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Pets of the Month
support—they perform different tasks and have different legal protection. Service animals are covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), assist a single person, and may fly with their owners and live with them regardless of pet policies. Therapy animals provide emotional support to a number of people in different settings (such as hospitals or nursing homes) and are not covered by the ADA. Emotional support animals provide emotional comfort and may live with their owners despite pet policies and fly with them with certain documentation and notice, but aren’t covered by the ADA.
Groups like K9s for Warriors, the nation’s largest provider of service dogs to military veterans suffering from PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury and/ or Military Sexual trauma, help veterans get service animals to manage their health concerns. K9s for Warriors provides accredited service dogs at no cost to veterans. About 90% of their dogs come from shelters or are owner-surrendered: they “rescue dogs to rescue veterans.” They accept applications from servicemembers who became disabled while in service on or after September 11, 2001, but the disability does not have to be combat-related. After the application process, the veteran completes a three-week training program with their dog. It may even be possible for veterans to get help with veterinary healthy benefits for mental health mobility service dogs under the Department of Veterans Affairs Mental Healthy Mobility Service Dog Initiative.
Whether working alongside solders to guide them on the battlefield or with veterans to lead them back to health, animals are a valuable component of our nation’s defense and care of its wounded. Happy Veterans Day to them and their fellow human veterans!
Angela June Ohm lives in Arlington with her two rescue cats Gillian, a domestic shorthair with precious fangs, and Josephine, a Norwegian Forest Cat. Sources: angelswithoutwings.org waranimals.com/ www.pcrm.org/ethical-science/ethical-education-andtraining/combat-trauma-training www.dav.org/veterans/resources/service-animals/ www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/ wp/2015/03/13/elephants-rats-and-dolphins-eightways-the-u-s-military-hasgoogelused-animals/ www.public.navy.mil/navwar/NIWC-Pacific/technology/ Pages/mammals.aspx www.dav.org/veterans/resources/service-animals/ www.va.gov/HEALTHPARTNERSHIPS/docs/ CCIServiceDogFactSheet.pdf www.k9sforwarriors.org/about-k9s-for-warriors
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4101 Eisenhower Avenue Alexandria, VA 703-746-4774 alexandriaanimals.org Mon-Fri, 1-8 pm Closed Wed Sat & Sun, 12-5 pm PIPPEN Adult, Neutered Male, White Short Haired Rabbit Pippen is a sweet and social guy, especially when his friends have a treat just for him! He loves climbing into laps, “booping” cameras and exploring every new thing. As curious as he is cute, Pippen is looking for a best friend who will be by his side for every adventure, even if that just involves a hop to the couch. Is he the bunny for you? Pippen’s Photo courtesy of AAWL

CINDY Adult, Spayed Female, Calico Domestic Short Hair Cindy is the sweetest cat in the world. That is not an exaggeration. As soon as you crouch down to meet her, Cindy will be on your lap kneading biscuits and purring to her heart’s content. She loves being close to her friends. When a lap isn’t available, she’ll cuddle on your shoulder. A “purrfect” spot for giving you kitty kisses! Still not convinced that Cindy is the sweetest cat ever? Cindy’s Photo courtesy of Dirty Paw Photography. BUDDIE Adult, Spayed Female, Brown and White Labrador Retriever Buddie is looking for just that... a buddy! Even with her big, beautiful smile, Buddie can be a little shy when she’s first meeting people, so she’s looking for a friend to help her meet new people slowly. She loves everyone once she gets a chance to know them! Buddie loves to show off her smile on long walks, during playtime and even when she’s cuddling with her friends, and she can’t wait to show you. Buddy’s Photo courtesy of AAWL

Schedule an adoption appointment with these three furry friends at AlexandriaAnimals.org/Adopt-ByAppointment.
Adopt by Appointment at the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria virtually on Zoom or in-person at the Vola Lawson Animal Shelter! The AWLA is upholding ALX Promise standards to welcome visitors back to the shelter safely for adoptions and other community services on an appointment basis. Learn more at AlexandriaAnimals.org/Adopt-By-Appointment.