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Last Update:

September 2009 Release 7.3

Administration: Accounting This lesson is designed for administrators responsible for configuring and maintaining inventory cost tracking for customer events.

Astra Schedule VII 足 Training Manual Document by: Terry L. Saye Training Developer

Ad Astra Information Systems, LLC. 6900 W. 80th Street, Suite 300 Overland Park, KS 66204 www.aais.com

Table of Contents

Lesson Objectives


Concept Introduction


Area Overview


Security Settings


Accounting Configuration


Estimates and Invoices


Reports and Statements


Adjustments and Payments


Accounting Summary


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Provide a brief overview of the accounting system used with Astra Schedule Version VII

Walk administrators through accounting security settings

Instruct administrators on cost configuration in ObjAcct

Explain the Astra Schedule features for event accounting

Concept Introduction

Lesson Objectives

Astra Schedule provides accounting functionality through integration with a third party accounting package called ObjAcct. ObjAcct is a powerful, fully customizable, general accounting solution which is automatically updated by certain Astra Schedule processes and tasks. Administrators will utilize the ObjAcct application to configure pricing, set price levels, apply payments, and edit invoices. Event schedulers may be given the ability to view resource prices, generate estimates, and create invoices from the Astra Schedule system.

Additional customizations and accounting features are available in the ObjAcct software and may be utilized by the institution but are not supported by Ad Astra Information Systems.

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The ObjAcct application runs independent of the Astra Schedule application and includes both a server and client install. Institutions that plan to use the cost tracking features in Astra Schedule should have the accounting server installed and configured during product implementation.

Area Overview

Once the server install is complete and the connection has been validated, administrators may begin configuring security and updating resource cost.

Vocabulary Terms: Price Levels: A price level is necessary for each possible price point available for any given item or service. Customers may then be assigned a default price level to automate customized charg足 ing procedures upon resource booking. Pricing levels are created and maintained in the ObjAcct software. Jobs: Events sent to ObjAcct for cost tracking consideration are listed as jobs in the accounting software. Tasks: Event meetings sent to ObjAcct for cost tracking considera足 tion are listed as tasks. Each of these tasks will correspond to a job (event) entry. Items: Each equipment, service, and effective dated room entry is considered an item in the ObjAcct inventory and may be asso足 ciated with a default price and price level costs. Additional items maybe added in the accounting software for regular billing ad足 justments. (i.e. Late Fees, Security Deposits, etc)

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Security Settings

Astra Schedule users can be configured to as­ sume various roles relative to accounting func­ tions. For cost configuration, a user with Ac­ counting Administrator access is required. Permissions defined within the Astra Schedule role record determine the accounting features to which a user has access. The following per­ missions may be selected within a role:

The Accounting User permission is the initial level for all accounting access. Users without this permission, will be unable to view estimates, invoices, or accounting reports in Astra Schedule. They will also not have access to the ObjAcct application. The Accounting User permission will grant all other accounting permis­ The Accounting Administrator option sions by default, except for Ac­ allows access to the accounting client counting Administrator.

download and accounting interface configuration area. System users may be granted permissions to view and/or create, print, and email estimates, invoices, and costing reports from within Astra Schedule. Additionally, users may be allowed to utilize the ObjAcct client application which will allow them to change item costs, track payments, adjust customer charges and create and view customized reports.


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The ObjAcct product is a Windows application that requires both a server and client component to be installed. Enabling the accounting integra­ tion and installing ObjAcct are optional to the As­ tra Schedule installation and will be handled by the implementation team during system setup.

Accounting Configuraton

From within Astra Schedule, the following steps should then be taken to complete configu­ ration.

Initial Accounting Configuration and Export Once an accounting database has been created and the ObjAcct service is running, data must be exported from Astra Schedule into the accounting appli­ cation. This should be a one­time export of data, as each additional inventory item will update real­time to the ObjAcct database. To export the initial inventory information from Astra Schedule to ObjAcct: 1. Click on the Accounting Configuration link in the System area of the SetUp tab. 2. Select the appropriate time frame for rounding hourly sums in the Account­ ing Settings area. 3. In the Accounting Batch Export area click on the Run button to export each dataset to the accounting database.

The client application will need to be installed on the machine of any user that requires ac­ cess to the more advanced features of ObjAcct.

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Configuring Price Levels Levels are used to associate customers with specific prices and discounts on items. Price levels must be defined in order for different prices, discounts, or premiums, to be charged per item based on the customer. In the absence of price levels, the default unit price for the item is charged. A customer may only be associated with one price level. Therefore if two or more customers are charged the same for every item, they will both be linked to the same price level.

To create the price level list in ObjAcct: 1. Log in to the application. 2. Click on Lists | Other | Price Level 3. Using the buttons located in the toolbar, or in the bottom right corner to add Price Levels to the system.

4. If a discount or premium is to be applied for the price level, enter a percent value. This value will be applied to the item default price if no item sales price is defined for the price level. 5. Be sure to click Save before exiting the form.

Price Levels (and many other list items) can be added on足the足fly by selecting the "New" option on forms where a price level can be defined.


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Notes: Setting Customer Price Level A customer may be associated with a price level in the accounting system. When charges occur for item use, the customer will be charged the amount set on the item for that price level. If no amount has been specifically set, the customer will be charged the base price discounted by the discount percentage of the price level. To set the price level for a customer: 1. Log in to the application. 2. Click on Lists | Receivables | Customers 3. Select the customer in the list grid at the top. 4. Click on the Defaults tab. 5. Select a Price Level. 6. Click the Save button.

A customer with no default price level will be charged the base price of an inventory item.

Setting Item Prices Each inventory item will need a base price entered into the ObjAcct system by a system administrator. Items include equipment, services, and room configurations imported from the Astra Schedule system. To set the base price of an item: 1. Log in to the application. 2. Click on Lists | Inventory | Items 3. Select the item in the list grid at the top.

Page 9 4. Enter the Unit Base Price amount. 5. Click the Save button.


Setting Price Level Discounts Each inventory item may be assigned a discounted price based on price level. This allows administrators to set different price points per item and at足 tach customers to these price points. To set price level discounts on an item: 1. Log in to the application. 2. Click on Lists | Inventory | Item Sales Price 3. Select the item in the list grid at the top. 4. In the General grid at the bottom of the form, select the price level to adjust. 5. Select the Unit. 6. Enter the Qty Break. 7. Enter the dis足 counted price. 8. Repeat this for each price level ad足 justment. 9. Click Save.

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Estimates and invoices may be created through Astra Schedule by those users with access rights. These may be printed or emailed to the appropri足 ate contacts from the system as desired. Event transaction and customer transaction reports are also available through Astra Schedule.

Estimates and Invoices

Generating Estimates Estimates may be created as often as needed and are simply snapshots of the current event cost. Estimates are located on the individual event record and may be created, viewed or emailed by users with accounting access. To create a new estimate for an event: 1. Log in to Astra Schedule. 2. Select the Events tab and open an event for editing. 3. Click on the Edit button. 4. Click on the Generate Estimate button. 5. To view the estimate, click on the Number link.

Exercise #1 Create an event with cost associated. (Remember to select a customer that is configured to be charged for a resource, and resources that have a base price applied.) Generate an estimate for this event.

Generating Invoices Like estimates, invoices are located at the event level. These may also be cre足 ated, viewed, or emailed by users with accounting access. It is important how足 ever, to note the differences between estimates and invoices. While an esti足 mate is simply a report or snapshot of the current event cost, an invoice actually creates a debit to the customer account. If multiple invoices are created for an event, the customer account will be debited for each invoice. The customer summary will then show an incorrect total amount due, unless balanced by an accounting administrator in the ObjAcct software. To create a new estimate for an event: 1. Log in to Astra Schedule. 2. Select the Events tab and open an event for editing. 3. Click on the Edit button. Remember that each 4. Click on the Generate Invoice button. invoice created adds a 5. Click Yes on the warning screen. debit to the customer 6. To view the invoice, click on the Number link. account. Invoices should be created only when the event has been finalized.

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Estimate and invoice formatting is managed by the ObjAcct system and may be edited by an accounting administrator as necessary.


If rate is hour based, number of hours is represented in the quantity

Exercise #2 Generate an invoice for the event created in Exercise #1.


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Most event scheduling users will have access only to the event cost tracking features available in the Astra Schedule system. These include the ability to create estimates and invoices, view an event ac足 counting transactions report, view the customer statement report, and view item cost reports. Ad足 ditional needs such as credit memos, payment tracking, and advanced reporting capabilities are available in ObjAcct to users with accounting application rights.

Reports and Statements

Viewing Event Accounting Transactions To see any accounting transactions that have been posted for an event, users will need to locate and open the event details record. To view the transaction report for an event: 1. Log in to Astra Schedule. 2. Select the Events tab and open an event for editing. 3. Click on the Job Transaction Report link.

Link Exercise #3 View the transaction report for the event created in Exercise #1.

Viewing Customer Account Summaries Account summaries are accessible from the details record in the customer list. To view the account summary for a customer: 1. Log in to Astra Schedule. 2. Select the People tab and click on the Customers menu option. 3. Click on a customer record to open it for viewing. 4. Click on the Customer Statements Report link located in the Customer Info area. Exercise #4 View the statement report for the customer used in Exercise #1.

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Viewing Resource Cost Resource cost or price lists are available at the individual item level. This includes any room, service, or piece of equipment that has received a base price amount in ObjAcct. To view the pricing for a resource in Astra Schedule: 1. Log in to Astra Schedule. 2. Locate and open the resource detail record. 3. Click on the Item Price List link.

Exercise #5 View the price list for one of the items reserved in Exercise #1.

Additional accounting reports are available to users of ObjAcct through the Reports menu of that application.


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The accounting features of Astra Schedule have been developed to manage resource charges and offer invoicing capabilities to event schedul­ ing users. Additional accounting features are available in the ObjAcct system and each institu­ tion must determine which, if any of these features they will utilize. Two commonly required features are invoice adjustments and payment tracking. Basic instructions for these features have been in­ cluded below.

Adjustments and Payments

Creating an Invoice Adjustment Additional charges or credits maybe posted to an event after an invoice has been generated by creating a new invoice or credit memo the in the Ob­ jAcct system and attaching it to the event (job) in question. These transac­ tions will then be available for viewing in Astra Schedule at the event detail level. To create an invoice adjustment for an event: 1. Log in to the accounting applica­ tion. 2. Click on Activities | Receivables | Invoice/Credit Memo 3. Select the Customer. 4. Select the Document Type. (Invoices will debit the customer account while credit memos will credit the account.) 5. Optionally enter an Invoice No. (system will auto­number if nothing is entered). 6. Select the appropriate Job. ObjAcct list values (like 7. Optionally enter a note. Reason Code) may be 8. Select an Invoice Format. added on the fly by se­ 9. Select a Reason Code. lecting the ‘<New…>’ option 10. To enter charges in the grid at the bot­ from the drop­down menu. tom of the form They may also be added from · Select an Item. the Lists menu.

Page 15 If the item’s price is correct, enter a quantity in the Qty field to adjust the amount charged. The Amount may also be entered or adjusted manually. · Add charges as necessary to the invoice. 11. Click the Save button in the toolbar at the top of the form. ·

Entering a Payment To enter a customer payment: 1. Log in to the accounting application. 2. Click on Activities | Receivables | Customer Payment 3. Select the Customer. 4. Optionally enter a Doc ID / No. (system will auto­number if nothing is en­ tered). 5. Select the Payment Method. 6. Select the Deposit Account. 7. Select the appropriate Job. 8. Enter the payment Amount. 9. Select the Invoice(s) to which the payment will be applied. 10. Click the Save button in the toolbar at the top of the form.


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Users that have completed this module should have an understanding of the accounting capa足 bilities available with Astra Schedule Version VII and the basic configuration necessary to utilize the accounting features.

Accounting Summary

The ObjAcct application is a feature rich account足 ing system that includes many functions beyond those utilized by the Astra Schedule integration. These are available for use on scheduling related accounting as desired by the institution, however cannot be supported by Ad Astra technical support.

This documentation is intended only for the use of licensed customers of Astra Schedule software and is PRIVILEGED and CONFIDENTIAL. Intended recipients shall not sell, transfer, publish, disclose, display or otherwise make any of this information available to others. Dissemination is strictly prohibited.

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