Oticontact - Fall 2012

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Issue 20 Fall 2012

oticontact the PEOPLE FIRST magazine

Oticon Chili Goes to the Olympics



Issue 20 Fall 2012

the PEOPLE FIRST magazine

Also Inside...


Hearing Solutions


Empowering People

11 Did You Know?


Speech Guard: An Oticon Exclusive


The Intigai Effect


New Custom Mold Solutions


Oticon Chili Goes to the Olympics

10 Oticon Foundation- In Search of Excellence

13 Oticon Marketing

11 Audiology Online Updates

15 Educational News & Events

13 Oticon's Triple Play 15 Audiology Summer Camp 2012

17 Pediatrics

16 Advanced Marketing Boot Camp

Contributors: Paul Bauer

Nancy Palmere

Mary Porath

Product Manager

Senior Marketing Manager

Clinical Channel Marketing Manager

ext. 2359

ext. 2506

ext. 2823




Kathy Costa

Thomas Nelson

Maureen Doty Tomasula

Product Manager

Retail Channel Marketing Manager

Product Manager - Pediatrics

ext. 2809

ext. 2367

ext. 2507




Mariann Cadieu

Melina Tranchemontagne

Kelly Austin

Conference & Events Project Manager

Coordinator of Electronic Communications

Manager of Distance Education

ext. 2565

ext. 2183

ext. 2316




Sheena Oliver

Layout: Rachel Eck

Vice President, Marketing

Graphic Designer

ext. 2132

ext. 2365



Empowering People


Counseling and fitting

Hearing Solutions



Business Support

People Insight 1

ď ´ O ticon has become a company of firsts by putting people first. We constantly strive to

obtain new insights in order to keep learning and find new ways to do things better. We have defined four areas where our passion, expertise and commitment all come together in supporting you. These are four areas where we will continue to invest and concentrate our efforts and resources and this is how we will continue to lead the way and provide you with the most innovative hearing care solutions and support. Our goal is to empower people to Communicate freely, interact naturally, participate actively. ď ľ

Expand your opportunities with first-time users

Introducing Oticon Intigai — a new invisible custom solution NEW

Immediate Acceptance. Immediate Benefits.

Intigai is a small, custom-made solution for patients wanting the ultimate in discretion with the audiological advantages of the Intiga family.

For more information about Oticon Intiga, call your Oticon representative at 1.800.526.3921 or visit us online at www.oticonusa.com.

Intiga appeals to first-time users looking for a solution that combines design and the most advanced performance.





Speech Guard, an Oticon Exclusive


Because Speech — and Life — Are Dynamic Oticon’s Speech Guard is designed to avoid the limitations of traditional compression systems by providing more stable amplification of speech sounds yet still handle the broad range of sounds that make up everyday life. For users, this means improved speech understanding even in challenging listening environments. Speech Guard’s unique signal processing architecture aims to keep sounds as natural and comfortable as possible for users throughout the day, whatever their sound environment. First introduced in Oticon Agil, Speech Guard is now available in Oticon Intiga and Chili solutions. Don’t look for it anywhere else— Speech Guard is unique to Oticon. Most manufacturers rely on a traditional broad-brush approach to sound processing that treats all auditory environments the same. Sound is amplified and then processed using a single monitor that can respond in only one way, either quickly or slowly. Customer disappointment — “my hearing aids sound tinny” or “mechanical” or “I’m so tired of wearing them” –is common. Oticon hearing devices with Speech Guard recognize and respond to every sound environment uniquely. They’re

Speech Guard Signal Processing

able to do this because Speech Guard employs both a Fast and a Slow-Response sound monitoring system. The two work in concert with each other, constantly analyzing and optimizing the clarity of the conversation in all sound environments. When there is conversation, the slow-response monitor is in charge, helping to keep sound as natural and comfortable as possible, providing a stable, clear and unprocessed sound quality. When there is a sudden change in the sound environment, the fast-response monitor takes control to minimize annoying and distracting background noise and "guard" the integrity of the speech signal returning to stability as quickly as possible. No annoying soft-sound fill or drop-outs common with classic compression systems. Speech Guard processes the speech part of the signal as little as possible, so the brain doesn’t have to work as hard to make sense of the conversation. Users understand more with less effort so they can participate more actively in conversation. Learn more about how Speech Guard can improve performance for your client. Log onto oticonusa.com for a free download of the recently published white paper, “The Audiology of Oticon Intiga,” or contact your Oticon account representative for information about Speech Guard benefits in Oticon Agil, Intiga and Chili solutions. 

• Monitors long-term average • Makes overall gain adjustments




• Watches for rapid & large level changes • Instantaneous, very short-term gain adjustment

Issue 20

| Fall 2012




The Intigaiˡ Effect — New Experiences and New Attitudes

Early users response cards are giving Intigaˡ high marks for comfort, discreet looks and overall sound quality. We’re not surprised. The custom-fit instrument that sits comfortably and securely deep in the ear canal and works to provide a natural ear directionality experience for first-time users. Both new and experienced users benefit from the Speech Guard technology, providing access to vital speech cues to improve speech understanding and reduce listening effort. Pleasing First-Time and Experiences Users Our insight into first-time users tells us that most want a discreet solution and nearly half want an invisible one. For many first-time users new invisible Intigai turned out to be the catalyst for doing something about their hearing loss. Experienced users are equally impressed as illustrated by the experience of Deborah Dempsey, Oticon Intigai AuD of All Ears Hearing Center, Plymouth, MA. “After 20 years of wearing hearing devices, my first concerns with Intigai were about occlusion and whether a deep fitting instrument would be comfortable,” Deb says. “It took me about an hour and a half to adjust to my new devices and then I didn’t even know they were there. They felt great and sounded great with no occlusion. My voice sounded like me.” 5


Deb was initially concerned that she might lose spatial sound. “I’m used to spatial sound and have appreciated it for many years now,” she adds. “I am actually doing better in noise and reverberant sound environments than I did with my open ear RITEs.” Updating Mindsets We heard from some hearing care professionals who were skeptical about the ability of a custom-in-the-ear instrument to provide an optimal solution for clients. “I’m typically not an advocate for CIC or IIC hearing instruments,” admits Melody Hartman, AuD of Brookside Specialty Center, Rockford, IL. “I came to realize that people have a different perspective about comfort than I do. A small instrument that I might think is insignificant may be important to them.” That reality came to light for Melody with the first person she fit with the new Intigai. “The client was very happy about the aesthetics and how small the instrument was. I was pleased with how well it fit right out of the box and how easy it was to program,” she notes. “My client was having difficulty hearing on the phone with her BTE instruments because there was so much noise going on around her. With her new Intigai's she immediately hears much better on the phone because the instrument is in her ear as opposed to behind her ear where it can pick up noise while she’s on the phone.” “There are lifestyle benefits with the new Intigai that I wouldn’t have put a lot of emphasis on— but it made my client’s life a lot better!”


New Custom Mold — Corda Tip New Corda Tip provides better fit for thin tubes. Corda Tip is designed to accommodate thin tube fits when more retention is needed and domes are not the answer. With the introduction of miniBTEs, more and more hearing care professionals are offering cosmetically appealing thin tube options for the Agil, Acto and Ino families. The thin tube coupling provides an aesthetically

pleasing option for clients who are not candidates for RITE fittings such as certain high frequency losses or those with middle ear conditions where RITE solutions are not optimal. Fabricated in clear acrylic, this custom ear mold is discreet and slides securely onto the thin tube for easy insertion and removal. 

Grip Tip for Instant Fit and Immediate Client Satisfaction Meet the new Grip Tip— the newest addition to Oticon's line up of custom mold offerings that provides an “instant” fit alternative when extra help is needed. The soft, flexible, disposable tip is designed to support RITE instrument fitting. It slips easily over Standard, Medium or Intiga speakers and can be used when domes are not enough or a custom mold is being considered. Grip Tip shapes comfortably to most ears and is available in 2 sizes, large and small, with and without venting. The slightly tacky texture helps to prevent slippage and reduce feedback and occlusion. An instant solution, giving your clients immediate satisfaction, Grip Tip is also ideal for demonstrating instruments at open houses. Grip Tip is available in a Startup Kit that includes 2 pairs, small and large, with and without vents. Individual packages are available in sets of five. This is not a solution for power speakers. For ordering, pricing and fitting information call Oticon Customer Service at 1-800-526-3921 or visit oticonusa.com 

Issue 20

| Fall 2012




Oticon Chili Goes to the Olympics Media buzz may have been centered on athletic prowess, national uniforms and royal spectators, but back home, Team Oticon was cheering on our own entry in the 2012 Olympic Games. Sported on the ears of David Smith, #20 on the US Olympic Volleyball Team, was our own Oticon Chili. Robust and reliable, Chili’s performance did not disappoint. Commenting on the fact that his previous hearing instruments would occasionally “sweat out” during heated game play, David said, “The entire time I was in London I didn’t have that problem a single time with my new Chilis. And that makes a big difference when you hear something and then all of a sudden in the middle of play all you are hearing is lost. I was excited that that wasn’t an issue in London.”





We are proud of Chili – but of course the real honors

go to David Smith. The UC Irvine graduate has achieved more than anyone thought possible for a boy with severe hearing loss playing a team sport. His inspiring story made headlines around the world. For Oticon, there is an added pleasure in seeing the six-foot-seven-inch athlete spike one for people with hearing loss and the positive difference that hearing care and hearing solutions can make. Upon his return from London, David shared his experience with Chili and his philosophy on following your dream whatever your situation in life. The resulting 7-minute video tells an inspiring story of a boy who dreamed big and didn’t let hearing loss —or anything— stand in the way of his Olympic dream. In the video, David proudly displays his Streamer and reports that he can now carry on conversations with his wife, family and friends on his cell phone. “With the Steamer, I experienced a big jump in clarity. . . and I keep waiting for people to call,” he joked. “ They just keep texting and I say ‘You can call now, I can hear you!’” David also said his new ConnectLine™ Microphone gives him a new freedom to communicate easily with his wife Kelli when she’s in another room, and even helps him monitor his son Cohen when the three-month-old is napping in another room. This fall, David is off to France to play on a professional volleyball team – with Kelli, Cohen and his new Chilis in tow. We wish him and his Chilis a stellar season! For more information about Oticon Chili or the David Smith video, visit oticonusa.com. 

Olympian David Smith with his wife Kelli and son Cohen

Issue 20

| Fall 2012



EMPOWERING PEOPLE Heartfelt Support for a Worthy Cause Oticon, Inc. presented a $10,000 check to the American Heart Association (AHA), a donation that represents the success of the company’s 2012 “At the Heart of It. . .We Put People First” Campaign. During American Heart Month in February, Oticon pledged a portion of the proceeds from the sale of Intiga hearing devices to the AHA as part of the heart and hearing health awareness-building program. Thanks to the participation of hundreds of hearing care professionals, people in communities across the US were encouraged to take the first steps toward better health and better hearing. 

2012 Oticon Focus on People Awards Need You! Since 1997, the Oticon Focus on People Awards have recognized more than 200 students, adults and advocacy volunteers whose accomplishments challenge outdated stereotypes of what it means to have a hearing loss. As we celebrate our 15th year of honoring outstanding people with hearing loss, we ask you to help us identify deserving individuals who demonstrate that hearing loss does not limit a person’s ability to make a difference in their families, their schools, their communities or the world.

In a world that is always looking for the next “top” entertainer, model or chef, we believe that online voting adds an excitement and engagement that is unprecedented in programs that honor the achievements of people with hearing loss. Please take a moment to log onto oticonusa.com and nominate deserving individuals with any degree of hearing loss from your community. You may also nominate hearing care professionals who go above and beyond in their commitment to make the world a better place for people with hearing loss. Deadline for nominations is November 12, 2012. 

As hearing care professionals who are at the frontline of patient care, we rely upon your one-on-one interaction with clients and fellow practitioners to help us identify the best of the best for each year’s awards competition. Online Voting Builds Awareness In 2011, the response to the new online voting component was overwhelmingly enthusiastic. This year we will again showcase the inspirational stories of 12 outstanding people who are making a positive difference in an online voting event. Last year's Focus on People Award Winners: (L to R) Sarah Wegley, Dylan Dunlap, Jennifer Alberstadt, Donald Simms, PhD




Oticon Foundation — In Search Of Excellence The Oticon Foundation supports research, primarily within the audiological field. Over a period of ten years, the Foundation has donated more than $26.3 million dollars to audiological research projects. Ground-breaking International Studies Recently, a ground-breaking international study has been supported financially by the Oticon Foundation. It aims to shed light on a subject tied to counseling support, thereby touching upon one of the great mysteries of the business: Most hearing-impaired adults have yet to seek help. Why is this? The study investigates how hearing-impaired adults view help-seeking and rehabilitation. “Ten researchers from six countries and with expertise in audiology, engineering, ethnology, health sociology, psychology, and speech pathology have worked closely together in all phases of this study,” says Ariane Laplante-Lévesque, who is Post-doctoral Research Fellow at Eriksholm Research Centre, and she continues: “The innovative study was made possible through the support from the Oticon Foundation, and this study has generated knowledge that has been presented all around the world.”

help-seeking and rehabilitation as a process or a journey, and they do not perceive interactions with clinicians as events chronologically ordered and relating to a common goal. Clinicians, on the other hand, have a tendency to focus on the process, not the daily tips and tricks. “The results of this study challenge the audiological community’s preconceived ideas about hearing helpseeking and rehabilitation,” says Ariane LaplanteLévesque. Eriksholm Research Centre Eriksholm Research Centre is part of Oticon, and findings like these contribute to Oticon’s continuous efforts to further develop and optimize a client-centred approach to hearing rehabilitation. The mission of the Research Centre is to pursue audiological discoveries with the potential to significantly enhance end-user benefits in future hearing care.

Ariane Laplante-Lévesque, Post-doctoral Research Fellow at Eriksholm Research Centre

Eriksholm Research Centre library

Mind The Gap The result of the study is quite remarkable as it points out an interesting gap between hearing-impaired and the clinicians. The hearing-impaired participants focus on their daily lives when trying to make sense of their hearing. For example, rather than describing the initial hearingaid fitting as an important episode, the participants emphasize practicalities such as the guidance they receive on hearing-aid use and care. They do not see

At the Centre, the dedicated staff collaborate with academic research institutions, clinicians and end-users. They strive to gain insights into the characteristics and needs of the hearing impaired. By combining these with cutting-edge audiological knowledge and the potential of tomorrow’s hearing-aid technology, they are inspired to propose innovative solutions, which could be part of Oticon’s future products or counseling support offerings. For more information on Eriksholm Research Centre see www.eriksholm.com. 

Issue 20

| Fall 2012




Empowering People

OTICON SUPPORT The interaction between you and your clients is the single most important element in achieving high client satisfaction. To help you in this dialogue, we have developed practical and easy-to-use counseling and fitting tools and offer in-office training, remote online support and audiological online assistance. Oticon is committed to supporting your business ‒that's why we strive for operational excellence and the best day-to-day support. 


Counseling and fitting

Hearing Solutions



Business Support

People Insight

AudiologyOnline Updates It’s that time of year again – Summer has ended, Fall is upon us and the children are back in school. Why not take a few classes yourself? Don Schum, Ph.D., Vice-President, Audiology and Professional Relations for Oticon will be presenting the last course in his Expert Series entitled, Hearing Loss from the Inside Out: The Patient’s View. The course Providing More Structure to the Subjective Evaluation of Amplification will be presented LIVE on November 14, 2012 on AudiologyOnline. Amplification will significantly change the nature of the sound that is presented to the auditory system. The response to these sound alterations will vary from patient to patient. In this seminar, we will dig into what we know about how listeners respond to different characteristics of sound. We will look into how the clinical fitting process can

better reflect individual sound quality preferences. Other courses in this series include the following: • The Emergence of Hearing Loss in the Adult Patient • What Determines Speech Understanding? • Does the Fitting Satisfy the Patient? All of these courses and more can be found at AudiologyOnline.com. For the Expert Series courses, click on e-Learning in the top left corner, then browse courses and click on AudiologyOnline and scroll through to find the course of your choice. All other Oticon courses can be found on the Oticon Channel on AudiologyOnline.com or on www.oticonusa.com and click on Training and Education Programs under Professional Resources. 

What’s New in Genie 2012.1 Please contact Oticon Client Systems if any of your offices are using software prior to Noah 3.7.1 or prior to Windows XP SP3 for updated information. In Genie 2012.1, the new Acoustics section was expanded to improve flexibility in making changes to the earpieces. Acoustics plays an important role in the successful fitting of hearing aids, having a strong impact on the settings in the instrument. T he Acoustics tool is accessed in the Select Instrument and Fitting steps.


The available parameters are: BTE/mini BTE: Hook/ RITE/miniRITE: Earpiece and Corda2, Tubing, Venting, Venting (when Micromold/ or Domes if Corda2 LiteTip selected) BTE/MiniBTE


Genie applies appropriate gain in order to correctly reflect the effect of the acoustical parameters. If there is a checkmark in Represcribe Settings, Genie calculates new optimized instrument settings for the chosen style and family. The represcribed settings become effective when you leave the Acoustics tool. 


MyOticon — Faster, Easier and Better for Your Business MyOticon is a virtual custom toolbox for all your Oticon business needs:

In today's economy, hearing care professionals need to focus on what they do best —providing patient care and growing their businesses. The new and improved MyOticon lets you do just that with a fresh new look and enhanced user experience. MyOticon is now easier to scan, read and navigate. You can find the support you need to conduct important transactions faster than ever!

•2 4/7 account access to maximize practice efficiency and productivity •N ew Dashboard provides a quick at-a-glance look at your account and activities •O rganize, track and process patient accounts and preferences •P urchase product accessories and warranties •S earch previous orders, check instrument history and register warranties •A ccess invoices, statements and credit memos and make payments to your account •D ownload consumer marketing materials and update your Healthy Hearing profile •T rack shipments •O btain proprietary access to Oticon news, events and research updates

The turn-key system increases efficiencies and is user-friendly for all authorized staff members. You can even create a user ID for your newspaper or advertising agency so they can download materials directly. As new web tools become available, and as products and practices change, MyOticon will continue to grow and improve. Several new features are already underway. Stay tuned! Not a MyOticon user? It's easy to register! Visit MyOticon.com and click on the link "Create an Account". 

Issue 20

| Fall 2012




Oticon’s Triple Play Drives Traffic to Your Office Our research shows that 79% of those responding to our commercials are new users, with 51% between the ages of 50-69. Our new user insights have proven effective not only on TV but also in all of our consumer marketing activities – with approximately 61% first time user response versus the industry average of only 36%.

What can a marketing triple play of Intiga advertising that runs on national cable TV, in USA Today and your hometown newspaper do for your practice? This multi-tiered marketing campaign “powers up” your local advertising with a powerful national media overlay that targets Boomer and Senior audiences— all coming together to drive traffic

This is a play you don’t want to miss! If you haven’t already signed on for Oticon’s Triple Play, contact your inside sales rep before October 1. 

to your office.

BASE Hearing more naturally is no big thing.


National USA TODAY Advertising

hearing device made to keep you on your game.

Unleash the power of small with Intiga from Oticon.

If you’re not ready to let hearing loss get in the way of enjoying your favorite activities, Intiga offers two of the most innovative solutions on the market today. Choose the invisible Intigai – it’s ideal for your busy life.

The sleek Intiga hides discreetly behind your ear. The invisible Intigai fits deep inside your ear canal.

Or opt for the ultra sleek Intiga for exceptionally high performance. Both help you differentiate sounds better and hear more naturally. So you’re free to enjoy all that life has to offer.

Hear now with Intiga at The Hearing Center 500 Elm Avenue

Live in the now. Try Intigai risk free. 800-000-0000



This product may not be appropriate for all patients. Visit your hearing care professional to see if it's right for you. ©2012 Oticon, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Unleash the power of small with Intiga from Oticon.

If you’re not ready to let hearing loss get in the way of enjoying your favorite activities, Intiga offers two of the most innovative solutions on the market today. Choose the invisible Intigai – it’s ideal for your busy life.

The sleek Intiga hides discreetly behind your ear. The invisible Intigai fits deep inside your ear canal.

Or opt for the ultra sleek Intiga for exceptionally high performance. Both help you differentiate sounds better and hear more naturally. So you’re free to enjoy all that life has to offer.

Hear now with Intiga at The Hearing Center

Live in the now. Try Intigai risk free. 800-000-0000

500 Elm Avenue



This product may not be appropriate for all patients. Visit your hearing care professional to see if it's right for you. ©2012 Oticon, Inc. All Rights Reserved.



Local Advertising Support



Americans trust newspaper print advertising more than any other media source when it comes to learning about products and services. The readers not only trust the ads, but take action. USA Today is one of the best ways to get our message across to millions of affluent Americans.




National Television Campaign:

Baby boomers and seniors are largest readers of traditional newspapers. Boomers between the ages of 50 and 64 spend an average of 81 minutes a day reading newspapers.

Television has proven to be an effective means of communicating the Oticon Intiga message to a larger target audience and a younger consumer.

Running large ads and newspaper inserts in local newspapers can have one of the highest return on investment of any marketing activity.

Starting in September, Oticon will run National Cable TV commercials focusing on Intiga on some of the most watched stations among boomers/seniors in the country.


r Sign up fo Play e l p i r T e th today!

Click Here for the sign up form.


Get Your Pink On! Oticon, Inc. is proud to once again support National Breast Cancer Awareness Month



Oticon is donating a portion of Intiga sales for September & October to the National Breast Cancer Coalition to support breast cancer research.





with our fifth Pink with a Purpose campaign.

changemy game.

slow me down.

keep me from loving life.

Unleash the power of small with Intiga from Oticon.


of enjoying your favorite activities, Intiga offers


two of the most innovative solutions on the market today. Choose the invisible Intigai – it’s ideal for your busy life. Or opt for the ultra sleek Intiga for exceptionally high performance. Both help you differentiate sounds better and hear more naturally.

today. Choose the invisible Intigai – it’s ideal for your busy life. Or opt for the ultra sleek Intiga for



two of the most innovative solutions on the market today. Choose the invisible Intigai – it’s ideal for Or opt for the ultra sleek Intiga for

exceptionally high performance. Both help you differentiate sounds better and hear more naturally. So you’re free to enjoy all that life has to offer. Hear now with Intiga at The Hearing Center 500 Elm Avenue • Anytown • 555-000-0000

exceptionally high performance. Both help you differentiate sounds better and hear more naturally.

The invisible Intigai fits deep inside your ear canal.

The sleek Intiga hides discreetly behind your ear.

Hear now with Intiga at The Hearing Center

We know that the Think Pink campaign resonates with many people. With our special edition Think Pink Engineered for performance. Engineered for performance. hearing solutions, we’ve found a way to combine our commitment to improve the hearing health and our to let i refuse hearing loss to let i refuse hold me back . hearing loss determination to help find a cure for breast cancer. hold me back . PINK WITH A


As the world leader in hearing instruments for over 100

years, Oticon is recognized for its ongoing innovation in


hides discreetly


two of the most innovative solutions on the market today. Choose the invisible Intigai – it’s ideal for

Visit your hearing care professional to see which model is right for you. your busy life. ©2012 Oticon, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Or opt for the ultra sleek Intiga for

exceptionally high performance. Both help you

Hear now with Intiga at The Hearing Center

Visit your hearing care professional to see which model is right for you. ©2012 Oticon, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The invisible Intigai fits deep inside your ear canal.

500 Elm Avenue • Anytown • 555-000-0000

The sleek Intiga hides discreetly behind your ear.

Visit your hearing care professional to see which model is right for you. ©2012 Oticon, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Oticon is donating a portion of Intiga sales for September & October to the National Breast Cancer Coalition to support breast cancer research.

Coalition to support breast cancer research.


design and introducing many of the most As the world leader in engineering, hearing instruments for over 100

pioneering advances in ongoing science.innovation This heritage years, Oticon is recognized for its in takes a giant forward with Intiga. We invite youmost to try Intiga FREE design andleap engineering, introducing many of the and yourself back to where you belong: pioneeringtoday... advances in bring science. This heritage takes a giant The world of better hearing. leap forward with Intiga. We invite you to try Intiga FREE

today... and bring yourself back to where you belong:


The world of better hearing.

Our experienced staff of Hearing Care Professionals is here for you. Our experienced staff of Hearing At [Sample Hearing Center], we believe that our job isn’t finished until our patients’ lives are Care Professionals is here for you.

Help us get the word out! Oticon will promote Intiga Think Pink with a range of Pink with a Purpose marketing Let Intiga transform your life. communications materials including ads, newspaper Let Intiga transform your life. 2-DAY SPECIAL EVENT inserts, direct mail invitations, postcards and desktop 2-DAY SPECIAL EVENT displays.

Live in the now. Try Intiga risk free. 800-000-0000

If not ready to let hearing loss get in the way Theyou’re sleek Intiga of enjoying your favorite activities, Intiga offers behind your ear.

So you’re free to enjoy all that life has to offer.

Oticon is donating a portion of Intiga sales for September & October to the National Breast Cancer



The invisible Intigai fits deep inside your ear canal.

differentiate sounds better and hear more naturally.

So you’re free to enjoy all that life has to offer.

500 Elm Avenue • Anytown • 555-000-0000


the power of small PINK Unleash with Intiga from Oticon.

two of the most innovative solutions on the market

hides discreetly

Visit your hearing care professional to see which model is right for you. your busy life. ©2012 Oticon, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Oticon is donating a portion of Intiga sales for September & October to the National Breast Cancer Coalition to support breast cancer research.

i refuse to let hearing loss

Live in the now. Try Intiga risk free. 800-000-0000

Live in the now. If you’re not ready to let hearing loss get in the way Try Intiga risk free. 800-000-0000 of enjoying your favorite activities, Intiga offers

of enjoying your favorite activities, Intiga offers behind your ear.

So you’re free to enjoy all that life has to offer. Hear now with Intiga at The Hearing Center

Unleash the power of small with Intiga from Oticon.

Unleash the power of small with Intiga from Oticon. If not ready to let hearing loss get in the way Theyou’re sleek Intiga

The invisible Intigai fits deep inside your ear canal.



hold me back .

Live in the now. Try Intiga risk free. 800-000-0000

If you’re not ready to let hearing loss get in the way

500 Elm Avenue • Anytown • 555-000-0000

to let i refuse hearing loss

i refuse to let hearing loss

i hearing refuse to let loss

During September and October, we’ll donate a portion of the proceeds from the sale of Intiga Think Pink, a special edition pink Intiga, and all Intiga and Intigai hearing devices to the National Breast Cancer Coalition to support breast cancer research.

Oticon is donating a portion of Intiga sales for September & October to the National Breast Cancer Coalition to support breast cancer research.

Oticon is donating a portion of Intiga sales for September & October to the National Breast Cancer Coalition to support breast cancer research.



refuse to let hearing loss keepto me refuse let from lovingloss life. hearing keep me from loving life.


improved. [Sample Hearing Center’s] staff of professionals has a combined [xx] years of experience

The invisible Intigai fits deep inside your ear canal.

bringing the best to the [Your State] area. We willlives work with you to find the At [Samplein Hearing Center], wepossible believe hearing that ourcare job isn’t finished until our patients’ are hearing solution that best staff fits your individual needs budget. [xx] Call us today and you will see that improved. [Sample Hearing Center’s] of professionals has and a combined years of experience

The invisible Intigai fits deep inside your ear canal.

the bestState] way toarea. take We thewill firstwork stepwith toward hearing. in bringing visiting the best[Sample possibleHearing hearingCenter] care to is the [Your youimproved to find the hearing solution that best fits your individual needs and budget. Call us today and you will see that

The sleek Intiga hides discreetly behind your ear.

The sleek Intiga hides discreetly behind your ear.

visiting [Sample Hearing Center] is the best way to take the first step toward improved hearing.

Staff Photo

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Staff Photo

Staff Photo

Staff Photo

Staff Photo

Staff Photo Name Credentials

Staff Photo Name Credentials

Staff Photo Name Credentials

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Name Credentials



© 2012 Oticon, Inc. All rights reserved.

Name Credentials

© 2012 Oticon, Inc. All rights reserved.

Oct 13 , & 14 , 2012

Call today to reserve an appointment for th th your:

• FREE hearing screening


Call today to reserve an appointment for your:

• FREE demonstration of Intiga

• RISK FREE Trial • FREE hearing screening

Reach out to family, friends and clients virtually with Pink with a Purpose postings. Every week during September and October we’ll be sharing postings that will help raise awareness for this cause.

• RISK FREE Trial your hearing see how it improves

and understanding of what others are saying. Experience Intiga at no obligation and see how it improves your hearing and understanding of what others are saying.

Call 1-800-000-0000

Call 1-800-000-0000

Our Pink with a Purpose t-shirts let you wear your passion for making a positive difference. Choose a special day or week when you and your staff can make a powerfully pink statement to clients about your commitment to hearing health and breast cancer awareness and research. Tell us about your efforts at marketing@oticonusa.com and join the “Pink with a Purpose” awareness-building efforts by logging onto Facebook.com/Oticonthinkpink. 

Oticon is donating a portion of Intiga sales for September & October to the National Breast Cancer Coalition to support breast cancer research.

Oticon is donating a portion of Intiga sales for September & October to the National Breast Cancer Coalition to support breast cancer research.

Unleash the power of small with Intiga from Oticon. Unleash the power of small If you’re not ready to let hearing loss get in the with Intiga from Oticon. way of enjoying your favorite activities, Intiga THINK

Oct 13th, & 14th, 2012

• FREE demonstration Experience Intigaof at Intiga no obligation and



The invisible Intigai fits deep inside your ear canal. The invisible Intigai fits deep inside your ear canal.

offers two of the most innovative solutions on If you’re not ready to let hearing loss get in the the market today. Choose the invisible Intigai – way of enjoying your favorite activities, Intiga it’s ideal for your busy life. Or opt for the ultra offers two of the most innovative solutions on sleek Intiga for exceptionally high performance. the market today. Choose the invisible Intigai –

Both help you differentiate sounds better and The sleek Intiga hides discreetlyit’s ideal for your busy life. Or opt for the ultra hear more naturally. So you’re free to enjoy all behind your sleek ear. Intiga for exceptionally high performance.

The sleek Intiga hides discreetly behind your ear.

that life has to offer. Both help you differentiate sounds better and hear more naturally. So you’re free to enjoy all

that life has to offer. Hear now with Intiga at The Hearing Center 500 Elm Avenue • Anytown • 555-000-0000

Live in the now. Try Intiga risk free. 800-000-0000 Live in the now. Try Intiga risk free. 800-000-0000

Hear now with Intiga at The Hearing Center 500 Elm Avenue • Anytown • 555-000-0000

Visit your hearing care professional to see which model is right for you. ©2012 Oticon, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Visit your hearing care professional to see which model is right for you. ©2012 Oticon, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


PINK Issue 20

| Fall 2012



EDUCATIONAL NEWS & EVENTS Oticon Audiology Summer Camp 2012 This year we celebrated 15 years of Oticon Audiology Summer Camp with 98 students from 35 different universities. The camp provides an opportunity for students to network and bond with fellow students around the country as well as with the Oticon staff and guest faculty. Our goal is to provide a top-notch educational program along with fun outdoor activities during their five days

either at a private practice or at a ENT practice. As always, the annual rafting trip and dinner at The Mint were a huge hit. We ended the week at the Country Boy Mine singing songs around the campfire. It was a great way to end a very fun and educational week together in Keystone, CO. We are looking forward to the 16th Oticon Audiology Summer Camp to once again be held in Keystone, CO. Watch for more details coming soon. Visit: www.facebook.com/OticonUSAStudentNetwork ď ľ 2012 Oticon Audiology Summer Camp Staff

in the Rockies. This year was no exception and we had another awesome and fun-filled camp. Eileen Rall, Au.D. from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Salus University presented on the assessment and management of children with hearing loss. There was also exciting and informative sessions on establishing and maintaining a successful practice led by a group of practicing Audiologists working

2012 Oticon Audiology Summer Camp Students




Lessons from Marketing Boot Camp More than 125 leading hearing care professionals participated in Oticon’s 2012 Advanced Marketing Boot Camp. The three-day educational event emphasized the need for hearing care practitioners to brand their practices as powerful and trusted forces for better hearing in their communities. “The ability to communicate the value that independent hearing care professionals bring to the hearing care equation is vital to short and long-term practice success,” says Vice President of Marketing Sheena Oliver. “Oticon is committed to helping our hearing care partners meet this challenge with a comprehensive business support program that includes tested and proven strategies and actionable tools to drive traffic to hearing care practices.”


The Advanced Marketing Boot Camp is the latest in a series of special marketing-oriented conferences that Oticon introduced in 2008. The 2012 boot camp event featured presentations by thought leaders in the field of brand building. Internationally recognized consultant and business authority Karen Post explained that building a memorable practice “brand” creates loyalty and adds value to the client experience. Shep Hyken, best-selling New York Times and Wall Street Journal author, emphasized the importance of active listening skills to create loyal clients versus simply satisfied clients.

in a changing marketplace,” adds Oliver. “Our goal for the Advanced Marketing Boot Camp — and for all of Oticon’s business support initiatives — is to empower practitioners to gain the trust and loyalty of people with hearing loss who seek quality care and successful hearing solutions.” For more information on Oticon’s Business Support Programs, log on to MyOticon.com. 

“Independent practitioners understand the challenges they face

L to R: Peer Lauritsen, David Roback, Sheena Oliver, Karen Post, Shep Hyken, Nancy Palmere.

Bootcamp Attendees enjoying a reception at the beautiful Regale Winery in San Jose, CA. Issue 20

| Fall 2012




Oticon Safari Hearing Instruments Now IP57 Certified As Dust & Water Resistant Oticon Safari hearing aids have been rigorously tested by an independent external laboratory and have achieved IP57 certification as dust- and water-resistant —the same certification of water resistance promoted by a number of other hearing instrument manufacturers. The certification has been attained without any new modifications or design enhancements to the Safari instruments.

Oticon Safari has always been a robust hearing aid designed for a child's active life and to withstand everyday activities. Safari is designed with not only intelligent mechanical design including barriers to prevent water, dust and debris from getting inside Safari instruments, but also nanocoating of inner and outer components to repel moisture.

What does this mean for families and children using or considering Safari instruments? As always, Safari and Safari SP are designed for performance, durability and reliability to meet expectations of parents and needs of children. The IP57 certification for dust and water resistance should serve to reinforce what many of you already know from your experiences with Safari. Coupled with Safari's 3 year repair warranty and Oticon's quick in-house turn around on Safari instruments sent for repair, you can be completely confident in recommending Safari to parents and fitting it for all your pediatric patients. In addition to Safari, the IP57 certification also covers the miniRITE/RITE and miniBTE/BTE instrument styles for the Agil, Intiga, Acto, Ino, Chili, and Sumo instrument families.

Oticon Welcomes A New Pediatric Audiologist Trainer We are pleased to announce that the Pediatric group has added a new Audiologist/Trainer to work at our Somerset office. Joanne Shalit, Au.D, is a graduate of Montclair State University in New Jersey. Audiology is a second career for Joanne, she worked in a customer service based business for many years and will bring her audiological knowledge and strong customer service background to our team. She will predominantly be in the office with some travel for seminars and pediatric events. 17


Mary Humitz, MA, Pediatric Support Audiologist & Trainer, will continue working remotely as audiology support through Joanne’s training period. Mary will then be taking on a larger trainer role in the field, supporting our accounts and account managers. 


Upcoming Events & Conferences Calendar October 2012 Su













October 19-21: P ediatrics Annual Conference Somerset, NJ








October 31: Halloween

























November 2012 Su




November 4: Daylight Savings Time Ends November 6: Election Day November 8-10: ADA Convention, Phoenix, AZ
































December 24: Christmas Eve



December 25: Christmas Day December 31: New Year's Eve

November 11: Veteran's Day November 14-16: Intigai Conference, Somerset, NJ November 22: Thanksgiving Day

December 2012 Su




































January 1: New Year's Day






January 20: Inauguration Day January 21: Martin Luther King's Birthday


January 2013 Su




























Issue 20

| Fall 2012


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