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Art & Antiques
Corona 3, 2020. Acrylic on mylar, 18 x 18 x 4 in.

Courtesy of the artist. Warming 4, 2019. Acrylic on mylar, 24 x 18 in.
Courtesy of the artist. Spurgeon-Lewis Antiques 112 N. Columbus Street BW Art, Antiques & Collectibles 108 N. Fayette Street Imperfections Antiques 1210 King Street The Antique Guild 113 N. Fairfax Street Silverman Galleries 110 N. St. Asaph Street Red Barn Mercantile 1117 King Street Washington Square Antiques 425 S. Washington Street Susquehanna Antique Co. 608 Cameron Street Old Town Antiques 222 S. Washington Street Verdigris Vintage 1215 King Street Cavalier Antiques 400 Prince Street Sumpter Priddy III 323 S. Washington Street Henry Street Antiques 115 S. Henry Street Curzon Hill Antiques 108 S. Columbus Street The Hour 1015 King Street A Galerie 315 Cameron Street Random Harvest 810 King Street Acme Mid-Century + Modern 128 S. Royal Street Van Bommel Antiek Hous 1007 King Street Lloyd’s Row 119 S. Henry Street Torpedo Factory Art Center 105 N. Union Street Principle Gallery 208 King Street Potomac Fiber Arts Gallery 105 N. Union Street St. George Gallery 105 N. Alfred Street The Art League 105 Union Street Local Colour Old Town 218 N. Lee Street Icon Galleria 101 N. Union Street B&B Art Gallery 215 King Street Gallery West 1213 King Street Enamelist’s Gallery 105 N. Union Street Printmakers, Inc. 105 N. Union Street Kelly’s Art & Frame 510 N. Washington Street Oerth Gallery 420 S. Washington Street Jeffrey Winter Fine Arts 110A S. Columbus Street Johnston Matthew 105 N. Union Street Huddy Studio 105 N. Union Street Mezzanine Multiples 105 N. Union Street Silverman Galleries 110 N. St. Asaph Street Cochran David 105 N. Union Street Betty Grisham Studio 105 N. Union Street
Imagine Artwear 112 King Street
Exclusively representing the works of F. Lennox Campello
Price and additi onal images upon request.

grid while also expanding aggressively out from the main body, almost as electrical connections shooting (or shouting) out ideas, thoughts, memories and sensations.
Kamen also contributes to the contemporary artwork canon inspired by the Covidian Age and its terrifying and beautiful virus. There are several colorful and almost sensual wall sculptures stimulated by the virus itself, but the crowning achievement (pun intended) of all contemporary Covidian art which I have seen so far, is without a single doubt the large magnificent wall sculpture titled “Silent Spread.”
The installation and lighting of this work, an elegant array of light coronas spreading over a large expanse of the back wall, adds a key component of how this important work is engraved into our memories when we first see it. The site specific lighting gives each individual virus piece a diabolical extension and reach, an almost palpable breath of infection spreading from the wall shadows.
This is an important and memorable work, which I recommend be acquired by American University, or one of our museums, as a key reminder of the Covidian Age and more importantly, how a truly gifted artist reacted to it.
The exhibit is free and open to the public and runs through December 12, 2021.

bag sale

SAT., NOV. 13 & SUN., NOV 14
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915 King Street, Old Town Alexandria | 703-684-1435

– Washington City Paper Syreni Caledonii (Northern Atlanti c Mermaid). Watercolor, charcoal and Conte. 2019, 12x36 inches.
Alida Anderson Art Projects, LLC, Washington, DC www.alidaanderson.com / info@alidaanderson.com
Gifts of the Season
Silk jackets by Lori Ross and fused glass ornaments by Theo Keller.
All of the shops and restaurants in Old Town Alexandria will be ready for your holiday shopping and dining. You’ll find an amazing selection of gifts in Alexandria and especially at Imagine, where all of our selections are hand-made by artists in North America. We email new and intriguing holiday gift finds every week. If you’d like to be added to our list, visit our website—imagineartwear.com/subscribe. We hope to hear from you soon!
1124 King Street • Alexandria, Virginia 22314 (703) 548-1461 • imagineartwear.com