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Our best albums of April

Every week of the year, a bunch of records are thrown into the world, portraying the singular influences, universes and sounds of artists. Do you get lost in the numerous releases? On The Move Mag is here to help. This month, as always, we opened our ears and dove into what matters most : music! Whatever genre suits you, you’ll find something new to discover... Here are our favourite albums released in April.

Dennis Lloyd – Exident

We’ve been waiting for this one! After achieving worldwide recognition with his hit «Nevermind» in 2016, Israeli singer-songwriter Dennis Lloyd, born Nir Tibor, has finally released his debut full body of work named «Exident». Containing five tracks, including an «Introduccion» in Spanish, «Exident» is a consistent first project diving into a failing relationship and the emotional phases the singer experienced post-breakup. From trying to figure out what went wrong in the relationship with «Aura», to realizing that love is blind in the single «Never Go Back», Dennis Lloyd’s words are easy to relate to, as he was saying out loud what everyone was thinking and feeling after a breakup. One of the major key moments in the EP would probably be the monologue in «Gfy» where the clarity in his words slaps you in the face. «Exident» is one of our favorite projects this year and Dennis Lloyd is promised to an amazing career. We can’t wait to see what he has in store for us.
Top 3 tracks: Aura, Never Go Back, Gfy
James Hersey – Innerverse

The Austrian singer-songwriter has put out his second album «Innerverse», following the successful EP «Pages» and his first studio album «Clarity» released in 2015. Co-produced with his friend Narou, «Innerverse» is very much personal, combining heartfelt lyrics with minimal pop-electronic sounds and a subtle touch of mark tree, accompanied by James’ guitar that carries us away every time. The song «Take You Home» is a guitar-plucked opening ballad, setting a dreamy atmosphere for the rest of the record. Simple but efficient. James’ alluring vocals are not to forget, especially in the beautiful song «These Gifts»inspired by his parents or in «Everywhere You Go», a touching and hopeful observation on the fear holding us back from what we truly want to be. Welcome to James Hersey’s inner-(uni)verse.
Top 3 tracks: Don’t Need Me, Real For You, Everywhere You Go
Nick Murphy – Run Fast Sleep Naked

Five years after the very successful «Built on Glass», Nick Murphy formerly known as Chet Faker, is making a comeback with his sophomore album called «Run Fast Sleep Naked». This record feels like a second birth for the Australian singer-songwriter which shows the introspective journey he undertook these last few years. Versatility is the word for it. Throughout the record, Nick Murphy explores different genres as he likes it: rock with «Sunlight» and «Yeah I Care», soul «Novacaine and Coca Cola» and «Never No» which showcases the brass without forgetting the hypnotizing and surprising «Some People» which ends with corrosive techno vibes. Nick Murphy never fails to amaze through his vocal prowess and experimental ability. A must listen!
Top 3 tracks: Sanity, Never No, Message You At Midnight
LSD – Labrinth, SIA, Diplo Present… LSD

Want to add some color in your life? LSD finally released their album and that is all you need! As the opening track claims it, after a beautiful acapella introduction, «Welcome To The Wonderful World Of» Labrinth, Sia and Diplo. Even if most of the songs were revealed in advance, this colourful 10-track opus does have some surprises in store. The album obviously includes «Genius», the supergroup’s very first song, but also a Lil Wayne remix of it. Besides, you may already know «Audio», «Thunderclouds» and «Mountains». These three upbeat singles were followed by «No New Friends» and its more exotic instrumental, in which the trio affirms that they are happy with the friends and life they have. Then we have «Angel In Your Eyes» and its electronic and robotic atmosphere, and the powerful «Heaven Can Wait». Finally, «It’s Time» really stands out since it is the only piano ballad on the album. A pure delight: that is what happens when you mix pop, the electro sound of Diplo and Labrinth and Sia’s impressive voices.
Top 3 tracks: No New Friends, Heaven Can Wait, Thunderclouds

A few days ago, Alecia Beth Moore, aka P!nk, released her eighth studio album entitled «Hurts 2B Human». Composed of thirteen tracks, the opus definitely showcases her versatility as an artist as well as her will to help people with her music. Listening to the rhythmic «Hustle», the first tune of the album, you’ll fall in love with P!nk’s outspokenness all over again. Second single after the beautiful «Walk Me Home», the song was especially co-written with Dan Reynolds and you can even hear him in the backing vocals! Stapleton, Khalid, Cash Cash and Wrabel are also featuring in the album. Well surrounded, P!nk then touches us with comforting and relatable lyrics, especially in «My Attic», «Happy» or «Circle Game» in which she tackles the difficulties of adulting. Indeed, the amazing singer mother faces insecurities just like we do and is honest about it. Both vulnerable and crazy, this is the P!nk that we love!
Top 3 tracks: Hustle, Courage, Circle Game

After conquering the world with his debut album «American Teen» and his first EP «Suncity», Khalid is ready to show a new facet of his music : «The album is going to show a lot of growth». Without losing his musical touch, a perfect mix of R&B, soul and pop, we can thus discover a very mature opus with no less than 17 tracks. It features «Better» and «Saturday Nights», two songs that had already convinced us on «Suncity». This second album happens to be very deep and introspective. Many songs reflect on love and problems of communication in a relationship. That’s the case of the lead and third singles, «Talk» and «My Bad». Other tracks, such as «Free Spirit» or «Alive», are about growing up as a person and artist. The album also features an amazing collaboration with John Mayer on «Outta My Head», some 90s vibes here and there, catchy choruses and a mix of ethereal and upbeat melodies. If you were not among the lucky ones that heard the album with the «Free Spirit» short film in select cinemas, you can always listen to it on repeat now!
Top 3 tracks: Outta My Head (ft. John Mayer), Hundred, Heaven