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From the Trainer
Put Your Weight Into It!
Bodyweight training is nothing new, but I would like to discuss how you can integrate this type of training in your tness routines. For centuries, man utilized his own bodyweight as a means to get stronger for battle which is one reason why our military still uses this type of training today. Bodyweight training uses the forces of gravity as a means of resistance without the need for barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, etc.
If you are searching for a change in your exercise routine, just try using your own bodyweight. e best thing about training this way is that you can do it anywhere. No more excuses of why you didn’t get to the gym this week.
Let me explain a few of the exercises above. Mountain climbers are performed in the pushup position by bending your hip and knee with one foot forward and underneath you while the opposite leg is straight. Bodyweight should be evenly distributed through each hand and foot. Next, switch foot positions rapidly by “jumping” and alternating the landing position. Try to keep your hips level with the rest of your body. Arms stay straight as your feet do the work. Each alternation counts as a repetition. Make sense? I hope so because that’s a hard one to describe on paper. e front hover or plank is similar to the pushup position except that you will support your upper body with the forearms (elbows directly under the shoulders) and your feet together. Try not to let your hips drop toward the oor by contracting your abdominals and
A sample bodyweight workout:
Jumping Jacks................... 3 x 50 repetitions Squats ............................................... 3 x 25 Mountain Climbers ............................. 3 x 50 Pushups ............................................ 3 x 20 Situps ................................................ 3 x 25 Front Hover (Plank................ 3 x 30 seconds Alternating Forward Lunge................................ 3 x 24 repetitions Squat Jumps ...................................... 3 x 15