against Morrisville State on March 10.

After the Lakers scored the most goals in one game in program history with an 18-7 victory over Morrisville State, Tori Laneve stood out among the rest. With an eight-point game, tallying five goals and three assists, the Syracuse native is now second on the team in goals (10) and fourth on the team with eight points. Laneve's eight-point night was a career best for the junior, and she had a careerbest five goals in one game. Laneve and the rest of her squad travel to Elmira College on March 11 for their fourth game.

Under the leadership of Teresa Shattuck, who had three goals and four assists, the Oswego State women's lacrosse team defeated the Rochester Institute of Technology 15-13. Despite falling 3-1 early in the first half, the Lakers went on a 9-0 run against the Tigers to end the half at 11-5 before tacking on four more to end the game. The Lakers play again on March 11 at Elmira College for their fourth game of the season.

The men's lacrosse team suffered its first lost of the season at the hands of Ithaca College in a 14-5 loss on March 7. Ithaca College is ranked No. 18 by the NCAA in Div. III. Bobby Emerson had two goals in the loss, and Alex Sprague-Getsy contributed a goal and an assist. Despite allowing the 14 goals, Kevin O'Donnell had 21 saves in net. The Lakers' next game is March 10 when they travel to Morrisville State.





FRIDAY, September 10, 2010




Baseball carries heavy expectations after historic season Lakers look to excel in annual spring break trip to Florida; seniors anticipate another exciting postseason run building on the stepping stones that the previous teams have laid out for the 2018 Lakers. For senior John Barnes, who has seen great amounts of success, he hopes to go the extra step. “I think anything less than a world series appearance would be a bad season for this team,” Barnes said. “We’ve been working hard. I have a lot of high expectations for this team.” Before that, however, the Lakers will be traveling to Florida for nine games in eight days over Oswego State’s spring break. They will start the busy schedule on Saturday, March 10, with a double-header against St. Joseph’s College at Long Island. During the week, they will also play three SUNYAC matchups against SUNY Fredonia. The Lakers and Blue Devils have played each other during the annual RussMatt Central Florida Invitational since 2016. The Lakers swept the Blue Devils 3-0 last season at the invitational. Landers said he is looking for-

ward to the warm Florida weather and getting a lot of play time before they return to Oswego to really kick off their 2018 campaign. “Playing every day and getting each guy out there gives these guys an opportunity to present themselves in a positive and a negative manner,” Landers said. “It’s just getting them out there and getting them playing baseball at a fast pace.” Barnes and the 11 other seniors on the roster will look to get their second straight College World Series appearance and potentially get their first national win in the finals in Appleton, Wisconsin. Landers hopes they reach that next step. “They’ve had the luxury of going to three regionals and being on winning teams,” Landers said. “Hopefully they can lead this team to an even farther position than they were last year.” The Laker Baseball stadium has to wait another couple weeks for its first game while the team is in Florida over spring break. On March 24, however, they will play a non-conference game against SUNY Canton that serves as the home opener for the Lakers.

Cole Parzych | The Oswegonian The Oswego State baseball team registered the best finish in program history last season with a College World Series appearance, regional tournament win and a 32-11 record.

Ben Grieco Copy Editor After a disappointing dismissal from the NCAA Div. III College World Series last season, the No. 6/11 Oswego State baseball team is back with a new arsenal of players. The Lakers lost both games in Appleton, Wisconsin, during the College World Series, one game to Roanoke College and the other to Concordia College at Chicago. With the first appearance in the series in program history, head coach Scott Landers hopes to use that experience to motivate his team. “It’s a new thing for our program,” Landers said. “If you go back four years and you talk about the regionals, it’s kind of the same way. It’s a stepping stone going forward.” After 11 seniors graduated last year, the team brought in seven freshmen and numerous transfers. A notable transfer was infielder Brandon Nicholson, who transferred from Canisius College, a Div. I baseball program. He had a .174 batting average and 10 RBI, a statistic he has already matched and beaten this season. “[The transition] has been pretty

smooth,” Nicholson said. “The differences that I’ve seen are pitching.” Landers stated that Nicholson was a great junior college player and the recruiting process was simple. Nicholson had to choose between SUNY Cortland, a well-known Div. III baseball program, and the Lakers. After losing top infielders such as Eric Hamilton and Zach Kollar, Nicholson’s leadership and ability was perfect for the opening, according to Landers. “At the end of the day, he thought [Oswego State] was a better fit,” Landers said. “We had a vacancy that he was able to fill. The opportunity was there, and he has run with it.” Along with players graduating, a concern for the Lakers was the starting pitching rotation. Oswego State lost Timmy Cronin and Mitch Cavanagh. Cronin was named the CoPitcher of the Year in the SUNYAC, and Cavanagh was placed on the First Team All-SUNYAC as well. The team has “reloaded” and stepped up to fill some of those vacancies left by the graduating seniors, according to Landers.

“I’ve seen nothing but positive energy and willingness to work,” Landers said. “These guys have been on point with what they want to do and what they want to accomplish.” The Lakers began their season with a weekend in Virginia with three games in two days on Feb. 24 and 25. The team went 2-1 during that stretch. Oswego State also had a weekend planned for games in Delaware and Maryland, but due to weather, all three games were cancelled. Nicholson took the opening weekend by storm, with two home runs and 10 RBI in the three games. Junior Mike Dellicarri added in three hits during the weekend and 3 RBI against the Virginia Wesleyan Marlins on Feb. 24. Despite Landers stating that his team was right where he thought they would be, Dellicarri was a little more positive about the weekend. “I think there’s a couple things we need to touch up on, but overall, it went very well,” Dellicarri said. The team will be looking to make another appearance in the Div. III College World Series this season,

Sammi Flavell | The Oswegonian

Men's lacrosse season underway, look to break through in SUNYAC comeptition Lakers' young talent propelling program in right direction as they hope to end 9-year postseason drought Luke Scoville Sports Editor The 2018 Oswego State men’s lacrosse campaign got underway this past week with a win and a loss to open up its non-conference schedule. On March 4, the Lakers defeated Hartwick College 13-8 at Laker Turf Stadium. Sophomore Kyle Bacon, who was a big part of the offense last season as a freshman, scored four goals in the Lakers’ win.

“I definitely got better over the fall, I think so," Bacon said. "Just coming into the season strong, that’s what I’m hoping for and keep going.” Along with Bacon, Tim Schof, Jared Wilkom and Bobby Emerson, all underclassmen from last season, accounted for 125 points and were each top four on the team in goals scored. “I think they really learned the speed of the college game compared to the high school game,” head coach Dave Bezek said. “We preach consis-

tency. All those guys were thrown into a role earlier than they probably should have. But I think down the road here, it has payed dividends to them, just being confident and being able to have success on the field.” Bezek is entering his fourth season as the head coach of the program and has not had a winning season or trip to the SUNYAC postseason. The last time the Lakers had a winning season was in 2012 when they went 8-6 but missed the SUNYAC playoffs. Their last SUNYAC berth came in

Haofeng Deng | The Oswegonian Bacon (25) scored two of his 21 goals last season against Plattsburgh State on April 1 during a 14-3 loss against the Cardinals at the Laker Turf Stadium.

2009 when they lost to SUNY Cortland in the semifinals. With a young and talented roster that already has experience, this season can shape into a turnaround for the program and a critical one for the Bezek era. He liked what he saw in the win over Hartwick College, which shows some potential bright signs in the season ahead. “One of the best things is the fact we went on runs, and then [Hartwick] went on a couple runs, and we were able to counter that, which is great to see," Bezek said. "I think a lot of times in the past, we have tons of energy, and with the amount of younger guys, we can get deflated pretty easy and lose a lot of our momentum.” Last season, Oswego State finished 6-9 overall and 2-4 in SUNYAC. They had five losses by one goal, which included an 11-10 overtime loss to then-No.5 in the country, SUNY Cortland. “I think we definitely have the ability to [have a winning season],” Bezek said. “We’re obviously a year more mature than what we were a year ago. I think the best thing we’ve done as a group so far is we’ve really competed in practice and really have gotten after it. I think that’s going to help translate for us to be competitive throughout an entire game and hopefully be able to close those games out in the fourth quarter like we weren’t able to do last year.” On Wednesday, Oswego State took on No. 18 Ithaca College and lost 14-5. Playing the Bombers this early in the season tradition and always a much-needed test for a progressing team.

“I think it’s nice in the fact that it really gives us a gauge of what we need to do and where we need to be as a program from a national standpoint,” Bezek said. “As the years go on, hopefully we get to see this game get more competitive.” In the loss, the Lakers' new freshman starting goaltender Kevin O’Donnell did get more of a challenge, but was impressive, notching 21 saves. The Cleveland, Ohio, native also had 11 saves in the team's win against Hartwick College and could be an important piece to the team all season and for the next four years. “I love [Oswego State],” O’Donnell said. “I know I made the right decision, especially playing with the team I’m with right now. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.” Expectations will be higher this season. The freshman O’Donnell sees this team making it to SUNYACs, but Bezek hopes the program can at least keep improving each year. “Hopefully it’s being able to take steps forward and closing out games like we talked about,” Bezek said. “Continuing to be more competitive with everybody we play and getting better as a program, with all the younger guys we’ve been recruiting and bringing in. And hopefully continuing that into the following years as well and establishing ourselves as a top team in the SUNYACs year in and year out.” Oswego State men’s lacrosse will look to bounce back from their loss to Ithaca College at noon on Saturday, March 10, when they take on Morrisville State. Their first SUNYAC contest of the season will take place March 31 against The College at Brockport.


Unsung Hero


Top Scorer


Given to an under-the-radar athlete who displayed consistency all season.

Given to the athlete who displayed the most success as an offensive weapon.

Given to an athlete who showed most value to their respective team during the season.

Given to the athlete that displayed the brightest potential in their career at Oswego State.

Austin Dearborn | The Oswegonian

Kyle Hurley | The Oswegonian

Taylor Woods | The Oswegonian

Taylor Woods | The Oswegonian

Tyler Pierre Men’s Basketball Tyler Pierre was considered one of the best all-around players on the men’s basketball team in his junior season. In 27 games, Pierre averaged 10.3 points and 8.3 rebounds per game. He was fourth on the team in minutes at 28 per game and swatted away 24 shot attempts this season. Pierre had seven double-doubles this season, including a 23-point, 11-rebound performance against Elmira College and a 21-point, 11-rebound performance in a win over SUNY Canton. With the team in a critical spot of the season after a 1-4 start, Pierre came up big in a defensive slug fest with three blocked shots and 11 rebounds in their 47-41 win over SUNY Oneonta. Pierre also scored a game-winning layup with two seconds left in a late-season win over SUNY Fredonia as the Lakers were fighting for playoff position. To round it all out, Pierre was named to Third Team All-SUNYAC for his consistent all-around effort for the 2017-2018 season.

Top Freshman Top Captain

Josh Zizek

Olivia Ellis

Men’s Ice Hockey

Women’s Ice Hockey

Women’s Ice Hockey

For the first time in program history, a women’s hockey player scored at least 100 points in a career. Olivia Ellis, who was the top player for the Lakers, accomplished that feat. Ellis led the team in goals, assists and points with 10, 15 and 25, respectively. She had 16 percent of the team’s total points. For her career, she had 109 points, 43 goals and 66 assists - all of which were program records for the Lakers. Two times this season, Ellis had three-point games. On Jan. 18 against Plymouth State University, she tallied two goals and an assist. On Feb. 10 against SUNY Cortland, she had a goal and two assists in a 4-0 victory for the Lakers. This season, there were only two games where the Lakers were not shutout that Ellis did not score. She averaged a little less than one point per game during the season. Ellis was named to the inaugural First Team All-NEWHL for her outstanding season. Oswego State made up half of the First Team.

Jean-Marie Padden turned heads at the beginning of the women’s hockey season with two multi-point games. While the first against the Toronto Midget Aeros did not count, head coach Diane Dillon still had high hopes for Padden. The freshman had a goal and two assists against the Midget Aeros and contributed a goal and an assist against New England College on Oct. 27. Padden led all freshmen in goals and points with 9 and 13, respectively. For underclassmen, she was third behind Kate Randazzo and Julieann White. The Cranford, New Jersey, native was a key part in the 5-0 shout out against Buffalo State in the NEWHL semifinals. Padden had two unassisted goals, one of which was shorthanded, to open and close scoring for the Lakers at the Buffalo State Ice Arena. Given her performance during her first season, Padden should have an illustrious career at Oswego State.

Josh Zizek was the leading scorer for Oswego State in his second season as a Laker. Zizek led all scorers with 31 points in 26 games, with a team-leading 18 assists. He was also tied with Mitch Herlihey for the most goals scored during the season with 13. Zizek was also a key piece for the power play with six power play goals during the season. The sophomore opened up his season against Elmira College with a hat trick as well as an assist. The Lakers ended up beating the Golden Eagles 4-2. He also had a four-point game against SUNY Fredonia on Nov. 18, contributing two goals and two assists. Zizek, a St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada, native, was also a force to be reckoned with in SUNYAC play with 21 points. He was again tied with Herlihey for a team lead in goals and points in conference. At the end of the season, Zizek was named to the First Team AllSUNYAC and was also a two-time Laker Athlete of the Week.


Jean Marie-Padden

Given to a team captain that displayed the best leadership on their respective team.

Greg Tavani | The Oswegonian

Mitch Herlihey Men’s Ice Hockey It is not all about the talent when naming the captain for a sports team. That was true when head coach Ed Gosek selected Mitch Herlihey as the captain for the 2017-2018 team. Herlihey has always been team focused, according to Gosek. But he was still able to complete the feat of scoring at least 100 points in his career. He finished with 103 total in his four years as a Laker. Herlihey said that he wants to be remembered as a hard worker, not just a player who put up a lot of points in his career. The Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, native was a key performer in the 5-0 shutout victory over SUNY Fredonia on Feb. 10. He had four assists in the win. For season accolades, Herlihey was named to the First Team AllSUNYAC and was also named the Herb Hammond Player of the Year in the conference. Herlihey is the first player of the year since the 2014-2015 season for the Lakers.

Oswego State men’s hockey misses NCAA Tournament Despite SUNYAC regular season champions, Lakers do not meet expectations of selection committee Taylor Woods Photography Director The Oswego State men’s ice hockey team was not selected for an at-large bid in the 2018 NCAA tournament following three consecutive losses to end their season. Following a 3-1 loss to No. 5 SUNY Fredonia in the SUNYAC semifinals, Oswego State’s season was left in the hands of NCAA selection committee. With the selection show revealing the University of New England, Adrian College, Salve Regina University and Marian College received the Pool C bids, the Lakers were left on the outside looking in. “I just wish we had taken care of our own business when we had the opportunity to,” Oswego State men’s hockey assistant coach Mark Digby said. “It’s hard when it comes selection time and your fate is left in someone else’s hands.” Since the SUNYAC regular season champions did not receive the chance to extend their season, the returning players and staff will now have to focus on the impending offseason and beyond. “[There’s] no regrets. They had a lot of distractions this year, difficult, trying year with everything that went on,” Oswego State men’s hockey head coach Ed Gosek said. “I couldn’t be prouder of them.” The Lakers will take the next few weeks before they come back in the first week of April to have their individual

evaluations. Following the evaluations, players will be given workout and weight programs to stay in shape for next season. In the offseason, the coaches are focusing on how to improve the team and themselves for next season. “Next year, the questions will be ‘can the Zizeks, the Berrys, the Molinaros, the Gillespies...repeat what they did?” Digby said. “Can they improve on what they did or is there going to be a drop off?” With only three players graduating, the incoming recruiting class will be significantly smaller compared to the past recruiting classes. There will only be about six freshmen and three transfers, according to Digby. “Right now, we’ve been on the road pretty heavy here,” Gosek said. “Just finalizing, getting out there, seeing the recruits that we have coming.” The coaches are hoping to fill the voids the team has with some of the new recruiting class. For Digby, it was more about speed and being able to get players who can get the puck into the net. “Hopefully, they’ll be fast,” Digby said. “That’s something I think the last two groups, when you look at what we’ve tried to do with recruiting and the way the games going, is try to get faster.” With three players graduating, Mitchell Herlihey, David Ferreira and Trent Durocher, the coaches will need to find players who will be able to fill those spots. “We need to obviously replace the three players that are graduating,” Gosek said. “We have some other voids that we

feel we need to improve on.” With the majority of the team staying, they will have to prove themselves capable of either keeping or increasing their ice time. “We’re happy with the guys that are here,” Gosek said. “It’ll be their job to not allow a new guy to come in and take ice time away from them, and it’s the new guys job to come in and try to take ice time away from them.It’s a healthy competitive environment that we want to keep intact.” Expectations were exceeded in the 2017-18 season, considering 12 seniors graduated and other players had left under different circumstances. The team added many new players, which left them unsure of where the season could go. “Every year is interesting, the start of the year, for different reasons,” Digby said. “This year, we had just no clue really what to expect.” For the 2018-19 season, expectations will be high with how well Oswego State did this past season and with so many returning players. “My guess would be next year that the expectations would be higher on us based upon the amount of players that we return as opposed to this year,” Gosek said. With the recruits Oswego State is getting, they will be expected to adapt well to the team, as the coaches would not recruit anyone they do not think would be able to, according to Digby. With the season ultimately ending,

Gosek commends his players for working extremely hard this season. Despite the downfall at the end, there were many positives this year, Gosek said. To prepare for next season, the Lakers will look to improve themselves even

more from this past season. “Nobody stays the same, you either get better or you get worse and for our guys it’s their job to get better,” Gosek said. “You got to get outside that comfort zone to make yourself better.”

Kyle Hurley | The Oswegonian Herlihey (17) battles for the puck against a SUNY Fredonia player on Feb. 24 during the SUNYAC semifinals.

Twitter, Fox News pile on Watson, ignore her empowering message


Photo provided by ursulakm via Flickr

Alexis Hanna Staff Writer This past Sunday was the yearly Oscars award show, featuring many stars dolled up, showing off their outfits, their date and a new addition this year: support. In November 2017, allegations and stories arose about Harvey Weinstein’s sexual predation throughout his Hollywood career. This ended up revealing the dirt behind a number of producers, stars, and directors in Hollywood and their inappropriate actions toward colleagues. This resulted in the establishment of the Time’s Up movement, an attempt to bring light to sexual harassment and give courage to those affected to speak up. Emma Watson is an avid supporter of the Time’s Up movement. She has been vocal with support and love toward victims and even donated a good amount to the effort. At this year’s Golden Globes, she joined other nominees and attendees wearing black to spread awareness of the Time’s Up movement. This weekend at the Oscars, Watson sported a noticeable, would-be-classy tattoo on her lower arm that said “Times Up.” The only issue? Watson received endless rude and unnecessary backlash from Fox News and Twitter. Comments toward the star were aimed at her Brown University Graduation status as an English Major, attempting to insult the feminist icon’s in-

telligence. Emma Watson unsurprisingly came back with dignified humor, addressing the incident as she tweeted “Fake Tattoo proofreading position available. Experience with apostrophes a must.” Watson’s tattoo has been identified as a fake. Watson has not only been an actress full of grace through her career, but a role model for girls of all ages. Watson renders a character of kindness, class and selfstrength, all in support of her fellow actresses and women. She intended to wear support of the Time’s Up movement with the arm ink. Instead of vocalizing the movement and what she was standing for, Fox News took a shot at her in attempt to invalidate her as a feminist icon and Brown Graduate. However, Watson met the petty backlash with more nimble humor, shaking off the attack on her credibility without missing a beat. On top of that, Fox’s attempt to focus on Watson’s mistake did not take much attention away from the Time’s Up movement. In fact, it almost attracted more notice by highlighting the tattoo. It is disappointing that the media find it “important” to drag celebrities who are fighting for what they believe. We should not be focusing on petty mistakes like missing apostrophes, but instead on the bigger picture: the meaning behind the tattoo. It is almost perfect irony that Fox’s report on the tattoo’s grammatical error failed to bring an aggressive response from the star and resulted in the frequent search for “Time’s Up.”

College athletics should not be tainted by political differences

Photo provided by Pixabay Colorado’s marijuana legalization made a Texas Wesleyan baseball coach ban recruits from the state.

Ryan Zalduondo Assistant Sports Editor Last week, reports arose that Mike Jeffcoat, head coach of the Texas Wesleyan University baseball team, refused to recruit players from Colorado because of their “liberal politicians,” which is unbelievably narrow minded. In his letter to the interested player, Jeffcoat cited Colorado’s “liberal politicians” as the reason he would not have him on the team. It raises the question: How does a person’s residence affect their ability to play baseball? The obvious answer is that it does not have any effect whatsoever. Heading a collegiate baseball program means the coach should do everything they can to help their team win. In any other circumstance, anyone looking to recruit people for a team, job, etc., should have zero bias in their process because that is not performing their job to the best of their ability. Even if one disagrees with all leftist politics, which Jeffcoat has said he does not in a recent interview with the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, it is careless to jeopardize a job over political views that have no bearing on ingame performance. Jeffcoat also specified in the interview that he has had players from Colorado be a part of his program in the past and the legalization of marijuana had no bearing on recruitment until he sent the email. But he claimed to have sent the

email out of frustration due to players failing drug tests in the past. Even so, banning potential players from a whole state seems very drastic. Whether a baseball player is from Colorado, Texas or anywhere else, it is possible they smoke marijuana. For his actions, Jeffcoat was fired from his post as head coach, which Texas Wesleyan University should be applauded for. Now, there is an example for professionals on how not to act in the workplace. Even if Jeffcoat were permitted to keep his job, nobody with a differing opinions would want anything to do with him, either. Even after admitting that sending the email was a poor choice, he will likely never get a job coaching college baseball again. It is the job of any coach to do their due diligence in the recruiting process, even if a player is from a state where marijuana is legal. It would make sense to find out if they use the drug first before opening up to criticism in the way Jeffcoat did. In the days following, Jeffcoat claims to have received positive feedback from some people, saying that there were players and parents who supported his stance and wanted to be apart of the program as long as he would remain the head coach. However, baseball has nothing to do with politics. Unless one’s priority is to be grouped with likeminded people during college and not expand their political perspective at all, it should have nothing to do with baseball.


Never too soon to plan retirement

Recent grads will benefit by investing in Roth IRA, 401k ASAP Michael Reilly Circulation Director

Emma Watson has made herself known as a feminist icon ever since her days in the Harry Potter series.


As college students, there is probably a good chance the thought of saving for retirement is one that has never come close to crossing their minds. Understandably, their thoughts are probably much more focused on even getting a job to retire from. However, many experts say it is important to start saving as soon as possible. According to an article on, an ideal time to begin saving is after graduation when first receiving paychecks from a job. The article really stresses the concept of the earlier you begin saving, the better. Of course, the first step to saving for retirement would be to open a retirement-oriented savings account. A great option for this would be to look into opening a Roth IRA account. Basically, a Roth IRA is a retirement account that offers tax-free growth potential. The money is taxed when you first put it into the account, however, the money you withdraw from it is not taxed. This differs from more traditional tax-advantaged retirement plans, which typically grant a tax reduction for money placed into the account. Because of the Roth IRA’s method, interest gains from the account are tax free. If you want a more traditional route with your retirement plan, you will seek a job that offer a traditional 401k or Roth 401k plans. With a traditional 401k, you get a

number of choices for investment options, and any contributions and earnings from those investments are taxdeferred. These taxes get paid when the savings are withdrawn. Another benefit of this account is that most employers will match a portion of the account’s contributions, which are also tax-deferred until withdrawn. A Roth 401k plan differs from the traditional in that the contributions are not tax deferred but are instead made with after-tax dollars. This makes the

income the account earns through interest, dividends or capital gains, tax free. However, if you come across the opportunity to have an employeesponsored retirement plan, you should also still consider opening a Roth IRA as well. One of the most significant reasons for this is tax diversification. It is important to pay attention to the IRS’s maximum annual contribution, which applies to both accounts.

Rachel Futterman | The Oswegonian

Disney’s hidden agenda: greed First it was Pixar, then Marvel, then Star Wars; where does it end? Derek Smith Opinion Editor Disney announced it will soon be pulling its animated movies from Netflix. This is bad news for Moana fans, of course, but the motive behind Disney’s decision will have enormous and polarizing implications. The Walt Disney Company revealed its hand with this move. As one of the world’s second largest media conglomerate, it is keenly aware of the future of contentstreaming. Netflix paved the way for TV and movie streaming and were successful in many respects. It was so popular that they saw great success creating content as well as streaming it. But with each cable cord being cut, companies see new ways to deliver and create content and carve out their niche audiences. Streaming is undoubtedly the future. Disney will soon release its own new streaming service. Time Warner, one of Disney’s few competitors, made its own move on this front with its announcement of the 24/7 “CBS Sports HQ” streaming service. A few movies leaving Netflix may not spell the end of entertainment as we know it, but fracturing streaming services in an age of such severely concentrated media ownership just might. Not by accident, Disney to the casual observer is associated with heart-warming children’s tales and eternally joyous theme parks. The reality is far more cynical. It is a gigantic corporation with a cutthroat profit motive like any other. In less than 100 years, it transformed a mouse cartoon into an information/entertainment empire that owns dozens of other smaller media companies. This is a credit to Disney. Disney already has several assets at its disposal. With popular TV channels like History and A&E, ABC news and ESPN sports, it could attract a wide range of television viewers. Shareholders really see dollar signs when they imagine the potential

Joseph Lioto | The Oswegonian

popularity of an all-Disney owned film network. It has its own Disney movies, Pixar, Marvel and Lucasfilm at their disposal to create as many new TV its and movies it wants. Some speculate a Star Wars TV show could already be in the works. With all this new content comes inevitable division. Will viewers stay loyal to Netflix as more companies drop their material for alternate streaming networks? Netflix has been a mainstay in the industry for a while, but if there is anyone who can compete with Netflix, it is Disney. For superfans of Disney programming, this new network has the potential to bring its fandom to a new, profitable level. Disney can and will begin creating original content based on its incredibly popular Marvel and Star Wars films. It is not too difficult to see a future where instead of semi-yearly “events” in the theatre, Marvel and Star Wars become

binge-worthy TV series. Detractors of Disney’s move may claim that it waters down the magic of the originals. However, its following is such that fans will look forward to an ever-expanding universe of plots and characters. Regardless of how people feel toward the future of streaming generally, or Disney in particular, the fragmentation of these services will drastically change how we get our entertainment. Net Neutrality will officially be lifted in April. Comcast and Time Warner are two media moguls who stand to benefit online as a result. Disney does not run a cable or internet service yet, but as it continues to expand, the transformed streaming environment will either be disastrous for consumer choice or bring us more original content than we ever imagined.


B5 Photo provided by Pixabay



“Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech or of the press.”

What do you think of Disney’s upcoming streaming service?

? “I would like it. Disney is expanding. They need to go out there and support this.”

Willie Brooks Biochemistry, freshman “I mostly watch YouTube videos because I’m not about to spend money.”

Angelica Pereza broadcasting, sophomore “I am personally not a huge Disney fan.”

Abigail Langer sociology, junior “Disney could do Disney originals. That’s the wave now. YouTube does it. Hulu does it.”

Joyce Boadu business administration, sophomore “If they take away from Netflix, I would not be OK with that.”

Jayson Seiter accounting, sophomore


The independent student newspaper of Oswego State since 1935


We want your thoughts on our coverage, campus and local issues, or anything regarding the Oswego State community. Email all letters as Word attachments to or mail submissions to 139A Campus Center, Oswego N.Y. 13126 All writers must provide their real name, address, academic year, major and phone number (which will not be published). Members of organizations should include their title if their letter addresses an issue pertaining to the organization. For publication, letters should be 250 words or less and submitted by the Tuesday prior to the desired publication date. The Oswegonian reserves the right to edit and reject letters and cannot guarantee that all letters will be published. Opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not always reflect those of The Oswegonian.



Kyle Hurley | The Oswegonian

FRIDAY, March 9, 2018



WHAT’S THE BIG F****** DEAL? After a discussion in our office this week regarding a swear word in a quote in the news section, the topic of swear words in general broke out inside The Oswegonian. After that discussion, this week’s staff editorial topic arose. This argument has so many different sides and nuances, but the main point of what we debated in our office was why these words are any different in conversational English than others. When people are growing up, these words are taboo. Most children have experienced some sort of discipline at the hands of their parents after dropping their first f-bomb. To start, there is a line that needs to be drawn between these everyday swear words and derogatory or sexually driven insults.

Anything that is racially or sexually motivated and is directed toward another individual surely does not have a place in the 21st century, but most of these swear words should not carry any weight. George Carlin’s “Seven Dirty Words” routine is a great example. The “Seven Dirty Words” are swear words that cannot be said on TV or the radio, and should not be printed in a newspaper. Everyone is offended by different things. The conclusion we came to in the office, however, was that those seven “dirty” words and those couple of other ones we hear on TV should not have such a negative stigma surrounding them. They are just another string of letters that form a word. Why are they seen and judged differently than other words in the English

language? Yes, there is a wrong time for “foul” language, such as in a professional setting, but why are these words barred from content on television and the airwaves across the United States of America? When words are censored out in an article, readers are just thinking of the words in their head. Newspapers are not printing the swear words, but readers are seeing and thinking of the words anyway. The same thing goes for people who think they are censoring themselves by shortening words in an attempt to keep things clean. Everyday swear words should not have a negative stigma around them, as they are often used in a non-derogatory way. There is definitely a time and place not to use them, but they should not be prohibited.


Worker exploitation disguised as generosity America’s tipping tradition mistreats servers, especially women Restaurants across the country are increasingly doing away with compulsory tipping for servers. Dining out is an American culture staple, but the industry’s growth was fueled by the harmful, exploitative custom of tipping. Until the practice has been eliminated entirely, or servers are afforded the same minimum wage, customers are obligated to tip. Servers are struggling even with the alleged tip incentive. The number of restaurant employees in America continues to grow alongside the hundreds of billions in sales the restaurant industry does each year. Going forward, pressure must be put on localities and new restaurants to afford their servers the same wages as everyone else. Better service, less discrimination and a stronger economy will all be complimentary effects. Tipping has been a part of the American restaurant culture since the emancipation of slavery. Servers were often former slaves who relied on generous customers to compensate their tiny wages. The current national minimum wage for tipped workers is $2.13. Only seven states have eliminated the tipped wage so far. Servers are effectively working for two bosses: the restaurant owner and the customer. They are often working another job or relying on government subsidies while their boss pays them beans compared to the work they do. Workers

Derek Smith Opinion Editor making the tipped minimum wage are the only employees who rely on the whims of their customers to survive. This does not, as some believe, incentize better service. In fact, the reality is quite the opposite. Relying on tips forces women, especially minority women, to tolerate all sorts of rudeness and harassment with a smile. If women do not happily put up with poor treatment, they risk not earning enough money to buy groceries or their kids’ school supplies. This essentially forces women to not merely tolerate harassment but welcome it.

The restaurant industry also receives five times more sexual harassment claims than average. Female workers especially are urged to wear low cut tops or chuckle away creepy comments if it means an extra five dollar bill left on the table. For evidence of this, look no further than Hooters. “Breastaurants” make their money almost exclusively on the objectification of their employees whom they do not even pay enough to live. They put the burden on the customer to pay for gawking at scantily clad women serving mediocre food. Minority servers similarly have to ignore racism or bigotry. Rude customers with disposable income can justify their insulting behavior with a healthy tip. No worker should have to choose between ignoring harassment or making ends meet. The absurd culture of tipping is unique to America. Like too many other things here, the larger the business is, the more it stands to benefit from this system at the expense of its workers. Seven states have eliminated the tipping minimum wage so far with encouraging results. Dining out remains popular, employment remains the same, and workers are happier. Be sure to tip generously when eating out, as the server relies on it. Keep doing that until we have reversed this backward tradition.

Crashing America’s political parties Divisive binary system needs abandoned Girard Bailey Staff Writer Recently, Republican Gov. John Kasich commented that he believes the two-party system could be coming to an end. Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper seemed to agree, adding that he felt neither party had a solid, coherent agenda. One of the first questions that should be asked is whether this would truly result in a multiparty system, where three or more political parties are on relatively equal ground, or simply mean the replacement of the current two longstanding political parties with two new ones. The latter has occurred a few times in history, whereas while the U.S. has in the past come close to having three major parties, it has always reverted to two. For most of history the United States, voters have largely been divided amongst two major political parties. Some of those parties have faded into obscurity, yet there have generally always been two major political factions. There are many issues in this day and age that were not present political concerns for past generations, with

the rapid development of technology and new social perspectives. As such, were the current two-party system to come to an end, it is more likely than ever that it could result in a true multiparty system. If so, it could be a step in the right direction. While having different opinions

Just as you feel your ideals are rational and morally right, those with opposing ideals feel the same. and perspectives in government can be good for the people, the parties are not. The two-party system is unhealthy for the United States. The two-party system sows division among us. Rather than seeking to represent the nation as a whole, many politicians

Tip of the hat...

seek to represent only their own party, isolating and even blaming the rest for the issues we face. Though it may not always be possible to agree with those different opinions, parties would rather not even listen to what others have to say. Most individuals hold their positions because they genuinely believe them. Just as you feel your ideals are rational and morally right, those with opposing ideals feel the same. Furthermore, not everyone within a party holds the same opinion for the same reason or cares about one issue as much as another. On top of that, many find themselves joining a party because of only one or two issues they feel strongly about, even if they disagree with more of the party ideology. Parties oversimplify the ideas of each other so that it is easy to mock, ridicule, and deride them. Political parties do not want citizens to think that other groups also want what is best for the entire nation. Never should half the nation go forgotten. It is entirely necessary to seek the well-being of all the people of the U.S. and to find solutions that help everyone without harming others. The two-party system continues to encourage an “us vs. them” mentality.

◊ the two-party system in the U.S. ◊ Disney’s predatory business practices. ◊ restaurant workers making below minimum wage.

◊ Emma Watson’s “Times Up” fake ink. ◊ the winners of this year’s Gonies.

See web exclusive Opinion articles at


◊ Spring Break.

Wag of the finger...




Staff Picks


Recapping the 2018 Academy C5 “Atlanta: Robbin’ Season” has something to prove Awards and its winners

FRIDAY March 9, 2018


FRIDAY, March 9, 2018


The Oswegonian staff picks: Take 2

What our assistant sports editor has been listening to, watching lately gram worthy of a listen every Ryan Zalduondo week, and it has been steadily Asst. Sports Editor improving since its debut in

The early buzz around Ava DuVernay’s “A Wrinkle in Time” hints that the sci-fi is admirably ambitious, but ultimately unsatisfying and unfocused.

Leonardo DiCaprio will TV play a former Western o’s star in Quentin Tarantin tt upcoming film. Brad Pi nt will appear as his stu double potentially along got side Al Pacino, Mar . se ui Robbie and Tom Cr The film is titled “Once .” Upon a Time in Hollywood

1) “The Five People You Meet in Heaven” (Book by Mitch Albom, 2003) For those looking for a book to pass the time, this provides a really great story that will keep you entertained from beginning to end. It starts with the death of Eddie, an elderly man working as the head of maintenance for a local amusement park, and follows his path in the afterlife. To further understand his life, Eddie meets the five people who had the strongest effect on him before his passing. As Eddie goes through this journey, it gives readers a heartwrenching feeling as the protagonist’s life comes full circle. It is a worthwhile story to check out if you want to get off the internet for a little while and go back to the basics. 2) “Speech Bubble” (Podcast) This podcast, hosted by the creator of Nickelodeon’s “Fairly OddParents” and “Danny Phantom” Butch Hartman and his friend Jace Diehl, is a treat for children and college-aged students alike. Hartman spent over two decades with Nickelodeon, creating the favorite cartoons of a generation. Hearing the pair detail behind-thescenes stories about their old shows and provide clips from deleted scenes makes this pro-

October 2017. This, on top of constant new content, makes this podcast a treat for anyone who watched Nickelodeon growing up. The nostalgia and insight provided by Hartman and Diehl is unmatched by any other podcast out right now. 3) “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” (FXX, Hulu) This show has been on the air since 2005, but its entertainment value is timeless. The gang has provided 12 (and counting) seasons of laughs and outrageous stories that have eclipsed every other show on television. There is not much that has not already been said about “Sunny,” but whether or not you have seen it yet, diving in from episode one is a smart decision. It is the most talented comedic cast on television today, and though there is no specified date yet, you would be wise to catch up before the next season is released. 4) “Mickstape” (podcast) Hosted by Barstool Sports personalities Coley Mick and Trill Withers, Mickstape is the basketball podcast that talks about everything else. Hosting one of the most underrated shows on Barstool Sports’ large network of podcasts, Coley and Withers have a great comedic chemistry that allows them to turn an NBA podcast into any pop culture ref-

Image from Speech Bubble W/Butch Hartman via Hartman is the mastermind behind some of the most popular cartoons ever.

erence on their minds. On any given show, they cover range of topics from their favorite cereals to their favorite episodes of “The Simpsons” to any sport, and it is all captivating. Spanning anywhere from one to four hours, two times a week, this is a must-listen for anybody who has an interest in sports or just about anything else. 5) “The End of the F****** World” (Netflix) This is a pretty dark series, but one of the best originals that Netflix has come up with. Deserving of every bit of attention that shows like “Stranger Things” and “Orange is the New Black” receive, this show portrays a lot of important themes. Touching on the difficulties of growing up and mental illness, it shows an amplified story of what can happen with kids who do not fit in with their peers. Both teenage main characters,

James and Alyssa, are misunderstood kids who one-up each other on their mistakes until they go too far. Though there are just eight episodes, it will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire way through. 6) “Get Hurt” (Album by The Gaslight Anthem, 2014) The final album released by “Gaslight” before breaking up in late 2014 has become the shining achievement of its whole collection. With each song picking pieces from different genres and having a unique sound, frontman Brian Fallon and company put together an album that still has great replay value. This is Fallon’s songwriting peak, and it gives this album an element that is very rarely found in music anymore. No matter what mood you are in or how you feel on any given day, “Get Hurt” has a little bit of something for everybody.

Jon Favreau will execetive produce the first liv s, action “Star Wars” serie y’s presumably for Disne . ce rvi se new streaming

st episode Check out the newePo d dcast on of The Review Boarm /lreview Cover credit: Shea McCarthy

Image from Netflix via Image from GaslightAnthemVEVO via Netflix’s dark romantic comedy was quickly proven to be successful. Gaslight Anthem broke up in 2014, but its legacy still thrives today.


FRIDAY, March 9, 2018

CC 3 3

Recap: 90 years of celebrating the Academy Awards Cameron Verrette Staff Writer

After months of guessing and anticipation, the 90th Annual Academy Awards has finally arrived. And while we all know who won each statuette, who were the real winners and losers on Oscars night? Winner: Guillermo Del Toro This was Guillermo Del Toro’s night to shine. He took home the Best Director award for his movie “The Shape of Water,” which took home four Oscars, including the coveted Best Picture. Loser: Baby Driver In last week’s Laker Review feature “How to win Your Oscars pool,” published March 2, I wrongly predicted that Baby Driver would win best film editing. Not only did “Baby Driver” not win Film Editing, but also the movie’s lead actors Ansel Elgort and Eiza Gonzalez were the two presenting the award for Film Editing. Winner: Armie Hammer Armie Hammer was not nominated for his role in “Call me by Your Name,” but he hot dog-launched his way into Oscars history Sunday

night. It is hard enough to pull off a white suit well. Trying to wear a red velvet suit and matching pants to Hollywood’s biggest night seems like a recipe for disaster. Yet, Hammer pulled it off wonderfully and, as a result, was the only man in attendance who was not completely and utterly overshadowed by presenting an award alongside the gorgeous Gal Gadot. Plus, did you see how he handled that hot-dog cannon? Winner: Hotdog Cannon Three words: HOT. DOG. CANNON. That thing was rad, and Armie Hammer was the coolest dude in the room when he had that cannon in hand. If the hot dog cannon is not a staple at every sporting event from now on, we have failed as a country. Loser: The ‘Surprising Normal People’ Bit Unfortunately, everything else surrounding the hot dog cannons was a low moment in the show. Jimmy Kimmel brought a group of actors including Gal Gadot, Mark Hamill and Armie Hammer across the street to surprise a group of fans watching a sneak peak of “A Wrinkle in Time” with some snacks and the aforemen-

tioned propulsive hot dogs. This segment was a rehash of last year’s bit where Jimmy Kimmel brought a Hollywood tour group into the Dolby Theatre to take selfies and shake hands with celebrities. It was barely funny the first time, and this segment just dragged on in a show that was already very long. Winner: Blade Runner 2049 One of the few surprises in this year’s Academy Awards was “Blade Runner 2049” taking home not one but two awards, winning Best Cinematography and Best Visual Effects.

Loser: Blade Runner TwoThousand Forty Nine Really?! All this time “Blade Runner 2049” was supposed to be pronounced “Blade Runner Two-Thousand Forty Nine” and not “Blade Runner Twenty Forty Nine”?! Does that mean these past Oscars were the “TwoThousand Eighteen” Oscars and not the “Twenty Eighteen” Oscars? Nope. Not buying it. Winner: Meryl Streep As mentioned during the show last Sunday, the longest Meryl Streep has gone without being nominated for an Oscar was from 1991-1994. Meryl Streep received her 21st Oscar

nomination for her performance in “The Post” this year. While she did not win for that, she still comes out of Oscar night a winner just for being Meryl Streep. There should really be a bet for how many times she gets mentioned in bits during the Oscars. This year’s show had memorable gags like Jodie Foster saying that she got “I, Tonya’d” by Meryl Streep and Frances McDormand during her Best Actress acceptance speech (and best speech of the night), telling all the female nominees to stand and saying, “Meryl, if you do it, everyone will.”

Image from ABC Television Network via Jodie Foster (left) and Jennifer Lawrence humorously presented the award for Best Actress at the 2018 Academy Awards.

‘Black Panther’ takes monumental leap for representation Yaritza Sencion Contributing Writer

Rating: “Black Panther” has made a statement on the human condition and creatively touches on issues that are relevant to the time. Being the new installment of the Marvel universe, “Black Panther” has hit theaters and continued to break record sales. Director Ryan Coogler (“Creed”) illuminates the responsibilities people of color have to endure in order to protect and serve one another. Black Panther follows the story of the new renowned king T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman, “Marshall”) after the fatal death of his father. T’Challa, better known as Black Panther, embodies the sacrifices and eminence decisions a leader must make to help people no matter what color, background or place they are from. T’Challa’s power

is challenged when Erik Killmonger (Michael B. Jordan, “Creed”) comes back to his motherland and unleashes secrets that questions T’Challa’s reign over Wakanda. Jordan brought to life one of the most ruthless and well-contrived black villians to date. Erik is a product of hate and frustration and centuries’ worth of political and social mistreatment of people of color in the world. Script writers Ryan Coogler and Joe Robert Cole carefully fabricated a monster that many African Americans can relate to and understand, making the message of the film all more impactful. The choices each character makes provide hope to the audiences watching for a better future. Though the film was very political, it was not overbearing or uncomfortable to hear Erik’s intentions because of the history of race relations embedded in American culture. “Black Panther” highlights the feelings many African Americans have as they continue to battle for

Image from Marvel Entertainment via Jordan plays one of the most realized villains the Marvel Universe has offered.

their rights in a country that has done them wrong. The visual effects used to demonstrate the powers of Wakanda was done remarkably, as it immensely enhances the story and the relevance of the technology used. New upcoming star Letitia Wright, mostly known for her role in the last episode of season four of “Black Mirror,” plays the most intelligent person in the Marvel Universe, Shuri, T’Challa’s younger sister and

the genius behind the equipment used to help accomplish missions to preserve Wakanda’s living condition. Wright clearly depicts Shuri’s character with wit and grace as she continues to reinvent and fulfill her duties for her country. All the women serve to protect and encourage women to take charge. Introduced as T’Challa’s love interest, Nakia plays an important role in keeping faith and standing strong no matter the

struggles one may face to protect their beliefs, values or loved one. Nyong’o’s portrayal of Nakia convinces audiences to believe in the impending destruction of the world as she scrambles to assemble a team to shield the powers built within the Wakanda empire. The female characters demonstrate elegance, honor and intelligence as they work together to fight for Wakanda. The message of the film is to fight for what is right and so the right way, instead of repeating history by instilling the same techniques of the many colonists that did so in the past. T’Challa makes his own path by correcting the wrongs of his ancestors. “Black Panther” opens a conversation about race by pointing out the history of the world and the impact it has had in the black community. This film glorifies the progression and forgiveness black people have made to live in harmony without causing people of different races to feel uneasy.

C4 C 4


FRIDAY, March 9, 2018

‘Game Night’ best comedic ensemble since ‘The Hangover’ Dominic Rizzi Staff Writer

Rating: “Game Night,” directed by Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley (“Spider-Man: Homecoming”), stars Jason Bateman (“Ozark”) and Rachel McAdams (“Spotlight”) as Max and Annie, two extremely competitive people who are very much invested in their routine game nights with their friends. When Max’s brother Brooks (Kyle Chandler, “Bloodline”) drops in on them unexpectedly with the game night to end all game nights, Max is immediately thrown off due to his competitive nature born out of spite for his wealthier, significantly more successful brother. When Brooks is kidnapped, Max, Annie and their friends Billy Magnussen (“Black Mirror”), Lamorne Morris (“New Girl”), Kylie Bunbury (“Pitch”) and Sharon Horgan (“Catastrophe”) must find him by the end of the night. One problem: they still think they are playing a game. This movie was extremely en-

tertaining and wildly funny. Here is the most shocking part: It was surprisingly well written and directed. Those last two terms are used because when it comes to comedies like these, they are usually as cheap as cheap can be. They are very bland, flat sets, featuring non-dynamic lighting, generic shots and a whole host of other cheap cutarounds that have really diminished the quality of a lot of comedies we get nowadays, which is why it is so refreshing to see this movie was as well made as it was. The script, for something that seemed fairly straightforward and simple, was actually well written, considering this story had a ton of twists and turns that viewers legitimately do not see coming. A lot of those twists had to do with how good these characters were. This was probably one of if not the best comedy ensemble quite possibly since “The Hangover,” and it is even harder to do here because it is more characters to flesh out. Granted, the writer does take a little bit of the easy way out when it comes to developing some of the side characters by making the whole point

of their arc just one joke per couple, but the jokes were thought out and well developed, and the actors all do a really great job delivering them. Bateman and McAdams are spectacular. They both have really great chemistry, and it is very easy to buy them as a couple. Bateman has this stigma of always playing the same character in all the comedies he has done over the years. He is so good at it, and he manages to always make his characters have so much more charm, charisma and just overall intelligence than is usually required. It also helps that he is a legitimately great actor. McAdams is somebody who has always seemed really nice in person, but she has some amazing scenestealing moments in this movie. For the supporting players, it was apparent from the trailers that Chandler and Jesse Plemons (“Black Mirror”) would both be scene stealers. Chandler is clearly having a ball with the part they wrote for him, and Plemons does such an amazing job taking the “creepy neighbor” mantra and amping it up to new levels of ridiculousness for comedic purposes. Major shou-

Image from Warner Bros. Pictures via “Game Night” is not another wasted comedy with a promising premise.

tout to Billy Magnussen, who, as an actor, has not impressed with his last couple of roles, but here, his comedic one-liners help to really establish his character as this idiot who just unintentionally spouts wisdom without even realizing it, and it makes for a lot of the laughs. There are a couple problems with this movie, but only one is glaringly obvious that it sticks out, which is that like most comedies, the message is a super easy quick fix. That is not necessarily a detriment to the film itself, but it is something that is being seen in a lot of comedies nowadays, to the point that it is starting to get old. Without spoiling what the

actual message is, the fact that it is so simple and easy to grasp kind of takes away from the overall enjoyment of this movie. This is not necessarily a criticism of the movie itself, but more so with the genre, which desperately needs a fresh, new set of eyes to introduce just a little bit of complexity back into it. With all of that being said, “Game Night” is a very refreshing take on a genre that has had a lot of duds recently. A surprisingly well-written script, great interesting characters and a third act twist to end all third act twists each help to make one forget the simple message that the film falls victim to by the time it ends.

J-Law’s performance not enough to save ‘Red Sparrow’ Connor Brennan Staff Writer

Rating: Based on a 2013 novel, “Red Sparrow” features Jennifer Lawrence (“mother!”) as Dominika Egorova, a former Russian ballerina forced after an accident to do some shady dealings for her uncle, Ivan (Matthias Schoenaer ts, “Far From the Madding Crowd”), that involves seducing a man. When that fails, he forces her to join a school for Red Sparrows, young men and women who specialize in using seduction to get close to their targets. One positive aspect about the film is Jennifer Lawrence. Her character dominates the film, and while her Russian accent is flawed, she emotes in all the correct ways. Even when she seems more stone faced, her facial expression changes through her eyes in a way that one can almost tell what she is feeling, whether it is anger, fear or pain. Other times, she seems

Image from 20th Century Fox via Lawrence gives one of her strongest performances in quite some time, but “Red Sparrow” is too convoluted and technical to enjoy.

so calculating that viewers can just barely tell she is struggling to hold onto her humanity. Unfortunately, most of the other cast members do not stand a chance against her. Joel Edgerton (“Suicide Squad”) plays CIA agent Nate Nash, but he is given little dimension and ends up just being Dominika’s lover. During the film, he speaks of someone he had to defend from his Russian enemies because

he felt close to him, but that subject is only touched upon in that one conversation. Also appearing in the film are veteran actors, such as Charlotte Rampling (“Assassin’s Creed”) as the headmaster of the Red Sparrow school and Jeremy Irons (“Justice League”) as a Russian general, but neither of them are able to add anything to the film. Perhaps the only other standout besides Lawrence is Schoe-

naerts as Ivan, who makes the whole atmosphere of the film suitably uncomfortable in nearly every scene he is in. Because of that, it is all the more disturbing when his character relishes in his incestuous desires for Dominika. What gives the film promise is the suspenseful first scene that cuts back and forth between Dominika’s ballet performance and Nash’s escape

from Russian police. While the orchestra in Dominika’s ballet builds up, so does the tension of Nash desperately trying to find an escape route. The climax of this scene suitably sets up both characters as a significant part of the story. It is a setup that is not followed through, at least in Nash’s case. The main plot involves numerous Russia vs. America politics that get so consumed with information that if viewers do not keep up with just a couple of details, they could easily get caught in a trainwreck of misinformation and confusion. It all comes down to too many twists and turns to make an audience care about what is happening. Putting aside comparisons that have been made with Black Widow’s backstory in “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” Dominika’s predicament and mission to be free of her oppressors are the easiest parts of the film to follow and invest in. Other than that, “Red Sparrow” is a film that has most of what could make a good spy thriller but ends up being quite poor.


FRIDAY, March 9, 2018


6ix9ine has nothing to offer music world, society in general Ian Saunders Asst. Laker Review Editor


As the age of Soundcloud rap continues, the competition for who can be the flashiest, loudest, most vile and most colorful personality is more intense than it has ever been. A few of

the most notable artists to come out of this wave recently have been Lil Uzi Vert, XXXTentacion and Ski Mask the Slump God, all taking elements of punk, heavy metal and rap, throwing them in a blender and mixing them together in their own unique ways. On such a saturated and constantly evolving platform, the rappers who rise to prominence are the ones with the most flam-

Image from Mixtape Monopoly via 6ix9ine is just another rapper that will fade away when the spotlight disappears.

boyant and outgoing personalities, excelling at creating their brands and building an audience around them. With rainbow-colored hair falling to his shoulders, a rainbow grill and a tattoo on his forehead reading “69,” rapper 6ix9ine, or Tekashi69, embodies nearly every negative Soundcloud rapper stereotype. His personality is so abrasive and over the top that it almost seems like he is playing a character and his whole get-up is part of some sort of avant-garde performance art. Unfortunately, this is not the case, as his new album “Day 69” is a grueling 27 minutes of 6ix9ine screaming like an upset 15-year-old over generic, repetitive trap beats. Tracks like “GUMMO,” “DOOWEE” and “KOODA” all blend into one another, with Tekashi69’s guttural shouting bringing 2000s nu-metal bands to mind like Insane Clown Posse or Korn (and not in a good way). The track “KEKE” features the 2017 Ozfest headliner “A Boogie Wit da Hoodie” and mumble rap sensation Fetty Wap, with both of their verses feeling phoned in

and out of place alongside 6ix9ine’s aggressive delivery. “93” has some of the worst production on the whole album, with a distorted guitar noise that kicks the listener’s head in from start to finish. 6ix9ine continuously yells the phrase “Scum Gang,” which references a Brooklyn Collective that he and another prominent Soundcloud rapper Trippie Redd used to be a part of. The way 6ix9ine shouts the phrase is annoying to begin with, but somehow gets even more irritating the more he uses it (which is in the beginning or end of nearly every track). There is something strangely charming about the track “BUBA,” and it sounds like the perfect track to blast in the car with friends as a joke. The confidence that 6ix9ine carries himself around with is almost admirable, but his shady past should immediately eliminate any respect a listener might start to have for him. In October 2015, 6ix9ine, whose birth name is Daniel Hernandez, had charges brought

against him for engaging in sexual contact with a 13-yearold and distributing video of it online. Prior to that, he served jail time for assault and the sale of heroin. While it is necessary sometimes to separate the art from the artist, 6ix9ine’s behavior may be too extreme to not take into context while listening to his music. This all falls in line with the disturbing trend in the modern rap scene where being a horrible human being is not condemned, but glorified. For example, XXXTentacion was charged with assaulting his pregnant girlfriend, yet the alarmingly detailed accusations were not enough to put a dent in his skyrocketing fame. While “Day 69” might seem harmless on the surface, allowing people like 6ix9ine to stay in the limelight and cultivate a dedicated fanbase points toward a very toxic future for rap and popular culture in general. The hope is that there is a shift to keep artists like this from staying relevant and better role models will take their place.

‘Atlanta: Robbin’ Season’ starts with big, bold bang Dominic Rizzi Staff Writer

Rating: Donald Glover (“Sp iderMan: Homecoming”) is a media personality who has taken the world by storm over the last couple years. Getting his start as a writer on Tina Fey’s hit show “30 Rock” at age 28, the actor/director/writer/ producer/hip-hop artist has gone on to make three different studio albums under his rap name “Childish Gambino.” He wormed his way into the hearts of TV viewing audiences as a mainstay of Dan Harmon’s ensemble college comedy “Community” as nerdish jock Troy Barnes and introduced himself to blockbuster audiences by appearing in a tiny part in “Spider-Man: Homecoming.” He will also go on to voice Simba in Jon Favreau’s live action reboot of “The Lion King” as well as portray a younger version of Lando Calrissian in “Solo: A Star Wars Story.” A big contribu-

tor to his success, however, is the critical and commercial FX comedy hit, “Atlanta,” which premiered in fall 2016. C re a t e d a nd e xe c u t i ve l y produced by Glover and his brother Stephen, Glover stars in the show as Earnest “Earn” Marks, a Harvard dropout, who is broke, homeless and jobless and discovers that his c o u s i n A l f re d ( B r i a n Ty re e Henry, “This is Us”) is an upand-coming rapper and hiphop artist in the city of Atlanta. After successfully managing to become Alfred’s manager, the 10-episode first season f ol lo w e d E a r n a nd A l f re d ’s many misadventures, along with supporting players Darius (LaKeith Stanfield, “Get Out”), Alfred’s right-hand man and self-proclaimed “guru,” and Van (Zazie Beetz, “Geostorm”), Earn’s ex-girlfriend and mother of his child. After over a year of uncertainty of when and if the second season was even coming, FX released a promo with the start of the new year, stating that the show would indeed be returning with a new subtitle

Image from FX Networks via For a show about a rapper’s rise to fame, “Atlanta” focuses on the less flashy side of life.

“Robbin’ Season,” referring to the period in Atlanta at Christmas when the crime rates increase exponentially. The pilot, “Alligator Man,” sees Earn, a year after his and Alfred’s i n i t i a l s u c c e s s , a t t e m p t i ng to move back in with Alfred after he is kicked out of the warehouse where he has been living, only to discover that Alfred, despite being under house arrest, does not need his managerial skills as much now

due to him having received a lot more attention from fans and studios alike. Alfred sends Earn and Darius on an errand to deal with Alfred’s father and Earn’s uncle William (Katt Williams, “Great America”), and of course, like everything else established on the show up to this point, the episode does an amazing job with balancing the tense and depressing living situations that people find themselves in with areas like

Atlanta with amazing bits of levity that never feel forced. The thing that made “Atlanta” as good as it was the first time around was Glover ’s spectacular ability to simply tell a story about an area where people live and just make everything seem so much more ludicrous than one would think, while never once making the audience feel as though they are being tricked or duped. Every single absurdist thing they are able to play around with helps to craft this brilliant and amazingly unique identity that is continued by this first episode of the new season. Despite there being not much to talk about storywise for this episode, Glover has gone on to state that this season will follow a much more coherent storyline than the first season and to expect all sorts of new insanity along the way. If this premiere has shown anything, it is that the show has lost none of the charm and brilliance that made it as great as it was and shows no signs of stopping either.

CC6 6


FRIDAY, March 9, 2018

Ian Saunders | The Oswegonian

Crossword Puzzle

Sudoku Fill in the grid so that each row, column and 3x3 block contains 1-9 exactly once.

Difficulty: Easy

Puzzle provided by

Down 1. Cape ___ 2. ___ Thurman of "Paycheck" 3. Drill attachment 4. ___ glance (2 wds.) 5. Hoax 6. House (Sp.) 7. Actor ___ Baldwin 8. Dwell

9. 10. 11. 16. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

Goof off (2 wds.) Climbing plants Cares for Sleeping place Biblical mount Canine comment Corp. head Ranch employee Menu item

26. 27. 28. 32. 33. 35. 37. 38. 39.

Two, in Madrid Opposite of WSW At a distance Overturn Paid notices Fleet Avoid Yellow fruit 1/60th of a minute

For this week’s crossword answers go to:

Difficulty: Hard

Across 1. Castro's country 5. Wound remainder 9. Clever humor 12. Exclude 13. Healthy 14. Address abbr. 15. Large sets of computer info 17. Wickedness 18. Very skinny 20. Was sore 24. Clothe 25. Harness part 26. Conquer 29. ___ Knox 30. Out ___ limb (2 wds.) 31. Actress ___ Hayworth 34. Pencil end 36. In the center of 37. Church official 39. Short distances 40. Fierceness 44. Medical org. 45. Phone number prefixes (2 wds.) 50. Put on 51. Designer Christian ___ 52. Aggravate 53. Stop 54. Skin woe 55. Sash

41. Actor ___ Idle 42. Broadway sign 43. Part of TLC 46. Ball 47. Expire 48. Building section 49. Gel


FRIDAY, March 9, 2018

CC 7 7

creative writing Off-Campus. 2018-2019. Nice homes. Lowest prices. Utilities included. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 bedroom homes available. Price range $339-$449 per person. start your lease August 1st. 315-963-8286. Text or call. EFFICIENCY APARTMENT. Quiet person required. Utilities included-internet, cable, water and trash removal. No smoking or pets. Off-street parking. On bus route. 315-343-7072.

Ian Saunders | The Oswegonian

3/8/1993: "Beavis & Butthead" premieres on MTV. 3/9/1906: Actor Lou Costello is born in Paterson, New Jersey. 3/9/1981: Walter Kronkite signs off as anchorman of "CBS."

Oswego Cinema 7 / Friday, Mar. 9 BLACK PANTHER

1:00 p.m.


11:55 a.m. 2:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m.

7:30 p.m.

10:10 p.m.


11:25 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 4:35 p.m.

7:10 p.m.

9:45 p.m.


11:40 a.m. 2:15 p.m. 4:50 p.m.

7:40 p.m.

10:15 p.m.


11:05 a.m. 1:40 p.m. 4:10 p.m.

6:50 p.m.

9:15 p.m.

4:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

10:00 p.m.


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