12 minute read
Special Feature: Holiday Trivia
1. In Frosty the Snowman, who brought Frosty back to life? 2. Who lost $8,000 in It's a Wonderful Life? 3. In How the Grinch Stole Christmas, what biological shortcoming made the Grinch so mean? 4. Who tells you she's in town by tap, tap, tappin' at your windowpane? 5. What is the biggest selling Christmas single of all time? 6. What was Scrooge's fi rst name? 7. Where was I when I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus? 8. What was the name of Rudolph's dogsled driving friend? 9. Who said "God Bless Us, Every One!"? 10. What carol contains the line "O tidings of comfort and joy"? 11. In The Night Before Christmas I sprang from my bed to see what? 12. Name the three reindeer whose names begin with a "D"? 13. In the song "Grandma Got Run over by a Reindeer" what did Grandma go to get? 14. What was the fi rst gift my true love sent on the sixth day of Christmas? 15. In what city did Miracle on 34th Street take place? 16. In It's a Wonderful Life, how did Clarence cleverly save George's life? 17. Who kept time with the Little Drummer Boy? 18. In The Night Before Christmas, where were the stockings hung? 19. What is the name of the little girl in most versions of The Nutcracker? 20. What is the last ghost called in A Christmas Carol? 21. What color is the Grinch? 22. How many pipers piping did my true love give to me? 23. In the movie The Santa Clause, who starred as the substitute Santa Claus? 24. What was Rudolph's punishment for his red nose? 25. In A Charlie Brown Christmas, who plays the dusty innkeeper in the Christmas play? 26. What did the traffi c cop holler to Frosty? 27. What holiday drink contains sugar, milk, and eggs? 28. What popular bite-sized chocolate candy comes wrapped in red and green foil at Christmas? 29. What Saturday Evening Post artist was known for his whimsical pictures of Santa Claus? 30. What one reindeer is never mentioned in "The Night Before Christmas"? 31. St. Nick's beard is like what feature of winter? 32. Name the two reindeer whose name begins with a "C"? 33. In It's a Wonderful Life, what did Clarence receive for accomplishing his mission: wings or a halo? 34. What carol contains the word "Fa-la-lala-la-la-la-la-la"? 35. In the "Nutcracker" 35. In the "Nutcracker" section of Fantasia, section of Fantasia, what fungi dance what fungi dance the Chinese dance? 36. What did the Grinch use as a substitute for reindeer? 37. Who were nestled snug in their beds? 38. What 1990 movie told of a boy's experience boy's experience when two men break when two men break into his house during into his house during Christmas? 39. What fruit is St. Nick's nose like? 40. What glittery bits of metal are hung on a Christmas tree? 41. In It's a Wonderful Life, what kind of spirit is Clarence? 42. What were Frosty's last words? 43. What piece of heavenly apparel does the Littlest Angel not wear correctly? 44. What is Charlie Brown's complaint about Christmas? 45. What instrument does Amahl play as he leads the procession in Amahl and the Night Visitors? 46. On what street did a Santa Claus miracle occur? 47. Counting Rudolph, how many reindeer are there? 48. What happened to the drummer boy's lamb when he played his song for the baby Jesus? 49. What did Rudolph never get to join in? 50. What Emmy award-winning cartoon was based on a newspaper editorial? 51. What carol is known as the counting song? 52. Where did there arise such a clatter? 53. What type of canned pie fi lling is a big seller at Christmas time? 54. What three characters sing "The Chipmunk Song"? 55. What gift did Caspar bring? 56. In It's a Wonderful Life, what part of George's house is always broken? 57. Traditionally, does the oldest or youngest family member open the fi rst present? 58. What carol demands fi ggy pudding? 59. What fl ower does Moore compare St.
Nick's cheeks to? 60. Whose eyes were made 60. Whose eyes were made of coal? of coal? 61. What song was 61. What song was originally titled originally titled "One Horse "One Horse Open Sleigh"? Open Sleigh"? 62. What 62. What holiday fi lm holiday fi lm annually annually appears on appears on television television more than more than 300 times? 300 times? 63. In 63. In It's A Wonderful Life Wonderful Life, what two friends what two friends share their names share their names with two Sesame with two Sesame Street characters? Street characters? 64. What is Frosty's nose made 64. What is Frosty's nose made of? 65. How does Scrooge improve Cratchit's life the day after Christmas? 66. What country started the tradition of exchanging gifts? 67. In A Charlie Brown Christmas, what winter recreation is the cast of characters doing in the opening scene? 68. What are tiny, inexpensive gifts usually called? 69. Name the reindeer whose name begins with a "B"? 70. What WWII First Lady wrote a Christmas story about a girl named Marta? 71. What non-smoking association sponsors Christmas seals? 72. Visions of what dance in children's heads? 73. How many times is the name of Santa Claus used in "The Night Before Christmas"? 74. What is the most popular tree topper? 75. What song contains the line "Although, it's been said, many times, many ways"? 76. What did the Little Drummer Boy give to the Christ Child? 77. What snack is often left out for Santa? 78. In It's a Wonderful Life, who starred as George Bailey? 79. What cola company was known for its ads featuring a big, smiling Santa? 80. What does Alvin want for Christmas? 81. Who wrote "The Night Before Christmas"? 82. What does the nutcracker become after killing the Mouse King? 83. What men's grooming appliance became a sled for Santa in commercials of the sixties? 84. What do most elves wear on the tips of their shoes? 85. After red and green, what are the two most popular Christmas colors? 86. What song contains the line "Somebody waits for you, kiss her once for me"? 87. What popular Christmas toy is based on a 1903 political caricature? 88. Who fi rst recorded "Here Comes Santa Claus"? 89. What song does a caroler sing outside Scrooge's offi ce? 90. What two words are normally preprinted on gift tags? 91. Where was Mommy when she was kissing Santa Claus? 92. What fi lm told the plight of a poor mountain family during the days of the Depression? 93. On every street corner you hear what song? 94. What was Brenda Lee doing around the Christmas Tree? 95. In A Charlie Brown Christmas, how many cents does Lucy charge for her psychiatric services? 96. Elvis Presley recorded what sad song in the fi fties? 97. In "Winter Wonderland" the lovestruck couple pretends a snowman is who? 98. What parade was fi rst held January 1, 1886? 99. What song is full of threats and warnings about Santa Claus? 100. Where did Santa land his sleigh in "The Night Before Christmas"? 101. Who yelled "Stop" to Frosty? 102. In It's A Wonderful Life, what did George dream of becoming? 103. What is the name of the fi rst reindeer Santa calls in The Night Before Christmas? 104. What is the name of the most famous Christmas ballet? 105. What is the theme or essence of "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day"? 106. Who wrote A Christmas Carol?

Learn how to create your own traditional holiday kissing ball using fresh boxwood from Lee-Fendall’s own garden. All materials are provided. Space is limited to 10 participants per workshop.
DEC. 4TH-6TH, 11TH13TH & 18TH-20TH
Del Ray Artisans’ 25th Annual Fine Art & Fine Craft Holiday Market
Fridays, 6 to 9 p.m., Saturdays and Sundays, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission: Free 2704 Mount Vernon Ave. 703-828-4827 delrayartisans.org During the first three weekends in December, Del Ray Artisans 25th Annual Holiday Market offers unique handcrafted fine arts and crafts from local artists. As always, the artists are presenting a variety of media, including fiber/ textiles, glass, jewelry, mixed media, mosaics, painting, paper crafting, photography, pottery/ ceramics, sculpture, watercolor, wood turning and more. Face masks are required, and the number of individuals allowed in the gallery is limited.
Kwanzaa How-To Workshop with Office of Historic Alexandria 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Admission: Free (registration required) alexandriava.gov/shop Enjoy learning how to celebrate Kwanzaa in your home and all the family fun it brings. Learn about the principles, symbols, recipes, and crafts. Register online to receive the link to join the hour-long program.
Torpedo Factory Art Center Holiday Festival Admission: Free Virtual / Torpedo Factory Art Center 105 N. Union St. 703-746-4570 torpedofactory.org The Torpedo Factory Art Center’s annual holiday event moves online for a series of select art projects and download-ables to enjoy with your loved ones. Stop by the Art Center to visit artist studios and shop for your holiday gifts or browse Torpedo
DEC. 5TH & 6TH, 12TH & 13TH
Colonial Winter Nights at Carlyle House
5 to 8 p.m. (tours on the half hour) Admission: $10 per adult; $3 per child; free for children under six years old Carlyle House 121 N. Fairfax St. 703-549-2997 novaparks.com Experience the holiday season with Carlyle House focusing on how the Carlyle’s and the estate’s enslaved workers observed the holidays during the 18th century. Stay tuned for updates about live music. Be sure to check out last minute deals in the Museum Shop. Space is limited and reservations are required. All COVID-19 safety procedures will be in place during this tour. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
DEC. 5TH, 12TH & 19TH
Holiday Candlelight Tours at Lee-Fendall House
Ffrom 5 to 8 p.m. (tours on the half hour) Admission: $8 per adult; $3 per child; free for children under 6 years old Lee-Fendall House Oronoco St. 703-548-1789 leefendallhouse.org Celebrate the holiday season with evening candlelight tours of the Lee-Fendall House decked out in Victorian splendor. The antique toy exhibit will also be on view. Space is limited and reservations are required. Face masks and social distancing will be in place throughout the tour.
A Victorian Christmas at Lee-Fendall House
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission: $8 per adult; $12 per child; free for children under 2 years old Lee-Fendall House 614 Oronoco St. 703-548-1789 leefendallhouse.org Experience the wonder of the season by visiting the LeeFendall House for a familyfriendly Victorian Christmas. Enjoy traditional décor, music, seasonal crafts, a visit by Santa and more. Timed tickets on the hour are available through advance registration. All recommended health requirements will be followed, including face masks and social distancing.
DEC. 18TH & 19TH
Christmas Illuminations at Mount Vernon
5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Admission: Starting at $20 for members; $22 for non-members George Washington’s Mount Vernon 3200 Mount Vernon Memorial Hwy. 703-780-2000 mountvernon.org/illuminations Attend the evening event Christmas Illuminations, a festive fireworks show choreographed to holiday music. You’ll visit with re-enactors throughout the estate and stay toasty warm by the bonfire. Tickets for Christmas Illuminations are available to purchase online. Learn about safety measures on the estate.
DEC. 19TH & 20TH, 26TH & 27TH
Mansion House Christmas at Carlyle House
5 to 8 p.m. (tours on the half hour) Admission: $10 per adult; $3 per child; free for children under six years old Carlyle House 121 N. Fairfax St. 703-549-2997 novaparks.com Discover how Christmas was celebrated when the Green family lived at Carlyle House and the Mansion House Hotel was being used as a Civil War hospital. Stay tuned for updates about live music. Be sure to check out last minute deals in the Museum Shop. Tours offered of the first floor with timed entry on the hour and half hour. Space is limited and reservations are required. All COVID-19 safety procedures will be in place during this tour. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
Torpedo Factory Art Center’s Virtual Olde Year’s Day Admission: Free Virtual 703-746-4570 torpedofactory.org Welcome 2021 from the comfort of your home with Holiday Open House at Carlyle House 5 to 8 p.m. (tours on the half hour) Admission: $10 per adult; $3 per child; free for children under six years old Carlyle House 121 N. Fairfax St. 703-549-2997 novaparks.com Wrap up your year with a visit to Carlyle House on New Year’s Eve. Guests will learn about holiday traditions of old, some which we still enjoy today. Stay tuned for updates about live music. Be sure to check out the Museum Shop clearance sale. Tours offered of the first floor with timed entry on the hour and half hour. Space is limited and reservations are required. All COVID-19 safety procedures will be in place during this tour. Tickets are available on Eventbrite. 26th Anniversary First Night Alexandria 6:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. (or virtual) Admission: $75 per car for VIP admission; $60 per car for general admission; $20 for virtual link. 5001 Eisenhower Ave. 703-963-3755 firstnightalexandria.org New this year, First Night Alexandria brings “A Night of Nostalgia” with a drive-in concert experience. Ready to get out of the house? Load up the car and celebrate the arrival of 2021 with a VIP drivein concert experience. Singalong, dance and enjoy a night filled with classic hits, local food truck favorites and exciting giveaways. Or, planning an intimate gathering in the comfort of your home? Let First Night Alexandria be the soundtrack for your party, featuring the same great music as the live event, streamed to you virtually.
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