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FACULTY H.G. Dr. Mathews Mar Severios
H.G Dr. Zacharias Mar Aprem
H.G.Dr. Mathews Mar Thimothios
Vice- president & Visiting Professor
Visiting Professor
Visiting Professor
Fr. Dr. O. Thomas Principal
Fr. Dr. T. J. Joshua
Fr. Dr. K. M.George
Fr. Dr. Jacob Kurian
Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus
Fr. Dr. T. I. Varghese
Very. Rev. K . Zachariah Ramban Manager Old Seminary
Fr. Dr. V. P. Varghese
Fr. Dr. Johns Abraham Konat
Professor Emeritus
Fr. Dr. M. P. George
Fr. Dr. John Thomas Karingattill Dean of Pratical Work
Fr. Dr. Ninan K. George Faculty Secretary & Divyabhodhanam Registrar
Fr. Dr. Reji Mathew Dean of Studies
Fr. Dr. Jacob Mathew Bursar
Fr. Mathews John Manayil
Very. Rev. Dr. M.S. Yuhanon Ramban
Fr. Abraham Thomas
Fr. Saji Varghese Amayil
Fr. Dr. Jose John Registrar & Warden P.G Students
Chief Librarian
Fr. K. V. Alias
Fr. P. C. Thomas
Assistant Warden
Warden & Chaplain
Fr. Siju Varghese Koshy
Fr. Dr. Abraham Oommen
Fr. Thomas Varghese
Fr. Dr. Shaji P. John
Assistant Librarian & Book Shop Manager
Visiting Faculty
Visiting Faculty
Visiting Faculty
Fr. Dr. Reji Geevarghese
Fr. Dr. Filix Yohannan
Fr. K. M. Zachariah
Prof. K. C. George
Visiting Faculty
Visiting Faculty
PRO, Mess & Maintanence Manager
Visiting Faculty
Editorial Board
Dn. Bibin Joy
Dn. Eldhose Babu
Fr. Dr. O. Thomas Principal
Fr. Saji Varghese Amayil Staff Advisor
Dn Rejo Mathew Joseph Student Editor
Dn. Geevarghese Jose
Dn. Mebin Thomas
Dn. Able George Mathai
Dn. Jerin George
Dn. Mathew Thomas
Obin Joseph
Jerry Varghese
Dn. Ebin T. Mathew
Ricku S. Cherian
Line Art: Jerin Johnson, Photos: Gibin, Cover Design: Christy V. George, Layout and Design: Greeshma Designs, Ktm.
""Adn-hp-s≠-¶nepw Xncn-®-dn-hn√'' CXn-t\mSv ka-amb ]Z-{]-tbm-Kß - ƒ a‰p-`m-jb - n-ept≠m F∂v \n›-ba - n-√. Adnhp-≈-h¿°v Xncn-®-dn-hp-≠m-I-W-sa∂v \n¿_-‘-an√ F∂ bmYm¿∞yw ChnsS shfn-hm-Ip-∂p. Xncn-®-dn-hn¬ sX‰pw icnbpw th¿Xn-cn-°m-\p≈ hy‡n-]-c-amb Ignhv am{X-a√, AXns‚ ASn-ÿm-\-XØzw IqSn shfn-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂p. ]t©{μn-b-ß-fpsS klm-b-tØmsS am{Xw t\Sn-sb-Sp-°p∂ Adnhn¬ Xncn-®-dnhv D≠m-I-W-sa-∂n-√. Xncn-®-dn-hns‚ ASnÿm\w BXy-¥n-I-ambn ssZh-hp-am-bp≈ sshb-‡n-Iamb _‘hpw ]cn-ip-≤mfl \S-Øn-∏p-am-Wv. B¿´n-^njy¬ C‚-en-P≥kv AXns‚ ssP{X-bm{X \S-Øp-I-bmWv. F¥n\pw GXn\pw Ign-hp≈ tdmt_m-´p-I-fpsS \n¿ΩmW-Øn¬ imkv{X-temIw hfsc ap≥t]m´p t]mbn-°-gn™p. tdmt_m-´p-Iƒ°v F√m Ign-hp-I-fp-ap≠v C√mØsXm-∂p-am{Xw hnIm-c-߃. \√ hnIm-c-ß-fp-an√ NoØ-hnIm-c-ß-fp-an-√. tdmt_m-´p-Isf A\p-I-cn-°p∂ B[p-\nI a\p- j y≥ tdmt_m- ´ p- I - t f- ° mƒ A]- I - S - I m- c n- I - f m- W v . ImcWw Ah¿°v tdmt_m-´p-Iƒ°n-√mØ NoØ hnIm-c߃ Bthm-f-ap-≠v. kvt\lw, Icp-W, B¿{Z-X, klm\p-`q-Xn, Zb, XymKw, Ch-bvs°√mw ]I-c-ambn Al-¶mcw, ]I, hntZz-jw, tIm]w, {Iqc-X-, Ahn-iz-kvX-X, t`mKmk‡n XpS-ßnb \ntj-[m-flI hnIm-c-߃ th≠-Xn-e-[nI-ap-≠v. ChnsS sk°p-e¿ temI-Øns‚ kzm[o-\-Øn¬ \n∂v B≤ym-flnI temIw thdn-´p-\n¬°p-∂-Xmbn tXm∂p∂n-√. _p≤nbpw kma¿∞yhpw hf-sc-bp≈ ]ptcm-ln-X∑m-cp-≠v. Ah-cpsS {]h¿Ø-\-ß-fn¬°qSn CS-h-I-Iƒ `uXn-I-ambn hfsc hf¿∂n-´p-ap-≠v. F∂m¬ kvt\lhpw, Icp-W-bpw, hniz-kvX-X-bpw, Xmgva-bpw, XymKhpw HØptN¿∂ ssZh- P - \ sØ cq]- s ∏- S p- Ø p- h m≥ km[n- ° p∂pt≠m? Cu tNmZy-߃ {]Xy-£-Øn¬ tNmZn-®n-s√¶nepw "Zo]vXn' Ft∏mgpw Ipcn-cp-´n¬ shfn®w tXSm≥ e£y- a n- ´ n- ´ p≈ sshZnI skan- \ m- c n- b psS Zo¿L- a mb ss]Xr-I-Øns‚ `mK-am-Wv. B Xc-Øn-ep≈ kv^penw-K߃ CXnse teJ-\-ß-fn¬ ImWm≥ km[n-°pw. ]Xnhp-t]mse Ia-\o-b-ambn CXns\ AWn-bn-s®m-cp-°m≥ AWn-b-d-bn¬ A≤zm-\n® hfsc t]cp≠v. Npcp°w t]cpIƒ F¶nepw kqNn-∏n-t°-≠Xv A\n-hm-cy-am-Wv. Ãm^v AssUzkdmb _lp. kPn Aabn¬ A®s‚ t\XrXzØn¬ CXns‚ kpμcamb BImcw Hcp°nb dntPm amXyp siΩm»t\bpw FUnt‰mdnb¬ t_m¿Uns\bpw A\ptamZn°p∂p. Bib‰h¿°v shfn®w \¬Ip∂ Zo]ambn F°mehpw CXp tim`n°s´. {InkvXphn¬ \nßfpsS kvt\lnX≥
H. tXmak®≥ {]n≥kn∏mƒ
kplr-tØ, "Zo]vXn' ]c∂pXpS-ßn-bn´v CXv 49-˛mw h¿jw. Cu h¿jsØ ]Xn-∏n\v Hcp {]tXy-I-X-bp≠v. EXp-t`-Z-ß-fpsS h¿Æ hnkva-b-ß-fn-eq-sS-bp≈ Hcp bm{X-bmWv CXv. EXp-°ƒ amdp-∂Xv Hcp-]t£ \ΩpsS sk-an-\m-cn-b-dn-bp-∂Xv, ChnsS Xe-bp-b¿Øn \n¬°p∂ hmI-a-csØ t\m°p-tºm-gmWv. h¿-j-Im-eØv ]®-bpsS ]p-X-∏-Wn™pw, inin-c-Øn¬ Ce-Iƒ s]mgn®v \·-ambpw, ]ns∂ hk-¥-Øn¬ Nph∂ ]´p-SpØpw, EXp-t`-Z-ß-fpsS \nd-hy-Xym-k-ßsf \Ω-tfmSv ]d-bmsX ]d-bp∂ \ΩpsS kz¥w hmI-acw. \ΩpsS bm{X AXns‚ \nd-t`-Z-ß-fn-eq-sS-bm-Wv, Hmtcm Imehpw {]Xn-\n-[m\w sNøp∂ hnIm-c-ß-fn-eq-sS-bm-Wv, AXns‚ ASn-ÿm-\-Øn-emWv teJ-\-߃ aq∂mbn {Iao-I-cn-®n-cn-°p-∂-Xv... h¿jw, inin-cw, hk-¥w... a-s‰mcp {]tXy-I-X, CZw-{]-Y-a-ambn Zo]vXn-bpsS apJ-Nn{Xw Hcp doodle art BIp∂p. AXv \ΩpsS Hcp hnZym¿∞n-bpsS k¿§-kr-„n-bmWv F∂p-≈Xv Gsd A`n-am-\-tØmsS ]d-b-s´... EXp-t`-Z-ß-fpsS hnkva-b-Im-gvN-I-fn-eqsS \ap°v bm{X sNømw, lrZ-bsØ Zo]vX-am-°m≥...
Hcn-°epw h‰mØ Dd-h-I-fpsS \nt£-]w... hc≠ lrZ-b-ß-fn¬ ]pXp-Po-hs‚ Aar-Xv... AtX, Pohs‚ kºm-Z-\-amWv h¿jw... C\nbpw Xfn¿°mØ \mºp-Iƒ°v th≠n... Ccp-´ns\ am‰n, shfn®w kzoI-cn-®v, Pew-sIm≠v Igp-In, izmksaSpØv Xfn-cn-e-Iƒ A∂-am-Ip-∂Xpt]mse... CXv AXn-Po-h-\-Øns‚ ImeamWv. kw`- c - W - Ø n- t ‚- X pw...
D≈-S°w kz¿§o-bh - pw `uao-Ih - p-amb Bcm-[\
tUm.-am-Xyqkv am¿ tkth-dn-tbmkv
am\-knI Btcm-Kyhpw Bflo-b-Xbpw
^m. tUm. H. tXmakv
ae-¶c k`m-N-cn-{X-Ønse ka-ky-Iƒ
^m. tUm. t__n h¿-§okv
500th Year of Reformation: An Orthodox Response
Fr. Dr. Reji Mathew
God, Our Father
Dibu V. Jacob
ImgvNI - f- nse Icn-\n-g¬
^m. kPn Aa-bn¬
{]m¿∞-\sb {]W-bn® cmP-Ip-am-c≥
jm_n≥ cmPp
Nature Becomes the Medium of God's Revelation
Fr. Dr. Ninan K. George
PntPm tPmbn
kulr-Z-Øns‚ Bflo-bX
Uo. _n_n≥ tPmbn
`h\ IqZmi: Hcp BapJw
Uo. tPm_n≥ _n.
sÃ^n≥ tP°_v
in£-WØ - ns‚ ]S-hp-Iƒ
dh. Fw.- F-kv. bqlm-t\m≥ dºm≥
The Case for Qyomtho
Dn. Shawn Poothicote Thomas
hnXbv°mw \ΩpsS lrZb hb-en¬
Uo. APnXv tPmk^v
A]q¿Æ ssZhm-t\z-jWw
kmwk¨ kmap-th¬ h¿Kokv
Holistic Release
Shinto Varghese
In Search of Roots..
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
kz¿§o-b-hpw `uao-I-hp-amb Bcm-[\ “AXyp-∂-X-ß-fn¬ amem-J-amcpw {][m\ ame-mJ-amcpw kvXpXn-°p-∂-Xp-
tUm.-am-Xyqkv am¿ tkth-dn-tbmkv kz¿§ob Bcm[\-bpsS `uaoI Bhn-jvIm-c-ambn {]Z-£-nW-ß-fpw, -Ip-ºn-So-epw, hn.-Ip¿∫m-\bpw [q]m¿∏Whpw Km\-{]-Xn-Km\ KoXßfpw, Zo]-ßfpw t{XmtWm pw, knwlm-k-\hpw F√mw Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Bcm-[-\-bn-ep-ap-≠v.
t]mse Ah-tcm-sSm∏w _e-lo-\cpw a◊-b-cp-amb Rßfpw kvXpXn®p ]dbp∂p” “A\-h-c-X-kvXpXn X¬∏-ccmw Aw_c ZqX≥am-scm∏w \mYm tZhm! \¬IpI tbmKyX \n≥ kvXpXn ]mSm≥” ae-¶c Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv k`-bnse hnizm-kn-Iƒs°√mw kp]-cn-Nn-X-amb Cu {]m¿∞\Iƒ kz¿§o-bhpw `uao-I-hp-amb \ΩpsS Bcm-[-\-bpsS am\߃ shfn-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂p.- `u-aoI Xe-Øn¬ \n∂p-sIm≠v Xs∂ kz¿§ob Bcm[-\b - n¬ `mK-`m-°m-Ip∂ Ahm-Ny-amb A\p-`hw ssZhalXzw Z¿in® Gimbm {]hm-N-I≥ km£n®Xpw (G-imb 61:66). kz¿§ob ZqX-∑m-cpsS kwLw {InkvXp-hns‚ P\\ kabØv ssZhsØ ]mSn ]pI-gvØn-b-t∏mƒ B´n-S-b∑m¿ AXn¬ B\μ]pf-In-X-cmbXpw (eq-t°m. 2:13,14), kIe ZqX-∑mcpw AhcpsS ssk\y-ß-fpw ssZhsØ kvXpXn-°p-∂-tXm-sSm∏w (k-¶o. 148:2) ssZh knwlm-k-\-Øn\p Np‰pap≈ knwlm-k-\-ß-fn¬ Ccn-°p∂ 24 aq∏-∑mcpw, 4 Pohn-Ifpw Ipºn´p hW-ßp-Ibpw I¿Ømhv ]cn-ip-≤≥, ]cn-ip-≤≥, ]cn-ip≤≥ F∂v hn{iaw IqSmsX ]d-bp-∂Xpw (sh-fn.4:1˛11) F√mw Bcm-[-\-bpsS `uaoI ktΩ-f-\-am-Wv.- kz¿§ob Bcm[\-bpsS `uaoI Bhn-jvIm-c-ambn {]Z£-nW-ß-fpw, -Ip-ºn-So-epw, hn.-Ip¿∫m-\bpw [q]m¿∏-Whpw Km\-{]-Xn-Km\ KoX-ßfpw, Zo]-ßfpw t{XmtWm- pw, knwlm-k-\hpw F√mw Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Bcm-[-\-bn-ep-ap-≠v.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
kz¿§-tem-I-Ønepw `qtem-I-Ønepw “_l- p aXn]q¿Δw \ns‚ `h- \ - Ø nte°v Rm≥ h∂v Fs‚ t\¿®- I ƒ \n\°v Ign°pw” (k-¶o. 66:13) F∂p sNm√nsIm≠v ssZhm-e-b-Øn-te°v \mw {]th-in-°ptºmƒ as‰mcp temI-Øn-te-°mWv \mw {]th-in-°p∂Xv; ssZhw hkn-°p∂ cmPy-Øn-te-°v \ΩpsS ssZ\w-Zn\ {]h¿Ø-\-cw-K-amb temI-Øn¬ \n∂pw \nXy temI-Øn-te°v \mw {]th-in-°p-∂p. CXv ssZhcm-Py-Øns‚ ap∂m-kzm-Z-\-sa∂v Xs∂ ]d-bmw. ]≈nbp-sS {]-tXyI in¬∏-ku-μ-cyhpw ]≈n-°p-≈nse hnf°pw FÆbpw Zo]hpw I¿Øm-hn-s‚bpw I\yI adn-bm-an-s‚bpw ]cn-ip≤ ]nXm-°-∑m-cp-sSbpw Nn{Xßfpw Ipcn-ip-Ifpw t{XmtWm- p-Ifpw ame-J-am-cpsS Nn{X-ßfpw F√mw Cu kz¿§ob km∂n-[y-Øns‚ {]Xo-I-ß-fm-Wv. Cu Ah-t_m-[-amWv ]≈n-bn-te°v {]thin°ptºmgpw ]≈n-bn¬ \n∂pw Cdßn t]mIptºm-gpw \mw Xe-Ip-\n®v hW-ßp-∂X - ns‚ ASn-ÿm\w. Ah \sΩ ssZho-I-cm-Py-Øns‚ A\p-`-h-Øn-te°v D]-\b - n-∏n-°p-∂p. [q]w A¿∏n-®p-sIm≠pw Ipºn-´p-sIm≠p-ap≈ {]m¿∞-\-Iƒ shfn-∏mSv ]pkvX-I-Øn¬ ]dbp∂ kz¿§ob Bcm-[-\-bpsS ap∂m-hn-jvIm-c-a-√msX as‰m-∂p-a-√. A{]-Im-cw -Hcp Im¬ Xm¬Im-enI temIØnepw as‰mcp Im¬ \nXytemI-Ønepw IpØn-bmWv \mw ]≈n-bn¬ \n¬°p-∂-sX∂v hnti-jn-∏n°mw. hn.am-tam-Zo-km-bm¬ c£n-°-s∏´ kaq-l-tØm-sSm∏w `uao-I-Im-esØ AXn-ew-Ln-°p∂ cq]m-¥-c-s∏´ kab-Øns‚ A\p-`-h-amWv ssZhm-e-b-Øn-te-Xv. AXp ‘c£mka-b’sa∂v hnti-jn-∏n°mw. CXv A\p-`-h-ØneqsS am{Xw \ap°v t_m[y-s∏-Sp∂ H∂m-Wv. kabw c≠phn[w Ncn{X kabw (Chronos) F∂pw ssZh \n›nX kabw (Kairos) F∂pw c≠p ka-b-ß-fp≠v thZ-imkv{X-Øn¬.- km-[m-c-W-bmbn ka-b-sa∂v ]d-bp-tºmƒ KX-Imew (Running Day) F∂mWv a\- n-em-hp-I. CXdn-bp-hm≥ \ap-°v k-a-b-am-]n\n (Clock) D≠v. CXn\v `uao-I, Xm¬Im-en-I, Af-°m-hp∂ kabw F∂v IW°m-tºmƒ AXn-emWv \mw ssZ\w-Zn\w Pohn-°p-∂sX∂v kv ] jv S w. ssZhw hfsc \√- s X∂v I≠p \n¿Ωn® Cu temI-Øn¬ ÿe-Im-e-߃°p AXoh {]m[m-\y-ap-≠v. Ch {]m]©nI \∑-bpsS `mK-am-sW¶nepw ]m]w apJm-¥n-c-ap≈ hogvN Ch-sbbpw _m[n®n-´p-≈-Xn-\m¬ c£bpw hos≠-Sp∏pw hnip-≤o-I-cWhpw Chbv°pw Bh-iy-am-Wv. Bb-Xn-\m¬ {]]©-Øns‚ c£m-Ic ]≤-Xn-bpsS `mK-ambn ssZhw {]tXy- I - a mbn KX- I me Ncn- { X- Ø n¬ CS- s ]- S p∂ ssZhoI ka-b-sØ-bmWv ssZhw \n›n-X-k-a-b-sa∂v
kqNn-∏n-°p-∂-Xv. \ΩpsS ssZ\w-Zn-\-Po-hn-XØn¬ KX-Im-e-Øn¬ Xs∂ \n∂p-sIm≠v AXn-\v D]cn- b mbn A\p- ` - h n- ° p∂ ssZhoI km∂n[yamWv ChnsS D≠m- h p- I . A{]- I mcw GXp {]m¿∞\m kμ¿`-ß-sfbpw Cu ssZhoI ka-b-sa∂v \n¿Æ-bn°mw. am{X-a√ Cu ssZhoI kabw I¿Øm-hns‚ c≠mw hc-hn\v tijw ssZh-cmPy ]q¿Øo-I-c-WØnep≈ Hcp hnizm-kn-bpsS A\p-`-h-Øns‚ ap∂mkzm-Z-\-hpw IqSn-bm-Wv. C{]-Imcw \ΩpsS {]m¿∞\m ka-b-߃ F√mw Cu AXo-{μnb A\p-`-h-Øns‚ kμ¿`- ß fm- W v . Cu A\p- ` h kμ¿`- Ø n¬ \mw \n¬°p∂ KX- I m- e sØ hnkv a - c n- ° pI F∂Xv AXns‚ A¥kØ-bmIp∂p. hn.-tbm-l∂ - ms‚ Ip¿∫m\ {]pan-tbm\n¬ Bflob Nnd-Ip-I-fm¬ B¥-co-I-ambn \mw hn.Ip¿∫m\m kabØv ]d-∂p-b-cp-hm≥ {]m¿∞n-°p-∂p. am{X-a√ B ka-bØv amem-J-am-cpsS KW-߃ Cdßn h∂v _en]o-T-Øn\v Np‰pw \n∂v \ΩpsS ip{iq-j-bn¬ kw_‘n-°p-∂-Xmbn hnh-£n-°p-∂p. ChnsS A\n¿hN-\nb-amb A\p-`h temI-Øn-te°v B\-bn-°-s∏-Sp∂ kμ¿`-am-Wv. Bcm-[\ \nXy-X-bn-te-°p≈ {]th-i\w temI-Øn¬ \n∂p-sIm-≠p≈ Cu Bcm-[-\-bn¬ ]c- t emI _‘w A\p- ` - h n- ° p∂ Bcm- [ - \ - b psS kμ¿`w Ahm-Ny-am-Wv. hn.-am-tam-Zo-km-bnse BZy clky{]m¿∞- \ bn¬ hn.- a m- t am- Z okm cPn- à - d n¬ t]scgp-X-s∏-Sp-tºmƒ, kz¿§-cm-Py-Ønse Poh-{K-ŸØn¬ t]sc-gp-X-s∏-Sp-hm≥ {]m¿∞n-°p-∂p. am{X-a√ hn.-am-tam-Zok G¬°p∂bmƒ {XnXz kz`m-h-ap≈ ]cnip≤ k`-bn¬ Hcp kXy\Sp-X-e-bmbn ÿm]n-°-s∏Sp∂p F∂v AXnse aq∂mw cl-ky-{]m¿∞-\-bn¬ sNm√p- ∂ p. temI- Ø n¬ Pohn- ° p- t ºmƒØs∂ temIm- X o- X - a mb Ah- ÿ - b n¬°qSn Pohn- ° pI F∂Xv hfsc {]bm-k-ap-≈-Xm-Wv. CsXmcp BPo-h\m-¥-t]m-cm´w Xs∂. ImcWw \ap°p Np‰p-ap≈ kml-Ncyw CXn-\-\p-Iq-e-a-s√∂p am{X-a√ {]Xn-Iqe- h p- a m- W v . temI- Ø n¬ Pohn- ° p- t ºmƒØs∂ \ΩpsS Pohn-X-aq-ey-ß-fpsS Du∂-ep-I-sfbpw ssZhnI-aq-ey-ßfpsS Du∂ep-I-sfbpw tI{μo-I-cn-®p-≈-Xmbn-cn-°-W-sa∂v Npcp-°w. "F∂m-flm-hns\ \n¶-epb¿Øp-t∂≥ \mYm' F∂v \mw sNm√p-tºmƒ "Rm≥ ]¿Δ- X - Ø n- t e°v Fs‚ IÆp- I - f p- b ¿Øpw' F∂ k¶o¿Ø-\-°m-cs‚ A\p-`-h-hp-ambn HØp-tN-cp-∂p. temIw hep- X mbn IW- ° m- ° p∂ `uan- I hpw Xm¬°men-I-hp-amb kº-Øp-°ƒ°v A-Xo-X-ambn ssZhnI \nt£-]-߃ {]m]n-°p-hm-\p≈ ka¿∏Ww \ap°v Bh-iy-sa∂v ChnsS kqNn-∏n-°p-∂p. \nXy-X-
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
bpsS A\p-`-h-ß-fpsS `mK-`m-KnXzw Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv k`-bpsS Bcm-[-\-bpsS {][m\ Du∂-em-Wv. ae-¶c Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv kpdn-bm\n k`-bpsS Bcm[-\-bn¬ `uan-Ihpw kz¿§o-b-hp-amb Bcm-[\bpsS ktΩ-fnX kμ¿`-߃ hy‡-am-°p∂ Npcp°w Nne DZm-l-c-W-߃ tN¿°p-∂p. km[m-cW \a-kvIm-c-Øn¬ \n∂v 1. _p[-\mgvN \a-kvIm-c-Ønse cm{Xn {]m¿∞-\-bpsS aq∂mw Iuam-bnse tImtem-bpsS c≠mw `mKw: "B¿°mbv ImgvN-I-fn-hn-sS-b-W-bv°pt∂m `mKy-ah-t∂-‰w. ta¬ kz¿§-Øn-e-h-t∂m¿Ω-b-Xp-≠mIpw' F∂p XpS-ßp∂ KoXw. tami tKm{X-ß-fpsS t]cpIƒ Ah-cpsS Hm¿Ω-bv°mbn sImØn-h-®-Xp-t]mse BNm-cy≥ t{XmtWm p hncn-bpsS aosX hmßn-t∏mb-h-cpsS t]cp-Iƒ Hm¿Øp Ipcnip hc-bv°p-tºmƒ Ah¿ kz¿§-Øn¬ Hm¿°-s∏-Sp-Ibpw {InkvXp-hns‚ c≠mw hc-hn¬ kt¥m-jn-°p-hm-\p≈ A\p-{Klw {]m]n-°p-Ibpw sNøp∂p F∂v hy‡-am-°p-∂p. 2. Xn¶ƒ k‘y : I¿Ømth! kvXpXn- t X. \n≥ kvXpXn hm\n-ep-aq-gn-bnepw \ns∂ kv X pXn sNbv h q hm\- h - s cm∏w am\-h-cpw. 3. sNmΔ k‘y : \n∑m-\Ø - n\p kr„n-t®mcm kz¿§ob-∑mcpw \n∂psS cq]w \¬Inb \ccpw \ns∂ Io¿Øn-∏q. 4. sNmΔ {]`mXw : taept≈mscm∂n-®n-c-hn¬ Iogpt≈m¿ kvXpXn ]mSs´. 5. sNmΔ HºXmw aWn : tamdm\m-aotim X≥ ihkw-kvIm-c-Øn¬ dqlvIp-Znim- b m- e o- d - b cpw \ccpw I_- d n- ¶ ¬ BZ- a ns\ aÆm¬ \n¿Ωn® Poh-a-b∂¿∏n®p [q]w. 6. _p[≥ cm{Xn c≠mw Iuam ssZhn-I-]o-T-Øn≥ apºn¬ apJtX Pt mSo R߃ cm]-Ises∂∂pw kvtXm{Xw ]mSo-Spw. 7. hymgw k‘y : hmgv Ø p∂p hm\- h ¿ hm\n¬ Iq∏p∂p am\-h¿ a∂n¬. : hm\nse Cutd ZqX-∑m¿ am\-h\mZw tIƒ°p-∂p. 8. hymgw {]`mXw : {]` \ns∂ hμn-°p∂p; \mYm hmt\m¿ hmgvØp-∂p. \n≥ {]` X∂pZb- Ø n- ¶ ¬ kr„n- I ƒ \ns∂ hμn-∏q.
9. sh≈n cm{Xn
10. sh≈n cm{Xn
11. i\n k‘y
: kl-tZ¿ X∂-ÿnI-fn-∂mƒ tamZn-°s´. s]cp-\mƒ sIm≠mSpw k`bpw tamZn°-s´. : amXr-hn-ip≤ kvarXn kw_‘w \¬IpI \mYm. X≥ {]m¿∞\bm¬ ]pWy-an-h¿°pw arX-cmtbm¿°pw. : C∂m-tfm¿Ω Ign-t®mcmw arX-cmtbm- c psS \ma- ß ƒ tN¿Øo- S Wsa \mYm \n≥ cmtPy Poh-{KŸ-Øn¬.
hn. Ip¿∫m\ 1. Xqtbmt_m a) Cub- ` y¿∞\ kz¿§- Ø n≥ hmXn¬ Xpd°pw Xmt°m-em-I-W-sa. am\-h-\mZw tamZ-Icw adp-]Sn \mY≥ \¬Io-Sp-sa∂m \nc-I-fn-ep¬tLm-jn-°s´ dmt_ ZqX-∑m¿. b) timi∏m C´p-aq-Sp-tºmƒ: al-Xz-ap-≈-hs‚ tXP- p-sIm≠v BImiw aqSn-bncn-°p-∂p. Ahs‚ alXzw kr„n apgp-h-\nepw \nd™n-cn-°p-∂p. c) [q]m¿∏Ww Pohn-®n-cn-°p-∂-h¿°pw acn-®-h¿°pw kz¿§ob Du¿t«-an¬ Bizmkw e`n-°p-∂-Xn\v \n\°p ka¿∏n°p∂ Cu [q]sØ ssIs°m-≈-W-sa∂v \nt∂mSp R߃ At]-£n-°p-∂p. 2. {]pan-tbm≥ (8)
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
\ns∂ kvXpXn-°p-∂h - c - mb {Iqt_-∑mcp-sSbpw \n\°p Im-Zoiv ]mSp-∂-h-cmb t{kmt∏-∑m-cp-sSbpw KW-Øn¬ Fs∂ tN¿°p- I bpw sNbv X n- c n- ° p- ∂ - X n- \ m¬ ssZhta \ns∂ kvtXm{Xw sNøp-∂p. 3. hn. Ip¿∫m\ (]ckyw) a) Cu ka-bØv \msa-√m-h-cp-sSbpw a\- p-Ifpw Nn¥Ifpw lrZ-b-ßfpw Db-c-ß-fn¬ ]nXm-hmb ssZhØns‚ he-Xp-`m-KØv ainlm Xºp-cm≥ Ccn-°p∂ ÿm\-Øm-bn-cn-°-Ww. b) ico-cn-Ifpw Ai-co-cn-I-fp-amb kz¿§-tk-\-Iƒ alXz-s∏-Sp-Ø-hs\ \ap°pw al-Xz-s∏-Sp-Ømw. c) ]cn-ip≤ dqlm s]mcp-∂n- B-h-kn®v CXns\ ip≤oI-cn-°p-∂-Xmb Cu \mgnI F{X `b-¶-chpw Cu kabw F{X {`an-°-Ø-°-Xp-am-Ip-∂p. d) IrX- ⁄ X I¿Ømth! \ns‚ kz¿§ob hncp-∂n¬ kw_-‘n°p- h m≥ Rßsf A¿l- c m- ° n- Ø o¿Ø \ns‚ alm-I-cpW \nanØw R߃ \ns∂ kvtXm{Xw sNøp-∂p. e) am¿ Cuhm-\n-tbm-kns‚ {Iaw Xp_vtZ-\p apºv I¿Ømth Cu Xncp- i - c o- c - c - ‡ - ß ƒ A\p- ` - h n°p∂ F√m-hcpw kz¿§-cm-Py-Øn¬ Ah-Im-in-Ifm-bn-Øo-c-W-sa. AhnsS ]pXnb Poh-\n¬ ]cnip-≤-∑m-cpsS Iq´-Øn¬ Ah¿ B\-μn-°p-Ibpw sNø-W-sa. 4. hn. b¬tZm-s∏-cp-∂mƒ a) hn. Ip¿∫m-\p-`hw `qhm-kn-Ifpw kz¿§-hm-kn-Ifpw Cu \mf-hs\ kvtXm{Xw sNbvXp. b) Gh≥tK-en-\p-tijw tbmip- am-\h hm\h a≤y-ÿ≥. 5. Z\lm ]mh-\amw kv\m\-Øm¬ t£aw ]q-≠w-_-chpw `qX-ehpw kvtXm{Xw ]mSpw. 6. BNm-cy-∑m-cpsS Rmb¿ Imtkm-en°n Beb hmXn¬ Xpd-°p-tºmƒ hm\nShmXn¬ Xpd°p-∂p. dqlmsb hnfn-°p-t∂cw taeo∂pw ]d-∂ph-cpw. 7. B\oZm Rmb¿. lqtØmtΩm ]´-°m-c≥ ip≤mKmtc Ip¿∫m-\-bv°m-tb-dp-t∂cw Iq´-tØm-Sm-flm-°ƒ h∂mbm-K-Øn¬ kt¥mjw
]q≠v hmk-ÿmt\ ]n≥hm-ßp-∂p. 8. ]´-°m-cpsS Hm¿Ω k‘y Ft{Xm: hmßn-t∏mb sshZn-I¿ ain-lmbpsS k∂n-[n-bn¬ \nXyw ]qP \S-Øp-∂p. 9. Duim\m hn. Ip¿∫m-\m-\p-`hw ]nXr-k-lnXw hm\n¬ kvXpXn G¬°pt∂ms\ `qan-Xte t]mse P\w hmgvØo-Sp-∂p. 10. am¿tØmΩ Hm¿Ω am¿tØmΩm \n≥ kvXpXn `qan-bnepw hm\n-ep-amtLm-jn-°p-∂p. `qan-Xte a¿Xy-cp-am-Imti hm\hcpw tamZn-°p-∂p. 11. amtam-Zo a) B-Nm-cy≥ amtam-Zo sXm´n Xpd-°p-tºmƒ Iqdp∂otd ZqX-∑m¿ B›cyw hm\n¬. b) Cu PesØ ho≠pw P\-\-Øn≥ kv\m\hpw ]p{Xkzo- I m- c y- Ø n≥ \¬h- c hpw \mi- c - l n- X - a mb hkv{Xhpw hnip-≤m-flm-hn≥ ]pXp-°hpw B°nØo¿°-W-sa. c) hn. aqtdm≥ A`n-tjIw Cu aqtdm≥ ssXe-Øm¬ Bflo-I-amb kIe ]cn-a-f-hm-k-\-I-fm-epw .......................... \ns‚ tXP n¬Øs∂ \S-°p-Ibpw {]Im-i-]p-{X-\m-bnØocp-Ibpw \n∂n¬°qSn k©-cn-®p-sIm≠v Xncp-k-∂n[n-bn¬ FØn-t®-cp-Ibpw sNø-W-sa. d) Inco-S-[m-cWw I¿Ømth Cu \ns‚ Zmks\ {]`-sIm≠pw alXzw- s Im≠pw IncoSw [cn- ∏ n- ° p- I bpw Chs‚ PohnXw \ns‚ I¿Xr-Xz-Øn\v {]oXn-I-chpw Xncp\ma al-Xz-Øn\v A\p-tbm-Pyhpw Bbn-Øo-c-Wsa. D]-kw-lmcw kz¿§o-bcpw `uan-Icpw Hcp-an-®p-≈-XmWv \ΩpsS Bcm-[-\. {XnXz-ssZ-h-Øn-s‚bpw hn. I\yI adn-bman-s‚bpw ]cn-ip-≤-∑m-cp-sSbpw amem-J-am-cp-sSbpw Iq´Øn¬ ]¶p-tN¿∂p≈XmWv \ΩpsS kzImcy {]m¿∞\- t ]mepw F∂p≈ Ah- t _m[w im¥- a m- b pw _lfßfn-√m-sXbpw [rXn-Iq-Sm-sXbpw Nn´-bmbpw {Ia-ambpw Bcm-[\ \S-Øp-hm≥ \sΩ \n¿_-‘n-Xcm-°p-∂p. Bcm-[-\-bn¬ \n∂v F¥p alXzw F\n°p In´p-sa-∂√ {i≤n-t°-≠-Xv. k¿Δhpw ad∂v ssZhØn¬ Aen™p tNcp∂ kμ¿`-amWv Hmtcm Bcm[-\-bpw. ssZh-\maw am{Xw al-Xz-s∏-S-Ww. Bcm-[\ a\p- j y- c psS Iem- { ]- I - S \w (Performance) A√ ssZhal-Xz-Øn-\p≈ kpK‘w (Perfume) BWv (k¶o. 141-˛2).
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
am\-knI Btcm-Kyhpw Bflo-b-Xbpw
hnj-bs - Ø-°p-dn®v Fgp-Xp-hm≥ ImcWw tIc-fob kaq-ls - Ø°p-dn®v CubnsS shfn-s∏´ Nne hkvXp-X-I-fm-Wv. Chn-Sp-sØ P\-kwJy-bpsS 15% am\-kn-I tcmK-Øn\v acp-∂p-I-gn-°p-∂p. GI-tZiw A{XtØmfw t]¿°p-IqSn acp∂v Bh-iy-am-bn-´p-≠-s{X. Bfl-lXym\nc°vv tZiob icm-i-cn-bpsS Cc-´n-bm-Wv. km£-c-X, kmº-ØnI kpc-£nXXzw Ch-bn-sems° ap≥]n-ep≈ Hcp kaq-lØ - ns‚ Ac-£n-Xm-hÿ - sb CXp kqNn-∏n-°p-∂p. t]msc-¶n¬ Bflo-b-X-bpsS t]cn-ep≈ ]cn-]m-SnIƒ F√m aX-ß-fnepw hfsc IqSp-X¬ h¿≤n-®n-´p-ap-≠v. Bflo-b-X-bnte°p Xncn-bp-tºmƒ am\-knI kzÿX h¿≤n-°p∂p F∂ ka-hmIyhpw ChnsS sX‰p-I-bm-Wv.
hy‡n-If- psS kpc-£n-XX - z-t_m[hpw am\-knI Btcm-Kyhpw ^m. tUm. H. tXma-kv
G‰hpw kpc-£n-XXzw e`n-t°≠ `h-\ß - ƒ hy‡n°p kpc-£n-XXzw \¬Ip-∂n√ F∂mWv IW-°p-Iƒ kqNn-∏n-°p-∂-Xv.
Hcp-hy-‡n°v G‰hpw IqSp-X¬ kpc-£n-XXzw e`n-t°-≠Xv Fhn-sS\n-∂mWv? s]mXp-C-S-ß-fn¬ kv{XoIƒ°v kpc-£n-X-Xz-an√ F∂ apdhnfn km[m-cW tIƒ°m-dp-≠v. F∂m¬ CXns‚ Dd-hnSw I≠p-]n-Sn-t°≠-Xp-≠v. G‰hpw kpc-£n-XXzw e`n-t°≠ `h-\-߃ hy‡n°p kpc£n-XXzw \¬Ip-∂n√ F∂mWv IW-°p-Iƒ kqNn-∏n-°p-∂-Xv. `mcy `¿Øm-hn-s\bpw, `¿Ømhv `mcy-tb-bpw, amXm-]n-Xm-°ƒ Ip™p-ß-sfbpw, a°ƒ amXm-]n-Xm-°-sfbpw Poh-lm\n Xs∂ hcp-Øp-hm≥ {ian°p∂ ]›m-Ø-e-Øn¬ s]mXp-C-S-ß-ƒ kpc-£n-X-a√ F∂p-]-d-bp-∂Xn\v F¥v A¿∞-am-Wp-≈Xv? BZyw IpSpw-_-߃ hy‡n-Iƒ°v kpc£n-XXzw \¬I-s´. AXns‚ {]Xn-^-e\w kaq-l-Øn-te°pw hym]n-®psIm-≈pw. kv{XoIƒ s]mXp-bnS-ßf - n¬ ]oUn-∏n-°s∏Sp∂-Xns‚ {][m\ ImcWw Fs¥∂p ]cn-tim-[n-°mw. Ip´n-Iƒ ssewKnI NqjW-Øn\v hnt[-b-am-Ip∂p F∂Xv Hcp hkvXp-X-bm-Wv. GI-tZiw 37% s]¨Ip™p-ßfpw 39% B¨Ip-™p-ßfpw sNdp-∏Ø - n¬ Xs∂ ssewKnI Nqj-
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
W-Øn\v hnt[-b-cm-Ip-∂p-≠v. Cu ImcyØn¬ B¨ Ip™p-ß-fmWv IqSp-X¬ ]oUn-∏n-°-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv. ]n¬°m-e-ß-fn¬ kv{XoIsf cl-ky-Øn-tem, ]c-ky-Øntem ]oUn-∏n-°p∂ ]pcp-j∑ - m-cpsS Ncn{Xw ]cn-tim[n-®m¬ Cu Imcy-Øn¬ NqjWw sNø-s∏´ Hcp _mey-Imew an°-hc - nepw ImWm≥ Ign-bpw. Aß-s\sb-¶n¬ s]¨Ip-´n-Iƒ F¥p-sIm≠v A{Ia-hm-k\ Im´p- ∂ n√ F∂ tNmZyw Db¿t∂- ° mw. AXv kv{XobpsS ssewKnI tNmZ-\-bn¬ ]pcp-j-t\mfw AXn-{I-aW Bk‡n C√m F∂Xv s^an-\nÃv Nn¥mK- X n- ° m¿ Hcp- ] t£ AwKo- I - c n- ° n- √ m- b n- c n- ° pw. F¶nepw AXn¬ hkvXpX C√m-Xn-√. Xs∂-bp-a√ NqjWw sNø-s∏´ _mey-Imew D≈ Hcp s]¨Ip´n hyXykvX \ne-I-fn¬ {]mb-am-Ip-tºmƒ {]Xn-I-cn°m\pw km≤y-X-bp-≠v. Nne¿ ssewKn-I-X-bn¬ hnapJ-Xb - p-≈h - c - m-Ipw. a‰p Nne¿ Htc-ka - bw ]e ]pcp-j∑m-cp-ambn thgvNbv°v Xøm-dm-Im-\p≈ a\- p-≈h - c - mbn-Øo-cm\pw km≤y-Xb - p-≠v. GXm-bmepw Ip´n-If - psS _mey-Ime IpSpw-_m-¥-co£w Ah-cpsS ]n¬°me Pohn-XsØ hfsc kzm[o-\n-°p∂ H∂m-W.v am\-knI Btcm-Ky-an-√m-ba v b - psS hnØp-hn-Xb - ° v s - ∏-Sp-∂Xv IpSpw_m-¥c - o-£Ø - n-em-Wv.
am\-knI BtcmKyw CXv Af-°p-hm≥ Nne am\-Z-WvU-߃ a\:imkv{X-⁄∑ - m¿ hnI-kn-∏n-s®-Sp-Øn-´p-≠v. A{Xbpw kmt¶-Xn-I-X-bn-te°p IS-°msX {]mtbmKn-IX - b - n-eq-∂nb {][m-\s - ∏´ Nne ASn-ÿm-\ß - ƒ Nq≠n-°m-Wn-°s - ´. 1. kzb-a-Xn∏pw, kzbsØ AwKo-I-cn-°epw. B-Zy-sa kqNn-∏n-°-s´. NnIn-’-°p-hn-t[-b-am-tI≠ am\-knI tcmK-ßsf ChnsS ]cm-a¿in-°p-∂n-√. F{X]-Z-hnbpw kº-Øp-ap-≠m-bmepw kzbw kwXr-]vXn-bS-bmØ At\-I¿ \ΩpsS kaq-lØ - n-ep-≠.v X߃°n√m-ØXpw a‰p-≈h - ¿°p-≈X - p-amb Imcy-ßf - p-ambn XmcXayw sNbvXv C°q-´c - psS a\ v Ft∏mgpw Akz-ÿam-bn-cn°pw. ]W-ap-≈-bmƒ, hnZym-`ymkw Ipd-™Xns‚ t]cn¬ ]cn-tZ-hn-°pw. hnZym-`ymkw D≈ Bƒ ]Ww Ipd-™-Xns‚ t]cn¬ Akz-ÿ-\m-bn-cn-°pw. "kz'XzsØ AXns‚ _e-tØmSpw _e-lo-\X - t- bmSpw IqSn AwKo-I-cn-°p∂ a\- n-\mWv Btcm-Ky-ap-≈-Xv. I¿Øm-hns‚ ]Tn-∏n-°e - n¬ henb A¿∞-ap-≠v. ""\o \ns∂ kvt\ln-°p-∂-Xp-t]mse \ns‚ Ab¬°m-cs\bpw kvt\ln-°pI'' Ah-\-hs\ kvt\ln-°pI F∂p-]d- ™ m¬ t{^mbn-Uns‚ Nn¥-bnse kzb-ktv \l-sa∂ BflcXn-b√m adn®v "kzbsØ' AwKo-I-cn-
°p∂ at\m-`m-h-am-Wv. kzb-a-Xn-∏n-√m-Ø-h-cmWv a‰p≈-h-cpsS t]cns\ A]-Io¿Øn-s∏-Sp-Øm≥ {ian-°p∂-Xv. a‰p-≈-hsc tami-ambn Is≠-¶nte Ah-cpsS kzXz-Øn\v \ne-\n¬∏p-≈q. ]c-ZqjW kz`mhw A[nI-ambn´p≈-h¿ am\-knI Btcm-Ky-ap-≈h - c - √ - . 2. hyXy-kX v X - I - f - p≈ A]-cs\ AwKo-Ic - n-°pI PmXn, -a-Xw, `mj, kwkvIm-cw, h¿§w, h¿Æw XpSßn F{Xtbm Imcy-ß-fn¬ a\p-jy¿ hyXy-kvXcm-Wv. Hcm-fn-s\-t∏mse as‰m-cm-fn√ F∂-XmWv bmYm¿∞yw. CXpƒs°m≠v A]-cs\ AwKo-Ic - n-°m\p≈ a\ v ]e¿°p-an-√. am\-knI A]-Iz-X-bpsS hy‡-amb Hcp AS-bm-f-amWv CXv. A]-cs\ AwKoI-cn-°m-\p≈ hnap-JX IpSpw-_-Øn-ep-≈n-ep-am-bn-cn°p∂p F∂- X mWv ]cn- X m- ] - I - c - a mb hkv X p- X . shfpØ Zº-Xn-Iƒ°v Ip´n-bpsS \ndw Ccp-≠-Xm-bXn-\m¬ AwKo-I-cn-°m≥ km[n-°p-∂n-√. {]Xo-£bvs°mØv Ip´n-Iƒ°v dm¶v e`n-®n-s√-¶n¬ Ahsc kvt\ln-°m≥ km[n-°p-∂n-√. `mcy°v `¿Øm-hns\bpw `¿Øm-hn\v `mcy-tbbpw AwKo-I-cn-°p-hm≥ ]e Imc-W-ß-fm¬ km[n-°p-∂n-√. Cu A]-Iz-a-\ ns‚ h¿≤n® cq]hpw `mh-hp-amWv ISpØ Akln-jvWp-X. ISpØ Ak-ln-jvWpX {Iqc-Xb - n-te°p \bn- ° p- ∂ p. IpSpw- _ - ß - f nepw kaq- l - Ø nepw kwL¿j-߃ h¿≤n-°p-∂X - ns‚ ASn-ÿm-\I - m-cWw Ak-ln-jvWp-X-bm-Wv. AXns‚ Dd-hn-Stam hy‡nbpsS a\- ns‚ A]-Iz-`mhw Xs∂-bm-Wv. hyXykvX Nn¥bpw cq]hpw `mh-hp-ap≈hsc AwKo-I-cn-°m≥ km[n-°p-∂Xv am\-knI Btcm-Ky-Øn-s‚ AS-bm-fa - mWv. 3. {]Xn-k-‘n-I-fn¬ CS-dmØ a\ v Sn.hn. I≠-Xp-aXn F∂v amXm-]n-Xm-°ƒ -hn-e-°nbm¬, ]co-£-bn¬ tXm‰m¬, saUn-kn\v {]th-i\w In´n-bn-s√-¶n¬ F∂p XpS-ßnb Imc-W-ß-fm¬ hnZym¿∞n-I-fpw, IpSpw_ Ie-lsØ {]Xn `mcym`¿Øm-°-∑m-cpw, IS-s°-Wn-bp-sS-t]-cn¬ tem¨ hmßn-bn-´p-≈-h-cp-sams° Bfl-l-Xy-sN-øp∂ {]hWX ChnsS h¿≤n-®p-h-cp-∂p. _mly-amb Imc-W߃ hy‡nsb Xf¿Øp∂p F∂p-]d - b - p-∂Xv {]iv\ß-fpsS Hcp-h-ita BIp-∂p-≈q. {]Xn-k-‘n-Isf t\cn-Sm≥ F¥p-sIm≠v ss[cyw e`n-°p-∂n√m F∂ adp-tNmZyw A¿∞-hØ - m-bX - p-Xs - ∂. {]Xn-k‘ - n-Iƒ C√mØ PohnXw C√. AXns\ t\cn-Sp-hm-\p≈ i‡n B¿÷n-°pI am{Xta a\p-jy¿°p km≤y-am-Ip-Ib - p≈q. Hcp- ] t£ kpJ- k u- I - c y- ß ƒ h¿≤n- ® XpsIm≠mhmw Aev]w t]mepw t¢i-߃ t\cn-Sm\p≈ IcpØv C√m-sX-t]m-Ip-∂Xv. DXvIW - vT, B[n,
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
hnjm-Zw Ch-sbms° kaq-lØ - n¬ s]mXpsh h¿≤n®p-hc - p-∂p. CsXms° ap≥]pw D≠m-bn-cp-∂p. F∂m¬ Cg-bS- pØ IpSpw_ _‘-߃, \√ kplr-Øp-°ƒ, Bg-ta-dnb ssZhm-{ibw Ch-sbms° {]Xn-k‘ - n-Isf adn-IS- ° - m≥ klm-bn-®n-cp-∂p. Cu Du∂p-hS- n-Is - f√mw B[p-\nI a\p-jy\v \jvSs - ∏-´n-cn-°p-∂p. F√mw kz¥w tXmfn¬ Xs∂ hln-t°-≠n-h-∂-t∏mƒ Npa-Sp-Iƒ°v `mcw Gsd- b m- b n. Cd- ° n- s h- ° p- h m≥ AØmWn C√msX h∂-t∏mƒ Bfl-l-Xy-bn¬ Hcp-X-c-Øn¬ A`bw {]m]n-°p-I-bm-Wv. CXpw am\-knI Btcm-KyØns‚ A`m-hsØ kqNn-∏n-°p-∂p. 4. \∑-bn-te-°√ - , Xn∑-bn-te-°p≈ hf¿® CXpw am\-knI Btcm-Ky-an-√m-bvab - psS AS-bmfw Xs∂-bm-Wv. ImcWw ASn-ÿm-\-]-c-ambn a\p-jy≥
\∑- b n¬ hf- c m≥ krjv S n- ° - s ∏- ´ - h - c m- W v . Cu Dƒ°mgvN a\:imkv{X-Øn-en-s√-¶nepw ssZh-im-kv{XØn-ep-≠v. AXm-bXv BZy-a-\p-jy≥ ssZh-km-Zr-iyØnepw kzcq-]Ø - nepw krjvSn-°s - ∏-´p. kzbw ]m]w sNøp-hm≥ Xocp-am-\n-°p-∂X - p-hsc Ah-\n¬ Xn∑-bmb-sXm∂pw C√m-bn-cp-∂p. AXns‚ A¿∞w BZy-`mhw ASn-ÿm-\] - c - a - mbn \∑-bm-bn-´p-≈X - p-Xs - ∂ F∂mWv. t{^mbn-Unt\-t∏m-ep≈ a\ximkv{X-⁄-∑m¿ a\pjys‚ ASn-ÿm\ kz`mhw kpJm-\p-`qXn At\z-jn°p-∂-XmWv F∂v ]Tn-∏n-®n-´p-≠v. AXn¬ Xs∂ ssewKn-IX Bkz-Zn-°m-\p≈ tNmZ-\-bmWv G‰hpw i‡n-tb-dn-bXv F∂pw hy‡-am-°n-bn-´p-≠v. CtX-∏‰n Hcp {Ko°v -_n-j∏v B‚Wn {Intkm-Ã-tamkv A`n-
{]m- b - s ∏- ´ n- c n- ° p- ∂ Xv Cß- s \- b mWv ""t{^mbn-Uns‚ A`n-{]mbw Hcp-hn-[Øn¬ icn-bm-Wv. t{^mbnUv ]Tn-®Xv hogvN-bn-emb a\p-jys‚ kz`m-h-sØ-∏-‰nbm-W.v F∂m¬ {InkvXp-hn-ep≈ hos≠-Sp-∏n¬ Cu kz`m-h-Øn\v \n›-b-ambpw am‰w kw`-hn-°p∂p (Orthodox Psychology) Cu am‰-Øns‚ km≤y-Xs - b°p-dn®v \nco-iz-ch - m-Zn-bmb t{^mbn-Un\v \n›-ba - n-√mbn-cp-∂p. ChnsS Hcp-Imcyw a\- n-em-°m-\p-≈Xv, \∑bn-te-°p≈ hf¿® kzm`m-hn-Ia - m-bn-´p-≈Xpw Xn∑-bnte-°p≈ hf¿® Akzm-`m-hn-Ih - p-am-Wv. C∂p ]eXpw Xncn®mWv a\- n- e m- ° p- ∂ - X v . Xn∑- b n- t e- ° p≈ hf¿®sb kzm`m-hn-I-ambn ImWp-∂p. am\-knI BtcmKyw \jvSs - ∏-Sp-∂Xv Chn-sS-bm-W.v \∑-bn-te°p hf-cp-tºm¬ hy‡n-bpsS BfXz-Øn¬ D≠m-Ip∂ Du¿÷ {]hmlw Bfl, icoc, a\- pIsf DtØ- P n- ∏ n- ° p- ∂ Xpw i‡n ]I-cp-∂-Xp-am-Wv. \∑sX-sc-s™-Sp-°p-Ibpw AXn¬ hf- c p- I bpw sNøptºmƒ ico-cØ - n¬ Dev]m-Zn-∏n°-s∏-Sp∂ tlm¿tam-Wp-Ifpw a‰p cmk-am-‰-ßfpw am\-knI BtcmKyw h¿≤n- ∏ n- ° p- ∂ XmWv F∂v imkv{Xo-b-ambn Xs∂ sXfn-bn-°-s∏-´n-´p-≠v. kzb-a-Xn-∏v, hyXy-kvX-X-Ifp≈ A]-cs\ AwKo-Ic - n-°m\p≈ Xpd-hn, {]Xn-k-‘n-Ifn¬ ]X-dn-t∏m-ImsX Dd-®p\n¬°m-\p≈ Ign-hv, \∑-bnte-°p≈ hf¿® Ch-sbms° am\-knI Btcm-Ky-Øns‚ apJy AS-bm-f-ß-fm-Wv.
am\-knI Btcm-Ky-Øn\v Bflo-bX - b - p-ambn´p≈ _‘w Bflo-bX C∂v hfsc sX‰n-≤-cn-°-s∏-´n-cn-°p∂ ]Z-am-Wv. Cu sX‰¬ C∂pw C∂-sebpw XpS-ßn-bX - √. aX- h p- a mbn _‘- s ∏- ´ p- \ - S - ° p∂- s X√mw BflobamsW∂v Nne¿ sX‰n-≤c - n-®n-´p-≠.v Cu Nn¥mKXn hfsc Ipg-∏-ap-≠m-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. tbip-{In-kvXphns‚ ImeØv I¿Ømhv hna¿in-®Xpw Ip‰-s∏-Sp-ØnbXpw \mkvXn-Is - c-b√m adn®v BkvXn-Isc Xs∂-bmWv. ""ssZh-an√m F∂v aqV≥ Xs‚ lrZ-b-Øn¬ ]dbp∂p'' F∂v k¶o¿Ø-\° - m-c≥ hy‡-ambn ]d-™n´p-≠v. AØ-c-Øn-ep≈ Hcp Ip‰-s∏-Sp-ج t]mepw ssZh-an-√m-Ø-h-tc-°p-dn®v I¿Ømhv ]d-™n-´n-√.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
I¿Ømhv hna¿in- ® - s X√mw ISpØ ssZh-hn-izm-kn-Is - f-Øs - ∂-bm-Wv. BNmcm-\p-jT v m-\ß - ƒ \njvTt- bmsS ssIImcyw sNbvX ]coi kmZqIy-hn-`m-K-Øn-s\-Xn-cmbmWv {Inkv X p IqSp- X ¬ hna¿i- \ - ß ƒ Db¿Øn-°m-´n-bX - v. AXn-\m¬ aX-Øn-s‚bpw, k`-bpsSbpw t]cn¬ \S- Ø - s ∏- S p∂ F√mw BflobamsW∂ Nn¥ Xncp-Øn-°p-dn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. icn-bmb Bflo-bX am\-knI Btcm-KysØ h¿≤n∏n-°p-tºmƒ hnI-ea - mb Bflo-bX am\-knI BtcmKysØ \in-∏n-°p-Ib - mWv sNøp-∂X - v. F√m-hn-[Ø - nep≈ auenI hmZ-ßfpw (Fundamentalism) hnI-ea- mb Bflo-b-X-bpsS `mKamWv. ssZhsØ Bcpw ]q¿Æambpw Adn-™n-´n√. GXp-a-X-Øn¬s∏-´-h-cm-sW¶nepw ssZhm-\p-`-h-Øn¬ hf-cp∂p Ft∂-]-d-bm≥ H°p-Ib - p-≈q. AXp-sIm≠v Xs∂ Fs‚ Adnhv ]q¿Æambpw icn-sb∂pw a‰p-≈-sX√mw sXs‰∂pw \ymbw hn[n-°p-∂Xv icn-b√ - . aX-Xo-{h-hm-Zh - pw, a‰p hnizm-kß-tfm-Sp≈ Ak-ln-jvWp-Xbpw AXp krjvSn-°p∂ \ntj-[m-fl-I-amb tIm]w, ]nW-°w, [m¿jvTyw, Akqb XpS-ßnb F√m-hn-Im-c-ßfpw am\-kn-Im-tcmKysØ sISp-Øn-°f - b - p-∂X - m-W.v a‰p-≈h - s - cbpw AhcpsS hnizm-kß - sf BZ-cn-°p-Ibpw sNøp-∂n-SØ - mWv icn-bmb Bflo-bX hnI-kn-°p-∂-Xv. ssZhm-{i-bt_m[w Fßs\ am\-knI Btcm-KysØ h¿≤n-∏n°p∂p F∂v a\:imkv{X-]-c-ambn Nq≠n-°m-´n-bXv Imƒ bpwKv F∂ a\:imkv{X-⁄-\m-Wv. t{^mbnUns‚ kl-bm-{Xn-I-\mb bpwKv t{^mbn-Uns‚ "en_ntUm', kn≤m-¥-tØmSv hnL-Sn-®p. AXm-bXv "ssewKnI tNmZ-\-bmWv' a\p-jys‚ At_m-[-a-\ nse i‡-amb hnIm-cs - a-∂p-≈Xv bpwKv AwKo-Ic - n®n-√. hy‡n-]c - a - mb At_m-[Ø - n-\p-]I - cw At±lw sh®Xv kmaqly At_m-[a - mWv (Collective Unconscious) AXm-bXv a\p-jy-h¿§-Øn\p apgp-h\ - mbn Hcp s]mXp At_m-[-ap-≠v. AXn¬ i‡-ambn \n¬°p∂Xv AZr-iy-amb Hcp alm-i-‡n-tbmSv _‘-s∏-SpØp-hm-\p≈ Xzcbm-Wv. Cu `mKw Xr]vXn-s∏-Sp-ØmØ-h¿ Ah-cpsS Xs∂ kzXz-t_m-[sØ \ncm-I-cn°-bmWv sNøp-∂Xv F∂v Imƒ bpwKv Nq≠n-°m-´n. A¿∞-h-Ømb Hcp _‘w BXy-¥n-I-amb i‡ntbmSv AYhm ssZh-tØmSv D≠m-°m-Ø-Xn-\m-emWv At\Iw t]¿ am\-knI tcmKn-I-fm-bXv F∂v at\mtcm-Kn-Isf NnIn-’-®-Xns‚ shfn-®-Øn¬ At±lw Is≠-Øn. ssZh-\n-tj-[n-Iƒ kz¥ AkvXn-Xz-tØmSp-Xs∂ Ie-ln-°p-I-bmWv sNøp-∂-Xv. ChnsS as‰mcp-Im-cyhpw {i≤n-t°-≠-Xp-≠v. k¿Δm-[n]Xn-bmb ssZh-hp-ambn _‘-s∏-Sp-∂-Xn-\p-]-Icw a\p-jys‚
kzm¿∞-X-tb-bpw, Al-¥-tb-bpw, D√mk XrjvWtb-bpw, t`mKm-k‡ - n-tb-bp-sams° Xr]vXn-s∏-Sp-Øm≥ aX-tØbpw `‡n-tbbpw D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂-h¿ [mcm-fap-≠v. aXm-\p-jvTm-\ß - f - n¬ IqSn Ah¿ At\z-jn-°p∂Xv ISpØ kzm¿∞-Xb - psS km£m-XvImcw Xs∂bm-Wv. icn-bmb Bflo-bX kzb-Øn¬ \n∂p-hn-SpX¬ {]m]n®v A]-c-\n-te°p \oßp-∂-Xm-Wv. D√mk XrjvW-Iƒ°p-]-Icw kzb-]-cn-XymKw icn-bmb Bflo-b-X-bpsS apJ-ap-{Z-bm-bn-cn-°pw. aX-Øns‚ t]cn¬ C∂p-\S- ° - p∂ BtLm-jß - ƒ F√mw Xs∂ ]g-ba - \ - p-jys‚ t`mKm-k‡ - n-tb-bpw, Al-¥t- bbpw ]cn-t]m-jn-∏n-°m-\p-≈-Xm-Wv. ChnsS B¥-cnI kØbv°p bmsXmcp am‰hpw kw`-hn-°p-I-bn-√. {InkvXob Bflo-bX - b - n¬ hy‡n-bpsS "kzb'-Øns‚ ÿm\Øv {InkvXp-hns\ {]Xn-jT v n-°W - w. ""C\n Pohn°p-∂Xv Rm\√ F∂n¬ hkn-°p∂ {InkvXp-hs{X' F∂v ]utemkv At∏m-kvtXm-e≥ FØn-tN¿∂ Db¿∂-Xe - Ø - n-te-°p≈ {]bm-WØ - n-em-Wv hnizm-knbpsS Bflob hf¿® ÿnXn sNøp-∂X - v. ssZhsØ At\z-jn-°p-∂Xv ssZh-kz-`m-h-Øn¬ ]¶p-tN-cm≥ am{X-am-bn-cn-°W - w. ]uckvXy thZ-imkv{Xw AXns\ ssZho-IcWw (THEOSIS) F∂p-hn-fn-°p-∂p. \∑-bnte°p hf-cm-\p≈ B{K-la - n-√msX kzm¿∞ Xmev]cy-ßt- fmsS \S-Øs - ∏-Np∂ A\p-jT v m-\ß - fpw {]m¿∞\-I-fp-sams° hnizm-kn°p icn-bmb am\-knI BtcmKyw \¬Ip-I-bn-√. t\csØ kqNn-∏n-®-Xpt]mse a\p-jys‚ krjvSn-bnse BZy-`mhw \∑-bptS-Xm-bn-cp-∂p. AXn-te-°p≈ aS-ßn-t∏m-°mWv ssZhmt\z-jW - Ø - n¬ {][m-\a - m-bX - v. hy‡n-Xz-Øns‚ `mKam-bn- ]n∂oSv h∂ Xn∑sb hn]m-S\w sNbvXv \∑-bnte°p hf-cp-tºmƒ ]pd-s∏-Sp-hn-°p∂ Du¿÷w hy‡nIƒ°p \thm-t∑jw D≠m-°pw. {]Xn-k-‘n-I-fn¬ Ah¿ Xf¿∂p t]mhp-Ib - n-√. Ip™v amdn-SØ - n-te°p aS-ßp-tºm-gp≈ kpJhpw kt¥m-jhpw t]mse krjvSn- kr-jvSm-hp-ambn _‘-s∏-Sp-∂-Xnse A]m-camb B\μw Is≠-Øp-∂p. CXv C{μnb kpJ-Øn-\∏p-d-ap≈ Hcp-X-e-am-Wv. ssZhsØ Adn-bp-∂-Xpt]mepw C{μnb kpJm-\p-`q-Xnbv°pw `uXnI t`mK߃°pw th≠n-bm-sW-¶n¬ Cu Db¿∂ Xe-Øn¬ FØm≥ km[n-°p-I-bn-√. Npcp-°-Øn¬ kzb-sØbpw, A]-cs - \bpw Bbn-cn-°p∂ Ah-ÿb - n¬ AwKoI-cn-°m-\pw, ssZh-kr-jSv n-bn¬ kzm`m-hn-Ia - mbn e`n® \∑sb ]cn-t]m-jn-∏n-°m-\pw, {]Xn-k-‘n-bn¬ H‰bv°√m F∂ t_m[y-tØmsS Pohn-°m\pw km[n-°ptºmƒ, AhnsS am\-knI Btcm-Kyhpw icn-bmb Bflo-bX - bpw ktΩ-fn-°p-∂X - mbn Xncn-®d - n-bmw.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
ae-¶c k`m-N-cn-{X-Ønse ka-ky-Iƒ
^m. tUm. t__n h¿§o-kv
am¿tØmΩm ss]XrIw Ah-Im-is- ∏-Sp∂ tIc-fØ - nse ss{IkvXh k`-Iƒ°v Ign-™I - m-es- Ø-∏‰n A¬∏w AXn-i-tbm‡n Ie¿∂ Adn-hp-If- m-Wp-≈X - v.
cp P\-X-bpsS ss]Xr-I-Øns‚ kp{]-[m\ `mK-amWv AXns‚ Ncn-{X-sØ-∏‰- n-bp≈ icn-bmb ImgvN∏ - m-S.v kzbw Is≠Øm-\pw, sX‰p-Iƒ a\- n-em°n Xncp-Øp-hm-\pw, `mhnsb Icp∏n-Sn-∏n-°m-\pw, KX-Im-e-sØ-∏-‰n-bp≈ icn-bm-bXpw k¥p-en-Xhp-amb hne-bn-cp-ج AXy-¥m-t]-£n-Xa - m-Wv. an° ]pcm-X\ k`-Iƒ°pw Ah-bpsS ]q¿Δ-N-cn-{X-sØ-∏-‰nbp≈ Adnhv ]cn-an-X-am-Wv. tdma≥ km{am-Py-Øn\p shfn-bnep≈ C¥y, t]¿jy, FtXym]y F∂n-hn-S-ß-fnse k`-I-fpsS Imcy-Øn¬ CXv kXy-am-Wv. G.-Un. 410 \v apºp≈ t]¿jy≥ k`m-Nc - n{Xw sFXn-ly-ßf - p-sSbpw ]mc-ºc - y-Øn-s‚bpw ASn-ÿm\-Øn-ep-≈X - m-W.v G.-Un. 330\p apºp≈ tdma≥ km{am-Py-Ønse k`-bpsS Ncn{Xw Fgp-Xn-bXv ssIk-dn-bm-bnse bqtk-_n-tbmkm-Wv. e`y-amb tcJ-If - pw, hmbvsam-gn-Ifpw CXn-\mbn At±lw D]-tbm-Kn-®p. am¿tØmΩm ss]XrIw Ah-Im-i-s∏-Sp∂ tIc-f-Ønse ss{IkvXh k`-Iƒ°v Ign-™-Im-e-sØ-∏‰n A¬∏w AXn-i-
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
tbm‡n Ie¿∂ Adn-hp-I-fm-Wp-≈-Xv. tIcf ss{IkvX-h¿ Ncn-{Xw, Fgp-XnbXpw Fgp-Xp-∂Xpw hna¿i-\m-flI - a - m-bn´-√, \ne-]m-Sp-Isf km[q-I-cn-°p-hm-\m-Wv. Xm\pƒs∏-Sp∂ kaq-l-Ønse ]cn-an-X-amb hmb-\° - msc am{X-amWv \ΩpsS Ncn-{X-Im-c∑ - m¿ e£yan-Sp-∂X - v. ]sØm≥]-X,v Ccp-]Xp \q‰m-≠p-If - n¬ bqtdm-]y≥ anj-\-dn-amcpw a‰pw (A-h-cn¬ ]ecpw Ncn-{X-Im-c-∑m¿ A√m-bn-cp-∂p), Fgp-Xnb ]pkvX-I-ß-fpsS ASn-ÿm\-Ønepw amXr-I-bn-ep-amWv an° Ncn-{X-]p-kvX-Ißfpw Fgp-Xn-bn-cn-°p-∂X - v. {KŸ kqNn-Ib - nepw ASn°p-dn-∏p-If - n-epw, bqtdm-]y≥ Ncn-{X-Im-c∑ - m-cpsS IrXnI-fpsS t]cp-Iƒ ]Xn-hmbn ImWm-sa-¶nepw Ah hmbn®n-´p-≈h - ¿ Xosc Ipd-hm-Wv. DZm-l-c-W-ambn Ask-am\n (Bibliotheca Orientalis), anwKm-\m, XpS-ßn-b-h-cpsS IrXn-Iƒ ]ecpw I≠n-´pt]m- e p- a n- s √- ∂ p- ≈ - X mWv kXyw. BZna k`m-]n-Xm-°∑m- c pw, Ncn- { X- t c- J - I fpw C¥y- s b- ∏ - ‰ nbpw am¿tØmΩm «olm- b psS t{]£nX {]hr- Ø n- s b- ∏ ‰nbpw ]cm-a¿in-°p∂ tcJIƒ A¬t^m≥kv anwKm\m D≤-cn-°p-∂p. an° Ncn-{X-Imc-∑mcpw B D≤-cWn-Iƒ tamjvSn-°p-Ib - mWv sNøp-∂Xv. Ncn-{X-cN - \ - b - n¬ Ahn-izkvXX ImWn-°p-∂X - ns‚ DZm-lc - W - a - m-Wn-X.v tcJ-Iƒ D≤-cn-°p-∂-Xn¬ Ahn-iz-kvXX ImWn-°p-∂-h¿, kμ¿`m-\p-krXw hkvXp-X-Iƒ hf-s®m-Sn-°p-sa-∂Xv Xo¿®-bm-Wv. a‰p-≈-h¿ ]d-bp-∂Xv A∏Sn Bh¿Øn°p-Ib - mWv an°-hcpw sNøp-∂X - v. ASn-°p-dn-∏n¬ ]pkvXI - ß - f - psS \o≠-enÃv \¬Inbm¬ B[n-Im-cn-Ia - m-sW∂v ]ecpw sX‰n-≤c - n-°p-∂p. Hcp A_-≤-tam, sXt‰m \ymbo-I-cn-°p-∂-Xn\v \o≠ ASn-°p-dn-∏p-Iƒ \¬Ip-∂Xv sh≈ ]qim-\p≈ {iaØns‚ `mK-am-Wv. Ncn-{X-c-N-\-bn¬ Hcp ]pXnb kao-]\w, ]cn-{i-a߃ Cu coXn-bn¬ {it≤-ba - m-W.v tUm. Ipcy≥ tXmakns‚ ]cn-{i-aß - ƒ Cu coXn-bn¬ {it≤-ba - m-W.v At±l-Øns‚ \nK-a\ - ß - t- fmSv hntbm-Pn-°p-hm≥ km[n-t®-
°mw. F∂m¬ hnc-ka - mb Ncn-{X-cN - \ - b - n¬ Hcp ]pXnb am¿§w At±lw Ah-ew-_n-®Xv hnkvac - n-°p-∂n-√.
am¿tØmam ss]XrIw am¿tØmam «olm C¥y-bn¬ kphn-ti-ja - d - n-bn®p F∂-Xv, ae-¶c \{km-Wn-Iƒ A`n-am\]pc- cw A\pkvac - n-°p-∂p. Ncn-{X-tc-JI - s - f-°mƒ kPo-ha - mb {]mtZinI ]mc-º-cy-amWv ae-¶-c-k-`-bpsS At∏m-kvtXmenI D¤-hØ - n\v hnizm-kyX \¬Ip-∂X - v. Ncn-{X-tc-JI - f - psS A`mhw \nanØw am¿tØmΩm ]mc-ºc - ysØ kwi-bt- ØmsS ho£n-°p∂ ]m›mXy ]WvUn-X∑ - m-cp-≠v. hmZ-ßf - n-eqsS Ahsc hniz-kn-∏n°p-∂Xv A{X Ffp-∏-a-√. am¿tØmΩm «olm-bpsS {]hr-Øn-Iƒ (Acts of Thomas) F∂ As∏m-{Io-^¬ {KŸw, At∏m-kvtXm-es‚ C¥y- b nse t{]£nX {]h¿Ø-\Ø - ns‚ {]Xn-]mZ- \ - a m- W v . Ncn- { X- { KŸw F∂-Xn-s\-°mƒ Ncn-{Xt\m-h¬ (historical novella) F∂ hnti-jW - a - mWv CXn\v- tbm-Pn-°p-∂X - v. kpdn-bm\n-bn¬ ""bqZm-tXm-Ωm-bpsS {]h¿Øn- I ƒ'' F∂- t ]cn¬ Fgp- X - s ∏´ IrXn, Xma-kw-hn\m {Ko°n-te°v ]cn- ` mj sNbvXp. am¿tØmam «olm-bpsS {]h¿Øn-I-fn¬ ]cm-a¿in°p∂ C¥y, ae-_m¿ Xoca- √ , tXmam- « o- l m- b psS c‡- k m- £ n- Ø - s Ø- ∏ ‰n hnh-cn-°p-∂p-≠.v F∂m¬ ssaem-∏q¿ F∂ ÿe-t∏cp ImWp-∂n-√. Ggp-]-≈n-Iƒ, \mev sshZnI IpSpw-_߃ XpS-ßnb {]mtZ-inI ]mc-º-cy-ß-sf-∏‰n kqN\-bn-√. tKm≠-t^m-d-kv, ]›n-tam-Øc C¥y-bn¬ `cWw \S-Ønb cmPm-hm-bn-cn-°-Ww. a‰p IYm-]m-{X߃°v {Ko°p t]cp-I-fmWv D]-tbm-Kn-®n-cn-°p-∂-Xv. tXmΩm-«olm BZyw DØ-c-]-›na `mc-X-Ønepw ]n∂oSv Z£n-tW-¥y-bnepw t{]£nX {]h¿Øn-bn¬ G¿s∏-´n-cn-°m-\mWv km≤y-X. At∏m-kvtXm-es‚ t{]£nX {]h¿Ø-\-ß-fpsS Hcp ka-Im-eo\ hnh-cW - a - √ - , am¿tØmΩm «olm-bpsS {]h¿Øn-Iƒ. G.-Un. 250˛t\mS-SpØv FtU-km-bn¬ Fgp-Xs - ∏´p F∂mWv s]mXpsh Nn¥n-°p-∂X - .v AXmbXv «olm-bpsS c‡-km-£n-a-c-W-Øn\v 200 h¿j߃°p-tijw. C¥y-bpsS `qan-im-kv{Xw, kwkvIm-
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
cw F∂n-hs - b-∏‰n {KŸ-I¿Øm-hn\v Adn-hp-≠m-bn-cp∂p-sh∂v tXm∂p-∂n-√. FtU-km-bn¬ {]N-cn-®n-cp∂ ]mc-ºc - y-Øns‚ ASn-ÿm-\Ø - n-emWv CXv Fgp-Xn-bsX∂pw tXm∂p-∂p. tXmam-«ol C¥y-bn¬ \S-Ønb t{]£n-X-hr-Ønsb kz¥w ImgvN-∏m-Sn-eqsS {KŸI¿Ømhv Ah-Xc - n-∏n-°p-∂p. {]m¿∞-\I - fpw KoX-ßfpw \¬In-bn-cn-°p-∂p. amtam-Zo-km-bp-sSbpw, hn. Ip¿∫m\ A¿∏-W-Øn-s‚bpw hnh-c-W-߃ \¬Inbn-´p-≠v. aq∂mw \q‰m-≠n¬ FtU-km-bn¬ D]-tbm-Kn®n-cp∂ Bcm-[\m {Ia-ß-fpsS ]q¿Æ-amb Nn{Xw {KŸ-I¿Ømhv \¬Ip-∂p. As∏m-kvtXm-enI Imew apX¬ {]kvXpX {]m¿∞-\-Iƒ D]-tbm-Kn-®n-cp∂p F∂v kqNn-∏n-°p-Ib - m-bn-cn-°Ww e£yw.
tIcf ss{IkvXh - c - psS ]mc-ºc - y-ßf - pw, am¿tØmΩm-«o-lm-bpsS {]h¿Øn-I-fnse hnh-c-W-ßfpw XΩn¬ ]e-t∏mgpw s]mcp-Ø-s∏-Sp-∂n-√. DZm-l-c-Wambn Ggp-]≈ - n-Iƒ, \mev {_m“W IpSpw-_ß - f - psS am\-km-¥c - h - pw, ]utcm-lnXy ÿm\hpw BZn-ak - `- m]n- X m- ° - ∑ m- c pw, ]pcm- X \ Bcm- [ \m {Ia- ß fpw am¿tØm-Ωm-«olm "C¥y'bn¬ kphn-ti-j-a-dn-bn®p F∂p- ]-d-bp-∂p-≠v. F∂m¬ C¥y-sb-∏-‰n-bp≈ Hcp Ahy-‡X a[y-i-X-I-߃ hsc, an° Fgp-Øp-Imcnepw D≠m-bn-cp-∂p. FtXym-]y, Atd-_y-bpsS sX°p`m-Kw, C∂sØ sba≥, t]¿jy≥ km{am-Py-Øns‚ Ing-°p≈ {]tZ-i-߃ F∂n-h-sb√mw C¥y F∂v Adn-b-s∏-´n-cp-∂p. FtXym]y (={Iqiv), C¥y F∂ohm-°p-Iƒ Htc A¿∞-Øn-emWv ]pcm-X\ Fgp-ØpI-fn¬ ]ecpw D]-tbm-Kn-®n-cp-∂X - v. F∂m¬ C∂sØ
FtXym]y am¿tØmΩm «olm-bpsS ss]XrIw Ah-Im-is - ∏-Sp-∂n-√. F¶n-epw, BZna ss{IkvXh tcJ-If - n¬ ]cm-a¿in®n-cn-°p∂ "C¥y', ae-_m¿ Xocw BI-Wsa-∂n-√. `qan-im-kv{X-]c - a - mb Ahy-‡X \nanØ-amWv Nne tcJ-I-fn¬ _¿Ø-tem-ay-bpsS t]cpw C¥y-bp-ambn _‘n-∏n-®n-cn-°p-∂p-Xv. ]‚o-\-kns‚ t{]£nX hrØn-sb-∏-‰n-bp≈ ]cma¿i-\hpw {i≤m-]q¿Δw hne-bn-cp-tØ-≠-Xm-Wv. bqtk-_n-tbm-kns‚ k`m-Nc - n-{X-Øn¬ (Book V, Ch. X), -]‚o-\kv C¥y-bn¬ FØn-b-t∏mƒ F{_m-b-`mj-bn-ep≈ aØm-bn-bpsS kphn-tijw Is≠-SpØp F∂v ]d- b p- ∂ p. bqtk- _ n- t bmkns‚ Ncn- { X- a - \ p- k - c n®v "C¥y'bn¬ kphn-ti-j-a-dn-bn-®Xv _¿Ø-temtaym BWv. sk‚ v sPtdm-ans‚ A`n-{]m-bØn¬ ]‚o-\kv C¥y-bn-seØn "{_m“-W-tcm-Spw, hnPm-Xo-bcmb XXzNn¥-I-tcmSpw kphn-ti-j-a-dnbn®p (-Epistle 70. ch. 30, PL. 22, 667). C¥ym-°m-cpsS A`y¿∞\ {]Im- c w, AeIv - k m- { μ- b m- b nse _nj∏v sZa-{Xn-tbmkv ]‚o-\k - ns\ Ab-®p-sh∂pw sPtdmw ]d-bp-∂p. ]‚o- \ - k ns‚ C¥y- b nse t{]£nX hrØn-sb-∏‰n Ae-Ivkm{¥n-b≥ tcJ-I-fn¬ ]cm-a¿i-\߃ H∂pw ImWp-∂n-√. {_m“-WtcmSv kphn-ti-ja - d - n-bn®p F∂p-]d - bp-∂Xv At±lw tI´ ]mc-º-cy-Øns‚ ASn-ÿm-\Øn-em-bn-cn-°mw. ]‚o-\kv bYm¿∞-ambn C¥y-bn¬ hs∂-¶n¬ Xs∂, ae-_m-dn¬ h∂p F∂-Xn\v sXfnshm-∂p-an-√. Iv\mbn-sXm-Ωs‚ hc-h,v hneym¿h´w cmP-Ip-Spw-_w, B¿®v Uo°s‚ ÿm\w ]c-º-cm-K-X-am-bn-cp∂p F∂p≈ Nn¥, XpS-ßnb ]e Imcy-ßfpw hna¿i-\mfl-I-amb ]T-\-Øn\v hnt[-b-am-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. ÿe]-cn-anXn \nanØw AXn\v ChnsS apXn-cp-∂n-√. t\cn´p tI´ Imcy-߃, shdpsX Bh¿Øn®v B[nIm-cn-IX \¬Ip-hm≥ ASn-°p-dn-∏p-If - n¬ ]pkvXI-ßfpsS \o≠ ]´nI \¬Ip-∂X - √ Ncn-{X-]T - \ - w. hna¿i\m-fl-I-amb ]T-\-Im-cy-Øn¬ \mw hfsc ]n∂n-emsW∂v kΩ-Xn-°p-hm≥ \ap°v hnap-JX - b - m-Wn-t∏m-gpw.
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Fr. Dr. Reji Mathew
et me open this presentation with the words of Dr Agnes Abuom, the moderator of the Central Committee of WCC made on 04th August 2017: “Divisions and schisms of over centuries ago, that have divided the church still prevail in our time and point to the scandal that we must overcome. There is no doubt that the levels of hostility are not as high or as broad as they were before. And yet we are still far from achieving the goal of the ecumenical forefathers and foremothers”.2 The whole world was astonished to see Pope Francis inaugurating the 500th year of Lutheran Reformation at Lund, Sweden on 31st October, 2016. In his inaugural address he said: “This joint commemoration of the Reformation is important on both the human and theologicalspiritual levels… At the same time we keep alive in our hearts sincere contrition for our faults…In this spirit, we recall in Lund that the intention of Martin Luther 500 years ago was to renew the Church, not divide Her…The gathering there gives us the courage and strength, in our Lord Jesus Christ, to look ahead to the ecumenical journey that we are called to walk together.” However, my humble effort today is to invite your attention to the response of the Orthodox world on Reformation of Luther,
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which is not sufficiently studied by the ecumenical historians so far. The Dialogue between the Reformers and the Orthodox Church From about 1575 to 1581 a noteworthy correspondence and theological dialogue took place between the leading Lutheran theologians, teaching at the University of Tubingen in Germany, and the Patriarch of Constantinople. The dialogue was initiated by the Lutherans, who were eager to gain an ally in their opposition to the Roman Papacy. The Eastern Church was also looking for an ally in the West and the Lutherans who got separated from the Church of Rome would have served such a purpose too. The Lutherans were convinced that the Orthodox, rather than Rome, were the true apostolic and catholic church, and thus to establish contact with the venerable Greek Church, to enlist its support against the papacy, and perhaps even to enter into communion with this apostolic church would have been a sensational victory. In 1558 (1559) Patriarch Joasaph II (1555-65) of Constantinople sent Deacon Demetrios Mysos to Wittenberg to gather first-hand opinions about the faith, worship, and customs of the Reformers. It was there that Philipp Melanchthon and Mysos worked together on the Greek version of the Augsburg Confession.3 This Greek translation of the Augsburg Confession had supposedly been sent to the Ecumenical Patriarch around 1558 through the Serbian Demetrius, but Korte find evidence that Demetrius was killed in a rebellion in Wallachia and that Melanchthon’s letter and this first copy translation of the Augsburg Confession never reached Constantinople. In October, 1573 the new imperial ambassador to Turkey, Baron David Ungnad von Sonnegk, a Protestant aristocrat and pious Lutheran who had studied law at the University of Tübingen, was going to Constantinople for a prolonged stay, accompanied by his Lutheran chaplain, Stephan Gerlach. Gerlach was carrying with him private introductory letters from Martin Crusius and Jakob Andreae (1528-90), the most famous theologian of the period. Another most important Lutheran involved in the exchange was Martin Crusius (1526-1607) who was a
leading classicist and philhellene in Europe, and known for his significant influence shaping the humanistic mould of the Renaissance. The period of the exchange of theological correspondence between Constantinople and Tübingen took place during the years 15741582. On May 24, 1575, Gerlach personally presented to the Patriarch Jeremias II (d. 1595) the Augustana Graeca, a Greek translation of Confessio Augustana (which the Lutherans had titled “a Confession of the Orthodox Faith”) together with letters from Andreae and Crusius.4 There ensued over the next six years a friendly but candid exchange of extensive doctrinal correspondence (three letters from both sides totaling over four hundred printed pages). Prominent topics discussed included the authority of scripture and tradition; the filioque; the nature of the Church; grace, free will, and synergism; justification, faith, and good works; Eucharistic practices; the priesthood and the ministry; prayers for the departed; the invocation of saints; feasts and fasting; and monasticism. Except for those doctrines and customs of the Roman Church that the East had never accepted, the changes in Church teaching and polity advocated by the Lutherans were rejected by the Orthodox, who thus implicitly agreed on most issues with the Catholics. The first official response of the Orthodox world came from the Greek Patriarch on 15th May, 1576. Patriarch Jerimias II’s words to the Lutherans, who expected a communion with the Eastern Church, were polite and exalting when he referred to the Germans as “most wise… beloved children… sensible men.” However, he pointed out a condition in this letter: “if you will follow the Apostolic and Synodal decrees in harmony with us and will submit to them… then you will indeed be in communion with us”. This was followed by a series of letters exchanged between the Lutheran theologians in Tübingen and Jeremias II, the Patriarch of Constantinople. The spirit of the exchange was ironic and interested, though the two parties were not able to establish much common ground.5
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In the early 17th century a certain Cyril Lucaris became Patriarch of Alexandria. He had been involved with Jeremias II and so had some knowledge already of the interactions with the Lutherans. Cyril Lucaris appeared sympathetic to Protestant doctrines, especially when Protestants published a “Lucarian Confession” in 1629 in Latin, in which the Patriarch appeared to endorse Calvinism, and from 1629 to 1633 an “Eastern Confession of Christian Faith” was also published under his name in Latin, Greek, French, German, and
English. Again, it is unclear whether Lucaris actually held these views, but he did not disavow them in the written evidence. Cyril also maintained correspondence with the Anglican Church, and sent students to study in England, Switzerland and the Netherlands. Theological Agreements and Disagreements As mentioned above, the major hurdle for a theological fraternity was the issue of the role of the Church Fathers in the proper interpretation of the Holy Scriptures. Moreover, the question of the Apostolicity of Lutherans was problematic: while the Lutherans believed in the
succession of Apostolic Faith of the Church as the basis of their apostolicity, the Orthodox wanted to see an undisturbed historical succession of Apostolicity through ordination by a legitimate ecclesiastical authority. Patriarch Jeremias II did not consider the Lutheran Church as Apostolic as his own Church was. Another important contention in the Patriarch's reply to the Lutherans was on their doctrine of sola scriptura, for which they quoted St. Ambrose: “this is arranged by God, that he who believes in Christ might be saved, who without work by faith alone attains to the remission of sins.” 6 The Patriarch’s conviction was another: “it is necessary to join our good works together with the mercy from above”. Patriarch Jeremias II was also concerned with the disregard of the Holy Fathers when the Lutherans wrote, “the writings of the holy fathers and the dogmas of the synods cannot have the same power and authority as the Holy Script.” The Patriarch wrote back his view on the issue by saying, “we may not rely upon our own interpretation and understand and interpret any of the words of the inspired Scripture except in accord with the theologizing Fathers.” The nature of the Church was another issue of debate between the two Churches. Students like Jorgensen, who devoted much time to examine the above theological exchanges between the two faith communities, outlines the points of doctrinal agreements and disagreements. The points of agreements were following issues: a. Scripture – its authority, inspiration and the need for translation
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b. Trinitarian God c. The two natures of Christ d. Ancestral sin and its transmission to the entire human race; rejection of the idea of inheritance of sins from one individual to the next generation e. Humanity, not God, as the cause of evil f. Jesus Christ as the only head of the Church g. The second Coming of Christ, the judgment; rejection of the purgatorial fire h. The reception of the Eucharist in both kinds i. Rejection of papal satisfactions and indulgences j. Rejection of compulsory clerical celibacy However, the two parties had serious disagreement on the following doctrinal points: a. Understanding of the Holy Tradition b. The Procession of the Holy Spirit (filioque) c. Free Will d. Divine Predestination e. Justification by Faith alone f. The number of sacraments g. The performance of Baptism by immersion (Orthodox) vs. sprinkling or pouring (Lutheran), and the immediate performance of Chrismation and the giving of the Eucharist to those baptized (Orthodox) h. The meaning of the change in the Holy Eucharist, and the use of unleavened bread i. The infallibility of the Church and of the Ecumenical Councils j. The veneration, feasts, and invocation of saints, and their icons and relics k. Fasting and other ecclesiastical traditions and customs If this was the case of interaction between the Lutherans and the Orthodox world before five centuries, the Orthodox entered into bilateral dialogue with Lutherans in modern times too. The Byzantine Orthodox Churches gave more initiatives in this regard. Since 1967 there were fruitful dialogues between the Orthodox Church and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). The first official meeting of the Lutheran-Orthodox
Joint Commission took place in Espoo, Finland, in 1981. Risto Saarinen of the Theological Faculty at the University of Helsinki has authored an essential book on the topic.7 The Joint Commission had met every year without fail since its inception and has produced twelve statements, which can be listed as below:8 1. Divine Revelation (3rd Plenary, Allentown 1985) 2. Scripture and Tradition (4rd, Crete 1987) 3. The Canon and the Inspiration of the Holy Scripture (5th, Bad Segeberg 1989) 4. Authority in and of the Church: A. The Ecumenical Councils (7th, Sandbjerg 1993) 5. Authority in and of the Church: B. Understanding of Salvation in the Light of the Ecumenical Councils (8th, Limassol 1995) 6. Authority in and of the Church: C. Salvation: Grace, Justification and Synergy (9th, Sigtuna 1998) 7. The Mystery of the Church A. Word and Sacraments (Mysteria) in the Life of the Church (10th, Damascus 2000) 8. The Mystery of the Church B. Mysteria/ Sacraments as Means of Salvation (11th, Oslo 2002) 9. The Mystery of the Church C. Baptism and Chrismation as Sacraments of Initiation into the Church (12th,Durau 2004) 10.The Mystery of the Church D. The Holy Eucharist in the Life of the Church (13th, Bratislava 2006) 11.The Mystery of the Church D.2 The Holy Eucharist in the Life of the Church. Preparation, Ecological and Social Implications (14th, Paphos 2008) 12.The Mystery of the Church E. The Nature, Attributes, and Mission of the Church (15th, Wittenberg 2011) In addition to these there were various regional Protestant-Orthodox dialogues like the one initiated by the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), which includes about 20 Reformed and United churches in its membership. They had the following meetings:
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· Finnish Lutheran Church – Russian Orthodox Church · EKD (Evangelical Church in Germany) - Russian Orthodox Church · EKD – Ecumenical Patriarchate · EKD - Romanian Orthodox Church · Federation of Evangelical Churches (BEK) [DDR] - Russian Orthodox Church · BEK [DDR] /EKD - Bulgarian Orthodox Church · Lutheran-Orthodox dialogue in the U.S.A · Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church – Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church Mark Greegrass has the following observation about the Orthodox-Lutheran interactions: “In the sixteenth century, something important and unique happened to the history of western European Christianity. It did not occur in Orthodox Christianity in Russia or what was left of the Byzantine Empire in Greece and it is difficult to find appropriate comparisons for it in the other advanced civilizations of Eurasia. It is called the Protestant Reformation and it was initially an attempt to reform the traditional ‘fabric’ of the Western Church. By fabric, we mean not merely the institutions of the Church but also the supporting rationale for offering a means of salvation. Protestants sought to change things by using the Bible as the primary authority for doctrine and the Early Church as an institutional model. In the process, Protestants rejected papal authority and (with it) much of the traditional beliefs and practices of the established church.”9 The basic Protestant position to this day is founded on the doctrine of justification by grace through faith alone, with salvation understood as a gift from God given at one moment, rather than as an ongoing process with God and man cooperating together in the work of salvation (Phil 2.12–13). Protestants believe that the Bible is the sole churchly authority that can be interpreted directly by each believer through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The sacramental life of the Church is also reduced to baptism and the Lord’s Supper understood mainly as symbolic actions.
However, there were fruitful dialogues between the Methodist Church and the Greek Orthodox Church between 2000 and 2002. 10 These have dealt with issues related to Scripture like Authority of Scripture, relation between Scripture and Tradition, Use of Psalms in Worship, Interpretation of Scripture through Homiletics, Hymns and Icons etc. For example, read the words of James H. Charlesworth on worship of both traditions: “John Wesley must have known about hesychastic theology, since the Philokalia which revived this teaching, was published in 1782”.11 Charlesworth continues to say: “For Greek Orthodox Christians, the great theologians are not Barth or Tillich; they are the author of the Fourth Gospel, St. Gregory Nazianzus (329-389), and St. Symeon the New Theologian (949-1022). I am convinced that the Wesleys would be in agreement …there is no Christian mysticism without theology; but above all, there is no theology without mysticism”.12 He had no doubt in declaring “both paths to God”, Methodist and Orthodox, “are distinguished within Christendom by the emphasis on praise, not prose. For both paths, the purest forms of systematic theology are those that do not shape experience by isolating and selecting special aspects of it to form a system … In Methodism and Greek Orthodoxy, systematic theology and dogmatics are played out within the realms of liturgy. In praising our Creator, we synthesize all experiences and thoughts; we transcend categories in the affirmation of praise and celebration”.13 End Notes 1
This paper was originally presented at the Colloquium of SATHRI held at Tamil Nadu Theological Seminary, Madurai on 09th August 2017 and OTS Faculty Seminar on 19th February 2017. http://www.oikoumene.org/en/resources/ documents/reformation-in-our-world-todayecumenical-conversation-by-dr-agnes-abuommoderator-of-the-world-council-of-churchescentral-committee. See more on this in: 16th Century Lutheran & Orthodox Dialogue, http://www.stpaulsirvine.org /html/ lutheran.htm. 16th Century Lutheran & Orthodox Dialogue, http:// www.stpaulsirvine.org/html/lutheran.htm.
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5 6
8 9
12 13
Ibid. The five major Protestant principle were: 1. Sola Scriptura - Bible alone is our highest authority, 2. Sola Fide - we are saved through faith alone in Jesus Christ, 3. Sola Gratia - we are saved by the grace of God alone, 4. Solus Christus - Jesus Christ alone is our Lord, Savior, and King, 5. Soli Deo Gloria - we live for the glory of God alone. Risto Saarinen, Faith and Holiness: Lutheran-Orthodox Dialogue 1959-1994 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1997). Ibid. See the online article of Mark Greengrass:http:// www.gla.ac.uk/centres/tltphistory/protref/ intro.htm). S T Kimbrough (Ed.), Orthodoxy and Wesleyan Scriptural Understanding and Practice (New York: SVSP, 2005). James H. Charlesworth, “Two Similar Spiritual Paths: Methodism and Greek Orthodoxy”, in S T Kimbrough (Ed.), Orthodoxy and Wesleyan Scriptural Understanding, 120. Ibid, 121. Ibid, 122.
Lutheran Church came into being in India in 1706 with the Tranquebar Mission which produced the Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church in 1919. The Arcot Lutheran Church began in 1864 and the Indian Evangelical Lutheran Church was formed in 1958. The American Lutherans influenced the beginning of Andhra Evangelical Lutheran Church (1840s) and the Jeypore Evangelical Lutheran Church (Orissa) was started by the German Lutherans in 1876. Swedish missionaries caused the origin of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Madhya Pradesh in 1923; the North Indian Lutherans are in Gossner Evangelical Lutheran Church (Bihar/ 1845), Northern Evangelical Lutheran Church (BengalAssam/ 1867) and Lutheran Church of New Delhi (1975). The federation called UELCI came into being in 1975. K. M. George and Herbert E Hoefer A Dialogue Begins: Papers, Minutes and Agreed Statements from the Lutheran-Orthodox Dialogue in India, 1978-1982 (Kottayam: Sophia, 1983). http://www.news.va/en/news/pope-grateful-togod-for-vatican-conference-on-mar
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GOD, OUR FATHER I. Father is there always with us, In times of joy and in times of woes When everyone is there, Father is with us, And in days of loneliness, still is there, our Father with us.
II. When we're righteous our Father was with us, When we turn wicked He's still with us We never bothered whether our Father wept, Seeing our deeds that made innocence from us to left.
III. All we told our Father that we loved Him, And at the same time shook we our hands with that big imp Love of us was just fake and not that of our Father, Truly we fond presence of crooked and ran from Father to farther.
IV. Whipped not, our Father, thinking we would get pain, Hated never, our Father, as His heart showers love's rain Waits our Father mercifully, till comes that time, To receive us all, His little ones, whom sin turned lame and made shame.
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Dibu. V. Jacob First Year
^m. kPn Aa-bn¬ framayil@gmail.com
""IgpX Fs∂ I≠p Cu aq∂p {]mhiyw Fs‚ apºn¬ \n∂p amdn-t∏mbn; AXv amdn-t∏m-bn-cp∂n-s√-¶n¬ Rm≥ Ct∏mƒ Xs∂ \ns∂ sIm∂p-I-f-Ibpw AXns\ Poh-t\msS c£n-°p-Ibpw sNøpam-bn-cp∂p F∂p ]d™p'' (kwJym-]p-kvXIw 22:33)
hoI {]hm-N-I-\mb _nse-bm-ans‚ {]h-N\ ip{iq-jbpsS A]-Pb - ß - sf Hm¿Ωn-∏n-°p∂ thZ-`m-Kw. btlm-hbpsS Icß-fnse CW-ßnb Bbp-[-ambnØotc-≠n-bn-cp∂ {]hm-N-I≥ hnebv°v hmß-s∏´p. ssZhoI shfn-∏m-Sp-Iƒ \n¿`bw ]¶p-hbv°-s∏-tS-≠-h-cpsS hogvN F{X Bg-Øn-ep-≈-Xm-Wv. ssZhoI hgn-I-fn¬ \n∂v Hcp {]hm-N-I≥ knt∏m-dns‚ aI-\mb _mem°ns‚ sIm´m-c-Øn-te°v FØ-s∏-´Xv IuXp-I-X-c-am-Wv. A[nImc tI{μ-߃°v ASn-bd - hv hbv°s - ∏-Sp∂ Bflob aX-t\-XrXz-ßf - n-eqsS C∂pw B IuXpIw XpS-cp-∂p. _mem-°ns‚ sIm´mctam, s]m∂pw sh≈n-bptam? CXn-se-¥mWv Hcp ssZh-]p-cp-js‚ Nph-Sp-Iƒ sX‰n-®X - v. hnf-°p-ac - ß - f - n¬ Icn-¥ncn IØp-∂X - mWv \ΩpsS Ime-Øns‚ {]Xn-k-‘n. e`y-amb kml-Nc - y-ßf - n¬ XnI®pw kwXr-]X v \ - mb a\p-jys\ {]tem-`-\-Øns‚ NXn-°p-gn-Iƒ Xo¿Øp hogn-°p-hm≥ _mem°p-am¿ A∂pw C∂pw ImØn-cn-°p-∂p. ]≠v AXns‚ t]cv {]tem`-\-sa∂pw C∂v AXns‚ t]cv D]-t`m-KX F∂p-am-Wv. Nph-SpIƒ ]ng-bv°p-∂X - pw, Nph-Sp-Iƒ ]ng-∏n-°p-∂Xpw Hcp-t]mse Ip‰I-c-am-Wv. ]ng-bv°p-∂-h≥ ]ng-∏n-°p-∂-hs\ ÿnc-ambn Ip‰w ]d™v c£-s∏-Sm≥ {ian-°p-tºmƒ Hcp tNmZyw am{Xw _m°n, ""\o F¥n\v ]ng-bv°s - ∏-Sp-hm≥ \n∂p sImSpØp?'' _mem-°ns‚ sIm´m-c-tØmSv "t\m' ]d-bp-hm≥ Ign-bmsX t]mbXv _nsebmans‚ hogvN Xs∂-bm-Wv. AXn\v F¥n\v Aev]{- ]m-Wn-bmb Igp-Xsb a¿±n-°p-∂p. {]Xn-tj-[n-°p-hm≥ Icp-Øn-√m-Ø-h-cpsS ta¬ IpXnc Ib-dp-hm≥ ]Tn® Xe-ap-dbv°v {]hm-N-IXzw am{Xa√ Z¿i-\-ßfpw ImgvN-∏m-Sp-Ifpw ssItamiw hcpw. _nse-bmans‚ {]Xn-tcm[w {i≤n-°-s∏-tS-≠-Xm-Wv. ""_nsebmw cmhnse
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Fgp-t∂‰p _mem-°ns‚ {]`p-°-∑m-tcmSv Xcp∂n√ F∂p ]d-™p'' (kw-Jym. 22:13). ssZh-tØmSv Btem-N\ tNmZn-°p-tºmgmWv {]Xn-tcm-[n-°p-hm-\p≈ IcpØv e`n-°p-∂Xv, _mem-°ns‚ ZqX-∑m¿ BZy-h´w kao-]n-°p-tºmƒ _nse-bm-an\v ssZh-tØmSv Btem-N\ tNmZn-°p-hm\p≈ hnthIw D≠m-bn-cp-∂p. ssZhnI Btem-N\ sIm´m-cØ - ns‚ Icp-Øn-t\mSv sNdpØp \n¬°p-hm≥ _nse-bm-ans‚ hm°p-Iƒ°v IcpØv \¬In. F∂m¬ c≠mw {]mhiyw ""_mem°v ho≠pw Ah-sc-°mƒ am\y-cmb A[nIw {]`p-°-∑msc Ab-®p'' (kwJy 22:15). IqSp-X¬ am\y-∑m-cmb _mem°v ZqX-∑m¿ sa®s∏´ Hm^-dp-Iƒ _nse-bm-an\v \¬In-b-Xp-sIm≠v
Øn¬ FØn-®p. "Krlw \ndsb sh≈n-bpw, s]m∂pw' _nsebmw Pohn-°p-hm-\p≈ aqe-[\ - a - m-bmWv Icp-Xnb-Xv. F∂m¬ a\w \ndsb Bi-¶-I-fmWv AXv ssIam-dn-bX - .v Krlw \ndsb sh≈nbpw s]m∂pw, a\w \ndsb Bi-¶b - p-ambn k©-cn-°p-hm≥ Hcp _ne-bman\pw Ign-bp-I-bn-√. \ntbm-K-ßsf \n¿±m-jnWyw X≈n Krlhpw tem°-dp-Ifpw \ndsb sh≈nbpw s]m∂pw IpØn-\n-d-bv°p-∂-h¿°v _nsebmw Hcp {]hm-N-I≥ am{X-a√ Hcp ]mT-]p-kvXIw IqSn-bm-Wv. B[p-\n-I-X-bpsS then-tb-‰-߃ kº-Øp-sIm≠v \nd® \ΩpsS `h-\-ß-fn¬ Bi-¶-Iƒ s]bvsXm-gnbm-ØX - ns‚ Imc-Wß - ƒ At\z-jn-°p-∂h - sc Hm¿Ωn∏n-°-s´. Nph-Sp-Iƒ ]ng-®n´v, im¥n-°mbn Zmln-®n´v Hcp Imcy-hp-an-√.
\mw ImWp∂ ImgvNI - ƒ°v \ndhpw A¿∞hpw ]Icphm≥ ]Iz-amb a\ p IqSn Bh-iy-ap-≠v. _nse-bm-ans‚ {]iv\w IÆns‚tbm ImgvNb - psStbm {]iv\a- √ - . ImgvNI - ƒ ImWm≥ ]‰mØ kzÿ-amb a\- ns‚ C√m-bvab - m-Wv.
ssZhoI Btem-N\ Xnc-kv°-cn-°-s∏-´p. {]hm-NI {]Xn-tcm[w Zp¿_-e-am-bn. {]hm-N-IXzw hnebv°v hmß-s∏-Sp-Ibpw sNbvXp. am\y-X-bpsS ]pXnb k¶¬∏-ßfpw Hm^-dp-Ifpw {]hm-N-I-XzsØ \nc¥cw sh√p-hn-fn-°p-tºmƒ, {]hm-N-IXzw hn¬°-s∏´m¬ AXn\p DØ-ch - mZn ]mhw Hcp IgpX A√. am\yX-bpsS aqSp-]Sw [cn-®h - cpw Hm^-dp-If - psS NXn-°p-gnIƒ Xo¿°p-∂h - cpw Gsd-bp≈ \ΩpsS aÆn¬ C\nsb{X _nse-bm-ap-am¿ hogpw ! {]hm-N-IXzw {]tem-`\-ß-fn¬ Ipcp-ßn-bm¬ Igp-Xbv°p t]mepw ]Wn-In´pw. _p≤n-im-en°v hgn-sX-‰p-tºmƒ _p≤n-sI-´-h¿ F∂v \mw hnfn®v Xcw-Xm-gvØnb Igp-X-bpsS _p≤n B¿÷\w F{X hnkvabw. Krlw \ndsb s]m∂pw sh≈nbpw (kw-Jym. 22:18) Hcp {]hm-NI - s\ sIm´m-c-
ImgvN-Iƒ ImWp-hm-\p-≈-Xm-Wv. a\p-jy-s\bpw Igp-X-tbbpw XΩn¬ Xmc-X-ay-s∏Sp-hm≥ Ign-bptam? \o Hcp IgpX F∂ hnfn F{X A]-am-\-I-c-am-Wv. F∂m¬ IgpX ImgvN-Iƒ ImWpIbpw Igp-X-bpsS DS-b-h≥ ImgvN-Iƒ ImWmsX t]mhp-Ibpw sNøp-tºmƒ BcmWv IgpX? ImtW≠p-∂-h¿ ImtW-≠p∂ ImgvN ImWm-Ø-XmWv \ΩpsS {]Xn-k‘ - n. B¿Øn-bpsS Xnan-cß - f - n-√m-sX, IÆp Xpd∂p ]nSn-®m¬ \ΩpsS Xe-ap-db - psS CS-dp∂ Ime-Sn-Isf \ap°v Xncn-®-dn-bmw. ImgvN IÆns‚ am{Xw [¿Ω-a√ AXv a\- ns‚ IqsS DØ-ch - m-Zn-Øam-Wv. IÆ-S-I-fpsS s]m´nb Nnt√m s{^bntam A√ \ΩpsS ImgvN-Iƒ ad-bv°p-∂-Xv. a\- ns‚ D≈nse B¿Øn-bpsS Xnan-c-ß-fm-Wv. c≠v IÆn-√m-Ø-h¿ Xncn-®-dn-bp∂ kXyw t]mepw c≠v IÆp-≈-h¿ Xncn-
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
®-dn-bmsX t]mIp-∂-sX-¥p-sIm-≠v?. Xpd-∂n-cn-°p∂ a\- p-I-fn-emWv ImgvN-Iƒ Ccn-°p-∂-Xv. am¿§-at≤y XS- -ambn \n¬°p∂ ssZhZq-Xs\ Igp-X I≠n´pw {]hm-N-I≥ ImWmsX t]mbXv a\- n¬ ]Xn™ Xnan-cß - f - psS B[nIyw sIm≠m-Wv. \mw ImWp∂ ImgvN-Iƒ°v \ndhpw A¿∞hpw ]Icphm≥ ]Iz-amb a\ p IqSn Bh-iy-ap-≠v. _nsebm-ans‚ {]iv\w IÆns‚tbm ImgvNb - p-sStbm {]iv\a-√. ImgvN-Iƒ ImWm≥ ]‰mØ kzÿ-amb a\ ns‚ C√m-ba v b - m-W.v Xs‚ P\sØ i]n-°c - p-Xv F∂ ssZhoI I¬∏- \ bpw Krlw \ndsb s]m∂pw, sh≈nbpw X∂ _mem-°ns‚ I¬∏-\bpw XΩn-ep≈ kwL¿jßfmWv _nse-bm-ans‚ a\ v kwL¿j-`cn-X-am°p-∂-Xv. kwlmc ZqX-∑msc bYm-Imew Xncn®-dn-bp-hm≥ {XmWn \¬Im-ØXv. tPmenbpsS ISpØ `mcw ASn-t®¬∏n-°-s∏-Sptºmgpw Igp-X-bpsS a\ v kwL¿j-`-cnX- a - √ . IgpX F∂v hnfn®v \nc- ¥ - c w Bt£]n°- s ∏- S p- t ºmgpw B a\ v kwL¿j-`-cn-X-a-√. AXp-sIm≠v ssZh ZqXs\ I≠v hgn-am-dp-hm≥, hgn-bn¬ InS°p-hm≥, hb-en¬ NmSp-hm\pw Igp-X°v km[n-®Xv. {]tem-`-\-߃ {]Xn-I-c-Wtijn \jvS-s∏-Sp-Øpw. {]Xn-I-c-W-tijn \jvS-s∏-´-h≥ Cubmw-]m‰Isf-t∏mse B]-Øp-I-fn¬ Fcn™v AS-ßp-Ibpw sNøpw. A\n-hm-cy-ßf - mb ]e ImgvNIfpw \ΩpsS Xe-ap-dbv°v \jvSa - m-Ip-∂Xpw A]I-Sm-·n-bn¬ sh¥p-cp-Ip-∂Xpw ]e-Xns\ sNm√n hne-]n-°p∂ kwL¿j-`-cnX a\ paqe-am-Wv. ImgvN-Iƒ ImWp-∂-hsc IgpX F∂p hnfn®v C\nbpw A[n-t£-]n-°-cp-Xv. ImgvN-Iƒ I≠Xns‚ t]cn¬ \n¿±bw a¿±n-®n´pw iIm-cn-®n´pw F¥p Imcyw. kzbw sNdp-Xm-bn-t∏mIpw F∂p am{Xw. ImgvN-Iƒ AXn-Po-h\w ]I-cp∂p AXn-Po-h\w al-Ømb {]{In-bb - mWv Pohn-XsØ ]‰n icn-bmb ImgvN] - m-Sp-Iƒ D≠m-Ip-tºmƒ am{Xta AXn-Po-h\w km[y-am-Ip-I-bp-≈p. sh√p-hn-fn-Iƒ°p apºn¬ H∂pw ImWm≥ Ign-bmsX Ccp-´n¬ X∏n XSbp-∂-hsc Fß-s\-bmWv {]hm-N-I≥ F∂v hnf-°pI? Blm-_ns‚ sIm´m-c-ß-fnepw ZmhoZn-t\mSv apJZm-hnepw N¶q-‰t- ØmsS Nne shfn-∏m-Sp-Iƒ ]¶p-sh-® {]hm-NI - X - z-Øn\p \mW-t°-Smbn _nse-bm-ap-am¿ amdp∂Xv Bi-¶I - ƒ h¿≤n-∏n-°pw. Zpc¥w ]Sn-hm-Xn¬°¬ \n¬°p-tºmƒ Hcp Igp-
X-sb-¶nepw \ΩpsS IqsS thWw Nne \√ ImgvNI - ƒ ImWm≥. Hcp h´-a√ aq∂v h´-amWv _nse-bm-an\p Igp-Xa - qew AXnPo- h \w D≠m- b - X v . Zpc¥ßsf ]‰n ap∂dnbn-∏p-Iƒ kz`m-hn-Iw. ap∂-dn-bn-∏p-Iƒ C√m-Xn-cp-∂Xv sIm≠-√t√m Ata-cn-°bv°p thƒUv s{SUv sk‚¿ kwc-£n-°m≥ Ign-bmsX t]mb-Xpw, \ap°v aZy-Zp-c¥ - ß - ƒ sNdp-°m≥ Ign-bm-Xn-cp-∂X - pw. ap∂-dn-bn-∏p-Isf \n¿Zm-£nWyw X≈n-°f-bp-∂X - mWv \ΩpsS kz`m-hw. Igp-Xbv°v B kz`m-h-an-√m-ØXv sIm≠v \ap°v Bizkn-°mw. Bscbpw Iq´msX H‰°p k©-cn-°m≥ B{K-ln-°p∂ \ΩpsS Xe-apd Hcp Igp-Xs - b-¶nepw Iq´n\p hnfn-°Ww F∂p am{Xw. amb-Im-gvN-I-fn¬ aXn-a-d∂v \n¬°p-Ibpw ImtW≠p∂ ImgvN-bn¬ Xnancw \nd-bp-Ibpw sNøp-tºmƒ
AXn-Po-h\w Hcp hnZqc kz]v\-am-Ipw. amdn \S-t°≠p∂ kml-Ncyw C\nbpw ImWmsX t]mbm¬ \ΩpsS k©m-c-]-Y-ß-fnse NXn-°p-gn-Iƒ A]-I-S߃ krjvSn-°mw. A]-ISw ]Xn-bn-cn-°p∂ ssZ\wZn\ ]mX-I-fn¬ AXn-Po-h\w ]I-cp∂ Im-gvN-Iƒ A\n-hm-cy-am-Wv. amdn \S-t°-≠p∂ ]m-X-Ifn¬ amdn \S-°p-∂X - mWv hnth-Iw. Cu hnth-Ia - n-√mbva Ipg-eqØp-Im-cpsS ]n∂mse {]⁄-b‰v k©-cn-°p-∂h - c - psS Iq´-Øn¬ \tΩbpw tN¿Øv hbv°pw. tIm]m-·n-bn¬ hoWp-t]m-bn´v Atøm F\n°v amdn \S-°m≥ Ign-™n√t√m F∂v Bbncw h´w hne-]n-®m- epw h\-tcm-Z\ - ß - fpsS Iq´-Øn¬ t]mepw AXv s]Sp-I-bn-√. hnthIw h√msX IqSnb a\p-jy\p Nne \n¿ÆmbI kmlNcyßfn¬ Igp-X-bpsS hnthIw t]mepw C√m-ØXv BWv {]iv\w. _p≤n-bp-sSbpw ⁄m\-Øns‚bpw DdhnSw {InkvXp-hmWv F∂v C\nbpw Xncn-®-dn-bm-Xn-cn°-cp-Xv.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Bew- _ - l o- \ - c psS AXn- P o- h - \ - Ø n\v {]m[m\yw \¬Ip∂ I¿Ω-a-fiew Pohn-X-{h-X-ambn kzoI-cn-°phm≥ Xs∂ t{]cn-∏n-®Xpw B a\-\-ß-fn-eqsS shfns∏´p In´nb Z¿i-\-ß-fm-Wv. s]mXp-hmb am\p-jnI Nn¥-Iƒ°v Hcp-]t£ Akzo-Im-cy-ambn tXm∂m-hp∂ B]vX-hm-Iy-ß-fmWv Xncp-ta-\n-bpsS Pohn-X-t_m[ysØ hyXy-kvX-am°n-b-Xv. ""ISa ad-∂mepw IcpW ad-°-cpXv'' F∂Xv D]-tZiw am{X-a-√, \ncp-]m-[nI I¿Ωw IqSn-bm-bn-cp∂p B ]pWym-flm-hn-\v. \ΩpsS I¿Øm-hns‚ ]c-ky-ip-{iq-j-bn-ep-S-\ofw \o≠-bm-{X-I-fp-≠m-bn-cp∂p X\n°v Iq´m-bn-´v. B I¿ΩafieØns‚ kuIp-amcyw B¿÷n-®p-sIm-≠mbn- c p∂p A`n. sXtbm- ^ n- t emkv Xncp- t a- \ nbpw {]h¿Øn- ® n- c p- ∂ - X v . km¿Δ- { XnI c£- b p- s Sbpw kmtlm-Z-cy-Øn-t‚bpw ktμ-i-hm-l-I≥ F∂-Xn-ep-]cn, B ktμ-i-ßsf Xs‚ Pohn-Xw-sIm≠v Nn{Xo-Icn-°m≥ IqSn {ian® alm-flmhv F∂ \ne-bn-emWv ""Fs‚ c‡-_-‘-ap≈ ktlm-Z-c≥'' F∂v {ioaXn kpK-X-Ip-amcn So®¿ B ]nXm-hn-s\-°p-dn®v kaq-ltØmSv km£n-®-Xv. B I-cp-W-bpsS h‰mØ \ocp-d-hbn¬ \n∂v Xo¿∞w e`n® Xo¿∞m-S-I¿ Gsd-bm-Wv. bmsXm-cp-hn[ aXn¬s°-´p-Ifpw ]£-t`-Z-ßfpw B Hgp-°n\v XS- -am-bn-√. {]Xn-_-‘-߃ kr„n-°p-sa∂v sh√p- h n- f n® Icn- ¶ ¬∏m- d - I ƒ°v aotX- ° qSn \nebv°mØ {]hm-l-ambn Hgp-In, Ahtbt∏mepw an\pk-ap≈ {]X-e-Øn-t‚bpw a\- n-t‚bpw DS-a-I-fm-°m≥ km[n®p F∂-XmWv B Pohn-X-Øns‚ t{ijvT-X. \nKq-V-X-I-fp-s≠∂v [z\n-∏n-°p-∂-Xm-bn-cp∂p ]pdØp-\n∂v Zriy-am-Ip∂ Xncp-ta-\n-bpsS hy‡n-Po-hn-Xw. ]cp-]-cpØ i_vZ-Øn\pw ISp-∏-ap≈ hm°p-Iƒ°pap-≈n¬ B a\- ns‚ ss\¿a-eyhpw am[p-cyhpw hy‡ambn a\- n-em-°m≥, ASpØp\n∂-h¿°v am{Xta km[n-®n-cp-∂p-≈q F∂ hkvXpX {]tXyIw {]kvXmhy-am-Wv. F∂m¬ Ime-b-h-\nIbv°p≈n-en-cp∂v B ]nXmhv B\-μn-°p-tºmƒ B \∑-Iƒ AXn-thKw a\ p-I-fn¬ \n∂v a\- p-I-fn-tebv°v km£y-ambn {]hln-°p∂ ImgvN C∂v Rßsf ]pfIw sIm≈n-°p∂p. Hcn-°¬ Xncp-ta-\n-bpsS AΩ-sb-°m-Wm≥ kz`h-\-Øn-tebv°v \n¿_-‘-]q¿Δw Xncp-ta-\nsb Iq´ns°m-≠p-t]mb Xs‚ kmc-Yn-bpsS hm°p-Iƒ C∂pw a\- n-ep-≠v. Im≥k-dns\ Can Share B°n am‰nb aIt\mSv Akp-J-hn-hcw At\z-jn-°p∂ AΩbv°v aI≥ \¬Ip∂ adp-]Sn as‰mcp tNmZy-am-bn-cp-∂p. ""AΩ-bv°nt∏mƒ Fß-s\-bp≠v? AΩ kpJ-am-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xpt]mse Rm\pw kpJ-am-bn-cn-°p-∂p.'' tcmK-Øns‚ aq¿≤-\ym-h-ÿ-bn¬, \nd™ hm¬k-ey-tØmsS B aIs\ Biz-kn-∏n-°p-hm\pw Xs‚ A¥ybm{X-bn¬ BZn-tbm-S¥w AN-©-e-amb hnizm-k-tØmSpw at\m-
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Nature Becomes the Medium of God’s Revelation
Fr. Dr. Ninan K George kottackattachen@gmail.com
Introduction Crisis in man’s relationship with his natural environment is one of the worse challenges that today’s world is facing. According to Christian understanding Human being was created to live in coexistence and direct relationship with his environment and creation in general. But unfortunately there are many phenomena bearing witness to the existence of an acute, disquieting ecological crisis namely the pollution of rivers and seas, atmospheric pollution, the destruction of natural resources, the accumulation of radioactive waste etc. Gabriele Dietrich views that the important root cause of the ecological crisis is a technocratic understanding of development. 1 Renthy Keitzar is of the view that the destruction of our environment is due to a neglect of ecology
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caused by short term economic interests and the selfish quest for pleasure or profit.2 There are scientific researches already been done to find out solutions. But they are inadequate to remove anxiety from mankind. Man’s anxiety about the existence of environment is everyday reflected in report after report from international organizations, or the establishment of a year of the environment. Voice is being raised for advanced technology, but ecologists advocate that while developing an advanced technology there must be a call for ‘back to nature’. A New Trend in Eco Theology There is a positive movement in all religions. Religious environmentalism is a recent theological development within all religious traditions to equip their respective faith communities to respond to the ecological crisis. George Zachariah is of the view that it is an attempt to interpret their sources of faith to inspire their adherents to engage in ministries of creation care. 3 This article is aimed at highlighting few points that can make its readers to respect nature instead of exploiting out of selfish motives because it is the medium of the revelation of God. There is a consensus among Christian eco theologians of India that a Christo centric eco justice hermeneutics is to be developed in India. It aims at making every Christian to take care of the environment since it is created by God and the ‘salvific act’ of God got fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Orthodox patristic thought and theology saw nature as the creation and work of God.4 One who studies the person and work of Jesus Christ would definitely say that God was revealed through different elements of nature.5 Hence, the relationship between man and the environment is one that passes through man’s relationship and communion with God. In the incarnation of God the Son, He took human body and entered into human culture; throughout His life on earth He identified himself with nature and they were exhibited through His teachings and praxis. God Shares Divine Breath
God created the world by sharing God’s life-giving breath. It is the entire community of creation – not just human beings – that share the divine breath. Sharing the Divine breath means sharing the being of God. Creation is hence God’s cosmic embodiment, and in a metaphorical sense, world is the body of God. It is very appropriate to define the earth as the God indwelling creation. It doesn’t mean that they are one; they are two while being identical. Orthodox understanding of God and the world is as follows: God and the world are radically distinguished. God is “uncreated, without beginning, ever existing and before all things,” whereas the world “was produced and came into being.” At the same time, however, they are indissolubly connected.6 The theological approach of Rig Veda towards nature is very interesting. It visualizes natural phenomena as gods. In the Rig Veda Samhita natural phenomenon are glorified, invoked and worshipped. Gaurinath Sastri elucidated this in this way. In the beginning the hymns were addressed not to gods/goddesses of those names but to the natural phenomena themselves, to the shining Sun, gleaming moon, blazing fire, shooting lightening, roaring storms, flowing waters, glowing dawn, bright sky and the spread out fruitful earth.7 Nature bears God’s goodness, beauty, love and concern for the humanity. The Vedic experience conceived human person not as an individual but as a person i.e., he/she is not an isolated being but a constitutive relationship. This relatedness exists between humans and God, between human and human and between human and nature.8 In Atharva Veda it is said that “In tapas (concentration) and diksa (consecration) we encounter a fundamental human attitude towards the world.”9 Raimundo Panikkar says that “Nature-human relationship is not technocratic or scientific, is not a relationship of dominion or of exploitation. Nature is also human and so the relationship between humans
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and nature is one of partnership and collaboration.”10 In Christian theology it is stated that God formed humans from the dust of the ground (earth). Therefore humans have a kinship with the earth. This is very clearly exhibited through the healing of the blind man: Jesus Christ uses his saliva, mud and water. This shows the close relationship and the interconnectedness of humans and elements of the earth. Here nature and humans do not dominate each other. One does not exploit the other nor oppress the other. Instead there is co-operation and mutuality. One is complement with the other. They are seen as partners or fellow creatures that are bound to each other.11 Since human had fallen in sin, he turned his face from other humans and nature, and became selfish. This resulted at abusing nature. Anestis G Keselopoulos states that “man’s relationship with the rest of creation was fatally wounded by the event of his fall and his apostasy from God. Human abuse and violation of creation take place according to the measure of man’s separation from God.”12 He continues: “In the fallen state, the world loses its original meaning as an ornament and a creation of God and becomes charged with a negative significance.”13 Abuse of nature through the overexploitation of land and water resources distorts the beauty and spirit of earth.14 God finds meaning of life in the communion with the community of creation. Human sin had broken that Divine communion.
Jesus and Creation Restoration of communion between God and man was prioritized when God sent His son to the world. Though relationship between Jesus and the natural world is not a strong theme in the Gospels, in His teachings Jesus reaffirms God’s care for creatures. The nature and its different phenomena associated with Jesus’ ministry spark light on His relationship with creations. In order to understand this topic clear, I think God’s ‘creative act’ must be dealt with. A few lines I would like to set apart for that. Celia Deane – Drummond in his book called “A Handbook in Theology and Ecology” elaborates Jesus’ relationship with Creation. He says, Jesus Christ reaffirms God’s care for creatures in the sayings about the lilies (Matt. 6: 28 – 30) and sparrows (Matt. 10: 29). He shows himself as Lord of Creation in the stilling of the storm (Mark 4: 35 – 41) and in walking on the water (Mark 6: 45 -51). As Lord of creation, Christ has the authority to bless or curse creation, as illustrated by his curse on the unfruitful fig tree in Mark 12: 12 -14; 20-26.15 This shows the fact that the coexistence of God and nature is placed on the level of friendly relations, not of conflict or oppression of the one by the other. This is made very clear in creation story – human being (adam) is made out of earth (adamah). According to Gen. 2: 7, God formed humans from the dust of the ground (earth). Therefore humans have a kinship with the earth. Jesus affirms this close, intimate relationship between the dust of the earth and humans. There are innumerable examples from the
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Gospel which refers to nature becomes the medium of God’s revelation. In Gospel narratives, it is very clear that environment has got a vital role in the personal formation of Jesus Christ. The messianic lifestyle that the gospel stories portray in Mathew 6: 25 – 34 invites a radical trust in the provision by God for daily necessities of life. There is a parallel between God’s provision for the birds of air and provisions for human needs. It conveys the message that God is the giver and God’s care for humankind is part of God’s open generosity towards all of creation. Seeking the Kingdom of God is to become part of knowing ourselves connected with and in solidarity with the rest of creation. Christ Events and Nature The birth of Jesus took place in a manger, on a mattress made of hay, and in the company of the domesticated animals. The stars in the sky sparkled at his birth (Mt. 2: 2, 10) as witnessed by the Magi who made their journey to Herod’s palace. The choir of the angelic hosts sang the joy of heaven (Lk. 2: 8-12). The shepherds who kept watch over their flock in the Judean countryside were among the first to listen to the heavenly choir (Lk. 2: 13 – 14). All these show that the event of the birth of Jesus was witnessed to and participated by even the wider created order. The baptism of Jesus at the age of 30 in river Jordan16 witnesses to the coming together of the sky, the dove and the heavenly voice (Mk. 1: 10 -11). From the river Jordan, Jesus was led by the Spirit to the wilderness (Mk. 1: 13). 17 At the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, He called the disciples who were engaged in fishing in the Sea of Galilee (Mk. 1:16 -20). Jesus Christ started His ministry by preaching the Kingdom of God. He articulated it by using a lot of ecological images. There is a long list of ecological images used by Jesus Christ. They are as follows: The Sun and the rain (Mt. 5: 45); the scorching heat and the south wind (Lk. 12: 55); the earth and the sky (Lk. 12: 56); the clouds and the showers (Lk. 12: 54); the flashing of light (Mt. 24: 27); the rock and the sand (Mt. 7: 26); the seeds and the plants (Mt. 4: 2 -8); the sowing
and the harvest (Mk. 4: 2 -8); the lilies and the grass ( (Mt. 6: 28 -30); the vine and the branches (Jn 15: 1-2); the fruit tree and the bush of thorns (Mt. 7: 15 -20; 13:7); the fish and the serpent (Lk. 11:11); the moth and the rust (Mt. 6: 19 -20); the sparrows and the eagles (Mt. 10: 29); the ox and the dogs (Lk. 16: 21); the sheep and the goats (Mt. 25: 32); the shepherd and the sheep ( JN. 10: 1 -18); the water and the bread (Jn. 4: 7 -15; 6: 1f., 22 -34); the pinch of salt and the small lamp (Mt. 5: 13 -16) and the leaven and the fisherman’s net (Mt. 13: 33; Lk. 13: 20; Mt. 13: 47 -51).18 The above mentioned examples are sufficient for one to deliberate that Jesus Christ over enthusiastically used ecological items to
penetrate the values of the Kingdom of God to His listeners. Jesus was so closed to nature and natural resources are used as vehicles of the Grace of God. Ecological Elements in Orthodox Worship Orthodoxy perceives Sacraments as vehicles of God’s invisible grace. In order to bring down the grace of God to the adherents, different natural items are used. The liturgy of festivals consists of a variety of ecological images that portray the theological importance of the respective festivals. Even for the liturgy of the canonical hours of a day, we see different images – lamp, oil, incenses etc. etc. - that are of the nature. In commemoration of death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the church
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administers the liturgy of Holy Eucharist in which the bread and wine are used. The church believes that they become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ by the invocation of the Holy Spirit made by the celebrant priest. Hence, the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ are communicated to the faithful. Behold how earthly fruits become divine. The same thing is happening in all liturgical rites. Conclusion Throughout this article I tried to make the theological significance of earth known to the readers. Since the world is created by God out of his love, we the human beings should retain the life of the earth. For the sustenance of life on earth, it is to be taken care of well and good. The existence of the Church is for the sake of others and in the context of unjust ecological structure the ministry of the church should definitely envisage ecological concerns. Bibliography Aleaz, K.P. “Vedic Vision in Indian Christian Theology of Nature,” in Good News to the Whole Creation. Drummond, Celia Deane. A Handbook in Theology and Ecology. London: SCM Press Ltd, 1996. Gabriele Dietrich, “Development, Ecology and Women’s Struggles, “ in Social Action, 1998. Longkumer, Limatula; Peacock, Philip Vinod and Ralte, Rodinmawia (eds.). Good News to the Whole Creation. Delhi: ISPCK, 2016. Keselopoulos, Anestis G. Man and the Environment A Study of St Symeon the New Theologian. New York: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2001. Panikkar, Raimundo. The Vedic Experience Man-Tramanjari: An Anthology of the Vedas for Modern Man and Contemporary Celebration. London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1979. Renthy Keitzar. “Creation and Restoration: Three Biblical Reflections,” in Eco Theology: Voices from South and North. (ed.) David G Hallman. New York: Orbis Books, 1994. Sastri, Gaurinath. A History of Vedic Literature. Calcutta: Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar, 1982.
(Footnotes) 1
7 8
9 10
Gabriele Dietrich, “ Development, Ecology and Women’s Struggles, “ in Social Action, 381/1 (1998),9. Renthy Keitzar. “ Creation and Restoration: Three Biblical Reflections,” in Eco Theology: Voices from South and North. (ed.) David G Hallman. New York: Orbis Books, 1994. 59. Zachariah, George. “And You Renew the Face of the Earth”: An Eco-justice Reading of Psalm 104". Good News to the Whole Creation. P. 179. Cf. Keselopoulos, Anestis G. Man and the Environment. 14. See Mathew, Sam Peedikayil. “Reading John’s Gospel through Green Lenses”. 135. Keselopoulos, Anestis G. Man and the Environment. 15. Sastri, Gaurinath. A History of Vedic Literature, 46. Aleaz, K.P. “Vedic Vision in Indian Christian Theology of Nature,” in Good News to the Whole Creation, 198. Atharva Veda, 19.41.1. Panikkar, Raimundo. The Vedic Experience ManTramanjari: An Anthology of the Vedas for Modern Man and Contemporary Celebration, 267. Mathew, Sam p. Reading John’s Gospel Through Green Lenses: John 9: 1 -17 in Good News to the Whole Creation, 136. Keselopoulos, Anestis G. Man and the Environment, 74. Keselopoulos, Anestis G. Man and the Environment, 74. Mathew, Sam Peedikayil. “Reading John’s Gospel through Green Lenses”. 127. Drummond, Celia Deane. A Hand book in Theology and Ecology. 29. Water in the Biblical image represents life and salvation. It is In the waters of Jordan that Jesus Christ first listened to the voice of his Father. In the wilderness journey the people experienced the presence of God in the form of pillars of cloud and fire (Ex. 13: 17 -22), as the provider of manna (Ex. 16: 4ff) and water from the rock (Ex. 17: 1 -7; Num. 20: 1 -13). The ministry of John the Baptist (Mk. 1: 3 -4), Jesus’ encounter with the Father (Mk. 1: 11) and the conflict with Satan took place in the desert. John, V.J. “Eco – Vision of Jesus.”in A Christian Response to Ecological Crisis, 53, 54.
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PntPm tPmbn c≠mw h¿jw
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Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
kulr-Z-Øns‚ Bflo-bX When I walk alone I wish to reach the end of the road, But when a brother walk with me I wish the road never ends...
cw tIm¿Øv ]nSn®v \S-°m≥ Hcp kplr-sØ-¶nepw IqsS-bps≠-¶n¬ AXn-t\mfw `mKyw Cu Pohn-X-Øn¬ as‰m-∂n-√. Iymºkv Pohn-X-Øns‚ Ah-km\ \mfp-I-fn¬ kulr-Z-Øns‚ Ibv∏pw a[pchpw Bg-Øn-e-dn-bm≥ {ian-°p-tºm-gmWv {]nb kplr-Øp-°ƒ \¬Inb ]mT-ßsf Xpd-°m≥ t{]cn-∏n-°p-∂-Xv. kt¥m-jn-°m\pw kvt\ln-°m\pw Bh-iy--amb apgp-h≥ Du¿÷hpw Hcp-h≥ kz¥am-°p-∂Xv kulr-Z-Øn-eq-sS-bm-Wv. ssZhhpw tZhm-e-bhpw hoSpw amXm-]n-Xm-°fpw Kpcp-°-∑mcpw ktlm-Z-c-ßfpw sNSn-Ifpw ]£nar-Km-Zn-I-fp-sa√mw kulr-Z-ta--i-bnse hnhn[ hn`-h-ß-fm-Wv. cpNnt`-Z-ß-fpsS Cu hncp-∂p-ta-i-bn¬ \ΩpsS lrZ-bw-tN¿Øv hbv°ptºm-gmWv Pohn-X-Øns‚ A¿∞-tØbpw Bg-tØbpw kuμ-cytØbpw \ap-°-\p-`-hn-°m≥ km[n-°p-I. kulr-Z-Øns‚ cpNn Adn™-h¿°v H‰bv°v \S-°p-∂-Xns‚ k¶-S-ßtfm GIm-¥-X-bn¬ IS∂p-Iq-Sp∂ Zp¿Nn-¥-Itfm Hcn-°epw kw`-hn-°p-I-bn-√. hneyw tjIvkv]n-b-dns‚ hm°p-Iƒt]mse “A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow” \o BcmWv F∂pw, \o
Uo._n_n≥ tPmbn \memw h¿jw DEEPTHI 2018
Fhn- s S- \ n∂v h∂p F∂pw \o F¥mbn F∂pw Adn- ™ n´pw ]ns∂bpw \ns∂ hf-cp-hm≥ klm-bn-°p-∂h - \ - mWv bYm¿∞ kplrØv. kvt\ln-X≥ Xs‚ a\ v Xpd-°p-tºmƒ Ah-t\mSv AsX F∂pw A√ F∂pw ]d-bp-hm-\p≈ kzmX{¥yw kplr-Øn¬ D≠m-bn-cn-°Ww. Ahs‚ apJw hmSp-tºmƒ ImXns\ Ahs‚ lrZ-b-tØmSv
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
tN¿Øph-bv°m-\pw, B{K-l-ß-fp-sSbpw {]Xo-£-Ifp-sSbpw Nnd-Ins\ apf-∏n-°m-\pw, ap≈p-Iƒ ]ngp-sXSpØv Fdn-bm\pw kulr-Z-Ønt\ km[n-°q. “A good
F∂v hnfn-°m-sa-∂mWv Nmƒkv hneywkv Xs‚ t\mh-emb ‘Descent into hell’ ¬ ]dbp-∂-Xv. Self love is Hell, Community love is
friend points mistakes and imperfections and rebukes evil, thus he reveals the secrets of some hidden treasures in us” F∂ Zsse-em-a-bpsS hm°p-Iƒ kulr-Z-Øns‚
Heaven. God is dynamic rather than state.
bYm¿∞ \∑sb Nq≠n-°m-´p-∂p. Cßs\ Hcp-h-\nse \∑sb ]pd-Øp-sIm-≠p-h-cp∂ hniz-kvX-\mb kplrØp-s≠-¶n¬ AXmWv ]Xn-\m-bncw _‘-ß-sf-°mƒ hne-s∏-´-Xv, ‘A loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.’ klbm{Xn-I-\m-bn, Icp-X-ens‚ sImXn-Xo-cmØ kΩm\-ß-fp-ambn Hcp kplrØv \ΩpsS apºn¬ Ds≠-¶n¬ Ah≥ ]d-™p-X-cp∂ IY apgp-h≥ kvt\l-Øn-s‚bm-bn-cn-°pw. Cu kvt\l-Øns‚ `mj kwth-Zn-°p∂ Nne Bflo-b-]-cn-k-c-ßsf Is≠-Øm≥ {ian-°p-Ibm-Wn-hn-sS...
kvt\lhpw F∂n¬ \n¬°p-tºmƒ AXn\v ‘Ego’ Ft∂ ]d-bm-\m-hq. Self love BWv Ego sb D¬]mZn-∏n-°p-∂X - v. AXns\ a‰p-≈h - c - n-tebv°v \¬Ip-tºmƒ am{Xsa AXn\v Poh-\p-≠m-Ip-∂p-≈q. Ego centricity is the death of personhood. ]ckv]c-_-‘-Øn¬ am{Xsa a\p-jy\pw Poh-Pm-e-߃°pw Cu `qanbn¬ \ne\n¬∏p-≈q. X\n-®m-Im≥ B{K-ln-°p-∂-hcpw X\n-®mI-s∏-´-hcpw A\p-`-hn-°p∂ \c-I-Xp-ey-amb PohnXw ssZhw B{K-ln-°p-∂n-√. kr„n-I¿Ωw-t∏mepw ]c-kv]c-_-‘-Øn-emWv ssZhw sa\-™-Xv. ssZhw kvt\lam-sW-¶n¬ a\p-jy\pw kvt\l-am-Wv. B kvt\lw
kulr-Z-Iq-´mbva {XnXz-Øn¬ kulr-Z-Øns‚ hnt—-Zn-°m≥ Ign-bmØ _‘- t Øbpw kuμ- c y- t Øbpw Im´n- X - c p∂Xv hn.-{Xn-Xz-am-Wv. aq∂pw Hcp-t]mse sFIytØmsS \n¬°p-Ibpw H∂n-t∑¬ "Hcm-fm'ImsX H∂mbn k¿Δ-Xn-s‚bpw A\p-{K-lØn\pw c£- b v ° p- a mbn {]h¿Øn- ° p∂ A]m-c-\-∑-bpsS kvt\l-Iq-´m-bva-bmWv {XnXzØnse kulr-Z-߃. Bishop Kallistos Ware s‚ Orthodox Way-se c≠mw A≤ym-b-ØnemWv {XnXz-Ønse cl-ky-ßsf ]d-™p-Xcp-∂-Xv. ""]nXm-th, \o F∂nepw Rm≥ \n∂nepw BIp-∂-Xp-t]mse Ahcpw \Ωn¬ H∂m- t I- ≠ - X n\v Xs∂'' (tbml 17:21), ]nXmhpw ]p{X\pw ]cn-ip-≤m-flmhpw Hcp D◊bn¬ (one essence) aq∂v hyXn-c-‡-ß-fmb Bf-Xz-ß-fm-Ip∂p (Three persons). There is distinction, but never seperation. aq∂n\pw hyXykvX ZuXy-ß-fp-s≠-¶nepw AkvXn-XzØn¬ H∂mb Poh-\m-Wv. AXp-sIm-≠p-Xs∂ God is personal and that God is love. ssZh-Øns‚ D◊-bn¬ "Rm≥' C√, kvt\l-Øns‚ ]mc-kv]-cy-amWv {XnXzØn¬ ktΩ-fn-°p-∂-Xv. Trinitarian love is the ideal of human love. kzbkvt\l- a √ ]c- k vt\- l - a mWv bYm¿∞ kvt\lw. ‘Each becomes a real person only through entering into relation with other persons, through living for them and in them.’ Hcp a\p-jy≥ X\n-®m-bn-cn°p-tºmƒ a\p-jy-\-√, BfXzw (personhood) as‰mcp
Bf-Xz-amb _‘-Øn¬ am{Xsa AXns‚ kzm[o\w icn-bm-hp-I-bp-≈q. kvt\l-Øn\v X\nsb \ne-\n¬∏n√. F∂n¬Xs∂ \n¬°p∂ kvt\lsØ "\cIw'
{XnXz-kvt\-l-Øn-se-t∏mse as‰m-cm-fp-amb _‘Øn¬ kPo- h - a mbn \ne- \ n¬°p- t ºmƒ am{Xsa Cuizckm-∂n-≤ysØt∏mepw \ap°v A\p-`-hn-°m≥ km[n-°q. \ns∂-t∏m-se-Øs∂ \ns∂ ktlm-Z-cs\bpw kvt\ln-°m≥ Ign-bp-tºm-gmWv {XnXz-Øn-e[n-jvTn-X-amb \ΩpsS hnizm-khpw Bcm-[-\bpw PohnXhpw A¿∞-hØm-Ip-∂-Xv.
kulr-ZI - q-´mbva {InkvXp-in-jy-cn¬ Xn_-cym-kns‚ Xoc-Øp-sh-®mWv \k-dm-b-\mb tbip 12 Iq´m-fn-I-sfbpw Iq´n kulr-Z-tai Hcp-°p∂-Xv. aq∂-c-h¿jw Ah¿ Hcp-an®v bm{X sNbvX-Xpw, A∏w ]¶n´pw IY-Iƒ ]d™pw ssZh-cmPyw F∂
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
kt¥m- j - Ø n- s ‚bpw kam- [ m- \ - Ø ns‚bpw ]pXnb temI-Øn-te°v {InkvXp Iq´n-s°m≠p \S-∂p. kulr-ZsØ Kuch-]q¿Δw sIm≠p-\-S∂ X®-\mb B a\pjys‚ Dt±iyw shdp-samcp Nßm-Ø-a-√m-bncp-∂p. kulr-Z-Øns‚ \nXyhncp-∂n-te-°p≈ Bcw`-am-bn-cp-∂p. ‘Companion’ F∂ hm°ns‚ A¿∞w ‘one who breaks bread with another’ F∂m- W v . tbiphpw injy-∑mcpw XΩn-ep≈ _‘-Øn\pw Cu hm°v aqe`m-j-bn¬ D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂p≠v ˛ ‘hetairos’ - bqZm H‰nsIm-Sp-°m≥ hcp-tºmƒt]mepw {InkvXp "kvt\lnXm' (aØmbn 26:50) F∂v hnfn-°p-∂Xv Cu A¿∞-Ønem-Wv. Friends F∂ hm°n\pw ‘A single soul dwelling in two bodies’ F∂mWv {Ko°v XXz-Nn-¥-I≥ Acn-tÃm-´n-
ens‚ hni-Ie - \ - w. {InkvXphpw injy-∑mcpw XΩn-ep≈ _‘hpw Cß-s\-bm-bn-cp-∂p. ]e ico-c-am-bn-cp-s∂¶nepw Htc Bflm-hn¬ {]tNm-Zn-X-cmbn ssZh-cm-PyØn-\p-th≠n Cd-ßn-]p-d-s∏´ 12 kplr-Øp-°ƒ. Htc A∏w `£n®v (tbml 25:26) Htc Bflm-hn¬ Pohn°p-tºmƒ Pohn-X-Øns‚ GXv Ibv°p∂ A\p-`-hØnepw IqsS \n¬°p-∂-h-\mWv bYm¿∞ kvt\lnX≥. Aan-X-ssh-Im-cn-I-X-b√ Pohs\ sImSp-°p∂ (Agappe) kvt\l-amWv kulr-Zs - a∂v injy-∑msc ]Tn∏n-®p. sk_-Zn-]p-{X-∑m¿ Ah-t\msSm∏ambncn°m≥ h√msX B{K-ln-®p. F∂m¬ "Rm≥ IpSn-°p∂ ]m\]m{Xw IpSn-°m-\m-hp-tam, Rm≥ kzoI-cn-°p∂ kv\m\Øn¬ ]¶p-sIm-≈m-\m-hptam' F∂ tNmZyw-sIm≠v kulr-Z-Øns‚ thZ-\bpw DØ-c-hm-Zn-Øhpw hy‡-
am-°n. henb kvt\ln-Xs‚ ac-W-th-Z-\-bn¬ ]¶mfn-I-fm-Im≥ K’-a-\-bn¬ t]mb ]t{Xmkpw sk_Zn-]p-{X-∑mcpw Dd-ßp-∂Xv I≠p tNmZn-°p∂p "Ft∂mSp-IqsS Hcp \mgn-It- ∏mepw DW¿∂n-cn-°m≥ \n߃°v Ign-bp-∂n-√tbm?' (aØm. 26:40). GXv hn[n-bn-epw, Ibv°p∂ ]m\-]m-{X-Ønepw DW¿∂n-cp∂v ]¶m-fn-bmIm≥ ss[cy-ap-≈-h-\m-cmtWm Ah-s\-bmWv {InkvXp kvt\ln-X≥ F∂v hnfn-°p-∂-Xv. F√m _‘-ß-fnepw Cu kvt\lw \ne-\n¬°Ww F∂-Xp-sIm-≠mhpw Xncp-h-Øm-g-ta-i-bn¬ "C\n-ap-X¬ Rm≥ \nßsf injy-sc∂v hnfn-°n-√, kvt\ln-Xs - ct∂ hnfn°q' F∂v ]d-™Xv (tbml 15:14). aq∂v {]mhiyw X≈n- ] - d ™ ]t{Xm- k ns\ kvt\l-Øns‚ Ipº-km-c-°q-´n¬ \n¿Øn 3 {]mhiyw tNmZn- ° p- I - b mWv Do you love me? Hmtcm tNmZy-Øn-eq-sSbpw {InkvXp Ahs‚ lrZ- b sØ Xpd∂v kv t \lØns‚ kzm¿∞-Xsb XI¿°p-I-bmWv. ChnsS 2 h´hpw {InkvXp tNmZn°p- t ºmƒ D]- t bm- K n- ° p∂ hm°v ‘Agappe’ BWv . F∂m¬ ]t{Xmkv \¬Ip∂ DØcw philio - "C„w' am{Xam-Wv. shdpw C„-a√ Pohs\ sImSp°p∂ kvt\l-amWv D≠m-tI-≠-sX∂v a\- n-em-b-Xp-sIm-≠mhpw ]t{Xmkv Xe-Io-gm-bn-In-S∂v Ahs‚ Im¬Npw_n®v acn-®X - v. tbip-hns‚ ac-Wk - a - bw ASp- Ø - t ∏mgpw Xß- f n¬ BcmWv hen-b-h ≥ F∂ Nn¥ B kulrZsØ XI¿°m≥ {ian-s®-¶nepw Xs‚ {]nb-s∏´ kvt\ln-X-cpsS Imep-Iƒ Igp- I n, ip{iq- j m- a - t \m- ` m- h - Ø n¬ am{Xta kulrZw \ne- \ n¬°p- I bp≈q F∂ ]pXnb ]mThpw {InkvXp \¬In. `qan-bpsS AXn-cp-I-fn-te°v Xs‚ BZy ZuXy-kwLsØ Ab-bv°p-tºmgpw c≠p-t]¿ hoXw t]mbm¬ aXn-sb∂v ]d™ kvt\ln-X-\mWv {InkvXp. Fgp-]Xn-S-ß-fn-te°v t]mtI-≠-h¿ ap∏-Ø-©n-S-ß-fn-te°v Npcp-ßn-bmepw Hcmƒ IqsS-bp-≠m-bn-cn-°-W-sa∂v B X®\v \n¿_-‘-am-bn-cp-∂p. Pohn-X-Øns‚ apgp-h≥ {i≤ Bcp-an-√m-Ø-h-tcm-Sm-bn-cp-∂p. Aß-s\-bmWv Np¶-°m-cp-sSbpw ]m]n-I-fp-sSbpw Iq´p-Im-c≥ F∂ NoØ-t]-cp-≠m-b-Xv. aKvZe-\-a-dn-bhpw, ]m]n-\n-bmb kv{Xobpw, \nt°m-Zn-tamkpw, iXm-[n-]-\pw, inip°fpw, tcmKn- I - f pw, Zcn{Zcpsa√mw {Inkv X p- h ns‚ kulrZsØ sImXn- t bmsS B{K- l n- ® - h - c m- W v .
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
ImcWw B kulr-Z-Øn¬ Bizm-k-ap-≠m-bn-cp-∂p, kuJy-ap-≠m-bn-cp-∂p, Poh-\p-ap-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. {Iqin¬ InS-∂-t∏mgpw H‰-bm-hp∂ AΩ-sb-∏-‰n-bp≈ Icp-XemWv AΩsb tbml-∂ms\ G¬∏n®p ]d-bp-∂Xv kv{Xotb "CXm \ns‚ aI≥', injy-t\mSv "CXm \ns‚ AΩ' (tbml 19:27). ac-W-ti-jhpw {InkvXp-hn-s\°p-dn-®p≈ Hm¿Ω-I-fmWv aKvZ-e-\-a-dn-bsØ I√-dbv°¬ FØn-°p-∂-Xv. B kulrZw Ah-km-\n-∏n-®n´n√ F∂ henb kt¥m-j-amWv Ahƒ sN∂v injy∑m-tcmSv Adn-bn-°p-∂-Xv. B henb kvt\ln-Xs‚ iq\yX Ahsc ]Xps° ]Xps° ]gb tPmen-bn-te°v t]mIp-hm≥ \n¿_-‘n®- t ∏mgpw Ahn- s Sbpw B hniz- k v X - \ m- b - h s‚ km∂n≤yw Ah-cpsS Xncn-®-dn-hn-\n-S-bm-°n. Xn_-cymkv IS-ens‚ aW¬∏-c-∏n¬ Bcw-`n® kulr-Z-Øns‚ cpNn, A∏hpw ao\w ]¶n´v ho≠pw Bkz-Zn-®-t∏mƒ C\n Cu kulrZw Hm¿ΩI-fmbn \ne-\n¬°-Ww F∂pw B henb kvt\ln-X≥ Ahsc ]Tn-∏n-®p. Xncph-Øm-g-ta-i-bn¬ "CXv Fs‚ Hm¿Ω-bv°mbn sNøpho≥' F∂v ]d™v A∏w ]¶n-Sp-∂Xv {InkvXp-kulr-Z-Øns‚ henb AS-bm-f-ambn C∂pw A\p-kyqXw XpS-cp-∂p. F√m \nb-a-ß-sfbpw XXz-ß-sfbpw km¿∞-Iam°n B kvt\ln-X\v Cu temI-tØmSv hnfn-®p-]-dbm≥ c≠v hm°p-Iƒ aXn-bm-bn-cp-∂p. ""]c-kv]cw kvt\ln-∏o≥.'' {InkvXp amXr-I-bmb kulrZw \¬Ip∂ aq∂v khn-ti-j-X-Iƒ • bYm¿∞ kulrZw hyh- ÿ - I ƒ C√msX kvt\ln-°p-∂Xpw £an-°p-∂-Xp-am-Wv. • bYm¿∞ kulrZw ]¶n-Sepw Icp-X-ep-am-Wv. • kz¥w Pohs\ \¬Ip-hm≥ bYm¿∞ kulrZw Xøm-dm-Ip-∂p. (tbml 15:13)
kulr-Z-Iq-´mbva BZna ]nXm-°-∑m-cn¬ ip≤ kulr-Z-Øns‚ B≤ym-fln-I-Xsb sXfnbn® hnizm-k-`-S-∑mcpw thZ-imkv{X ]fin-X-cp-amWv \memw \q‰m-≠nse henb am¿ _tk-en-tbmkpw \mkn-bm≥knse hn. {KotKm-dn-tbm-kpw. {InkvXob Pohn- X - Ø ns‚ ss\]pWyhpw k\ym- k - N - c y- b psS ss\¿a-eyhpw t\Sm≥ H∂n®v bm{X sNbvX hnip≤ kulr-Z-߃. D‰-kp-lr-Ømb _tk-en-tbmkv Cltem-I-hmkw hn´v bm{X-bm-Ip-tºmƒ {KotKm-dn-tbmkv \S-Ønb {]kw-K-Øn-emWv Ah-cpsS kulr-Z-Øns‚ kpIr-X-sØ-∏‰n hmNm-e-\m-Ip-∂-Xv. ssIk-cy-bnse XXz-Z¿i-\-ßfpw {]kw-K-I-ebpw ]Tn-°p∂ ImeØmWv Ccp-hcpw BZyw I≠p-ap-´n-b-Xv. kz¥w hnizm-
k- t Øbpw B{K- l - t Øbpw Ccp- h cpw XΩn¬ ]¶p-h-®-t∏m-gmWv X߃- Htc e£yØn-te°m-Wv bm{X sNøp-∂-sX∂v a\- n-em-b-Xv. {KotKm-dn-tbmkv ]d-bp∂p _tk-en-tbmkpw Rm\pw Hcp \Zn-bpsS c≠v Acp-hn-Iƒt∏mse Hcp {]tZ-iØv \n∂v h∂-h-cm-Wv. ]T-\-Øns‚ `mK-ambn R߃ ]ncn-™p-sh-¶nepw ssZh-Øns‚ ]≤-Xn-bm¬ ho≠pw R߃ Hcp-an-®mbn. R߃ ]c-kv]cw F√m-am-bn-cp-∂p. Hcp ho´n¬ Xma-kn-®v, Hcp-an®v `£n-®v, Htc e£y-ap≈ kvt\lnX-cm-bn-cp-∂p. R߃ XΩn-ep≈ Aam-\p-jnI kvt\lØns‚ ]n∂nse \nbaw ssZho-I-_-‘-am-bn-cp-∂p. Rßsf F°m-eØpw _‘n-∏n®v \ne-\n¿Øn-bXpw CXm-Wv. kt¥m-jhpw D]-Im-c-{]-Z-hp-am-Ip∂ kuμcy-sØ-°m-fp-]cn ]c-kv]cw Hcm-fpsS kmao]yw at‰bmƒ°v Bflob DW¿hp-≠m-°n. _tk-en-tbm-kn-s\∏‰n {KotKm-dn-tbmkv ]d-bp∂p ""A-t±lw Ft∂msSm∏w D≠m-bn-cp-∂-t∏mƒ XpS¿®-bmbn Fs∂ ]e Imcy-ß-fnepw Xncp-Øp-am-bn-cp-∂p. Hcp kplr-Øns‚ ]q¿Æ Ah-ImitØmsS F√m Imcy-ß-fnepw CS-s]Sp-am-bn-cp-∂p. CXv ]d-bp-∂-Xn¬ F\n°v e÷-bn-√, ImcWw At±-la - m-bn-cp∂p \∑-bn-te-°p≈ Rß-fpsS t{]c-I-i-‡n. BtLm-j-ßfpw kZy-ßfpw, tbmKßfpw Rß-fpsS am¿§-a-√m-bn-cp-∂p. \√ {InkvXym\n-Iƒ F∂v hnfn-°-s∏-Sp-hm≥ R߃ B{K-ln-®p. CXmWv bYm¿∞ kulr-Z-Øns‚ at\m-`m-hw. a‰p≈-h-cpsS \∑sb hf¿Øn c£-bn-te°v \bn-°p-∂Xm-bn-cn-°Ww {InkvXo-b-ku-lr-Z-߃.'' _tk-en-tbm-kn-s‚bpw {KotKm-dn-tbm-kn-s‚bpw ASp∏w Ahsc ssZh- i m- k v { X- Ø ns‚ Bg- ß - f nte°pw {Inkv X p- k v t \- l - Ø ns‚ amkv a - c n- I - X - b nte°pw \bn-®p. ]c-kv]-c-ap≈ kw`m-j-W-ßfpw ]¶ph-bv°epw {InkvXo-b-k-`bv°v aqey-ap≈ kw`m-h-\Iƒ \¬In. 358-˛¬ {KotKm-dn-tbm-kns‚ kμ¿i-\-thf-bn¬ Ccp-h-cpw-IqSn FgpXn D≠m-°n-b-XmWv ^ntem°m-en-bmbpw k\ym-k-\n-b-a-ßfpw Hdn-Ks‚ Nn¥-IfpsS kam- l m- c - h pw. Cu Bfl- k p- l r- Ø p- ° - f psS kZvKp-W-߃ {InkvXym-\n-Iƒ°v hen-sbmcp amXrIbpw kulr-Z-߃°pw Iq´m-bva-Iƒ°pw \∑-bn-te°p≈ _ehpw {]tNm-Z-\-hp-am-bn-Øo¿∂p. {KotKm-dn-tbm-kns‚ hm°p-Iƒt∏mse “A faithful friend is a living treasure, nothing at all in the world can compare to a faithful friend, and his beauty knows no bounds. A faithful friend is more precious than gold and many precious stones. A faithful friend is an enclosed garden and a sealed spring, that open from time to time to be visited and enjoyed. A faithful friend is a refreshing harbour.”
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
`h\ IqZmi: Hcp BapJw a\p-jy-Po-hn-X-Øn¬ kz¥w F∂v IcpXn kam-[m-\-tØmsS A¥n-
Uo. tPm_n≥. _n \memw h¿jw DEEPTHI 2018
bp-d-ßp-hm≥ Hcp `h\w D≠m-IpI F∂Xv ssZh-Ir-]-bpsS e£-Wß-fm-Wv. `h-\Ø - ns‚ ]Wn ]q¿Øn-bm-bm¬ ]ns∂ ssZh-Øn¬ B{ibn-®v Po-hnXw ]Wn-bp-hm-\mWv Hcp `h\w Zm\-ambn \¬I-s∏-´n-cn°p-∂-Xv. `h\w ]Wn-bp-hm≥ ASn-ÿm-\-an-Sp-tºmƒ ssZh-ta, \n∂n¬ B{i-bn®v CXns‚ ASn-ÿm-\-ine ÿm]n-°-s∏-Sp∂p, CXns‚ ]Wn°p-dhv Xo¿∂v Xncp-k-∂n-[n-bn¬ ka¿∏n-°-s∏-Sp-hm≥ CS-bm-I-Wta F∂ {]m¿∞-\-tbmsS BWv Hcp hnizmkn `h-\-Øns‚ ]Wn Bcw`n-°p-∂-Xv. ""IqZm-i-Iƒ ad-™n-cn-°p∂ ssZhoI cl-ky-ßsf shfn-hm°p∂p'' ˛ hn. AK-kvXn-t\m-kv. ]cn-ip-≤m-flm-hns‚ hym]mcw `h-\Øn¬ IS∂v hcp∂ A\p-`-h-amWv `h\ hmgvhns‚ ip{iq-j-bn-eqsS k` {]I-S-am-°p-∂-Xv. \ΩpsS {]h¿Ø-\-߃ F√mw ssZh-Øns‚ Icp-W-bpw, klm-bhpw sIm≠mWv \S-°p-∂Xv F∂ {]Jym-]\w Cu ip{iq-j-bn-eqsS shfn-hm-°p-∂p. I¿Øm-hns‚ bmK-Øn-eqsS ]m]-Øn-s‚bpw ac-W-Øn-s‚bpw ta¬ t\Snb hnPb Nn”-amWv Ipcn-iv. bn{km-tb-ey¿°v BZy s]klm cm{Xn-bn¬ an{k-bo-an¬ kwlm-c-Øn¬ \n∂v kwc-£Ww e`n-®Xv Ip™m-Sns‚ c‡w hoSp-I-fpsS hmXn¬∏-Sn-ta¬, ]pc-´n-bXv aqe-am-bn-cp-∂p. CXn-t\mSv kZr-iy-ambn `h-\hpw AXnse \nhm-knIfpw I¿Øm-hn\v th≠n hnip≤oIcn®v {]Xn-jvTn-°p-I-bm-Wv. IqZmi
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
sNø- s ∏- S p∂ `h- \ - Ø ns‚ I´nf∏- S n- t a¬ …o_m ap{ZWw sNøp-∂-Xv, `h-\-Iq-Zm-i-bnse a¿Ω {][m-\amb `mK-ambn Icp-Xp-∂p. AZr-iy-\mb ssZh-Øns‚ km∂n-[y-Øns‚ {]XoI-ambn hoSn-\p-≈n¬ F√m-bn-SØpw [q]-a¿∏n-°p-Ib - pw, hnip-≤o-I-c-W-Øn-\mbn sh≈w Xfn-°p-Ibpw sNøp∂p. h¿j-Øn¬ Hcn-°¬ hoSv IqZmi sNøp∂ ]Xnhv k`-bn-ep≠v; Dbn¿∏v ˛ s]-¥n-t°mkvXn hsc D≈ L´w CXns‚ ka-b-ambn Icp-Xp-∂p. k°m- b n- b psS `h- \ - Ø n¬ {InkvXp- h ns‚ km∂n[yw D≠m-b-t∏mƒ ASn-apSn Pohn-X-Øn\v hyXnbm\w kw`-hn-°p-∂p. c£m-I-c\mb tbip-hns‚ {]th-i-\hpw IS∂v t]m°pw ÿnco-I-cn®v ]dbp-I-bmWv k°m-bn-bpsS Pohn-XØn- e qsS. k°mbn A{_- l mans‚ ]p{X-\mbn hos≠-Sp-°s - ∏´p F∂v tbip {]Jym-]n-°p-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. ]gb \nb-a-Im-eØv AXn- Y n- I sf kzoI- c n- ° p- ∂ Xv ssZhsØ kzoI- c n- ° p- ∂ - X n\v Xpey-ambn IW-°m-°n-bn-cp-∂p. A{_lmw aq∂v ]pam≥Ωmsc A`n- k w- t _m- [ \ sNbv X - X pw, Ah¿°v th≠n hncp∂v Hcp-°nbXpw Ah- t cm- S p≈ BZ- c - h ns‚bpw kzbw ip≤o- I - c - W Øns‚bpw `mK- a m- W v. {InkvXphns\ {]m¿∞-\-I-fn-eqsS \ΩpsS a\-kn-te°pw, `h-\-Ønte°pw £Wn- ° p- ∂ - X mWv G‰hpw DNn-X-ambn D≈-Xv. `{Z-Zo]w IØn®v Hcp ]pXnb `h-\-Ønse PohnXw Bcw-`n-°p-∂p. Zo]-Ønse A·n ssZh km∂n-[yØns‚ {]XoIw BIp-∂p. B km∂n[yw FhnsS D≠m-Ip-∂pthm AXv Np‰p-]m-Sp-Isf {]Imi ]qcn-Xam-°p-I-bpw, A\p-{K-ln-°-s∏´ `h\w a‰p-≈-h¿°v Bizm-khpw im¥nbpw ]I-cp-∂Xpw BIp-∂p. aÆv sIm≠v \n¿Ωn-°-s∏-´-h≥ aÆm¬ ]Sp-Xpb¿Øp∂ CSw BWv `h-\w. IqZm-i-I-fneqsS {]m]n°p∂ Pohs\ {]m¿Y-\-bn-eq-sS, PmK-c-W-Øn-eqsS tim`n-∏nt°-≠Xv `h-\-Øn¬ ]m¿°p-∂-h-cpsS DØc-hm-ZnXzw BWv. ]cn. ]utemkv «olm ]d-bp∂p ""\mw Hmtcm-cp-Øcpw ssZh-Øns‚ aμn-c-ß-fm-Wv, ssZh-Øns‚ Bflmhv \nß-fn¬ Hmtcm-cp-Ø-\nepw hkn-°p∂p F∂v \n߃ Adn-bp-∂n-√tbm'' ""]dp- Z o- k m- b nse hr£- ß sf \´- h ≥ Hcp
Zcn{Zs\t∏mse `qan-bn¬ IqSn k©-cn®p'' (sk-Z-dm), Ahs\ £Wn-t°-≠Xv \mw Hmtcm-cp-Øc - p-sSbpw `h-\ß - f - n-te-°pw, a\kn-te-°p-amWv; AXv aqew \ΩpsS `h-\w, kº-Øp-Iƒ, \nhm-kn-Iƒ, {]IrXn Ch A\p{K-ln-°-s∏-Sp-∂p. {XnXzw hmWn-Sp∂ \ΩpsS `h-\-sØbpw, {]Ir-Xn-sbbpw Xe-ap-d-I-fm¬ AXv hmgvØ-s∏Sp-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. ]cn-ip-≤mfl \≥hcw D≠m-Ip-tºmƒ iq\ym-c-WØn¬ P\w A©-∏-Øm¬ t\Snb kwXr-]vXn-bpw, Ipw`- Ø n¬ [m\y- s ∏m- S n- b pw, sImºn¬ h‰mØ ssXehpw D≠m-Ip-∂p. CXv kar≤n-bpsS A\p-`-h-am-Wv, F∂m¬ A¿Y-an-√mØ {]m¿Y-\-bn¬ Ch e`n-°-bn-√. ""tamdm≥ injy-tcm-Smbv sNm√ntI-t´≥ Rm≥ ssIs°mƒhq \nßsf hotS˛ Xmho-sSs∂ ssIs°mƒhq'' \n߃ sN√p-tºmƒ \nßsf kzoI- c n- ° p∂ GXp `h- \ hpw Fs∂-bm-Ip∂p kzoI-cn-°p-∂Xv F∂v ]cn. injy-∑m-tcmSv Acp-fnsNbvX hN\w t]mse Ahs\ \mw ssIs°m-≈p-Ibpw kzoI-cn°p-Ibpw thWw. Hcp hnizm-kn-bpsS a\-kn¬ `oXn Df-hm-°p∂ aq∂v kwK-Xn-IfmWv \ncym- W w, \ymb- ] o- T w, \cIw apX-em-bh F∂m¬ tamibpsS {]m¿∞-\-bm¬ ^d-thm≥ apßn t]mIp-I-bpw, Zmho-Zns‚ {]m¿∞-\-bm¬ Ahs‚ ]m]w tamNn®v \¬Ip-∂-Xpw, lm\-\n-b≥Ωmsc Xo°pfi-Øn¬ \n∂v ssZhw c£n-°p-∂-Xmbn ImWp-hm≥ Ign-bpw. ssZh alXzw km£o-I-cn-°p-hm-\p≈ CS-ambn Xocs´ \ΩpsS Hmtcm `h-\-hpw. ssZhw sNbvXn-´p≈ henb Imcy-ßsf kvacn-°p-tºmƒ `h-\-߃ Bcm[-\m-eb - ß - f - mbn ]cn-Wa - n-°s - ´. ssZhw hkn-°p∂ `h\-Øn¬ tIm] hgn-Ifpw ITn\ in£-I-fpw, hnhn-[Xcw tcmK-ßf - pw, hym[n-Ifpw F√m A]-IS- ß - fpw Ir]tbmsS \ntcm-[n-°p-∂p. amXm-hns‚bpw, ip≤≥am-cp-sSbpw a≤y-ÿX aqew A\p-{K-l-ß-fmbn hoSn-\pw, `h\ \nhm-kn-Iƒ°pw `h\ IqZm-i-bn-eqsS A\-h-[n-bmbn e`n-°p-Ibpw sNøp-∂p.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Alw k¶¬∏-߃°v Ne-\-ß-fp-≠v. ]cn-[n-°-∏p-d-tØ°p tNt°-dp-hm≥
sÃ^n≥ tP°_v H∂mw h¿jw DEEPTHI 2018
sImXn-°p∂ angn-I-fpw, Ah Ih¿s∂-Sp-°p∂ Zriy-ßfpw cq]-h¬°cn-°p-∂n-SØv k¶¬∏-߃ Ne-\m-fl-IX ssIh-cn-°p-∂p. Adn-hpw, Bi- b - h pw, A\p- ` - h pw, BZ¿ihpw ka\zbn®nSØv Cuiz- c \pw k¶¬∏ hyXn-bm-\-߃ \¬I-s∏´p ˛ "Zriyhpw AZr-iy-hpw.' a\p-jys‚ Nn¥m-[m-c-Iƒ°v AXo-X-ambn ÿnXn-sN-øp∂ Cuizc≥ hne-bn-cp-Ø-s∏-SmsX Xs∂ \n¬°-s´. Imc-Ww, "D¨a' hnh-cn°p-hmt\m hn`-Pn-°p-hmt\m Ign-bm-Ø-Xm-Wv. Zriy-X-bn¬ Rm\pw, \obp-ap-≠v... \ΩpsS Iq´m-bva-bp-ap-≠v... Ne-\-߃ XpSn-°p∂ Hmtcm \mºnepw A¥¿eo-\-am-bn-cn-°p∂ Bflob ssNX-\ysØ Is≠Øn _lp-am-\n-°p-hm≥ `mcX kwkvImcw ]Tn-∏n-°p-∂Xpw CXp-sIm-≠pX-s∂. AXns‚ Bhn-jv°m-c-amWv "amXm,- ]n-Xm,- Kp-cp,- ssZhw.' F∂m¬ Imem-¥-c-߃ ]n∂n-Sp-tºmƒ Zriy-am-b-h-bpsS ssZhoI `mhw hc≠pt]mIp-∂p. ""Ah-\-h-\mfl kpJ-Øn-\m-N-cn-°p-∂h A]-c\p kp-J-Øn-\mbv htcWw'' hcn-I-fn¬ am{Xw HXpßn \n¬°p∂ bmYm¿∞yw. DS-se-Sp-°p-∂Xv
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
hnfn-Isf tIƒ°p-I, ]n≥Xp-Sc- p-I... Ah kΩm-\n-°p-∂Xv "Xncn-™p-t\m-´-am-Wv.' AXn¬ ]pe¿Ime shfn-®-Øns‚ abq-Ja- m-eI - t- f‰v a™p-Xp-≈n-Iƒ Aen-™p-t]m-Ip-∂X - p-t]mse lr-Zbw Aen™p t]mIp-∂Xp ImWmw
kzhn-Im-c-ß-fpsS ]q¿Øo-I-c-W-Øn-\mbn Iog-S-°-epIsf {]W-bn-°p∂ "Imtb-\p-Iƒ' am{Xw. lmt_¬ HSp-hn-embn a{¥n® hm°v ktlm-Zcm! F∂m-Int√? arKo-b-ambn Nps´-cn-°-s∏-Sp-∂-Xn\p ap≥]v, amXm-hns‚ apJ-tØ°p t\m°n ]Xn-s\m∂p hb- p-Im-c≥ AtΩ! F∂p hnfn- ® p- I m- W nt√? ]nXr- X z- Ø ns‚ amlmflysØ Xncn-®-dn-bmsX kz¥w aIsf ]oUn-∏n-°phm≥ Xp\n™ ]nXm-hns‚ apJ-tØ°p t\m°n, B s]¨Ip´n A∏m! F∂p hnfn- ® p- I m- W nt√? hnZy A¿∞n-°p∂ Hmtcm Ip´n-I-fp-sSbpw \·-ta-\n-Isf Nqgv∂v t\m°n kpJw Is≠-Øp-hm≥ {ian-°p∂ Hmtcm A≤ym-]-I-s\bpw Kpcpth! F∂p hnfn-°p-
∂nt√? CsXm∂pw hnIm-c-{]-I-S-\-ß-fmbn- c p- ∂ n- √ . D≈nse ssZh k¶¬∏sØ Xnc-bp-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p. Ft¥! Cu hnfn- I ƒ tIƒ°msX t]mbn? hnfn-Isf tIƒ°p-I, ]n≥XpS- c p- I ... Ah kΩm- \ n- ° p- ∂ Xv "Xncn- ™ p- t \m- ´ - a m- W v . ' AXn¬ ]pe¿Ime shfn-®-Øns‚ abq-Jam-e-I-tf‰v a™p-Xp-≈n-Iƒ Aen™p-t]m-Ip-∂-Xp-t]mse lr-Zbw Aen™p t]mIp-∂Xp ImWmw. Ahn-sS, H∂p-a-√, H∂p-an√ F∂ Is≠- Ø - e p- I ƒ hnfn- I fnt∑ep≈ {]Xn-I-c-W-ß-fmbn amdpw. aq∂p- h ´w X≈n- ∏ - d - ™ hs‚ apJ-tØ-°p-t\m°n ]p©ncn- ® n´v "]t{Xmsk' F∂pb¿Ønb hnfn kr„n® Xncn-™pt\m´w lrZ-bsØ Iodn-ap-dn®p If-™p. Za-kvt°m-kns‚ ]Sn-hmXn¬°¬ apg- ß nb "iute' F∂ hnfn ASn-ÿm\ XXz-ß-fneqsS DS-se-SpØ "k¶¬∏-߃°v' Ne-\-߃ \¬In. AXn-\m¬, k¶¬∏-ß-fpsS hmXm-b-\-߃ Xpd∂n-Sp-I, Ne-\-ßsf cq]-h¬°-cn-°p-I... D≈nse Cuiz-c≥ kqcy-tX-P- ns\ _rl-kv`pWw sNøp-Ibpw, AXns‚ Inc-W-ß-fn¬ tNt°-dp-∂-h-cpsS hnfnI-fnse am[pcyw {ihn-°p-Ibpw sNøp-∂n-SØv Zriyam-bh Bflob {]`m-h-Øm¬ kºp„amIpw. Ipdn∏v N{μ-im-e-bn¬ \n∂p-b¿∂ km{μ-\o-en-a-bm¿∂ \nem- s h- f n- ® - Ø n- e n- c p∂p Kpcp hmbn®p ˛ "Ah≥ hkv{X-ap-cn™p "Xqhme' Np‰n injy-cpsS Imep-Iƒ Igp-In.' tI´p-\n∂ injy≥ a{¥n®p ˛ {`m¥≥! CXv F¥v ssZh-k-¶¬∏w? Kpcp adp-]Sn \¬In ˛ k¶¬∏-a-√, bmYm¿∞yw. ""Xm≥ sa\™ kr„n-bnepw \ne-sIm-≈p∂ Xs‚ AwisØ hμn-°p∂ Hcp Kpcp-hp≠v... Ah\p injycn-√, kvt\ln-X-∑m-sc-bp-≈q... injy≥ Kpcp-hns‚ Im¬°¬ hoWp Npw_n-®n´v ]d™p; F∂nse ssZhw Aß- b psS D≈nse ssZhsØ {]W-an-°p-∂p...''
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
in£-W-Øns‚ ]S-hp-Iƒ 'D
iscipline is Heaven, Indiscipline is Hell',"A®S-°-ap≈ PohnXw F∂pw kz¿§Xp-ey-am-bn-cn°pw; A√m-ØXv \cItØmSv kahpw'. \njvTbpw A®-S-°hpw ]utcm-lnXy Pohn-X-Øns‚ ImX-emb kwKXn-I-fm-Wv. a\p-jys‚ Pohn-X-Øn\v kuμ-cyhpw Du¿Phpw \¬Ip∂Xv "{Ia-ap≈ Pohn-X-ssi-en-bn-eq-sS-bmWv.' F∂m¬ in£-WsØ a\p-jys‚ \∑-bn-te°v hf-cp-hm-\p≈ Nhn´p]Sn-bmbn ImWmsX AXns\ ]oU-\-ambn ImWp∂ Xe-ap-d-bn-emWv \mw Pohn-°p-∂-Xv. Kpcp-˛-injy ]mc-º-cy-߃ t]mepw C∂n-√m-Xm-b-Xns‚ Imc-Whpw CXpXs∂-bm-Wv. Kpcp-hns\ A\p-k-cn®v Pohn-X-Øn-eqsS Kpcp-hns\ t]mse-bm-Ip∂ ]mc-º-cy-amWv ]uc-kvXy-Po-hnXw aptºm´v hbv°p∂-Xv. in£Ww PohnX hnP-b-Øns‚ Nhn´p]Sn- (Discipline - stepping stone to success)
in£Ww \Ω-fn¬ ASn-t®¬∏n-t°≠ H∂-√. \sΩ \∑-bn-te°v cq]-s∏-Sp-Øp∂ hnti-j-s∏´ aqi-bmbn AXns\ a\- n-em-°-Ww. a\p-jys‚ kmaqly Pohn-X-Øn\v Bh-iy-amb ASn-ÿm\ {]amW-ßsf ssZhoI {]am-W-ß-fmbn I≠v AX-\p-k-cn®v Pohn-°p-∂XmWv in£-Ww. Stephen Covey Fgp-Xp∂p '' you have a choice in life,
dh. tUm. Fw.-F-kv. bqlm-t\m≥ dºm≥ msjohn52@hotmail.com
you can either pay the price of discipline or regret.'' Discipline take self control, sacrifice and avoiding distractions and temptations. If means discipline helps you to stay focussed.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
k¶o¿Ø\w:119:2 ""Ahs‚ km£y-ßsf {]amWn®v ]q¿Æ lrZ-b-tØmsS Ahs\ At\z-jn-°p-∂h≥ `mKy-hm≥''. btlm-h-bmb ssZh-Øns‚ Iev]-\Isf ]men®p Pohn-°p∂Xmbpw blq-Z-∑m¿ a‰p-≈-hcn¬ \n∂v hyXy-kvX-\m-bn-cp-∂p. s]mØo-t^-dns‚ `h\- Ø n¬ ]cn- N m- c - I - \ mb tPmk^v F∂ blqZ _me\pw _m_n-tem-Wn¬ {]hm-k-Øn¬ Pohn® Zm\ntbepw Ah¿ Fhn-sS-bmbn h∂mepw Cu Iev]-\-Iƒ {]am-Wn®p hcp∂p F∂v ]g-b-\n-baw ]Tn-∏n-°p-∂p. At∏mkvtXme {]h¿Øn-I-fn¬ ImWp∂ "blqZ aXm-\p-km-cn-Iƒ' {]hm-kn-I-fmbn ]m¿Ø blq-Z-∑mcpsS in£W Pohn-X-hpw, Db¿∂ [m¿ΩnI \ne-hmchpw GI ssZh-Øn-ep≈ Ah-cpsS hnizm-khpw I≠v Cu Pohn-X-ssi-en-tbmSv BIr-jvT-cmbn blqZ aXw kzoI-cn® blqZ CX-c-cmb a\p-jy-cm-bn-cp-∂p. (Act 13:43, Acts: 16:14) Bh¿Ø\ ]pkvXIw 6˛mw A≤ymbØn¬ btlm-h-bpsS Iev]-\-Isf lrZn-ÿ-am-°-Wsa-∂pw, AXv a°ƒ°v D]-tZ-in®p sImSp-°-W-sa∂pw Ahsb hoSns‚ I´n-f-∏Sn taepw, ]Sn-hm-Xn-ep-Ifnepw FgpXn hbv°-W-sa∂pw AX-\p-k-cn®v Pohn-°-Wsa∂pw I¿i-\-ambn \njvI¿jn-®n-cn-°p-∂p. IpSpw-_\m-Ys‚ Npa-X-e-bmWv Ip´n-Isf ssZhm-e-b-Ønepw in£-W-Ønepw hf¿ØpI F∂p-≈-Xv. Ip´n-Isf ssZh `b- Ø nepw ssZh- Ø ns‚ Iev ] - \ - I - f nepw hf¿Øp-∂Xv Ah-cpsS ssZh-tØm-Sp≈ hniz-kvX-XbpsS `mK-ambn a\- n-em-°n-bn-cp-∂p. \ΩpsS Pohn-XØn¬ F√m taJ-e-I-fnepw Cu A®-S°w `wKn-bmbn ]men-®m¬ AXv Pohn-X-Øn\v A¿∞hpw am\hpw Du¿Phpw kºm-Zn®v Xcpw. ""Ah Zo¿Lmbp pw PohIm-ehpw kam-[m-\hpw \n\°v h¿≤n-∏n®p Xcpw. Zbbpw hniz-kvX-Xbpw \ns∂ hn´p-t]m-I-cpXv; Ah \ns‚ Igp-Øn¬ sI´n-sImƒI; \ns‚ lrZ-b-Øns‚ ]e-I-bn¬ Fgp-Xn-sImƒI'' (kZr. 3:1-˛2). in£Ww D≠m-tI≠ taJ-e-Iƒ 1. ssZh-tØm-Sp≈ _‘-Øn¬ {]m¿∞\, D]-hm-kw, [ym\w, Bcm-[\ apX-em-bh- b n¬ in£Ww Bh- i yw. B¥- c o- I in- £ Ww {]m¿∞-\-bnepw AXp-t]m-se-bp≈ Bflob A`ymk-ß-fnepw \n∂p-amWv e`n-°-p-I. ]. ]cp-ae Xncp-ta\n Hcp Znh- k - Ø n¬ 24 aWn- ° qdn¬ 18 aWn- ° qdpw {]m¿∞n-°p∂ Bfm-bn-cp-∂p. ""in£ `‡n-tbmSp-IqsS kln- ° p∂ a°- f psS ta¬ BIp∂p Ir]- s b∂v Hm¿°q'' ].-]-cp-ae Xncp-ta\n kzImcy Iev]-\-bn¬ _‘p-°ƒ°v Fgp-Xn-b-Xm-Wv. (a-e-¶c k`m ]nXm°ƒ p˛102) 2. \ΩpsS kz`m-h-Øn¬ in£Ww Bh-iy-ap-≠v. (Discipline in our Behaviour) " Character is the single most virtue for a Christian,
especially Christian ministers. Character flows not only affect the ministers, but also their messages.'' kz`mhw cq]o- I - c n-
°s∏Sp∂Xv \ΩpsS Nn¥-Isf \nb-{¥n°p-∂-Xn¬ IqSn-bm-Wv. Cu kq‡w ChnsS hfsc {]k-‡-ap-≠v. "Repeated thoughts leads to action, Repeated actions leads to habits, Repeated habits form our character, and our character determines our destiny. Our well being in depending upon our character." H∂mw k¶o¿Ø\w ]d- b p∂p ""btlm- h - b psS \ymb {]amWw cm∏-I¬ [ym\n-°p∂ a\p-jy≥ `mKy-hm≥. Ah≥ B‰cn-IØp \´-ncn-°p-∂Xpw X° ImeØp ^ew Imbv°p-Ibpw sNøp∂ hr£w t]mse Ccn°pw.''
AXp- s Im≠p Xs∂- b mWv ""CS- h n- S msX {]m¿∞n∏o≥'' (1 Thess. 5:16) CS-ap-dn-bmsX {]m¿∞n-∏o≥ F∂v ]cn-ip-≤-\mb ]utemkv«olm ]d-bp-∂-Xv. \ΩpsS Nn¥-Isf in£W hnt[-b-am-°p-Ibpw Negative thoughts hcmsX {]m¿∞-\-bn¬ \ne-\n-ev°pIbpw sNøp-I. Darkness is absence of light. Negative thoughts are there because there is no positive thoughts. ""Fs‚ hmbnse hm°p-Ifpw Fs‚ lrZ-b-Ønse [ym\-hpw\n- \ °v {]km- Z - I c- a m- b n- c n- ° s´'' ( Ps:19:14) F∂v k¶o¿Ø-\-°m-c≥ ]d-bp-∂Xpw Cu A¿∞-Øn-emWv. Flee from every occation of sin. 3. \√ ioe- ß sf hf¿Øn FSp- ° p- ∂ - X n¬ in£Ww Bh-iy-amWv. (Discipline in our habit) bqtdm-]y≥ cmPy-ß-fn¬ Ip´n-Isf BZyw ]Tn-∏n-
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°p-∂Xv Toilet habits BWv. F∂pw Hcp ka-bØv _mØv dqan¬ t]mIp-hm\pw tZl-ip≤n hcp-Øp-hm-\p≈ ioew sNdp∏-Ønse cq]o-I-cn-®m¬ Pohn-X-Imew apgph\pw B coXn XpS-cpw. a\p-jy\v CsXm∂pw Heriditory Bbn´v In´p-∂-X-√. Ah≥ ]Tn®v FSp-t°≠-Xm-Wv. Punctuality, Sincerety, faithfulness, `£W ioe-߃, Daily routine XpS-ßn-bh ioe-ß-fm-°-Ww. Idle mind in devils workshop F∂m-W-t√m. Involves always is constructive activities. Take initiative to help others and to do good activities useful to the society. 4. \nß-fpsS [oc-Xsb in£Whnt[-b-am-°-Ww. (Discipline in our moral principles) Enhance your moral courage. - { InkvXym- \ n°v Bscbpw t]Sn-t°-≠-Xn-√. ssZhsØ am{Xw t]Sn®m¬ aXn. Ahs‚ PohnXw kpXm-cyX D≈-Xm-Wv. ]e¿°pw NO F∂p ]d-bp-hm≥ ss[cyw C√. kvt\lnX-∑m¿ IqSn Hcp ]m¿´n \S-Øp-tºmƒ aZyw hnf-ºnbm¬ Rm\Xp D]- t bm- K n- ° n√ F∂p ]d- b p- h m≥ ss[cyw thWw. C∂v B ss[cyw ImWn-°p-hm≥ \mw t]Sn-°p-∂p. Iq´p-Im-c\v CS¿®-bp-≠m-Iptam F∂ t]Sn. \ΩpsS moral principle uphold sNøp-∂Xp sIm≠v B¿°pw CS¿®-bp-≠m-tI-≠-Xn-√. D≠m-bmepw t]Snt°-≠-Xn-√. \ap°v IW°p t_m[n-∏n-t°-≠Xv ssZhTrain is say an tØmSv am{X- a m- W v. 'instinctive No' to evil. Reflex action t]mse Xn∑sb DSs\ Xs∂ {]Xn-tcm-[n-°p-hm≥ \mw ioen-°-Ww. Ba \S∂p t]mIp-tºmƒ AXn\v Akp-J-I-c-amb Fs¥¶nepw kv]¿in-®m¬ AXp DSs\ Xs∂ AXns‚ tXmSn-\-I-tØ°v hen-bpw. AXp-t]mse Xn∑sb AXnPo-hn-°p-hm≥ \ap°v Ign-b-Ww. AXns‚ adp-h-i-amWv Xn∑-bvs°-Xnsc i_vZw Db¿ØpI F∂p-≈X - v. tbml∂m¬ amwZm-\-sb-t∏mse Xe t]mbmepw cmPm-hns‚ apºnepw Abm- f psS sX‰p Nq≠n- ° m- W n- ° p- h m≥ ss[cyw ImWn-®Xp t]mse \mapw {]h¿Øn-°-Ww. 'Evil flourishes because good people keep mum.' Xn∑ hf-cp-∂Xv \√ a\p-jy¿ Xn∑-sb {]Xn-tcm-[n-°m-ØXp sIm≠m-Wv. \tΩ hy‡n-]-c-ambn _m[n-°p-∂n-√ F∂-Xp-sIm≠v \mw Xe aÆn¬ ]qgvØn hbv°p-∂p. \mw H∂pw ImWp-∂n√ F∂ t]mse. CXv A]-I-SØn-te°v \bn-°pw. 5. \nß-fpsS C{μn-b-ßsf in£W hnt[-b-am°Ww (Discipline in our sense organs) tbip Xºp-cm≥ ]d-bp-∂Xv CS¿® hcp-Øp∂ Ah-b-h-ßsf apdn®p am‰-W-sa-∂m-Wv. apdn®p Ifbm≥ ]‰n-√. ]ns∂ AXns\ in£W hnt[-b-am-°phm≥ \ap°v Ign-bpw. ImgvN A`n-em-j-sØ-bpw, A`nemjw hnIm-c-sØbpw Df-hm-°p-∂p. ImgvN sN∂p
]Xn-bp-∂Xv a\- n-em-W-t√m. AXp-sIm≠v Km‘n-PnbpsS hm°p-Iƒ {]k-‡-am-Wv. ""ImW-cp-Xm-ØXv ImWm-Xn-cn-°pI, tIƒ°cpXmØXv tIƒ°m-Xn-cn-°pI, ]d-b-cp-Xm-ØXv ]d-bm-Xn-cn-°p-I.'' D]-\n-j-Ønse Hcp IY C{]-Im-c-am-Wv. a\pjy icocw Hcp cYw t]mse-bm-Wv. AXv hen-®p-sIm≠v t]mIp-∂Xv ico-cØnse C{μo-b-ß-fmb IpXn-c-I-fm-Wv. Cu IpXn-c-Iƒ F√mw h≠nsb Htc Zn°n-tebv°v hen-°msX ]e Zn°n-te°v hen-®m¬ cYw apt∂m´p t]mI-b-n√. am{Xa√ AXv AhnsS On∂-`n-∂-am-Ipw. AXp-sIm≠v \mw Bcm-[n-°p-tºm-gpw, ]Tn-°p-tºmgpw tPmen sNøptºmgpw kakvX C{μn-b-ßfpw B {]{In-b-bn¬ ebn°p-∂n√ F¶n¬ B {]h¿Ø\w `wKn-bm-hp-I-bn-√. 'work while you work and play while you play.' hn. Ip¿∫m\ sNm√p-tºmƒ {]m¿∞-\-bp-sSbpw Bcm-[-\-bp-sSbpw ka-bØv a‰p Imcy-ß-sf-°p-dn®v Nn¥n-°bpw Hm¿°pIbpw sNbvXm¬ hn. Bcm-[\ effective BIp-∂n-√. \qdp iX-am-\hpw \mw AXn¬ ebn-°-Ww. 6. \nß-fpsS ka-bsØ \n߃ in£W hnt[-bam°q (Discipline in our Time) Time & Tide waits for none. _©-an≥ {^m¶vfn≥ ]d-bp∂p "Never leave till Tomorrow, which you can do today.'' Avoid procastination. In Mahabharata Bhishma tells to Yudhishtira, his grandson, "Don't wait for Tomorrow. For you never know what will happen then. Do now what you would do tomorrow.'' That is wisdom. Tomorrow begins today. Plan for tomorrow. Ct∏m-ƒ Xs∂ kp{]-km-Z-
Imew. CXp Xs∂ c£m-Zn-h-kw. 7. \nß-fpsS \mhns\ in£W hnt[-b-am-°pI (Discipline in our Tounge) tbip Xºp-cm≥ ]d-bp-∂Xv \nß-fpsS hm°p-Isf-s°m≠v \nßsf \ymbw hn[n-°pw. \nß-fpsS hm°p-Iƒ DΔv F∂pw C√ F∂pw Bbn-cn-°s´. AXn¬ IqSp- X ¬ Zp„- \ n¬ \n∂pw hcp- ∂ p. hn. bm°q_v «olm ]d-bp-∂Xv \mhv henb ImSp IØn°p-hm≥ ]cym-]vX-amb Xo t]mse-bm-Wv. (James. 3:4)) AXp \nb-{¥n-t°-≠-Xp-≠v. in£Ww \tΩ cq]- s ∏- S p- Ø p- I - b - √ . \tΩ {InkvXp-hn\v A\p-cq-]-am-°p-I-bm-Wv. AXm-Wt√m \ΩpsS BXy-¥nI e£yw. ""in-jy≥ Kpcp-hn-t\°mƒ hen-b-h-\n√ F∂m¬ F√mw ]Tn®p Ign-bptºmƒ Abmƒ Kpcp-hn-s\-t∏m-se-bm-Ipw.'' (Lk. 6:40) "God disciplines those whom he loves''. ssZhw Xm≥ kvt\ln-°p-∂-hsc in£-W-Øn¬ IqSn cq]-s∏-Sp-Øp∂p. io£-W-sØ-∏‰n \ap°v Hcp Positive Bbn-´p-≈ attitude-Dw approach-Dw D≠m-h-s´. Discipline is a means to help us grow into His likeness.'' This is the ultimate aim for any Christian. (Mtt. 5:48)
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The Case for Qyomtho
Dn. Shawn Poothicote Thomas, ThM
Introduction In the Apostle Paul’s apologia of Christ’s resurrection to the Corinthians, he makes a bold statement. “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain” (I Cor 15:14, RSV). Later in the fourth century, St. John Chrysostom preached in his Paschal Homily, “O Death, where is your sting? O Hell, where is your victory? Christ is risen, and you are overthrown. Christ is risen, and the demons are fallen. Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice. Christ is risen, and life reigns. Christ is risen, and not one dead remains in the grave. For Christ, being risen from the dead, is become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.” What becomes abundantly clear through the Scriptures and the writings of the fathers is the centrality of Christ’s Passion and Resurrection for the redemption of mankind. In fact, all else diminishes in comparison to the singular cosmic event of the Resurrection. The significance of the Lord’s Resurrection is paramount and indispensible to Christian life that within the first decade after Christ’s ascension, there is evidence of worship and the breaking of bread (the Holy Eucharist) on Sundays (Acts 20:7), demonstrating a radical change from the celebration of the Old Sabbath to the New Sabbath, which commemorates the victorious Resurrection of the Lord.
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The Use of Sleebo Prayers Nobody with a basic understanding of Christianity would dispute the Resurrection’s centrality to Christian belief. However in the Malankara tradition, a practice has become common that goes against the significance of Sunday: the use of the Sleeboprayers. It is commonly believed that the Sleebo prayers, or more accurately defined as a modified version of the Wednesday Sh’himo prayers, were the first set of prayers translated into Malayalam from the original Syriac. As a result, they came into common use on Sundays as a way to incorporate more Malayalam into the liturgical worship of the Holy Church in India. Over time, as other prayers were translated into Malayalam from the Fenqito (the festal breviary of the Church), such as Qyomtho for Easter, the use of Sunday prayers was split into two major periods, Qyomtho from Easter to the Feast of the Cross (September 14) and Sleebo from the Feast of the Cross to Easter. This is the common practice for Sundays in present day, with many believing that it is a ‘canon’ of the Church to follow such an order. However, when one takes the time to contemplate the use of the Sleebo prayers for Sunday worship, questions arise. For instance, why were the Wednesday Sh’himo prayers continued to be deemed as the appropriate prayers to use for much of the liturgical year, even after other prayers were translated into Malayalam? Furthermore, what theological basis, if any, can be given to justify the use of the Sleebo prayers for over half the year?While the reasons for using Sleebo in the beginning stages of Malayalam translation are both admirable and understandable, the fact that it continues in common day is a disservice to the Orthodox Church’s firm stance on the centrality of the Resurrection.
Qyomtho’s Structure vs. Sleebo’s Structure The difference in the structure of the prayers point to the lack of significance that the Sleebo prayers give to the Lord’s Resurrection that we commemorate every Sunday. While the most thorough approach would be to go through all the liturgical hours of both sets of prayers, for
the sake of brevity, it is better to focus on the Sapro (morning) prayers of both. Both sets of prayers begin with a Qaumo, introductory prayer, and Psalm 51. However, after that the differences in structure become obvious. The Sleebo prayers goes directly into Psalm 63, followed by an Eniyono dedicated to the saints and the Mother of God. After the Eniyono, the Psalms of praise are recited before the Promion/Hoosoyo/Sedro and then two different Qolo, separated by an Ethro before the Gospel, Quqlion and conclusion of Sapro. While this would be appropriate for Wednesday prayers (or even for weekday liturgies and saints’ feast days), it lacks the theological and liturgical depth that is needed for Sunday worship, especially considering these are the preparatory prayers done for the Holy Qurbono. In contrast, after the Qaumo, introductory prayer, and Psalm 51, the Sapro prayers of Qyomtho continue with an Eniyono before the recitation of Psalm 63.It is then followed by another Eniyono before the recitation of Psalm 19, which is then consequently followed by another Eniyono. This pattern of Eniyono, Scripture, Eniyono, etc. continues until the Promion/Hoosoyo/Sedro. Then, similarly to Sleebo, a Qolo is sung, followed by the Ethro, and then another Qolo before the Gospel, Quqlion, and conclusion of Sapro. The most obvious observation that is made is the abundance of Scripture in the Qyomtho prayers, in comparison to Sleebo. The Sapro of Qyomtho has all the Scripture of Sleebo, plus other Psalms and Scripture. As descendants of the Syriac fathers, one should find pride in the immense love of Scripture that these fathers, such as Ephraim the Syrian and Jacob of Serugh, have displayed in their writings. Therefore, to not use Qyomtho Sapro every Sunday is an injustice to the fathers who compiled these prayers. Additionally, the Scripture readings of Qyomtho Sapro prayers are readings all testifying to the Resurrection of the Lord. Furthermore, the content of the Sleebo prayers are misleading. By labeling these prayers as Sleebo, the general public is led to believe that
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it is focused on the Cross of Christ and His redemptive crucifixion and resurrection. However, a close reading of the Sapro prayers of Sleebo proves that any mention of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection is minimal. Instead, it is a set of prayers primarily dedicated to the Mother of God, in addition to the themes seen commonly in all prayers of the Church. While these commemorations are not wrong in themselves and are certainly beautiful and have a place in West Syriac liturgical practice, it is not sufficient for the great Resurrection that is commemorated weekly.
Finally, if one looks at the structures of the Sapro prayers in the Fenqito from other feasts, such as Christmas or Pentecost, it becomes evident that there are common Scripture readings and a common structure for the morning prayers of all feast days. For example, the Sapro prayers of both Christmas and Pentecost have the Beatitudes, just like Qyomtho. Also, Christmas has Psalm 19 and Isaiah 42:1013; 45:8 like the Sapro of Qyomtho. Finally, Qyomtho and Pentecost Sapro share the recitation of the Magnificat. It seems that the
Also, the content of the songs of Qyomtho helps to align one’s heart and profess the deep theological truth that the Resurrection means for the Christian believer. Each song in the Qyomtho prayers speaks to the historical and theological truths of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. From retelling Jesus’ meeting of Mary in the garden in the Qolo after the Ethro to the Eniyono that speaks about Christ’s redemption of humanity through the defeat of death, every song is pointed with a sharp focus: the Church professes Christ’s triumphant Resurrection and confess humanity’s sinfulness in the presence of the spotless Lamb.
prayers of Qyomtho have the combination and structural formatting of the other major feasts of the Church. As such, it only seems appropriate that when the Church commemorates the Resurrection every Sunday, the Qyomtho prayers be used.
Today’s Practical Difficulties The difficulty that arises with such an assertion is the adamant opposition that it will be met with, undoubtedly. In the Church in India, most liturgical practices are learned from one’s parish priest or a close elder priest who is
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well versed (or claims to be) in liturgical practice, even though the seminaries teach it. The result is a strong guru bhakti that is extremely difficult to overcome, even through directives from the hierarchy of the Church. Often clergy hold onto practices that they have learned from their gurus with such intense devotion, that it becomes a blind loyalty, rather than the Christ and His Church. Consequently, to suggest that the Church should change its common Sunday practice to Qyomtho prayers instead of the current Qyomtho/Sleebo cycle would cause immense discord among the faithful of the Church, both clergy and laity alike. However, if the Church claims that Sunday is the Lord’s Day because of the victorious and lifegiving Resurrection, then the logical conclusion has to be that Qyomtho should be the standard set of Sunday prayers. One must also address the reality of time constraints. Many parishes, especially outside Kerala, often rent buildings and have a limited time in which to pray Sapro and celebrate the Eucharistic liturgy, as well as conduct the other responsibilities of a parish. For these parishes, the Diocesan Metropolitan could make an exception, or an approved abridged version of the Qyomtho prayers could be done. However, the actuality is that the clergy and faithful of most parishes, both in India and abroad, simply do not care to think about such things and prefer a shorter set of prayers because it is quicker. In these situations, the clergy and congregation have to ask themselves, “Who do I serve?” or maybe more importantly, they should try to answer the question Christ Himself poses, “Who do you say that I am?” (Mt. 16:15) While it may seem difficult to implement such a change in the liturgical life of the Church in India, there are examples in the Church where Qyomtho is being implemented on a regular basis. The first such example of this is the English versification of the Sh’himo prayers done by the Liturgical Resource Development team of the Diocese of South-West America. This book has the prayers and songs of the liturgical hours of every day of the week, beginning with
Sunday. For the Sunday prayers, the Qyomtho prayers are presented as the official prayers of the Church, and therefore should be used weekly. Another example is the one set by the hierarchs. The late His Grace Mathews Mar Barnabas of the American Diocese prayed Qyomtho prayers exclusively on Sundays, before the celebration of the Eucharist. This practice continues to be followed in present day by his successor, His Grace Zachariah Mar Nicholovos. Finally, in both of the American dioceses, many of the young clergy who have entered the priesthood in the last fifteen years, follow this example and pray theQyomtho prayers on Sunday at their respective parishes. Therefore, these examples help to demonstrate that while it may be difficult to implement the Qyomtho prayers as the official prayers for Sunday worship, it is not impossible.
Conclusion Sunday is the Lord’s Day, the first day of the week, where the ekklesia comes together in order to commune of His Holy Body and Blood, in celebration of Christ’s victorious defeat. This is a universal truth that all Orthodox Christians around the world hold to be true. The fundamental cause for the gathering of Christians on Sunday is the Resurrection. Consequently, faith should reflect the cosmic truth that the Son of God is risen from the dead. Therefore, as the Church has always professed its faith through its prayers (lexorandi, lexcredendi), Sunday prayers should reflect the profession of Christ’s resurrection. It is time for the Holy Church in India and her diaspora to adapt the Qyomtho prayers as the standard set of prayers for Sunday’s Eucharistic liturgy. For as Fr. John Behr says in his book, The Mystery of Christ, “Christ shows us what it means to be God in the way He dies [and rises from the dead] as a human being.” This is the central theological truth that Orthodox Christian believers profess every Sunday.
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hnXbv°mw \ΩpsS lrZ-b- h-b-en¬... thZ-]p-kvXI hymJym\ taJ-e-bn¬ Imem-\p-krXambn ]pXnb
Uo. APnXv tPmk^v \memw h¿jw
coXnimkv{X-߃ thZ-]-fin-X-∑m¿ kzoI-cn-°m-dp-≠v. ]p\¿hm-b\ (Rereading) F∂ Bibw kwth-Zn-°p-∂-Xv, Ime-߃°v apºv Fgp-X-s∏´Xv ka-Im-enI {]k-‡-amb tNcp-h-Iƒ tN¿Øv Imtem-Nn-X-ambn hymJym-\n-°p∂ ssien-bm-Wv. GsXmcp taJ-e-bnepw ‘Re’ F∂ ]Zw am‰w B{K-ln-°p∂ Hcp Xe-apd Iq´n-t®¿°p-∂p. Re-reading, Re-thinking, Re-imagining, Re-print, Re-examine Cßs\ ]Z-{]-tbm-K-߃ Gsdbp-≠v. tbip-{InkvXp ]d™ D]-a-I-fpsS A¿∞-X-e-ßsf Imen-Ibp-‡-ambn hymJym-\n-®m¬ km[m-cW P\-ß-fpsS C∂sØ Pohn-Xco-Xn-I-fpw, G¿s∏-Sp∂ taJ-e-I-fp-am-bn´v Hs° Iq´n-bn-W°n hmbn°p-hm≥ Ign-bpw. ssZh-cm-Py-sØ-∏-‰n-bp≈ Bg-ta-dnb a¿Ω-߃ P\ß-fp-ambn kwth-Zn-®n-cn-°p-∂X - n¬ kp{]-[m-\a - mb Hcp D]-ab - mWv hnØv hnX--bv°m≥ t]mIp∂ I¿j-Is‚ D]-a. ka-ho-£W kphn-ti-j-ßfn¬ (hn. aØmbn 13:1˛23; hn. a¿t°mkv 4:1-˛20; hn. eqt°mkv 8:4˛15)
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Zo¿L-amb Hcp Ah-X-c-Wssien kzoI-cn-®n-cn-°p-∂Xv Cu D]-a-bpsS Hcp {]tXyI-X-bm-Wv. hnØv hnX--bv°m-\mbn Hcp-°nbn-cn-°p∂ \√ \nesØ e£y-am-°nbmWv I¿j- I ≥ bm{X sNøp- ∂ - X v . F∂m¬ hnX-bv°p-tºmƒ (as he sowed, σπειρειν) hnØv ]e ÿe- ß - f n- e mbn hoWp-t]m-Ip-∂p. tbip-{In-kvXp-hmWv hN\w hnX-bv°p-∂-Xv. AXv kzoI-cn-°p∂-hs‚ at\m`m-h-ß-fmWv ChnsS Nn{XoI-cn-°p-∂-Xv. hgn-b-cn-In¬, ]md-∏p-d-Øv, ap≈n- \ n- S - b n¬, \√ \neØv F√m- b nSØpw hN\w hnX-bv°-s∏-´p. hnX-°mcs‚ ÿm\Øv \mw Hmtcm- c p- Ø - c pw, \new \ΩpsS lrZ-b-am-Ip∂ hb-epw, AXns\ XS-bn-Sp∂ {]Xn-Iqe kml-Ncy-ßfpw; hnØv ssZh-h-N-\hpw. Cßs\ H∂v ]p\¿hm- b - \ bv ° v hnt[- b - a m- ° ptºmƒ hyXy-kvX-amb Hcp ImgvN-∏mSpw ho£-Whpw Cu D]-abv°v ssIh-cp-∂p≠v.
hgn-b-cn-In¬ hogp∂ hnØv hgn-b-cn-In¬ hogp∂ hnØv ]d-h-Iƒ h∂v Xn∂p F∂v thZ-`m-KØv ]cm-a¿in°p-∂p. hn. aØm-bn-bpsS kphn-ti-jØn¬ CXns‚ hymJym-\-Øn\v Iptd°qSn hy‡ \¬Ip-∂p. ""Hcp-h≥ cmPyØns‚ hN\w tI´n´v {Kln-°m-™m¬ Zp„≥ h∂v Ahs‚ lrZ-b-Øn¬ hnXbv°-s∏-Sp-∂Xv FSpØp-I-f-bp-∂p.'' Hcp-hs‚ lrZ-bØn¬ kw`- h n- ° p- ∂ , kz`m- h - Ø n¬ IS- ∂ p- h - c p∂ sshI-ey-߃ Ahs‚ Bflm-hns\ ]cn-t]m-jn-∏n°p∂ ssZh- h - N - \ sØ sISpØn°f- b mw. hgn Ft∏mgpw k©m-c-tbm-Ky-am-Wv. AhnsS hogp∂ hnØv Nhn-´n-b-a¿Ø-s∏-Sp-I-tbm, ]£n-Iƒ h∂v sImØn-sbSp-°p-Itbm Hs° sNømw. At\-I-cp-ambn \nXyhpw kº¿°w sNøp∂ thf-bn¬, \ΩpsS lrZ-b-Øn¬ sXfn™v \n¬°p∂ Zo]-\m-f-amb hN-\sØ sISpØn-°-f-bp∂ Xn∑-i‡n AXn¬ {]th-in-°m≥ km[yX-bp-≠v. _mly-i-‡n-Iƒ°v \ΩpsS D≈n¬ IpSn-sIm≈p∂ ssZhoI km∂n-[y-sØ, hN-\sØ \in-∏n-°phm≥ Ah-kcw \¬I-cp-Xv. AXv lrZ-b-Øns‚ \√ hb-en¬ Ft∏mgpw `{Z-ambn kq£n-®n-cn-°W - w. F¶n¬ am{Xta AXn\v hf¿∂v hcp-hm≥ km[yX D≠m-IpI-bp-≈q.
]md-ÿ-eØv hogp∂ hnØv thcn-d-ßm≥ ÿew C√m-Ø-Xn-\m¬ DW-ßn-t∏mIp∂ A\p-`hw AhnsS t\cnSp∂p. ""Hcp-h≥ hN\w tI´n´v DSs\ kt¥m-j-tØmsS ssIs°m-≈p-∂-XmIp∂p F¶nepw thcn-√m-Xn-cn-°p-I-bm¬ Ah≥ £WnI-\-t{X. hN\w \nanØw sRcp-°tam D]-{Z-htam t\cn- ´ m¬ Ah≥ £W- Ø n¬ CS- d n- t ∏m- I p- ∂ p.'' ]utcm-ln-Xy-Øn\v hN-\-tØmSv At`-Zy-amb Hcp _‘-ap-≠m-I-Ww, Hcp {]Wbw tXm∂-Ww. ]md F∂-Xn\v aÆn\v XmgvN-b-√mØ CS-sa∂pw thZ `mKØn¬ ]cm-a¿i-ap-≠v. hnizm-k-Øns‚ thcv Cd-ßphm≥ ÿe-an-√mØ Ah-ÿ. hN-\sØ kt¥m-jtØmsS ssIsIm-≠p. F∂m¬ thcn-√m-ØXv Hcp {]Xn-k-‘n-bm-Wv. A∏-s‚bpw c≠p-a-°-fp-sSbpw D]a- b n¬ A∏s‚ hm°v tI´v t]mImw F∂v Dd∏v
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
\¬Inb aI-\mWv Xs‚ DØ-c-hm-ZnØw sNøm-Xn-cn°p-∂-Xv. Bflob Pohn-X-Øn¬ t\cn-Sp∂ henb Hcp sh√p-hn-fn-bm-Wn-Xv. Bcw-`-iq-cXzw F√m Imcy-ß-fnep-ap-≠v. ]gb \nb-a-Øn¬ Ctøm-_ns‚ ]pkvXIw FSp-Øp-Im-´p-∂Xv IjvSI - m-eØ - n¬ ssZhsØ apdpsI ]nSn-°p-∂, XyPn®p If-bmØ Ctøm-_ns‚ hnizmk Xo£vW-X-bm-Wv. kl-[¿Ωn-Wn-bpw, kvt\ln-Xcpw Ahs\ imkn-®p, tZzjn-®p, ssZhsØ Dt]-£n-°phm≥ Bh-iy-s∏-´p. F∂m¬ Ctøm-_ns‚ Bg-Ønep≈ hnizmkw ssZh-Øn-\mbn \ne-sIm-≈p-hm≥ Ahs\ _e-s∏-Sp-Øn. Imen\v Zo]hpw ]mXbv°v {]Im-ihpw BtI≠ hN\w lrZ-b-ß-fn¬ ZrV-s∏´n-s√-¶n¬ hf¿® apc-Sn®v t]mIp-∂, ]md-ÿ-eØv hoW hnØv t]mse-bm-bn-Øo-cpw.
ap≈n-\n-S-bn¬ hoW hnØv hnØv ap≈m-Ip∂ {]Xn-k-‘n-I-fn¬ s]´v \in®p t]mIp∂ kml-N-cy-߃ D≠m-Imw. temI-Øns‚ Nn¥bpw, [-\-Øns‚ h©-\bpw B hnØns\ sRcp°n-sb-∂n-cn-°pw. B sRcp°w ^e-iq-\y-X-bn-te°v \bn-°p-∂p. \≥abpw Xn∑bpw XΩn-ep≈ kwL-S-\Øn¬ ]e-t∏mgpw Xn∑tbmSv XmZm-fly-s∏-Sp-hm≥ {ian°p- t ºmƒ ap≈n- \ - S n- b n¬ sRcp- ° n- s ∏- S p∂ Ahÿbv°v kam-\-am-Ip-∂p. Hcp a\p-jys‚ hy‡nXzw \n¿Æ-bn-°-s∏-Sp-∂Xv {]Xn-k-‘n-I-fn¬ Ah≥ F¥v \ne-]m-sS-Sp-°p∂p F∂-Xns\ ASn-ÿm-\-am-°n-bm-Wv. item-tam≥ cmPm-hns‚ Pohn-X-Øn¬ ssZhoI A\p{K-l-ß-fpsS DØpw-K-irw-K-Øn¬ At±lw FØnt®¿∂p. F∂m¬ ap≈p-I-tfmSv tN¿∂v \n∂-t∏mƒ euIn-I-X-tbmSv ka-c-k-s∏-´-t∏mƒ hogvN h∂v `hn-
°p-∂p. [\-Øns‚ h©-\-bn¬ IpSp-ßnt]m-b-XmWv bqZmbv°v kw`-hn® A]-Pbw. L´w L´-ambn hN-\sØ sRcp-Ip∂ Ah-ÿ-bmWv Cu D]a kwth-Zn-°p-∂-Xv. hnizm-k-Øns‚ ]n≥_-e-ap-s≠-¶nepw Iuamc-Øn-tem, buh-\-Øntem temI-Po-hn-X-Øns‚ kpJtem-ep-]-X-I-fn¬ apgpIn hN-\sØ XyPn®v If-bphm≥ ap≈n-\n-S-bn¬s]´ hnØvt]mse \ΩpsS lrZb-Øn¬ IpSn-sIm-≈p∂ ssZh-h-N\w Bbn-Øo-cp-∂p.
\√ \neØv hogp∂ hnØv hnX-°m-cs‚ {]Xo-£-bvs°m-Øp-b¿∂ hnØp-Iƒ. Hcp a\p-jys‚ A[zm-\-Øns‚ {]Xn-^-ew. kºq¿W c£sb ap∂n¬ I≠p≈ {InkvXp-hns‚ c£Wy {]h¿Ø-\-߃ \qdv iX-am\w hnf-hmWv {]Xo-£n°p-∂Xv; H∂v t]mepw \jvS-s∏-Sm≥ B{K-ln-°msX B \√ CS-b≥ (aØm 18:10˛14, eqt°mkv 15:3˛7). iacym-kv{Xn-bpsS Pohn-X-Øn¬ ssZh-h-N\w sNep-Ønb kzm[o\w Hcp tZiw apgp-h-s‚bpw c£bv°v \nZm-\am-bn. hn. tbml 4:42: ""C\n \ns‚ hm°p-sIm-≠√ R߃ hniz-kn-°p-∂Xv; R߃ Xs∂ tIƒ°pIbpw Ah≥ km£m¬ temI-c-£n-Xmhv F∂v Adnbp-Ibpw sNbvXn-cn-°p∂p F∂v kv{XotbmSv ]d-™p.'' hN\w lrZ-b-Øn¬ {Kln-®m¬ AXv \qdp iX-am\w hnfhv \n›-b-ambpw \¬Imw. hN-\-Øns‚ A\-¥km-[y-X-Isf ]pd-s∏-Sp-hn-°p∂ \√ \ne-ß-fm-hWw \ΩpsS lrZ-b-߃. Hcp hnX-°m-cs‚ Bfl-kw-L¿j-ßsf H∏n-sbSpØ D]-a-bmWv I¿Ømhv P\sØ DZvt_m-Zn-∏n-®-Xv. hnØns‚ KpW-ta≥a-b√ adn®v \ne-Øns‚ ^e-`qbn-jvS-XbmWv D]-a-bpsS {]ta-bw. hnØns\ Dƒs°m-≠v, AXns\ ]cnWmaw hcp-Øp-hm-\p≈ kml-N-cy-ßfpw, AXv hf- c p- h m- \ p≈ A¥- c o£hpw Hcp \√ \ne-Øns‚ khn-tij-X-bm-Wv. \ΩpsS lrZ-b-h-b-en¬ hnØn\v ]q¿Æ- h - f ¿® \¬Ip- h m\p≈ F√m kml-N-cy-ßfpw Hcp-°ns°m-Sp-°mw. hnX-°m-c≥ kz¥w hben- t e°v hnsØ- d n- ™ Xp t]mse ap∏Xpw Adp-]Xpw \qdpw ta\n ^ew ]pd-s∏-Sp-hn-°p-hm≥ \ΩpsS lrZ-b-\ne-Øn-te°v hN-\-sa∂ hnsØ-dn-bmw. Cu skan-\mcn PohnXw AXn-\p≈ Ime-b-f-hm-Wv. \√ ^ew ]pd-s∏-Sphn-°p-hm-\mbn Cu Ime-b-fhv {]tbmP-s∏-Sp-Ømw. Bb-Xn\v ssZh-Øn¬ ic-W-s∏-Smw.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
A]q¿Æ ssZhm-t\z-jWw k
kmwk¨ kmap-th¬ h¿Kokv c≠mw h¿jw DEEPTHI 2018
¿Δ-hym-]nbpw k¿Δ i‡-\p-amb ssZhsØ∏‰n aX-kw-ln-X-Iƒ ]mSn]pIgvØp-∂-Xv, B¿j`mcX kwkvIm-csØ ]p¬In-s°m≠v {InkvXphns\ Bcm-[n-°p∂ Hcp-h\v D≈n¬ ktμ-l-߃ Df-hm-°m≥ sI¬]p≈-Xm-Wv. ]pcm-W-ßfpw CXn-lm-k-ßfpw ams‰men sIm≈p∂ `mjm-]T\ ¢m p-I-fn¬ ssZhw ˛ ssZh-ß-fmbpw, _nw_-ß-fmbpw, i‡n-I-fmbpw Hs° cq]m-¥-co-I-cn-°-s∏-´p. {InkvXp-hn-s\bpw {XotbI ssZh-km-cmw-isØ-bpw-∏‰n Adn-™Xpsh®v {Xnaq¿Øn-Isf H∂n-s\m∂v Xpey-am-°m≥ {ian-®Xpw, Jpdm≥, thZ-]p-kvX-I-Øns‚ XpS¿®-bm-sW∂v hnNm-cn-°m≥ {ian-®-Xp-amhmw ssZhm-t\z-j-W-Øn¬ bp‡n kl-P-ambn Nn¥n-°p∂ Hcp `mc-Xob {InkvXym-\n-bpsS {]Y-a] - S- n. ""Rm≥ ssZh-am-Ip∂p'' F∂pw ""AXp \o Xs∂-bm-Ip∂p'' F∂p-ap≈ B]vX-hm-Iy-߃ Nn¥-I-fn¬ Xo tImcnbn-Sp-∂-Xv, Ct∂mfw Nn¥n-®-Xn¬, Adn-™-Xn¬ sX‰p-∏-‰n-bn-´p≠v F∂v t_m≤y- a p- f - h m- ° n- s °m- ≠ m- W v . `qhn¬ bYm¿∞- s a∂v tXm∂n- ° p∂ k¿Δhpw ambbmsW∂pw- {_“w am{Xsa kXy-am-bp≈p F∂pw PKØv anYy-bm-sW∂pw i¶-c≥ hymJym-\n-®X - v, \mw ssZh-Øns‚ Be-ba - m-sW∂v ]d™v ]Tn-∏n® tZhm-eb ]T-\-¢m- p-I-fpsS XpS¿®-bmbn am{Xsa A\p`-h-s∏-Sp-≈p. lm, amb, amb F∂v i¶-c\pw hfsc aptº itemtam≥ ]d™n-´p-≈Xv A`n-am-\-tØmsS am{Xsa `mc-Xob ss{IkvX-h≥ Hm¿°pIbp≈p. ""ssZhw acn®p C\n a\p-jy≥ kzX-{¥-\mWv'' F∂v ]d™ \otjbpsS XXz-imkv{Xw ssZhsØ∏‰n, ssZh-Øns‚ Aÿn-Xz-sØ-∏‰n, XXz-
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Nn-¥-I-∑m-cpsS CS-bn-se A`n-{]mbw Fs¥-∂-dn-hm\p≈ BImw£ Df-hm-°p-∂p. ]m›m-Xy-˛-]u-ckvXy Nn¥-I-fn¬ ssZh-sØ-∏-‰n, AXv "D≠v' As√-¶n¬ "C√' F∂v ka-¿∞n-°p-hm\p≈ {iaw D≠m-bn-´p-≠v. H∂p-c≠v Nn¥-I-∑m-sc-¶nepw a\- ns\ h√m≠v Nn¥bn-em-gvØp-∂p-ap-≠v. {]]-©-Øns‚ Dev]-Øn°pw \ne\n¬∏n\pw B[m-c-amb i‡n-c-lkyhpw, a\p-jy-]-cn[n-Isf AXn-ew-Ln-°p∂ {]m]-©nI \nKq-V-X-I-fpsS i‡n amlm-flyhpw a\p-jys‚ IÆn¬ ssZh-ßf - mbn. a\p-jys‚, a\p-jym-Xo-X-amb i‡n-sb-∏-‰nbpw B i‡n-bpsS Dd-hnSsØ-°p-dn®pw AXns‚ cq]-`m-hKpWßsf-∏-‰n-bp-ap≈ Nn¥-Iƒ°v a\p-jy-t\mfw ]g°-ap-≠v. `mc-Xob XXz-Nn-¥-I-fpsS sshhn-[y-Ønepw bh\- N n- ¥ m- [ m- c - b nepw aX- N n- ¥ - I - t fmSv tN¿∂v \nev°p∂ ssZh-k-¶ve-]-Øns‚ `n-∂-`m-h-߃ Z¿in°mw. ssZhw F∂Xv Nn¥m-im-kv{X-Øn-seßpw C∂pw tNmZy-am-bn-Øs∂ \nev°p-∂p.
ssZh-sØ-∏‰n Bscm-s°, GsXms° hn[-Øn¬ ]d-™n-´p≠v F∂ tNmZyw a\- n¬ DZn-°pI ""ssZhw C√ F∂v aqV≥ Xs‚ lrZ-b-Øn¬ ]d-bp∂p'' F∂ hmIyw hmbn-°p-tºm-fmWv. {]]-©-Øn¬ ⁄m\n-Isf∂v \Sn-°p∂ aqV-∑m-cp-≠m-hp-at√m Ahsc ]cnl-kn-s®-¶nepw ssZh-sØ-∏‰n Adn-hm-\p≈ _e-lo\-X-Isf ad-°m-\m-hpw. ""ssZhw'' F∂-Xn-s\-∏‰n au\w Zo£n® _p≤≥, A\p-`-hn®p am{Xw Adn-bm-hp-∂Xpw F∂m¬ hm°n-\m¬ h¿Æn-°m≥ Bhm-Ø-Xp-amb "H∂n- t e°v' hnc¬ Nq≠p- ∂ p- ≠ v. ]m›mXy Nn¥mtemI-Øn¬ {Ko°v XXz-Nn-¥-bpsS BNm-cy-∑mcmb tπt´m, Acn-tÃm-´n¬ F∂n-h-cpsS Bi-b-߃ Ah-cpsS ssZhm-t\z-j-W-Øn¬ \q‰m-≠p-I-fpsS ]ga ssIh-cp-Øp∂p. {Iao-Ir-X-a-√m-ØXpw Ak-¥p-en-X-
ssZh-Nn¥ a\p-jys‚ `qan-bnse kzmX{¥ysØ l\n-°p∂ Pohn-Xm-kzm-Z-\-Øn\v XS w kr„n-°p∂ H∂p-am-{X-am-Wv. Ccp-]Xmw \q‰m-≠nepw A¿∞sØ tXSn-bp≈ ]T-\ß - f- n¬ ssZh-sØ, ssZh-Øns‚ D◊sb Iodn-ap-dn-°p-∂p-≠v.
hp-ambncp∂ {]]-©-Øn\v cq]-Kp-W-߃ sImSpØ inev]n-bmbn tπt´m ssZhsØ ImWp-tºmƒ AcntÃm-´n-ens‚ ssZhw Hcp Nme-I-i-‡n-bm-Wv (D≠mbn-cp∂ H∂ns\ Ncn-∏n-°p∂ NmeI i‡n: Prime Mover).
\thm-∞m\ Imew hscbpw k`-bp-ambn CWßnbpw ]nW-ßnbpw \ne-sIm≠ ]Sn-™m-d≥ XXzNn-¥-I-∑m-cn¬ BK-Ãn\pw, AØm-\m-kn-tbmkpsams° H∂p-an-√m-bvIb - n¬ \n∂v k¿Δhpw kr„n® hmNyh¿Æym-Xo-X-amb ssZh-sØ-∏‰n hnh-cn-®p. blq-Z-˛ss{I-kvX-h-˛-ap…ow ]mc-º-cy-ßfpsS kzm[o\w \ngen-°p-∂, tNmZyw sNø-s∏-SmØ hnizm-kß - ƒ°v am‰w hcp-∂Xv bp‡n-Nn-¥b - psS IS-∂p-hc - t- hm-sS-bm-Wv (Rationality). Ahn-sSbpw Nn¥m-cw`w apXte a\p-jys\ aYn® {]]-t©m-ev]-Øn, ssZhw, kXyw, bmYm¿∞yw, \∑-˛-Xn∑ F∂-sXms° apJy Nn¥m-hn-j-b-ß-fmbn Xs∂ \ne-\n-∂p. Rm≥ BIp-∂Xv Rm≥ Nn¥n-°p∂p F∂p-≈-Xp-sIm-≠mWv (Cogito Ergo Sum - I think therefore I am) F∂v ]d™ Im¿´o-jn-b≥ Nn¥m-[m-c-bn¬
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
\iz- c - a mb hy‡nbpsS t_m- [ hpw Nn¥bpwsIm≠v A\-iz-ca - mb, km¿Δ-hym]n-bmb H∂ns\ hymJym-\n-°m≥ H°ns√∂pw A\- i z- c hpw \nXy- k - X y- h p- a mb H∂n\v am{Xta {]m]-©nI \nKq-V-X-Iƒ°v Imc-W-am-Im≥ Ign-bp-I-bp-≈q. F∂pw ssZh-Øns‚ AkvXn-Xz-sØ-∏‰n ]d-bp∂ blq-Z-a-X-Øn¬ ]pd-Øm°-s∏´ kv]nt\mk-bpsS IÆn¬ F√mw ssZh-I-Wßfpw apIn-f-ßfpw (modes) Bbn. A\-¥-amb ]m¿izß-tfm-Sp-Iq-Snb (Attributes) ]q¿Æ-am-bXpw kXy-am-bXp-amb bmYm¿∞y-amWv kv]nt\m-kbv°v ssZhw, AXp-X-s∂-bmWv bmYm¿∞y-hpw. FÆ-m\m-hm-Ø-hbn¬ Nn¥bpw (Thought) hkvXphpw (Extension) am{XamWv a\p- j y\v a\- n- e m- ° m≥ ]‰p∂ D∂X bmYm¿∞y-Øns‚, ssZh-Øns‚ ]m¿iz-߃. AXpw cq]m-¥-co-I-cn-°-s∏´ AXns‚ apIn-f-ß-fn-eqsS am{Xam-Wv. A\-¥-amb ]m¿iz-ß-fn¬ cs≠-Æ-Øns‚ cq]m¥-co-I-c-°-s∏´ hkvXp-°-fn¬, Nn¥-I-fn¬ ssZhw D≠v, AXv ssZh-I-W-ß-fmWv F∂v ]d-bp-tºmƒ
AXp-Xs∂ sX‰n-≤m-c-W- Df-hm-°p∂ H∂m-W-t√m. ssZh-km-∂n≤yw D≠v F¶nepw B apIn-f-߃ ]q¿Æambn ssZh-a-√, A]q¿Æ-amb cq]m-¥cßsf AXnPo-hn-®m¬t∏mepw Hmtcm apIn-f-Øn\pw ssZh-]m¿izß-fn¬ (Attributes of God) H∂ns‚ ]q¿Æ-X-bn-te°v am{Xta hf- c m≥ H°q. F¶nepw AXn\v ssZhw BIm≥ H°n√. \otj-bpsS Nn¥-Iƒ aX-Øns‚ \nb-{¥-W-ß-fn¬ \n∂v kzX-{¥-ambn a\p-jy\v PohnXw Bkz-Zn-°m-\pw, kZm-Nmct_m[ \nb-{¥-W-߃°-∏p-d-ambn B\μw Is≠-Øm-\p-ap≈ {ia-ambn ImWmw. ssZh-Nn¥ a\pjys‚ `qan-bnse kzmX{¥ysØ l\n-°p∂ PohnXm-kzm-Z-\-Øn\v XS w kr„n-°p∂ H∂p-am-{X-am-Wv. Ccp-]Xmw \q‰m-≠nepw A¿∞sØ tXSn-bp≈ ]T-\ß-fn¬ ssZh-sØ, ssZh-Øns‚ D◊sb Iodn-ap-dn°p-∂p-≠v. a\p-jy\v a\- n-em-°m≥ ]‰p∂ coXn-bn¬ ssZhm-t\z-jWw \S-Øn-bn´v CXv AX-√, CXv AX√ (t\Xn! t\Xn!) F∂v ]d-™v, ap\n-h-cy-∑m-sc-t∏mse
]mfin-Xy-tØmsS hn\-bm-\zn-X-cm-Ip-∂-Xn\v ]Icw Aß-s\-sbm-∂n√ F∂v ]d™v aqV-∑m-cm-Ip-∂-XmWt√m Nn¥m-tem-I-Øns‚ ]g-°w. ]nXmhpw ]p{X\pw ]cn- i p≤ dqlm- b p- a mb ssZhsØ hN-\-Øn-eqsS Adn-hm\pw Bflm-hn¬ A\p-`-hn-°m\pw B¥-c-I-Æn¬ [ym\n-°m\pw am{Xta \nh¿Øn- b p- ≈ p. ""D≠m- I s´'' F∂v Iev]n® ssZhIev]\ hsc am{X-amImw kr-„n-X-amb k¿ΔØns‚bpw e-£y-tI-{μw. B Iev]\ ssZh-h-N\w Bb-Xp-sIm≠v hN-\amw ssZhw PUw [cn® {InkvXp F∂ \ΩpsS Xe-tbmfw hf-cpI F∂Xv k¶o¿Æw Xs∂- b m- W v . A{X- s b- ¶ nepw hf¿s∂- ¶ n- e t√ B ]mdbpsS hnS-hn-eq-sS-sb-¶nepw ssZh-km-∂n≤yw Adnhm≥ Ign- b p- I - b p≈p? hf- c - W - s a- ¶ n¬ hnizmkw thWw, hnizmkw aqew c£n-°-s∏-Sp-∂Xv Ir] aqeamWv Xm\pw. ssZhw C√ F∂v ]d-bp-∂Xpt]mse Xs∂ aqV-Ø-c-amWv ssZhw CXm-Wv, ssZhw Cßs\ {]h¿Øn°pw Fs∂ms° ]d- b p- ∂ - X v. Alw {_“mkv- a nsb ""Rm≥ ssZh- a m- I p∂p'' F∂v
hmNym¿∞-Øn¬ X≈msX Fs‚-bp-≈nse ssZh-km∂n-≤y-am-sW∂v a\- n-em-°p-I-bm-sW-¶n¬, sImºpw ap¥ncn h≈nbpw t]mse, tN¿∂v \nev°p∂ sImºns\bpw AXns‚ ^e- s Øbpw ]Tn- ° p- ∂ Xv hgn tN¿°-s∏-´n-cn-°p-∂-Xns‚ KpW-ß-fpsS Hcp `mKw F¶nepw Adn-bm≥ km[n-°pw. Fs∂-∏‰n F∂nse ssZhoI CS-s]-S-ep-I-sf-∏‰n ]Tn-°pI F∂-Xp-t]mepw ]q¿Æamhp-∂n-√-t√m. A\-¥\pw k¿Δ-hym-]nbpw k¿Δ-i-‡-\p-amb ssZh-sØ ImWp-∂, ImWp-hm≥ {ian-°p∂ ImgvN A]q¿Æ-am-bX - p-sIm≠v Xs∂-bmWv Adn-bm-Ø-Xn-te°v IÆp-sI´n Cf-°p∂ a≠-Øcw \mw Bh¿Øn-°p-∂-Xv. \nkm-bnse hn. {KotKm-dn-tbmkns\ IS-sa-Sp-°p-I-bm-sW-¶n¬ ssZhm-t\z-jWw Zo]vX-amb A‘-Im-c-Øn-te-°p≈ bm{X IqSn-bm-Wv. F{X At\z-jn-®mepw AXv ]q¿Æ-am-hn√ F∂Xv Xs∂bmWv bmYm¿∞yw. ico-c-Øn-s‚bpw a\- ns‚bpw ]cn-an-Xn-Isf AXn-Po-hn-t°-≠-Xp-≠-t√m. B ]cn-an-Xn-Iƒ Cl-tem-I-Po-hn-X-Øn¬ kl-P-hp-am-Wv.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Shinto Varghese First Year
Jesus ministry has its continuance in the Christian ministry. St. Luke particularly picturizes the intention behind the ministry of Jesus through the programmatic passage in his gospel, which is popularly known as Nazareth Manifesto (Lk. 4:16-20). The pubic ministry of Jesus began in Galilee and had its fulfilment in Jerusalem (the city of peace). The Writings of Luke also say that the ministry of Jesus continues through His disciples and that they will be His witness, in and around Jerusalem and to the ends of the earth (Lk. 24:47-47, Acts 1:8). Luke purposefully records Jesus' visit to His hometown 'Nazareth' during His public ministry. According to him, Jesus could't do any miracles there because of the unbelief of the people. Unlike Mattew and Mark (Mtt.13:54-58, Mk. 6:1-6) Luke doesnot try to focus his idea on this rejection, rather he emphasizes the fulfilment of the prophecy of Isaiah, which is infact the declaration of Messiah regarding His own policies in the public ministry (Lk.4:16-20). '' The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." This passage pronounces the policies or programmes of Jesus that He was going to do in the midst of the people and indeed the true nature of Jesus ministry. In this single passage Jesus synchronizes two Isaianic passages (Isa. 61:1, 58:6) to proclaim the grand opening of His ministry. The proclamaton of release, recovery of sight and liberation
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
to the oppressed etc., points to the totality of Jesus ministry. The Evangelist also describes the gracious visitation of God towards humanity and reveals it in 7:16, Fear seized all of them, and they glorified God saying, " A great prophet has risen among us! and God has looked favourably on His people.'' In the Nazareth Manifesto, the theme, year of Lord's favour and its immediate effect of release of the captives is specifically highlighted by Luke with the backgound of Jubilee of Israel (Lev.25). It is being considered that Chapter 25 in the book of Leviticus is a continuation of Chapter 23. These two chapters deals with the
by blowing these trumpets. The three essential features of jubilee year are: 1) Jubilee rest for the land (v.1-22) 2) The redemption of property and debts (v.23-38) 3) The liberation of slaves (v.39-55) Jubilee year gives economic protection to those smallest clan in Israel. But the analysis of v.23 along with 1 Kings 21, Psa.24:1 gives the idea of its religious perspective rather than a socio economic motive. The year of Jubilee emphasizes the 'liberty' or 'release' of the captives (Lev.25:10). The word derôr used here conveys the meaning 'release.' In Lk. 4:16-20 Jesus Christ uses the word 're-
sabbatical rest to the people, to the land and liberation of slaves. The corresponding theme of release or redemption can also be seen in the book of Exodus 23:10-11 and in Deuteronomy 15:1-6. But the uniqueness of Leviticus 25 is that, it deals with the subject of sabbatical rest for land in every seventh year and in the fiftieth year, i.e, which comes just after the seven times seven years, it shall be the Jubilee year. This Jubilee or every 50th year in Israel is known as 'yôvel' which means 'ram', as rams' horns were used as trumpets and the year of jubilee was announced
lease' in the sense, of forgiveness and liberation. The Greek word used for 'release' is 'aphesis' which means 'to send off', 'to release', 'to go' etc. The usage of the word 'aphesis' in the Nazareth Manifesto is in the sense of forgiveness and not a political release from the Roman yoke as Israelites expected. It can be seen in Lk.13:10-17 that Jesus cured the crippled woman by forgiving her sin and releasing her from Satan's bondage. Along with this Mtt.11:2-6, 18:2-35, Lk. 14:1224 gives an idea about Jesus' ministry in terms of 'release' in the Jubilee perspective. Isaiah in
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chapters 61:1-2 and 58:6 also uses the jubilee background to pictorize the year of Lord's favour because, jubilee supports the oppressed by bringing justice in an ethical way through redemption and restoration. The miracles or the signs of Jesus' ministry of healing says that the release 'aphesis' has both the physical and spiritual dimension. Thus, the 'Nazareth Manifesto' of Jesus had some strong base in the jubilee principle as well as in the concept of year of Lord's favour by Isaiah. Rather it give more focus to a 'holistic release' perspective. This eschatological release has begun when Jesus said ''today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing'' (Lk.4:21). This said to be the loud voice of silver trumpet which announced the beginning of Messianic age. This ministry of holistic release is continued through the Church, as Christ said '' If you forgive the sins of any they are forgiven them'' (John 20:23). Inorder to continue this model of Jubilee release in our ministry, we have to practice the goodness that Jesus taught. At first we have to experience Christ through his Love. God's Love can be seen as being portrayed in the Golden words of St. John (3:16). It was the expression of this Love that God gave his only son to redeem us. Our response to this ultimate Love should happen by experiencing Christ in our life (1 John 4:8-9, 16). This experience enable us to be in the path of Jesus ministry of Release. In the second level, our experiences should
initiate an understanding of his redemptive act. It was his self sacrifice at Calvary that redeemed human race from their sins (Jn. 10:11; Col 1:21, 22; I John 2:2). Therefore every effort in knowing this redemptive action will help us to transform our mere body into a spiritual one. Coming to the third phase, we should start to practice his Justice. Jesus defined his ministry of Justice in his opening statement at Nazareth. Further affirmation of this divine justice can be seen in (Micah 6:8; Ps. 85:10-11, 89:14; Mt 6:33). Finally, we should develp a hope in God's promise. Hope is a part of faith. Both are the two sides of the same coin and it comes from proper understanding and experience of word of God (I Pt. 1:13; Rom. 5:1-2; Acts 24:14-25; Rom. 1017). Also Prayer is an act of response of our faith and hope to God. And prayer shold happen without hearing. If we aspire to apply this kind of a change in our life, we could hope for a Christian life released from all boundaries of the world bringing new heaven and earth. Sources 1. The Anchor Bible Dictionary, Vol. 3, 2000 2. Bourton, Henry, The Gospel According to St. Luke, Newyork, 1899. 3. The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, Vol. 1, 1967. 4. The New Interpreter's Bible, Vol. IX, 1995
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In Search of Roots... hnip-≤-∑m-cpsS I_-dn-S-Øn-te-°p≈ bm{Xsb Xo¿∞-bm{X F∂v
ae-¶c- b - psS {]Xm-]I - m-eØv tIm´bw ]gb skan-\mcn kμ¿in-®v, ChnsS Xma-kn-®v, skan-\m-cn-bpsS kv]μ-\-ßsf Adn™v t]mb sk¿_n-b≥ Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv k`-bpsS Hcp _nj∏v F∂-Xn-ep-]cn as‰m∂pw St. Doscetheos
sa{Xm-t∏m-eo-Ømsb Ipdn®v tI´n-cp-∂n-√.
hnfn-°m-\mWv \ap-°n-jvSw. CXpw Hcp I_-dn-S-Øn-te-°p≈ bm{X Xs∂-bm-bn-cp-∂p. Hcp hnip-≤s‚ I_-dnSw tXSn-bp≈ bm{X. Hcp Xo¿∞mS\w F∂-Xn-ep-]cn ]d™p-tI-´n-´n-√mØ Nne Ncn{X kXyßsf tXSn-bp≈ Hcp At\z-j-Ww. IuX-Ihpw hn⁄m-\hpw kaambn tN¿Øn-W-ßnb Hcp \hym-\p-`-hw. ae-¶-c-bpsS {]Xm-]-ImeØv tIm´bw ]gb skan-\mcn kμ¿in-®v, ChnsS Xma-kn-®v, skan\m-cn-bpsS kv]μ-\-ßsf Adn™v t]mb sk¿_n-b≥ Hm¿ØtUmIv k v k`- b psS Hcp _nj∏v F∂- X n- e p- ] cn as‰m∂pw St. Doscetheos sa{Xm-t∏m-eo-Ømsb Ipdn®v tI´n-cp-∂n-√. k`bpsS Ncn{X-Im-c≥ {io. Ipcy≥ tXma-kns‚ hm°p-Ifn¬ \n∂mWv At±lw ]cn. Koh¿Kokv ZznXo-b≥ _mhbpw XΩn-ep≈ Bfl-_-‘-Øns‚ Npcp-f-gn-™v. AhnsS \n∂v XpS-ßnb At\z-jWw PohnXw Xs∂ ktμ-i-ambn am‰nb Hcp bYm¿∞ ssZh-kvt\lnbpsS I_-dn-S-Ønte-°mWv Rßsf sIms≠Øn-®-Xv. St. Dositej of Zabreb tIhew 58 h¿jsØ a\p-jym-bp n\v apdp-sI-]n-Sn-°m-hp∂ {InkvXob km£y-Øns‚ ]mcayw ]. tUmkn-sØ-bpsS Pohn-XØn¬ {]I-Sa - m-Wv. 1887˛¬ sk¿_n-bnse t_¬{K-Un¬ P\-\w. {]mYanI hnZym-`ym-k-w D∂-X-\n-e-bn¬ ]q¿Øo-I-cn-®p. thZ-im-kv{X-]-TØn\pw tijw 1913-˛¬, sk¿_n-b≥ kp∂-l-tZmkv At±-lsØ sa{Xm-t∏m-eoØ ÿm\-tØ°v Xnc-s™-Sp-Øp. XpS¿∂p≈ PohnX
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
hnh-cWw {it≤-b-am-Wv. XpS¿®-bm-bp≈ bp≤tIm-e-ml-e-߃°pw {]tXy-In®v 1927˛¬ henb \miw hnX® `qI-º-Øns‚ {]Xym-Lm-X-߃°p \Sp- h n¬ Xs‚ AP- K - W - ß sf \bn- ° p- h m≥ At±lw \ntbm- K n- X - \ mbn. 1917˛se djy≥ t_¿sj-hn°v hnπhw krjvSn® Acm-PIXzw Xs‚ CS-b-ip-{iq-j-bpsS ImTn\yw h¿≤n-∏n®p. {Iam-Xo-Xa - mbn hf¿∂ ]´nWn ac-Wß - ƒ°v _Z¬ kwhn[m\w cq]- s ∏- S p- Ø m≥ yogoslovian Kh¨sa‚ ns‚ {]Xn- \ n- [ n- b mbn djy≥ A`bm¿∞n-I-fpsS CS-bn¬ At±lw {]h¿Øn®p. At±-l-Øns‚ {]t_m-[-\-ß-fn¬ \nd-™p-\n∂ A\¥-amb ssZh-kvt\lw, Icp-W, ktlm-Z-c-
\n∂pw Belgrade˛te°v sIms≠Øn®v ho´pXS-¶-en-em-°n. e`y-am°mhp∂ sshZy-k-lmbw \¬In- F¶nepw B CcpƒPohn-X-Øns‚ ]nSn-bn¬ imco-cnI- a mbn Xf¿∂ ]nXm- h v , Bflm- h ns‚ ss\¿Ωey-Øn¬ B Poh≥ \ne-\n¿Øn. Xs‚ Pohn-XØ - ns‚ A¥y-\m-fp-If - n¬ s_¬t{U-Unse Hcp B{i-a-Øn¬ knÿ B©-eo-\-bpsS ]cn-Nc-W-Øn¬ At±lw 1945 P\p-hcn 14-˛mw XobXn Cl-te-mI-hmkw shSn-™p. 2000˛¬ sabv amkØn¬ sk¿_n-b≥ Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv k`-bpsS ]. kp∂-l-tZmkv B ]pWy Pohn-XsØ hnip≤ ]Zhn-bn-te-°p-b¿Øn. \mkn XS-hp-ImcpsS Ccp-´p-ap-
kvt\lw F∂n-h-sb√mw h‰n hc≠ lrZ-b-ßfn¬ {]Xym-i Df-hm-°p-∂-Xm-bncp∂p. At±-lØ - ns‚ CSbip{iq-jb - psS c≠mw L´w 1931˛¬ Bcw-`n-®p. ]pXp-Xmbn cq]o-I-cn® Zagreb `{Zm-k\ - Ø - ns‚ {]Ya sa{Xm-t∏m-eo-Øbmbn Ahtcm[n-°s - ∏´p. c≠mw temI alm-bp-≤Ø - ns‚ `oIcX sk¿_n-b≥ Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv k`-sbbpw kmc-ambn _m[n-®p. X¬^-e-ambn \mkn XSh-nem-°-s∏´ tUmknsØ sa{Xm-t∏m-eo-Øm-bpsS PohnXw ]oV- \ - ß - f p- s Sbpw Ijv S - X - b p- s Sbpw XpS¿I-Y-I-fm-bn-cp-∂p. ]n∂oSv arX-{]m-b-\mbn ImW-s∏´ At±-l-Øns\ \mkn-Iƒ Zagreb-¬
dn-I-fn¬ Xf¿Ø-s∏´p F¶nepw Hcn°epw AkvXan-°mØ Bflm-hns‚ ssNX-\y-Øm¬ At\Iw hnizm-kn-Iƒ°v Cu ]nXmhv C∂pw Hcp A`-bÿm-\-ambn ]cn-e-kn-°p-∂p.
]. tUmkn-sØ-bpw ae-¶c- b - pw _nj∏v tUmkn-sØ-bpsS I¿Ω-]-Y-Ønse {][m\ GSp-I-fn-sem∂v Xs‚ k`-sb {]Xn-\n-[oI-cn®v \S-Ønb bm{X-Ifpw a‰p k`-I-fp-am-bp≈ kv t \l- k w- K - a - ß - f p- a mWv . P\o- h , _mt_¬, GX≥kv, _m¬tKdnb XpS-ßnb ÿe-ß-fpw {]tXy-Im¬ `mc-Xhpw At±lw kμ¿in®p F∂v Ncn{Xw tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂p.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
1937 P\p-h-cnbn¬ ssh.Fw.kn.F˛bpsS hm¿jnI ktΩ-f\ - pambn _‘- s ∏´v C¥ybn- s eØnb At±lw ]n∂oSv 2 B-gv® Imew ae-¶c-bpsS hnizm-k-kw-ln-X-Ifnepw ss]Xr-I-Ønepw `mK`m°mbn ]. Koh¿Kokv ZznXob≥ _mhm-bpsS BXnYy-acymZ-Ifpw kzoI-cn®v ae-¶-cbp-sS, {]tXy-Im¬ ]. ImtXmen°m _mhm- b p- s Sbpw \s√mcp kplr- Ø mbn Xo¿∂p. AXp- h gn ]. Koh¿Kokv ZznXo-b≥ _mhmbpsS ,sk¿_n-b≥ Hm¿ØtUmIvkv k`m-_‘w kpZrV-am-°p-Ibpw ]. _mhm AhcpsS AXn-Yn-bmbn £Wn-°s∏-Sp-Ibpw sNbvXp. AsXh¿jw FUn≥_- t dm- b n¬ h®v \S∂ faith and Order ktΩ-f-\-Øn\p tijw ]. Koh¿Kokv ZznXo-b≥ _mhm s_¬{K-Un¬ FØp-Ibpw ]. _mhmbv°v Dujva-f-amb hc- t h¬∏v \¬IpIbpw "C¥y-bnse ]m{Xn-b¿°okv' 'Patriarch Baseli' F∂ A`nkw-t_m-[\ - t- bmsS BZ-cn-°pIbpw sNbvXp. c≠mw temI alm-bp≤w kmc-ambn _m[n® Cu k`-bp-ambn ]n∂oSv _‘-߃ A‰p t]msb¶nepw B ]. ]nXm-hns‚ kvarXn-Iƒ Ncn-{X-Øn¬ C∂pw hmSm-a-e-cp-Ifmbn Xfn¿Øp \n¬°p-∂p. \o≠ 80 h¿j-߃°p-tijw Ct∏mƒ Cu ]cnip-≤s‚ I_-dn¬ ae-¶-c-bpsS {]Xn-\n-[n-bmbn \n¬°p-tºmƒ ho≠pw Cu k`-bp-ambn hnizmssk-Iy-Øn¬ kmtlm-Zcy _‘-Øns‚ A‰pt]mb IÆn-Isf hnf°n tN¿°p∂ Hcp D]-I-cW-ambn amdn-b-Xn¬ lrZbw A`n-am-\n-°p-∂p. Xo¿®bmbpw Hcp bm{Xm-hn-h-cWw F∂-Xn-ep-]cn DEEPTHI 2018
]q¿Δ-]n-Xm-°-∑m¿ sXfn® hgn Aev]w IqsS k©m-c-tbm-Ky-am-°pI F∂Xp Xs∂-bm-bn-cp∂p Cu bm{X- b psS ]c- a mb Dt±- i w. Hmtcm bm{Xbv ° pw Hmtcm IY- I ƒ ]d- ™ p- X - c m- \ p≠mhpw, Nne e£y- ß sf shfn- s ∏- S - p - Ø m- \ p≠mhpw, Nne kXy-ßsf Im´n-Ø-cm-\p-≠mhpw. St Dositej Fs∂mcp ]nXmhv Pohn®p F∂Xp kXyw. At±lw ae-¶-c-bpsS kplr-Øm-bn-cp∂p F∂Xv Ncn-{Xw. C∂v B k`-bp-ambn Hcp Hm¿Ω]p-Xp-°¬ Xs∂ e£yw. Department of Ecumenical Relations
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
t\mhpw ImØn-cn-∏ns‚ kpJ-hpw... C\nbpw hcmØ AXn-Yn-°m-bv. hk-¥-Øns‚ Zo]vX-\m-f-Øn-\m-bv... hdp-Xn-bpsS th\-ep-Iƒ°-dp-Xn-bn-s√-∂mtcm ]d™p. C-e-Iƒ sImgnt™ Xocp-ht{X... Ce-bpsS Xe-°-\-an-√msX, Ime-Øns‚ Fcn-bp∂ bmYm¿∞ysØ t]dp-tºmgpw, D≈n¬ Ipfn-cp∂ kz]v\-Øn¬, AXm, c≠neIƒ°n-S-bn¬ Hcp ]qsam-´v...
D≈-S°w ]ptcm-lnXm \o kzmX-{¥y-Øn-tebv°v hnfn-°-s∏-´n-cn-°p∂p
^m. sI. hn. Gen-bmkv
kp{]ow tImS-Xn-hn[nbpsS {]k‡n
^m. tUm. tPm¨kv F{_lmw tIm\m´v
F¬tZm F. sI.
Youthful Words -Youthquake
Fr. Dr. Jacob Mathew Karichal
t{]bvk¨ ‰n. tPm¨k¨
Bioethics: An Orthodox Perspective
Fr. Dr. Shaji P. John
hncn-bmØ sam´p-Iƒ
tXmakv sNdn-bm≥
]d-bmsX hø...
Uo. sPdn≥ tPm¿÷v
Tears... Let Them Roll Down
Simon Joy
Acp-hn-bpsS Ae-Iƒ
sPdn≥ tPm¨k¨
`mj ˛ ^m. knPp h¿§okv tImin G‰p-]-d-®n¬
105 113
Bjnjv sPbnwkv
Bcv, F¥v, Ft∏mƒ, Fß-s\, FhnsS?
sa¬hn≥ amXyp
aÆns‚ Ah-Im-in-Iƒ
knPp h¿Kokv
sltcm-Zm-hns‚ hmƒ
Uo. F_n≥ ‰n. amXyp
tSmWn Fw. tbml-∂m≥
Voiceless State of the Stateless
Ricku S. Cherian
I\-hnse I\-ep-Iƒ
_nt\mbn tImin
ssZhhpw {SÃnbpw XΩn¬ I≠p-ap-´n-b-t∏mƒ
Pn_n≥ tXmakv G{_lmw
ARvPnXv tXmakv
]cn-ip≤ ]cp-ae - X - n-cp-ta\n Io¿Ø-\m-jvSI - w. A`n-apJw
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
]ptcm-lnXm \o kzmX-{¥y-Øn-tebv°v hnfn-°-s∏-´n-cn-°p∂p thZ-Nn-¥-Iƒ skJ-cymhv 3:1˛10
^m. sI. hn. Gen-bmkv
{InkvXp-hn\v apºv 6˛mw \q‰m-≠n¬ Pohn-®n-cp∂ {]hm-NI- \- mWv skJ-cym-h.v "skJ-cymhv' F∂-hm-°n\v "btlmh Hm¿°p∂p' F∂mW¿∞w. bcp-it- e-anse c≠mw tZhm-eb - Ø - ns‚ \n¿Ωm-Wh - p-ambn _‘-s∏´v ssZh-N\ - Ø - m¬ blq-ZP - \ - X - sb D’m-ln-∏n® l§mbn {]hm-N-Is‚ ka-Im-eo\t\m, sXm´-SpØ ]n≥Km-antbm Bbn ]gb-\n-ba ]WvUn-X¿ Cu {]hm-NI - s\ a\- n-em-°p-∂p (taZy cmPmhmb Zm-cym-thiv c≠m-as‚ ImeØv {In. ap. 515 emWv bcp-i-teanse c≠mw tZhm-ebw {]hm-kØ - n¬ \n∂v aS-ßn-h∂ blq-Z∑ - m¿ ]WnXv ]p\:{]Xn-jvTn-®-Xv). F{km-bp-sSbpw (5:1, 6:14) s\sl-aymhn-s‚bpw (12:16) ]pkvX-I-Øn¬ skJ-cym-hn-s\-°p-dn®v ]cm-a¿iap-≠v. "Ct±m' F∂ {]hm-N-Is‚ sIm®p-a-I-\mWv skJ-cymhv (1:1) F∂ ]cm-a¿iw Ct±-lØ - n\v Hcp {]hm-NI ]mc-ºc - y-ap-s≠∂v hy‡am-°p-∂p. 14 A≤ym-bß - f - p≈ Cu {]h-N\ ]pkvXI - sØ `mj, Bi-bw, ssien, thZ-imkv{Xw F∂n-hb - psS ASn-ÿm-\Ø - n¬ c≠mbn Xncn°mw. 1˛8, 9˛14. CXn¬ H∂mw `mKw IrXy-amb Ncn-{X-]-cm-a¿i-ßfp-≈-Xm-Wv. (1:1, 1:7, 7:1 t\m.) c≠mw `mKØv Ncn-{X-kq-N\ Xcp∂ Hcp ]cm-a¿iw (9:13) bh\ Ime-L-´sØ kqNn-∏n-°p∂p (b-h-\-
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Imew {In. ap. 333˛¬ a°-tZm-\y-bnse ^nen-∏ns‚ aI≥ Ae-Ivkm-≠-dn¬ XpS-ßp-∂p). blqZ kaq-lsØ \bn°p∂ Kh¿Æ-dmb skcq-∫m-t_¬, alm-]p-tcm-ln-X\ - mb tbmiph F∂n-hs - c°p-dn®v c≠mw `mKw au\-am-Wv. ]Icw CS-b-∑m-cm¬ \bn-°-s∏-Sp∂ kaq-l-tØ-bmWv Cu `mKw hy‡am-°p-∂-Xv. BI-bm¬ skJ-cym-hns‚ {]h-N-\-߃ H∂mw `mKhpw (1˛8), At±- l Øns‚ in£y-cmtem B ]mcºcyw Ah-Im-is - ∏-Sp∂ ]n∑p-d° - mcmtem Fgp-Xs - ∏´ c≠mw `mKhpw (9˛14) Hcp-an®v tN¿Øv Imt\m-\oI-cn-°s - ∏´p F∂v a\- n-em-°mw. H∂mw `mKØv (1:7˛6:15) {]hmN-I-\p-≠m-Ip∂ F´p Z¿i-\-ß-fp≠v. Cu Z¿i-\ß - ƒ°v Hcp s]mXpL-S-\-bp-≠v. Hcp Z¿i-\w, Hcp tNmZyw, ]ns∂ AXn-s\m-cp-Ø-cw. Cu LS-\bv°v hyXn-bm\w hcp∂ Hcp Z¿i\w Cu `mK- Ø p- ≠ v . AXmWv 3:1˛10 `mKØp ImWp-∂Xv. ChnsS Z¿i-\-ap≠v F∂m¬ Z¿i-Is‚ tNmZy-tam, AXn-\p≈ ssZh- Z q- X s‚ DØ- c tam C√. Z¿i\w AXn¬ Xs∂ hy‡-am-Ibm¬ s]mcpƒ Xncn-®p-sIm-Sp-t°≠ Bh-iy-an-√. alm-]p-tcm-ln-X\ - mb tbmip-hmbvs°-Xnsc Ip‰m-tcm-]-W-hp-ambn \n¬°p∂ kmØm-s\-bmWv {]hmN-I≥ Z¿in-°p-∂-Xv. Cu tbmiphm-sb-°p-dn®v l§m-bn-bpsS {]h-N\-Øn¬ ]d-bp-∂p≠v (l-§m. 1:1, 12, 2:2). Cu Z¿i-\sØ ]utcm-lnXy \¬h- c - Z m\ ip{iq- j - b p- a mbn _‘n-∏n®p ImWm-hp-∂-Xm-Wv. kmØms\°pdn-®p-IqsS Hcp-hm-°.v ChnsS "kmØm≥' F∂-hm-°n\v "{]Xn-tbmKn' F∂ A¿∞ta D≈q. ssZh-k-`-bn¬ k`-Iq-Sp-tºmƒ a\pjy-cpsS sX‰p-Isf ssZh-ap-ºmsI shfn-s∏-SpØn Ahsc Prosecute sNøp∂ Hcp "ÿm\n' Bbn kmØms\ ImWmw. Cß-s\-sbmcp Nn{Xw Ctøm_ns‚ ]pkvX-Ihpw h¿Wn-°p-∂p≠v (C-tøm. 1:6˛12, 2:1˛6). ssZh-Øns‚ i{Xp-hmb ZpjvS-\mb kmØm≥ F∂ Nn¥ ]n¬°m-e-Øv, ]pXn-b-\n-ba Fgp-Øp-Im-
cn-emWv \mw ImWp-∂-Xv. ChnsS Aß-s\-sbmcp Nn¥ ImWp-∂n-√. Chn-SpsØ cwKw tZhk`-bm-Wv. AhnsS ssZh-]p-{X-∑mcpw kmØm\pw D≠v (Ctøm 1:6, 2:1). tZh-k`- b - n-emWv ChnsS tbmip-hm-bpw, ssZhZq-X-∑mcpw kmØm\pw \n¬°p-∂Xv (3:1). tbmiph ]ptcm-ln-X-\m-sW∂v ImWp-∂p. ]ptcm-ln-X-ÿm-\nsb∂p Nn¥n-°p-∂X - nepw sX‰n-√. hm.1˛2 ]ptcm-lnX ÿm\m-tcm-lW - Ø - ns‚ BZy-]Sn/L´-am-bn-°m-Wmw.
hm.3˛5 s\ ]´Xz ip{iq-j-bmbpw 6˛10 s\ Npa-X-eIƒ `c-ta-ev]n-°p-∂X - mbpw hymJym-\n-°mw. hm.1˛2. tZh-k`- b - mWv thZn. tbmip-hm-bp-≠,v ssZhZq-X\ - p-≠v, kmØm-\p-ap-≠v. Hcp ]pXnb ZuXy-Øn-\mbn, Hcpßp∂-hs\Xnsc Ahs‚ Ipd-hp-Is - fbpw Ip‰ß-sfbpw Ipdn-®p≈ shfn-s∏-Sp-Ø-ep-am-bmWv {]Xntbm-Kn-bmb kmØm≥ tbmip-hb - psS he-Xp-`m-KØp
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
\n¬°p- ∂ - X v . F∂m¬ ssZh- Ø ns‚ CS- s ]- S ¬ kmØms\ H∂p kwkm-cn-°p-hm≥t]mepw A\p-h-Zn°p-∂n-√. ]ptcm-ln-X\ - m-Ip-hm≥ C—n-°p-∂h - s‚ KpWtam, kmØms‚ Ip‰m- t cm- ] - W - Ø ns‚ Ig- º n√mbv a tbm A√, ssZh- Ø ns‚ kv t \l- a m- W v , kmØms\ \ni-_vZ-\m-°p-∂-Xn\v Imc-W-am-Ip-∂-Xv. CXn-eqsS ]utcm-ln-Xy-tØmSv P\-Øn-\p≈ hnizmkyX Dd-∏n-°p-I-bmWv sNøp-∂-Xv. I∑-j-lo-\-cm-bXp-sIm-≠√ Hcp-h≥ ]utcm-ln-Xy-ÿm-\Ø - n\v A¿l\m-Ip-∂-Xv. ssZh-kvt\-l-Øm-em-Wv. Bflm¿∞-XtbmsS Cu ip{iq-j-bv°mbn B{K-ln-°p-∂-hsc ssZhw kvt\ln°pw, {]Xn-tbm-Kn-I-fpsS Btcm-]-Wßsf IW-°n-SmsX Icp-Xpw. kmØms\ \ni-_vZ\ - m°p-∂-Xv, {]Xo-Im-fl-I-ambn ]m]w tamNn-°p-∂Xp Xs∂. (hm.3˛5) apjn™ hkv{Xw [cn-®-h-\m-bmWv tbmiph tZh-k-`-bn¬ \n¬°p-∂Xv (hm.3). CXv hn. ]´Xzw kzoI-cn-°p∂-Xn-\p-ap-ºp≈ ]m]-Øns‚ Aip≤n-bpsS Ah-ÿb - m-Wv. ]ptcm-ln-X\ - mbn A`n-tjIw sNøp- ∂ - s X- ß - s \- s b∂v ]pd.29, tehy 8˛9, A≤ymbßfn¬ hnh-cn-®n-´p-≠v. AXns‚ Hcp {][m\ NS-ßmWv hkv{Xw amdp-I, Xe-∏m-hW - n-bpI F∂Xv. AXv BNm-c] - c - a - mb ip≤n-bpsS {]Xo-Ia - m-Wv, {]tXyI-ambn th¿Xn-cn-°s - ∏-Sp∂p F∂-Xns‚ AS-bm-fh - p-amWv. tbmip-hmsb apjn™ hkv{Xw \o°n AIr-XyØn¬ \n∂v tamNn-∏n®v D’-h-hkv{Xw AWn-bn-°pIbpw Xe-bn¬ shSn-∏p≈ apSn-b-Wn-bn-°p-Ibpw sNøp∂p (hm.4˛5). ]utcm-lnXy ÿm\m-`n-tj-IØns‚ Hc-h-iy-L-S-I-amWo hkv{Xw amdp-∂-Xv. Aßs\ shSn-∏p≈ ]pXp-hkv{Xw [cn®v ]utcm-lnXy ip{iq-j-bpsS c≠mw L´-Øn-te°v {]th-in-°p-∂p. ChnsS tZh-k-`-bn¬ \n¬°p∂ ZqX-∑m-tcm-SmWv ssZhw tbmip-hmsb apjn™ hkv{Xw \o°n ]pXnbXv [cn-∏n-°p-hm≥ Iev]n-°p-∂-Xv. bYm¿∞-Øn¬ Cu ip{iq-j-bpsS Im¿Ωn-I≥ I¿Ømhp Xs∂. tbmiph \n¬°p-∂Xv tZh-k-`-bn¬, Ahs‚ AIrXy-ßs - f t- ]m-°p-∂Xv ssZhw. apjn™ hkv{Xw am‰n shSn-∏p-≈X - W - n-bn-°p-∂Xpw ssZhw Xs∂. \Ωp-sS-bpw ]utcm-ln-Xy-ÿm-\m-`n-tj-I-Øn¬ bYm¿∞ I¿Ωn ssZhw Xs∂. am\p-jnI Ic-߃ ssZh-Øns‚ Bbp[w am{Xw. sXc-s™-Sp∏pw hnip-≤o-I-c-Whpw ssZh-Øn¬ \n∂m-I-bm¬ DØ-c-hm-Zn-Øhpw ssZhtØmSpw ssZh-k` - t- bm-Sp-am-IW - w. hm. 6˛10 \ntbm-Khpw AXv ]q¿Øo-Ic - n-°p-hm-\m-hiy-amb \n_-‘\ - I - f - p-am-Wn-hnsS hnh-cn-°p-∂X - v. Hcp \n_-‘-\-bp≠v; "Fs‚ hgn-I-fn¬ \S-°-Ww, Fs‚ Imcyw t\m°Ww (hm.7). \ntbm-K-an-XmWv: "Fs‚
Be-bsØ ]cn-]m-en°pw Fs‚ {]Imc-ßsf kq£n-°pw. ssZhm-eb - Ø - n¬, tZh-k`- b - n¬ FØp-hm-\p≈ A\p-hmZw e`n-°p-sa∂ {]Xn-^-e-hp-ap≠v (hm.7). ]ptcm-ln-X\ - mbn \nb-an-°s - ∏-Sp-∂h - \v {]Ya-ambn DØ-ch - m-Zn-Øa - p-≈X - v, D≠m-tI-≠Xv ssZhtØm-Sm-Wv. ssZh-Xm-ev]-cysØ kz¥w hgn-bmbn ImW-Ww. AXv kaq-l-Øn\v Zriy-am-IpI CS-hI ip{iq-j-bn-eq-sS-bmWv. "kz¥'ambXv shSn-™v, ssZhsØ kz¥-am-°n, B lnX-a\ - p-kc - n®v CS-hI - sb ip{iq-jn-°p∂ ]ptcm-ln-X\v ssZh-k` - b - n¬ \nXy-kμ¿i-\Ø - n\v A\p-hm-Za - p-≠.v Aß-s\-bp≈ ]ptcm-lnX\v {]tXyI am\hpw ÿm\-hp-ap-≠v, ssZh-ap-ºmsIbpw kaq-l-Øn-epw. ]utcm-lnXyw ]p\:ÿm]n-X-am-bn-°-gn-bp-tºmƒ, ssZhm-e-b-Ønse ip{iq-j-Iƒ A`w-Kpcw \n¿h-ln°-s∏-Sp-tºmƒ, tZiw apgp-h≥ AIr-Xy-Øn¬ \n∂v tamNn-X-amIpw (hm.9). Bcm-[-\-bpsS A\n¿§-f-amb kuc`yw kaq-lsØ apgp-h≥ ip≤o-I-cn-°pw, CXv km[y-am-Ip-hm≥ shSn-∏m-°-s∏´ ]utcm-ln-Xy-Øn\v Imcy-amb ]¶p-≠v. Cu \nc-¥-c-amb Bcm-[\ kaql-Øn\v im¥nbpw kam-[m-\hpw \¬Ipw. A∂m-fn¬ `b-te-i-sa-s\y, kw{`-a-sat\y a‰p-≈-hsc kz¥w ap¥n-cn-h-≈n-bp-sSbpw AØn-hr-£-Øn-t‚bpw Iogntebv°v £Wn-°p-hm-\mIpw (hm. 10). skJ-cym-hns‚ Cu Z¿i\w ]utcm-ln-Xy-Øns‚ Nne ]mT-߃ \ap-°p-X-cp-∂p. Hcp-h≥ B ÿm\Øn\v tbmKy-\m-Ip-∂Xv \njv°-f¶t\m, ]m]-c-lnXt\m BIp-∂-Xp-sIm-≠-√, ssZhw Ahs‚ ]m]ßsf ad-°p-∂X - p-sIm-≠,v ad-b° v p-∂X - p-sIm-≠,v £an°p-∂X - p-sIm≠v am{Xw. BI-bm-eh - s\ Xs‚bpw kaql-Øn-s‚bpw ]m]-]¶ - n-ea - m-bn-cp∂ Ah-ÿb - n¬ \n∂v (ap-jn™ hkv{Xw) am‰n shSn-∏p-≈Xpw ]pXn-bX - p-amb hkv{Xhpw apSnbpw AWn-bn-°pw. C\n-bp-ah - ≥ kz¥w hgn-I-fn-e√ temI-Øns‚ {`an-°p∂, {Xkn-∏n-°p∂ taml-߃°p ]n∂m-se-bp-a√ - , ssZh-Xm-ev]c - y-Øn\v {i≤-hb - v°pw. Ah≥ kXym-cm-[\ - bv°pw ssZhm-eb kq£n-∏n\pw {]Ya ]cn-K-W\ \¬Ipw. C\n-b-h\v `bw eh-teiw th≠. F√m-ht- cbpw Dƒs°m-≈p-hm\pw, kvt\ln-°p-hm-\pw, IqsS-t®¿°p-hm-\pw, "kz¥w' CS-ß-fn-te°v kt¥m-j-tØmsS kzoI-cn-°p-hm\pw Ah\v kzmX-{¥yhpw ss[cyhpw D≠m-Ipw. Cusbmcp kzmX-{¥y-Øn-te-bv°m-Is´ \ΩpsS ]utcm-ln-XyØns‚ {]bm-Ww.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
kp{]ow tImS-Xn-hn-[n-bpsS {]k‡n ae-¶c k` At\Iw hyh-lm-cß - f - n¬ G¿s∏-tS≠n h∂n-´p≠v; A\p-
^m. tUm. tPm¨kv F{_lmw tIm\m´v frkonat@gmail.com DEEPTHI 2018
Iq-e-amb At\Iw hn[n-Ifpw kºm-Zn-®n-´p-≠v. F∂m¬ 2017 Pqsse 3˛se hn[n°v Nne {]tXy-I-X-I-fp-≠v. tIme-t©cn, hcn-t°m-en, aÆØq¿ F∂o ]≈n-Iƒ°p-th≠n am{Xw \S-Ønb Hcp tIkmWv AsX¶n-epw, ae-¶c k`sb apgp-h-\mbn _m[n-°p-∂, ae-¶c k`-bpsS Ct∏m-gp-≈-h-bpw, C\n D≠m-Im≥ t]mIp-∂-h-bp-amb At\Iw hyhlm-cß - sf kzm[o-\n-°m≥ km≤y-Xb - p≈ Hcp hn[n-bmWv \ap°v e`n®-Xv. Hcp tImS-Xn-hn[n D≠m-Ip-tºmƒ AXv X߃°v A\p-Iq-es - a∂v hymJym-\n-°phm≥ Ft∏mgpw hy{KX Im´n-bn-cp∂ ]m{Xn-b¿°okv hn`mKw, Cu{]m-hiyw Aß-s\ Hcp \ne-]mSv FSp-°m-Xn-cp-∂X - p-Xs∂ hn[nbn¬ Ah¿°-\p-Iq-e-ambn H∂pwXs∂ C√m-Xn-cp-∂-Xp-sIm-≠m-Wv. Ct∏mƒ PUvPn-amsc Ip‰w ]d-™pw, ]Ww sImSp-ØmWv hn[n-kº - mZn-®-sX∂ hymP Btcm-]Ww D∂-bn®pw P\-Øns‚ apºn¬ ]nSn®p \n¬°m≥ {ian-°p-∂p. 1958˛¬ k`-bn¬ kam-[m\w D≠m-bXv Nne hyh-ÿI - f - psS ASn-ÿm-\Ø - n-em-sW-∂pw, B hy-hÿ - I - ƒ 1970 Bbt∏m-tg°pw ]m{Xn-b¿°okv hn`mKw GI-]£ - o-ba - mbn ewLn-°pI-bmWp-≠m-b-sX∂pw PU-vPn-am¿°v a\- n-em-hp-I-bpw, Ah¿ AXv hn[n\ym-b-Øn¬ IrXy-ambn tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øp-Ibpw sNbvXn-cn-°p-∂p. hyhÿm-]n-Xa - mbn `cn-°s - ∏-´p-sIm-≠n-cp∂ Hcp k`-bn¬ Nne-cpsS kzm¿∞Xm-Xv]-cy-߃°p th≠n am{X-amWv `n∂-X-bp-≠m-°n-bXv F∂ hkvXpXsb ap≥\n¿Øn-bmWv hn[n Fgp-Xn-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xv. 1995˛se
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
kp{]ow-tIm-SXn hn[n-tbmsS `n∂-XI - ƒ Ah-km-\n-t°≠-Xm-bn-cp-∂p. F∂m¬ ]m{Xn-b¿°okv hn`mKw AXn\p {ian-°msX ]≈n-I-fn¬ kam-¥c `cWw krjvSn-°pIbm-bncp∂p. AXp-sIm-≠mWv {]iv\ß - ƒ Xocm-Xn-cp-∂Xv F∂p tImSXn \nco-£n-®p. ap≥ tImS-Xn-hn-[n-Iƒ t]mepw Ah¿ ewLn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p. kp{]ow-tIm-SXn \n¿t±-ia - \ - p-kc - n®v 2002˛¬ PÃnkv afna-Tns‚ \nco-£-W-Øn¬ IqSnb Atkm-kn-tb-j≥ tbmKw _ln-j° v c - n-°p-Ib - pw, AXn-\p-]I - cw kam-¥c tbmKw tN¿∂v ]pXn-sbmcp `c-W-L-S\ cq]o-Icn°pIbpw sNbvXX - mWv ]m{Xn-b¿°okv ]£-Øn\v hn\bm-bn-Øo¿∂-Xv. CS-hI - ] - ≈ - n-Iƒ Dƒs∏sS, ae-¶c - k - ` - b - psS F√m kzØp-°fpw 1934˛se `c-WL - S- \ A\p-kc - n®v `cn-°s∏-SW - s - a-∂pw, bmsXmcp kzØn-t∑epw kam-¥c - a - mb
kabw e`n-°W - s - a∂ hmZhpw ]q¿Æambpw \ncm- I - c n- ° - s ∏- ´ p. 1995˛se kp{]ow-tIm-S-Xn -hn[n CS-h-I-Iƒ°v _m[-Ia - mtWm F∂ kwibw Zqco-Ic - n°-s∏-´p. sk£≥ 92 kn.]n.kn F∂ \qem-am-e-bmWv k`sb {]Xn-Iq-ea - mbn _m[n-®n-cp∂ as‰mcp sshX-cWn. 1995˛se kp{]ow-tIm-SXn hn[n-°p-tijw hf-sc°mew tIkp-Iƒ°v kmc-amb ]ptcm-KXn C√m-Xn-cp∂Xpw CtX {]iv\w sIm≠m-bn-cp-∂p. ]e- ]-≈n-I-fnsebpw tIkp-Iƒ k`-bv°p -{]-Xn-Iq-e-ambn `hn-°phm\pw CXp -Im-c-W-am-bn. Nne tIkp-Iƒ BZyw-apX¬ ]p\-cm-cw-`n-t°≠ KXn-tI-Sn-ep-sa-Øn-bn-cp-∂p. F∂m¬ Pqsse 3˛se- hn-[n-tbm-sS, ae-¶-c-k-`-bpsS tIkp-Iƒ°v sk£≥ 92 _m[-Ia - √ - m-Xm-bn-Øo¿∂p.
as‰mcp `c-W-{I-a-Øns‚ ssIIS-ج A\p-h-Z-\o-ba√ F∂pw hn[n-bn¬ Ak-∂n-Kv≤a - mbn ]d-™n-cn-°p∂p. kam-¥-c-ambn sshZn-I-scbpw a‰p `c-Wm-[n-Im-cnI-sfbpw \nb-an-°p-∂Xv k`m `c-WsØ inYn-e-am°pw. 2002˛se ]m{Xn-b¿°okv hn`mKw D≠m-°nb `cW-L-S\ ]pdw-X-≈-s∏-´p. 1934˛se `c-W-L-S\ Bhiy-sa-¶n¬ t`Z-KXn sNøm-hp-∂X - m-W.v hnizm-kn-Iƒ°v ]cm-Xn-bp-s≠-¶n¬ AXmWv sNtø-≠Xv, ]pXnbXv D≠m-°p-I-b-√. ]≈n-`-c-W-hpw, ih-t°m-´-bpsS AhIm-ih - p-sa√mw Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv k`bv°v ]q¿Æ-ambpw e`n-®n-cn-°p-∂p. ]≈n-I-fn¬ Ah¿°pw Bcm-[\m
AXns‚ ]›m-Ø-e-Øn¬ tIkp-Iƒ k`-bv°-\p-Iqe-am-Ip-hm≥ XpS-ßn-bn-cn-°p-∂p.
CXv hnizm-k-Øns‚ {]iv\tam? Ccp hn`m-K-ßfpw XΩn¬ hnizm-k-Øn¬ hyXymk-ap-s≠∂pw AXn-\m¬ X߃ hniz-kn-°p∂ ]mcº-cy-ßf - \ - p-kc - n®v Bcm-[\ \S-Øp-hm≥ A\p-hZ- n-°W-sa∂pw ]m{Xn-b¿°okv hn`mKw Bh-iy-s∏-´n-cp∂p F¶n-epw tImSXn AXv A\p-h-Zn-®n-√. ]t{Xm-kpw, tXmΩmbpw At∏m-kvtXm-enI kaq-l-Ønse c≠v AwK-ß-fm-sW∂pw AXp-sIm-≠p-Xs∂ Ah-cpsS
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
hnizm-k-߃ XΩn¬ hyXym-k-an√ F∂pw tImSXn \nco-£n-®Xv ]m{Xnb¿°okv hn`m-K-Øn\v hogvN-bm-bn- `hn-®p. C\n- AYhm Hcp- k-aq-l-Øn¬ ]nf¿∏v D≠m-bm¬ Xs∂ ]≈nbpw kzØp°fpw B¿°pw sIm≠p-t]m-Im≥ \n¿Δm-la - n√ F∂pw bYm¿∞ DS-aÿ - ∑ - mcpsS ssIhiw AXv F∂pw \ne\n¬°p-sa∂pw hn[n-bn¬ ]d-bp-∂p. hnizmk hyXymk-ap≠v F∂ hmZ-KXn `cWw ssIøm-fp-∂-Xn-\p≈ Hcp hmZw am{X-am-Wv. siΩm-i∑ - m-cpsS Xnc-s™-Sp-∏v, hnZym-`ym-kw, ]´w \¬IpI F∂n-h-sbm∂pw hntZ-iØn-cp∂v Hcmƒ°v \nb-{¥n-°m-\m-In√. ]m{Xn-b¿°okv \nb-an-®m¬ am{Xta hnIm-cnbnte°v {InkvXp-hn¬ \n∂v BfloI \¬h-cß - ƒ Hgp-Ip-Ib - p≈p F∂ hmZw tImSXn AwKo-Ic - n-®n-√. 1970 hsc GI-k`- b - mbn \ne\n-∂n-cp∂h¿ XΩn¬ s]s´∂v hniz-mk-`n-∂X Btcm]n-°p-∂Xv _men-i-am-sW∂v B¿°pw a\- n-em-°phm≥ km[n-°pw. hnizm-kØn¬ sFIy-an-s√-¶n¬ ]ns∂ Fßns\ Ccp-k` - I - ƒ°pw Hmdn-b‚¬ Hm¿ØtUmIvkv IpSpw_Ønse AwK-ß-fm-bn-cn-°p-hm≥ km[n-°pw? Iptd -]-≈n-Iƒ ae-¶-c-k-`-bn¬ \n∂pw apdn-s®-Sp-°p-hm-\p≈ Hcp hmZw F∂-√msX a‰p {]m[m\y-sam∂pw AXn-\n-√.
s]mXp-th-Zn-bn¬ N¿®-sNbvXv Bh-iy-sa-¶n¬ `c-WL-S\ t`Z-K-Xn- sNbvXv {]iv\-߃ Xo¿°Ww F∂mWv \n¿t±-iw. Bh-iy-sa-¶n¬ 1934˛se `c-WL-S\ t`Z-KXn sNøp-∂X - n-s\-°p-dn-®mWv ChnsS ]dbp-∂X - v. A{]-Imcw Ccp-hn-`m-Khpw XΩn-ep≈ {]iv\߃ ]q¿Æ-ambpw ]cn-l-cn-°m≥ km[n-®m¬ \∂v F∂mWv PUvPn-am¿ Dt±-in-®n-cn-°p-∂X - v. ChnsS Hcp-
`qcn-]£ hmZw ]m{Xn-b¿°okv hn`mKw F∂pw Db¿Øn-∏n-Sn-®ncp∂ `qcn-]-£-hm-Zhpw Cu hn[n-tbmsS A{]-k-‡am-bn. k`m-kz-Øp-°-fpsS apgp-h≥ DS-a-ÿ≥ ae-¶c k`-bm-Wv. hnizm-kn-Iƒ D]-t`m-‡m-°ƒ am{X-am-Wv. hnizm-kn-I-fpsS `qcn-]-£-a-\p-k-cn®v kzØp-°ƒ sIm≠p-t]m-Ip-hm≥ B¿°pw Ah-Im-ia - n-√. hnizm-knIƒ°v k` hn´p-t]m-Imw. Aßs\ t]mIp-∂h - ¿ `qcn]-£a - m-bm¬t]mepw Ah¿°v k`-bp-sS-tbm, ]≈n-bpsStbm Hcp-Xc - n- atÆm Fs¥-¶nepw km[-\tam FSpØp-sIm-≠p- t]m-Ip-hm≥ Ah-Im-ia - n-√. 1934 `c-WL - S-\-bm¬ `cn-°-s∏-Sp∂ Hcp- ]≈n as‰mcp hnizm-kØn-ep≈ ]≈n-bm°n am‰p-hm≥ s]mXp-tbmKw `qcn-]£-Øns‚ A`n-{]m-b-Øn¬ Xocp-am-\n-®m¬t]mepw AXp km[n-°b - n-√.
N¿®-I-fneqsS kam-[m-\-]-c-amb {]iv\ ]cn-lmcw hn[n-bpsS Ah-km\w sImSp-Øn-cn-°p∂ 28 \n¿t±i-߃ F√m I - m-cy-ßfpw Dƒs°m-≈p-∂p-≠v. AXn¬ Ah-km-\sØ \n¿t±iw (28-˛m-at- Ø-Xv) Nne sX‰n-≤mc-WI - ƒ°v CS-bm-°n-bn-´p-≠.v Ccp-hn-`m-Kß - fpw XΩn¬ Fs¥-¶nepw A`n-{]m-b-`n-∂-X-bp-s≠-¶n¬ AXv Hcp
hn-`mKw `c-W-L-S\ t]mepw AwKo-I-cn-°m≥ Xømdm-ImØ ÿnXnbn¬ Cu \n¿t±-i-Øns‚ {]k‡n \jvS-s∏-Sp-∂p. Ccp-hcpw tN¿∂v k`sb sh´n-ap-dn®v kam-[m\w D≠m-°p-∂X - n-s\-°p-dn®v Btem-Nn-°p-hm\√ ]d-™n-cn-°p-∂-Xv. F√m-hcpw 1934˛se `c-W-LS\ AwKo-Ic - n-°p-∂h - c - m-bn-Øo-cp-tºmƒ A`n-{]m-bh - yXym-kß - ƒ ]ns∂bpw \ne\n¬°p∂p F¶n¬ Ah ]cn-l-cn-°m-\mbn N¿®-bm-Imw. BZysØ 27 \n¿t±i-߃ A\p-k-cn-°p-∂-h¿°p-th-≠n-bmWv 28˛mw \n¿t±iw \¬In-bn-cn-°p-∂X - v.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
]m{Xn-b¿°okv hn`mKw Ime-ßf - mbn D∂-bn-®p-sIm≠n-cn-°p∂ hmZ-߃s°m∂pw \nbakm[p-Xb - n-s√∂v kwi-b-sat\y sXfn-™n-cn-°p-∂p. F∂n´pw kam-[m\-ambn {]iv\ß - ƒ ]cn-lc - n®p t]mIWw F∂ Hcmlzm\w Ah-cpsS ]£-Øp-\n∂pw D≠m-bn-´n-√. bp≤Øn-\p≈ tKmKzm-hn-fn-If - mWv Ah-cpsS {]kw-Kß - f - nse√mw \nd™p \n¬°p-∂-Xv. kp{]owtImS-Xn -hn[n ]pdw-hm-Xn-en-eqsS kºm-Zn-®-Xm-sW-∂pw, PUvPn-am¿ ]£-]mXw ImWn-®p- F-∂pw, Xß-fpsS Ah-Im-iß - ƒ tImSXn ewLn-®p- F-∂p-sa√mw ]d™v P\sØ Cf°n-hn-Sp-hm≥ am{X-amWv Ah¿ {ian-®p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p∂-X.v bYm¿∞ hnizm-kØ - n-te-°p≈ hnizm-kn-If - psS Hgp°p XS-bm-\pw, tIkns‚ t]cn¬ ]W-]n-cnhv \SØm\pw F√mw Cu X{¥-߃ {]tbm-P\ - s - ∏-t´-°mw. tImS-Xn-hn[n {]Xn-Iq-e-sa∂p a\- n-em-b-t∏mƒ AXn-s\-Xn-cmbn {]Xn-I-cn-°p-hm-\p≈ \o°-amWv Ct∏mƒ \S-∂p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p-∂-Xv. kp{]ow tImS-Xn-bnse Nne- P-UvPn-am¿ Nne {]iv\߃ D∂-bn® ]›m-Ø-e-Øn¬ kp{]ow tImS-Xn-bn¬ \n∂p-≠m-Ip∂ F√m hn[n-Ifpw hymP-amWv F∂pw- a‰pw Btcm-]n-°p-∂Xv tImSXn Ae-£y-am-sW∂v a\- n-em-°m-sXbmtWm Ah¿ Ae-dn-hn-fn-°p-∂Xv? 1995˛¬ kp{]ow tImS-Xn-bn¬ tIkp \S-°p-tºmƒ, Cu tIkv tImS-Xn-°p-]p-dØv a≤y-ÿ-∑mcpsS t\Xr-Xz-Øn¬ Xo¿°-cptXm F∂v tImSXn tNmZn--®X - m-W.v A∂v R߃°v tImSXnsb ]q¿Æ-hn-izm-k-am-Wv, a≤y-ÿ-∑m¿ Bh-iy-an√ F∂p- k-Ω-Xn®p ]d-™-h¿ Xs∂ C∂v hm°v am‰n-]-d-bp-∂p. ]m{Xnb¿°okv hn`m-KØ - ns‚ {]h¿Ø\ Ncn{Xw t\m°n-bm¬ Xs∂ Cu hm°p hyXym-k-amWv AhcpsS {][m\ {]iv\-sa∂p a\- n-em-Ipw. 1958˛¬ Nne hyh-ÿI - ƒ kΩ-Xn®v kam-[m-\a - p-≠m-°n. 1970 Bbt∏mƒ hyhÿ-I-sf√mw ewLn-®p. AXn-\p-ti-jhpw Hmtcm {]iv\w hcp-tºmgpw hyh-ÿI - f - psS ASn-ÿm- \- Ø n¬ HØp- X o¿∏p- I ƒ D≠m- ° pw, Ah- c psS Bhiyw \S∂p Ign-bp-tºmƒ hyh-ÿ-Iƒ ewLn°pw. F∂n-´n-t∏mƒ a≤y-ÿ-∑m-cpsS t\Xr-Xz-Øn¬ HØp-Xo¿∏p-≠m-°-W-sa∂p ]d-bp-∂p. HØp-Xo¿∏v Ah¿°-\p-Iq-e-am-sW-¶n¬ kΩ-Xn-t®-°mw. {]XnIqe-am-Ip-tºmƒ kΩ-Xn-°p-sa∂v hniz-kn-°m≥ {]bmkw, ap≥Ime Ncn{Xw AXmWv sXfn-bn-°p-∂-Xv. tImS-Xnhn-[n-I-fm-sW-¶nepw X߃°v A\p-Iq-e-am-Ip-tºmƒ AXp \S-∏m-°m≥ hy{KX ImWn-°p-∂p-≠-t√m. GXm\pw h¿j-߃ apºv D≠mb ]pØ≥Ip-cniv
]≈n-bpsS hn[n AXn-\p-Øa DZm-lc - W-am-Wv.
\nbaw \S-∏m-°p-∂Xv ssItø-‰tam? ae-¶c k` Bscbpw k`bv°p ]pdØm-°m≥ B{K-ln-°p-∂n-√. A\-[n-Ir-Xa - mbn Hcp- ]-≈nbpw ssItø-dm≥ {ian-®n-´n-√. Bcp-sSbpw BfloI Bh-iy-߃ XS-bp-∂p-an-√. ih-kw-kv°mc ip{iq-j-bvt°m, skan-tØ-cn-bn¬ {]m¿∞\ \S-Øp∂-Xnt\m XS w krjvSn-°p-∂n-√. ]t£, \nb-a-]-cambn Ah-Im-i-ap-≈- ]p-tcm-ln-X\p am{Xta ]≈n-Ifn¬ I¿Ω-߃ \S-Øp-hm≥ A[n-Im-chpw Ah-Im-ihp-ap-≈p. \nbaw \S-∏m-°p-∂Xv Fßs\ ssItø‰-amIpw. kp{]ow-tIm-SXn hn[n-aqew k`bv°p kn≤n® ]≈n-I-fpsS \nb-{¥Ww Gs‰-Sp-°p-I -am-{XamWv Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv k` sNøp-∂X - .v B tZhm-eb - ß - f - n¬ Hmtcm-cp-Ø¿°pw CjvS-ap≈ Im¿Ωn-Is\ sIm≠p-
h∂v I¿Ω-߃ A\p-jT v n-°p-hm≥ A\p-hZ- n-°W - s - a∂ hmZw AwKo-Ic - n-°m-\mhn-√. Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv k`bv°p kn≤n® F{Xtbm ]≈n-If - n¬ adp-`m-KØv \n∂n-cp∂ hnizm-kn-I-fpsS ih-kw-kv°mcw, bYm¿∞- hn-Im-cnam¿ \S-Øp-∂p. Bflo-Im-hi - y-߃°v XS w krjvSn°p∂p F∂Xv P\hnIm- c - ß sf Cf- ° n- hn- S phm≥th≠n ]d-™p-]-c-Øp∂ Inwh-Z¥n-Iƒ am{Xam-Wv. \nb-a] - c - a - mbn X߃°v bmsXmcp \ne-\n¬∏pan√, Hcp hyXykvX kaq-la - mbn \n-∂m¬ ae-¶c k`bpsS kzØn-t∑¬ X߃°v bmsXm-c[ - n-Im-chpw e`n°-bp-an√ F∂o kXy߃ ]m{Xn-b¿°okv hn`mKw Dƒs°m≠v, kXy-Øn\pw \oXn°pw th≠n \nesIm≈m≥ Xøm-dm-bm¬ ae-¶c k`-bn¬ kam-[m\w ÿm]n-Xa - m-Ipw, A√m-Ø] - £w Cu k`sb ho≠pw Hcp bp≤-°f - a - m-°mw.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
sImebmfn A
F¬tZm F. sI. c≠mw h¿jw
Sn-aØw ioen® temI-Øn¬ BcmWv Fs‚ D≈n¬ hnπ-h-Øns‚ hnØv ]mIn-b-sX∂v Adn-bn√ thZ-ß-fn¬ D-cp-hmb Rm≥ se\ns\ I≠n-´n-√. am¿-Ivkns\ FXn¿Øn-cp-∂p. {]Xybimkv{XsØ Is√-dn™p kn≤m-¥-߃ Fs‚ ap∂n¬ sIm™\w IpØn-bn-t´-bp-≈p. A[n-Im-cn-I-fpsS Xtem-S¬ B{K-ln® F\n°v hnπhw thZ-\-bm-Wv. {InkvXp-hns\ Im-Wm≥ Cdßn Xncn® Rm≥ hnπ-hsØ Ipgn®p aqSn ASnabmI-W-sa∂v ""]Tn-∏n°p∂ ]ptcm-lnX h¿§-sØ-°mƒ'' F\n-°n-t∏mƒ {InkvXp-hns\ sIm∂ PqX-∑m-sc-bm-Wn„w ImcWw Ah¿ ]c-ky-ambn {InkvXp-hns\ sIm∂p AXp-sIm≠v {InkvXp Pohn-®p. Ct∏mƒ cl-ky-ambn {InkvXp-hns\ sIm√p-∂p. Aßs\ {InkvXp acn-°p-∂p. AsX Rm\pw sIme-bm-fn. kvt\lsØ sIm∂ sIme-bm-fn.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Fr. Dr. Jacob Mathew Karichal
Introduction Words are useful communicative part of any sentence with meaning. Sometimes such are effective by itself without the support of any other word of its kind. A single letter word like ‘O’ [Oh] or a double letter word like ‘go’ are very much rich with meaning. Some of the leaders (who are known to many), homemakers, teachers or persons from any walks of life can be good communicators with effective use of apt words. Here we consider the possibly new adaptation of a word which came to its influential usage in 2017- it is nothing but ‘youthquake.’ The word “YOUTHQUAKE” came to be accepted as the word of the year (2017) as announced by Oxford Dictionaries. The word is a blend of two words, ‘youth’ & ‘earthquake.’ It implies that youths are powerful enough to influence the movement affirmations in future too. To quote, the word ‘YOUTHQUAKE’ implies, “a significant cultural, political or social change arising from the actions or influence of young people.”
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New Mutations for ‘youthquake’ It is interesting to note that the word ‘youthquake’ was coined and introduced to the literary world in the 1960’s by the British fashion journalist Diana Vreeland, editor in charge of fashion magazine VOGUE. The first recorded usage of the word is from January 1965 edition of the magazine, describing the upsurge of youth culture in London that occurred in the 1960’s especially as reflected in the changing fashion of the period. Then the word intended to speak out that the British youth had cultural
impact on the world through their influence on fashion, music and food culture. This is true in the sense even though that period in history marked certain economic setbacks in the production and agricultural sector in India, the 1960’s showed the resurgence of influence of youth on world fashion and music. The influence of the Youth were like an earthquake, all comprehensive in nature. It the second decade of 21st century, the word ‘youthquake’ was greatly used in the literary communications. Compared to the early part of this decade and in the previous year, the word saw tremendous increase in usage. Compared to 2016 there occurred threefold increase in
usage of the word ‘youthquake’ in 2017. It was greatly used in the British context to acknowledge the tremendous mobilization of young voters in favor of opposition parties. It was the time of general election in the UK, when its Prime Minister THERESA MAY as leader of the Conservation Party began election campaign in April 18, 2017. The word which was in use to note down the influence of British youth on the world of fashion underwent a new mutation to identify the comprehensive influence of the young people in the democratic set up. There came up an increased engagement of young people in politics-noticed both by the politicians and by the Press, during the country’s general election. The word enjoyed increased and sustained usage both prior to and after polling, setting ‘youthquake’ firmly on its way to become a fixture of political discourse. India & ‘Youthquake’ The Indian scenario also had experienced certain of the ‘youth quake influence’ at the realm of democracy in the previous year. Those occurred at the context of ban on ‘Jallikattu’ as toppled by the youth across the state of Tamilnadu and beyond. The government authorities, both at the state and at the union level, followed by the judiciary were in tune with the implementation of ban which was toppled with the effective intervention of the youth. The election results in Gujarat (2017) also showed an effective ‘youthquake.’ YOUTHQUAKE and the Social Media Use of the word as it is experienced in the case of youthquake has a widespread influence through the figuring out in the social media. It is natural with the opening in the social media,
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any cause, word, issue or person could powerfully by figured out or figured in for the better or for the worse. The net effect and waves of any new involvement is seen in the youth rejecting or endorsing certain values. In most of the cases it is noted as the youth rejecting the traditional value expressions of their parents, elders or teachers. This also gets reflected in cajoling or simply parading out the age old associations of peoples, groups or nations as it is found in the Brexit issue from Britain. Referendum for Brexit Similar to the upcoming of youthquake, the word ‘brexit’ also got significantly figured out in the recent past. In a nationwide referendum held in June 2016, a majority of British citizens voted for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union. Note that it was the bloc of nations the Britain have joined in 1973. When the exit of Britain from the European Union (BREXIT) was referended, the Prime Minister David Cameron who led the campaign to stay in the European Union resigned. This naturally got reflected in the nose-diving of financial market and many eyebrows were raised. The dramatic decision for Brexit was the result of the thinking shared by many Britains that, the European Union was expensive and a source of uncontrolled immigration. When they chose for it the association of Britain with a bloc of nations for five decades was simply opted out as ‘out of touch’ and impractical. Relevance and Conclusion Words have significant influential period of its own as reflected with the meaningful placement of words like ‘Brexit,’ ‘Youthquake’ etc. Words finding space in the pages of dictionaries might remain in dormant stage for years or decades but might find some space as it happened with the word ‘youthquake’ in 2017
and ‘Brexit’ in 2016. ‘Perestorica’ and ‘glasnost’ from the context of Russia also remained in the winds and waves for some time. All those pointed to some kind of value expression, rejection or association of its kind. Any vocation and defining of life categories might become subsequent part of it. Language or diction being brought to the fore and enjoying increased and sustained usage definitely reflect the categories and placements in societies &
families, and deserve attention and reflection. This needs to be kept in foreground that when youthquakes are attended to by the concerned leaders in the democratic set up, its possibilities, capabilities and the range to muster forces for the good or for the worse to be closely watched. Otherwise the leaders in the immediate context and the society in the long run will be fooled and harmed. This will demand much of the positive energy for the detrimental causes and effects. Any how the youthquake is the word of the year and it rules not only now but in future too with its wide ranging influences and effects.
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t{]bvk¨ ‰n. tPm¨k¨ c≠mw h¿jw DEEPTHI 2018
Xpd-∂n´ Pme-I-ß-fn-eqsS at\m-l-c-amb B apdn-bn-tebv°v kqcy {]Imiw Du¿∂n-d-ßn. thZ\ kln®v sRcp-ßn-sIm≠v Abmƒ Xncn-™pIn-S∂ - p. “\nßsf _p≤n-ap-´n-°p-∂-Xn¬ £an-°Ww.” BK-X≥ ]d™p. “kmc-an-√... Fs∂ ImWm≥ h∂-Xt√?” “Cu t^mt´m-bn¬ ImWp∂Xv?...” `nØn-bn¬ Xq°n-bn-´n-cn°p∂ hne IqSnb s{^bnw sNbvX t^mt´m-bn-tebv°v hnc¬Nq≠n-s°m≠v BKX≥ tNmZn®p. {]⁄-b-‰v InS-∂n-cp∂ B hy‡n-bpsS apJØp t\cnb aμlm-khpw {]Xym-ibpw hnS¿∂p. “AsXs‚ `mcybpw... aI\pw.. ]ns∂ Rm\pw..” BK-X-s\m∂p Aa¿Øn aqfn. F∂n-s´mcp NS-sß-t∂mWw tNmZn-®p. “Ct∏mƒ Fß-s\-bp≠v? thZ\ Ipd-hpt≠m?” Abmf-Xn-s\mcp adp-]-Snbpw sImSpØn-√. Fs¥ms°tbm Hm¿sØ-Sp°m≥ {ian-®p. As∂mcp Rmb-dm-gv®-bm-bn-cp-∂p. ]Xn-hp-’m-l-tØmsS kqcy≥ A∂pw DZn-®p. ]mc-º-cy-ambn ]I¿∂p In´nb _nkn\ pw, dnb¬ FtÃ-‰ns‚ CS-]m-Sp-ambn Xm\n-°¬ Xdhm-´nse ]tc-X-\mb Ip©mt°mbpsS GI k¥Xn Ipcn-b-®≥ Xs‚ Xnc°p ]nSn® Pohn-XØ - n¬ hn{iaw Is≠-Øp-∂Xv Rmb-dmgv®
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Znh-k-ß-fn-emWv. At∂ Znhkw Ipcn-b-®\p Hcp H‰aqen-bpap≠v (CXpw ]mc-ºc - y-ambn e`n-®X - m). AXp cmhnse Xs∂ XpSßpw. BZyw •m n-tebv°v ct≠m aqt∂m sFkvIyq_v CSpw, ]ns∂ Aev]w \mc-ß\ - ocv, s\SpsI Iodnb ]®-ap-f-Iv. B Iq´n-tebv°v Aev]mev]-ambn thmUvK (sh-dpsX H∂pa√ CXn\p 200% GST tN¿Ømepw Ipcn-b-®\p ]p√p-hn-etb D≈q.) BZysØ •mkv H‰h-en°p IpSn-t®-°-Ww. AXn\p AI-º-Sn-bmbn \∂mbn sImØnb-cn™ _o^v tdmÃpw IqsS t]mtdm-´bpw. AXßv D≈n¬ sN√ptºm-gp-≠t√m Ipcn-bm-®\ - ßp ]d-∂p-bc - pw. AhnsS Hmbm-dn¬ ]Xn-bn-cn-°p∂ kmØms‚ k¥-Xn-Ifp-ambn Hcp Nßm-Øw. ]ns∂ kz¿§-sØbpw `qansbbpw ]√n- f n®p Nncn- ° pw. ]ns∂ Xmtgm´v ""Tt∏∂v'' Hcp hogvN! Cu NSßv Ah-km-\n-°-W-sa¶n¬ kqcy≥ Ing°p \n∂ßv ]Sn-™m-tdm-t´bv°v FØ-Ww. BZy s]§v IpSn-°p-tºm-tgbv°pw Xs‚ {]nb-X-a-bpsS t^m¨ tImƒ hcpw. C®m-bm, C∂p Rmb-dm-gv®-bm, ]≈n-bn¬ Ip¿∫m-\bv°v IqS-Ww. R߃°p-th≠n {]m¿∞n-°-Ww. C-hnsSsbm∂pw ]≈n-bn¬ t]mIm≥ ]‰p-tI-e. Ah-fm-sW-¶n¬ CdmJn-em. \gvkm-Wv. t]mI-≠m∂p ]d-™-Xm. ChnsS ]W-Øn\p B¿°m _p≤n-ap-´v, tIƒ°p-tI-e. aI≥ tP¿W-enkw ]Tn-°p-I-bm-Wv. Xm\nXm Xs‚ ]nXr-\K-cØ - n¬, ssZh-Øns‚ kz¥w \m´n¬ hnl-cn®p \S°p-∂p. Xnc-°-√n-tbm. CsXm∂pw hnt´®p t]mIm≥ ]‰-Øn-√. Ipcn-b-®\p ]ns∂, ]≈n-bn¬ t]mIp∂ Zp»oew H∂pap-≠m-bn-cp-∂n-√. Bdp Znhkw {]]©w krjvSn°m≥ \S∂ ssZh-Øn\p Ggmw Znhkw ]q¿Æ hn{iaw sImSp°Ww. Rm\Xnbm-s\bpw iey-s∏-SpØm≥ t]mIn-√, AXn-bm≥ Ctßm´pw hc-Øn-√. Ah\-h≥ Ah-cpsS tPmen-bßp sNbvXm¬ F√mw icnbm-hp-sa-∂mWv Ipcn-b-®s‚ `m£yw. Aßs\ KpaKpam∂v _o^v ASn®p tI‰ns°m≠ncn-°p-tºm-gm-Wv Ipcn-bm-®\p Hcp Z¿i-\a - p-≠m-bX - v. CXv Z¿i-\a - mtWm bmYm¿∞y-amtWm Fs∂m∂pw Ipcn-b® - \p Ct∏mgpw a\- n-em-bn-´n-√. kw`hw Ct{X D≈q. AXn-bm-\ß - s\ _o^v tdmÃv Ign-®p-sIm≠ncn-°p-tºmƒ Hcp]mSv \m¬°m-en-Iƒ Aßv Ib-dn-h∂ - p. F∂n-s´mcp tNmZyw: “\osbms° Rßsf sIm∂p Xn∂p-at√Sm... ”]ns∂ AXp-ßfv sXmgn-°m\pw, IpØm\pw XpS-ßn. Rßsf F{X thtWepw sImt∂mfp F∂p Ccp-Im-en-bmb, Bcpw ]n¥m-ßm-\n-√mØ, ]m¿iz-h¬°-cn-°-s∏´ tImgn am{Xw sIm°ns°m≠v, kl-Xm-]t- ØmsS Cu cwKw t\m°n \n∂p. Ipcn-b® - \p Ipd®p Ime-tØbv°v
Hm¿Ω-sbm∂pw C√m-bn-cp-∂p. Hcp]mSp Xp∂n-s°-´-ep-I-fp-≠v. ico-c-Øns‚ Hcp `mKw Xf¿∂pw t]mbn. F¥m-bmepw Ct∏mgpw Poh-\p-≠.v Pohn-XØ - nse Nne kw`-h-߃ anYy-bmtWm, bmYm¿∞y-amtWm -F∂v t_m[y-am-Im≥ kabw Ipsd FSp°pw. Nne-t∏mƒ Xncn®pw kw`-hn-°pw. CXn-t∏mƒ \S-∂n´v Ipd®p h¿j-ßf - m-bn. AXn-\n-
S-bn¬ Fs¥ms° kw`-hn-®p! Ipcn-b-®\p Cubn-Sbv°mWv t_m[w sXfn-™X - .v Bcpw Xt∂mSp t\cn´p ]d-™n-s√-¶nepw Nne s]mcpØt°Sp-Iƒ Ipcn-b® - \p tXm∂p-∂p-≠v. Xs‚ `mcy tPmen sNøp∂ tlmkv]n‰¬ Ct∏mƒ Xo{h-hm-Zn-I-fpsS \nb-{¥-W-Øn-em-sWt∂m, tP¿W- e n- à mb aI≥ sIm√s∏- s ´- t ∂m...
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bmYm¿∞yw Xncn-®d-- n-bm-\p≈ {XmWn X\n-°n-t∏mƒ C√. GIm-¥-X-bpsS ]cn-lm-kØ - n¬ Xf¿∂v, Xs‚ {]nb-s∏´-h-cpsS Xnc-kv°-c-W-ß-fn¬ tJZn®v Ipcn-bm-®≥ hne-]n-®p. “Xs‚ IY alm Zpc-¥a - m-Wt√m tUm!” BK-X≥ ]d-™p. “Xm\nXphsc t]mbnt√?” Abmƒ Xs‚ BtemN-\-I-fn¬ \n∂pw s]s´∂v ap‡-\mbn. Ipcn-bm-®≥ XpS¿∂p ]d-™p. “F{X kt¥m-j-tØmsS Pohn® hy‡nbm Rm≥...” “Zpcn-Xßfpw kt¥m-j-ßfpw ssZhw Xcp-∂-Xm. CXn-t\mSv anXXzw ]men-°m≥ {]m¿∞\ ioew thWw, a‰p-≈h - ¿°v Fs¥-¶nepw \√-Xp sNø-Ww.” BK-X≥ ]d-™p. Ipcn-b® - ≥ ho≠pw sNdn-sbmcp ab°-Øn¬ hoWp. \n{Z shSn-™t- ∏mƒ BK-X≥ t]mbncn-°p-∂p. At∏m-gmWv Ipcn-b-®s‚ D‰-an-{X-amb tPmkv Ib-dn-h-∂-Xv. Ahs‚ H°Øp aq∂p-h-b p-°m-cn-bmb aI-fp-ap-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. Ahƒ Xs‚ ssIøn-ep≈ Hcp se≥kn-eqsS Hcp IÆp s]mØn∏n-Sn®v at‰ IÆn-eqsS Ipcn-bm-®s\ t\m°n. B A¶n-fXm XSn-®p-No¿Øn-cn-°p∂p! se≥kv IÆn¬ \n∂pw Zqc-tØ°p am‰n ]nSn-°p-t¥mdpw Ipcn-b®≥ sNdp-Xmbn h∂p. Hcp s]m´p-t]mse! Ahƒ \njv°f - ¶ - a - mbn s]m´n-Nn-cn-®p. tPmkv Ahsf hne°n. hyXykvX Ah-ÿ-I-fn-eqsS IS-∂p-t]m-Ip∂ Pohn-Xw. Nne-t∏mƒ \mw s{^bn-an¬ \nd™p \n¬°pw, As√-¶n¬ Hcp s]m´p-t]mse sNdp-Xmbn, sNdp-Xm-bn... Bcpw ImWmsX ad-™n-cn-°s∏-Spw. AsXm∂pw Hcp Pohn-Xta A√m-Xm-bnØocpw!
“H‰bv°n-cp∂p t_md-Snt®m?” tPmkv tNmZn®p “Rm\-Xns\ H‰bv°-√m-bn-cp-∂p. ChnsS Btcm D≠m-bn-cp-∂p.” “Rm\nt{Xw t\cw ]pd-Øp-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. ChnsS Bcpw h∂n-´n-√. X\n°p tXm∂n-bX - m. Xms\m∂p InS∂p-dßv F√m icn-bmIpw.” tPmkv ]d-™p. “tXm∂n-bX - mIpw” Xm∂n-t∏mƒ Nne s]mcpØ-t°Sp-If - psS temI-ØmWv. Xs‚ kz]v\Ø - n-se-hn-sStbm Xs‚ aI≥ {]Xy-£-s∏-´p. “Rm≥ cmPy-t{Zm-ln-bm-tWm, Ah¿ Fs∂ NXn®-Xm...” ]ns∂bnXm `mcy hcp-∂p, “C®mbm ]≈nbn¬ t]mtbm? R߃°p-th≠n {]m¿∞nt®m?” Ipcnb-®≥ InS∂p hnb¿°p-Ib - m-Wv. {]m¿∞n-°Ww, \∑ sNø-Ww. A]-cn-Nn-X-\mb BK-X\pw kz]v\-Øn-\p≈n¬ Bth-Kß - ƒ krjvSn°p-Ib - m-Wv. Hcn°¬ am\hpw icochpw Cc-bm-°-s∏´ Hcp kv{Xo ac-W-tØmSv a√n´v InS-°p-I-bm-bn-cp∂p hgnbn¬. Ahƒ°v Xm≥ amc-\m-bnt√! C\n-sb-¥p thWw Pohn-X-Øn¬ kpIr-Xw. Ahfpw aI\pw C∂p AcnI-Øn-√. Abmƒ Bflm¿∞-ambn {]m¿∞n®p “ssZhta...” Abmƒ P\m-e-bv°-cn-In-te°p \oßn InS-∂p. ]pdØp ag tImcn sNmcnbp-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p. B ag \\™psIm≠v A]-cn-Nn-X-\mb BK-X≥ t]mIp-Ibm-Wv. ]pdsI Hcp]mSv A`-bm¿∞n-I-fp-ap-≠v. InS∏mSw \jvSs - ∏-´h - ¿, am\w \jvSs - ∏´-h¿ cmPy-t{Zm-lnIƒ... Aßs\ Aßs\, Ah-cpsS ]pd-In-eXm Xs‚ `mcybpw aI\pw.. Ahƒ Dds° hnfn®p “C®m-bm, hm t]mImw.” anYybpw bmYm¿∞yhpw H∂mbn XocpI-bm-Wv. Rm\pw Hcp “A`-bm¿∞n” Im‰Øv NnXdn hogp∂ ag-Øp-≈n-Iƒ Ipcn-b® - s‚ A[-cß - f - n-te°v C‰n‰p hoWp.
"Blessed is he who was not born, or he who was born and died. But we, the living, woe to us because we have seen those affiction of Zion, and that which has be fallen Jerusalem". (2 Baruch 10:6-7) #pray_for_syria
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O As the field has made more advancement, more controversial and complex questions also increased.
Fr. Dr. Shaji P. John
ver past four decades the discipline of “bio-ethics” has made extraordinary advances. It is a field with rich controversial moral questions and issues. Multiple forces have shaped the emergence of bioethics as a distinct field. One of the most important influences in this field has been the development of medical technology. Another force in shaping bioethics has been the emergence of moral pluralism, which admits a wide array of often conflicting moral perspectives. Some of the bioethicists have dated the beginning of the field, symbolically, to a 1962 story in Life magazine about a committee in Seattle with the duty to select among candidates for haemodialysis treatment. As the field has made more advancement, more controversial and complex questions also increased. While it is readily understood that bioethics is a primary concern to medical doctors, biologists, philosophers, and lawyers, it must also be made clear that of no less importance is the role of theologians in the consideration of topics arising with this discipline. The history of bioethics reveals that it is a field emerged from theological ethics, but moved very quickly away from theological language to language of philosophy and law. Yet today, many scholars in the field are looking for the ways to re-engage religious language and point of view. The term ‘ethics’ has its starting point in classical Greek thought. Etymologically it comes from the term “ethos” which is another spelling and interpretation of the term “Hthos”. Aristotle considers ethics to be the second branch of virtue,
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after “intellectual” virtue. He believes that it is “the result of habit, from which gets its name being a slight modification of the word ethos.” Ethics denotes man’s conduct, which is formed accordingly within time. Ethics is basically a descriptive discipline that evaluates human behaviour. It considers the cause and effects of our actions, and it lays the foundation on which we construct moral judgements. It raises question about what is good and bad, right and wrong, appropriate and inappropriate. And it helps us to understand our moral responsibilities and duties. Bioethics is an extension of this concern, one that concerns on bios, the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of human existence. Bioethics is usually described as a discipline that deals with the ethical implications of both biological research and the applications of that research, especially in medicine. It deals with matters such as new procreative technologies, status of human embryos, genetic engineering, contraception and abortion and also the matters such as definition of death, organ donation and care for terminally ill. Bioethical issues include not only the inception and close of our lives but also the various stages that marked our journey throughout our lifetime. For the Christians this means, they are to provide us with information and guidelines that will enable us to discern the will of God regarding the way our biological existence should come into being and how it is most appropriately to end. The development in the field of biotechnologies has both positive and negative consequences. On the one side it helps us to alter and modify the human life at its basic level. Recent scientific applications have made it also possible for human being to enhance their biological functioning by technological wizardry. The experiments with rats and monkeys have proved that brains and electronics can interact in such a way that an animal’s activity can be precisely directed by electrodes implanted in the pleasure centre of the brain. Neural implants have already proved that mute patients to communicate via computer and deaf persons to
hear. Similar devices will enable the paralyzed to regain use of their limps. On the other hand, today’s world is one that poses radically new and extraordinary difficult ethical dilemmas for all of us. Prodigious developments in the area of biomedical technology have raised new questions concerning such matters as procreation and
Scientific discoveries are raising questions that have become more pressing than ever in view of humanity’s newly acquired capacity to manipulate the very process of life itself and have consequences that can alter human behaviour.
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meaning of parenting, terminal life support and euthanasia, together with the burning issues of physician assisted suicides. Scientific discoveries are raising questions that have become more pressing than ever in view of humanity’s newly acquired capacity to manipulate the very process of life itself and have consequences that can alter human behaviour. This has led to a wide range
of questions from human cloning to the use of transgenic technology in agriculture for the production of genetically modified organisms. Embryonic stem cell is certainly one of the most controversial issues today. Such researches in the future make it possible to create organs and tissues, of which there is currently severe shortage. But the fact that these cells mainly come from human embryos and are being created for the sole purpose of facilitating
research, where the problem really is, and these developments open the way to production of “designer babies”. The ethical questions and challenges raised by these transformations are daunting. These will create a flood tide of moral deterioration that threatens to wash away our most cherished social, cultural and religious values. All these issues raise important theological questions for which no clear and undisputed answer is readily available. It is in this context, as Christian, we have to make a clear understanding about how to respond to these issues form the Christian perspective. The Orthodox theology believes that human beings are made in the image of God and his life is a gift from Him. Hence the foundation of orthodox bioethics is inseparably related with the orthodox anthropology. In orthodox understanding ethics is a derivative discipline which studies the practical living of the Orthodox Christian faith. The Orthodox develops their ethical norms and “do ethics” out of doctrinal, spiritual, and ecclesiastical teachings of the church. In other word any reflection on the ethical issues is based on the “acquiring the mind of the church”. Holy Scripture and traditions will not give us perfect answers to the questions concerning the use of specific, newly developed technologies. But they will provide us with the perspective - the mind of the church, shaped by Scripture and the whole of ecclesiastical tradition. To form that ecclesiastical mind we need to return to the sources of the faith, that is, returning to the foundational themes of Orthodox faith and anthropology. On the basis of these theological presuppositions Orthodox Christian ethics approaches the traditional themes of ethics such as the good, evil, sin, human moral capacities, freedom, conscience, moral law, the evangelical ethic, character, virtue, vice, duties, rights, moral formation, ethical decision-making, and the personal and social praxis of the ethical life.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Orthodox ethics, particularly bioethics that deals specifically with issue of life and death, is based on at least the following presuppositions. 1. God is sovereign over every aspect of human existence, from conception to death and beyond. That is why Orthodox Christian rejects abortion on demand, euthanasia and any procedure that takes life into our hand. 2. The Holy Trinity - characterized by community and otherness, by essential unity and personal distinctiveness - should serve
as the model or icon of every human relationship. 3. Growth in the moral life is only possible insofar as we experience the eschatological tension of eternal life present in our midst. Christian ethics is essentially teleological - in the profoundly Biblical sense - which focuses on realizing the here and now of the beauty, truth and perfection of life in the Kingdom of God. These presuppositions or principles imply that health and wholeness have ultimate meaning only within the perspective of God’s eternal purpose, the divine economy to be fulfilled at the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ. The purpose of medical care, therefore, should serve not only the proximate goal of
restoring or improving bodily health but also strive to provide optimal conditions for the patient’s spiritual growth at every stage of life. It also matters that informed consent and patient’s right need to be evaluated in the light of Gospel’s teachings. It means that the ultimate meaning and value of life lie not in the mere preservation of biological existence, but in the total surrender of self to the loving sovereignty of God. Even though the modern medical technology is able to make wonders, but like any other human inventions they must be
subject to re-evaluation and judgment in the light of Holy Tradition. In conclusion, the orthodox understanding of bioethics is primarily a goal oriented vocation, rather than an application of rules. Orthodox ethics shows us what redeemed humanity and orient us in that direction. Even though many of the modern bioethical challenges are not envisioned during the formative periods of the teachings of the Church, but the perspectives or ‘the mind of the Church’ will help us to make the moral decision. In order properly to do ethics, especially bioethics, we need to be conversant with science and theology.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
hncn-bmØ sam´p-Iƒ
tXmakvv sNdn-bm≥ aq∂mw h¿jw
sam´v hncn-bm≥ Hcp Znh-kw-IqSn \msf IWn-bmWv Fs‚ hnjp-°Wn \msf s]cp-∂m-fmWv Fs‚ Dbn¿∏p-s]-cp-∂mƒ cm{Xn BImiw \ndsb \£-{X-am-bn-cp∂p sXmSn°p apºn¬ Rm≥ hen-sbmcp \£{Xw Xq°n hnZzm-∑m¿°v hgn-sX-‰-cp-Xt√m Ah-sc-ßm\pw sN∂v h√ ]q°-®-h-S-°m-c-t\mSpw hgn tNmZn-°m-\pw... Atøm htø hne-bn-tßm´v X∂v Rm≥ kz¥-am-°nb Fs‚ sNSn-bn¬ \msf ]qhv hncnbpw \nd-sa¥v? CX-sf{X? aWw ap√-tbm-ftam? I¨Ip-fn¿s° ImWWw Xtem-SWw Xmcm-´Ww ...................... t\cw ]pe¿∂Xv \nd-ß-fn-√mØ Hcp Nn{Xwt]mse sam´v hncn-™n√ sNSn hncn-™n√ sNSn Ib¿Øp ""]qhv Fs‚ Icn-b-dns\ _m[n°pw'' ag, a™v, th\¬ EXp-°ƒ IS-∂p-t]mbn sNSn°p hmin-Xs∂ hn´p-sIm-Sp-Øn√ ]I-c-am-hn-s√-∂-dn-™n´pw ZsØ-SpØp Hcp Ip´ πmÃn°v ]q°ƒ.
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]d-bmsX hø...! tPy
Uo. sPdn≥ tPm¿÷v sI. \memw h¿jw DEEPTHI 2018
jvT≥ F∂ hm°n\v {]mW-\p-Xpeyw A\p-Ps\ kvt\ln°p-∂-h≥ F∂v kz¥w Pohn-Xw-sIm≠v km£n® {ioPnØv F∂ tPyjvT-s\m∏w \n¬t°-≠Xv C∂ns‚ Bh-iy-am-Wv. AXv Xncn-®dn™v Cu tPyjvTt- \m-sSm∏w tN¿∂v \n∂p-sIm≠v Hcp ]pXnb BImihpw `qanbpw ]Sp-Øp-b¿Øn-bn-cn-°pIbmWv kaql am[ya Iq´mbvaI - ƒ. AtXm-sSm∏w F¥n-s\bpw t{Smfp∂ t{Smf-∑m¿°v Hcp ]pXnb am\w \¬Ip-hm\pw AXn-eqsS {ioPn-Øn\v \oXn-bpsS hmXn¬ Xpd°p-hm\pw P\-Iob {]t£m-`Ø - n\v km[n®p F∂p-≈Xv \Ωƒ I≠dn™ kXy-am-Wv. C∂v {ioPn-Øn-s\-t∏mse tIc-f-°cbpw kn._n.sF sb ImØn-cn-°p-I-bmWv hfsc {]Xo-£tbmsS. A¿ln-°p-∂h - \v A¿ln-°p-∂Xv \¬Ip-∂X - mWv \oXn F∂ AcntÃm-´n-ens‚ hm°p-Iƒ C∂v tIcf kaq-lsØ hmcn-∏p-W¿∂n-cn°p-∂p. 760 Znh-kß - t- fm-fa - mbn Hcp πIv Im¿tUm, A\p-bm-bn-It- fm, ap{Zm-hm-Iytam C√msX kz¥w ktlm-Z-cs‚ ac-W-Øns‚ DØ-chm-Zn-Isf \nb-a-Øn≥ ap∂n¬ sIm≠p-h-cp-hm≥ {ioPnØv F∂ 30 hb- p-Im-c≥ \S-Ønb H‰-bmƒ t]mcm´w tIc-fØ - nse {]_p≤-cmb s]mXp-P\w lrZ-b-th-Z-\-tbmS Gs‰-Sp-ØXv \oXn°v th≠nbm-Wv. {]ap-Jc - mb ]e hy‡n-Iƒ°pw \oXn Ae-¶m-ch - k - vXp-hm°n `c-Wm[n-Im-cn-Iƒ \n¿h-ln®p \¬In-bt- ∏mƒ {]ap-J\ - √ - m-ØX - ns‚ t]cn¬ \oXn \ntj-[n-°-s∏´v `c-W-in-em-tI-{μ-Øns‚ ap∂n¬ InS-t°≠n h∂-hs‚ t]cmWv s]mXp-P\w.
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\o BcmWv F∂ P\-Iob t\Xm-hns‚ tNmZyØn\v ""Rm≥ s]mXp-P-\-amWv km¿'' F∂p ]d™ kplrtØ \n߃ ]I¿∂p-X-∂Xv \jvS-s∏-Sp-Ønb s]mXp-P-\-Øns‚ am\-am-Wv. ss_ Z ]o∏nƒ, t^m¿ Z ]o∏nƒ, Hm^v Z ]o∏nƒ F∂ al-Ømb P\m-[n-]Xy- XXzw C∂v Im‰n¬ ]dØn AΩm-\-am-Sp∂ P\Iob t\Xm-°-∑m¿°p≈ adp-]SnbmWv P\-Iob {]t£m-`a - mbn \oXn°v th≠n Hcp-an®p Ah-t\m-sSm∏w \n∂ P\-°q-´w. P\-Iob Kh¨sa‚p-Iƒ, AXv \Ωƒ s]mXp-P\Øns‚ Ign-hp-tI-Sns‚ kvamc-I-in-e-Iƒ BIm-Xn-cn-°m≥ \Ωp°v Hcp-an®v \ne-\n-evt°-≠Xv XnI®pw A\n-hm-cy-am-Wv.
dmb {ioPnØv F∂ bphmhv C∂v F√m-h¿°pw Hcp \√ amXr-I-bm-Wv. AXp-sIm≠v Xs∂ {ioPnØv C∂v F√m-h¿°pw tN´\pw aI-\p-ambn amdn°-gn-™p. AXn\v Ah-t\m-sSm∏w \n∂ Ipd®v \∑ \nd™ a\- p-Iƒ D≠v. hn. thZ-]p-kvXI-Øn¬ ]£-hmX tcmKnsb {InkvXp-hns‚ ASp-°te°v sIm≠p-h∂v Ahs\ kuJy-Øn-te°v \bn®Xpw Ahs\ Xmßn-s°m-≠p-h∂ 4 t]cpsS hnizmkhpw \∑-bp-amWv F∂v hn. eqt°mkv Gh≥tKenÿm \sΩ ]Tn-∏n-°p-∂p-≠v. tIcf a\-km-£nsb thZ-\n-∏n® {ioPnØv F∂ bphm--hns‚ PohnXw apJy-
Ah-t\m-sSm∏w F∂ lmjv SmKp-ambn kaql am[ya- ß - f n¬ AWn- t N¿∂v \oXn°v th≠n ]pXnb Im¬hbv∏v \S-Ønb kaqlam[y-a I - q-´mbva XnI®pw A`n-\μ - \ - m¿l-amb DØ-ch - m-ZnXz \n¿h-lW - a - mWv \SØn-bn-cn-°p∂p F∂v ]d-bmsX hø. 6 C©v kv{Io\n¬ sXm´pw Xtem-Snbpw D≠p-d-ßp∂ bphX-e-ap-d F∂v ]cn-lk - n-®h - ¿°v Xe-XmgvØn \nevt°≠nh∂ Zn\-amWv 14˛01˛2018. AXn\v Ncn{Xw km£n...! hnπh ka-c-ß-fn-eqsS {]ÿm-\-߃ sI´n-s∏m-°n-b-h¿ \mWn®p Xe-XmgvØnb Znh-kw- IqSn-bm-bn-cp∂p P\phcn 14. kz¥w Btcm-Kyhpw {]mW\pw ktlm-Z-c\v \oXn-e-`n-°p-∂-Xn\v th≠n _en-b¿∏n-°p-hm≥ Xøm-
[mc hnjb-am°n Xo¿Ø-hsc kvacn-t°-≠Xpw amXrI-bm-t°-≠X - p-am-Wv. kzbw \nb-{¥n-°s - ∏´p Hcp ]m¿´n-bp-sSbpw ]n≥_e-an-√msX P\phcn 14\v ]mfbw c‡-km£n afi-]Øn¬ {ioPn-Øn\v \oXn e`n-°p-∂X - n\v th≠n AWn\n-c∂Xv bphm-°ƒ am{X-a-√ AΩ-am-cpw, A—-∑m-cpw, ktlm-Zc - n-amcpw AS-ßp∂ B_m-eh - r≤w hcp∂ P\k-aq-l-am-Wv. Hcp ]m¿´n dment°m {]I-S-\-Ønt\m CXp-hsc Cdßn ]cn-Nb - a - n-√mØ {]_p-≤c - mb s]mXpP\w hnfn® ap{Zm-hmIyw {it≤-b-amWv. ""kqN\ kqN\ kqN-\-am{Xw kqN\ I≠v ]Tn-®n-s√-¶n¬
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\nbaw R߃ ]Tn-∏n°pw Bcm ]d-bp-t∂-∂d - n-bmtam {ioPn-Øns‚ tN´-∑m¿'' {ioPnØns‚ tN´-∑mcpw tN®n-amcpw Hcp-an®v Hcp saømbn Cd-ßn-bt- ∏mƒ XI¿∂pt]m-bXpw hoWp-S-™Xpw BZ¿i-Øn¬ ]Sp-Øpb¿Ønb ]m¿´n aμn-cß - fpw P\-Iob t\Xm-°∑ - mcpw Bbn-cp-∂p. {ioPnØv Hcp tPyjvT≥ am{X-a√ B IpSpw-_Øns‚ AØmWn IqSn-bmb Hcp aI≥ IqSn-bmWv F∂ Xncn-®d - n-hpw, \msf F\nt°m \n߃t°m Cu \oXn-\n-tj[w D≠m-bm¬ t\m°n \n¬°m≥ km[n-
°n√ F∂p-ap≈ bph-X-e-ap-d-bpsS t_m[y-Øns‚ {]Xy£ {]Xn-tj-[-amWv \mw I≠-Xv. ChnsS aXtam, PmXn-tbm, cmjv{So-btam a\p-jys\ th¿Xn-cn-°p∂n-√. \oXn°v F¥v hnth-N\w...? ChnsS \sΩ F√mh-scbpw H∂n-∏n-°p-∂Xv a\p-jy-Xz-am-Wv. {ioPnØv ChnsS hos≠-Sp-Øn-cn-°p-∂Xv tIc-f° - c - b - psS {]XnI-c-W-ti-jn-bm-Wv. bmsXmcp {]tIm-]-\-tam, {]I-S\tam C√msX kzbw Xs‚ ico-csØ ]oUn-∏n®v Xm≥ thm´v sNbvXv hnP-bn-∏n® P\m-[n-]Xy `c-Wt- aem-f∑ - m-cp-sSbpw DtZym-Kÿhrμ-Øns‚bpw IÆp-Xpd-∏n-°p-hm≥ Hcp s]mXp-P-\-Øn\v ImØn-cn-t°≠n h∂Xv Xs‚ hne-s∏´ Pohn-XØ - ns‚ 760 ¬ ]cw Znhk-ß-fm-Wv. CXmWv s]mXp-P-\-Øn\v P\m-[n-]Xyw \¬Ip∂ ap≥K-W\ F¶n¬ H∂v CcpØn Nn¥n-t°≠n-bncn-°p∂p F∂v {ioPnØv Xs‚ Pohn-Xw-sIm≠v ]d-bmsX ]Tn-∏n-°p-∂p-≠v.
Ah≥ F\n°v ktlm-Zc - ≥ am{X-am-bn-cp-∂n√ Hcp \√ Iq´p-Im-c≥ IqSnbmbn-cp∂p F∂p≈ {ioPnØns‚ hnXp-º¬ Iq´p-Im-c≥ F∂ hm°n\v \¬Inb ÿm\w ktlm-Zc - t- \-°mƒ apI-fn-em-bn-cp-∂p. tcmKnbmb kz¥w AΩ F\n°v _m[y-X-bmWv F∂v ]d™v hoSn\v apI-fn¬ \n∂v X≈n-bn´v sIm∂ aIs‚ hm¿Ø hmbn-®-Xns‚ NqSp-am-dn-bn-´n-√. At∏m-gmWv ktlm-Z-c\v th≠n kz¥w {]mW≥ sImSp-°p-hm≥ Xøm-dmb tN´s\ I≠v tIc-fob kaqlw hnXp-ºnb-Xv. Cu c≠p a°fpw sshcp-≤y-XI - ƒ \nd™ Cu Ime-L-´-Øns‚ c≠p apJ-ß-fm-Wv. DØ-ch - m-ZnXz \n¿h-lW - Ø - ns‚, kvt\l-Øns‚, [m¿Ωn-I-X-bpsS, \oXn-bpsS, \oXn-]m-e\-Øns‚ hyXykvX Xe߃ ChnsS \ap°v ImWp-hm≥ km[n°pw. icnbpw sX‰pw Xncn-®dn™v \∑sb kzoI-cn-°phm\pw kXysØ a\- n-em°n hnfn-®p]- d - b p- h m- \ pap≈ B¿÷hw \Ωƒ \jvS-s∏-Sp-Øn-°qSm... kXy- Ø n\v th≠n \ne-sIm≠v Xe Xme- Ø n- e mbmepw ]n∑m-dmsX Poh≥ _en-Ig- n-®h - cm-Wv kv\m]-It- bml-∂m\pw kl-tZ-∑mcpw. AXp-t]mse Xs∂ kXy-Øn\v th≠n \nesIm≠v c‡-km-£nXzw hln-®-h-cpsS \m´n-emWv \mapw Pohn-°p-∂-Xv. {ioPnØv F∂ tN´-t\m-sSm∏w \n∂v \oXn-°p-th≠n t]mcm-Snb Cu Iq´m-bva-bpsS hnPbw hcpw Xe-ap-d°v Hcp ]mT-]p-kvX-I-am-bn-cn-°s´. kXy-sa∂v tXm∂p-∂X - ns\ ss[cy-]q¿Δw ]d-bphm\pw AXn\v ]n∂mse hcp∂ hna¿i-\-ßsf s\©p-hn-cn®v \s´-√p-\n-h¿Øn t\cn-Sm\pw \oXn°v th≠n \ne-sIm≠v P\m-[n-]Xyw ImØpkq£n-°phm\pw kmtlmZcy-tØmsS h¿Æ h¿§ PmXn-aX cmjv{Sob hnth-N\ - a - n-√msX a\p-jyXzw apdpsI ]nSn®v icn-°p-th≠n \ne-sIm-≈p-hm≥ \ap°v km[y-am-tI≠Xv Cu Ime-Øns‚ Bh-iy-I-X-bmWv. AXn\v {]ap-J-\-√mØ {ioPnØv F∂ tPyjvT-t\m-sSm∏w
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Simon Joy Third Year
ears, is probably the greatest gift of God. It encompasses and encapsulates all human emotions whether it is pain, sorrow, agony, joy, happiness etc. Tears, when they roll out of our gleaming eyes, caused by either witnessing pristine beauty, or pure joy or heart aching sorrow; they draw us closer to God; that is the power of tears. When we cast back our mind to the times of our grandparents and older generations, our minds would definitely play back the times, when they would sit in reverence in prayers, with tears rolling out uncontrollably. Those were the times of scarcity and not excess, hence tears were in surplus, hence they were spiritually rich, though poor materialistically. For us, ‘screen-agers’ of the modern times, it may be impossible to comprehend, how and why they wept. Therefore, my posting a view of the importance of tears may seem paradoxical, scandalous or simply unnecessary to many in our day. But remember we are all alive and blessed by their prayers, their tears. We have happily inherited their blessings and fortune; but what about tears? Tears not of pains, I do not wish
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pain for anyone, but how about tears of gratitude for what we have, tears of repentance – do we have them or have they dried up in our loveless barren hearts. TEARS OF COMPASSION I happened to hear of Pope Francis about shedding tears, which led me to nurture a longing to know about tears. He said, “All of us have felt joy, sadness and sorrow in our lives, but have we wept during the darkest moment? Have we had that gift of tears that prepare the eyes to look, to see the Lord?” “We, too, can ask the Lord for the gift of tears. It is a beautiful grace ... to weep praying for everything: for what is good, for our sins, for graces, for joy itself..... It prepares us to see Jesus.” Our grandparents, church fathers wept because of their hunger for ‘Christ’ – to see Him, to be like Him; aren’t we alien to this desire, to see Him, be like Him? Maybe, this has dried up our tears.
When do we shed a tear? It is when, our heart is pained. When is our heart pained? It is when, something we wanted to do or happen, does not happen. A young child wants milk, and when the child doesn’t get it – the child sheds tears. A young man wants to marry a lady of his choice and when that doesn’t happen – he sheds tears. A daughter wants her father always to be with her, when he passes away or when she leaves home with her man, she sheds tears. These are stages of a human cycle. But, for us, the so called hi-tech generation has forgotten, what ‘tears’ actually are. We are more preoccupied in pursuing happiness and pleasure. We have developed an attitude of ‘apathy’ of our surroundings, neighbors and in our own families. Whilst we weep for our blood brother; why can’t we shed a tear, when our brother on the street is suffering? We need to question our own conscience; aren’t we more engrossed in the ratrace of this world rather than the grace of God;
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aren’t we obsessed with modern marvels in technology and replaced a human touch with phone touch? We have compromised with the ‘grace’ for the riches of this world and in that attempt we have left our brothers lurking in the looming darkness of this world. The modern world teaches us not weep and not to be weak; but showing compassion is not being weak, it is being understanding. TEARS OF HOPE The psalmist says “You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book” (Psalm 56:8). True tears are always valued and it is never overlooked by God. As the gospel says’ Every hair of your head is numbered’ so is our tears. They are never overseen, forgotten or discarded by the almighty. Each and every single drop of tears is recorded in His book. God was never cold to the cry of the israelites, as it is seen in the conversation between God and Moses in the book of exodus-”I have observed the misery of my people who are in Egypt; I have heard their cry on account of their taskmasters. Indeed, I know their sufferings, (Exodus 3:7). And God takes special concern towards his nonchosen people too, like Hagar-an egyptian . When she was in great despair and wailing we see God consoling her saying ‘What troubles you, Hagar? Do not be afraid; for God has heard the voice of the boy where he is”(Genesis 21:17).Friends, no matter where you come from, which place you belong to God always ushers great hope even amidst great darkness. Our tears are always valued, they are counted , our prayers will never go unanswered. Tears should and must help us to sow, grow and reap in hope. In the movie Shawshank Redemption, one of the protaganists, Morgan Freeman(Andy) says to his fellow prisoner (Red): “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies”. Our tears would never die, they are full of hope and life. Tears….. let them flow….. let them roll down! TEARS OF REPENTANCE: A story goes like this: God said to one of His angels: ‘Go down to earth and bring back the most precious thing in the world.’ One angel brought a
drop of blood back from a person who had sacrificed his life to save another: God said, ‘Indeed, O Angel, this is precious in my sight, but it is not the most precious thing in the world.’ Another angel brought the last breath of a nurse who died from a dread disease she contracted in nursing others to health. God smiled at the angel and said, “Indeed, O Angel, sacrifice in behalf of others is very precious in my sight, but it is not the most precious thing in the world.’ Finally one angel brought a small vial containing the tear of a sinner who had repented and returned to God. God beamed upon the angel as He said: “Indeed, O Angel, you have brought me the most precious thing in the world the tear of repentance which opens the gates in heaven.” The same theme is reiterated by our Lord Jesus himself, “There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninetynine righteous people who have no need of repentance.” Christ also declared “Blessed are those who mourn”. Weeping or mourning is a spiritual gift and the fruit of true repentance according to the desert fathers. In the Christian East, the Greek word for such sorrow (repentance) is Penthos. It is not about being sad or depressed, but a Godly sorrow that took its foundation in the Gospels. It can be defined as “joyful sorrow”: a sorrow that arises from a broken and contrite heart, an inner sorrow for the sins that one has committed. However, such tears of compunction, the Fathers tell us, lead to a true and abiding joy. Remember the Psalms, where it says: ‘Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning’. Tears of compunction are a gift of God, the fruit of baptismal grace and the renewal of our baptism. St. John Climacus writes: “God in His love for mankind gave us tears. . . If God in His mercy had not granted to men this second baptism, then few indeed would be saved. . . When our soul departs from this life, we shall not be accused because we have not worked miracles . . . but we shall all certainly have to account to God because we have not wept unceasingly for our sins.” ‘Tears,’ writes St. John
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Chrysostom, ‘do not bring sorrow; they bring more joy than all the laughter of the world can gain for you.’ Another father is recorded to have said, “the Lord will not reproach us for not having worked miracles, nor for not having understood the mysteries [of the sacraments], nor for not having possessed the eloquence of the ancients nor theology. But he will judge us for not having lived with tears and lamentations all the days of our lives because of our sins-yes, for this he will reproach us.”
Shedding tears also brings humility in one’s life. ‘As the earth, long awaiting moistening and at last receiving it in abundance, suddenly is covered by tender and bright greenery, so also the heart, exhausted by dryness, and afterwards revived by tears, emits from itself a multitude of spiritual thoughts and feelings, adorned by the common flower of humility’. (Bishop Ignaty Brianchaninov, ‘On Tears’-Orthodox Life) Having an attitude of sorrow (not gloomy or depressed) was supposed to be a way of life, not just a response to wrongs done in the past. Keeping a catalog of sins could actually act as a distraction to fighting the fight in the present moment. The world says, repent and move on,
but keep on repenting should be our Christian mantra. After going through all the above said facts, one question is still left unanswered? When was the last time we wept for others or for our sins? Is the suffering of my fellow brethren or the grave sins committed by me making any difference in my life? Have our eyes completely dried up? Our prayers doesn’t change God, it should change us. Do we find any change? Shedding a tear is just a beginning of greater things. Tears will give you renewed strength and show you way; tears cleans you from inside and lightens your burden. Tears at a funeral shows compassion; tears when you fail shows your pain and prepares you for success. Jesus Christ wept seeing Lazarus in the tomb; and then he was raised from death. Peter wept after denying Christ; and then on him our Lord built the Church. Our tears will renew us, strengthen us, deliver us from our sins and make us humane in this insane world. As a true Christian we cannot overlook the tears of Christ, it should evoke some kind of response from our part. And one could understand the cross completely when (s)he bows down, kneels down and sheds tears. If Christ slept, to bless our sleep, if he suffered to bless our sufferings and if he cried to bless our tears, then these tears are a gift, a blessing and ‘grace’ of God. For tears to roll, we need to repent, have empathy, be compassionate, understand pain. Tears will not make you weak, it will not take you to defeat, it will transform you, bring you closer to the creator and creation. And so, ‘Tears’……..let them flow……..let them roll down. Remember, ‘Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting,’ (Psalms 126:5)
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Acp-hn-bpsS Ae-Iƒ Ah≥ kwkm-cn-®Xv D]-a-I-fn-eq-sS-bm-bn-cp-∂p. Hmtcm D]-a-Ifpw kΩmkaq-l-sØbpw hyh-ÿn-Xn-tbbpw tNmZy-ßf- m¬ ]cn-lk - n-°p-Ib - mWv Acp-hn. hy‡n kzmX-{¥ysØ \n¿Æ-bn-°p-∂Xv Bcm-sW∂v Adn-bm≥ kzbw tlman®v sIm≠p≈ At\z-jW - w.
sPdn≥ tPm¨k¨ H∂mw h¿jw
\n-®Xv lrZ-b-]-e-I-bn¬ hcbv°-s∏´ Nn{X-ßfpw; AXpw ambv°p-hm≥ Ignbm-Ø-h. hm°p-I-fpsS h¿Æ-߃°-∏p--d-Øv, a\- n¬ tImdn-bn-´v, A-Xn-eqsS {]h¿Øn-Isf GtIm-]n-∏n-°p-hm≥ Ah\v Ign-bp-∂p-≠v. ImcWw km[mcW a\p-jy\v Akm-[m-c-W-amb shfn®w ]I-cp-hm≥ ]Tn-∏n-°p∂ Xe-amW-Xv. Acphn F∂ Nn{X-Øn\pw Cu Akm-[m-c-Wo-I-X-bp-≠v. ss{IkvXh am\-ho-I-X-bpsS thZ-im-kv{X-Øn¬ \nd-am-Sp∂ Icp-X-epw, km¥z-\-hpw, IcpWbpw, tN¿Øp-]n-Sn-°epw F√mw "Acphn'bnepw \ng-en´v \n¬°p-∂p. \qX\ kn\n-a-Iƒ Bkzm-Z-\-X-e-ß-fn¬ am{Xw HXp-ßn-\n¬°p-tºmƒ, Acphn Bkzm-Z-\tØ-°mƒ Nn¥-I-fpw, thZ-\-bpw, am\p-jnI aqey-ß-sf-∏-‰n-bp≈ t_m[y-ßfpw \¬Ip∂ A\p-`-h-am-Wv, ]®-bmb Pohn-X-Ønse A\p-`hw. im¥- a mbn HgpIn CSbv ° v FØp∂ Nm¬°q- ´ - Ø n¬ X´n cu{Z- ` mhw ssIs°m-≠v, Xs‚ e£y-ÿm-\-Øn¬ FØn-t®-cp-∂-hƒ. Acphn F∂ s]¨Ip-´n-bpsS Pohn-X-Øn-eqsS k©-cn®v ImgvN-°m-cpsS a\- n-eqsS im¥ambn HgpIn Ah-km\w ISpØ s\mºcw kΩm-\n®v IS-∂p-t]m-Ip∂ Hcp Xan-gvNn-{Xw. I√pw ap≈pw \nd™ hgn-Iƒ Xm≠n kz]v\-tem-I-߃ Iog-S-°nb B¬s°-an-Ãnse km‚n-bmtKm F∂ _mes‚ IY-b-√n-Xv, Ak-∑m¿§n-IXbv°v ]ng-sbm-Sp-t°-≠n-h∂ Zpc-¥-\m-bn-Itbm [n°m-cn-I-fpsS t\Xm-thm, PohnXw \∑-Xn-∑-I-fpsS {Xmkp-I-fn¬ Xq°n ]Tn-∏n-°p∂ [¿Ωn-jvTtbm H∂p-a√ Ahƒ, Cßs\ H∂nepw Dƒs]-SmØ, F∂m¬ F√m-Ønepw Dƒs∏Sp∂ Hcp {]Xn-`m-k-amWv Acp-hn. kq∏¿ \mb-I-∑m¿ Acßv hmgp∂ (X-an-gv) kn\n-a-bn¬ \mb-I≥ t]mbn´v Hcp i‡-amb ]pcp-j-I-Ym-]m-{X-an-√m-sX-bm-Wv Acphn F∂ •ma-d- -√m-Ø, ]cn-jvIm-cn-b-√mØ Ccp-]-Øn-b-©p-Imcn s]¨Ip-´n-bmbn AXnYn _m-es\ kwhn-[m-b-I≥ Acp¨ {]`p ]pcp-tjm-Ø-a≥ sh≈n-Øn-c-bn¬ FØn-®n-cn°p-∂-Xv. Acphn F∂ s]¨Ip-´n-bpsS Pohn-X-Øn-eq-sS-bmWv Cu Nn{Xw k©-cn-°p-∂-Xv. Ah-fpsS _meyw, Iuam-cw, bphXzw F∂nh hfsc at\ml-c-ambn Nn{Xo-I-cn-®n-´p-≠v. Pohn-X-Øn¬ D≠m-Ip∂ {]Xn-k-‘nbv°pw AXn-
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
s\-Xn-sc-bp≈ t]mcm-´-߃°p-ap≈ Acp- h n- b psS \ne- ] m- S p- I - f mWv Cu Nn{X-Øn¬ kwth-Zn-°p-∂-Xv. Hcp ]pXpapJ \mbnI tI{μ IYm-]m-{X-am-hp-Ibpw Ah-fptS t]tcmSp IqSnb kn\na Ah-fpsS Pohn- X - a m- ° pI F∂- X n- e - ∏ pdw \mbnI Hcp HIV+ve tcmKn BIpI, \mbn-I-tbmfw {]m[m-\y-ap≈ kl-\m-bn-I-bmbn Hcp {Sm≥kvsP≥U¿ IS-∂p-h-cnI F∂p-≈Xv kn\na F∂ am[y-a-Øn¬ \S-Ønb hnπh-I-c-amb CS-s]-S¬ Xs∂-bm-Wv. kaq-l-sØbpw hyh-ÿn-Xn-tbbpw tNmZy-ß-fm¬ ]cn-l-kn-°p-I-bmWv Acp-hn. hy‡n kzmX-{¥ysØ \n¿Æ- b n- ° p- ∂ Xv Bcm- s W∂v Adn- b m≥ kzbw tlman®v sIm≠p≈ At\z- j - W w. t{]£- I - c psS IÆn¬ s]mSn-bn´v sIm≠v kXy-Øn\pw kmaq-lnI \∑bv°pw hne-bn´v hn¬∏-\ Nc-°m-°p∂ Nm\¬]cn-]m-Sn-I-fpsS s]m≈-Ø-c-߃, ]Whpw {]i-kvXn-bpap≈ D∂- X - s c∂v \Sn- ° p- ∂ - h - c psS Cc- ´ - Ø m- ∏ v , ImjmbØnse Imaw, hne-°p-Isf t`Zn-°p-hm≥ {ian°p∂ s]¨P- ∑ - ß ƒ°v \¬tI- ≠ n- h - c p∂ hne, sXmgn-en-S-ß-fnepw kplr-Zvh-b-ß-fnepw kv{Xo A\p`-hn-t°≠nhcp∂ ssewKo-I-Nq-j-Ww, sNdn-b-Im-cy߃ t]mepw s]men-∏n®v hm¿Ø-bm-tLm-jn-°p∂ am[y-a-߃ XpS-ßn-b-hsb ]cn-l-kn-°p-I-bmWv Acphn. GXv kn\nam KW-Øn-em-sW∂v \n›-bn-°m-\mhmØ Nn{Xw. kmaq-ly-hn-a¿i-\w, t_m[-h-Xv°-c-Ww, kv{Xo]-£w, cmjv{Sob At£-]-lm-kyw, sshIm-cnIw, Krlm-Xp-c-Xzw, {Kmao-WX, {Xn√¿ Cßs\ Ht´sd Xe-ßsf kn\na kv]¿in-°p-∂p. HIV +ve Bb Hcp tcmKn kaq-l-Øn¬ \n∂v {]Xo£n-°p-∂-sX-¥v, Ah¿°v Bh-iy-s∏-Sm-\p-≈Xv F¥v F∂-XmWv CXnse \mbnI \tΩmSv tNmZn-°p-∂-Xv. FbnUvkv tcmKn-bmb Hcmƒ ac-WsØ apJm-apJw I≠p- s Im- ≠ n- c n- ° p∂ \nan- j - ß - f n¬ Abm- f psS Ie¿∏n-√mØ thZ-\-bmWv ImgvN-°m-cn¬ Acphn HgpIn-dß - p-∂X - v. Xs∂ _em¬kwKw sNbvXh - t- cmSv £an°p- I bpw Ah- t cm- s SmØv B\- μ - t ØmsS Hcp kmbm”w Nne-h-gn-°p-Ibpw sNøp∂ Acp-hn-bpsS \ne-]m-Sp-Iƒ Ah-fpsS am{Xw icn-bm-Wv. CSp-ßnb ÃpUn-tbm-bn¬ \n∂v hnim-e-amb temI-Øn-te-s°Øn-s∏-Sp-∂-h-fpsS icn. A\n-hm-cy-amb acWw AcnIn-se-Øp-tºmƒ {]Xn-Im-c-Øn\v t]mepw kvt\lØns‚ A¿∞w ssIh-cp∂ Pohn-Xm-h-ÿ-bpsS icn. acWw Bk-∂-am-Ip-tºmƒ Ahƒ XncnsI ]nSn-°phm≥ {ian-°p-∂Xpw kvt\lw am{X-am-Wv. bmYm-ÿn-XnI kaqlw N´w sI´n-bn-cn-°p∂ \S∏p-io-e-ß-tfbpw hyh-ÿn-Xn-I-tfbpw a[y-h¿K-Øns‚
kmaq-lnI anYym-[m-c-W-I-fn¬ \n∂v AXns\ tNmZyw sNøp-I-bmWv Cu Nn{Xw. Acp-hn-bp-W¿Øp∂ Hmtcm tNmZy-ßfpw \Ωnse aqey-t_m-[-tØmSv \Ωn-sem-cmfmbn a\p-jy-a-\- n-t\m-Sp≈ {]Xn-I-c-W-am-bmWv t{]£-I-cn¬ kwhn-[m-b-I≥ FØn-°p-∂-Xv. i‡amb FgpØpw kwhn- [ m- \ hpw A`n- \ - b hpw Cu Nn{XsØ I≠n-cn-t°≠ Hcp A\p-`-h-am-Ip-∂p. hm¬°jvWw ]pc-kvIm-c-߃/AwKo-Im-c-߃ Best Actress, Director, Production, Editor Award in Anandu Vikatan Awards, Tamilnadu. * Best Debutant Actress, Supporting Actress, Editor Award - in Norway Tamil Film Festival Award. * Official selection in 11th HIFF, New Delhi (Habitant International Film Festival) * Official selection in SIFF ( Shanghai International Film Festival) * Official selection in NFFK (National Film Festival of Kerala), Kerala * Official selection in Bioscope Global Film Festival, Punjab * Official selection in MAMI - Mumbai Acting Moving Image - Co, Mumbai for hendu equality. * Indian Movie Database IMDB Rating - 9.3/10 Reference : http://en.m.mikipedia.oy/wiki/Aruvi http://dup.in/m-.aruvi.html http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5867800 http://malayalam.filmbeat.com/review/ aruv-movie-review *
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
IWvTØ - n-eqsS A\m-hrX-am-°-s∏´v [z\n-bmbn ]pd-tØ°v hcp∂ h¿Æ-ßsf Hmtcm {]Im-cØ - n¬ Iq´n-tN¿Øv i_vZa- mbn cq]-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂p. ]n∂oSv Ah ]Z-ß-fmbpw ]Z-k© - b - ß - ƒ tN¿∂v hmIy-ß-fmbpw am‰-s∏´v kw`m-jWw km[y-am-Ip-∂p.
^m. knPp h¿§okv tImin manalilsijuvarghese@gmail.com
`mj a\p-jys‚ Bi-b-{]-Im-i\ am¿§-amWv `mj. CXv at\m-hr-ØnIsf shfn-s∏-Sp-Øp-hm-\p≈ am[yaw IqSn-bm-W.v NnØ hrØnsb `mj-bpsS klm-bt- ØmsS a‰p≈h-cn-te°v ssIam‰w sNø-ptºmƒ AhnsS Bib kwth-Z\w km[y-am-Ip-∂p. `mj-bpsS D]-tbm-KsØ hyh-ÿs - ∏-Sp-Øp-∂X - n-\p≈ imkv{Xm-he - w-_a - m-Wt√m hymIc-Ww. hm°p-I-fmbn cq]-s∏´p hcp∂ [z\n Nn¥-I-fpsS shdpw Dev]∂ - a - √ - , adn®v ip≤ {]-km-[\ - a - m-Wv. ]t©-{μn-bß - f - n-eqsS a\ n-em-°p∂ Adnhv _p≤n-bn-eqsS hnh-£n®v Nn¥-If - mbn cq]-s∏SpØn AXn\v DNn-X-amb DS¬ \evIn Bh-cWw sNbvXv kq£n°p-∂p. IWvTØ - n-eqsS A\m-hrX-am-°s - ∏´v [z\n-bmbn ]pd-tØ°v hcp∂ h¿Æ-ßsf Hmtcm {]Im-c-Øn¬ Iq´n-tN¿Øv i_vZ-ambn cq]-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂p. ]n∂oSv Ah ]Z-ßf - mbpw ]Z-k© - b - ß - ƒ tN¿∂v hmIy-ß-fmbpw am‰-s∏´v kw`m-jWw km[y-am-Ip-∂p. AXm-bXv I¿Ω-Øns‚ ]cn-]q-cI t{]c-Ii - ‡nbmb `mj-bpsS P∑w Nn¥m_o-PØ - n¬ \n∂p-am-sW∂v hy‡w. ae-bm-◊b - psS A\p-{K-la - mb ae-bmf `mj-bpsS _em-_-e-lo-\-X-Iƒ \ap°v H∂v hne-bncpØmw. 1. k¿Δ-\maw _lp-am-\m¿∞w {ZmhnU `mj-I-fn¬ ae-bm-fsØ At]-£n®v Xangn\v hn\-b`mhw {]tbm-K-Øn¬ IqSp-X-em-Wv. AXv k¿Δ-\ma {]tbm-K-ßfnepw {]I-S-am-Wv. hmt¶m, D°m-dpt¶m F∂o kmam\y ]Z-߃ \njvI-f¶ hn\-b-tØmSp IqSn-bp≈ BXnYy acym-Zsb kqNn-∏n-
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
°p-∂p. ae-bm-fØ - n¬ BIs´ hm, Ccn, Ccn-°,v t]m, \n¬°v, XpS-ßnb \ntj[ `mh i_vZ-߃ {Zmhn-U-Øns‚ X\nabpw ae- b m- f Øns‚ kuμ- c yhpw \jvSam-°n. Xan-gn¬ A—≥, AΩ F∂nhsc A`n-kw-t_m-[\ - s - N-øm≥ “ \o” F∂ k¿Δ-\maw D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂p. \os¶, F∂v D®-cn-°p-∂-Xn¬ Ah¿°v bmsXm-cp- Ip-d-®nepw C√. ae-bm-f-Øn¬ ]s£, amXm-]n-Xm-°sf ‘\o’Ft∂m, ‘Ah≥’ Ft∂m hnfn- ° p- ∂ Xv _lp- a m\ kqN- I - a - √ . F∂m¬ Cw•ojn¬ ‘ You’ F∂v kmam-\y-ambn D]-tbm-Kn-°p∂p. Cw•o-jns\ Bh-iy-Øn\pw A\m-h-iy-Øn\pw A\p-I-cn-°p∂ k{º-Zmbw D≠mbn´pw Cu Hcp \√Imcyw CXp-h-scbpw ae-bmfw kzoI-cn-®n-´n-√. \o, Ah≥ F∂v hnfn-°p-∂-Xnse bp‡n ]cn-tim-[n-°p∂-Xn\v apºv k¿Δ-\ma i_vZß - ƒ°v Cß-s\bpw Hcp A¿∞hpw `mhhpw D≠v F∂v a\- n-em-°p-∂-Xv \∂m-bn-cn-°pw. k`-bpsS Bcm-[-\-{I-a-Ønepw \ΩpsS F√m {]m¿∞-\I - f - nepw ssZhsØ A`n-kw-t_m-[\ sNøphm≥ \mw D]-tbm-Kn-°p∂ k¿Δ-\m-a-߃ H∂pw \ntj[ [z\n Df-hm-°p-∂n-√. _lp-am--\-]q¿Δ-ap≈ A`n-kw-t_m-[\ - b - m-bn´v \mw AXns\ ]cn-KW - n-°p-∂p. `mj-bpsS auen-I-Xsb am\n-°p-∂-Xn-eqsS \ΩpsS D∂-X\ - n-eh - m-ca - m-Wv {]-IS- a - m-Ip-∂X - .v ]mXncn `mj ip≤ ae-bm-fa - √ F∂v ]d-bp∂ hna¿i-I¿°v D≈ Hcp adp]Sn IqSn-bm-Wn-X.v {ZmhnU `mj-bpsS X\na tNmcmsX ]pcm-X\ Awiw AtX-]Sn \ne-\n-dp-Øp-∂-Xn¬ ae¶-ck - `- bv°v km[n®p F∂p-≈Xv A`n-\μ - \ - m¿l-am-W.v \o, Ah≥ F∂-Xn\v ]Icw Aßv, Ahn-Sp∂v , At±lw F∂o ]Z-߃ _lp-am\ kqN-I-ambn D]tbm-Kn-°W - s - a∂v ]e t- Im-Wp-If - n¬ \n∂pw Bhiyw Db-cp-∂p-≠v. CXc kap-Zm-b-ß-fpsS Bcm-[\ {IaØn¬ CØcw am‰ßƒ h∂v- I-gn-™n-´p-ap-≠v. H∂n\v ]Icw as‰m∂v Fgp-Xn-tN¿Øm¬ ImenIamh-W-sa∂n-√. AXn-\m¬ Xs∂ Aßs\ Hcp kml-k-Øn\v apXn-tc≠Xn√. CXc aX-ß-fn¬ {]tXy-In®v sslμh ]›m-Øe-Øn¬ IrjvW `K-hms\ IÆ≥ F∂mWv hnfn°p-∂X - v. kzmX{¥yw sImt≠m, `‡n ckw sImt≠m Xs‚ `‡¿ ‘\o’ F∂pw ‘Ah≥’ F∂pw Hs° A`nkw-t_m-[-\ -sN-øm-dp-ap≠v. shÆ I´v Xn∂p∂ IrjvWs\ I≈ IrjvW-≥ F∂v hnfn-°p-∂-Xn¬ Ah¿°v Ip‰-t_m-[-hp-an-√. CsXm-cn-°epw A\m-Z-chmbn IW-°m-°s - ∏-Sp-∂p-an-√. \μ\w F∂ Nn{X-Øn¬ Xs‚ `‡n-bpsS B\μ
el- c n- b n¬ _mem- a Wn F∂ IYm- ] m- { X- Ø n\v IrjvW-Z¿i\w D≠m-hp∂p. IrjvW-\p-ambn hy‡n]-c-amb kw`mjW-Øn-te°v Ahƒ hgp-Xn-ho-gp-∂p. Ah- f psS Pohn- X - Ø nse F√m {]bm- k - ß fpw, `mcßfpw, A°-an´v IrjvW-`-K-hms‚ ap≥]n¬ \ncØp-∂p≠v. H∂pw \jvS-s∏-SmsX Hmtcm s]m´pw s]mSnbpw `‡n-km-[-\-bn-eqsS Ahƒ IrjvW-\ntebv°v ]I-cp-∂p. XnI™ hy‡n kzmX-{¥y-tØmSp IqSn taev]-d™ k¿Δ-\ma i_vZ-ß-fpsS AI-º-Sntbm-Sp-IqSn Bfl-s\m-º-c-ßsf ]¶p-h-bv°p-hm\pw ssZhoI Z¿i-\-Øn-tebv°v B\-bn-°-s∏Sphm\pw Ahƒ°v km[n®p. ]mWvUn-Xy-Øns‚ \nZ¿i-\-a√ `‡s‚ km[-\-bmWv {]m¿∞\. ae-bm-f-Ønse k¿Δ-\m-a-߃°v ]q¿Δ-Im-eØv \ntj-[`- mhw Atijw C√m-bn-cp-∂p-sh∂v Dd-∏n®p ]dbp- h m≥ Ignbpw. AXn- \ m¬ k¿Δ- \ m- a - ß - f psS XpS¿∂p≈ D]-tbm-KØn¬ ae-bm-fn-Iƒ Aev]w IqsS {i≤n-t°-≠-Xp-≠v. ae-bm-f-`mj-bpsS hf¿®-bpsS Hmtcm-L´- Ønepw kw`m-h\ - b - mbn kzoI-cn-°s - ∏-´n-´p≈ ]Z-ßfpw, {]tbm-K-ßfpw, cq]ßfpw ae-bm-f-tØmSp F{X-am{Xw XmZm-fly-s∏´p F∂p≈Xv ]T-\-hn-t[-bam-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. ae-bm-f-tØmfw hnI-kn-®n-´n-√mØ Xmc-X-tay\ A]-cnjvIrX-hp-amb Ipdpa `mj-°m¿ t]mepw k¿Δ-\m-aß - ƒ _lp-am-\m¿∞-amWv D]-tbmKn-°p-∂X - .v 2. i_vZØ - n-t\mSpw AbnØw: A[n-\n-th-i-]q¿Δ {Zmhn-U-`m-j-bpsS AÿnXzsØ If-¶-s∏-Sp-Øp∂ {]h¿Ø-\-ßfpw kao-]-\ßfpw Bbn-cp-∂p Bcy `mj-bmb kwkvIrXw A\ph¿Øn-®-Xv. A[n-\n-th-im-\-¥c {ZmhnU `mj-bv°v AXns‚ kzmX{¥yhpw, kz-Xz-t_m[hpw ]W-b-s∏Sp-tØ-≠n-h-∂p. `mj-bn¬ hnjw Ie¿∂m¬ Hcp kwkvImcw C√m-Xmbn F∂m-W¿∞w. Hcp kaq-lØns‚ PohnX ]›m-Øew, am\-ho-IX - , kwkv°mcw, BNmcw, Ch-sb√mw aen-\a - m-°s - ∏-´p. D]-cn-h¿§-`mj A[:ÿnX-h¿§sØ a{¥-Nc - S- nepw kz¿§ e_v[n-bpsS D®m-cW ip≤n-bnepw sI´n-bn-´p. i_vZ-Øn-\p-t]mepw D®-\o-NXzw Iev]n-°-s∏´p F∂-XmWv Bcy-h¬°-cW - Ø - ns‚ Zpc¥w. 16˛mw iXI-ambt∏mtg°pw Fgp-Ø— - ≥ `mjsb ]q¿W-ambpw kwkvIrX ]mc- º - c y- h p- a mbn ka- \ z- b n- ∏ n®v `mjm]nXmhv F∂ ÿm\-Øn\v A¿l-amhpw hn[w am‰n {]Xn-jvTn-®n-cp-∂p. kwkvIr-XØ - ns‚ A[o-iXzw Ah-KW - n-®n-cp∂ {]mtZ-inI `mj-Isfbpw D]-`m-jI - sfbpw Ip©≥ \ºym¿ Xp≈¬ Iem-cq-]ß - f - n¬ D]tbm-Kn®v h∂n-cp-∂p. 18-˛mw iX-IØ - n¬ _lp-kzc`mjp-
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
I-Xz-Ømepw {]mtZ-inI AS-bm-f-ß-tfmSpw IqsS kwkvIr-X- I-e-Isf tIc-fob Pohn-X-tØmSv ASp-∏n®Xv Ip©≥ \ºym¿ Xs∂-bm-Wv. tIc-f-Ønse \mS≥ KW Iev]\ - I - ƒ Ie-sb-°mƒ D]cn PmXn-t{iWn-tbmSv BWv _‘-s∏-´n-cn-°p-∂X - .v `mj-bpsS hnImk-Øn\v Iebpw kmln-Xyhpw \evIn-bn-´p≈ kw`mh-\I - ƒ \nc-h[ - n-bm-Wv. kq£va ]cn-tim-[\ - b - n¬ aebmf `mj-bpsS LS-\-bn¬ Xs∂ Iogmf hncp≤ kao-]\w A¥¿[m-c-bm-bn-´p-≠v. DZm-l-c-W-ambn ‘N’F∂ i_vZhpw ‘i’ F∂ i_vZhpw IrXy-ambn AbnØ k{º-Zm-bØ - n¬ kwhn-[m\w sNø-s∏-Sp-∂p≠v. \ΩpsS k`-bnse amk-h-cnbpw Cd-h-cnbpw XΩnep≈ {]Im-ch - y-Xymkw CXn-t\mSv tN¿Øv hmbn-t°≠-Xm-Wv. i N koX NoX/ NncpX imkvXmhv NmØ≥ iMvJw/iwJv N¶v {im≤w NmØw in¶w/kn¶w Nn¶w
i_vZß - f - psS BKaw A\p-kc - n®v Ahsb B`y- ¥ - c - s a∂pw _mlysa∂pw Xncn-°mw. ae-bm-f-sam-gn-sIbp≈ {Zmhn-U- Ip-Spw-_-Øn¬ \n∂pw h∂n-´p-≈h B`y-¥c - hpw AXn\v ]pd-Øp\n-∂p-≈h _mly-ß-fp-am-Wv. apI-fn¬ {]Xn-]mZn®h kwkvIr-X-Øn¬ \n∂pw h∂n-´p≈ X¤-h-ßfm-Wv. X¤-h-Øn\v {]IrXn hnIrXn t`Z-ap-≠v. F∂m¬ {]IrXn hnIrXn t`Z-an-√m-ØXv XXvk-a-hpam-Wv. "i' bn¬ Bcw`n°p-∂Xv {]Ir-Xnbpw "N' bn¬ Bcw-`n-°p-∂Xv hnIr-Xn-bp-am-Wv. 3. \ma-hn-ti-j-W-Øn\v KpW-h-N\w “\ma-hn-ti-j-W-Øn\v th≠n kwkvIr-X-Øn¬ KpW-h-N-\-߃ D≠v. B hI ae-bm-f-Øn¬ C√mbvIb - m¬ {Inbm-]Zw sIm≠p-Xm≥ kamkw sIm≠pXm≥ kam-k-ßsf hnti-jn-∏n-°pw.” (Kp≠¿´v˛ aebmf hymI-cWw, hiw: 65). {ZmhnU `mj-bnse hntij-W߃ kwkvIr-X-tØm-tSm, a‰v GsX-¶nepw C≥tUm˛ bqtdm-]y≥ `mj-tbm-tSm, _‘-an-√m-ØXpw knYnb≥ `mj hnti-j-W-߃ F∂-t]mse _‘
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
kqN- I tam KpW hN- \ tam Bb \mai_vZ-߃ am{X-am-Wv. hnti-jy߃°p ap≥]v {]tbm-Kn-°p-Ibpw, cq]t`Zw hcp-Øm-Xn-cn-°pIbpw sNbvXm¬ hnti-jW hnh£ Ahbv°v h∂p-sIm≈pw. “Cßs\ kwe-_[ v a - m-hp∂ hnti-jW hnh-£sb B[m-c-am°n Xangv sshbm-I-c-W-∑m¿ B i_vZ߃°v ‘Dcn-sNmev’ AYhm KpWhm-NI - ] - Z- ß - ƒ F∂v \ma-Ic - Ww sNbvXn-´p-≠v.” Xangv sshbm-I-c-W-∑m¿ t`Z-IsØ {]tXyI Hcn\-ambn KWn-°p-∂n-√. Ah-cpsS A`n-{]m-bØ - n¬ t`ZI-߃ KpW-hm-N-I-ßfmb \ma-ß-fmWv. AXm-bXv Ahbv°v KpW-hm-NI - \ - m-aa - m-bn-´√ - msX tIhe KpWnhm-N-I-am-bn´v \ne-\n¬∏n√. kzX-{¥-{]-tbm-K-Øn\v A\¿l-amb i_vZw Fßs\ ]Z-ambn AwKo-Ic - n°pw . DZm-lc - W - a - mbn sN¶-\¬, sNdp-]b - ¿, F∂o {]tbmK-ß-fn¬ sNΩm, sNdp-am F∂n-h-I-fnse ‘a’ F∂ Awiw tem]n-®n-cn-°p∂p F∂v Ah¿ Iev]n-®n-cn-°p∂p. AXm-bXv sNw, sNdp apX-embh ]c-X{¥ KpWnhm-NI - ß - ƒ BWv. Ahsb Hcp \ma-Øn\v apºv kamk-am-bn-´√ - msX {]tbm-Kn®v IqSm. F∂m¬ ae-bm-fØ - n¬ ÿnXn Aev]w hyXykvXw BWv. sNw, sNdp F∂Xv Ah¿°v t`ZI {]Ir-XnIƒ BWv. apI-fn¬ D®-cn-®n-cp∂ DZm-l-cWw Xs∂ FSp-Øm¬ t`Z-I-{]-Ir-Xn-I-fpsS kamkw IqSmsX Xs∂ \ma-hn-ti-jW - Ø - n\v kzX{¥ {]tbmKw km[yam°mw. sN¶-\¬ , sNdp-]b - ¿ F∂nhbv°v ]I-ca - mbn sNh-∂- I-\¬, sNdnb ]b¿ F∂ kzX{¥ {]tbmKm¿l-amb i_vZw D]-tbm-Kn®v t`ZI {]IrXnsb AYhm \ma-hn-ti-jW - sØ ]Z-am-°n-am‰mw . sNh-∂, sNdnb F∂nh t]c-®c - q-]ß - ƒ BWv F∂v adp-hmZw D∂-bn-®mepw ]Z-e£ - W - Ø - n¬ kzX-{¥-{]-tbm-Km¿-∞tØmSp IqSnb KpWn-hm-NI - ß - f - m-Wt- √m. F√m {ZmhnU `mj-I-fn-tebpw `qcn-]£w \ma-hnti-j-W-ßfpw KpW-hm-N-I-\m-a-߃ Bbn-cn°pw. ÿm\-t`-Zw sIm≠v am{X-amWv Ahbv°v \ma-hn-tijW hnh£ hcp-∂-Xv. cq]-t`Zw hcmsX Ah KpWhm-Nn-bmb \ma-ambn XpScp-∂p. hnti-jy-߃°v ap≥]v cq] hyXym-k-an-√msX tN¿Øm¬ hnti-j-W-ambn. \masØ Xs∂\ma-hn-ti-j-W-ambpw D]-tbm-Kn-°m-hp∂-Xm-Wv. DZm: Xan-gnse s]m≥ AcnZp (s]m∂v Zp¿e`w) F∂Xpw s]m≥apUn (s]m≥ap-Sn) F∂Xpw t\m°pI. c≠nepw s]m≥ i_vZw Xs∂-;˛ ]t£ BZy-tØXv \ma-i-_vZw, c≠m-a-tØXv \ma-hn-ti-j-Whpw. {ZmhnU-`m-j-I-fn¬ Cu h¿§Øn¬s∏´ hnti-jW \ma-
߃°v kzbsa cq] hyXymkw hcp-∂n-s√-¶nepw Ah hnti-jyßtfmSv tNcp-tºmƒ Nne {ipXnkpJm¿Y {]{In-b-Iƒ \S-°m-dp-≠v. hnti-jW i_vZw GXmbmepw hntijy-\m-a-Øn\v Imcy-amb t`Z-KXn hcp∂n-√. hyh-lmc `mjsb At]-£n®v Imhy `mj-bn¬ ]cn-anX Af-hn¬ am{Xsa \ma hnti-jWcq]-߃ D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂p-≈p. Npcp-°-Øn¬ KpW-hm-Nn-bmb \maØns‚ [mXp-{]-Ir-Xnsb hnti-j-W-ß-fmbn D]tbm-Kn-°p∂Xn\v ]Icw ae-bm-f-Øn¬ \mahnti-jW-Øn-\mbn kzX{¥ kao-]\w kzoI-cn-°p∂ ]XnhmWv D≈-Xv. 4. {InkvXp efn-X-kp-μ-c-amb `mj ssZh-hp-ambn a\p-j\v \jvS-s∏-´p-t]mb _‘w ]p\-xÿm-]n-°p-∂-Xn-\mbn ]pcm-X-\-\mb ssZhw a\pjy-m-h-Xm-c-sa-Sp-Øv Cu `qan-bn¬ ]m¿Øp. ew_hpw Xnc-›o\-hp-amb _‘w {Iqim-tcm-l-W-tØm-Sp-IqSn Du´n-bp-d-∏n-°p-hm≥ Ah\v km[n-®p. Xs‚ kz¥ c‡-Øm¬ \sΩ hne-bv°p-hmßn ac-W-Øn-s‚bpw kmØm-s‚bpw ]nSn-bn¬ \n∂pw \sΩ tamNn-∏n-®p. _mt_- e n¬ h®v Al- ¶ m- c - Ø ns‚ sImSp- a pSn Xo¿°m≥ {ian® Hcp kaq-l-Ønt\‰ I\Ø Xncn-®Sn-bmWv `mj-bv°p-≠mb Ie-°w. BZm-an-\p-≠mb hogvN aqew \jvS-s∏-´p-t]mb {]Ir-Xn-bp-sSbpw a\pj-s‚bpw kzc-ebw hos≠-Sp-°p-∂-Xn\pw `mj-bpsS Ie°w \o°p-∂-Xn-\p-ambn hN\w PU-ambn Xo¿∂p. {Inkv X p kam- [ m- \ - Ø ns‚ `mj- b m- W v . AXv tIhew B£-cnIw A√. ae-bmfw Dƒs∏-sS-bp≈ hymh- l m- c nI `mj- b psS \n¿ΩnXnt]me- b p- a √ {InkvXp-`m-j. Ahs‚ `mjbpw kwkvIm-chpw Cu temI-Øn¬ ]pe-tc-≠-Xm-Wv. AXv hn`m-h\ sNøp∂ \h IpSpw_ k¶¬]w sFIy-Øn-t‚-Xm-Wv. AΩ ae-bm-f-Øns‚ \∑ a\-kn-em-°m≥ km[n-°m-Øh¿°v {InkvXp `mj Fßs\ hg-ßpw. {ZmhnU hn`m-K-Øn¬ ae-bm-f-Øn\v AXn-t‚-Xmb ÿm\-ap-≠v. a‰v {ZmhnU `mjsb At]-£n®v ae-bmf-Øn\v Ipd-hp-I-fn√ F∂p-am-{X-a√ hfsc Ipeo-\bp-am-W-hƒ. F∂mepw Nne ]cn-an-Xn-Iƒ Ds≠∂v kΩ-Xn-t°-≠n-bn-cn-°p-∂p. ae-bmf `mjbv°v CXn-t\mSIw B[p-\oI kz`mhw ssIh-∂n-cn-°p-∂p. ]t£ B[p-\o-IX ]ucm-Wo-I-X-bpsS ih-∏-d-ºmbn am‰-cpXv. `mj-bn¬ {InkvXp-t_m[w h∂m¬ AXv ssNX\y-ap-≈-Xmbn amdpw. Poh-kp‰ Nn¥-Iƒ AXn-eqsS ]nd-hn-sb-Sp-°p-Ibpw sNøpw.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Thomson Bakers and Food Mall, Kanjikuzhy, Kottayam.
Nikhil Koshy Varghese
]Tn-Ø-ho-Sn\v Biw-k-I-tfm-sS...
{io. tdmWn h¿§okv F{_lmw k`m amt\-PnwKv IΩn-‰n-bwKw amth-en-°c `{Zm-k\w 112
G‰p-]-d-®n¬ F≥ lrZ-b-Ønsemcp tcmZ\w \nd-s™m-gpIn ]m] Id-Iƒ \nd®p NnØ-Ønsemcp ZpxJ-`mhw. Aim¥n Debp∂ tXmWn-t]m¬ F≥ NnØw tLmc-am-bp-e™p F¥v sNøWw Fs∂\n-°-dn-bn-√. Btcm lrØn¬ HmXn hyk\ tlXp sNm√p-I, {ihn-∏m≥ Rm≥ C√tbm? `mc-am¿∂ F≥ lrZ-b-th-Z\ A\¿Kfw A{ip _nμp-°-fmbn HgpIn Hcp henb kmK-cw-t]m¬. X¬£Ww Rm≥ Adn™p F≥ lrØn¬ HmXn-bXv tbip-\mZw Xs∂-sb∂v.
tIƒ°q F≥ tkmZ-ctc ]m] t_m[w Dt]-£n-°pI am∏v tNmZn-°pI XmX-t\mSv. \mY≥ khnt[ AW-bpI A\y-Xm] lrZbw Xpd-°pI sNm¬I ]m]-߃ Hmtcm∂mbv. Bizmkw \¬IoSpw tbip B\μ NnØw \¬IoSpw {iotbip XmX≥ Icp-Wm-a-b≥. \odnsbmcp PohnXw Ds≠\n°v ]d-bp-hm≥ s\mº-c-߃ Gsd-bp≠v Adn-bn√m FhnsS XpS-ßWsa∂v. e÷-bm¬ inckv Ip\n-bp∂p Fßs\ ]dbpw F≥ ]m] I¿Ωw Xncp-k-hn-t[. sNm¬I ]m]-߃ [oc-ambn XmX≥ khnt[ A\p-Xm-]-ambn \n≥ e÷sb \„-am°n. tamN\w GIoSpw {iotbip X∂psS IcpW sNmcn™v kIe ]m]-ßfpw tamNn-®nSpw. hcnI tkmZcm AW-bpI XmX≥ khnt[ B\μambn im¥amw Poh≥ kzoI-cn-°mw. lnaw t]mse Dcp°pw \n≥ ]m]-߃ F√mw im¥o Inc-W-߃ DZn-®p-W-cpw.
Bjnjv sPbnwkvv aq∂mw h¿jw
hcnI tkmZcm tbip-hn≥ khnt[ CXp Xt∂bmw kXy Znhy Ipº-km-cw.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Bcv, F¥v, Ft∏mƒ, Fß-s\, FhnsS? B¨t\m-´-ß-sf√mw Htc coXn-bn-emWv apdn-th¬∏n-°p-∂-sX∂v
sa¬hn≥ amXyp aq∂mw h¿jw DEEPTHI 2018
Ahƒ°v tXm∂n. izmk-K-Xn-°-\p-k-cn®v Db-cp∂ s\©n-emWv Abmƒ t\m´w sIm≠v Nq-≠-bn-´n-cn-°p-∂-sX-∂-dn-™-t∏mƒ Ahƒ izmksØ ]gn-®p. Np‰p-ap≈ I¨Iƒ°n-S-bn-eq-sS, Ah-bpsS AS-®p-Xp-d-°-ep-IfpsS ss\an-jn-I-amb ka-b-ssZ¿Ly-ß-fn¬ thWw izkn°phm≥ t]mep-sa∂ Xncn-®-dn-hn¬ 18 Un{Kn Ir{Xna XWp-∏nepw Ahƒ ]pI™p. H∂v apc-S-\-°n-sIm≠v Ahƒ tNmZn®p XpS-ßn. ""k¿, Bcv, F¥v, Ft∏mƒ, Fßs\, FhnsS?'' ""sbkv A\p-]-a...'' Abmƒ H´pw kuμ-cy-an-√mØ Hcp Nncn Nncn-®psIm≠v XpS¿∂p ""Rm≥ ]d-™p-h-∂-Xv, Cu tNmZy-ß-fn-emWv Hcp hm¿Ø-bpsS ]nd-hn... Cu tNmZy-߃°p-Øcw Is≠-Øp-I-bmWv Hcp \yqkv dnt∏m¿´-dpsS ZuXy-hpw... CsX√mw A\p-]a ¢m p-I-fn¬ \√hÆw ]Tn-®n-´p-≠m-Ipw, Rm≥ Xs‚ k¿´n-^n-°-‰p-I-sf√mw I≠p, Adnhpw kuμ-cyhpw hfsc hnc-f-amtb CXp-t]mse tbmPn-°m-dp-≈q...'' Abmƒ cq£-am-sbm∂v t\m°n. At∏mƒ Abm-fpsS apJØv {]Xy£-s∏´ `mh-tØbpw Nncn F∂v t]-cn´v hnfn-°-W-sa-t∂m¿Øv Ahƒ Ipg-ßn. ""C\n ¢m p-I-fn¬ ]Tn-°m-sØmcp Imcyw... Hcp aq∂mw IÆv... c≠p IÆp-IƒsIm≠v ImWp∂ dnbm-en‰n ad∂p If-bp-I. Xpd-t°-≠Xv
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
\ns‚ aq∂mw IÆm-Wv... hkvXp-X-I-f√ hm¿Ø-IfmWv \ap-°m-h-iyw.'' ""k¿...'' ]d- ™ nt√ Hu´v Hm^v kne- _ kv BsW- ∂ v . .. C¥y-bn¬ Hcp kv{Xo sIm√-s∏´p. F∂m¬ ]oU-\Øn\v tij-am-bn-cn°pw F∂-\p-am-\n-°p-∂X - mWv \ns‚ aq∂mw IÆv... {]apJ \Sn B{I-an-°-s∏-´Xv hkvXpX. ]oUn-∏n-°-s∏´p F∂tX ]t£ hm¿Ø-bm-Iq...'' ho≠pw Np≠p- I ƒ°n- S - b n¬ ]√p sXfn™p hcp∂ B {]Xn-`mkw. Ahƒ Ahsf Xs∂ ]d™p ]Tn-∏n-°p-hm≥ {ian-®p-sIm-t≠-bn-cp-∂p. ""t\m°v... CXv \ns‚ Ah-km\ I®n-Øp-cp-ºm-Wv... Cu tPmen \n\s°{Xam{X- a m- h - i y- a m- s W∂v am{Xw Hm¿°p- I ...'' Abmƒ Hcp ^b¬ Ah-fpsS t\sc \nc°n ""tkm... Cu tIknepw \n\°v th≠Xv Hcp aq∂mw IÆm-Wv...'' Ahfm ^b¬ Xpd-∂p. ""10 hb- p-Imcn s]¨Ip-´n, 6 amkw K¿`n-Wn... F¥m hniz-kn°m≥ ]‰ptam?'' Ah- f psS ssI sNdp- X m- s bm∂v sR´n- h n- d - ® p. ""hfsc sk≥kn- ‰ o- h mb Hcp tIkm. a‰p≈h- s cm∂pw t{Skv sNøm≥ {ian-®n´v \S-°m-Xn-cp∂ H∂m-Wv. hfsc sshIm-cn-I-]-c-amb Hcp dnt∏m¿´n-ßmWv th≠-Xv... Cu sIm®ns‚ ^mZ-dns\ \Ωƒ Ipd®v Imip-sIm-SpØv kΩ-Xn-∏n-®n-´p-≠v. Rm≥ ]d-™-tXm¿°Ww ]‰p-sa¶n¬ B sIm®ns‚ C∂-sk‚mb adp- ] - S n- I ƒ IqsS- b p- s ≠- ¶ n¬...'' C\nbpw kln-°m-\m-hn√ F∂m-bXn-\m¬ Ahƒ aXn-sb∂v ssII-fp-b¿Øn. Abmƒ s]s´∂v \ni-_vZ-\mbn; ]ns∂ ]Xnsb apJw cq£amb t\m´-Øn\pw Nncn°pw hgn-am-dn. Npa-cp-Iƒ Gsd _≤-s∏´v Xmßnb ta¬°q-cbp≈ B hoSns‚ ap≥]n¬ Ah-sf-Øn-b-t∏mƒ IqsSbp-≠m-bn-cp∂ \√-hÆw IpSn® Hcmƒ Xs‚ hosS∂v AXns\ Ah¿°v ]cn-N-b-s∏-Sp-Øn-s°m-Sp-Øp. F∂n´v AI- t Øm- ´ p t\m°n Ft¥m sXdn- I q´n hnfn- ® p. AIØp \ns∂mcp kv{XobmWv IS-∂p-h-∂-Xv. Ahƒ B sXdn-bpsS DØ-c-am-bn-cp-∂p, adp-hn-fn-bm-bn-cp-∂p. hoSn-\-I-tØ°v Ib-dp-t¥mdpw Ccp´v IqSn-h-cp-I-bm-bncpt∂m AtXm B tNmZy-߃ Xe-t®m-dn¬ Ccp´v \ndbv°p-I-bm-bn-cpt∂m F∂-hƒ Nn¥n®p! Bcv ? 10 hb- p- I m- c n- b mWv Ah- f psS A—s‚ tPyjvT-\mWv DØ-c-hm-Zn...
F¥v? F¥m-Wv, F¥m-bn-cn°mw Abm- f - h sf sNbv X Xv F∂m- t emNn°pw tXmdpw Ahƒ IqSp- X ¬ \ni_vZ-bm-Ip-∂-Xmbn tXm∂n. Ft∏mƒ, Fß-s\, FhnsS: kz¥w ho´n¬ h®v anTm-bn-I-fn-„-s∏-Sp∂ _mey-sØ... At∏m-tgbv°pw Ahfm apdn-bn-te°v IS-∂p-sN-∂n-cp∂p. Hc-‰Øv Hcp sNdnb s]¨Ip´n Ccn-∏p-≠m-bn-cp∂p... Ah- f psS D≈n¬ \n∂v ]pd- t Ø°v hf¿∂psIm≠n-cn-°p∂ Poh≥ AXns‚ kqN-\-Iƒ \¬In DZ-c-Øn¬ hen-sbmcp apg-∏v... A\p-]a B apdnbpsS ]pd-tØ-°n-dßn Hm¿Ω-I-fn¬ Hcp _meysØ ]c- X n... Xtem- S n- b , X√nb ssIIƒs°√mw Htc A¿∞-am-bn-cp-t∂m, F√mw kvt\l-hpw, hm’-ey-hp-
am-bn-cpt∂m? s]mSp-s∂s\ GtXm Hcp ssI Ah-fnte-°n-d-ßn. Ahƒ sR´n-Øn-cn-™p. AXv B AΩbm-bn-cp-∂p. IÆo-cn-\n-Sb - nepw Ah-cpsS Np≠p-Iƒ hnd®n-cp-∂p. Ah-sbt¥m ]d-bm≥ {ian-°p-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p. ""Fs‚ Ip™n-s\¥m ]‰n-b-sX∂v Ahƒ°-dn-bn√. Ah-tfm-sSm∂pw tNmZn-°-cp-Xv... Rßsf shdpsX hnS-Ww...'' ""\o \ns∂-°p-dn®v Xs∂ Hcp \nanjw Hm¿°p-I... \o ad-°-cpXv \n\°o tPmen F{X-am{Xw th≠-s∏-´Xm-sW∂v.'' D≈n-en-cp-s∂∂ hymtP\ kwkm-cn-°p∂ Xs∂-Xs∂ Ahƒ i]n-®p. Hcp \nanjw Ahƒ IÆpI-f-S-®p. F¥p-sIm≠v CsX√mw kw`-hn-°p∂p F∂v Ahƒ Nn¥n-®p. ]ns∂ Ah-ti-jn-°p∂ \∑-I-sf√mw ambvNp-I-f™v Hcp Nncn hmcn-tØ®v Ahƒ sas√ B tNmZy-߃ ASp-°n-h-®p... Bcv, F¥v, Ft∏mƒ, Fßs\, FhnsS?
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
]e-t]-cn-en-cp-]-£hpw Xo¿Øn-Sp∂p ]S-°-f-Øn¬ t]¿°-f-ß-f-t\Iw ]nSn-®nSpw Hcp X{¥n ao´n apdn-™n-Sp-In¬ ]Sp-Øp-b¿Øpw ]pXn-b-Xn-\mbn tNmc-°p-f-߃ sIm≠p t]mIp-∂n-s√m∂pw Cu ]mcn-S˛ °f-Øn¬ `mhn {]I-S\ _m°n-bmbn IjvS-ao-hn[w Adn-™n-Sp-In-ep-w F-Øn-∏n-Sn-°m≥ IjvS-s∏-Sp∂p sa\-bp∂p X{¥-ß-f-t\Iw Ip™n°Æp-Iƒ Xpfp-ºp-∂-sXms°bpw IÆo-c-‰p∂ hm¿Ø-bmbv Xocp∂p IsÆ-dn-s™m∂pta s]øp-∂n-√o-am-\h sImXnbp-≤-߃ Xo¿°p-hm-s\m∂pw
aÆn-s‚ Ah-Im-in-Iƒ
aÆn-\p-th-≠nbm s]Æn\pw ]ns∂ s]m∂n\p th≠nbm ]W-Øn-\p-ambn aÆ-Sn-™o-Sp∂p a¿Øy≥ Cu hn[w {i≤n-®n-Sp-∂n√o ]n©ptcm[-\hpw B¿°p-th≠n Icp-Xp∂p Ipcp-Xn-°-f-߃ AXn-cp-Iƒ Ah-Imi hmZ-ß-fm-c-h-߃ aÆn-Xn¬ ]nd-hn-I-f-h-Im-in-I-f-√tbm `qan-bn¬ k¿Δ Ncm-N-c-ßfpw tN¿∂m-Ω-´n-em-\μtaXp≠v KK\w `cn-∏m-\-h-Im-in-I-fpt≠m? KXn thK-Øn¬ Xncn-bps∂mcm KK\ ]mcn-Ifmw \£{X t{iWn-X≥ Ka\w ian-∏m≥t∏m∂ Icp-Øpt≠m? hn´p-sImSptØ-°pI `qan-X≥ AXn-cp-I-sfms°bpw X¿° hnj-b-߃ Xo¿Øn-tSWw ]ns∂ kzÿ-am-bp-d-ß-m≥ Xo¿∏p I¬∏n-®oSpI N´-ß-sfm∂pan-√mØ ka-Nn-Ø-X-bn¬
knPp h¿Kokv H∂mw h¿jw
Db¿sØ-gp-t∂¬°p∂p sh¨I-c-anXm Db¿∂pW¿∂p D¨a-bn¬ HfnNn-X-dp∂p Du¿±-izmkw \nebv°pw ap≥]-t\-I-anXm D÷ze hoc-KmY Imlfw apg-°p-∂p. bp≤-ß-sfms° ]Xn-hp-≈Xp Xs∂ bmX-\-I-f-s{Xbpw ]q¿Æsat∂m-Xp∂p bm{¥n-I-X-bn¬ P\n®p hf¿s∂mcm b£-cm-£k am\h amwk-Iq-´-߃ DEEPTHI 2018
HcΩ-s∏‰ ae¿sam´pI-sf-∂-t]m¬ ]¥ncp tKm{X-Øn≥ IXn-cpI-fmbn hmgpI I¿Ø-hy-sam∂pam-{X-aXp am\pj \∑-sb-t∂mXn kvXpXn ]mSpI Ac-dn-™o-Sp∂o temIao hn[-sa-{X-\mƒ Bbp-t m-sS-bn-cn-°p-sa-∂p-≈Xv In´nb Ime-sa-{Xbpw Xo¿°pI aÆn¬ hnlm-b- n¬ sh¨ {]`m-Xw.
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""hnZzm-∑m¿ Xs∂ Ifn-bm°n F∂p a\- n-em-°n, Ah¿ ]d™ ImeØns\mØhÆw c≠p hb pw AXn\p Xmsg-bp≈ B¨Ip-´n-I-sf-sbms°bpw sltcm-Zmhv sIm√n-®p...''
sltcm-Zm-hns‚ hmƒ I-
Uo. F_n≥ ‰n. amXyp \memw h - ¿jw
Æo-cn-t‚bpw tNmc-bptSbpw kΩn-{i-amb {Zmh-I-Øn¬ apJw IgpIn aÆn-e`-b-s∏-´-h-\mWv Rm≥, "sltcm-Zm-hns‚ hmƒ.' kplr-Øp-°ƒs°m∏w Ft∂bpw aÆn-tebv°v hen-s®-dn-bp-tºmƒ Ah≥ Ic-bp-∂p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. Aev]w apº-´-l-kn®v sIme-°fw Xo¿Ø-hs‚ lrZ-b-Øn-s\¥p ]‰n-sb∂p BImw£ ]q≠p-\n¬°th Xs‚ ZpxJsØ IÆp-\o¿Øp-≈n-I-fn-sem-Xp°n tbm≤m-hns‚ thj-a-Wn™v Ah≥ HmSn-b-I-∂p. Ct∏mƒ Ic-bp-∂Xv Ah\n-hnsS aÆn-ep-t]-£n®p t]mb Ahs‚ a\- m-£n-bm-bn-cp-∂p. Iptd tXßn, HSp-hn¬ Ahs‚ hmbp-a-S-™p. Ct∏mƒ A¥-co-£-Øn¬ {]Xn-[z-\n-°p∂Xv kv{XoI-fpsS Ic-®n-ens‚ i_vZw am-{X-am-Wv. Imew ]n∂n-´p. Im‰ns‚ KXn-s°m-Øp-b-cp∂ aÆn¬ HSp-hn¬ Rß-ƒ A-`-b-s∏-´p. ]t£ Ime-Øn-s\mØv hgn-bm-{Xn-I-cmbn \S-∂-SpØ ]ecpw Rßsf IqsS-°q-´n. tNmc I´-]n-Sn®v Xpcp-sº-SpØ Rß-fpsS apJw an\p-
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
°n-sbSpØv Ah-cp-b¿Øn. Ah-cpsS D]-tbm-K-tijw R߃ ho≠pw hens®-dn-b-s∏-´p. Ip™p-ß-fpsS c‡-Øn\mbn Zmln-°p∂ "kwlm-c-I≥' F∂ tase-gpØpw In´nbßs\. C∂p R߃ tZim-¥-cn-I-fm-Wv. \mSp-I-fn¬ \n∂pw \mSp-I-fnte°pw a\p-jy-cn¬\n∂pw a\p-jy-cn-te°pw ssIamdn kaq-l-Øn-sem-c-`n-`mPy LS-I-ambn R߃ amdn. tNmc ]pc-s≠m-gp-Ip∂ Cu apJ-Øn-\p-≈nse lrZbw Bcpw ImWp-∂n-√. Bh-iy-°m-cs‚ CwKn-X-Øn\p hgßp-tºmƒ Rß-fpsS AÿnXzsØ Xs∂ R߃ \„am-°p-I-bm-Wv. Ht∂m¿Øm¬ Hcp \\hv `qan-bn-ep≈ F√mh- c p- s Sbpw angn- I - f n- e p- ≠ v . Bip- ] {Xn InS- ° - I - f n¬ Rß-fpsS {]l-c-ta‰v th¿s∏´-I-ep∂ Poh-\p-Iƒ amXr-XzØns‚ t]cn¬ Ie- l n- ° ptºmƒ \ni-_vZ-cmbn amtd≠n hcp∂p. F¥n-t\td Ifn-®p-ckn-t°≠ {]mb-Øn¬ Bip]{Xn InS-°-I-fn-te°v Ccpfn¬ IS-∂p-h-cp∂ s]¨Ip-´nI-fpsS FÆw h¿≤n-°p-∂Xv I≠v e÷-tbmsS angn ]q´pI-bmWv R߃. \ns‚ Ct∏mgsØ s\mºcw B¿s°ms°tbm Bizm- k ambn amdp-tºmƒ ISw ho´m\m- h mØ Ie- l - Ø n\p R߃ \nc-¥cw km£n-I-fmhp-I-bmWv Ipt™. as‰m∂p IqSn ]d-bmsX høm, \ns‚ s\mº-csØ Icn-©-¥-I-fn¬ hn‰v apX-em-°p∂ amem-Ja - mcpw \n\°p Np‰p-ap-≠v. Ahcn¬ Nne-sc-¶nepw amem-J-am-cpsS apJw-aq-Sn-I-fWn™ sNIp-Øm-∑m-cm-Wv. Hcev]w izmk-Øn-\p-th≠n XpSn® Ip™p-߃°p ap∂n¬ Id≥kn-bpsS \ndw I≠v aØv ]nSn®v Rßsf Db¿Ønb Incm-X-∑m-cm-W-h¿. Xo¿∂n-√, Huj[tatI-≠p∂ Ic-ß-fn¬ hnjw ]pc´n \nßsf Ah¿ C©n-©mbn sIm√p-I-bm-Wv. F√msamcp PohnX(\)am¿§w. h¿≤n®p hcp∂ inip-l-XyIƒ Ch-cn¬ \n∂v Icn-©-¥-bpsS em`-s°mXn ]q≠ K¿Ø-Øn-te-°mhpw \nßsf sIms≠-Øn-°p-I. B Ccp-fn\p hmfns‚ A{K-tØ-°mƒ aq¿®-bp-≠v. c‡-Øns‚ K‘w hln-°p∂ B Ccp≠ apdn-
°p-≈n¬ am{X-a-√m, amXr-˛-]n-Xr-˛-km-tlm-Zcy _‘߃°v hne-bn-Sn-bp∂ I®-hStemIØpw R߃ Db¿Ø-s∏-Sm-dp-≠v. a‰p-≈-hs‚ IÆp-I-fn¬ t\m°W-sa∂v thZw HmXn-X∂ Xe-ap-d-b-I-∂-t∏mƒ IÆpI-fn¬ \n∂v t\m´w AI-∂p. hnth-N\i‡n \„-amb a\p-jy¿°p apºn¬ ]ns∂ Xpd-∂Xv Ima-I-Æp-Iƒ am{X-am-bn-cp-∂p. A∏≥, AΩ, ktlm-Z-c≥, Kpcp... (\ofp∂p ]´n- I ) F{X t]¿ Rß- s f- b p- b ¿Øn. Ip™p-ß-fpsS tNmc-bn¬ Xß-fpsS IÆp-Iƒ°v Ipfn-tc-In. Incm-X-amb `qX-Im-e-Øn-te-°v, Im´n-te°v, Ccsb Iq´wIqSn hf™psIm√p∂ h\-\n-ba - ß - fn-te-°v, artKm∑mZ-ßf - n-te-°v, hgn-amdn h∂ inem-bp-K-Ønte°v a\p-jy≥ aS-ßp-I-bmsW∂p tXm∂p- ∂ p. Poh≥ \¬In HSp-hn¬ B Ip™p-Poh≥ Xß- f psS Pohn- X - Ø ns\mcp `mc- s am∂p tXm∂ptºmƒ Rßsf tXSn Bfp-Ifn- d - ß pw. H∂p- a - d n- b mØ \njvI- f ¶ _mey- ß ƒ°p ap∂n¬ hmfp-b¿Øn \n¬°p∂- h - c psS FÆw h¿≤n- ° p∂p≠v \ΩpsS kaq-l-Øn¬. sltcm-Zm-hn\pw CXp Xs∂-bmbn-cp∂p ÿnXn; Xs‚ PohnX-Øn\p {]Xn-k-‘n-bmbn Hcp Ip™p-Po-h≥ Db¿∂-t∏mƒ AXns\ D∑q- e \w sNøm≥ Abmƒ hmfp-b¿Øn Cd-ßn. F\n°p tXm∂p∂p sltcmZmhv acn- ® n- ´ n- √ m- ∂ v . Ncn- { XØns‚ GSp- I - f n¬ B A≤ymbw AS™p F¶nepw Abm-fpsS lrZbw t]dp-∂-h¿ sskzcy-hn-lmcw \SØp-∂p-≠n-t∏m-gpw. Ah¿ lnwk-bn-epw, lXy-bn-epw, ]m]-Øn-epw, Ccp-´nepw kaq-l-Øns‚ Znim-t_m[w C√mXm°nsIm-≠n-cn-°p-∂p. kplr- t Ø, Rm\n- t ∏mgpw k©m- c - Ø n- e m- W v . ssIIƒ ]eXp amdn amdn, Ccpfpw shfn-®hpw BkzZn®v Hcp \mtSm-Snsb t]mse Rm≥ bm{X XpS-cp-Ibm-Wv... kq£n-°p-I... ""sltcm-Zm-hns‚ hmƒ \nß-fpsS Np‰p-h-´-ß-fnepw Ip™p-߃°p t\sc Db-cp-∂p...''
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Ipºkmcwc≠pw IqsS sImbvtØmfw hf-c-s´. (aØmbn 13:30)
tSmWn Fw. tbml-∂m≥ c≠mw h¿jw
CXp-hsc Adn-bm≥ Ign-™n-´n-√, Cu Pohn-X-Øns‚ A¿∞-sa-s¥∂v. -{]-Xo-£-tbmsS hnX-®-sX√mw Xs∂ ]mgmbvt∏mbn-cn-°p-∂p. hnX-®sX√mw \√ hnØm-bn-cp-∂p. hf¿∂p IXn-cmb-t∏mtgm H∏w Ifbpw Xet∏m°n h∂p. DØ-c-a-dn-bmsX HSphn¬ bP-am-\s‚ Acn-In¬... -In´nb DØ-ctam Fs‚ t\¿°p Xs∂ hnc¬ Nq≠n \n∂p. Cu If Rm≥ Xs∂ hnX-®-Xm-Wv... Dd-°w... Pm{KX teiw C√m-Xn-cp∂ ico-chpw a\ pw. DW¿∂n-cn-t°-≠-Xm-bn-cp-∂p. AXn\v Ign-™-Xp-an-√. temI-Øn\v Fs‚ IÆn-a-Isf ab-°-Øn-em-gvØm-\p-≈tX kΩm-\n-°m≥ Ign-™p≈p. IuZminI Ip∏mb-a-Wnbptºmgpw B ab-°-Øns‚ sNmSnhp-Iƒ Fs∂ {Xkn-∏n-®ps°m≠ncp∂p. At∏m-tg°pw temI-tØm-Sp≈ ImasØ Rm≥ Pbn-®n-cp-∂p. {]Wbw F¥n-t\m-Sm-bn-cp∂p...? bP-am-\≥ hnX® \√ hnØn-t\m-tSm,AtXm i{Xp-°ƒ hnX® If-I-tfm-tSm...? {]Wbw lrZ-bsØ Xgp-In-bncps∂¶n¬ Pm{KX ]pe¿Øn-bn-cp-t∂s\ ˛ bP-am-\-t\m-Spw,-b-P-am-\≥ hnX® \√ hnØn-t\m-Spw. IXn-cmWv {]Xo-£,- I-f-b-√. ]mgmb Ifsb t\m°ptºmƒ Hcp IÆm-Sn-bn-te°v t\m°pw t]mse. IXn-tcmfw hf¿∂ncn-°p∂p If-bpw. Ct∏mgo Ipºkm-c-Øn\v ap´p-a-S-°p-tºm-gmWv F∂nse Ifbpw IXncpw th¿s]-Sp-tØ≠ t\csØ Rmt\m¿°p-∂-Xv. c≠pw IqsS sImbvtØmfw hf-c-s´....bP-am-\s‚ Cu Bizmk hN\w a\- n\p shfn®w ]I-cp-∂p. Ifbv°pw ^ew ]pd-s∏-Sp-hn-°m-\p≈ Ah-k-c-am-W-Xv. bP-am-\s‚ ]cnN-c-W-Øn¬ If-t]mepw ^ew ]pd-s∏-Sp-hn°pw! F∂nse If hmSnb IXn-cn\p hf-ambn amd-Ww. kzbw hmSn, -C-e-°ƒ s]m-gn®p, kzbw tlman®v If hf-am-IWw. At∏mƒ hmSnb IXncv Xg®p hf¿∂v \qdpta\n ^ew \¬°pw. sImbvØp ImeØv IXncpw Ifbpw ^e-Øn¬ H∂mbn Xocpw. F∂n´pw, Hcp tNmZyw am{Xw _m°n... F∂nse Bdp-ta\n IXn-cp°ƒ CXp-h-scbpw I√-d-bv°p-≈n¬ NnX-e-cn®p InS-°p-I-bm-bn-cp-t∂m...? At∏msgms° Fs∂ Rm\m°n \ne-\n¿Øn-bXv Cu If-bm-Imw... Xe s]m°n \n∂ IXn-cp-°-sf√mw Al-¥-bn-te°v am{X-am-bn-cp∂p \bn-®Xv. ]Xn-cm-hmsX A\p-X-]n-°phm≥ ad-°msX ]Tn-∏n-®tXm If-Ifpw. F¶neo If-tb-°mƒ, Fs‚ Al-¥-I-fm-Ip∂ IXn-cp-Iƒ atÆm-Sv tNcs´.. Cu If F\n°v hf-ambpw \n¬°-s´.. sImbvØp°me-a-Sp-°p-tºmtg°pw hf-ambv Xo¿∂ Ifbpw \√ ^ew \¬°nb IXncns\bpw bPam-\≥ IcpXpw...-Xo¿®... Ca-Iƒ AS-bv°p∂p...Ipº-km-cw....
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Ricku S. Cherian First Year DEEPTHI 2018
he newlyweds were asleep in their home, surrounded by a beautiful wheat farm. Without any warning, seven soldiers burst into the house and charged into the bedroom. She was completely terrified. She knew about the military attacks happening in Rohingya villages, as part of what the UN calls ‘Ethnic Cleansing’. It was just two days before she came to know that soldiers had killed her parents, and that her brother was missing. This time the soldiers had come for her. They bound her husband with a rope and her shawl was tied around his mouth. She was brutally raped in front of her husband. She stared in panic at her husband, who stared back helplessly. Finally he wriggled the cloth that the soldiers tied around his mouth and screamed. She watched as a soldier fire a bullet into the chest of the man she had married a few weeks before. If you thought everything was over, you’re wrong; nothing was over. After two months she found herself pregnant making her realize that her misery was far from being over.
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She is just one among the thousands of Rohingyan women being raped and assaulted by the security forces in Myanmar. So who are these Rohingyan People? Rohingya is an ethnic group mainly comprising of Muslims who lived in the Rakhine state of Myanmar. According to the United Nations High Commission for the Refugees (UNHCR), the Rohingyas are the most persecuted and discriminated minority on earth. Rohingyas comprise about one-third of the Myanmar’s population and they differ from the rest in terms of ethnicity, language and of course, religion. Despite being able to trace their origins in the region back to the 15th Century, the Myanmar government refutes the claims and denies them citizenship. The denial of their citizenship and basic rights, forced them to flee from their homeland. Almost 0.7 million Rohingyas had fled across the border and have sought asylum in the neighbouring countries especially in Bangladesh and India. Their journey was not that easy. They had to walk for days through forests, paddy fields and mountains and across the dangerous sea and river voyages before reaching the Refugee camps. Not everyone survived the journey. On reaching the camp, they were to stay in scorching tents, but, what received them was hopeless reality. No proper tents, No drinking water, No food, even the existing camps were under equipped to deal with such a large influx which made the situation a bit more chaotic and painful. Most of the tents smelt of excrement due to the absence of latrines. If you take a walk in the camp, you would see families struggling to find shelter under bamboo and tarpaulin sheet. Women cradled their children in their arms and were blowing on the face of their children. You may wonder why?
Well, it’s to help their children to get some relief from the sweltering sun’s heat. Among the stateless, women and girls are the most at risk. They had to face a lot of tortures. They had to sleep under open skies, roadsides and forest areas. Again do keep in mind that among the community of Refugees, majority are women and children. Among the women, 60% are under the age of 18 and a good number are pregnant or lactating mothers and no one could assure their safety and protection.
Women here are also humans with soul and flesh, who would share a never-ending tragedy if anyone asked to open up. Even after going through a lot of pain and trauma, emotionally and physically, they still have a ray of hope left in them. They had all sorts of misery, and there’s no end to it. Even in this traumatized population, they are uniquely vulnerable. Poor ones, whose fate is to be passed from man to man, father to husband, soldier to sex trafficker — even in this “safety claimed” refugee camp. They spoke of seeing their children being slaughtered in front of them, their husbands beaten and shot, burying their loved ones in the darkness and
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leaving the bodies of their babies behind. They spoke of the pains of the wounds that cannot be healed; of rapes, of traumatic events, of the long journeys they made to the refugee camps with bleeding & unattended wounds – of the body and of the heart. They spoke and they spoke, the words erupted from many of them in frantic and tortured bursts. Many of the women were diagnosed with the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) or depression. The NGOs and other international partners have provided
essential healthcare should be provided to them which may include safe abortion or contraception. But what hurt the most was India’s attitude towards such an issue. Till now, the country had managed to keep an arm’s length from the issue. Maybe it’s a response to the political and economic concerns. A boost in the humanitarian response is really a need of the hour. India had an open door policy of accepting Refugees especially from the neighbouring countries. In 2015, India had more than 2 lakh Refugees. But in 2017, India ordered an official
sanctuary and have allowed refugees to access health facilities around the camps. But chaos and lack of knowledge in the overcrowded refugee camps together with stigma and shame has prevented many women from obtaining postrape care. Even Burmese authorities have rejected the documentation of such sexual violence. In the middle of all these uncertainties, Yes, intervention is a big challenge. Women and girls especially should be ensured with adequate food, clean water and a safe and secure shelter. Also
decree of deporting immigrant migrants from the country. We forgot that it’s our humanitarian duty to offer asylum to them. It was quite distressing to read in the news that India argued that these Rohingyan People were having links with Pakistan and ISIS and that offering refuge for them would threaten our national security and change the demographic and culture of our country. What the refugees requested in the Supreme Court of India was to reconsider the Government’s decision on deporting of Refugees. They requested only one thing that
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the government should consider the painful plight of innocent women and children, and to ensure that their women and children were in safe hands. But India stood stern in its decision. However, it is high time that India reconsider this conservative policy of closing the doors to this persecuted community. It’s in a way denial of their right to life. Denied by the country who’s prime philosophy and often repeated quote is ‘AthithiDevo Bhava’ (Guests are like Gods). A need for Christian Response Towards the refugees You may think what Christians like us has to do with all this. The twenty first century is known as ‘The Age of Migration’. All the migrating people are being labelled politically, socially and even spiritually. They are being termed as refugee, migrant, immigrant, displaced or even alien. The theology of migration believes that one has to bridge the gap created by these labels and also challenge all the dehumanizing stereotypes that came up from these labels. Like the words of Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II, ‘A civilization of love and a culture of life should come up’. Bible does have a rich example of wandering people, landless ones who are God’s beloved but had to live at the mercy of other’s kindness. Due to Famine, Abraham and Sarah were displaced to Egypt as refugees (Genesis 12:10), Isaac and Rebecca were displaced to the land of the Philistines (Genesis 26:1-3), Jacob and his people had to fled from Canaan (Genesis 46:1-4). Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were
uprooted by Exile into Babylon (Daniel 1:2-6). Israel was displaced from oppression to wilderness (Exodus 12:41), again migrated as slaves into Assyria by Assyrian king (2 Kings 17:23) and finally displaced into Babylon by king Nebuchadnezzar (2 Kings 24:14-15). Psalms 146:9 says, “The Lord watches over the foreigner.” In Exodus, we come across the law concerning the instructions to keep in mind while dealing with refugees in Israel; “Do not oppress a foreigner; you yourselves know how it feels to be foreigners, because you were foreigners in Egypt” (Exodus 23:9). Again the same idea is being mentioned in Leviticus 19:33, “When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them.” Even in the New Testament we do find refugees. According to the Gospel of Matthew, The Holy Family was itself found as refugees who had to flee in fear of persecution. Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31). In Matthew 25:35 we read “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in”. It does mean that Lord will commend all those who took the effort to help the weak, oppressed, hungry, and a stranger. Paul affirms the Gentiles (the strangers) as people of God, people for whose sake he is willing to go to prison. The Apostles always
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believed that they were strangers in this life who were on a pilgrimage to the heavenly Kingdom of God. In I Peter 2:1113, we are reminded that we are aliens and exiles in this world. The New Testament ends with John’s writing of the Book of Revelation, in exile, on the Isle of Patmos. Bible presents the presence of strangers as an opportunity for God’s people i.e., an opportunity for hospitality and sharing of one’s home and resources with the strangers. Openness to those who needed a place to stay or a bite to eat was, in Biblical times, is an attitude of the heart, from which generous actions naturally flowed. So, We Christians does have a huge role to play in this phenomenon. We have to provide help with compassion to the needy. We have to be like the Good Samaritan who empathized with the wounded, cared for him, sacrificed for him without any hesitation. Psalms 9:9, “The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed” itself proves that He is “the Refuge of the Refugee”. There is a need for solidarity and compassion to this whole issue. This should be seen as an issue about mere humans in need of compassion and love. What we can do is to open up our hearts
and minds, and pray earnestly for these weak ones. Towards the rape victims The Christian’s response to this whole issue should include Love. The survival and recovery of any victim depends upon the attitude of the people around her. Recovery is not that simple and it involves much pain. Unless and until she starts to feel safe, she won’t be able to react or start to recover. She has to be empowered to move ahead in life to develop a sense of value for oneself and also a sense of presence of God and purpose of her life. We lack role models who treat women with respect that God expects. Leading one’s life as an exemplary life is a best way to spread the awareness. There’s a Rohingyan woman amongst our societies too, and out there are men who can be either Rohingyan men, or vicious soldiers. It’s up to us to decide whether we want to be strong brothers protecting our sisters or violent beings that have no compassion and respect towards other human lives; towards women. Again Lets think; Who would God want us to be? Would God want us to close our doors to refugees and migrants today?
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I\-hnse I\-ep-Iƒ cm
_nt\mbn tImin c≠mw- h¿jw
{Xn Gsd-bm-bn. At\Iw Nn¥-Iƒ Xnßn \nd™v a\ v h√msX Akz-ÿ-am-Wv. F√m ImØn-cn-∏p-Iƒ°v ]n∂nepw {]Xo-£-bpsS Hcp Cu‰pt\m-hp-≠v. B A\p-`-h-Øn-emWv Ah-\pw. cm{Xn InS-°-tbmSv a√n´v Ah≥ InS-∂p. CS-bv°nsS Ca-NnΩn Dd°w IÆp-Isf Ih-cm≥ {ian-s®-¶nepw a\ v B {ia-߃ hn^-e-am-°n. F∂pw s\t©mSv tN¿Øp-h-bv°p∂ Xebn-W-Iƒ A¬]w AI-se-bn-cp∂v Ahs\ imkn-®p. "Dd-ßm≥ ka-b-am-bnt√! \msf kv°qfn¬ t]mtI-≠-Xt√?' A\p-k-cn-°m≥ Iq´m-°msX Ah≥ Nn¥-I-fn¬ ]ns∂bpw apgp-In. cm{Xn°v h√m-sØmcp L\w! "hey∏m ]d-™-sXm° kXy-am-Wv. Ime-sa-{X-bm-bn... im]w amdn A\p{Klw tZi-Øn\v e`n-°-W-sa-¶n¬ AXv kw`-hn-°-Ww. kqcy≥ A‘-ImcsØ t`Zn®v DZn-®p-b-cp-∂-Xp-t]mse \oXn ad-\o°n ]pd-Øp-h-cpw.' s]s´∂v ssIsbm-Xp-°n-]n-Sn®v Ah≥ H∂v XpΩn. hey-∏-bpsS Iq¿°w-h-en-bpsS i_vZw \n∂p. Hcp KZvK-Z-tØmsS hey∏bpsS i_vZw Db¿∂p: "\o CXp-h-sc-bm-bn´pw Dd-ßn-bnt√?
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Xs‚ Nn¥-Iƒ°v `wKw hcp-Ønb B XpΩ-ens\ i]n-®p-sIm≠v tNmZyw tIƒ°mØ a´n¬ Ah≥ ]d-™p. "\msf skan- \ mcn Xpd- ∂ m¬ Fs∂bpw sIm≠p-t]m-Iptam? hey-∏sb Ahn- s S- b s√ amtam- Z okm ap°n- b - X v . .. F\n°pw ImWWw B ]≈n!' "\o Ct∏m InS-∂p-d-ßm≥ t\m°v... \msf t\cw shfp-Øn´v \ap°v Btem-Nn-°mw.' Dd-°-Øns‚ Beky-Øn¬ hey∏m Ah-t\mSv ]d-™p. F∂m¬ Nn¥-Iƒ°v ^pƒtÃm-∏n-SmsX ]I¬tI´ B hoc-I-Y-I-fn-eqsS Dufn-bn´v Ah≥ k©-cn-®p. samss_-ens‚ Ct‚-W¬ saΩdn \nd-™m¬ lmMv BIp-∂-Xp-t]mse Ahs‚ a\ v Xr°p-∂Øv skan\m-cn-bn¬ ðmbn \n∂p. hey-∏-tbm-sSmØv cmhnse Xs∂ CkvXn-cnbnSmØ Hcp Npa∂ j¿´pw Hcp s]≥kn¬ Sn∏v Po≥kpw hen®p-tI‰n Xe-ap-Sn-sbms° H∂v Nohn-sbm-Xp°n Ah\pw [rXn-bn¬ ]≈n-bn¬ lmP-cm-bn. t]meo-kp-Im-cpsS sN°nwMv Ign™v AI-tØ°v Ib‰n hn´p. AIØv sN∂-t∏mƒ Hcp hiØv Xncp-ta-\nbpw A®≥amcpw Ft¥m Imcy- a m- b n´v kwkm- c n®v \n¬°p- ∂ - X n¬ Ahs‚ ZrjvSn-bp-S-°n. s]mSp-∂s\ Hcp tNmZyw he-Øp-h-iØv \n∂pb¿∂p. "Ah-dm-®m, GXm Cu Ip´n?' "tIm´-bØ - p≈ ktlm-Zc - s‚ aI\m! ChnsS ho´n¬ \n∂m ]Tn-Ø-sam-s°. \t∂ {]mbw sN∂ B a\p-jys‚ Npfp-ßnb apJtØ°v t\m°n Hcp t\¿Ø ]p©ncn Ah≥ kΩm\n-®p. B a\p-jys‚ apJØv h√m-Ø-sbmcp tXP v. hey- ∏ - b psS apJ- t Ø°v Ah≥ t\m°n- b - t ∏mƒ Ft¥m Is≠-Ønb Hcp imkv{X-⁄s‚ B\μw... "hdo-tX-´≥ ChnsS ImWptam? Chs\ Hcp Ac-aWn-°q¿ H∂v t\m°mtam? Rm≥ Aev]w t]mØn-d®n hmßn hcmw! \msf t\mºv hnSp-I-bt√! Ch≥ Fs‚ IqsS ]≈n ImWm≥ Cd-ßn-bXm...' "AXn-s\¥m! Ah-\n-hnsS \nt∂m-fpw. F¥mSm \ns‚ t]cv?' ]Xp-ß-temsS Ah≥: "tPm¨' Ah-dm-®≥ t]mbn´v hm Chs‚ Imcyw Rm≥ G‰p. hey∏m t]mIp-∂Xv t\m°n \n∂ Ah-t\mSv hdotX-´s‚ ASpØ tNmZy-icw; "\n\-°-dn-bmtam Cu ]≈osS IY-I-sfms°?' "Ipd-s®ms° hey∏m ]d-™p-X-∂n-´p-≠v.'
hdo-tX-´≥ XpS¿∂p "\ns‚ hey-∏mbpw Rm\pw A∂v Cu Nm∏-ense ip{iq-j-°m-cm-bn-cp-∂p. 1958 sk]v‰w-_-dn¬ `n∂-X-Iƒ Xm¬°m-en-I-ambn Ah-km\n®v k` H∂n-®-t∏mƒ, 1934 se k`-m `c-W-L-S-\bpsS Iogn-embn \ΩpsS Cu Nm∏¬; \ΩpsS kz¥ambn amdn. sX√v Bi-¶-tbmsS Ah≥ tNmZn®p "At∏mƒ AXn\v apºv ]≈n Ah- c p- t S- X m- b ncpt∂m?' sNdp-Nn-cn-tbmsS hdo-tX-´≥ `mfi-Øns‚ sI´pIƒ Hmtcm∂v Agn®p XpS-ßn. "F∂mWv Cu \Ωfpw Ahcpw Hs° D≠m-bXv? Aºm´v am¿ Iqdn-temkv Xncp-ta\n Xr°p-∂q¿ ]pcbnSw hmßn-b-t∏mƒ, ]≈n ]Wn-X-t∏mƒ, IS-hn¬ Xncp-ta\n skan-\mcn ]Wn-bm-cw-`n-®-t∏mƒ k`-bv°p≈n¬ Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv ˛ bmt°m-_mb `n∂X C√mbn-cp-∂p. th¿Xn-cn-hp-Iƒ C√m-bn-cp-∂p. ]t£ At∂ \ho-I-cW k` AXm-bXv am¿tØmΩm k` th¿]ncn-™n-cp-∂p. F∂m¬ H∂n®p \n∂ \ΩpsS i‡n FSpØp ]d-tb-≠-Xm-bn-cp-∂p.' "hey∏m Ft∂mSv ]d-™n-´p≠v h´-t»-cn¬ Xncpta-\nsb apS-°n-b-Xns\ØpS¿∂mWv ]nf¿∏v Bcw-`n°p-∂-sX∂v' hdo-tX-´≥ s]mSp-∂s\ adp-]Sn ]d-™p. "Gbv, AXn\v apºpw hg-°p-Iƒ Hs° D≠m-bn-cp∂p. ]t£ ]c-ky-ambn Bcw-`n-°p-∂Xv At∏m-gmsW∂v am{Xw. \n\-°-dn-bmtam Ht∂-Im¬ \q‰m-≠ns‚ Ncn-{X-ap≠v Xr°p-∂Øv skan-\m-cn-°v. ]gb Xncp-hnXmw-Iq-dnse A{]-k-‡-amb Hcp ÿe-am-bn-cp∂p Bep-h. Fs‚ A∏®≥ ]d-™p-tI-´n-´p≠v ]s≠ms° h¿j- Ø n- s em- c n- ° ¬ inh- c m- { Xn°v Bephm aW∏pdØv _en-X¿∏Ww \S-Øm≥ FØp-∂-h-cpw, Bephm-∏p-g-bpsS Huj-[-Kp-W-ap≈ sh≈-Øn¬ Ipfn®v kpJ-sa-Sp-°m≥ th\¬°m-eØv FØp∂ A]q¿Δw Nne-cp-am-bn-cp-∂p. Bep-hmsb apJy-[m-c-bn¬ FØn®-Xv. A°m-eØv Bep-hm-bn¬ kpdn-bm\n {InkvXym\n-Iƒ C√m-bn-cp-∂p. sIm®n-˛-sjm¿Wq¿ sdbn¬th∏mX h∂-tXmsS Bep-hmbv°v IqSp-X¬ {]m[m\yw h∂p.' "hdo-tX-´s‚ kwkm-c-Øn\v Hcp ]©p-≠v. \√ Kmw`ocyw D≈ B i_vZ-Øn¬ Ncn{Xw tIƒ°m≥ \√ ckw tXm∂p-∂p. CXn-bm≥ Hcp sIme-am-kmWv Ah≥ a\ n¬ ]d-™p. IY ]d-™p-sIm≠v sas√ Ah¿ \S-∂p. Im°n°p-∏m-b-߃°n-S-bn-eqsS I_-dn-S-Øn-se-Øn.
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hcp∂ hgn Hcp XmSn-°m-c≥ {^o°s‚ Ia‚ v Ah≥ tI´p. "hdo-tX-´\v Cs∂mcp Ccsb In´o´p-≠v. ]mhw sN°≥! C∂v ^pƒ Ah≥ t]mÃm...' CsXm∂pw Iqkm-°msX hdo-tX-´≥ IY XpS¿∂p. B ImeØv A¶- a men `{Zm- k - \ - Ø ns‚ BZy sa{Xm-t∏m-eo-Øm-bm-bn-cp∂ Aºm´v am¿ Iqdn-temkv Xs‚ `{Zm-k\ Bÿm-\ambn Bep-hmsb Xnc-s™Sp-Øp. Fs‚ Hm¿Ω icn-bm-sW-¶n¬ ae-¶c kμ¿in®p BZysØ ]m{Xn-b¿°o-kmb ]t{Xmkv {XnXzn-b≥ 1876-˛se apf-¥p-cpØn kp∂-l-tZm-kn-emWv ae-¶c sa{Xm-t∏m-eo-Ømsb IqSmsX 6 ta¬∏-´-°m-sc-°qSn hmgn-®Xpw ae-¶ck`sb GI-]-£o-b-ambn 7 `{Zm-k\-ambn Xncn-®X - pw. 1891˛¬ Iqdn-temkv sa{Xm-®≥ Imew sNbvXp. At±-lsØ A¶-amen ]≈n-bn-emWv AS°n-b-Xv. At±-l-amWv Bephm \K-c-a-≤y-Øn¬ 20 G°-tdmfw hkvXp kºm-Zn-°p-Ibpw ]≈n ÿm]n°p- I bpw sNbv X - X v . At±- l - Ø ns‚ Ime- t ijw tIm´bw `{Zm-k-\-Øns‚ IS-hn¬ am¿ AØm-\mtkymkv Xncp-ta\n A¶-amen `cWw Gs‰-Sp-Øp. h≈n-
°m´v _mhm A∂v Imcp- N nd Koh¿Kokv dºm≥ Bbn-cp-∂p. At±l-am-bn-cp∂p Xncp-ta-\osS sk{I-´-dn. Ip‰n- ° m- ´ n¬ ]utemkv dºm- \ pw, ss]\m-SØv tPmk^v siΩm-i\pw AhnsS-bmWv Xma-kn-®n-cp-∂-Xv. Zo¿L-\mƒ skan\m-cn-]Wn kmº-ØnI_p≤n-ap´v sIm≠v Cg-™mWv \oßn-b-Xv. IS-hn¬ Xncp-ta\n Xma-kn-bmsX skan\m-cn-]Wn Hcp s]mXp-Im-cy-am-°n. Bep-hm-bn¬ Hcp skan-\mcn D≠m°n Cw•o-jpw, kpdn-bm-\nbpw ]Tn-∏n°-W-sa∂pw ]Wn-h-I-bv°mbn A¶-amen `{Zm-k-\Ønse F√m ]≈n-I-fn¬ \n∂pw Hcp sIm√sØ hcpam\w sImSp-°-W-sa∂pw \n›-bn®v AXn-\mbn IΩ‰n-°msc Xncs™SpØp. 1904˛¬ tZhm-e-b-Øn\v I√n-´p. Hcp \nizm-k-sa-Sp-Øp-sIm≠v hdo-tX-´≥ IY-bv°nS-bn¬ Hcp t]mkv C´p. s]mSp-∂s\ Ah≥ tNmZn®p: "A∏-®\v As∂{X hb-kp-≠m-bn-cp∂p?
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Xs‚ IpS-h-bdv Ipep°n B¿Øv Nncn-®p-sIm≠v Ahs‚ tNmZy-Øn\v hdo-tX-´≥ adp-]Sn sImSp-Øp. "A∂v Fs‚ A∏-®\pw AΩ-®nbpw t]mepw t\cn¬ I≠n-´p-≠m-In-√. Ahcv sI´p-∂Xv 1923 emWv. {]W-bn®m sI´n-b-Xv. kvIqfn¬ ]Tn-®-t∏mƒ XΩn¬ I≠p-ap-´n-b-Xm...' "AsXms° Ign™v Fs‚ tPyjv T - \ pw, aq∂v s]ß-∑mcpw Cu `qan-bn-te°v h∂p. AXpw Ign™mWv Fs‚ Dugw. Rm≥ P\n-°p-∂Xv 1936˛¬ Hcp XWp-∏p≈ Unkw-_¿ amk-Øn-em-Wv. Cu IY-Isfms° Fs‚ A∏-®≥ ]d™p X∂-Xm-Wv.' "Fs‚ sNdp-∏-Im-e-Øn¬ Rm≥ Ip‰n-°m-´n¬ Xncpta-\nsb I≠n-´p-≠v. At±-l-Øns‚ ssIap-Øn-bn-´p≠v. BImw-£-tbmsS hdo-tX-´≥ ]d-™p. IS-hn¬ Xncp-ta\n ]cp-ae Xncp-ta-\osS ka-Im-eo\-\m-bn-cp-∂p. 1907 ¬ At±lw Imew sNbvXp. IShn¬ Xncp-ta\n Imew sNbvX-tXmsS A¶amen `{Zmk-\-Øns‚ `cWw ae-¶c sa{Xm-t∏m-eo-Ømbv°v h∂p tN¿∂p. IS-hn¬ Xncp-ta-\nsb Chn-sS-bmWv AS°n-b-Xv. Xncp-ta\n Imew sNbvX tijw Koh¿Kokv dºm≥ ChnsS \n∂v hmkw Ah-km-\n-∏n®v t]mbn.' CXn- \ n- S - b n¬ Hcp {][m\ hnjbw D≠m- b n. A_vZp≈m ]m{Xn-b¿°okv tIc-f-Øn-se-Øp-Ibpw euIn-Im-[n-Imcw kΩ-Xn®v cPn-ÿ DS-ºSn \¬ImØ-Xn-\m¬ ae-¶c sa{Xm-t∏m-eoØm am¿ Znh-∂mtkymkv Bdm-as\ apS-°n. AXm-bXv h´-t»-cn¬ Xncpta-\nsb apS-°n. Cu ka-bØv ae-¶c k`-bpsS Xncs™-Sp∏p IqSmsX Ip‰n-°m-´n¬ ]utemkv dºms\ am¿ AØm\mtkymkv F∂ t]cn¬ A¶-am-en-bpsS sa{Xm-\mbn At±lw 1910 ¬ hmgn-®p. Ip‰n-°m-´n¬ ]utemkv am¿ AØm-\m-tkymkv A¶-amen sa{Xm\mbn A[n-Im-c-ta-‰-bp-S≥ kap-Zmb tIkv Bcw-`n-®p. AXv Ah-km-\n-°p-∂-Xn\p apºv Xs∂ 1953 P\p-hcn 20˛\v At±lw Imew sNbvXp. Bflo-b-\n-jvT-Iƒ ]men® Hcp ]cn-ip-≤-\m-bn-cp-∂p At±lw. ]. ]cp-ae Xncp-ta-\n-bpsS injy-\m-bn-cp∂p At±-lw. \n¿`m-Kyh-im¬ Ct±lw _Z¬ ae-¶c sa{Xm-t∏m-eo-Øm-bmbn {]h¿Øn-°p-hm≥ CS-bm-bn. Xncp-ta-\n-tbbpw ChnsSbm AS-°n-b-Xv. At±lw Poh-t\m-sS-bn-cn-°p-tºmƒ Xs∂ 1946˛¬ ]m{Xn-b¿°okv hmgn-® hb-en-∏-d-ºn¬ am¿ {KotKm-dn-tbmkv Xncp-ta\n klm-bn-bmbn ÿm\ta-‰p. Ct±lw `{Zm-k-\ -`-cWw 1953˛¬ G‰-bp-Ss\ Fgp-Xnb hn¬∏-{X-Ønse IrXy-X-bn-√mØ, s]mXphmb Hcp ]cm-a¿i-Øns‚ ]n≥_-e-Øn-emWv Ct∏mƒ \ΩpsS Xr°p-∂Øv ]≈n-bn¬ A[n-Im-c-ap-s≠∂v hnL-S-\-hn-`mKw hmZn-°p-∂-Xv.
"AsX¥m B ]cm-a¿iw?' Ah≥ sas√ tNmZn®p. "\ne-\n¬∏n-√mØ Hcp hmZ-am-Wn-Xv. ImcWw hben-∏-d-ºn¬ Xncp-ta-\n-bpsS kzbm¿÷nX kztØm IpSpw-_-kztØm A√ skan-\m-cn. A¶-amen sa{Xmt∏m-eoØm F∂ ÿm\w sIm≠v ssIhiw h∂ kzØm-Wn-Xv. A{]-Imcw Hcp kzØv hn¬∏-{X-ØneqsS ssIam‰w sNøm≥ Hcp \nb-ahpw A\p-h-Zn-°p∂n-√. 1958˛se kp{]ow tImSXn hn[n-{]-ImcamWv hben-∏-d-ºn¬ Xncp-ta-\n-sb A¶-amen sa{Xm-t∏m-en-Ømbmbn k` AwKo-I-cn-®-Xv.'
"Cu hb-en-∏-d-ºn¬ Xncp-ta-\n-bm-tWm k`-bn¬ kam-[m\w sIm≠p-h-∂Xv?' Dds° Nncn-®p-sIm≠v hdo-tX-´≥ ]d™p: "AXv Zo¿L-\m-fsØ k`-bp-sSbpw k`m-]n-Xm-°∑ - m-cp-sSbpw kz]v\-am-bn-cp-∂p. AXn-\mbn At\Iw ]nXm-°≥am¿ bXv\n-®n-´p-≠v. k`m tbmPn-∏n¬ At±lw hln® Imcy-\n¿Δ-lWw [ochpw A`n-\-μ-\m¿l-hp-am-bn-cp∂p. 1934 se k`m `c-W-L-S\ F√m ]≈n-I-fnepw \S-∏n¬ hcm≥ DNn-X-am-bXv sNbvXp. Hcp kph¿W Ime-L-´-am-bn-cp∂p AXv. skan-\mcn sI´n-Sw, s\Spºm-t»cn kv°qƒ, I\ymkv{Xn aTw, hnhn[ ]≈n-Iƒ
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
F∂nh ]Wn-bp-I-bpw, `{Zm-k\ apJ-]-{X-amb k`mN-{μn-Ibv°v A∂v XpS°w Ipdn-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. At±lw 1966 emWv Imew sNbvX-Xv. skan-\m-cn-bn¬ I_- d - S - ß nb aq∂m- a sØ ]nXm- h mWv At±- l w. At±lw Pohn-®n-cp-s∂-¶n¬ c≠mw kap-ZmbtIkv Hcp ]t£ D≠m-Ip-am-bn-cp-∂n√ F∂v hniz-kn-°p-∂-h-cp≠v.' Hcp Zo¿L-\n-izmkw hn´-Xn\v tijw hdo-tX-´≥ XpS¿∂p. "hen-b-]-d-ºn¬ Xncp-ta-\osS Ime-tijw Hcp h¿jw ae-¶-c-sa-{Xm-t∏m-eo-Ømbpw ImtXm-en-°m-bpamb am¿ _tk-en-tbmkv HutK≥ {]Y-a≥ _mhm `{Zm-k\ `cWw Gs‰-Sp-Øp. F∂m¬ ASpØ Hcp bpK-]p-cp-j≥ 1967˛¬ B ÿm\-tØ°v \nb-an-°-s∏´p. tUm. ^nen-t∏mkv am¿ sXtbm-^n-temkv Xncp-ta\n. At\Iw kw`-h-߃ B Ime-L-´-Øn¬ D≠mbn. At±-l-Øns‚ Imdv hnL-SnX hn`mKw IØn-®p. F∂n- c p- ∂ mepw hfsc Zo¿L- h o- £ - W - t ØmsS {]h¿Øn-°p-hm≥ At±-l-Øn\v Ign-™p. At±-lsØbpw Chn-sS-bmWv I_-d-S-°n-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xv. CXn\n-S-bn¬ A`n.- am-Xyqkv am¿ _¿∂-_m-kv, A`n. ]utemkv am¿ ]t°m-an-tbmkv F∂n-h¿ klmb sa{Xm-∑m-cmbn Xr°p-∂Øv Xma-kn-®p. sXtbm-^ntemkv Xncp-ta\nbpsS Ime-tijw amXyqkv ZznXo-b≥ _mhm `{Zm-k\ `cWw Gs‰-Sp-Øp. ]n∂oSv 2002 apX¬ 2005 hsc ]t°m-an-tbmkv Xncp-ta\n `cW NpaXe \n¿h-ln-®p. A`n. tXmakv am¿ Xntam-Øn-tbmkv Xncp-ta\n `c-W-Np-a-Xe \n¿Δ-ln-®p. A`n. tXmakv am¿ Xntam-Øn-tbmkv Xncp-ta\n (AXm-bXv henb _mhm) ]ns∂ Ct∏mƒ Xriq¿ `{Zm-k-\- sa{Xm-t∏meoØ A`n. bplm-t∂m≥ am¿ anen-tØmkv Xncp-ta\n, Ct∏m- g sØ _mhm Xncp- t a\n (A∂v A`n. ]utemkv am¿ anen-Øn-tbmkv Xncp-ta-\n) Ch-scms° amXyqkv ZznXn- b ≥ _mhm- b psS Akn- à ‚mbn Xr°p∂Øv tkh\w A\p-jvTn-®n-´p-≠v. IY ]d-®n¬ ss¢am-IvtkmsS ASp-Øt- ∏mƒ Btcm ]nd-In¬ \n∂v X´n hnfn-°p-∂p. "Ft¥m Dd-°am CXv... Fgp-t∂¬°v! hey∏m A∏s\ Ipep°n hnfn-®p. tZ t]mØn-d®n taSn-°m≥ t]mb hey∏m Im∏n-bp-am-bn´v \n¬°p-∂p. sX√v sR´temsS Dd-°-Øn¬ Ah≥ DW¿∂p {]Xn-tj-[-apb¿Øn Hcp tIm´phm hn´p. A¬]-k-abw Ign™v Dd-°-®-S-hn¬ sas√ \S∂v ASp-°-f-bn¬ hey-∏-bpsS Acn-IØv h∂n-cp-∂p. F¥mWv kw`-hn-®-sX∂v hey∏m Bcm-bp-∂-Xn\v apsº Ah≥ ap≥Iq¿ Pmay-sa-Sp-Øp. "Ign™ Znhkw hey∏m ]d- ™ p- X ∂ IY- I sfms° Rm≥ kz]v\w I≠p. ]t£ AXv apgp-hn-∏n-
°m≥ hey∏m kΩ-Xn-®n-√t√m!' "B-lm... \n\-°nt∏m DuW-nepw Dd°-Ønepw CtX Dt≈m Nn¥...' H∂pw {i≤n- ° mØ a´n¬ Ah≥ tNmZn®p: "C∂v hn[n \ap°v A\p-Iq-e-amIptam hey∏m?' "\ap°v AXn- \ p- t h≠n {]m¿∞n- ° mw. aq∂v t\mºns‚ AJfi{]m¿∞\ \ΩpsS Nm∏- e n¬ Ct∏mgpw \S- ° p- ∂ p- ≠ v . CS- a p- d n- b m- s X- b p≈ B {]m¿∞-\bv°v ^e-ap-≠m-Im-Xn-cn-°n√ tamt\! \n\-°d - n-bmtam! aq∂v XhW \ap°v A\p-Iq-ea - mbn kp{]ow-tIm-SXn hn[n h∂-Xm-Wv. 1958˛epw, 1995˛epw Ah- k m- \ - a mbn 2017 Pqsse 3˛\pw. akn¬ ]h¿ sIm≠pw Kp≠m- b nkw sIm≠pw B¿°pw \sΩ Iogv s ]- S p- Ø m≥ km[n- ° n- √ . Hcp hntZ- i m- [ n- ] - X yØn\pw ASn-b-dhp ]d-bm≥ D≈-X√ ae-¶c k`-bpsS ss]Xr-Iw. AXv \ap°v Ah-Im-i-s∏-´-Xm-Wv. 2009 apX¬ \ΩpsS `{Zm-k-\m-[n-]-\mb A`n. bqlm-t∂m≥ am¿ t]mfn-°m¿t∏mkv Xncp-ta\n, At±lw Hcp kam[m-\-Imw-£n-bm-Wv. ssZhw At±-l-Øn-s‚bpw k`m a°-fp-sSbpw t\sc apJw Xncn-°n-√. \ΩpsS _mhm Xncp-ta-\n-bpsS ]q¿Æ A[n-Im-c-Øn≥ Iogn¬, B ImtXm-en°m knwlm-k-\-Øns‚ Iogn¬, 1934 `c-WL-S-\-bpsS Iogn¬, Cu tZhm-e-bw; Cu Ac-a\ Nm∏¬ Fs∂-t∂-°p-am-bn´v Bbn-Øo-cpw. Imem-Ime-ß-fmbn CXn-\p-th≠n t]mcm-Snb A®≥am-cp-sSbpw A¬am-b-cp-sSbpw IÆo-cpw, {]m¿∞-\bpw A[zm-\hpw H∂pw hyYm-hmbn t]mIn-√. 4 ]nXm-°∑m-cpsS I_dnSw ÿnXn sNøp∂ B aÆv Hcp ]pWy-`q-an-bm-Wv. B tZhm-e-b-Øns‚ hmXn-ep-Iƒ Hcn-°epw AS-bmsX F∂pw Xpd∂p InS-°p-hm-\m-bn´v \obpw {]m¿∞n-°Ww. hfsc Zb-\o-b-ambn Ah≥ ]d™p: "hey-∏m, sshIn´v kv°qfn¬ t]mbn´v hcp-tºmƒ Fs∂bpw Nm∏-en¬ sIm≠p-t]mtW...! AXn-s\¥m! \ap°v Hcp-an®v k‘ym-\-a-kv°m-cØn\v Xr°p-∂Øv skan-\m-cn-bn¬ t]mImw. AXv tI´ DSs\ kt¥m-j-tØmsS Xs‚ Zn\-N-cy-Iƒ ]q¿ØoI-cn-°p-hm-\mbn Ah≥ t]mbn. ""P\p-hcn 25 hymgmgvN DZn® kqcy\v \oXn-bpsS \nd-amIs´. I\-hn¬ Imem-Im-e-ß-fmbn IØp∂ B I\-epIƒ XWp-∏-I-‰p∂ s\cn-t∏m-Sp-I-fmbn amds´!'' a\ n¬ Cu {]m¿∞-\-Ifpw D®-cn®v hey∏m Ahs\ kvIqfn-e-b-bv°p-hm-\p≈ X{X-∏m-Sp-I-fn¬ apgp-In.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
ssZhhpw {SÃnbpw XΩn¬ I≠p-ap-´n-b-t∏mƒ cwKw-˛1 ]≈n-Iq-Zmi
Pn_n≥ tXmakv G{_lmw aq∂mw h¿jw
{SÃn: ssZhta CXm Atß°v th≠n 5 tImSn apS°n R߃ ]WnX tZhm-ebw. ssZhw: 5 tImSn-tbm....-tlm.... CXp apgp-h≥ F\n-°p-th≠n BsWm? {SÃn: AtX ssZh-ta...-F√mw Ahn-SpsØ Xncp-ap-ºmsI ka¿∏n-°p∂p. ssZhw: sIm≈mw...-\√ Imcyw.... Aß-s\-bm-sW-¶n¬ Cu ]≈n-bpsS G‰hpw apI-fn-ep≈ kz¿Æ Ipcnip hn‰n´v kz¥-ambn hoSn-√mØ tXmam®\v Hcp hoSp ]WnXv sImSp°mw... {SÃn: Atøm....-AXp ]‰n√... B kz¿Æ Ipcniv ]´-W-Øns‚ GXp `mKØp \n∂p t\m°n-bmepw ImWm-hp-∂-Xm-Wv...-AXp am‰m≥ ]‰n-√... am{X-a√ \ΩpsS ASp-Øp≈ as‰mcp CS-h-I-°m¿ sh≈n sIm≠p≈ Ipcn-imWv h®n-cn-°p-∂-Xv. Ah-cpsS apºn¬ \ΩpsS hne t]mIpw. ssZhw: Blm.... Aß-s\-bm-tWm...-hne H´pw If-b-≠m... F¶n¬ ]ns∂ \ΩpsS kz¿Æ Imkm hn‰n´v \Ωp-sS CS-h-I-bnse ]mh-s∏´ c≠v s]¨Ip-´n-Isf sI´n®p hn´mtem? {SÃn: Fs‚ ssZh-ta... AXv s]cp-∂m-fp-Iƒ°pw {]tXyI Znh-k-ßfnepw Xncp-ta-\n-am¿ hcp-tºmƒ D]-tbm-Kn-°m-\p-≈-Xm... sa{Xm-®≥ hcp-
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
tºmƒ kz¿Æ Imkm Cs√-¶n¬ tami-at√? ssZhw: AXp icn-bm....-tam-i-am-Wv.... F∂m¬ ]ns∂ 5 e£-Øns‚ ssa°v sk‰v hn‰mtem? B Imiv sIm≠v \ΩpsS ]mh-s∏´ A©mdp Ip´n-Isf ]Tn-∏n°m-am-bn-cp-∂p. {SÃn: Blv... s_Ãv... ssat°¬ sXm´p Ifn-®m¬ hnIm-cn-b-®≥ Fs∂ HmSn-°pw... ]pXnb knÃ-Øn¬ Ip¿∫m\ sNm√n-bn´p thWw lqtØmtΩm bqSq-_n¬ CSm≥ F∂v C∂-se-bpw-IqSn ]d-™t- X-bp-≈p. ssZhw: BtWm.... F¶n¬ ]ns∂ Rm\m-bn´p In´m\p≈ sse°p- I ƒ Ipd- b v°p- ∂ n- √ . Npcp°n ]d-™m¬, 5 tImSn-bpsS ]≈n D≠m-bn´pw F\n°p Fs‚ CjvS-Øn-\-\p-k-cn®v CXv D]-tbm-Kn°m≥ ]‰n-√...At√? {SÃn: AXp ]ns∂..... CsX√mw ssZh-Øn-\p-th≠n Cu CS-hI - b - nse a°ƒ ka¿∏n-®X - t√? ssZh-Øn\p Hcp Ipdhpw D≠m-I-cpXv. ssZhw: Blv...-ssZ-hØ - n-\p-th-≠n.... At∏mƒ Ip‰w apgp-h≥ F\n-°v... sIm≈mw.... F¶n¬ ]ns∂ Rm≥ \nev°p-∂n-√... t]ms´... {SÃn: Atøm ssZhw FhnsS t]mIphm? R߃ ]WnX Cu tZhm-eb - Ø - n¬ Xma-kn-®p-IqsS? ssZhw: Blv... G.-kn. F\n°v Ae¿Pn-bm.... \n߃°m-sW-¶n¬ G. kn. C√msX CXns‚ AIØv \n¬°m\pw høm... Rm≥ B IS-Øn-Æb - n-se-ßm\pw InS-t∂m-fmw... {SÃn: F¶n¬ ]ns∂ ssZh-Øns‚ CjvSw t]mse Bbn-sIm-≈s - ´....!
cwKw-˛2 A¥y-\ym-bh - n[n {SÃn: ssZh-ta....-A-tß°v th≠n tImSn-I-fpsS tZhm-ebw ]Wn-Ig- n-∏n® F\n°v F¥v {]Xn-^e - a - mWv \evIp-hm≥ t]mIp-∂X - v? ssZhw: i]n-°s∏´h-t\...-Fs∂ hn´p ]nim-Nn\pw Ahs‚ ZqX-∑m¿°pw Hcp-°n-bn-cn-°p∂ \nXym-·n-bnte°v t]mIp-hn≥. F\n°v hni∂p, \o `£n-∏m≥ X∂n√; Zmln-®p, \o IpSn-∏m≥ X∂n-√; AXnYnbmbncp-∂p, \o Fs∂ tN¿Øp-sIm-≠n√; \·-\m-bn-cp-∂p, \o Fs∂ DSp-∏n-®n√; tcmKnbpw XShnepw Bbn-cp-∂p, \o Fs∂ Im◊m≥ h∂n-√. (aØmbn 25:41-˛43) {SÃn: I¿Ømth! Rm≥ \ns∂ hni-°p-∂-h-t\m Zmln-°p-∂h - t- \m AXn-Yntbm \·t\m tcmKntbm XShntem Bbn Ft∏mƒ I≠p \n\°v ip{iqj sNøm-
Xn-cp∂p?(aØmbn 25:44) ssZhw: Cu G‰hpw sNdn-bh - c - n¬ Hcp-Ø\v \o sNømt-™S-tØm-fs - a√mw F\n°v BIp∂p sNøm- ™ - X v. (aØmbn 25:45) {SÃn: At∏mƒ Rm≥ ]WnX 5 tImSn-bpsS tZhme-b-tam? Rm≥ sImSpØ t\¿®-˛Imgv®Itfm? s]cp∂m-fp-Iƒ°v Rm≥ kvt]m¨k¿ sNbvX shSns°´pw sN≠-ta-f-ß-fptam? Rm≥ t\m‰ t\mºpw D]-hm-kß-fptam? ssZhw: \o Fs‚ k∂n-[n-bn¬ hcp-tºmƒ Fs‚ {]mIm-c-ßsf Nhn-´p-hm≥ CsXm-s°bpw \nt∂mSv tNmZn-®Xv B¿? C\n \o hy¿∞-am-bXv Imgv®-sIm≠p-h-c-cp-Xv (sb-i-ømhv 1:12, 13). \∑ sNbvhm≥ ]Tn∏n≥; \ymbw At\z-jn-∏n≥; A\m-Y\p \ymbw \S-Øns°m-Sp-∏n≥; hn[-hb - v°p-th≠n hyh-lc - n-∏n≥... (sbi-ømhv 1:17). hni-∏p-≈h - \v \ns‚ A∏w \pdp-°n-s°mSp-°p-∂Xpw Ae-™p-\-S-°p∂ km[p-°sf \ns‚ ho´n¬ tN¿Øp-sIm-≈p-∂Xpw \·s\ I≠m¬ Ahs\ DSp-∏n-°p-∂Xpw \ns‚ amwk-c-‡-ß-fm-bn-cp°p-∂-h¿°v \ns∂ Xs∂ ad-bv°m-Xn-cn-°p-∂-Xpw BWv F\n°v CjvSa - p≈ t\mºpw D]-hm-kh - pw! (sbi-ømhv 58:7). ˛-˛˛- ˛-˛˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- i - p-`w-˛˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- tZhm-e-b-߃ ]Wntb≠ F∂-√.... s]cp-∂m-fp-Iƒ \S-tØ≠ F∂p-a-√... Bh-iy-߃ \n¿Δ-ln-°-s∏-SWw... A\m-hi - y-߃ Hgn-hm-°W - w.... B¿`m-Sß - f - n-e√ A\p-Xm-]Ø - n-emWv ssZhw {]km-Zn-°p-∂X - .v ... ImensØm-gp-Øn¬ ]nd∂p hogp-hm≥ Xøm-dm-bh - \v F¥n\mWv tImSn-I-fpsS tZhm-e-bw... ]q¿W-a-\-t msS Rm≥ sI´p∂ sNdnb IqSm-cß - f - n-te-°v t]mepw Cdßn-hc - p-hm≥ Ah\v a\- m-Ipw. hn[-hb - psS Nn√n-°min¬ {]km-Zn-®-h≥ Ip‰-ap-≈Xpw Ipd-hp-≈-Xp-amb Fs‚ t\¿® Imgv®-I-fnepw {]km-Zn-°pw...
"If you cannot find Christ in the beggar at the church door, you will not find him in the chalice” - St. John Chrysostom
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
a¨NnX¬ Hcp NnX¬ {]X-e-Øn-ep-≈-Xnt\-°mƒ F{X aSßv AXns‚ Bg-ßf- psS ]c-∏p-If- n¬ Cdßn-bn-cn-°pw. NnX¬ Bgßsf h√msX {]W-bn-°p-∂p≠v. A{X-ta¬ \ΩpsS a\ pw hmkvXp-]-c-ambn Bg-ßsf {]W-bn-°p-Ib - m-Wv.
ARvPnXv tXmakv c≠mw- h¿jw DEEPTHI 2018
Xepw NnX¬∏p‰pw C∂pw Hcp ka-ky-bmbn XpS-cp-I-bm-Wv. \s∂ sNdp-∏-w apX¬ tI´p sIm≠n-cp∂ H∂v ˛ NnX¬. {KmaPohnXw Xs∂bm-bn-cn°mw CXp-t]m-semcp sNdnb ImcysØ Hm¿Ωn®p sh°p-hm≥ CS-bm-°n-b-Xv. NnX-¬]p‰ns‚ sshhn[yw \nd™ Ad-I-fnse \nKqV cl-ky-߃, B \nKqV cl-ky-ßsf Ah-bpsS Bg-ßsf a\- n√m a\-t msS IpØn Xpd∂v tImgn-°p-™p-߃°v ]IpØp sImSp-°p∂ X≈t°mgn. NnX- e n¬ \nc- h [n NnX- d nb Nn¥- I - f p≠v Ah- b nse NneXns\ sImØn-s∏-dp-°p-I-bm-Wv. Ad-I-fn-eq-sS-bp≈ cl-ky-߃ am{X-a√ Nne ]c-ky-amb Pohn-XsØ Xpd∂p ImWn®v AXnse hntij-X-Isf ]pdØp sIm≠p-h-cp-I-bm-Wv. temI hmkvXp Ie-I-fn¬ G‰hpw anI-®-Xm-bn-cn-°p∂ H∂mWv NnX¬ Ad-Iƒ F∂p-≈-Xv. NnX¬ sIm´m-c-Øns‚ \n¿ΩnXn temtIm-Øc hmkvXp-I-e-Isf sh√p-∂-XmWv. CØn-cn-t]m∂ NnX-ep-Iƒ°v CXv Fßs\ km[n-°p-∂pthm Bthm? NnX-en¬ F¥m C{X ]d-bm-\p-≈Xv F∂v Nn¥n-°p-∂pthm? ]dbm≥ Gsd Dt≠m-sb∂v Adn-bn-√, F¶nepw NneXp ]d-bmsX hø Xm\pw. Hcp Znhkw X≈-t°mgn Xs‚ AXn-aq¿®-bp≈ sIm°v sIm≠v sImØn Xpc∂v NnX¬ Iq´sØ Xs‚ ]n©p Ip™p-߃°v \¬Ip-tºmƒ, as‰mcp NnX¬-˛-am-XrXzw \n -lm-b-X-tbm-Sp-IqsS sIm°n-sem-Xp-°-s∏Sp-I-bm-Wv. F∂m¬ CsX√mw I≠v sIm≠v \n∂ NnX¬Ip™v Xs‚ AΩsb sIm∂v Xn∂p∂ X≈-t°m-gn-bpsS IÆn¬ IrXy-am-sbmcp ISn sImSp-°p-∂p. sNdnb thZ-\-bnepw Xe-bm-´p∂ X≈-t°mgn Cu IY-bdn-bp-∂pt≠m? thZ-\-Iƒ ]e¿°pw ]e Xe-ß-fn¬ hyXy-kvX-am¿∂ `mh-ß-fn¬ cq]-ß-fn-em-bn-cn-°pw. Cu hmb-\-bn¬ Nne-t∏mƒ temI-sa{X hnNn-{X-am-sW∂v tXm∂n-tb°mw. F∂m¬ AXnepw hnNn{Xw ""H∂p NØmse a‰-Xn\v hf-am-hp-I-bp≈q'' F∂-Xm-Wv.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Cu \n¿Ø-en¬ _‘-an-√mbva tXm∂p-∂pthm? AXn-s\mcp efn-X-amb ]p\¿hm-b\ am{Xw aXn-bm-Ipw. AhnsS XpSßpw a\- ns‚ Xncp-Ø-ep-Iƒ. aÆp-≈nSØv NnX-ep-≠v, NnX-ep-≈n-SØv AXns\ tXSp-∂-h-cpap-≠v. NnX-e-cn-bv°p∂ Pohn-X-߃ D≠v. NnX-ep-Iƒ Poh-\pIsf \ne-\n¿Øp-Ibpw sNøpw. Bhm-k-hy-hÿ-bpsS `mK-sa-t∂mWw Poh≥ \ne-\n¿Øp-∂Xn¬ NnX-ep-Iƒ henb ]¶v hln-°p-∂p-ap-≠v. CXv NnX¬ Pohn- X - Ø nse {][m\ sshcp- ≤ ym- fl - I - X - b p- a m- W v . \∑bpw Xn∑bpw t\¿°p-t\¿ t]mcm-Sp-I-bm-Wv. Nnebn-S-ß-fn¬ \∑ ta¬t°mbva {]m]n-°p-∂p-s≠-¶nepw Xn∑ AXns\ adn-I-S∂v A\m-bmkw hne-kn-bm-Sp-∂p. a‰p Nne-bn-S-ß-fn¬ Ipc-ß-∑m¿ Hcp Nn√-bn¬ \n∂pw NmSn as‰mcp Nn√-bn¬ tNt°-dp-∂Xv ImWm≥ \√ `wKn-bm-Wv. F∂m¬ AXv Fs‚bpw \nß-fp-sSbpw a\ p-I-fn¬ kw`-hn-®mtem? Nm©m-Sp-I-bmWv a\- v. AXn Nn√-Iƒ tXmdpw NmSn adn-bp-I-bmW.v tNmZy-
AXn-˛-\n-Kq-V-amb cl-ky-߃ F{X NnI-™n´pw Im-Wp-∂n-√, X®p-S-bv°phm≥ km[n- ° p- ∂ p- a n- √ . a\- ns\ Bgv∂n-d-ßp-hm≥ ]ecpw ]e XhW {ian-®p. F¶nepw F∂m-ep-≈nse \n[nsb X®p- S - b v ° p- h m≥ F¥n\v ImWm≥ IqSn B¿°pw km[n-®n-√. Cub-Sp-ØnsS sshd-emb Hcp hcn-t]mse ""\ns∂ Rms\s‚ lrZ-b-Øns‚ hS-°pIn-gt° A‰Øv kq£n-°p-sa-∂v.'' temIw amdn-bn-cn°p∂p AhnsS NnX-ens‚ hiy-am-b, \nKq-V-amb `wKnI-sfm-∂p-an√; ssZhw \¬In-b-sXm-∂p-an-√. a\- ns\ Adn-bp-hm≥ AXnse `wKn-Isf kz¥-am-°p-hm≥ Hcp aS-ßn-h-c-h-\n-hm-cy-am-Wv. a\ pw NnXepw h√msX ASpØ kz`m-h-ap-≈XmWv F∂-XmWv hmkvX-hw. AXn\v ]e-Xn-s\bpw Acn®v \in-∏n-°m\pw ]e-Xn-s\bpw Xs‚ XymK-
߃°v bmsXmcp ÿnc-X-bp-an-√m-ØXp t]msemcp tXm∂¬ DØ-c-ßfpw [Xp-t]mse Xs∂! Hcp NnX¬ {]X-e-Øn-ep-≈-Xn-t\-°mƒ F{X aSßv AXns‚ Bg-ß-fpsS ]c-∏p-I-fn¬ Cd-ßn-bn-cn-°pw. NnX¬ Bg-ßsf h√msX {]W-bn-°p-∂p-≠v. A{Xta¬ \ΩpsS a\ pw hmkvXp-]-c-ambn Bg-ßsf {]W-bn-°p-I-bm-Wv. temI-]-c-ambn ssZhw NnX-en\p \¬In-b-sX√mw Cs∂s‚ a\- n-\p-ap-≈Xp t]mse {]I-S-am-hp-I-bm-Wv. a\-kns‚ sshhn[yw \nd™ \nKqV Ad-I-fnse
Øns‚ Poh≥ \¬Ip-hm\pw km[n-°pw. NnX-ens‚ Bg-ß-sf, a\- ns‚ \nKqV \ne-h-d-I-fnse kXyß-se, \nkzm¿∞-amb kvt\lsØ hnthI ]cn]q¿Æ-X-bn¬ kwkv°-cn-s®-Sp-Øm¬ F∂pw {]tbmP-\-amw-hn[w kvt\l \n_n-V-amb Nne NnX-dnb Nn¥Iƒ \ns‚ a\- ns‚ NnX-e-d-bn¬ \n∂v \n\°v e`n°pw. kplrtØ \n∂nse NnX¬ Pohn-X-Ønse A¤p- X - ß sf ImWpI AXns\ kq£n- ° pI ""\osb{X Db¿∂mepw \ns‚ Db¿®-tb-°mƒ Hcp NnX¬ IY a\- n-\m-IWw Db¿®-bp-≠m-t°-≠-Xv.''
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
]cnip≤ ]cpae Xncpta\n
Io¿Ø\mjvSIw.. “ Rm≥
A`n-apJw Be∏n cwK\mY≥
P∑w sIm≠v {_m“W\pw I¿Ωw sIm≠v {InkvXpZmk\pamWv....’’ kwKoX temIØn¬ F´v ]Xn‰m≠mbn ]cnekn°p∂ Be∏n cwK\mY≥ F∂ _lpapJ{]Xn`bpsS hm°pIfmWnh. kwKoXtØmsSm∏w Ggp IeIƒ ]Tn®v 1970 Ifn¬ Z£ntW¥ybn¬ kwKoXhpw \mSIhpw sIm≠v P\{i≤ ]nSn®p]‰nb BfmWv cwK\mY≥. kwKoXØnse BfloIXsb Xncn®dn™tXmsS Xs‚ cN\Ifpw CuWßfpw F√mw Bcm[\bm°n am‰n. PohnXØns‚ hnclßfnepw \ncmibnepw Bizkw ]I¿∂ ]cpae ]pWyhms‚ a≤yÿXbn¬ A`bs∏´psIm≠v Be∏ncwK\mY≥ ka¿∏n®XmWv ]cpaeXncpta\n Io¿Ø\mjv S Iw. hm¿≤IyØnepw buΔ\Øns‚ {]kcnt∏msS kwKoXw PohnXam°nb cwK\mY≥ ChnsS a\ v Xpd°p∂p. 1. cwK\mY≥ F∂ km[mcW°mc≥ Be∏n cwK\mY≥ F∂ t]cnte°v hcphm≥ CSbm°nb kmlNcyw?
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
kn\namkwKoX kwhn[m\w Iuamc{]mbØntebpff B{Klambncp∂p. AXv Fs∂ a{Zmkn¬ FØn®p. BZyIm¬hbv∏v ‘Pok v ’ F∂ Nn{XØn¬ ‘ tlmi∂m.... ’ F∂p ]mSp∂Xn\v Hcp Syq¨ D≠m°pI F∂Xmbncp∂p. BZyw D≠m°nb Syq¨ kwhn[mbI\pw \n¿ΩnXmhn\pw A{X Xm¬∏cyw D≠mbncp∂n√. tlmi∂mbpsS F√m \njv I f¶Xbpw {Inkv X obXbpw Rm≥ tIm¿ØnW °n ]pXnbsXm∂v \n¿Ωn®p. ]ca]nXmhns\ kvXpXn°p∂ Hcp \nanjw F∂ Nn¥bmWv ]pXnb kwKoXØn\mbn t{]cn∏n®Xv. ]m´v sdtIm¿Uv sNbvXp. ]n.PbN{μ≥ AXn\v i_vZw \¬InbXv. AsXmcp ]pXnb Im¬hbv∏mbncp∂p. kn\na 101 Znhkw ]n∂n´psIm≠v hnPbn®p. 2. kwKoXw F∂ kz]v \ w km£mXv I cn°m≥ klmbn® {]mcw`hgnIsf°pdn®v Nne Hm¿ΩIƒ ]¶phbv°mtam? kwKoXØnt\mSpff A`nhm©bnemWv a{Zmkn¬ Bdp h¿jw Pohn®Xv. “Any one can compose a tune but no body can compose orchasteration without western music” Cu Xncn®dnhn¬ orchasteration ]Tn°m\mbn ]Wan√msX, KXnbn√msX, hn\bm\znX \mbn ]e ÿm]\Ønepw \n¬t°≠nh∂p. ]ecpw IS∂pt]mbn, Nne¿ {i≤n®p Nne¿ Ku\n®tXbn√. F∂m¬ tKmh°mc\mb tPmk^v IrjvW F∂ alXvKpcp Fs∂ injy\m°n. Kpcp˛injy _‘Øns‚ F√m ]hn{XXbpw ImØpkq£n® _‘ambncp∂p AXv . Dffnse kv t \lw Kpcp Hcn°epw {]ISn∏n®n√. Nnet∏mƒ kao]sØmcev∏w {i≤ In´msX aWn°qtdmfw \n¬t°≠n h∂nSp≠v.
Bdpamkw hsc Cu Xn‡m\p`hw \o≠p. Hcp kp{]`mXØn¬“ Take you a Pencil and Paper..” F∂v ]d™p. Pen A√ Pencil . Cu ]T\Øn¬ Hcp {]o ss{]adn hnZym¿∞nsbt]mse hnZym`ymkw G‰hpw ASnX´n¬ \n∂p XpSßn. XpSsc XpSsc kwKoXØns‚ F√m imkv{Xobhihpw Kpcp\mY≥ hc®pIm´nX∂p. 3. kn\namtemIØv 1970˛80 ImeL´ßfn¬ Km\cNbnXmhmbpw kwKoXkwhn[mbI\mbpw \nd™p\n∂ km∂n≤yambncp∂p Xm¶fptSXv . kaqlØn\v sImSp°m≥ km[n® {][m\kw`mh\ Isf°pdn®v... kwKoXhpw cN\bpw Hcpan®v sNbvXv kwKoXtemIØnse ap≥\ncbnte°v IS∂phcm≥ ssZhw CSbm°n. \rØhpw Aev]w A`n\bhpw Fs∂ Hcp \mSIIrØm°n. kwKoXkwhn[mb I\mbn, Km\cNbnXmhmbn, \mSIIrØmbn hf¿∂p. kaqlØnse sX‰pIƒs°Xnsc {]XnIcn°phm≥ \mSIamWv DNnXsa∂v Xncn®dn™Xv B ImeL´ØnemWv 40 ap≥\nc \mSI߃ FgpXn. 7 IeIƒ Adnbmhp∂XpsIm≠v ]e kanXnIfnepw {]h¿Øn®p. Aßs\bncns° tbipZmkv XcwKnWn ÿm]n®t∏mƒ ‘{]nbkJn°v Hcp teJ\sa∂’ kn\nabv°v kwKoXkwhn[mbIs‚ tdmfnte°v £Wn®p. anI® A\p-`-h-am-bn-cp∂p AXv. Aßs\ kn\nam˛kwKoXØns‚ hnPbw Hcp ÿnc˛A\\y hy‡nXzØnte°v \bn®p. ssZhlnXØm¬ 252 Km\߃ kwKoX kwhn[m\w sNbv X n´p≠v .
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
tbipZmkv, Fkv.Pm\In, Acp‘Xn, kpPmX, Nn{X XpSßn Z£ntW¥y bnse F√m {]apJ KmbIcpw Fs‚ Km\߃ ]mSnbn´p≈h-cm-Wv. 4. kwKoXØnse BflobXsb Xncn®dn bm\nSbmbn´pt≠m? Fßs\bmWv {Inkv X ob Km\ßtfmSpff {]Wbw XpSßnbXv? Fs‚ kwKoXØns‚ Bcw`w ‘Pok v ’ F∂ kn\nabnse tlmim∂m.. bn¬ \n∂mbncp∂t√m. AXneqsS {InkvXptbiphn¬ Rm≥ BIrjvS\mbn. AXn-\m¬Øs∂ BZykwKoXw Hcp {InkvXob kwKoXambn amdn. tbiphns‚ PohnXsØ Bcm[\bm°m≥ Hcp kwKoXap≠mIWw F∂ B{KlØn¬ kzcm£c߃ sIm≠v tbiphns‚ P\\w apX¬ kz¿§mtcmlWw hsc kvXpXn°p∂ Hcp Io¿Ø\ap≠m°n. tdUntbmIfn¬ kp{]`mX ØneqsS Cu Io¿Ø\w Hcp {]`mXhμ\ambn amdn. C∂v {InkvXob Km\߃ Xmgv∂ \nehmcØnte°v IS∂ph∂ncn°pIbmWv. {InkvXphns‚ `mhßfmb ImcpWyhpw kvt\lhpw {]Xo£bpw ASßp∂ coXnbnepff kwKoXamWv th≠Xv . CsX√mw \nd™v \n¬°p∂ cN\bmWv tbiphns‚ Io¿Ø\w. 5. ]cpae Xncpta\n `mcXØns‚ {]Ya ]cnip≤\mWv. a‰v [mcfw `‡cpw hnip≤cpamb ]pWymh∑m¿ {InkvXob k`Ifn¬ ]n∂oSp≠m bn´p≠v. F¥psIm≠mWv ]. ]cpae Xncpta\n bnte°v BIrjvS\mIm\pff ImcWw? IpSpw_Øn¬ ]e kmºØnI˛tcmK {]Xn k‘nbpw _‘pan{XmZnIfpsS kz`mhsshIey ßfpw ISpØp h∂Xn\m¬ PohnXw t¢i]qcnXambn. Cu klNcyØn¬ kwKoX⁄≥ Fw.]n tPm¿÷v A®\pambn Zp:Jw ]¶ph®p. ‘F\n°v a\ v Xpd∂v [ym\n°Ww, a\ n\v im¥n thWw.’ A®≥ tNmZn®p ]cpae CjvSamtWm? A®≥ Xs∂ Fs‚ Xmak kuIcyw Hcp°nX∂p. tPmtam≥ A®≥ Fs∂ Bizkn∏n°pbpw ]cpae Xncpta\nsb IqSpX¬ ]cnNbs∏SpØpIbpw sNbvXp. PohNcn{Xw hmbn∏n®p. ]cp-aehmkw Iptd \√ Km\-߃ \n¿Ωn°p-∂-Xn-\mbn a\- ns\ ]cp-h-s∏-Sp-Øn. Rm≥ B Km\- ß ƒ sdt°m¿Uv sNbv X p. B kn.Un. sdt°m¿UnwKv Ign™t∏mƒ Fs‚ AhÿIƒ°v apgph\mbn am‰w kw`hn®p. B ]m´pIfpsS Syq¨ Rm≥ Nn¥n®v D≠m°nbX√, adn®v F∂nte°v Fßs\tbm HgpIn FØnbXmWv. Hcp Ahnizk\obamb kw`hw˛ Fs‚ F√m {]iv\Øn\pw ]cnlmcw D≠m°n. Xncpta\n Fs‚
PohnXØn\v Bflip≤oIcWw \¬In. 15˛Zn\cm{Xßfnse ]cpaebnse Xmakw Fs∂ apgph\mbn am‰n. ]cpaebnse {]m¿∞\bnepw [ym\Ønepw apSßmsX B Imebf-hn¬ Rm≥ kw_‘n®n´p-≠.v Xncpta\nbpsS PohNcn{X ]pkvXI߃ hmbn®v Hcp Imcyw shfns∏´p; Xn∑\nd™ temIØn¬ \∑sb ap≥\n¿Øn, B¿PhXzw ImWn®m¬ AXne∏pdapff BflobX C√. 6. ‘]cpae Xncpta\n Io¿Ø\mjvSIw hyXykXhpw Aaqeyamb Hcp kw`mh\bpw ka¿∏WhpamWv’F∂v F¥psIm≠mWv Aßv ]dbp∂Xv? ]cpae Xncpta\n Fs‚ i‡nbmWv. am\knIambn XI¿∂ncp∂t∏mƒ, A‘X ]S¿∂t∏mƒ henb Hcp am‰w F\n°v Xncpta\n \¬In. AXmWv Hcn°epw ambmØ krjv S n D≠mhWw F∂v ZrV\n›bØn\v ImcWw. ]cpae Xncpta\nbpsS PohnXsØ {]Io¿Øn°p∂ ]m´pIƒ FgpXn. ]t£ Hcp ]q¿ÆX H∂n\pap≠mbn√. i_cnaebnse lcnhcmk\wt]mse temIsaºmSpw {]ikvXn B¿÷n® Hcp kwKoXw ]cpae Xncpta\n°v thWsa∂v B{Kln®p. Xncpta\nbpsS P\\w apX¬ acWw hsc hc®pIm´p∂ 8 hcnIƒsIm≠v 37 t«mIßfpff kwKoXw˛ Fs‚ lrZbw tXSn.. XqenIbn¬ NnI™p....... {iqXnkzc߃ ao´n.... Aßs\ FgpXn ]cpae ÿnXw ssZhm{Kmatim`nXw ]Xkar≤nXw, ]ºm \ZoXSw s]cpabm¿÷nXw Znhy {]m¿∞\mebw ]cpae Xncpta\n hmgpw I_dnSw Krlw. F√mhcpw AwKoIcn®p. A`n\μn®p. CXv A\izcamb Hcp kwKoX krjvSnbmWv. ]cpae Xncpta\nbpsS `‡¿°v CXv a\ n\v Bizmkw \¬Is´... AXn\pth≠n ]. ImtXmen°m_mhm Xncpta\nbpsS apºn¬ Cu Io¿Ø\mjvSIw Rm≥ ka¿∏n°p∂p. Cu ]pXnb Im¬hbv ∏ v B ]cnip≤s‚ PohnXw k`bnepw kaqlØnepw Io¿Ø\amIs´... {]m¿∞\bmIs´... Dffns‚ Dffn¬ BflkwXr]vXnbmIs´.. ]cpae Xncpta\n R߃°`bam{ibw ]cpae Xncpta\n ]mZkvacWw ˛ icWw.......... (P\phcn 29˛\v tZhtemIw Aca\bn¬ {]tXyIw Hcp°nb thZnbn¬ sh®v ae¶cbpsS ImtXmen°m ]._t entbmkv am¿tØmΩm ]utemkv ZznXob≥ _mhmbpsS Xr]mZßfn¬ ka¿∏n®p sIm≠v Be∏n cwK\mY≥ Xs‚ Io¿Ø\w Be]n®p.)
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
\o ]q°p-∂n-S-amWv hk-¥w... \∑-bp-sS, {]Im-i-Øn-s‚, Dbn¿∏ns‚ hk¥w... C\nbpw Xfn¿°m-\p≈ Bth-iw... ImgvN-Iƒ°p-≈nse tX≥ \pI-cp-hm-\p≈ shº¬ Adn-hp-Isf A£-c-am-°m≥, \nd-t`-Z-ßsf ]p¬Im≥ hk¥w Ah-km-\n-°m-Xn-cp-s∂-¶n¬! \nd-t`-Z-ß-fp-tS-XmWv hk-¥w... I≠p ]g-Inb ImgvN-Iƒ°v ChnsS CS-an√ A£-c-߃°v ]pXnb \ndw... \dp-K-‘w... AtX hnÆv aÆn-t\mSv k√-]n-°p-∂p... Cu hk¥w Ah- k m- \ n- ° m- X n- c p- s ∂- ¶ n¬...
D≈-S°w kq^n ]mSn-bXv
Worthy Worship Leads to a Worthy Life
Fr. Dr. Reji Geevarghese
jntPm tPm¨
]p∂{X am¿ Zoh-∂m-tkymkv XrXo-bs‚ kw`m-h-\-Iƒ
^m. tUm. tPmkv tPm¨
GIm-{K-Xb - n-te°v {i≤-tbmsS
Uo. tPm¨ amXyp Xqºpw-¶¬
ap∂-dn-bn∏v ˛ \n߃ Iymad \nco-£-W-Øn-emWv
tP°_v tPm¨ amXyp
Xaxtkma tPymXn¿K-ab
Uo. {]n≥kv ]utemkv
F¬tZm aØmbn
Suffering : A Sojourn to Redemption
Dn. Geevarghese Jose
ktlm-Z-c-∑m¿ HsØm-cp-an®v hkn-°p-∂-Xv...
AeIvkv ]n. amXyp
Contributions of ‘Niranam Poets and Literature’ towards Music & History of Christianity in India
Fr. Varughese Joseph
Pn_n¬ tPm¨ tPm¿÷v
{]Xo-£t- bmsS
Pn_n≥ km_p
DZm-lc- Ww cmtPjv
t_kn¬ tdmbn CSn-°pf
sXm´Xpw tXm≠n-bXpw
se≥k¨ kvIdnb
a\p-jy≥, \ymbo-Ic- W - ß - f- psS No´v sIm´mcw Dev]Øn apX¬ DØm-cm-[p-\n-IX hsc
Pn\p F. PÃn≥
sFdn≥ sP. Ae-Ivkm-≠¿
tIƒ°p-I, ImWp-I, A\p-`h - n-®d- n-bp-I...
_nPn Koh¿§okv
tX∏v Hcp \yqsP≥ ]T\w knt\m ]n. km_p
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
kq^n ]mSn-bXv
Btcm ]d™p Bflm-°ƒ {]W-bn-°p-sa∂v {]Wbw Bflm-hn-se∂v {]W-bw-aq-eao P∑-sa∂v {]Wbw taml cln-X-sa∂v {]Wbw amwk cln-X-sa∂v ]t£, kuμcyw ImWp-sa-∂v kuc`yw ]S-cp-sa-∂v, ]I-cp-sa∂v IÆp-I-fn¬ sXfn-®-am-bn, angn-I-fn¬ shfn-®-ambn ImgvN-Iƒ h¿Æm-`-am-bn, Xnf-°-ambv amdp-sa∂v!
Btcm ]d™p {]Wbw Du¿÷-sa-∂v, ssNX-\y-sa∂v Ft∂m Ah-s\≥ Du¿÷-ambn Bflm-hn-se≥ {]Wb-ambn Xfn¿\m-ºmbv, h√n-bmbn sam´m-bv, ]q°-fmbv ]qØp-e-s™≥ {]mW-\n¬! Btcm ]d-™p, Ah-s\≥ Bfl-k-Jn-sb∂v Ah-\m-sW≥ "tkmƒta‰v' ap≥ P-∑aoP∑-am-sb∂v Bflm-hn-se≥g-Im-sb∂v! kq^n ]d-™p, Ah-\mWp \n≥ \ndhv Ah-\mWp \n∂gIv Hcp apdnhpw \n\hpw I\nhpw Ah-s\∂v \obpw Ah\pw H∂m-sW∂v \ns‚ \nd-hm-sW∂v! Ah≥, F∂n¬ ]S-cp-samcp kvt\l˛ h√n-bm-b-X-dn™p Rm≥!
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
WORTHY WORSHIP LEADS TO A WORTHY LIFE Let us look at the Word of God for our quick reflection of God accepts worthy worships. Humans as rational beings ought to acknowledge God’s worthiness in a befitting manner
Fr. Dr. Reji Geevarghese rejiachan@hotmail.com
the theme. Romans 12:1-2, “I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (NRSV). Apostle Paul is making a unique appeal to the Christian Church in Rome, a community not founded by him. The key word to explore the content of the appeal is ‘therefore’ in verse 1. The appeal is not simply an exhortation or rhetoric but a reminder of what has been said previously in the letter. In the previous chapters (9-11), the apostle has depicted how God has showered his mercy and grace upon humanity irrespective of their frailties. He also described how God rescued humanity from eternal destruction. On this basis Paul brings the attention of his readers to do something very special. He speaks as an agent of God’s mercy (11:13-14, 22, 30-31). Let us look at what the master builder of the Church says.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
The apostle asks the Church to offer a very special offering to God. Offering of the body as a sacrifice is a response to God’s love showed through His Son Jesus Christ. One experiences this love in an existence ‘in Christ’ through the work of the Holy Spirit started off with the sacrament of baptism (6:1-14). A believer with a grateful heart, therefore, worships God in a fitting manner. The temple worship (Jerusalem Temple) was characterised by sacrifice of animals for the remission of sins. The living animals are sacrificed for the sins of human being. But once the sacrifice is offered the animal is no more alive. Worship is the privilege of the people of God (Rom. 9:4). Paul speaks of a sacrificial worship which involves no animals. He exhorts his readers to offer themselves as sacrifice. He is not simply speaking of a spiritual sacrifice in the sense that it excludes the physical aspects. Paul is not imploring to offer the sacrifice as slaughtered animals. But Christians are appealed to offer their bodies. Body means the living body here and now. Obviously the body is conditioned by time and space. The body experience the multiple pressures of the time. One has to overcome these pressures by the sacrificial offering. The whole body is to be presented as a sacrifice and not a part of it. This means one has to present him or her as sacrifice. The whole person of the worshiper is to be presented before God as offering (6:13, 16, 19). Body denotes not just the person but the person in his or her corporeality in one’s concrete relationships within this world. This
is so because one can experience the world and relate to others in the body. It is as part of the world and within the world that Christian worship. The invitation to offer the body of the worshiper as a living sacrifice is challenging. It is not like the offering of gold or money or any other precious material things to reciprocate the blessings received from the deity. Most scholars of Paul today agree that Paul’s concept of body, that is his anthropological stance, derives from Judaism rather than from Hellenistic world. In the Hellenistic world body is viewed as evil and something from which we are to be redeemed. The Platonic view on body is expressed in an Orphic phrase “a prison-house for the soul”. Paul being a staunch Jew views the body as the integration of body and soul. When Paul speaks of human body he means the person in its entirety. He does not divide between the body and soul. In other words, Paul asks his readers to present themselves as offering to God. The readers are to present their whole being to God (Rom 8:10-11, 1 Cor 6:12-20). Just as the English word ‘everybody’ means ‘everyone’ Paul urges his readers to present themselves to God. Nothing is excluded from the person. The nature of the new age that dawned with Christ is reflected in the advice of the apostle. The life of a Christian is new. Therefore, their imperative is to reject the pressure of the present age. The life of the new age opened up
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
by the Holy Spirit needs to be fostered in the life of the faithful. The life in Christ has brought a new norm or a new pattern of life to follow through. The Holy Spirit is the guide of the new life. This is the ‘in Christ’ mode of existence of the faithful. The apostle directs them let not the world around them squeeze them. Though the Christian worships in spirit and in truth the bodily character is emphasised (cf. Jn 4:23). Obedience of the whole person is envisaged in worship. The sacrifice must be holy. Therefore moral uprightness and its allusion to the temple cult is within this view. By holy the apostle means the setting apart nature of worship. The person is not a casual thing to be handled without care or sacrilege. When a person is offered as a sacrifice to God he/she is set apart to God. Ungodliness has no place in his/ her life. The offering should also be acceptable to God. Otherwise it might not be pleasing (Hosea 8:13, Amos 5:22, Micah 6:7, Malachi 1:8, 10, 13). Another character expected of the offering is spiritual. The NRSV translates the Greek words logiken latreian as spiritual worship. But a better translation would be ‘reasonable worship’. As a rational being what is expected of from the humans is a reasonable worship. Mythical or bestial sacrifice or Satan worship is beyond true worship. People wrongly worship ego, passions, power, money or like things without giving due worth to God. The book of revelation reveals that God is worthy of worship (chapters 45). God accepts worthy worships. Humans as rational beings ought to acknowledge
God’s worthiness in a befitting manner. Offering oneself as an acceptable offering to God is the worthy worship according to Paul. Paul speaks of a distinct worship different from the old cultic practice of animal worship or evil spiritual practices. The people of God for centuries were looking forward to a new age and they are now in it. Believers should not be conformed to the pattern of the present age. Paul warns the community about the norm of the time rather than the world. The apostle
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
appeals not to conform to this age but form oneself after another. This is evidenced from the verb sunschema. One has to take continues precaution to follow the advice of the apostle as he uses the present imperative form of the verb to insist a strong advice. It is a continuous precaution. The tendency to conform to the norms of the time needs to be overcome. The fashion of the day changes according to the passage of time. If the believers follow an unchanging form then they need not follow the challenge of the age (cf. 1 Cor 7:31). The norms Christians are to follow are not of this time but of the new age inaugurated by Jesus Christ. The moral standard that is to follow is set into motion by the divine intervention of God in history. Therefore, one needs to make a balance between worship and actions in life. Another peculiarity of the liturgy is that it is well pleasing to God. Life in Christ initiated and sustained by the spirit is pleasing to God. Someone may think that our actions or inactions can commend God. According to Paul our actions like worship and obedience, holiness and unity do in fact please God (Rom 14:18, 2 Cor 5:9, Eph 5:10, Phil 4:18, Col 3:20). A life lived according to the pressures of the flesh cannot please God (Rom 8:8). Pleasing oneself (15:1) or another (Gal 1:10) is in contrast to pleasing God. Human beings have been restored in God’s image (Rom 1:18-25) and therefore humans can please God. Verse 2 emphasises the actions of the mind. Paul holds the view that human mind in its unredeemed state is rebellious and antagonistic to God’s will (Rom 1:18-32). The human beings in the natural state flounder in darkness and are fraught with wickedness and evil. This deplorable state is reversed in the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Thus a new age has dawned in history. The new age spirituality that is getting momentum among the youth today is different from the spirituality derived from the new age put into motion by Jesus. The former sees one’s mind is free and one can control it by physiological and acrobatic exercises. In the present scenario body is seen as a means to satiate the passions of mind. What one feels is
achieved through body without any moral remorse. According to Paul the Lord has a domain over one’s body (1 Cor 6:19) and it is destined for a higher goal like resurrection (6:14). The bodily existence is to please God in manifold ways. Presenting the body to God as pure and acceptable sacrifice is the best way to keep the body from all evils of the time. The bible unequivocally declares that God accepts only pure offerings. The prophets of all times revealed this intention in worships. When the people of God offered sacrifices that are not in tune with the morality of the spirituality they uphold, God rejected them. Faith and deeds must take visible expression in our daily life. The impetus for this is gained through worship just as prophet Isaiah was inspired by the divine worship (Isaiah 6). The appeal of the apostle has special note to the youth because it is the dynamic stage of a person’s life as far as the body and its actions are concerned. Throughout the history of humanity the youth has been enticed, manipulated and misused in the name of faith. Many spiritual leaders and organisations promote a spirituality that gives much importance to the body at the cost of other faculties of life. This leads to a kind of hedonism and prosperity theology. The tendency to indulge body in any carnal satisfaction under the pretext that the soul is more important or the bodily actions do not matter in spiritual pursuit is dangerous. We should have a comprehensive understanding of a person as a composite of body and mind. The present age is very much in favour of unleashing what one feels. The body becomes just a medium for the passions the mind fancies. The Apostle’s words are a clarion call to offer the whole being of a faithful as sacrifice. The faithful by presenting the whole being to God venerates not only the divine but the faithful as well. True worship leads to a meaningful life that follows the dictum ‘the liturgy after the liturgy’. It is highly demanded in the present age where so much harm is done in the name of faith expressions.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Isøm∏v InfnØqh¬ sIm≠p
jntPm tPm¨ c≠mw h¿jw
sIm´m-c-ap-≠m-°p∂ Ip´n-°-dn-bptam F{X ]nS-®n-en-s∂m-Sp-hn-esØ thZ-\-bm-W-sX∂v? hncp-∂p-Im-c-s\-t∏mse h∂v ]nim-Nn-s\-t∏mse CS-I-e¿∂-hs\ F¥p t]cp-sNm√n hnfn°pw? tXmfnse `mWvU-Øn¬ \n∂pwapJw an\p°n ]pd-Øn-d-ßp∂ Hm¿Ω-®p-h-Sp-Iƒ Zqscbv°p Zqscbv°v IÆpw \´n-cn-°p∂ s\©n-\-dn-bptam ASp-Øp-t]mb AI-e-ß-sf√mw apSn™v Imeta Xcm-Xn-cn-°tW hcpw Zn\-߃°v \ns‚ Isøm∏v
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
]p∂{X am¿ Zoh-∂m-tkymkv XrXo-bs‚ kw`m-h-\-Iƒ
^m. tUm. tPmkv tPm¨ joseachenots@gmail.com
""]p∂{X IpSpw-_-Øns‚ D¤-hhpw ]p∂{X F∂ ]Zhpw'' ]p∂{X F∂ ] - Z- Ø - n\v "]p∂-Xpd' "s]m∂pw-Xpd' F∂n-XymZn ]cymb-]Z- ß - fpw hymJym-\ß - fpw D≠-t{X. s]m∂p≈ Xpd F∂¿∞-Øn¬ ""s]m∂pw Xd-sb∂pw'' ]p∂ hr£w (bex tree) hf-cp∂ Xd F∂ A¿∞-Øn¬ "]p∂-Ød' F∂pw hymJm-\ß - f - p-≠.v ]p∂-hr-£Ø - ns‚ Xd-∏mSv Hcp {Kma-Øns‚ t]cmbn F∂v {io. ]pc-bv°≥ Fw. amXyp A`n-{]m-b-s∏-Sp-∂p. (]p∂ hr£-Øns‚ ImbvI-\n-Iƒ hnf-s°Æ D¬∏m-Zn-∏n-°p-∂X - n\v D]-tbm-Kn-®n-cp-∂p-ht- √m). IpSpw_ Ncn{Xw G‰p-am-\q-cn¬ \n∂pw ]mem-bv°p≈ dq´n¬ ao\-®n-em-dns‚ Ccp-Ic-If - n-ep-ambn Xma-kn-®n-cp∂ \ºq-Xncn IpSpw-_Ø - n¬ (I-t√¬ ISº aTw) \n∂v 2 ktlm-Z-c-߃ {InkvXym\nIfm-hp-I-bpw, Ah¿ {Kma-{`jvS-cmbn tIm´-b-tØm, aW¿ImtSm h∂p-Xm-a-kn-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. ]p∂{X IpSpw-_N - c - n{X {KŸ-I¿Øm-hmb {io. ]pc-b° v ¬ Fw. amXyphns‚ A`n-{]m-b-Øn¬ \ºq-Xncn IpSpw-_-Øn¬ \n∂pw ]pd-Øm-°s∏´ ktlm-Z-c-߃ sX°pw Iq¿ cmPm-hns‚ ASp-°¬ A`-b-s∏-SpI-bpw, At±-l-Øns‚ \n¿t±-im-\p-k-cWw tIm´-bpsS Xmg-Øp≈ ÿeØv Xma-ka - p-d∏ - n-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. ]n∂oSv a‰v ktlm-Zc - ß - fpw {InkvXp-aXw kzoI-cn®v tIm´-b-Øpw, aW¿Im-´p-ambn Xma-k-ap-d-∏n®p. tIm´-bØv Xma-ka - p-d∏ - n-®h - ¿ tIm´bw henb ]≈n-bn¬ Bcm-[-
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
\m-Im-cy-ß-fn¬ kw_-‘n°p-Ib - pw, ]n∂oSv tIm´bw sNdnb ]≈n-bpsS ÿm]-\Øn¬ \n¿Æm-bI kzm[o\w sNep-Øp-Ibpw sNbvXp. 755˛mw B≠v aI-c-amkw 6˛mw XobXn ssZham-Xm-hns‚ \ma-Øn-ep≈ tIm´bw sNdnb-]≈n ÿm]n-®p-sh∂pw tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øp∂p17. ]p∂{X am¿ Zoh-∂m-tkymkv am¿ Zoh-∂m-tkymkv c≠m-as‚ \ncymWsØ XpS¿∂v am¿ ]oe-Ivkn-t\mkv sa{Xm-t∏m-eoØm ÿm\w Gs‰-Sp-°p-Ibpw, ]pØ≥Iq¿ \{km-Wn-Iƒ - F√m-hcpw am¿ ]oe-Ivkn-t\m-kns\ sa{Xm-\mbn kzoI-cn-®p-sIm-≈W - s - a∂v cmP-Iob hnfw_cw ]pd-s∏-Sp-hn-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. am¿ ]oe-Ivkn-t\m-kns\ `c-W-Im-cy-ß-fn¬ klm-bn-°p-∂-Xn-\mbn ]p∂{X tPm¿÷v (Ip-cy≥) IØ-\msc A¿°-Zn-bm-t°m-\mbn \nb-an-°-W-sa∂v At±lw Bh-iy-s∏-´p. A{]-Imcw kpap-J\pw kwkvIr-X-\q-amb Ipcy≥ IØ-\msc am¿ ]oe-Ivkn-t\mkns‚ klm-bn-bmbn \nb-an-®p. Col. Digby Mac Douall ]p∂{X Xncpta-\n-sb-°p-dn®v C{]-Imcw tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øp∂p. “a gentleman and a humble christian...one who does not neglect the habit of private prayer”18. ÿm\m-`n-tjIw C´q∏v ssd´-dp-tS-bpw, _nj∏v {_uWns‚bpw A`n-{]m-bØ - n¬ ]p∂{X tPm¿÷v IØ-\msc 1817 HIvtSm-_d - n¬ Zoh-∂m-tkymkv aq∂ma≥ F∂-t]-cn¬ am¿ ]oe-Ivkn-t\mkv hmgn®p (1993 Xpemw 26) ]p∂{X am¿ Zoh-∂m-tkym-kn\v A[n-Imcw sImSp-°p∂ cmP-Iob hnfw-_cw 993 [\p-amkw 18˛mw Xob-Xn-bmWv Xncp-hn-Xmw-Iq¿ k¿°m¿ ]pd-s∏-Sp-hn-®Xv. am¿ Zoh-∂m-tkymkv XrXo-bs‚ kw`m-h-\-Iƒ Xmsg-∏-dbpw hn[w t{ImUo-I-cn-°mw. 1. kmaq-ln-I˛- h - n-Zym-`ymk \ne-hmcw Db¿Øp-∂X - n\v km[n®p 2. tZi-kvt\-ln-bmb kXy-hn-izmk kwc-£-I≥ 3. skan-\mcn tIm´-bØv ÿm]n-°p-∂X - n\v \n¿ÆmbI kzm[o\w sNepØn
4. FIyp-sa-\n-kØ - ns‚ h‡mhv 1. kmaq-ln-I-˛-hn-Zym-`ymk \ne-hmcw Db¿Øn ]p∂{X am¿ Zoh-∂ym-kns‚ `c-W-Ime-ØmWv am¿tØmΩ {InkvXym-\n-Iƒ°v \jvSs - ∏-´p-t]mb ]e A[n-Im-c˛- A - h - I - m-ißfpw ]p\:ÿm]n-°s - ∏-Sp-∂X - v. tIW¬ a¨t{Sm- b psS klm- b - h pw, am¿ Zoh∂mtkym-kns‚ kulm¿±-]-c-amb s]cpam-‰hpw anj-\-dn-am¿°pw, \m´p-cm-Pm-°∑m¿°pw \{km-Wn-If - n¬ A\p-Iº D≠mIp-∂-Xn-\pw, A\pIqe kml-N-cy-ß-fn¬ krjvSn-s®-Sp-°p-∂X - n\pw km[n-®p. ""tbmKyX-bp≈ kpdn-bm\n kap-Zm-bmw-K-߃°v PUvPn, aPn-kvt{S-´v, Xl-ko¬Zm¿, BZnbmbn Db¿∂-Xpw, XmW-Xp-amb DØ-ch - mZn-Xz-ap≈ At\Iw Kh¨sa‚ v DtZym-K߃ e`n-®p. Bb-Xn\v sa{Xms‚ ip]m¿i IØv am{Xta Bh- i y- a p- ≠ m- b n- c p- ∂ p≈q''19. D∂X ÿm\-ß-fn-epw, ]Z-hn-I-fnep-ap≈ \nb-a-\-߃, {InkvXym-\n-I-fpsS kmaqly \ne-hmcw Db¿Øn. hnZym-`ymk ÿm]-\-ß-fpsS hchv (sk-an-\m-cnsb IqSmsX tIm´-b-Øpw, a¨t{Sm XpcpØnepw Preporatory OR Grammar School ÿm]n-°p-Ibpw) hnZym-`ymk Xmev]cyw \{km-Wn-If - n¬ P\n-∏n-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. hnZym-`ymk \ne-hmcw kmaqly {Ia-Øn¬ kmc-amb kzm[o\w sNep-Øn. kzk-ap-Zmb-Øns‚ \jvS-s∏´ ku`m-Ky-߃ t\Snsb-Sp-°p-∂X - n-\p≈ \ntbmKw am¿ Zoh-∂mtkymkv XrXo-b\v \¬I-s∏-´p20. 2. tZi-kvt\-ln-bmb kXy-hn-izmk kwc-£-I≥ 1818¬ amth-en-°-c-bn¬ h®v IqSnb tbmK-Øn¬ kw_-‘n-°p-hm≥ t]mIp-∂X - n\v apt∂m-Sn-bmbn sNdnb-]≈ - n-bnse aZv_l - m-bn¬ Gsd-t\cw {]m¿∞-\\ - nc-X-\m-bn-cp∂ At±lw h©n-bn¬ Ib-dp-∂-Xn\p apºmbn C{]-Imcw ]d-™-Xmbn tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øp∂p. ""Rm≥ Ct∏mƒ Hcp Xn´-bn-emWv \n¬°p-∂X - v. \msf C¥y-bn¬ kmbv]∑ - m-tcmSv ]nW-ßn-∏n-cn-bp-Itbm, A√m-Ø] - £w Fs‚ k`sb H‰n-s°m-Sp-°pItbm sNø-Ww. Ah-cpsS Dt±iw \ΩpsS hnizmkw t`Z-s∏-Sp-ØW - s - a-∂p≈XmIp-∂p. Fs‚ am\w \jvSs∏-´mepw Rm≥ h©-I\ - m-bn-Øo-cp-Ib - n√'' (“......They want to change our faith. I would rather lose my honour than be a traitor”)21.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
as‰mcp tcJ-bn¬ C{]-Imcw ImWp∂p: “When the Metran began to distrust the missionaries, he privately wrote to the Patriarch again for the immediate deputation of a bishop to guard aganist the encroachment of the missionaries”22. \ho-I-c-Wm-i-b-ß-tfm-Sp≈ sa{Xms‚ kao-]-\sØ-°p-dn®v CuÃv C¥ym Iº-\n-bpsS Nmsπ-bn-\mbn-cp∂ Rev. James Hough C{]-Imcw tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øp∂p. “The Metran never commits himself. He approves of what is done, but shows no inclination to go beyond the canons of his own church”23. “He was kind, liberal to the poor, patriotic in his sentiments towards his country and community”.24 sshtZ-inI _‘w ]pe¿Øp-tºmƒ Xs∂ kzkap-Zm-b-Øn-\pw, tZi-Øn\pw lm\n-I-c-am-bXv kw`-hn°m-Xn-cn-∏m≥ {]tXyIw {i≤m-ep-hm-bn-cp∂p At±-lw. 3. skan-\mcn ÿm]\w tIm´-bØv ]g-b-sk-an-\mcn ÿm]-\-tØ-°p-dn®v Nn¥n-°ptºmƒ, 1809 ¬ IqSnb I≠-\mSv tbmK-Xo-cp-am-\-a-\pk-cn®v sX°pw, hS-°p-ambn c≠v aX-]m-T-im-e-Iƒ D≠m-I-W-sa-∂m-bn-cp∂p Xocp-am-\w. Bb-Xn-\m¬ skan-\mcn ÿm]-\-Øn\v Xncp-hn-Xmw-Iq¿ dmWn-bpw, {_n´ojv dkn-U‚pw A\p-hm-Zhpw klm-bhpw sNbvXt∏mƒ sX°p-≈-h¿ \nc-W-Øpw, hS-°p-≈-h¿ I≠\m´pw skan-\mcn ÿm]n-°W - s - a∂v hmZn-°p-Ib - p-≠mbn. X¿°w aq¿®n-®-t∏mƒ Ipcy≥ IØ-\m¿ (kvacy]p-cp-j≥) I≠-\m-Sn-\pw, \nc-WØ - n-\p-an-S° - p≈ tIm´b-Øm-Is´ F∂v \n¿t±-in-®-Xm-bpw, AXv Gh¿°pw kzoIm-cy-am-bX - mbpw ]d-bs - ∏-Sp-∂p25. tIm´bw ]´-WØns‚ ka-{K-amb hf¿®-bv°v-˛-hn-Zym-`ym-kw, kmaqlnI kmwkvIm-cn-I, FIyp-sa-\n-°¬˛ ]g-bs - k-an-\mcn-bpsS ÿm]\w \n¿Æm-bI kzm[o\w sNepØn F∂-Xn-\m¬, AXns‚ ÿm]-\Ø - n\p Imc-W° - m-cmb F√m-hcpw hninjym kvacy-]p-cp-j\pw F∂mfpw kvacn°-s∏-tS-≠-Xpw, Ah-cpsS kw`m-h-\-Isf {]Io¿Øn°-s∏-tS-≠X - p-am-Wv. 4. FIyp-sa-\n-°¬ h‡mhv “Mar Dionysius secured the good will, affect and esteem of the CMS missionaries who associated with him. It was the bishops real worth that attracted them”26. ]p∂{X Zoh-∂m-tkymkpw anj-\-dn-amcpw hfsc kulm¿± A¥-co-£Ø - n-emWv h¿Øn-®n-cp-∂X - v. Hcp]-t£, \ho-Ic - W - m-ibßf-Sß - nb Nne \ho-t\m-]tZi-߃ t_m[-]q¿Δw hnkvac - n-®p-sIm≠v Xs∂, kml-
N-cy-ßsf t_m[-]q¿Δw hne-bn-cpØn XnI®pw \√ kmap-Zm-bnI A¥-co£w \ne- \ n¿Øp- h m≥ Zoh- ∂ m- t kymkv ]nXm- h n\v Ign- ™ p. i{Xp- X - t bm, sshcm-Kytam ka-Zqcw ]men-°tem H∂pw kpdn-bm\n {InkvXym-\n-If - psS A∂sØ kml-Ncy-Øn\v tbmPn-®-X√ F∂ Xncn-®-dn-hmImw ]p∂{X Zoh-∂m-tkym-kns\ ""AXncp Ihn™ kzmX{¥yw'' anj-\d- n-am¿°v \evIn-s°m≠v kulr-Zm-¥c - o-£Ø - n¬ h¿Øn-°p-hm≥ t{]cn-∏n-®X - v. Relation between the missionaries and him was friendly and cordial”27 AXp-sIm≠v Xs∂-bm-hWw 1821 ¬ kn.-Fw.-Fkv {]kn-U‚n\v, anj-\-dn-am-sc-°pdn®v hfsc \√ dnt∏m¿´v \evIp-hm≥ At±-lsØ t{]cn-∏n-®-Xv. _nj∏v Middleton \pam-bp≈ IqSn-°mgvN-bnepw anj-\-dn-amsc Hcp Xc-Ønepw X≈n-∏-d-bm™Xpw C°m-cW - ß - f - m-em-hmw. “To all this the metran answered in the negative”28. D]-kw-lmcw ]p∂{X am¿ Zoh-∂m-tkymkv XrXo-b≥, hfsc sNdp-∏-Øn¬ Xs∂ sa{Xm-\m-hp-I-bpw, Npcp-ßnb ImesØ ip{iqj XnI®v 40˛mw hb- n¬ ssZh-k∂ - n[n-bn-te°v tN¿°-s∏-Sp-Ibpw sNbvX alm-flm-hm-Wv. F´v h¿j-°mew am{Xw ae-¶c \{km-Wn-If - psS t\Xmhn-bn-cp∂ At±lw Xs‚ Ime-L´- Ø - ns‚ kv]μ-\ßsf Xncn-®d - n™v hnth-I] - q¿Δw {]h¿Øn® hμy BNm-cy-\m-W.v ""kabw X°-Øn¬ D]-tbm-Kn-°p-ho≥'' F∂ B]vXh - mIyw At±-lsØ kzm[o\n-®n-´p-≠mhpw F∂v Icp-Xp-∂p. {KŸ-kq-NnI 1. Fw. amXyp, ]p∂{X IpSpw_-N-cn-{Xw (Authors, Trivandrum, 1966) 2. P. Cheriyan, 112 3. E.M. Philip, The Indian Church of St. Thomas (MOC, Kottayam, 2014) 190 4. P. Cheriyan, 192 5. E. M. Philip, 193 6. E. M. Philip, 192 7. E. M. Philip, 193 8. E. M. Philip, 192 9. M. Mathew 10. P. Cheriyan, 113 11. P. Cheriyan, 130 12. P. Cheriyan, 153
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
kl-\-i-‡n-bp-≈Xpw GXp PohnX kml-N-cy-ß-tfmSpw CWßp-∂Xpw AtX kabw k-am-[m\-]q¿Δw Ah-tbmSv {]Xn-Ic- n-°p∂-Xp-ambn \ΩpsS kz`m-hsØ am‰n-sb-Sp-°m≥ th≠n-bp-≈-XmIWw Bfl-\n-b{- ¥-Ww.
GIm-{K-X-bn-te°v {i≤-tbmsS \Ωp-sSsbms° D≈-d-I-fn¬ ab-ßn-°n-S-°p∂ Nne khn-ti-j-X-
Uo. tPm¨ amXyp Xqºpw-¶¬ \memw h¿jw
I-fp-≠v. Hcp]t£ Du¿÷w F∂pXs∂ hnti-jn-∏n-°mw. AXns\ {]mtbm- K nIXe- Ø n¬ sIm≠p- h - c - W - s a- ¶ n¬ BZyw \mw Xs∂ AXns\ Is≠-Ø-Ww. A¥¿eo-\-amb B i‡n-hn-ti--j-ß-sf--°pdn®v t_m[-hm-\mbn XpS-ßp-∂-tXmsS Hcph≥ X∂n-te-°p≈ bm{X Bcw-`n-°p-I-bm-bn. F∂m¬ Cu GIm-{K-Xbpw Bfl-t_m-[hpw A\p-`-h⁄m\-Øn-eqsS D≠m-tI≠-≠-Xm-Wv. a\ v `b-¶c Ie-l-{]n-b-\m-Wv. ]e-t∏mgpw \ΩpsS C—-Iƒ°v FXn-cm-bn-´mWv AXns‚ t]m°v. AXv henb {]iv\-sam-∂p-a-√. adn®v NnX-dnb a\- ns\ s]dp-°n-°q´n Hscm‰ tI{μ-am°n am‰p-IbmWv th≠-Xv. AXns\ \mw GIm-{KX F∂p-]-d-bpw. GIm-{KX F∂m¬ ]q¿Æ-X-bm-Wv. Xmfw sX‰nb a\- ns\ ho≠pw Xmf-Øn-em-°¬. ico-c-tØbpw a\- n-t\bpw Iq´n-t®¿°p-I-bm-Wn-hnsS sNøp-∂-Xv. Ch c≠pw im¥n-tbmsS Bbn-cn-°p-tºmƒ ]q¿Æ-X-bn-te-°p≈ Pohn-Xbm{X kpK-a-amIp-∂p. AXn\v \nXy-Po-hn-X-Ønse \n m-c-Im-cy-ßfn¬t]mepw anX-Xzhpw k¥p-e-\hpw ]men-®v GIm-{KX t\Sp-∂-Xn¬ \ap°v hnP-bn-°m-\m-Ipw.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
sNdnbtXmXn- e p≈ A®- S - ° tØmSpIqsS-bp≈ Pohn-X-an-X-XzsØ `mc-Xob k¶-ev]-Øn¬ X]-s ∂p ]dbp-∂p. A·n, Xm]w Fs∂ms°bmWv B hm°ns‚ A¿∞w. P∑\m h∂p-tNcp∂ I¿Ω- ^ - e - ß - t fbpw at\mamen- \ y- ß tfbpw Bfl-\n-b-{¥-W-am-Ip∂ XoIp-fi-Øn-en´v Nmcam-°n-bm¬ Bfl {]Im-i-[m-cn-I-fmbn amdmw. ]t£ Cu {]b-Xv\-Øn¬ a\- n-t\bpw ico-c-tØbpw ITn\-ambn Zfin-∏n-°pI F∂√ ChnsS Dt±-in-°p-∂-Xv. kl-\-i-‡n-bp-≈Xpw GXp PohnX kml-N-cy-ßtfmSpw CW-ßp-∂Xpw AtX kabw k- a m[m-\] - q¿Δw Ah-tbmSv {]Xn-I-cn-°p-∂-Xpambn \ΩpsS kz`mhsØ am‰n- s b- S p°m≥ th≠n-bp-≈-XmIWw Bfl-\n-b-{¥Ww. C—m- i - ‡ nsIm≠v Zpkz-`m-h-ßtfbpw Zp»o- e - ß tfbpw Btflm- ] tZiw \¬In \nb-{¥n°m≥ Ign- b p- ∂ - b n- S ØmWv GIm- { KX Bcw-`n-°p-∂-Xv. GsXmcp Poh-Pm-eØn\pw Xtam-Kp-Ww, ctPm- K p- W w, kØzKpWw F∂o {]tXyI-X-Iƒ DƒsIm-≠n-´p≠v. Xtam-Kp-W-amWv AXn¬ G‰hpw {]ISw. k¶p-Nn-Xhpw Ccp≠Xpw ZbmclnXhpamb Ahÿ- b m- W - X v . a\pjy a\- p- I ƒ Cu Ah- ÿ - b ntebv°v hogp-tºmƒ Ah\p icnbpw sX‰pw Xncn-®-dnbp-hm-\p≈ hnthIw \„-am-Ip-∂p. ctPm-Kp-W-amWv c≠m-a-tØXv. Zpc-`n-am-\w, AXn-tam-lw, Al-¶m-cw, Ak-¥p„n XpS-ßnb hnIm-c-߃ Hcp-hs\ F√mw kz¥-am-°m-\p≈ Bth-ihpw F{X t\Sn-bmepw aXnbm-ImØ am\-knI ]ncn-ap-dp-°-Ønepw FØn-°p-∂p. F∂m¬ kØz-Kp-Wn-I-fpsS kz`mhw Hcp \Zn-t]m-sebm-Wv. B a\- p-I-fpsS Hgp°v Htc Zni-bn-em-bn-cn°pw. im¥-Xbpw tXP pw Ah-cpsS am\-k-ß-fn-ep≠mIpw Xo¿®. Cu Ah-ÿbnseØm≥ BZyw ico-
c-tØbpw a\- n-t\bpw hyXn-N-en-∏n-°p∂ sshIm-cnI-X-Isf \ne-bv°p-\n¿Ø-Ww. AXm-bXv A-t_m[ a\- ns\ t_m[-a-\- ns‚ \nb-{¥-W-Øn-em-°-Ww. AXn-\p≈ \√ am¿§w [ym\hpw hgn-Im´n GIm-{Kamb {i≤-bp-am-Wv. \Ωp-sS-sbms° a\ v Hcp XSm-I-tØmSv D]-an°mw. Hmf- ß ƒ H∂p- a n- √ msX \n›- e - a m- h p- t ºmƒ AXns‚ ASn-Ø-´p-hsc ImWmw. F∂m¬ `uXn-Iamb Nne A¶-em-∏p-Iƒ, kΩ¿±-߃, hymIp-e-X-Iƒ, sshIm-cn-I-Nn-¥-Iƒ Hs° B XSm-IsØ Akz-ÿ-
am-°p∂ Hmf-ß-fm-Wv. F∂m¬ am\kw ]c-a-Im-cp-WnI-\mb Znhy-tX-P- n-te°v FØ-s∏-Sp-tºmƒ Hmf߃ AS-ßp-Ibpw a\ v \n›-e-am-hp-Ibpw AXns‚ Bg-ß-fn¬ \ΩpsS Bfl-kz-cq-]sØ Z¿in-°p-Ibpw sNømw. AXn¬\n∂v Pohn-XØ - ns‚ ]c-aa - mb B\μw t\Sm\pw km[n-°pw. AXn-\p-th≠n \mw H∂p am{Xw sNbvXm¬ aXn-bmIpw Cu hniz-Øn-emsI hym]n®p InS-°p∂ ]c-a-Im-cp-Wn-I-\mb Znhy-tX-P- ns\ Hmtcm \nan-jhpw XpSn-®p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p∂ \ΩpsS lrZ-bØn¬ IpSn-bn-cp-ØpI.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
B[p-\nI a\p-jy-\p-ambn Cg-tN¿∂v InS-°p∂ D]-I-c-W-ambn
tP°_v tPm¨ amXyp aq∂mw h¿jw
amdn°gn™p Iymad C∂v. \nc-Øn¬, hoSn-\I - Øpw ]pd-Øpw, ISbn¬, F¥n-t\sd ssZh-me-b-Øn¬ hsc Iyma-d. Aßs\ k¿Δ{X Iymad abw. CXp-ambn Gsd ]cn-N-bn-®-Xp-sIm≠mImw Iymad IÆp-I-fpsS ]cn-[n-Isf adn-IS- ° - m\pw \mw ioen-®n-cn-°p-∂p. ÿm]n® CSw t\m°n thK-X I - p-db - v°m\pw Atß-b‰w am\yX \Sn-°m\pw \mw sshZ-Kv[y-apf-f-h-cmbn Ign-™p(sshZ-Kv[yw Ipd™ Nne-sc-¶nepw Ds≠-∂p-f-fXv hnkva-cn-°p-∂n√). Xm≥ sNøp∂ sX‰v as‰mcmƒ ImWp-∂p-s≠-∂p-ff Xncn-®d- nhv Hcp-h\ - n¬ krjvSn-°p∂ hnImcw `b-Ønt‚XmWv. AXn-te°v Ahs\ FØn-°p-∂X - m-Is´ in£-sb-°p-dn-®p-ff t_m[y-hpw. At∏mƒ \nco-£-W- ]-cn-[n-bn¬ \nb-{¥-W-߃ ]pe¿Øm\pw ]cn[n ]n∂n-Sptºmƒ X\n \ndw Im´m\pw \ap°dnbmw. XncnsI hcmw Iymad hnti-jß - f - n-te-°v. C\n a‰p Nne-sc-°qSn ]cnN-bs - ∏-Sm-\p-≠v. kpJ˛ZpxJ \nan-jß - sf H∏n-sb-Sp-°pI F∂ ]mc-ºcy coXn°v ]pØ≥ am\w \¬In-b-h-cm-Wo°q-´¿. A]-cs‚ AXn-cp-I-fnte°v Iymad t^m°kv sNbvXv \n¿hr-Xn-bS- b - p-∂h - c - m-Wn-h¿. Aßs\ Hfn-Iym-ad F∂ ]Zw ae-bmfnbpsS \nL-≠p-hn¬ CSw ]nSn-®p. Hcphs‚ hf¿®-bn-ep-ff AkzkvYXbpw, Ahs‚ kzImcy-X-Isf Adn-bp-hm-\pff Xzcbp-amImw Hfn-Iym-a-d-bpsS kzoImcy-X-bv°p≈ aqe Imc-Ww. At∏mgpw Iymadams\ Fßs\ s{^bn-an¬ Dƒs∏-SpØmw F∂- kakybv-°p≈ DØcw AI∂v \n∂p. HSp-hn¬ sk¬^n-bpsS Ac-tß-‰tØmsS AXpw ]cn-l-cn-°-s∏-´-t∏mƒ bYm¿∞-Øn¬ AsXmcp im]tam£w t\S¬ Xs∂-bm-bn-cp∂p F∂v Icp-Xm-\m-sW-\n-°n-jvSw.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
A¥-an-√mØ B{K-l-ßfpw Bhiy-ßf - p-am-sWt√m F∂pw a\p-jys‚ apJ-ap-{Z. AXn-hn-sSbpw Ah≥ XpS¿∂p. sk¬^n-bn¬ hyXykvXX ]co-£n-°p∂Xn\p t- h-≠n-bmbn ]n∂oSp≈ Ahs‚ {iaw. AXn-\h - ≥ sXc-s™-SpØ {][m\ hgntbm kml-kn-I-X-bpw. Db-cap-ff sI´n-S-Øns‚ A‰-Øp\n∂pw, thK-Øn¬ hcp∂ s{Sbn\n\v FXnsc \n∂pw, A]-I-S-Øn¬s∏´v klm-b-Øn-\mbn tIgp-∂-hs‚ ssZ\y-Xb - nepw sk¬^n-sb-SpØv {it≤-b\ - m-Im- \p-ff
{iaØnem-W-h≥. AXn-\-h≥ BZyw sNbvXXv a\km-£nbpsS ap∂n¬ Zb, kvt\lw, Icp-W, [m¿ΩnIX XpS-ßn-b-hbv°v t\m F≥{Sn F∂ t_m¿Uv hbv°p-Ib - m-bn-cp-∂p. \nb-{¥-Wß - ƒ°v a\pjykz`m-hc - q-]o-Ic - W - Ø - n¬ henb ÿm\-ap-≠v. ]t£ Bh-iy-am-b-hsb sXcs™-Sp-°p-hm-\p≈ Ah-t_m[w D≠m-bn-cn-°W - s - a∂p am{Xw. B Xncn-®d- nhv ]m]-km-lN - c - y-Øn¬ \n∂v \sΩ AI‰n \n¿Øpw; ssZh-`-b-Øns‚ I\-ep-Isf Pzen∏n-°pw. hcp-hm-\p≈ \ymb-hn-[n-sb-°p-dn-®mIs´ C\nbp≈ \ΩpsS Nn¥-Iƒ. {InkvXphpw ia-cym-°mcn
kv{Xobpw XΩn-ep-ff kw`m-jWw Hm¿Ωn-°pI. A©v `¿Øm-°-∑m¿ \n\-°p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p, Ct∏mgpf-fXv \ns‚ `¿Øm-h√ F∂h≥ ]d-bp-tºmƒ Xs‚ ZrjvSn]-Z-Øn¬ F√m-hcpw Ds≠∂ t_m≤y-s∏-Sp-ج Ahn-sS-bp-≠v. C\n ssZhhpw Imtb\pw XΩn-ep-ff kw`m-j-W-sa-Sp-°p-I. \ns‚ ktlm-Z-c≥ Fhn-sS? Ahs‚ c‡w aÆn¬ InS∂v Ft∂mSp \ne-hn-fn°p∂p F∂ Imtbt\mSp≈ ssZh-Øns‚ hm°p-Iƒ Ah≥ cl-ky-Øn¬ \n¿h-ln-®-sX√mw Xs‚ \nco£W ]cn[n°pf-fn-em-bn-cp∂p F∂ Hm¿Ω-s∏-Sp-Øen-te-°m-Wv hnc¬Nq-≠p-∂-Xv. kz¿§Ønse Xºpcm≥ Xs‚ Iyma-dmI-ÆneqsS \ΩpsS Hmtcm {]h¿Ø-\ßfpw ho£n-°p∂p-≠.v ssZh ZrjvSnb - psS ]cn-[nsb adnI-S° - m-\p-ff Bbp[- s am∂pw Fs‚ ssIhiw C√-msb∂ ]q¿Æt_m[ytØm-sS ssZh-k∂n- [ n- b n¬ \n¬°m≥ Ign-tb-≠nbn-cn-°p-∂p. sNøp∂ sX‰p-I-sf√mw ssZh-k∂ - n-[n-bn¬ AS-bm-f-s∏-Sp-Øp∂p-s≠-∂pw, AXns\mcp in£bps≠∂pw, hn[n-°phm- \ mbn ssZhw IS∂p hcp-sa-∂p-apff Xncn-®-dn-hm-IWw Cu Ime-L-´-Øn¬ \sΩ apt∂m´v \bn-t°≠Xv. Ahs‚ ZrjvSn a\p-jys‚ hgn-I-fn-t∑encn°p∂p. Ahs‚ \S-s∏m-s°bpw Ah≥ ImWp∂p (Ctøm_v 34:21) btlm-h-bpsS IÆv F√mbnShpw D≠v; BImØ-ht- cbpw \√-ht- cbpw t\m°n-s°m-≠n-cn-°p∂p -(kZr-iy-hm-Iy-߃ 15:3)
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Xa:tkma tPymXn¿K-ab ""Rm≥ temI-Øns‚ shfn-®-am-Ip∂p'' F∂v {]tLm-jn® A\m-
Uo. {]n≥kv ]utemkv \memw h¿jw
Zy¥ kXy-{]-Im-i-am-b-h≥ Ccp-´n-en-cn-°p∂ am\-h-Ip-e-Øn\v F∂pw {]Im-i-Øn-te°v \bn-°p∂ \oXn-kq-cy-\m-Wv. B shfn-®-sØ-bmWv ""Ch≥ Fs‚ {]nb-]p-{X≥ Ch-\n¬ Rm≥ {]km-Zn-®n-cn-°∂p F∂ kz¿§ob ]nXm-hns‚ i_vZw km£n-®-Xv. Xs‚ DZbw \Zo {]hm-lsØ-t∏mepw hnip-≤o-I-c-W-Øn-eqsS {]Im-i-Øn-te°v \bn-°p-∂p. hn. amtam-Zo-km-bn-eqsS B \Zn-bn-te°v tNcp-∂-h¿°p e`n-°p∂ hnip-≤nsb {]m]n-®-h-cmWv {InkvXob hnizm-kn-Iƒ. AXp-sIm≠v Xs∂ A‘-Im-c-Øns‚ Ah-ÿ-bn¬ \n∂v \nXy-{]-Im-i-Øn-te°p≈ Cu DZ-b-Øns‚ Znh-ksØ \ΩpsS k`m-cm-[-\-bpsS `mK-am°n-bXpw Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv k`m-]m-c-º-cy-Øn¬ "DZbw' F∂¿∞w hcp∂ Z\-lm-s]-cp-∂mƒ P\p-hcn 6˛mw XobXn \S-Øp-∂Xpw Cu s]cp-∂m-fns\ ]uc-kvXy¿ {]Im-ia - m-bh - s‚ amtΩm-Zo-km-bmbn I≠psIm≠v sh≈w hmgvhns‚ {]tXyI {Ia-tØm-sSbpw ]m›m-Xy¿ hnZzm∑m¿ {]Im-i-am-b-hs\ hμn-®-Xns‚ Hm¿Ω-bmbpw BN-cn-°p-∂p. kv\m\m¿∞n-Iƒ°v Cu Znhkw amtΩm-Zokm \¬In-bp-∂-Xn-\mepw {XnXz-Øns‚ shfn-]mSv D≠m-bX - n-\mepw CXns\ {]Im-iØ - ns‚ s]cp∂m-fmbn ImWp-∂p. shfn-®-Øns‚ Cu atlm-’-hsØ Ip∂w-Ipfw (]m-eq¿) {]tZ-i°m¿ "]n≠n-s∏-cp-∂mƒ' F∂mWv hnti-jn-∏n-°p-∂-Xv. hoSp-Iƒ°pw ]≈n-Iƒ°pw apºnepw hoYn-Iƒ tXmdpw hrØn-bm°n hmg-]n≠n Ae-¶-cn®v AXn-t∑¬ Zo]-߃ IØn®p h®p-sIm≠v Cu {]Im-i-
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
s]-cp-∂m-fns‚ ssNX-\ysØ Zriyh¬°-cn-°p-∂-Xp-sIm-≠mWv Cu t]cn¬ Z\-lm-s]-cp-∂mƒ Adn-b-s∏Sp-∂-Xv. c≠p-Zn-hkw \o≠p-\n¬°p∂ BtLmjw Xs∂- b mWv ]n≠n- s ∏- c p∂mƒ. Z\-lm-bpsS Xte-Zn-hkw Xs∂ ]n≠n-Iƒ \m´p-Ibpw Ahsb Zo]m-ew-Ir-Xa - m-°p-Ibpw sNøp∂p. Ipe® hmg-bpsS ]n≠n-bmWv CXn-\mbn D]tbm-Kn-°p-∂-Xv. B {]tZ-i-°m¿°v CXv ssNX\y-Øn-s‚bpw A\p-{K-l-Øn-s‚bpw s]cp-∂mfpw
bp-∂Xv. kXym-t\z-jn-If - mb kmXzn-Ic - psS \mSmb `mc-X-Øns‚ Bflob a{¥hpw as‰m-∂m-bn-cp-∂n√˛ ""Xa:tkma tPymXn¿K-ab'' Ccp-´n¬ \n∂v Rßsf shfn-®-Øn-te°v \bn-t°-W-ta. {Iqc-X-bpsS, Al-¶m-c-Øns‚ kIe D∂-X`m-h-ß-fpsSbpw A‘-Im-c-Øn\v A¥yw hcp-Øns°m-≠n-cn-°Ww. {]Im-i-am-b-hs‚ DZbw \Ωnep-≠m-tI-≠Xv B shfn-®Ø - n-eqsS ]pXnb ImgvNIƒ D≠m-Ip-Ibpw \ΩpsS angn-Isf Dƒ°m-gvN-I-
AtXm-sSm∏w {]Im-i-am-b-h-\n-te°v IqSp-X¬ tN¿∂p-\n¬°p∂ Hcp A\p-`hw IqSn-bm-Wv. Nne ÿe-ßf - n¬ Z\-lmsb cm°pfn s]cp-∂mƒ F∂pIqSn hnfn-°p-∂p-≠v. ""Fs∂ A\p-K-an-°p-∂-h≥ Ccp-´n¬ \S-°msX Pohs‚ shfn-®-ap-≈-h-cmIpw'' F∂p {]Im-i-am-bh≥ DZvt_m-[n-∏n-°p-tºmƒ B Pohs‚ shfn®w D≈n-ep-Zn-°-W-sa-¶n¬ tbip-{InkvXp k©-cn® Ipcn-ins‚ hgn-bnse bm{Xn-I-\m-Ip-I- X-s∂-thWw. At∏mƒ am{X-amWv Ccpƒ \sΩ hns´m-gn-
fn-te°v \bn-°p-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. Cu {]Im-i-s]cp-∂m-fn-eqsS \ΩpsS angn-Isf \∑-bn-te°v \bn°p∂ Hcp Xn-cn-sh-´-Øn-\mbn ImØn-cn-°pIbpw H∏w ""shfn-hp-\n-d-t™m-cotim \n≥sh-fn-hm¬ ImWp-∂p......'' F∂ {]m¿∞\ Pohn-XØ - ns‚ `mKam-t°-≠n-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Pohn-X-Øns‚ tijn-°p∂ Zn\-߃ Hcp ]pXnb DZ-b-Øn\v ]¶m-fn-bm-Ip-I, AXp-X-s∂-bmWv Hmtcm ]pXnb DZ-bhpw.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Al-¶m-c-ß-fp-tSbpw tNmc-Øn-f-∏p-I-fp-tSbpw
F¬tZm aØmbn H∂mw h¿jw
BtLm-j-߃°n-S-bn¬ I≠ Iq\n IqSnb B Aÿn-Iq-S-Øns‚ t]cv hm¿≤Iyw F∂m-bn-cp-∂p. ]md-I-fn¬ X´n NnX-dp∂ Xnc-am-e-I-Ws° AXv F∂nse buh-\-a-\-kns\ Iodn-ap-dn-®p. A¬] ka-b-tØ°v Rm≥ _p≤-\mtbm? ]s£, X´n-sØ-dn-s®-¶nepw H∂pw kw`-hn-°msX XncnsI tNcp∂ Xnc-ame t]mse buh\w B Nn¥sb hnZq-c-X-bn-te°v B´n-∏m-bn-®p. DΔv, tNmc At∏mgpw Xnf-bv°p-∂p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. ho≠pw BtLm-j-ß-fn-te-°v... Ct∏mƒ H‰-bv°n-cn-°p-tºmƒ X´n-sØ-dn® Pe-I-Wn-I-bn¬ H∂n¬ Ah-t_m-[-Øns‚ civan X´n ho≠pw B cq]w sXfn-bp-∂p. D≈n¬ `btam? AtXm Zbtbm? a\-kn-em-Ip-∂n-√. Ct∏mƒ tNmc ]Xps° XWp-°p-∂Xv Rm≥ Adn-bp-∂p. AsX, Fs‚ Btcm-Ky-hpw, Fs‚ kºØpw Rm≥ ]mgm-°nb `£-Whpw F√mw Fs‚ Al-¶m-c-am-bn-cp-∂p. Ct∏mƒ PohnXw Fs¥∂v F\n°v sNdp-Xmbn a\-kn-embn XpS-ßp-∂p. C∂ns‚ hm¿≤Iyw C∂-se-I-fpsS buh-\-am-bn-cp-∂p. Xnf-®p-s]m-ßnb tNmc-bpsS ]cp-h-s∏-S¬. ]Iz-X-bn¬ FØnb Bth-i-߃. ImesØ XS™p \n¿Øm≥ \n∂nse buh\w aXn-bm-In-√. a\kv a{¥n-°p-∂Xv Ct∏mƒ F\n°v tIƒ°mw. ad-°m-Xn-cn-°pI... Hcn-°¬ \obpw...
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Suffering: A Sojourn to Redemption…
Dn. Geevarghese Jose Fourth Year
he incarnation of Christ, is undoubtedly the most revolutionary event in the history of the humankind. The primary purpose of God becoming human was to lead the humankind to the paths of salvation and revive it from the bondage of the ancestral sin. Even though many world religions lead their followers to redemption, it is only in the Eastern understanding1, that promotes or teaches ‘suffering as a means to attain redemption’. The term redemption may be defined as ‘the action of saving or being saved from sin or evil’. In other words, it’s an act of vindication or absolution. As mentioned above, the means to attain redemption, in the teachings of majority religions is by avoiding the aspect of suffering. But in the Orthodox understanding, suffering is only a means to attain redemption. Even as believing Christians, we must not consider suffering as an outcome of Gods’ judgement against us, for our sins. In every Orthodox liturgy, we pray “For a good defense before the dread Judgement seat of Christ, let us pray to the Lord: Lord have mercy”.2 St. Paul, in his epistle to the Romans writes that, “For I consider that sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory about to be revealed to us”. Suffering in the modern day is understood as a punishment from God. That is why suffering is mostly related to the concept of sin.
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But here we see the apostle telling the Romans that the glory of God that is to be revealed is more valuable and is not worth a comparison with sufferings of the present day. So is one’s suffering related to his/her sins? In the capacity of the human intellect, it is; but in Gods’ sight or from a theological perspective, a person undergoes suffering in order to reveal the glory of God through him/ her. In St. John, we see the incident of the man born blind being restored with his vision by Christ3. Jesus’ disciples ask Him, if it’s because of his sins or his parents’ sin that this man is born blind. It is the reply that Jesus Christ gives that gives clarity to the question ‘whether suffering is a result of one’s sin’. Jesus replies that it is for the revelation of God’s glory that the man is born blind and not because of his sins. Sin is not a moral category about behaviour, but is a theological category about one’s response to the revelation of God in Jesus Christ4. Thus it is for the Gods’ work to be made manifest that the man was born was blind and not just for the sake of the miracle. It’s quite human, that we are curious to know the reason behind others suffering. We go to the extent of jumping to conclusions, depending on the goodness of our heart. As St. Matthew says ‘the good tree bears good fruits, while the bad trees bear bad fruit’5, in the same way depending on the goodness in our hearts, we draw out conclusions. When certain things go beyond the human control, then the only option we’re left with is taking refuge in the shadows of Gods’ mercy, who’ll steer us away from all our troubles.In the modern world, the humans are more keen to plan their lives according to their whims and fancies. They tend to ignore the existence of God Almighty who has more or less planned out the entire course of our lives. In an article, titled the ‘The Master-Planner’, the author opines that in our daily lives, the modern day human is jumping from career to career, city to city, flying from one continent to another in search of happiness and composure. The humans lay out the paths to
their lives on their wishes, usually forgetting the ‘Superman’ up in heaven. The author goes onto say that no matter what you do, or where you go, in the end we all will fall back to the place predestined for us by our God in his ‘masterplan’. Therefore, in order to reveal the glory of God to all those in pain and suffering, the Almighty has chosen each one of us. When we undergo suffering, we should keep in mind that it is a sojourn to the final destination of redemption. These sufferings should be treated as a gift or rather a blessing from God to reveal his miraculous works in us or through us. Only when we undergo suffering in life, we shall become a model Christian witness, which is becoming a rare feat. Today the world is running behind the idea of redemption, without undergoing suffering, as the new generation is an advocate of the Prosperity aspect of the Gospel and not the suffering part. May the good Lord give each one of us, the strength and courage to face boldly all the worldly suffering so that we may transform into a true witness of Christ in His Holy Resurrection. As St. Paul says “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God- what is good and acceptable and perfect” 6 Wishing you all the happiness, joy and blessings in your lives:
1 2
3 4 5 6
(Footnotes) Orthodox Theology The Basis of Gods ’ Judgement. The Orthodox Study Bible. St. Athanasius Academy of Orthodox Theology (Thomas Nelson, Nashville, 2008). 1523 St. John 91-41 The New International Bible Commentary St. Matthew 717 Romans 122
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ktlm-Z-c-∑m¿ HsØm-cp-an®v hkn-°p-∂-Xv... 2017 sk]v‰w-_¿ 14 …o_m-s∏-cp-∂mƒ Zn\w. A∂sØ hn.-
AeIvkv ]n. amXyp c≠mw h¿jw DEEPTHI 2018
Ip¿∫m-\bv°v tijw Rß-fpsS Hm¿Ω sN∏p-I-fn¬ Iq´nt®¿°m≥X° Aaq-ey-amb as‰m∂p ImØn-cn-°p-∂p-≠mbn-cp∂p. Xs‚ Bbp- n¬ kl{khpw ]n∂n´v \n¬°p∂ Xmg-Øß - mSn Ppama-kP v nZnte°p≈ bm{X, khn-ti-jX - b - m¿s∂mcp bm{X. skan-\mcn ]T\w A\p-`h - t- h-Zy-am-°phm-\p≈ Hcp {iaw F∂p thW-sa-¶n¬ ]d-bmw. Cu bm{X-bpsS Bibw Dcn-Øn-cn-™tXm Rß-fpsS aXm≤ym-]-I≥ IqSn-bmb A`n.- At{]w Xncp-ta-\n-bpsS a\- nepw. {]n≥kn-∏mƒ A®≥ t{]m’m-ln-∏n-°p-Ibpw kΩXw aqfp-Ibpw sNbvXp. IqsS hcp-hm-\p≈ hm¿U≥ dºm-®s‚ kΩXw IqSn-bmbt∏mƒ Imcyw Ffp-∏a - mbn. CXv km≤y-am°n Xo¿Ø F√m-ht- cmSpw Bflm¿∞ambpw IS-s∏-´n-cn-°p-∂p. h¿j-߃°p apºv Fs‚ kplrØv aXw a\p-jys\ \in∏n-°p-∂p-sh∂pw AXn-\m¬ Hcp hy‡n hf-cp-∂-Xp-hsc Ir{Xna aXw am{Xw \¬In-bm¬ aXn-sb∂pw ]d-™-tXm¿°p-∂p. At±-lØns‚ Bi-bsØ A\p-Iq-en-°p-hmt\m \ncm-Ic - n-°p-hmt\m Rm≥ Xp\n-™n-√. ImcWw, A`n-{]mb kzmX{¥yw F√m-h¿°pw Hcp t]mse Ah-Im-i-s∏-´-Xm-W-t√m. F¶nepw ]n∂oSv CXn-s\-∏‰n
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Btem-Nn-®t- ∏mƒ Nne Nn¥-Iƒ a\- n¬IqSn IS-∂pt]m-bn. aX-߃ a\p-jys\ \∂m-°p-hm\pw ssZh-Ønte-°p≈ bm{X-bn¬ hgn-Im-´n-bm-sW∂pw \mw ]Tn-°p∂p, ]Tn-∏n-°p-∂p. F∂m¬ bYm¿∞-Øn¬ aX-߃ \ΩpsS D≈n¬ Hcp thensI´v krjvSn-°m-dnt√ F∂v Nne-t∏mƒ F¶nepw tXm∂n-t∏m-Ipw. ImcWw, ta[mhnXzw ÿm]n-°m≥ th≠n Hmtcm aXhpw A{Xbv°v
t]mcm-Sp-Ibpw A\p-bm-bn-Isf AXns\m-Øh - Æw hf¿Øp-Ibpw sNøp∂p F∂p-≈Xv \ap°v Np‰p-ap≈ kw`-hh - nIm-k-ß-fn¬ \n∂pw hy‡-am-W-t√m. Aßs\ hcp-tºmƒ \ap°v bYm¿∞Øn¬ \jvS-am-Ip-∂Xv a\p-jy-Xzhpw, a\p-jys‚ hnIm-c-ßsf a\- n-em-°p-hm-\p≈ lrZ-b-hp-am-Wv. {io\m-cm-bW Kpcp-hns‚ hm°p-Iƒ ]d-bmsX hø, ""aX-ta-Xm-bmepw a\p-jy≥ \∂m-bm¬ aXn!'' AXpsIm≠v Xs∂ skan-\m-cn-bn¬ aX-ßsf°pdn®p≈ ]T\w e`y- a m- I p- t ºmƒ AXv BXy- ¥ n- I - a mbn Rßsf hf¿ØpI Xs∂-bt√ sNøp-∂Xv! kz¥w amXmhns\ Bflm¿∞-ambn kvt\ln-°p-∂h - \ - v Xo¿®bm-bn´pw A]-cs‚ amXm-hns\ kvt\ln-°phm-\mIpw, BZ-cn-°phm\m-Ipw... D®-bm-Ip-∂-Xn\v apºv Xs∂ Ppam akvPn-Zn-te°v R߃ sN∂p. Rß-fpsS hchv ap≥Iq´n Adn-bn-®Xp-sIm≠v akvPn-Zn-s\-∏‰n IqSp-X¬ Adn-bp-hm-\p≈ {Iao-Ic - Ww Ah¿ Hcp-°n. hfsc ]g-°a - p≈ B ]≈nbn¬ {]th-in-®-t∏mƒ Fs¥-∂n-√mØ kt¥mjw tXm∂n. ac-Ø-Sn-bnse hnin-jvS-amb Nn{X-∏-Wn-Iƒ; IÆns\ ]pfIw sIm≈n°pw hn[w AXnkq£-ambn sImØn-sb-Sp-Øh Xs∂-bm-bn-cp∂p AXv. Ah-cpsS D®\a-kI v m-cØ - n¬ kw_-‘n-°Ø - ° - h - n-[a - m-bn-cp∂p Rß-fpsS kμ¿i-\w. \a-kvIm-cØ - n\v tijw ]≈nbpsS Ncn-{Xhpw Ah-cpsS {]m¿∞\m coXn-Ifpw hniZo-Ic - n®p Xcn-Ib - p-≠mbn. {]m¿∞-\b - n-ep≈ Ah-cpsS `‡nbpw Xo£W-Xbpw B hm°p-I-fn¬ \ng-en-®p. XpS¿∂v \S∂ tNmtZym-Øc thf ]pXnb Adn-hp-Iƒ ]I¿∂p \¬In. Ahn-Sp∂v ]pd-s∏-Sp-∂-Xn\v apºv Rß-fpsS kvt\l-Øns‚ {]Xo-Ia - mbn Hcp Jpdm-\pw kΩm- \ n- ® p. C{X hne- t b- d nb kμ¿i- \ - Ø ns‚ A]q¿Δ \nanjw Iyma-db - n¬ ]I¿Øm-Xn-cn-°p-∂s - Xßs\? {Kq∏v t^mt´m-tbmsS Rß-fpsS kμ¿i-\Øn\v Xnc-»oe hoWp. C∂v ]pd-tIm´v t\m°p-tºmƒ a\- n¬ h√mØ A`n-am\w, XocmØ kt¥mjw. B bm{X R߃°v kΩm-\n-® Hm¿Ω-Ifpw A\p-`-h-ßfpw A{X-b-[nIw. Pohn-X-bm{X XpS-cp-tºmƒ ]c-kv]cw kvt\ln-°phm\pw BZ-cn-°p-hm-\pw \ap°v km[n-°-s´ F∂ {]m¿∞-\-Iƒ am{Xw. AX-s√-¶n¬ \ΩpsS `‡n tIhew {]l- k \w Bbn- Ø n- c nt√! aX-߃ a\p-jyXzw \ne-\n¿Øp-∂p. AX-ßs\ Xs∂-bm-bn-cn-°s - ´.......!
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Contributions of ‘Niranam Poets and Literature’ towards Music & History of Christianity in India There are three phases of musical contributions from the place
Fr. Varughese Joseph Sophia Center
‘Niranam’ by the various scholars during different periods. 1. Niranam Poets 2. Maliekkal Ramban pattu 3. Niranam Granthavari Niranam is a place where St.Thomas, the disciple of Jesus Christ visited this place in AD 52 itself. ‘Kannassa Kavikal’ or the ‘Niranam Poets’ lived in this area. Ramban pattu, a typical form of Christian martial art, certain songs illustrating the arrival of St.Thomas to Kerala and Niranam is explained in the ‘Malieckel literature’; a famous family of Niranam. Ivanios Hidayulla had written certain ‘memras’ which is part of the
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ancient document called ‘Niranam Granthavari’ which is kept under the safe custody of the ‘Kaniyanthara’ family still now. The word ‘Niranam’ can be splitted as ‘nir + ranan’ means a place where there is no war or fight. Hence this is a place known for communal harmony as well. At ‘Niranam Vadakkumbhagom’ there was a pond of common use for a mosque and a temple. St, Thomas founded the Church in the name of St.Mary and a Devi Temple near to it is considered as sisterly goddesses. In the historical writing of Pliny; there is a reference of a port named ‘Nelkinda’ may be the present ‘Nakkada’, eastern part of Niranam. The place ‘Kadapra’ may be a derivation of ‘kadal puram’. The place ‘thommathu kadavu’ has connection to ‘kottachaal’ and Pampa, Achenkovil rivers. ‘Thommathu kadavu’ is derived from the usage; ‘Thoma ethiya kadavu’. Another epic is that the famous ‘nalukettu’ named ‘niranam petti kaimal’ was a land lord with half document of Niranam village. He had got the same when the ancient land lords who abandoned them at the ‘Trikkupaleeswara temple’, when St. Thomas raised a barber boy from death whom they had killed. This Siva temple has a history of 20 centuries. There are several wells made of flat stones with the inscription of fish which was the symbol of early Christians. Here in this paper the musical contributions from this historic place had been discussed. Niranam Poets In the 14th century, Niranam was the birthplace of three generations of poets from the same family who became known as the ‘Niranam or Kannassa poets’, being Madhava Panikkar, Sankara Panikkar and Rama Panikkar. They were influenced by the Bhakti movement. As Panikkars, they were probably akin to members of the Nayar caste, which makes their
claim to mastery of Sanskrit a significant feature because they would have been classed as Shudra in the Brahmanical system of ritual ranking known as varna. Shudras were not supposed to be familiar with that priestly language. They lived between 1350 and 1450 C.E. It is believed that they all belonged to the same Kannassa family and that Madhava Panikkar and Sankara Panikkar were the uncles of Rama Panikkar, the youngest of the three. They revived the ‘Bhakti’ school and in the place of the excessive sensuality and eroticism of the ‘Manipravalam’ poets, the seriousness of the poetic vocation was reasserted. Madhava
Panikkar wrote a condensed Malayalam translation of Bhagavad Gita, perhaps its first translation into any modern Indian language. Sankara Panikkars’s main work is Bharatamala, a masterly condensation of Mahabharata. Perhaps the most important was Rama Panikkar who is the author of Ramayanam, Bharatam, Bhagavatam and Sivarathri Mahatmyam. Kannassa Ramayanam and Kannassa Bharatam are the most important of these Niranam works. The former is an important link between Cheeraman’s Ramacharitam, Ayyappilli Asan’s Ramakathapattu and Ezhuthachan’s Adhyathmaramayanam. There was a special order or style called ‘niranam vrittam’ accepted by other poets as
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well. Ulloor has said that Rama Panikkar holds the same position in Malayalam literature that Edmund Spenser has in English literature. Many of their community members were Sanskrit scholars and traditional astrologers. Their works are collectively known as Niranam Works. Before their period the poetry of Kerala was a mix of Malayalam and Sanskrit, known as ‘manipravala’. Niranam poets were instrumental in successfully freeing the literature from the influence of this mix. The appearance of the modern Malayalam language starts with the works of Niranam Poets. Their success led to the gradual replacement of the manipravala cult of worldliness and sensual revelry by an indigenous poetics of high seriousness. This beautiful village Niranam has a rich tradition of literature, cultural exchange and religious harmony. According to historians and geologists, Niranam was a sea port hundreds of years ago, having trade relations with the Roman Empire and the Middle East. This fact was confirmed by the discovery of ancient Roman coins from Niranam and nearby areas by archeologists. Niranam is also mentioned in the writings of Pliny and Cosmos Indico Pleustes as a trade centre. The references to ‘Nelcyndis’ are construed as a reference to a port near Kollam and the probability is either Kollam or present day Niranam. Geologists suggest that sea retracted from this area due to certain major geographical changes. The great flood of 1341 AD also had helped to shift the sea westwards as a result of the silt filling in the direct sea route from Niranam. Even today
the soil of nearby areas of Niranam is sandy and resembles beaches, though presently these places are not in proximity of sea. The village next to Niranam is Kadapra, and this name is a derivative of the Malayalam word ‘Kadappuram’ which means ‘beach’. Centuries later, Purakkad, west of Niranam, gained in importance as a port and this port was controlled by the Rajah of Purakkad or Ambalappuzha.There is a Government Higher Secondary School situated at Alumthuruthi in the loving memory of the ‘Kannassa Poets’. There is a monument and library at their birth place and in each year ‘kaviyaragu’ are being
conducted.On the Vijayadasami day several children comes to start their first step of education at the ‘Kannassa parampu’; every year. Thoma Parvam- Ramban Pattu The Saint Thomas Christians trace their origins to the evangelical activity of Thomas the Apostle in the 1st century. The community grew under the influence of migration from Syrians, members of the Church of the East. The community’s modern musical traditions may be
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derived from this connection. Into the 20th century, Saint Thomas Christian liturgy was performed and sung in the Syriac language, though today this largely has been replaced with the local language, Malayalam. Due to the community’s resistance to outside influence and isolation, the music of the Saint Thomas Christians may preserve elements of the earliest forms of Christian music. Probably the importance of Niranam as a port paved for the arrival of St Thomas here in the first century AD and then led to the establishment of a church and community here, most probably a Jewish trading community, who became Christians and later were controlled by the Syrian Church of Antioch and Edessa. The Christian community in Niranam is thus one of the oldest, anywhere in the world. After the split of the Syrian Christian Church into Catholics and Orthodox factions, in the 17th century, Niranam church came under the control of the orthodox faction. Niranam Valiya Palli has been the seat of the Orthodox Church since then. Now almost all Christian Churches and denominations as well as other religions have a presence in Niranam. All are living in harmony and takes part in festivals of other religions. It is worth mentioning that the Vaipur and Kallooppara churches as also the Tiruvalla churches were offshoots of the Niranam church and community. The ‘ramban pattu’ has so resemblance in lyrics and chanting of other Christian martial arts like ‘margam kali’; ‘paricha muttu kali’ and ‘villadichan pattu’. It affirms and asserts the coming of St. Thomas to South India and the founding of various Christian congregations and Churches. Scholar Israel G. Ross compares Saint Thomas Christian music to that of the Jews in Kerala. Jewish music influenced the early Christian music ancestral to the Saint Thomas Christian forms, and Jews have lived in similar conditions to the Thomas Christians in Kerala for centuries. As such, Christian and Jewish music and culture in Kerala feature many parallels and similarities. For example, a Saint Thomas Christian blessing given by a dying father to his
children is similar to the Jewish practice. These similarities may reflect a common origin in the ancient Middle East. One important Saint Thomas Christian song is the “Thoma Parvam”, or “Song of Thomas”. The song contains a colophon claiming it was first written in 1601 by a certain Maliekel Thoma Ramban, though the manuscripts are of a much later date. The words give an account of Thomas the Apostle’s purported evangelical work in India in the 1st century. It is interesting to note that Malikayal’ speaks of St. Thomas' arrival by sea to the port of ‘Maliankara’ (Kodungallur). The commercial history of the times lends support to this assumption. He must have either sailed from Kalyan in north India or from the island of ‘Socotra’. He established the following 7½ churches and a Christian community in various parts of Kerala as it is narrated in “St. Thomas parvam” by ‘Rabban St. Thomas’ in the 1st century. Niranam Grandhavari ‘Niranam Grandhavari’ is the first historical book of the Malankara Orthodox Church written in Malayalam. It is a diary or chronicle of the events in the life of Malankara Metropolitan Marthoma VI (1745-1808) and short sketches about early Christian history from Adam & Eve to the Antiochan attempts to supremacy in Malankara church and short references up to 1847. It is presumed to be written by a Deacon or secretary of the Metropolitan. Some researchers think that it may have been Rev.Dn. Kanianthra Thommy Chandy ordained by him. He was the main nurse in the last days of the Metropolitan and was ordained as priest in 1808 by Marthoma VII. Rev Fr. Thommy Chandy stayed on in the Niranam church for some years as the vicar and managed the entire Church during the succession periods of Marthoma Metrans VII, VIII and IXth. His successor in the family was Rev. Nina Chandy Corepiscopa who also was a celibate and stayed in the church till 1910 when he was called to Mepral as vicar of St. John’s parish church. All his belongings might have included this palm
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leaf history and found it in the 1930s in a Grandhapura at Mepral and now kept under the custody of the ‘Kaniyanthara kudumbayogam’. The first part of ‘Niranam Granthavari’ is a chronological historical documentation of certain events in the history of Christianity. There is a mention that the Malayalam translation of Bible is on process. The Benchamin Baylee Bible had been published in A.D 1829 and hence the date of ‘Niranam Granthavari’ may be before 1829 itself. A second part of this ‘Niranam Granthavari’ is a ‘memra’ written by Mar Ivanions Hidayulla from Antioch
who stayed here for a long period and even learned the local language’Malayalam’. Mar Ivanions Hidayulla reached here in AD 1786, died in 1795 and was buried at the Marthomman Cheriya pally, Mulamthuruthi. Here three quotes from the ‘memra’ about the Church, virgin birth of Christ and a theological exposition. (i) ‘Ellile thailam polulloru manavatti sabha’means the Church is very precious bride of Christ. It is like the precious oil and its fragrance spread the entire world. (ii) ‘Pukkula thanmel karikkathinte ullil jalam Pukkapol janichithu
thanputhranennu vendu’means, just like water in the tender coconut is dragged from ground through the root, stem and leaf and stored; likewise the son Jesus formed in the womb of Virgin Mary. In the ‘Third hour ‘seheema’ song’; there are three parables regarding the virgin birth such as; (a) lamb found in the bush at mount Moriah; (b) water from rock for the Israel in the desert; and (c) ‘estheera’ from fish caught by Peter are the parables for the virgin birth. But the ‘ memra’ in the Niranam Granthavari is more meaningful and thought provoking. (iii) ‘Moorkhanmmarude karnae sujnanam pookunnathiLookkrum maha gajam kadakkum kothukinteMookkilekkathre kshanam mattethinnasedhyamam’means the parable of camel passing through a needle hole while explaining the case of rich people entering heaven; in the Kerala perspective as an elephant passing through the nose of a mosquito, is so humorous and interesting. It is amazing that almost all subjects related to the life of a Christian faithful is being included and discussed through these ‘memras’. Some are highly theological but all can be chanted simply with a common rhythm. The sands of Niranam are still blessed by the touch and feel of St. Thomas, great ancestors, head Church of Orthodoxy and various other Christian Churches. There are several ancient priestly families and leaders who had contributed much in history and politics. Niranam is a blessed land surrounded by several rivers and sufficient water. Agriculture and paddy field increases its beauty and environment. It is a land of love and communal harmony. The contributions of the place ‘Niranam’ towards music and literature will remain as a landmark in the history forever and ever.
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]{¥≠v h¿j-ambn hn. Ip¿∫m-\bn¬ ]s¶-SpØp Bflo-b-ambn Hcp- ß n- b - X n\v Bfl- \ m- Y ≥ \evInb hne-tb-dnb kΩm-\-amWv Cu Ncn{X hnP-b-sa∂v At±lw Xpd∂v kΩ-Xn-°p-tºmƒ, Hmtcm \∑-Ie - ¿∂ hnP-bØ - n\p ]n∂nepw Hcp°w Bh-iy-LS- I - s- a∂ kqN-\bmWv \ap°v e`n-°p-∂-Xv.
Pn_n¬ tPm¨ tPm¿÷v H∂mw h¿jw
Hcp-°w tNmZy-߃ Pohn-X-Øns‚ A¿∞w Is≠-Øp-hm≥ klm-bn-°p∂ Pme-I-ß-fm-Wv. AXp-t]mse Pohn-X-hn-Pbw kpK-a-am-°p-hm≥ \sΩ hgn-sX-fn-bn-°p∂ ]mX-bmWv Hcp-°w. ]co£ Fgp-Xp∂ Hcp Ip´nsb kw_-‘n-®-Sp-tØmfw Ahs‚ kph¿Æ hnP-b-Øn\p Hcp°w AXy¥m-t]-£n-X-am-Wv. ""Hmtcm a\p-jy\pw AΩ-bpsS DZ-c-Øn¬ \n∂p-Xs∂ ]pXnb Pohn-X-Øn-te-°p≈ Hcp-°-Øn\pw Xøm-sd-Sp-°p-∂p'' F∂mWv hn. AK-kvXn-t\mkv ]d-bp-∂-Xv. Bb-Xn-\m¬ Hcp°w F∂Xv ]q¿WX F∂ hoYn-bpsS IhmSw Xs∂-bm-Wv. temI-{]-ikvX Ne-®n-{X-amb ]mj≥ Hm^v Zn ss{IÃns‚ kwhn[m-b-I-\mb ta¬Kn-_vkn-t\m-Sv, Fßs\ Cß-s\mcp Nn{Xw AWn-bns®m-cp°n F∂ am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-Is‚ tNmZy-Øn\p At±lw \evInb adp-]Sn C{]-Im-c-am-Wv.- ]{¥≠v h¿jsØ Hcp-°-amWv Cu hnPbw; ]{¥≠v h¿j-ambn hn. Ip¿∫m-\-bn¬ ]s¶-SpØp Bflo-b-ambn Hcpßn-b-Xn\v Bfl-\m-Y≥ \evInb hne-tb-dnb kΩm-\-amWv Cu Ncn{X hnP-b-sa∂v At±lw Xpd∂v kΩ-Xn-°p-tºmƒ, Hmtcm \∑-I-e¿∂ hnPb-Øn\p ]n∂nepw Hcp°w Bh-iy-L-S-I-sa∂ kqN-\-bmWv \ap°v e`n-°p-∂-Xv. Ncn{X Xmfp-I-fn-eqsS \mw k©-cn-®m¬ Xs∂, BcmWv Hcp \nanjw sIm≠v A£-c-ß-fpsS tXmg-\mb Ihn-bm-bn-´p-≈Xv; a\- ns\ Ipfn¿a sNmcn-bn-°p∂ Kmb-I-\m-bn-´p-≈Xv; Xmf-a-dn™v \rØ-Np-h-Sp-Iƒ NhnSp∂ \¿Ø-I-\m-bn-´p-≈Xv; P\-X-I-fpsS lrZbw Adn™v cmPyw `cn°p∂ cmPm-hm-bn-´p-≈-Xv. H∂pw Xs∂ Hcp cm{Xn-sIm≠v apf-s]m´n h∂-X-√. CXv H∂pw Xs∂ ambm-Pme hnZy-I-fp-a-√. a\ pw Bflmhpw
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
icochpw Hcp-°-tØmsS ka¿∏n-®-h¿ am{Xw kz¥-am-°nb kpIrX ^e-ßfm-Wn-h-sbm-s°. Hcpßptºmƒ e`n-°p∂ hnP-b-ßsf Ipdn®v {]Xn-]m-Zn-°p∂ t{ijvT-amb {KŸw hn. kXy-th-Z-]p-kvXIw Xs∂-bm-Wv. BZn-tbm-S¥yw \mw ]cn- t im- [ n- ° p- t ºmƒ Hcp- ° - t Øm- S p≈ {]h¿Ø\w hnP- b sØ t{ijv T - a mb \ne- b n¬ sIms≠-Øn-°p-∂p. ]gb \nbaw ]cn-tim-[n-°p-tºmƒ alm {]f-bsØ AXn-Po-hn-°p-hm≥ th≠-Xn-e-[nIw Hcp°w \S-Ø-W-sa∂v t\ml-tbm-Spw, A{_-lm-an-t\mSpw, henb £masØ AXn-Po-hn-°p-hm≥ kl-\-h-gnI-fn-eqsS Hcp-ßm≥ tbmk-^n-t\m-Spw, bdotlm ]´W-Øns‚ tIm´ aXn¬ XI¿Øv C{k-tb¬ a°sf c£n-°p-hm≥ tbmip-ht- bm-Spw, aq∂p Znh-ksØ bm{XsNbvXp \n\phm°m¿°v ssZh-k-tμiw ]I¿t∂-Im\mbn tbm\m-tbm-Sp-sa√mw ssZhw Iev]n-°p-tºmƒ Hcp-°-Øns‚ {]m[m\yw A{X-am{Xw t{ijvT-am-sW∂v a\- n-em-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. {InkvXp-hns‚ Pohn-X-tcJ kq£va-X-tbmsS ]cntim-[n-°p-tºmgpw Hcp-°-Øns‚ ÿm\w hy‡-amb ImWp-hm≥ km[n-°pw. aq∂p h¿jsØ ]cky ip{iqj-bv°mbn tbip Xºp-cm≥ Hcp-ßn-bXv 18 h¿j-amWv. Cu \o≠ Hcp-°-Øn-s\m-Sp-hn¬ 40 Znh-ksØ acp-`q-an-bnse D]-hm-khpw {]m¿∞-\bpw Hcp-°-Øns‚ thsdmcp Xe- a mbn Xs∂ IW- ° m- t °- ≠ - X m- W v . AXns‚ kzmZn-jvS-amb hnP-b-amWv Im¬h-dn-bnse bmK-Øn-eqsS \sΩ hos≠-Sp-Ø-Xv. AXp-t]mse {InkvXp-hns‚ Im¬h-dn-bm-K-Øns‚ Xte-Zn-h-khpw Hcp Hcp-°-Øns‚ ]q¿WX ImWp-∂p-≠v. km[m-cW h©n-bpsS Aa-c-Øpw, hnP-\-{]-tZ-iØpw Ip∂n≥apI-fn-ep-sa√mw Nne-h-gn® {InkvXp Ah-km\ \nanjw KXvk-a-\bn¬ {]m¿∞-\-bn¬ Nne-h-gn-®Xpw ac-W-Ønte- ° p≈ hgn- b n- t ebv ° v t]mIp- ∂ - X n\p apºp≈ Hcp° ip{iq-j-bt√ \n¿h-ln-®-Xv. {InkvXp-hns‚ D]-a-I-fnepw Cu Hcp-°-sØ-°p-dn®v i‡-amb ]cm-a¿i-ap-≠v. ]Øv I\y-I-am-cpsS D]-abnse _p≤n-a-Xn-I-fmb I\y-I-amsc thdn´v \n¿ØnbXv Ah-cpsS bp‡n-]-c-amb Hcp-°-am-Wv. hnthIw \jvS-s∏´ I\y-I-am-sc∂v ]d-™n-cn-°p-∂Xv aW-hmf-\p-th≠n Hcp°w \S-Øm-Ø-h-sc-bm-Wv. Cu D]-abn-eqsS I¿Ømhv Hcp tNmZyw \tΩmSp tNmZn-°p∂p ""\o \nev°p-∂Xv BcpsS `mK-ØmWv? F∂-Xn-eqsS \ΩpsS a\-km- £ nsb hnfn- ®p- W¿tØ≠ kabw BK-X-am-bn-cn-°p∂p F∂mWv CXn¬ \n∂v a\-kn-emt°-≠-Xv. {InkvXp injy-∑mcpw Xß-fpsS Kpcp-hn¬ \n∂pw
]Tn-®Xpw Hcp-°-Øns‚ at\m-lc ]mT-ß-fm-Wv. Ah¿ AXv {]mh¿Øn-I-am-°n-bXv s]klm cm{Xn-bm-Wv. ""tbip \n¿t±-in-®Xv t]mse Ah¿ s]klm Hcp°n (hn. aØm 26:19) A∂v injy-∑m¿ Xs‚ Kpcp-hn-t\mSv tNmZn-°p-∂Xv \n\°v s]klm R߃ FhnsS Hcp°-W-sa-∂mWv \o B{K-ln-°p-∂Xv'' Hcp-°-Øns‚ \√ {ipXn am[pcyw CXn-ep-≠v. Ah≥ \n¿t±-in-®-Xpt]mse Ah¿ AXv A\p-k-cn-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. Cu Hcp° Iq´m-bva-bpsS ]q¿Øo-I-c-W-amWv ]n∂oSv Im¬h-dn-bn¬ Ac-tß-dn-b-Xpw, {Iqin¬ tim`n-X-amb-Xpw, D∞m-\-Øns‚ al-Xz-Øn-te°v Itc-dn-b-Xpsa√mw... B[p-\nI temIw _mly-amb Hcp-°-Øn¬ aXn-ad∂v Pohn-X-Øns‚ at\m-lc kuμ-cy-Øns‚ am‰p Ipd-bv°p-I-bt√ sNøp-∂-Xv. AXv aqew Bflob Hcp°w ad-bv°p-∂-h-cmbn ]pXnb Xe-apd amdp-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. euInI IÆm-Sn-bn¬ t\m°n _mly-amb kuμ-cy-Øn-\mbn \mw Hcp-°p-tºmƒ Bflm-hn\p th≠n F{X-am{Xw Hcp-°-amWv \S-Øp-∂Xv/\S-ØnbXv F∂v Nn¥n-t°-≠-X-t√. ac-W-Øns‚ ZqX≥ ]ndtI hcp-tºmƒ am{Xw \mw Nn¥n-°msX Hmtcm \nan-jhpw Bflm-hns\ Npcp-°p-hm≥ th≠n Hcp-ßnbn-cn-°m\pw \mw Nn¥n-t°≠Xm-Wv. ]pdta hrØnbm°n AIw Aip-≤-am-sW∂v ]cn-i-∑m-sc-°p-dn®v ]dbp-tºmƒ C∂ns‚ kaq-l-Øn¬s∏´ \mapw B KWnX-Øn¬ \nev°p-I-bt√ sNøp-∂-Xv. \c Idp-∏n-°m≥ slb¿ssU-bpw, apJ-°pcp am‰p-hm≥ t^kv{Io-ap-Ifpw, imco-cnI Zp¿K‘w am‰p-hm≥ s]¿^yq-ap-Ifpw D]-tbm-Kn-°p-tºmƒ \Ωƒ F¥v Hcp-°-amWv Bflmhn- \ p- t h≠n \S- Ø n- s °m- ≠ n- c n- ° p- ∂ - X v . aÆn¬ hoWm¬ \nan-j-t\cw sIm≠v {Inan-Iƒ°pw, ]pgp°ƒ°pw Cc-bm-Ip∂ ico-csØ Ae-¶-cn®v \mw Bfl \ho- I - c - W - Ø n- \ mbpw PohnX hnip- ≤ n- ° pth≠n Hcp°w \S-Øp-hm≥ ad-°p-∂p-s≠-¶n¬ Hcp Xncn-®d - nhpw kpt_m-[hpw D≠m-tI-≠X - t- √. B t`mj\mb [\n-Is\ t]mse F√mw Ds≠∂ Al-¶m-cØn¬ \mw Ign-bp-tºmƒ Xncp-h-N-\-Øn¬ ]d-bp∂ hN\w \ΩpsS D≈n¬ IpSn-sIm-≈p-∂Xv \√-Imcyw'' C∂p \ns‚ Bflm-hns\ Rm≥ FSp-Øm¬... Hcp-°-an-√mØ PohnXw FÆ-bn-√mØ hnf°p t]mse-bm-Wv. Hcp-ßp-tºmƒ F√m Imcy-ßfpw IptdIqSn Ffp-∏-am-sW∂v C\n-sb-¶nepw \ap°v a\-kn-em°mw. ac-W-saØpw aptº \Ωp°v Hcpßmw Pohn-XØn\pw ac-WØ - n-\pw-th≠n \nXy-Po-hn-XØ - n-te-°p≈ ]mX- b n- t e°v Bflm- h ns\ {]m¿∞- \ - b mepw t\mºmepw hnip-≤o-I-cn®v Hcp-ßm≥ k¿Δ-i-‡≥ klm-bn-°s´ F∂ {]m¿∞-\-tbmsS...
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
{]Xo-£-tbm-sS... C\nbpw ]pW-cm-sØmcm s]m≥{]-`mXw
Pn_n≥ km_p c≠mw h¿jw
C\nbpw angn Xpd°mØ In\m-°sf, ad-∂p-thm...! \o F≥ Zo\-tcm-[\w. \jvS-am-Ip-∂p F\n-°n∂p ]eXpw Xocm ZpxJ-ambv amdp∂p PohnXw Hcn-S-thf Rm≥ tXSn-Sp∂p ho≠p-sam∂p ]p\¿P-\n-°m≥ \n≥ Xr]mZw tXSn-Sp∂p. Fhn-sS-bm-sW-hn-sS-bm-Wn∂p \o \jvS-am-Ip∂p Ime-Sn-bnse ]qgnbpw hoWp t]mIp∂p Rm\o `qan-bn¬ XW-embv \o h∂o-StW, ASn-bs\ Db¿ØntS-W-ta... XI-cn√ Xf-cn√ Rm≥, \o Cs∂≥ Iq´mbv IqsS h∂m¬, F≥ a\-Xm-cn-eqsS Rm≥ ImWp∂p C\nbpw ]nd-°mØ Zn\-ßsf B kpμc kz]v\-ßsf t]dn˛ Rm≥ \oßp∂p Cu bm{X-bn¬, kI-ehpw Hm¿Ω-bmbv _m°n-h-®n˛ ´nXp am{X-am-sW≥ a\x-_ew. tXmgcpw Xf¿∂n-Sp∂p ]mXn-h-gn-bn¬ ]ecpw hmSn-Sp∂p C√; Rm≥ Xf-cn-s√m-cp-\mfpw Ah-km\ izmkhpw \ne-\n¬°th. C\nbpw ]nd-°mØ s]m≥{]-`m-Xta thKw \o hs∂s∂ ]pW¿∂n-Sptam...
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
DZm-l-cWw cmtPjv! Hcp ]\n h∂m¬, apSn sImgn-™m¬, ]s√m∂p thZ-\n-®m-
t_kn¬ tdmbn CSn-°pf c≠mw h¿jw
sems° Bh-iy-Øn-e-[nIw Xf¿∂p t]mIp-∂-h¿ cmtP-jns‚ IY tIƒ°-Ww. Imc-Ww, ico-c-Øn\p ]cn-an-Xn-Iƒ \¬In, hn[n sh√phn-fn-®-t∏mƒ AXns\ ]p©n-cn-tbmsS t\cn-´mWv cmtPjv hnPbw \pI¿∂-Xv. Ab¿e-≠nse Uªn-\n¬ \S∂ icoc kuμ-cy-a-’-c-Øn¬ AwK-]-cn-an-X-cpsS hn`m-K-Øn¬ Ccp-]-Øn-sb-´p-Im-c-\mb cmtPjv tPm¨ temI Nmºy-\m-b-t∏mƒ AXn\v ]n∂n-ep-≈Xv ZrV-\n-›-bØn-s‚bpw A¿∏-W-t_m-[-Øn-s‚bpw anI® Znh-k-ß-fm-Wv. 35 cmPy-ß-fn¬ \n∂p≈ a’-cm¿∞n-Isf ]n≥X-≈n-bmWv Hcp Imen\v kzm[o-\-°p-d-hp≈ cmtPjv Nmºy≥]´w kz¥-am-°n-b-Xv. Cu hn`mK-Øn¬ Nmºy≥ BIp∂ C¥y-bn¬ \n∂p≈ BZy hy‡n IqSnbmWv ASq¿, G\mØv sk‚ v Ipdn-bm-t°mkv Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv tZhm-eb AwK-hpw, G\mØv saXp-Ip-tΩ¬ DΩ-c-]-≈n-bn¬ ]tcX-\mb tPmWn-s‚bpw Hma-\-bp-sSbpw aI-\mb cmtP-jv. icoc kuμcya’c thZn-bn¬ cmtPjv hnP-bn-bpsS IncoSw Nq-Sp-∂Xv CXm-Zy-a-√. AwK-]-cn-an-X-cpsS hn`m-K-Øn¬ t\csØ 5 XhW anÿ tIc-fbpw 3 XhW tZiob Nmºy\pw Bbn-´p-≠v. Gsd kmº-Øn-I-s®-e-hp≈ Cu a’-c-bn-\-Øn¬ ]W-s®-ehv
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
aXn-ep-b¿Øn IS∂p h∂-t∏m-sgm-s°, Xs‚ hnPbw sImXn-°p∂ Iptd-sbsd \√ a\- p-Iƒ klm-bØn\v FØn-bn-cp∂p F∂v ]d-bp-tºmƒ cmtP-jns‚ i_vZ-Øn¬ D≈Xv kt¥m-j-hpw AXn-t\m-sSm∏w \nd™ \μn- b pamWv . Ab¿e- ≠ n- t e°v t]mbXv _m¶v hmbv]-sb-Sp-Øm-Wv. IShpw IS-∏m-Sp-Ifpw Gsdbp-s≠-¶nepw cmtP-jn\v CsXms° Xs‚ kz]v\-ßfn-te-°p≈ NphSv hbv∏m-Wv. F¶nepw Xs‚ hnP-bØn¬ kt¥m- j n- ° p- s a∂pw tN¿Øv ]nSn°pw Fs∂ms° hnNm-cn-®n-cp∂ ]e-cp-sSbpw `mK-Øp-\n∂p≈ Ah-K-W\ cmtP-jn\v at\m-hn-jaw D≠m-°p∂p-≠v. F¶nepw hnP-bn-°m≥ ]nd-∂-h\v AsXm∂pw hnj-bta A√t√m! ]pXp-X-e-apd kz¥w Ipd-hp-I-fnepw sNdp-]-cm-P-bß-fnepw \ncm-i-cmbn Xf¿∂p-t]m-Ip-tºmƒ, C—m-i‡n-sIm≠v Xß-fpsS Ipd-hp-Isf adn-I-S∂ alm-∑mcpsS KW-Øn-te°v Fgp-Xn-t®¿°m-hp∂ Hcp t]cv. hn[n-sb∂p ]d™p X≈nb kaq-l-Øn\p ap∂n¬,
B hn[n s]mcpXn tXm¬∏n-°m≥ D≈XmWv F∂v cmtP-jn-s‚ PohnXw Im´nØ-cp-∂p. Ai-‡-sc∂v IcpXn am‰n \n¿Øp-tºmƒ Ah-K-Wn-°-s∏-Sp-∂n-SØm-Wv ssZh-km-∂n[yw IqSp-X¬ {]I-Sam-Ip-∂-Xv. ]md-Iƒ hgn-bn¬ {]Xn-_-‘-am-Iptºmƒ ]pg KXn amdn HgpIn e£y-ÿm-\-sØ-Ønt®-cpw. a\-knse A·n B¿°mWv sISp-Øm≥ Ignbp-I, ]cm-P-b-Øn-t\m, _e-lo-\-X-bvt°m, sshI-eyØn- t \m, IpØp- h m- ° p- I ƒt°m, kaq- l - Ø nt\m. H∂n\pw Ign-bn-√. a\-knse A·n sISmsX kq£n°p-I. cmtP-jn-s\-t∏mse ]pd-tØ°p t\m°p-∂-h≥ kz]v\w ImWp-I-bm-Wv. D≈n-te-°p t\m°p-∂-h≥ DW-cp-I-bm-Wv. C—m-i‡n DW¿∂p {]h¿Øn-°p-∂p. km[y-X-Iƒ a\-kn-em-°m-\p≈ C—m-i-‡n. F√m-hcnepw \nt£-]n-°-s∏-´n-´p-≠v. AXns‚ Xo{hX Adnbm\pw a\-kn-em-°p-hm\pw km[n-°p-tºmƒ hn-P-b߃ \tΩ tXSn-sb-Øpw!
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
sXm´Xpw tXm≠n-bXpw Rm≥ sXm´Xpw tXm≠n-bXpw ImWm\pw CjvS-s∏-Sp-hm\pw
se≥k¨ kvIdnb H∂mw h¿jw
A`n-{]m-b-߃ ]¶p-h-bv°p-hm\pw Hcp-]mSv t]cp-≠v. Imew amdn, hmbv kwkm-cn-°p-∂X - n-s\-°mƒ Fs‚ hnc-ep-If - mWv kwkm-cn-°p∂-Xv. Nq≠m≥ D≠m-bn-cp∂ hnc-ep-Iƒ tXm≠m≥ XpS-ßo´v A[nI-am-bn-√. F\n°v ]d-bm-\p-≈Xv Hs° Rm≥ ]dbpw. AXv am{Xa√ tIt´m! Fs‚ Nn{Xw \mev t]¿ ImWWw F∂m-bn, kzm¿∞X IqSn-h-∂-t∏mƒ AXv sk¬^n-bn¬ Iem-in-®p. ]t£ F\n°v sk¬^n-sb-Sp-°m≥ Ign-bn√. Fs‚ apJsØ tcma-°p-gn-I-fn¬ t]mepw At\Iw kq£va-Po-hn-Iƒ D≠-s{X. Ahsc "t^kv `p°vIƒ' F∂t{X hnfn-°m-d.v Fs‚ apJØv D≠pw Dd-ßnbpw Pohn°p-Ib - mWv ]ns∂-ßs - \bm \ap°v Hcp sk¬^n-sb-Sp-°m≥ ]‰pI? sXm´-Xn-s\bpw tXm≠n-bX - n-s\bpw Ipdn-®t√ kwkm-cw, alm-cY-∑m-cpsS hnc-ep-Iƒ F{Xtbm Ihn-X-I-fpw, IY-Ifpw Hs°-bmWv {]k-hn-®-Xv. hmb-\-°m-cs‚ lrZ-b-Øn¬ t]md¬ hogvØp-hm≥
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Ahbv°v Ct∏mgpw sI¬∏p-≠v, AXp-sIm-≠s√ ""A£-c-߃°v ac-Wn√'' F∂v Kucn et¶jv F∂ ]{X-{]-h¿ØI \sΩ ]Tn-∏n-®-Xv. F¥pw Fgp-Xmw, sXs‰-t∂m, icn-sbt∂m C√. Fs‚ CjvSw, AXv CjvSs - ∏-Sp-hm\pw CjvSs - ∏-Sm-Xn-cn-°p-hm\pw km[y-XIƒ D≠v. ]t£ ]g-a° - m-cpsS sNm√v Aßs\ Xs∂ \n¬°phm ˛ ""ssIhn´ Bbp-[hpw hmhn´ hm°pw Xncn-s®-Sp-°m-\m-hn-s√∂v'' Fs‚ A`n-{]m-bß - ƒ AXv Bscms° ImWpw Fs∂mcp \n›-b-hp-an-√. kq£n°-W-a-t√....? CØncn amdn Nn¥n-°m-Xn-cn-°m≥ Xc-an√. {InkvXym-\n-bpsS sXmSepw tXm≠epw Fß-s\bm-bn-cn-°Ww? {InkvXp sXm´Xv Hs° hfsc {it≤b-am-bn-cp-∂p. Ipcp-S\p ImgvNb - pw, Iq\nsb \nh-¿Ø - nb-Xpw..... {InkvXp sXm´Xv am{X-a-√, {InkvXp-hns\ sXm´ kv{Xotbbpw I¿Xr-in-jy≥ tXma-kn-s\bpw Hm¿Ω-bnt√? \ΩpsS hnc-ep-Iƒ°v F{Xbpw {]m[m\y-ap≠v At√! ]m]n-\n-bmb kv{Xosb P\w HmSn-®psIm≠v hcp- t ºmƒ {Inkv X p F¥m- b n- c n°mw hnc¬Xpºv sIm≠v \neØv Ipdn-®-Xv. Hs° kw`-hn®Xv hnc-ep-I-fpsS kv]¿i-\-Øm¬ Xs∂. GsZ≥ tXm´-Øn¬ ssZh-Øns‚ hnc-ep-Iƒ sIm≠t√ \ΩpsS ico-c-am-Ip∂ a¨Iq-Smcw ]Wn-X-Xv. tXm´Øn¬ h®v Xs∂ ]dn-°c - p-XmØ ^ew ]dn-®Xpw hncep-Iƒ BWv. ]pØ≥ `mj-bn¬ \ap°v ]dbmw: "h√mØ sNbvØm-bn-t∏mbn'. GXm-bmepw {InkvXym\n-bpsS sXmSepw tXm≠epw Fßs\ thWw? {InkvXp sXm´-Xp-t]mse AXn-t\mSv kmZr-is - ∏-Sp-hm\t√ \ΩpsS hnfn. \ΩpsS Iuam-c° - msc Ipdnt®m¿Øm¬ Hcp "\oeXn-anw-Kew' Ifn-∏n-°p-I-bm-W-s{X. Poh≥ t]mb-h-cpap-≠v. {InkvXp-hn\v kmØm≥ sImSpØ Smkv°p-Iƒ t]mse hnNn-{X-tKm-]p-cØ - n¬ \n∂v NmSp-hm\pw Hs° ]ns∂ \a-k° v c - n-°m≥ ]d-™Xpw Hm¿Ω-bn-te°v hcp∂p. {InkvXp-hns‚ \o°w hN\w sIm≠m-bn-cp-∂p. CØcw "\oe-Xn-anw-K-e-ßsf' Cßs\ t\cn-Sm-sa∂v {InkvXp ]Tn-∏n-°p-Ib - t- √. Xnanw-Ke - Ø - ns‚ Imcyw ]dbp-tºmƒ tbm\sb ad-°m≥ ]mSn-√t- √m. aq∂v Znhkw InS∂v {]m¿∞n-®n´m Xncn-®v hchv km[y-am-bX - v. \sΩ ASn-a-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-Xn¬ \n∂v ap‡n CØcw am¿§-ßfn-eqsS F∂v tbm\bpw ]Tn-∏n-°p-I-bm-Wv. Rm≥ sXm´Xpw tXm≠n-bXpw sX‰m-bn-t]mtbm? Fs‚ hnc¬ \o°w Fs‚ hnthIw \nb-{¥n-°m≥ Fs‚bpw \ns‚bpw {i≤ A\n-hmcyw. F√m-Øn\pw D]-cn-bmbn amXm-]n-Xm-°t- fmSv Hcp \ockw ]d-bm-\p-≠v, as‰m-∂pa√ Ifn-∏m-´-߃°v ]Icw kvam¿´v t^m¨ X∂v kt¥m-jn-∏n-®Xv h√mØ sNbvØm-bn-t∏m-bn. Ip™p-
߃ Ic-bs´ \n߃ Ah-sc-°p-dn®v Hm¿Øv Ic- b m- X n- c n- ° m≥. Fs‚ hoSns‚ a®n¬ Ccp∂v ktlm-Z-cn°v ]nd-∂m¬ Biw-k-Iƒ Abv°p-tºmƒ Hcp-]t£ ktlm-Zcn B{K-ln-®Xv Rm\pw \obpw Htc DZ-cØ - n¬ At√ ]nd-∂Xv F∂v ]d™v Benw-K\ - Ø - ns‚ Biw-kb - m-bn-cn-°pw. Xmsg Cd-ßnh-cp-hm≥ Fs‚ Imep-Iƒ°v Xosc _e-an√ A{X-Xs∂. k®n-Zm-\-μs‚ `mj-bn¬ Aßs\ ]nd-∂m-fmtLmjw I\ym-IXzw \jvS-s∏´ aqt∂m \mtem Cw•ojv hm°p-If - m-bn. hna¿in°mw F∂m¬ AXv am{X-am-Ip-tºmƒ Xosc icn-b-√. C∂v Fs‚ Cd-b-Øn-cp∂v Zqsc-bm-bn-cn-°p∂-ht- cmSv Ipiew ]d-bm≥ km[y-XI - ƒ X∂-Xv, H∏w ]Tn® k∞o¿Yys\ Is≠-Øn-b-Xv, Fs‚ P\m-[n-]Xy-t_m[w X´n-bp-W¿Øn-b-Xv. Ata-cn-°≥ {]knU‚ns\ \n›-bn-®Xv {]Im-i-{]-X-e-Ønse X{¥-]-c-
amb tXm≠-ep-Iƒ F∂v cmjv{Sob \nco-£I - ¿. sImSnh® Imdnse sImSn sXdn-®Xv F{Xtbmt]cp-sS, Bflo-IX - b - nse I®-hS kwkvIm-csØ Xpd∂v Im´nb-Xv, kmº-ØnI {Ia-t°-Sp-I-fnse hoc-∑msc sXcphn¬ \S-Øn-b-Xv.... Hs° Fs‚ Bi-b-ß-fpsS Iq¿Øap\-If - psS aq¿®-Xs - ∂. F{Xtbm tcmKn-Iƒ°pth-≠nbpw \Ωƒ Hcp-an-®p-\n-∂p. a\p-jys‚ knc-IfpsS Zml-a-I-‰m≥ \mw HmSn. Xn∑-Isf am{Xw Search sNømsX \∑-I-fn-te°v Sign In sNøm≥ \ΩpsS hnc¬ Xpºp-Iƒ°v _ew D≠m-I-s´. Aßs\ sXm´Xpw tXm≠n-bXpw Hs° \qdv ta\n hnf-b-s´.......
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
""a\p-jy≥; \ymbo-I-c-W-ß-fpsS No´v sIm´mcw Dev∏Øn apX¬ DØ-cm-[p-\n-IX hsc'' `qan Dcp-≠-Xm-sW∂v ka¿∞n-°p-hm≥ As√-¶n¬ \ymbo-I-cn-°p-
Pn\p. F. PÃn≥ aq∂mw h¿jw
hm≥ Imew Gsd th≠n h∂p, Ct∏mgpw ]q¿Æ-hn-P-b-I-c-a-√mØ Hcp tNmZyw! `qan Dcp-≠-XmtWm?... ]s£ Pohs‚ hN\w Bcw-`n°p-∂Xv F¥p-am{Xw iq\y-X-bn¬ \n∂mWv ""BZn-bn¬ ssZhw BImihpw `qanbpw krjvSn®p `qan ]mgmbpw iq\y--am-bp-an-cp-∂p,'' XnI®pw ]q¿Æ ssZho-IX \nd™v Xpfp-ºp∂ t{ijvT-amb hN-\w. \ΩpsS \ymbo-I-c-W-ß-fpsS ]´n-I-bn¬ I≠p-]n-Sn-Ø-ß-fpsS Nph-cp-I-fn¬ Cu iq\yX IS-∂p-h-cm-dn-√. D≠m-bn-cp-∂p-sh-¶n¬ C∂v IpSpw-_{]m¿∞-\-Iƒ "power cut section' -˛te°v am‰-s∏-Sp-I-bn-√m-bn-cp-∂p. AhnsSbpw \nc-Øp-hm≥ \qdv \ymbo-I-c-W-߃ \ap-°p≠v. ImcWw \ymboI-c-W-I-e-bn¬ ap¥nb ]mc-ºcyw \ap°v ]dbm\p≠v. ssZh-tØmSp≈ a\p-jys‚ BZy- {]-Xn-I-c-Whpw Hcp \ymbo-I-cWw Xs∂ Bbncp∂p (D-ev∏Øn 3:11,12) ""Xn∂-cp-sX∂v Rm≥ \nt∂mSv Iev∏n® hr£^ew \o Xn∂pthm F∂v ssZhw, DØ-c-ambn a\p-jy≥ Ft∂mSv IqsS Ccn-∏m≥ \o X∂n-´p≈ kv{Xo hr£-^ew X∂p; Rm≥ Xn∂pIbpw sNbvXp'' Aev∏w IqSn hrØ-Øn¬ Nn¥n-®m¬ \o lΔmsb krjvSn-®n-√m-bn-cp-s∂-¶n¬ Rm\pw ]m]w sNøp-I-bn-√m-bn-cp-∂p-sb∂v kzbw \oXn-I-cn-°p∂ BZy-a-\p-jy≥ CsXmcp XpS¿I-Y-bmbn ]cnW- a n- ° p- I - b m- b n- c p∂p. "Rm≥ Fs‚ ktlm- Z - c s‚ Imh¬°m--c t\m˛'F∂v tNmZn®p Ibo≥ sNbvX A]-cm-[sØ Hscm‰ \nanjw sIm≠v IÆ-S®v Ccp-´m-°p-∂Xpw, \ymbo-I-cWIe-bnse ap¥nb {]XnI-cWw Xs∂-bm-bn-cp-∂p.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
B¿j-`m-c-Xobw sh®v hnf-ºnb alXv hN\w ""amXm ]nXm Kpcp ssZhw'' ˛ ssZh-sam-gn-®m¬ a‰v aqhcpw ka¿∞∑m¿ Xs∂; F¶nepw Nph-Sp-Iƒ ]ng°p-tºmƒ Kpcphpw \ymbo-I-cn-°p-hm≥ H´pw ]nd-tIm´-√. If-cn-bn¬sh®v AS-hp-Iƒ ]b-‰p-tºmƒ A`ymkn ASn-sX‰n hoWp-t]m-bn. ]I®p \n∂pt]mb injy≥amtcmSv Kpcp ]d™p: ""hnj-an-t°≠ hosW-¶nepw Imev tase Xs∂-bm-Wv.'' \ymbo-I-c-W-߃ ]e-t∏mgpw bmYm¿∞y Pohn-X-Øn¬ \n∂p≈ Hcp Hfn-t®m-´-amWv. Hcp ]s£ Xm¬°m-en-I-ambn F¥pw \ap°v t\Snsb- S p°mw. At∏mgpw \mw Hm¿°msX t]mIp∂ H∂p≠v ""a\p-jy≥ A∏w sIm≠v am{X-a√m Pohn-°p∂Xv ssZh-Øns‚ hmbn¬ \n∂p≈ hN\w sIm≠v IqSn-bm-Wv.'' H´-\-h[n \ymbo-I-c-W-ßfpw, ku`m-Kyßfpw acp-`q-an-bn¬ a\p-jy-]p-{Xs\ ]nSn-Iq-Sp-tºmƒ hmNm-e-X-Iƒ sIm≠√ adn®v kuay-amb hN- \ - ß ƒs°m≠v Xs‚ \ntbm- K - ß - f nte°v \S-∂S- p-°p-∂p. "" tbmK-ßfpw tbmKyX-Ifpw \ap°v ap≥]n¬ h®v \o´p-tºmƒ \mw \ΩpsS \ntbm-K-ßsf ad-∂pt]mIp∂p,''-t\-Sn-sb-Sp-ØXv \jvS-am-Ip-tºm-gmWv \ΩpsS hmbvIƒ h√m≠v Nne-bv°p-∂X.v Ago-t°m-Sns‚ `mj-bn¬ kwkm-cn-®m¬ F√mw hmbvsIm-≠p≈ Ifn-bm-Wv. "hmbsIm≠v hb-\mSv Inf--bv°pI' F∂v tI´n´nt√? \n߃°v ap≥t] Np¶-°m-cpw, thiykv{XoIfpw kz¿§-cm-Py-Øn¬ {]th-in°pw. CsXmcp kaq-l-tØm-Sp≈ {InkvXp-hns‚ Xm°o- X mWv . ]m]- ß - f psS ]´n- I - b n¬ ap∂n´v \n¬°p- ∂ - h ¿, kwk¿§- t Zm- j w, tamssiI \ymb-{]-am-W-ßsf Im‰n¬ ]dØn-b-h¿ thWsa-¶n¬ tZhm-eb Npa-cpIƒt∏mepw I≠n- ´ n- √ m- Ø - h ¿, Cß- s \bp≈ Ch¿ Fßs\ kz¿§-cm-Py-Øn¬ Ah-Im-in-IfmIpw? "sNbvX-]m-]-ßsf Hcp \ymbo-I-c-ß-fp-sSbpw ]n≥_-e-an-√msX A\p-X-]n-°p-hm≥ Ch¿ Xøm-dm-bncp∂p. kzbw \oXo-I-cn-®p-sIm≠v Hcp-h≥ "Kptcm' F\n°v \nXy-Po-h≥ {]m]n-t°-≠-Xn\v Rm≥ F¥v sNtø-Ww... Rm≥ sNdp∏w apXte tamssi-I-\ymb {]am-W-am¿§-ß-fn-eqsS am{Xw Pohn-°p-∂-h≥... \ymboI-c-W-ß-fpsS Xe-°-\-hp-ambn Cu a\p-jy≥ {InkvXphn-t\mSv InS-]n-Sn-°p-∂p. " \o \ns‚ Iq´p-Im-cs\ \ns∂t∏mse Xs∂ kvt\ln-°Ww' ho≠pw Ah≥ D∂bn-°p-∂p, BcmIWw Fs‚ Iq´p-Im-c≥! HSp-hn¬ Ah≥ FØ-s∏-Sm≥ ]‰mØ Hcp \n¿Ωm-ey-kvt\-lØns‚ IY {InkvXp Ahs‚ ImXn¬ HmXn. ]n∂osSm-cn-°epw kphn-ti-j-I≥t]mepw "kzbw \oXn-I-cn® Cu a\p-jys\ ]‰n {]Xn-]m-Zn-°p-∂n-√. "{]kvXm-h-\-
Iƒ sIm≠v hoºn-f-°p-∂-h¿ {InkvXpth-Zn-bn¬ \n∂v A{]-Xy-£-am-Ipw.' AsXmcp kn≤m-¥-am-Wv, AhnsS Htcsbmcp \nbaw am{Xw "apº-∑m¿ ]n≥]nepw, ]n≥]≥am¿ ap≥]nepw' Cu ]¥nbn¬ {]kvXm-h-\-I-fpw \ymbo-I-c-W-ßfpw hne- ° s∏´h- b m- W v . ho£- W - t _m[yw \jv S - s ∏´ kmaq-ln-I-˛-kmw-kvIm-cnI cwK-ß-fn¬t∏mepw CØ-csamcp A[n-\n-th-i-Øn\v bmsXmcp ]™-hp-an-√. {]kv X m- h - \ - I ƒs°m≠v thm´p- I ƒ Iqºm- c - a m- ° ptºmƒ, ]n∂o- S v \S- Ø nb {]kvXm- h - \ - I ƒ F¥vsIm≠v? \nd-th-‰m≥ km[n-°m-sX-t]mbn F∂ tæO-amb I]S \ymbo-I-c-W-߃s°m≠v P\-ßsf ]pjvSns∏SpØp∂ \ΩpsS kz¥w P\-\m-b-I-∑m¿. sImSn-bpsS \ndw t\m°n \ymbo-I-cW hmZ-߃ D∂-
bn-°p∂ ]n∂Wn {]h¿Ø-I¿, Ch-scm-s°-bpw -]-¥nbn¬ ap≥]≥am¿, ]s£ kn≤m¥w ]cn-Wn-X-am-Iptºmƒ Ah¿ {InkvXp-th-Zn-bn¬ ]n≥]≥am-cmIpw F∂p-≈Xv Xo¿®. ""X¿°n-°p-hm≥ \njvI-f-¶-X-bpw, \ymbo-I-cn-°p-hm≥ _p≤nbpw Bh-iy-an√ AXp-X-s∂bmWv X®s‚ aI≥ Hm¿Ωn-∏n-®Xv "\n߃ {]mhn-s\t∏mse \njvI-f-¶Xbpw, ]mºn-s\-t∏mse _p≤n-bp≈-hcpw Bbn--cn-∏ns\-∂v.'' \ymbo-I-c-W-߃s°m≠v hni∏S°p∂ Cu DØ-cm-[p-\n-I-Xsb t\m°n Ahk-tcm-Nn-X-ambn Hm¿Ωn-∏n-®Xv Hcp ^enXw sIm≠-hkm- \ n- ∏ n- ° p- ∂ p. Xs‚ afi- e - Ø n¬ tXm¬hn G‰phmßnb t\Xm-hn-t\mSv ]m¿´n hni-Zo-Ic - Ww tXSn, ]cm-PbImcWw Fs¥∂v? Iqk-en-√msX t\Xmhv ]d™p-h-t{X... ""Pbn® Bƒ°v Fs∂-°mƒ A[nIw thm´v In´n'... AXmWv Rm≥ tXm¬°m≥ ImcWw...!
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
amXr-]mZw AΩ-tbmfw \s√mcp hoSv Pohn-X-Øn-ep-S-\ofw Hcp Ip™n\pw In´n-√.
sFdn≥ sP. Ae-Ivkm-≠¿ c≠mw h¿jw DEEPTHI 2018
Ip™v BZyw \pI¿∂ \∑bmWv AΩ. Ip™v BZyw Xn∂ A∏amWv AΩ.- Ip™v A¥n-bp-d-ßnb BZy hoSmWv AΩ. ag amdn\n∂ Hcp \m´n¬ hdp-Xn-bm¬ he™ Bfp-Iƒ°p-th≠n AΩ agta-L-ambn amdn-bt{X! {]m¿∞n®v {]m¿∞n®v AΩ ag-ta-L-ambn BImiØv HmSn-°-fn-®t{X! ]n∂oSv ag-Øp-≈n-bmbn Ah-cn-te°v s]bvXn-dßn. Cu IY hmbn-®-Xn¬ ]ns∂ ag ImWp-tºmƒ AΩ-amsc Hm¿°pI ]Xn- h m- W v . AΩ- t bmfw \s√mcp hoSv Pohn- X - Ø n- e p- S - \ ofw Hcp Ip™n\pw In´n-√. s]m°nƒsIm-Sn-bm-Ip∂ kvt\l-®-cSpw apdn®v Ah≥ ]pd-tØ°v hcp-tºmƒ Ae-dn-°-c-bp-∂Xv shdp-tX-b-√. kz¿§w shSn-b-emWv B NcSv apdn-°p-tºmƒ Ah\v kw`-hn-°p-I. lo{_p-hn¬ DZcw F∂¿∞-am-°p∂ ]Z-amWv Rehem. Riham BWv A\p-I-º. Rahamim F∂ ]Zw Icp-Wsb kqNn-∏n-°p-∂p. AΩ-bpsS DZ-chpw Icp-Wbpw A\-p-I-ºbpw F√mw H∂m-Ip-∂p. Hcp Ip™ns‚ P\-\-tØmsS AΩbpw P\n-°p-∂p. Ip™ns\ kwc-£n-°p-hm≥ th≠n-bp≈ {]m]vXnbpw AXn-Po-h-\-Øn-\m-bp≈ {]mtbm-Kn-I-_p≤nbpw IqSp-∂p. `bm-i-¶-Iƒ Ipd-bp-∂p. CS-t»-cn-bpsS ]qX-∏m-´n¬ Ip™ns\ X´n-sb-Sp-°m≥ hcp∂ `qXsØ s]mcpXn tXmev]n-°p∂ AΩsb Hm¿°p-I. IpSpw-_-ß-fp-sS-sb√mw Xe A∏-\m-sW-¶nepw IgpØv AΩ-bm-Ip-∂Xv {]mtbm-Kn-I-_p-≤nbpw IcpØpw ss[cyhpw IqsS kl-P-amb Icp-Wbpw h∂p-tN-cp-∂-Xp-sIm-≠m-Wv. At∏mƒ AΩ `b-ta-Xp-an-√mØ hoSmbn amdp-∂p. AΩ hosSm-gn-™p-t]m-Iptºmƒ hoSp Xs∂-bt√ \S-∂p -\o-ßp-∂-Xv.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
hn. thZ-]p-kvX-I-Øns‚ ]pdw-Xmfn¬ HcΩ Ipdn-®p-h® Nc-a-Ip-dn∏v C{]Im-c-am-Wv. CXp-h-sc-bp≈ Pohn-X-Øn\n-Sbv°v `¿Øm-hn¬ \nt∂m a°-fn¬ \nt∂m Hcp \√ hm°p-t]mepw tIƒ°mØ-Xn-\m¬ \√ hm°p tIƒ°p-∂nSw tXSn bm{X-bm-Ip-∂p. B a°ƒ°v ]d-bmØ B \√ hm°pIƒ sI´n-°n-S∂p s\©p Ig-bv°p-I-bm-Wv. icn-bmWv \Ωfpw ]d-bm-dn-√. ImcWw AΩ-amsc A`n-\-μn-°phm≥ \ap°v \mW-am-Wv. AΩ-am¿ Hmtcm ho´nepw sNøp∂ tPmen-Iƒ°v Iqen \n›-bn-®m¬ Fß-s\-bn-cn-°pw. AΩ sNmcn™v \evIn-b-Xn\v F¥v Iqen sImSp-°pw. AΩsb Xn∂pw AΩsb IpSn®pw XpS-ßnb F\n-°n∂pw AΩ Xs∂ A∂w. hni-s∏m-cn-°epw AS-ßmØ R߃°p-th≠n tNmdmbn amdn ImØn-cn-°p∂ AΩ. \ns∂ Xn∂-√msX \n\- s °- s ¥- ¶ nepw Xcm≥ R߃°m- h p- ∂ n- √ t√m F∂mWv ZpxJw. HSp-°sØ hni-∏mepw Zml-Øm-epwhebp∂-Xn-\m¬ \n\°v hni-∏pt≠m F∂v tNmZn°m≥ R߃ ad-°p-∂p. tNmZn-°msX Xs∂ F\n°v hni-∏n√ a°tf F∂p \o ]d-bp-tºmƒ R߃ hnkvabn-°p-∂p. ssZhta adhn _m[n-®p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p-∂p. th≠-sX√mw ad-°p-Ibpw th≠m-Ø-sX√mw Hm¿Øncn- ° p- I bpw sNøp∂ C∂v AΩsb ad- ° m≥ R߃°v CS-bm-°-t√... WITH BEST COMPLIMENTS FROM
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Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
tIƒ°p-I, ImWp-I, A\p-`-hn-®-dn-bp-I... Pohn-X-sØ AXns‚ X\-Xmb coXn-bnepw `mh-Ønepw Xncn-®-dn-bp-tºm-gmWv AXnse bYm¿∞ `mKysØ \ap°v Xncn-®-dn-bm≥ km[n-°p-I.
_nPn Koh¿§okv H∂mw h¿jw
Hcp a\p-jy≥ X\n°v Zm\-ambn e`n® Pohn-X-Ønse kIe kpJ-Zpx-J-ßsfbpw AXns‚ Adp-Xn°pw hcp-Xn°pw D≈n¬ \n¿Øn Bkz-Zn-°p-hm≥ Ahs\ klm-bn-°p∂ H∂mWv Ahs‚ ]t©-{μnb-߃. Bkzm-Z\w Hcph\v ImgvN-bn-eq-sSbpw tIƒhn-bn-eq-sSbpw kv]¿i-\-Øn-eq-sSbpw kpK-‘Øn-eq-sSbpw cpNn-bn-eq-sSbpw X\-Xmb coXn-bn¬ BI-cn-°p-hm≥ Ign-bptºmƒ Ah≥ Xs‚ Pohn-XsØ `mKy-ap-≈Xv F∂v hmgvØp-∂p.- F-∂m¬ kplrsØ Pohn-X-Ønse `mKyw F∂Xv Xo¿Øpw kpJ-tem-ep]X \nd™Xv am{Xtam Fs∂mcp tNmZyw Db¿∂m¬ AXn-\p≈ DØcw \sΩ Fhn-tSbv°v \bn°pw F∂v Nn¥n-®n-´pt≠m...? Pohn-X-sØ AXns‚ X\Xmb coXn-bnepw `mh-Ønepw Xncn-®-dn-bp-tºm-gmWv AXnse bYm¿∞ `mKysØ \ap°v Xncn-®-dn-bm≥ km[n-°p-I. Pohn-X-Øns‚ Ibv∏pw am[p-cyta-dn-b-Xp-amb F√m A\p-`-h-ß-sfbpw H∂p-t]mse X\n-°p-≈Xv F∂ bmYmÿnI t_m[-tØmsS A\p-`-hn-°m≥ km[n-°p-tºm-gmWv AXnse ssZhkm-∂n-≤ysØbpw sXfn-a-tbmsS ImWp-hm-\pw, Ahs‚ kvt\l-kv]¿i\sØ Adn-bp-hm\pw Ahs‚ hnfnsb tIƒ°p-hm\pw Ahs‚ km∂n≤ysØ cpNn-°p-hm\pw k¿tΔm-]cn AXn¬ Biz-kn-°p-hm\pw \ap°v km[n°p-I-bp-≈p. AXpw Fhn-sSbpw \sΩ Dt]-£n-°mØ ssZh-km-∂n-≤y-sØ. ""PohnXw F∂Xv Hcp bm{X-bm-Wv. aq∂-£-c-ß-fpsS Iq´m-bva-bpsS bm{X. P\\w F∂ aq∂-£-c-Øn¬ XpSßn acWw F∂ aq∂-£-c-Øn¬ Ah-km\n-°p∂ {lkztam ssZ¿Ly-ta-dn-btXm Bb PohnXw F∂ aq∂-£-c-amIp∂ bm{X.'' kr„n-bpsS Bcw-`-Øn¬ Xs∂ ]mgpw iq\y-hp-amb \n›-eX Xs‚ X\bs‚ i_vZ- sØ tI´v Xncn-®d - n-™X - n-eq-sS-bm-Wt√m kpμ-ca - mb Cu {]]©w Xs∂ Df-hm-b-Xv. Xs‚ kr„n-°p-ta-ep≈ Icp-X-ens‚ BgsØ Ahs‚
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
kr„n-I¿Ω-ß-fn¬ \ap°v ImWp-hm≥ km[n-°p-∂p≠v. ""F√mw \√Xv F∂v Ah≥ I≠p...'' Xs‚ kzcq]-Ønepw kmZr-iy-Øn\pw a\p-jys\ kr„n®v X∂n¬ \n∂v A¬∏wam{Xw Xmgv Ø n am\hpw tXP pw Ahs\ AWn- b n- ° p- t ºmƒ {k„m- h n- ¶ - t e- ° p≈, Ahs‚ t{ijvT k∂n-[n-bn-te-°p≈ Hcp \ni_vZ £Whpw Ah≥ \ap°v \¬Ip∂p-≠v. B £Ww e`n-®Xv BZm-an-\pw, BZm-an¬ \n∂v cq]w-sIm≠ lΔmbv°pw Xs∂-bm-Wv. B £WtØbpw {k„mhns‚ kIe Ir]m-Zm-\-ß-tfbpw Ah¿ Bflm¿∞ a\- t msS kzoI- c n- ® p. Xß- f psS ImgvNbpw tIƒhnbpw kIe A\p-`-h-ßfpw Ah¿ Ah-\n¬ ka¿∏n-®p. F∂m¬ B kar≤n-bpsS Pohn-X-Ønepw kv { XobpsS ImXp- I ƒ hyXykv X Ai- c o- c nsb tIƒ°p-hm≥ sImXn®v Ah-bv°mbn ImtXm¿Øp. B sImXnbpw ImtXm¿∏pw I„-X-bpsS Ihm-SsØ aes° Xpd-°p-hm≥ Imc-W-ambn Xo¿∂p. kplrsØ, H∂p Nn¥n-®m¬ Nne Acp-Xp-I-fp-tSbpw AXn-cp-I-fptSbpw ewL-\-as√ B Ihm-S-Xp-d-°-en\v CS-bm-°n-bXv? ""Acp-Xp-I-f√ AXn-cp-I-fp-a-√, Acp-Xp-I-fpsS AXncp-Ifpw AXn-cp-I-fn-ep≈ Acp-Xp-I-fp-a√ AXn-cp-Ifnt∑¬ Acp-Xp-Iƒ AcpsX F∂pw Acp-Xp-I-fnt∑¬ AXn- c p- I ƒ AcpsX'' F∂p- a p≈ \ΩpsS Nn¥ aqVXzw Xs∂-b-s√. ssZhw C√m-sb∂v aqU≥ Xs‚ lrZ-b-Øn¬ ]d-bp∂p F∂v k¶o¿Ø-\-°m-c≥ ]dbp∂Xp-t]mse, \ΩpsS lrZb aqVX Xs∂-bmhmw ssZh-km-∂n-≤ysØ ad-°p-hm\pw Acp-Xp-I-tfbpw AXn-cp-I-tfbpw t`Zn-°p-hm\pw \sΩ t{]cn-∏n-°p-∂Xv. Chsb t`Zn-°p-hm≥ \ap°v Fßs\ km[n°pw. k¶o¿Ø-\-°m-cs‚ hm°p-Iƒ Xs∂ IS-sa-Sp°mw ""Zp„-∑m-cpsS BtemN-\-{]-Imcw \S-°m-sXbpw ]m]nI-fpsS hgn-bn¬ \n¬°m-sXbpw ]cn-lm-kn-I-fpsS Ccn∏n-S-Øn¬ Ccn-°m-sXbpw btlm-h-bpsS \ymb-{]-amW-Øn¬ kt¥m-jn®v Ahs‚ \ymb-{]-am-WsØ cm∏-I¬ [ym\n-°p-∂-h≥ `mKy-hm≥. Ah≥ B‰-cnIØv \´n-cn-°p-∂Xpw X°-Im-eØv ^ew Imbv°p-∂Xpw Ce hmSm-Ø-Xp-amb hr£w t]mse Ccn-°pw. Ah≥ sNøp-∂-sXm-s°bpw km[n-°pw.'' \S-t°-≠p-∂Xpw \n¬t°-≠p-∂Xpw Ccn-t°-≠-Xp-amb CS-ßsf Xncn®-dn™v BZn-bn¬ D≠m-bn-cp-∂-Xpw, ssZh-hpw, ssZhtØmSv IqsS-bm-bn-cp-∂-Xp-am-b-Xns\ [ym\n-°p∂ PohnXsØ ]mI-s∏-Sp-Øp-Ibpw X¬^-e-ambn Ce hmSmØXpw X°-Im-eØv ^ew Imbn-°p-∂-Xp-amb hr£ambn Xocm≥ km[n-°-Ww. F¥n-\mWv hr£-ambn Xocp-∂-Xv. hr£-tØbpw t\m°n ]mT-߃ ]Tn-°p-hm-\p-≠v, Ihn-Iƒt]mepw hr£-ßsf Io¿Øn®v ]mSp-∂p≠v ""apdn-°p-∂-h\pw hr£w XW-te-Ip-∂n-√tbm.'' Ht∂m¿Øm¬ F{X
A¿∞-h-ØmWv Cu hcn-Iƒ. Xs∂ `qan-bn¬ \n∂p-Xs∂ th¿s∏-Sp-Øm≥, XpS-®p-am-‰m≥ shº¬sIm-≈p∂ sh´pIm- c \pw hr£w Xs‚ Ah- k m\ ]nSnbpw `qan-bn¬ \n∂p A‰p-amdpw hsc XW¬ \¬Ip-∂p-≠v. C{]-Imcw hr£-sØt∏mse XW-te-Ip-hm-\mWv \tΩbpw {InkvXp ]Tn∏n-°p-∂-Xv. hni-°p∂-h\v Blmcw \¬Im≥, IcpXens‚ Icp-W-bpsS Icw \¬In IqsS \n¬°p-hm≥ \ap°pw km[n-°-Ww. A\y-cn¬ \n∂pw ip{iqj kzoI-cn-°p-Ibpw A\y¿°v A[nIw ip{iqj \¬IpIbpw sNøp-∂-XmWv efn-Xhpw eLp-hp-amb [m¿ΩnI-\n-baw F∂Xv ad-hn°v Cc-bm-Im-Xn-cn-°-s´. kmdm tPmk^v Xs‚ kr„n-bmb ""]pX-∏n''¬ C{]-Imcw k¶o¿Øn-°p-∂p≠v ""_me≥ sNbvX-t∏mse \mapw sNbvXm¬ Xs∂ temI-Øns‚ ÿnXn-K-Xn-Iƒ Ft∂ amdn-tbs\.'' hni∂p Xf¿∂ P\sØ t]mjn-∏n-°phm≥ B{K-ln® {InkvXp-hns‚ ]°¬ Xs‚ ssIønse A∏sØ ]q¿Æ-a-\-t msS \¬Ip-hm≥ B _me≥ Xøm-dm-b-Xn-eq-sS-bm-Wt√m B P\-Øn\v Xr]vXn-bp-≠m-b-Xpw. tijn® Ij-W-߃ tiJ-cn-°phm≥ km[n-®X - pw. \ap°pw B _mes\t∏mse ]q¿Æa-\-t msS \sΩ-Øs∂ ka¿∏n-°mw ssZhIc-ß-fnte-°v. AhnsS ImWmw X\-bs‚ Aen-hn-s\, AhnsS tIƒ°mw Ahs‚ km¥z\ hN-\-ß-sf, AhnsS A\p-`-hn-®-dnbmw Ahs‚ kvt\l-kv]¿i-\-sØ...
Dn. Bibin Joy Fourth Year
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
"tX∏v ' Hcp \yqsP≥ ]T\w C∂ns‚ Np‰p-]m-Sn¬ s]cpIn hcp∂ tX∏v IY-Iƒ I≠n-´mtW Cu Nn¥ \nß-fp-ambn ]¶p-hb - v°p-hm≥ a\- p-d® - X - v.
knt\m ]n. km_p H∂mw h¿jw
""Imew amdpw-tXmdpw a\p-jys‚ tImehpw amdpw.'' a\p-jys‚ am{X-a√ `mj-bp-sS-bpw. Aßns\ tImew amdn h∂ `mj-bpsS Hcp \yqsP≥ DZm-l-c-W-amWv "tX∏v.' Cu hm°v \yqsP≥ ]nt≈¿ \mhn-en´v AΩm-\-am-Sp-∂Xp I≠v, CsX¥v kwKXn Ft∂m¿Øv h≠-d-Sn-®n-cn-°p∂ Im¿t∂m¿am-tcmSv Hcp hm°v. \n߃ \¬Inb A¿∞-a√ Ct∏mƒ Cu hm°n-\p-≈-Xv. Hcp Ian-Xmhv Xs‚ CWsb {]W-b-ku-Ip-am-cy-X-bpsS sImSp-ap-Sn-bn¬ sIm≠p-sN-s∂-Øn-®n´v, CWsb X\n-®m°n kvIq´m-Ip∂ Imcy-]-cn-]m-Sn°v ]pØ≥ ]nt≈¿ sImSpØ hm°mWv "tX∏v'. ]® ae-bm-f-Øn¬ ]d-™m¬ "NXn'. Ct∏m Imcyw GI-tZiw Ießn ImWp-a-t√m. \ΩpsS kmaq-lnI cmjv{Sob Np‰p-]m-Sn¬ "tX∏ns‚' FÆw {Iam-Xo-X-ambn hf¿∂p. AXp-sIm≠v Xs∂ Ne-®n-{X-ß-fn¬ Cu {]tabw CSw ]nSn-®p. t{]£-I¿ AXv ssIø-Sn-tbmsS kzoI-cn-®p. "atl-jns‚ {]Xn--Im-cw,' "k¨tU tlmfn-tU,' "I´-∏-\-bnse EXznIv tdmj≥' Aßns\ tX∏v IY-Iƒ ]d-bp∂ kn\n-a-Iƒ A\h-[n. ""tX®nt√ s]tÆ tX®nt√ s]tÆ tX∏p-s]-´n-t]mse h∂ns´s∂'' F∂ Km\w Hcp {^o°v Ihn ]mSn-bXpw CXn-t\mSv tN¿Øv hmbn-°mw. Aßs\ tX∏v Ncn-X-߃ hf¿∂p sIm≠n-cp-∂p. "tX∏v' F∂ hnj-b-sØ-∏‰n \mw kwkm-cn-°p-tºmƒ \ΩpsS cmPysØ H∂msI "tX®-c®' Hcp ap≥ KpP-dmØn Nmb-°-S-°m-cs\-∏‰n ]d-™n-s√-¶n¬ tami-t°-Smbn t]mIpw. ""Rm≥ A[n-Im-cØn¬ Ib-dn-bm¬ F√m ]mh-s∏-´-hs‚ Ioi-bnepw ]Ww IpØnXn-cp-Ip-sa∂v Cu KUn ]d-™-t∏mƒ, B hm°p hniz-kn®v IÆpw \´v ImØn-cn-°p-∂-h¿°v ]n∂oSv t_m[y-ambn Hcp A ¬ tX∏mbn-cp∂p AsX-∂v. AXns‚ £oWw amdn-hcpw apºv, Hcp A¿≤-cm{Xn°v apgp-∏≥ t\m´p-Iƒ ]n≥h-en®v cmPysØ F√m ]uc-∑m-cpsSbpw No´p-Io-dn. Hcp cmPym-¥c tX∏ns‚ DZm-Ø-amb DZm-l-c-Wambn "t\m´v ]n≥h- e n- ° ¬' C∂pw Ah- t i- j n- ° p∂p. F√m
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
cmjv{Sob ]m¿´n-Ifpw P\-߃°v kΩm-\n-®n-´p-≈Xv tX∏v am{X-am-bn-cp-s∂-¶nepw C{X `bm-\-I-amb Hcp th¿j≥ CXv BZy-am-Wv. kz¥w kplr-tØm, Ian-Xm-thm, _‘p-thm, kz¥°m-tcm, i{Xp-°tfm Bcp \Ωsf tX®mepw AXv lrZ-b-Øns‚ hS°p Ingt° A‰Øv F∂pw Hcp thZ\-bm-bn-cn°pw amtj... Cu tX∏v IY Ct∂m, C∂setbm XpS-ßn-b-X√ Aßv BZm-ans‚ ImeØv XpSßn-bX - m-Wv. "AcpXv' F∂v ssZhw ]d-™n-´pw, ss\kmbn´v ssZhsØ "tX°m≥' {ian-®Xm Ah-cn-cp-h-cpw. ]Wn-jvsa‚ v {Sm≥kv^¿ As∏m Xs∂ ASn-®p-sImSp-Øp ssZhw. C\n thsdmcp Bim-\p-≠v tbm\. X¿ko-kn-te°v I∏epw ]nSn®v "tX∏v' ]≤Xn πm≥ sNbvXXm ItømsS ]nSn-®n-t√... inwtims\ \ap°v ad- ° m- \ m- h n√ ssZh- Ø n- \ mbn th¿Xn- c n- ° - s ∏´ hy‡n... \mko¿ {hXw... Xe-bnse Ggp PU... ]t£ HSp-hn-e-h≥ Zeo-e-bpsS ASp-°¬ t]mbn. shfn-s∏-SpØp-hm≥ ]mSn-√m-ØXv shfn-s∏-Sp-Øn. kz¿§-Øn-encp∂v "tX∏n's‚ K‘w aWØ ssZhw ]n∂oSv Ahs\
F¥v sNbvsXs∂ms° ]d-tb-≠-Xn√-t√m. {InkvXp-hns‚ I´ N¶m-bn-cp∂ ]t{Xm-kp-t]mepw Ah-km\w ko≥ tIm¨{Sm Bbt∏m tX®n´v kvIq´m-Ip∂p. C\n Nn¥n-°p-I, NXn-bn-eqsS FhnsS sN∂v FØm\m \mw? Cuiz- c ≥ \sΩ G¬]n® ZuXy-߃ \o°n-sh®v ssZh-sØ-bpw, klPo-hn-sbbpw NXn-°p-hm≥ {ian-®m¬... F¥p-≠mIpw F∂Xv ta¬]-d™ DZm-l-c-W-߃ Xs∂ [mcm-fw. {]nb kplr-tØ... C∂ns‚ Np‰p-]m-Sn¬ s]cpIn hcp∂ tX∏v IY-Iƒ I≠n-´mtW Cu Nn¥ \nß-fpambn ]¶p- h - b v°p- h m≥ a\- p- d - ® - X v. \ΩpsS ZuXysØ hnkv a - c n- ° m- s X, "tX∏n's‚ Nn¥sb \Ωn¬ \n∂pw Igp-In-°-f-bmw... F¶n¬ Hcp "InSp°m®n' PohnXw \n\°v h∂v tNcpw. AXv ZpxJ-ßfn¬ \n∂p≈ tamN\w F∂√ Dt±- i n- ° p- ∂ Xv ]n∂tbm Bfl-kw-Xr-]vXn-bpsS ]c-tImSn Xs∂...
tUm. ]n.-kn. Ae-Ivkm-≠¿ satΩm-dn-b¬ {]kwK a’c hnP-bn-Iƒ H∂mw ÿm\w : sa¬hn≥ amXyp, aq∂mw h¿jw c≠mw ÿm\w : sÃ^n≥ tP°_v, H∂mw h¿jw aq∂mw ÿm\w : F¬tZm F. sI., c≠mw h¿jw
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
bm{X-Iƒ, imco-cn-Ihpw am\-kn-Ihpw BfloI-hp-amb Dt∑-j-amWv F°m-ehpw {]Zm\w sNøp-I. \mep-h¿jsØ ]T-\-Øns‚ kam]vXnXeØn¬ Iq´w tN¿∂n-dß - n-bXpw B Dt∑-jØ - n-te-°m-bn-cp-∂p. Ht∂m¿Øm¬ `qan-bnse F√m bm{X-I-fp-sSbpw aSßnhc-hp-Ifpw ]n¬°m-ehpw kvacW-I-fm¬ kºp-„-am-Wv. \mep Zn\-cm-{X-߃ sImS-K-cpsS \mtS-In-bXv \√ Hm¿Ω-I-fmWv. aSßn h∂-t∏mtg BfloI-\m-b-hs‚ tNmZy-saØn ""bm{X-sIm≠v Bflo-I-ambn Db-cp-hm-\m-tbm...?'' ]n∂mse Ncn-{Xm-t\z-jI-\p-saØn ""I¿Æm-S-I-bpsS Ncn{XhoYn-I-f-dn-™p-thm...?'' CXn-sem-∂nepw Xmev]cyw Im´mØ \yq P\-td-j≥ ]nt≈-cp-sa-Øn... ""{Sn∏v Fß-s\, ASn®p s]mfnt®m t{_m...?'' kvac-W-Isf tIm¿Øn-W°n t\m°n.
icnbm Cu bm{X Bflo-b-X-bvs°mcp ]S-hp-b¿Øn ]fl kw`h _p≤ hnlmcw F∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp∂ Golden Temple. Ipim¬ \K-dn¬ \n∂p 6 In.ao amdn ÿnXn sNøp∂ Sn_-‰n\p ]pd-Øp≈ Sn_-‰≥ A`-bm¿∞n-I-fpsS henb c-≠m-asØ A[n-hm-k-tI{μw. 19-˛mw \q‰m≠ns‚ {]mcw` Zni-bn¬ ssN\-bpsS IS-∂m-{I-a-WsØ XpS¿∂p ]em-b\w sNtø≠n h∂-h-cm-Wn-h¿. 1972-˛¬ I¿Æm-SI k¿°m¿ ]IpØp \¬Inb `qan-bn¬ PohnXw ]p\¿{Iao-I-cn-°p-tºmƒ Bflo-b-X-bpsS ]pXnb am\ap-b¿Ø-s∏-Sp-I-bm-bn-cp∂p Ahn-sS. Aøm-bn-c-Øn¬]cw k∂ym-kn-Iƒ ]m¿°p∂ \avt{Sm-WnMv samWm-Ã-dn. a{¥-ß-fpsS {]Xn-[z-\n-b-e-b-Sn-°p∂
""]Yn-Is‚ ImgvN-Iƒ'' A¥-co-£-Øn¬ Ah-bv°m-\p-]m-Xn-I-ambn Db-cp∂ hmtZym-]-I-cW \mZ߃... icn°pw \mw AXn¿Øn IS∂p Sn_-‰n-se-Øn-sb∂v tXm∂nt]mIpw. temI kam-[m-\-Øn\pw \∑-bv°p-ambn ]pd-sØm-cp-°nb IpSp- p-ap-dn-bn¬ Zo]-߃°v FÆ ]I-cp-tºmƒ B sIm®p _p≤-k-∂ym-kn-am¿ Ft¥m Dcp-hn-Sp-∂p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. IØn-sb-cn-bp∂ Cu sISm-Zo-]-ß-fpsS K‘-amWv Golden Temple˛se BZy {]km-Zw. 60 ASn Db-c-ap≈ kz¿Æ _p≤-{]-Xn-abmWv Golden Temple˛s‚ {][m\ BI¿jWo-b-X. ]fl-Øn¬ IÆpw ]q´n-bn-cn-°p∂ _p≤-{]-Xn-abv°v CS-Xp-h-iØp c≠mw _p≤s\-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp∂ Kpcp dnt_m-®-bpsS {]Xna-bm-Wv. he-Xp-h-iØv Zo¿Lm-bp v {]Zm\w sNøp∂ _p≤ A-an-Xm-hq-kn-t‚-bpw. sI´n-SØn\p apI-fnse Infn-hm-Xn-eqsS Cd-ßp∂ {]Imiw Cu {]Xn-a-I-fpsS at\m-lm-cn-Xsb \∂mbn FSpØp Im´p-∂p-≠v. kz¿Æ {]Xna-Iƒ ÿnXn-sN-øp∂ sI´n-S-Øns‚ Nph-cpIƒ Nn{X-ßf - m¬ Ae-¶c - n-°s - ∏-´n-´p-≈X - m-Wv. _p≤s‚ Pohn-Xw, _p≤-aX kwkvIm-c-߃ ssZh- ß fpw Zp„- i - ‡ n- I fpw XΩn- e p≈ t]mcm-´-߃ Ch-sbm-s°bpw Nph-cn¬ {]Xn^-en-°p-∂p≠v. Cu Npa¿Nn-{X-߃ am{X-a√m, ]c-º-cm-K-X-ambn Bcm-[-\-bv°p-]-tbm-Kn-
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
°p∂ ]pkvX-I-ßfpw hmtZym-]-I-c-W-ßfpw Gsd lrZyambh Xs∂. XWp∏pw NqSpw kΩn-{i-ambn ]cne-kn-°p∂ Xd-bn¬ Ip∏m-bhpw sXm∏nbpw [cn® Hcp Iq´w sNdp-∏-°m¿ IÆpw ]q´nbn-cp-∂Xv ImgvN-°m¿°v IuXp-Ihpw Ah-cpsS Iyma-d-Iƒ°v Xpd-hn-bp-ta-In. B Ccn∏v \ap-t°-Ip∂ Du¿÷w sNdp-X-√... s^{_phcn, am¿®v amk-ß-fn¬ IS-∂p-h-cp∂ Sn_-‰≥ ]pXph¿j-amb ‘Losar’ BWv Chn-SpsØ {][m\ BtLmjw. AXns‚ hc-h-dn-bn®psIm≠mImw _p≤-hn-lm-cØn\p ]pd-Øp≈ I®-h-S-߃ kPo-h-ambn XpS-ßnbn-cn-°p-∂-Xv. Im‰-Sn-I-fn¬ apg-ßp∂ IS-bnse sNdpa-Wn-Iƒ Xmfm-\p-kr-X-ambn A\-ßp∂p-≠v. I¬]-Shp-Iƒ Cd-ßp-tºmgpw A¥-co-£-Øn¬ B i_vZw Ae-b-Sn-°p-∂p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. ""Ip∂n\p apI-fn-te°v k∂ym-kn-Iƒ tNt°-dp-∂Xv Cuiz-c-t\mSv Gsd ASpØp \n∂p kwth-Zn-°p-hm-\mWv.'' Zp¿L-S-amb h\m-¥-co£ hgn-bn-eqsS Po∏v HmSn°p-tºmƒ ss{Uh¿ ]d-™-Xns‚ s]mcp-f-dn-bm≥ ""apfh-\-Kncn'' F∂ Ipt∂mfw FtØ≠n h∂p. apf-h-\Kn-cn, I¿Æm-S-I-bnse Dbcw IqSnb ae-bm-Wn-Xv. kap{Z-\n-c-∏n¬ \n∂v 6330 ASn Db-c-ap≈ {]tZ-iw. Nn°aw-•q-cn¬ \n∂v 12 In.ao ]n∂n-´m¬ Cu Ip∂ns‚ ASnhm-c-Øn-se-Ømw. Zo¿L-amb 500 ]S-hp-Iƒ Nhn´n \mw FØp-∂Xv icn°pw ssZhm-t\z-j-W-Øns‚ ]mc-ayX-bn¬ Xs∂. Xmsg IpSIp\m´ns‚ Hcp `mKw hy‡-ambn ImWmw. "ap≈∏ kzman' F∂ k∂ym-kn-bpsS Cuiz-cm-t\z-jWw ]q¿Øo-I-cn-°-s∏-´Xv Cu Ip∂n\p apI-fn-emWv . B k∂ym- k n- b psS kv a c- W - I sf \n¿Øn- b mWv "apf- h - ' \- K ncn F∂p Cu Ip∂n\p ]n¬°m-eØv t]cp h∂-sX∂v ]db-s∏-Sp-∂p. Ip∂n≥ apI-fnse inh-t£-{XamWv Chn-SpsØ as‰mcp BI¿j-Wo-b-X. sNdn- s bmcp Kpl- ° p- ≈ n- e mWv {]Xnjv T ÿnXn sNøp-∂-Xv. icn°pw Cu B{i-am¥-co£w \sΩ FØn-°pI Cuizc kmao-
]y-Øn-te°v Xs∂-bm-Ipw. k∂ym-knI-fmb Nne¿ Aev]w AI-se-bmbn Ccn-°p-∂p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. Ft¥m henb ⁄m\w Cuiz-c-t\mSv tNmZn-®-dn-bp-∂Xp-t]mse tXm∂n B Ccp-∏v. ImcWw taLm-hr-X-amb B Ip∂n≥ apI-fn¬ {]Xy-£s∏´ kqcy-{]-Imiw Ah-cpsS CS-bn¬ am{Xw \ne\n¬°p-∂p. B ImgvN Xs∂ lrZ-b-Øn-s\mcp hnßemWv Xo¿Ø-Xv... Xnc-°p-I-fpsS temIØv a\p-jys‚ ssZhoI kwk¿§w Ipd-bp-tºmƒ ssZhw A[n-h-kn°p∂ Ip∂p-Iƒ (ssZhm-ebw) Ib-td-≠n-bn-cn-°p∂p F∂ Hm¿Ω-s∏-Sp-ج... ssZhm-e-b-Øns‚ ]S-hp-Iƒ ssZhm-t\z-j-W-Øns‚ Nph-Sp-Iƒ Xs∂. I¿Æm-S-I-bpsS Ncn-{X-ho-Yn-I-f-dn-s™mcp bm{X Bcm-[-\m-e-b-߃ tI{μo-I-cn-®mhpw F°m-ehpw Ncn-{Xm-t\z-j-W-߃ IS∂p h∂n-´p-≠m-hp-I. I¿ÆmS-I-bpsS Ncn-{Xm-h-tem-I-\-Øn\pw t£{X-߃ Gsd {]k-‡n-bp-≈-Xm-Wv. t_eq¿ sN∂-tI-ihm t£{Xw; I¿Æm-S-I-bpsS lmk≥ Pn√-bn¬ ÿnXn-sN-øp∂ AXn- ] p- c m- X - \ - a mb t£{X- a m- W Xv . 1117 CE bn¬ hnjvWp-h¿≤-\s‚ Ime-L-´-Øn¬ bmKm®n \-Zn-bpsS XocØv ]Wn-I-gn-∏n-®-Xm-Wn-Xv. 103 h¿j-sa-SpØp CXns‚ \n¿ΩmWw ]q¿Øo-I-cn-°p-hm≥, Bb-Xn\m¬ Xs∂ aq∂p Xe-ap-d-I-fpsS Ic-kv]¿iw CXns‚ \n¿Ωn-Xn°v ]nd-In-ep-≠v. bp≤hpw ˛ km{am-PyXz XI¿®bpw ˛ \nc-¥-c-amb Ih¿®bpw aqew Ncn-{XØns‚ apdn-hp-Iƒ Cu t£{X-Øn-\p-≠mbn F∂Xns‚ {]Xn- ^ - e - \ - a mWv \n¿Ωm- W - Ø n- \ mbn C{X ssZ¿Ly-sa-SpØp F∂-Xn\p Imc-Ww. "sN∂ tIihm' F∂ hm°n\v 'Hand Some Kesava' F∂¿∞-ap-≠v. hnjvWp-hns‚ {]Xn-cq-]-ambn tIi-hs\ Icp-Xp-∂p. a≤y-Ime sslμh tcJ-I-fn¬ sshjvW-hn-k-Øn\v {]m[m\yw \¬Inb t£{X-ß-fn¬ H∂mbn CXns\ tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p-≠v. {][m\ tKm]pcw IS∂p sN√p∂Xp apX¬ inev]-ß-fm-epw, {]mNo\ Fgp-Øp-I-
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
fmepw AXn-tesd at\m-lm-cn-X-am-Ip∂ sImØp- ] - W n- I - f mepw Cu t£{Xw \sΩ BI¿jn-°pw. ]md-I-√p-I-fm¬ at\m-l-c-am-bn-cn-°p∂ t£{X-Øns‚ Xd, \q‰m-≠p-Iƒ°p-apºv {Iao-I-cn-®n-cn°p∂ kmt¶--XnI hnZy-Iƒ, I¬a-fi-]w, cmP`-c-W-Øns‚ C∂pw ambmØ ap{Z-W-߃... XpS-ßnbh Bkzm-Z-\-Øn\pw Ah-tem-I-\Øn\pw hnin-„am-b-XmWv. 12 apX¬ 18 hsc-bp≈ \q‰m-≠p-I-fn¬ Xo¿Ø 118 inem enJn-X-ß-fmWv Chn-sS-\n∂pw Is≠Øn-bn-´p-≈-Xv. t£{X-Øn-\p-≈nse sImØp-]-Wn-Iƒ Gsd {]tXy-I-X-I-fp-≈-Xm-Wv. hnti-jn®v {iotIm-hnen\p apI-fn-ep≈ ""_lp-ssZh ho£-Ww.'' sshhn[y-ß-fmepw Ncn{X aplq¿Ø-ß-fmepw {i≤n-°-s∏´ sN∂tIihm t£{Xw bps\- k v t Im- b psS temI ss]Xr-I-Øns‚ ]´n-I-bn¬ CSw t\Snb ÿ-e-am-Wv. Ncn-{X-Øns‚ \mƒh-gn-Iƒ AhnsS am{X-a-√, I¿ÆmS-I-bpsS k©m-c-ho-Yn-I-fn¬ a‰p ]e-bn-SØpw hy‡ap-≈-Xm-bn-cp-∂p. _m_ _p≤-\-Kncn; I¿Æm-S-I-bpsS ae-\n-c-I-fn¬ Gsd {i≤tbdn-bXpw Ncn{X {]kn-≤hp-amb Hcp Kncn-irw-K-amWv _m_ _p≤-\-Kn-cn-bp-tSXv . kap- { Z- \ n- c - ∏ n¬ \n∂v 6217 ASn Db- c - Ø n¬ \n¬°p∂ Cu Ip∂n\v Gsd hnti-j-X-I-fp-≠v. Hcp Kpcp-t{i-jvTs‚ t]cn¬ sslμ-h-˛-ap-l-Ω-Zob hnizmkn-Iƒ Hcp-t]mse ssItIm¿Øv {]m¿∞\ \S-Øp∂ `qan-°-Sn-bnse Hcp Bcm-[-\m-bn-S-amWv Chn-SpsØ Hcp khn- t i- j - X . _m_ _p≤- \ - K ncn t£{X- s a- ∂ pw, _m_ _p≤- \ - K ncn Z¿K- s b∂pw AXn- \ m¬ Cu ÿesØ Adn-b-s∏-Sp-∂p. 17-˛mw \q‰m-≠n¬ Chn-sSØn-sb∂p hniz-kn-°p∂ kq^n hnip-≤≥ _m_ _p≤-\-bpsS \ma-Øn-emWv Cu Ip∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv. Ct±- l sØ sslμh ktlm- Z - c - ß ƒ "Kpcp sZX{Xb'sb∂pw hnfn-°p-∂p-≠v. aX kmtlmZcyw \„am-bn-s°m-≠n-cn-°p∂ `mc-X-Øn¬ hyXykvX Nn¥m-
K-Xn-°m-cmb c≠p aXm-\p-`m-hn-Isf Hcp-t]mse ChnsS sIm≠p-t]m-Ip-∂-Xn\v ]n∂n¬ Hcp ImcWw IqSn-bp≠v. Cu ]pWy- ÿ - e hpw Np‰p- h - ´ hpw tI{μ Kh¨sa‚ns‚ t\cn-´p≈ \nco-£-W-Øn≥ Iogn-emWv. AXn-\mbn \ntbm-Kn-®n-´p-≈tXm Cu c≠p aX-hn`m-KØnepw Dƒs∏-SmØ as‰mcp aX-hn-izm-kn-bmb Hm^o-k-sd. `qan-°-Sn-bn-emWv Cu Bcm-[-\m-ebw AXn-\m¬ Xs∂ ]S-hn-dßn Xmtg°p \S-°p-tºmƒ \mw at‰tXm temI-tØ°v IS-∂p-sh∂v tXm∂mw.
\nh¿∂pw Ip\n™pw XpS-cp∂ bm{X... AXn-\n-S-bn¬ ImWp∂ ap…ow Z¿K-bn¬ a°-bn¬ \n∂pw h∂ Kpcphns‚ I_-dn-S-am-sW∂pw At±-l-tØm-sSm∏w h∂ as‰mcp hnip-≤≥ AXn-t\mSv tN¿∂ a¨Xn-´-bn¬ \n∂-S¿∂p amdnb Ipgn-bn-te°v Cd-ßn-t]mbn F∂pw Ah¿ hniz-kn-°p-∂p. At±-l-Øns‚ aS-ßn-h-c-hn¬ F√m-h¿°pw ]m]-tam-£-ap-≠mhpw F∂m-W-hcpsS Nn¥. Ahn-tS-°p≈ `‡-P-\-Xn-c°v I≠m-e-dnbmw P\-߃°v CXn-s\-∏-‰n-bp≈ Bg-amb hnim-k-sØ°p-dn-®v. ]S-hp-Iƒ Cd-ßp-tºmƒ Zni amdn \S-∂m¬ sslμh t£{X- Ø n- s e- Ø mw. a¨Np- h - c p- I - f n¬ \mWbw ]Xn-∏n®v {]m¿∞n-®m¬ Kpcp sZX-{X-bpsS A\p- { Klw e`n- ° p- s a- ∂ m- W - h n- S psØ hnizm- k w. F∂m¬ ]Xn-∏n-°p∂ \mW-b-߃ AS¿∂p-ho-Wm¬ ^ew D≠m-hn-√... \mWbw `nØn-bn¬ Dd-∏n-°p-hm≥
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Iptdt]¿ {ian°p-∂p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. IY-Iƒ ]e-hn-[sa-¶nepw \q‰m-≠p-Iƒ ]g-°-ap≈ Kplm-t£-{Xhpw enJn-X-ßfpw Gsd {i≤n-°-s∏-´n-´p-≈-Xm-Wv. ]pdsØ NqSn\p t\¿hn-]-co-X-ambn XpS-cp∂ XWp-∏n\pw a¨Nph-cp-Iƒ°pw ]n¬°me Ncn-{X-Øns‚ IY-Iƒ Gsd ]d-bm-\p-≠v. Ahn-sS-\n∂pw {]km-Z-sa-t∂mWw aÆphmcn sNdnb k©n-bn¬ s]mXn-™p-sI-´p-tºmƒ Hcmƒ ]d™p ""]pcm-h-kvXp-°fpw, enJn-X-ßfpw AXn-tesd kºØpw D≠mbncp∂ CS-am, F√mw \„-am-bn-sIm-
≠n-cn-°p-∂p...'' (Ih¿® sNø-s∏-´p-t]m-bn...). izmk-KXn-sbt]mepw \nb-{¥n-°p∂ B aÆn\p Gsd hyXykvX-bp-≈-Xmbn tXm∂n. \∂mbn Bkz-Zn-s®mcp bm{X... Bflo-b-Xbpw Ncn-{Xm-h-tem-I-\hpw am{X-am-bn-cp∂n√ I∂S \m´n-te-°p≈- bm{XsIm≠p t\Sn-b-Xv. Pohn-X-Ønse Ahn-kva-c-Wo-b-amb 4 Zn\-cm-{X-߃ IqSn-bm-bn-cp-∂p. F√m bm{X-Iƒ°pw ""A∂-hn-Nmcw'' Hcp {][m\ hnj- b - a mbn amdp- t ºmƒ Cu bm{Xbvs°m∏w Xs∂ A∂-hn-Nmcw ""hln-°-s∏-Sp-I''-bmbn-cp-∂p. bm{X-bn¬ R߃s°m∏w Xs∂ c≠p ]mNI-°mcpw ]mN-I-Øn-\m-h-iy-amb F√m km[\-ßfpw hml-\Ø - n-\p-≈n¬ kq-£n-°s - ∏-´n-´p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. AXn\m¬ XW-te-Ip∂ Hgn™ ]mS-ßfpw hgn-tbm-c-ßfpw
hbdp \nd-bv°p-hm-\p≈ hncp-∂p-im-eI-fmbn amdn. hb-\mSv Npcw Ibdn XpSßnb bm{X-bpsS {]mcw-`-L-´-Øn¬ sXm¬s]-´n-bn¬ arK-߃ Rß-fpsS bm{Xsb kzoI-cn-®Xv hnkva-cn-°p-hm≥ km[n-°p-∂-X-√. P∑n IpSn-bm≥ hyh-ÿn-XnbpsS Xo Bfn-I-Øn-s°m-≠n-cn-°p∂ sImSKphmknI-fpsS Im∏n-tØm-´-ß-fn-eqsS h≠n \oßp-tºmgpw ]pdsØ NqSv AIt؉n-√m... Town of gladness F∂p sslZ-cmen hnti-jn-∏n® Ipim¬ \Kdpw "Coorg Misty Garden" F∂ CS-Øm-hfhpw Xo¿ØXv bm{X-bpsS \hym\p-`-h-am-bn-cp-∂p. sXßn≥tXm-∏p-Iƒ°n-S-bn¬ Ah¿ Xo¿Ø Iymºv ^b¿ Gsd hyXy-kvX-am-bXv \rØ-Np-h-S-p-I-fm-em-Wv. Hcp-]t£ C\n-sbm-cn-°epw Nph- S p- I ƒ°v \rØ- k m- a o]yw D≠m- h n- √ m- s b∂ t_m[y- a mIpw B XWp- ∏ nepw Nph- S p- I ƒ ]ngbv°msX t]mb-Xn\p ]n∂nse hkvXpX. "Itacn \nk¿K-[mΩm' F∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp∂ apf-¶mSpw AXn-\p-≈n-eq-sS-bp≈ khm-cnbpw \t∂ Bkz-Zn-®p. Imthcn \Zn°p kao]w cq]-s∏´ 64 G°-tdmfw `q{]tZ-i-am-bp≈ Hcp Zzo]m-Wv. hnim-e-amb Cu Zzo]ns‚ Hcp `mKw am{Xta \S-s∂-Øp-hm-\m-bp-≈p. F¶nepw B khmcn Gsd lrZy-am-bn-cp-∂p. tijw \S-Ønb River Rafting Bbn-cp∂p AXnepw tIaw. Life Jackets‚ ]n≥_-e-Øn¬ F{X t]cm-sWt∂m \o¥m≥ ]Tn®- X v . Adn- b m- h p- ∂ - h ¿ apßnbpw Adn- b m- Ø - h ¿ apßnbpw s]mßnbpw ]ns∂m-cev]w Bizm-kØ - n-\mbn Imthcn \Zo-Pew IpSn®pw \∂m-bn-Xs∂ \o¥nI-bdn... CsXm-s°-sb-s¥∂v ]d™p `bw ad-®p-sh®v Icbv°-W-™-h-tc-bpw hnkva-cn-°p-∂n-√m. Imthcn \ZoP-e-sam-cev]w IqSp-X¬ IpSn-®-h¿°p ]n∂o-Sp-≠mb Tracking-s‚ `mK-ambn Ip∂p-I-b-dn-b-t∏mƒ A{X Zmlap-≈-Xmbn tXm∂n-bn-√m. ae-I-b‰w Nne-cpsS DS-ens\ icn°pw DS-®p-sh∂v ]d-bmw. F¥m-bmepw \mep-Znhkw \∂mbnXs∂ Bkz-Zn-®p... \μn... Cu Ip∂p Ib-dp-hm≥ klm-bn® Gh¿°pw, Imen- S - d msX Icp- X nb Kpcp- h n- \ pw, ktlmZc߃°pw... C\n Cd-°-am-Wv... \mev ""henb'' Zn\-cm-{X-ß-fmWv ]n∂n-se-¶nepw \memw ""Zn\''-amWv lrZ-b-Øn\v F∂pw kpK‘w \¬Ip-∂-Xv... ]Yn-I-cpsS Im¬∏m-Z-߃ CS-ap-dn-bmsX Cu Ip∂ns\ kPo-h-am-°-s´... \memw h¿j hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
dnt∏m¿´v Iem-k-anXn Hm¿Ø- t UmIv k v Xntbm- f - P n- ° ¬ skan- \ mcn hnZym¿∞n-I-fpsS k¿§-hm-k-\-Isf hf¿Øp-∂Xn\v \nZm-\-amWv Iem-k-an-Xn-bpsS {]h¿Ø-\߃. Iem-k-an-Xn-bpsS DZvLm-S-\-hpw, hmb\m amkm-Nc - W - Ø - ns‚ kam-]\ - hpw (kw-kvIr-Xn) 2017 Pq¨ amkw 27˛mw XobXn tI{μ kmlnXy A°mZ-an Ahm¿Uv tPXmhpw Fgp-Øp-Im-c\ - p-amb {io. s_\ym-ao≥ \n¿Δ-ln-®p. tIc-f-°-c-bpsS kmwkvIm-cnI X\n-asb hnfn-t®m-Xp∂ HmWmtLmjw ({im-hWw 2017) hnhn[ ]cn-]m-Sn-I-tfmsS \S-Ø-s∏-´p. BKÃv amkw 30˛mw XobXn \S-Øs∏´ ktΩ-f-\-Øn¬ {]apJ {]`m-j-I-\mb tUm. Fw. Fw. _jo¿ apJy-k-tμiw \¬In. {InkvXpa- n-t\mSv A\p-_-‘n®v ""t•mdnb 2017'' F∂ t]cn¬ Unkw-_¿ amkw 22˛mw XobXn \S-Øs∏´ {InkvXp-akv k‘y-bn¬ {io. hn\mbIv \n¿Ω¬ apJym-XnYn Bbn-cp-∂p. hnhn[ ]cn-]mSn-Iƒ Iem-k‘ysb h¿Æm-`-am-°n. A≤ym-]I D]-tZ-jvSm-hmbn ^m. tUm. tP°_v amXyp Imcn®m¬ {]h¿Øn-°p-∂p. Uo. APn≥ Pn. tP°_v
ASp-°-f-tØm´w hnZym¿∞n- I - f n¬ Irjn- t bm- S p≈ B`n- a pJyw hf¿Øp-I, hnj-c-lnX ]®-°-dn-Iƒ DXv]m-Zn-∏n°pI F∂o e£y- ß - t fmsS Imcy- £ - a - a mbn {]h¿Øn-°p∂ Hcp ASp-°-f-tØm´w skan-\m-cnbn¬ {]h¿Øn-°p-∂p. tIm´bw Irjn-`-h-\p-ambn tN¿∂v D]-tbm-K-iq-\y-am-bn-°n-S∂ 2 G°-tdmfw ÿew Institutional Vegetable Cultivation Project 2017 ]≤-Xn-bn¬ Dƒs∏-SpØn ]b¿, Noc, X°mfn, tImfn-^vf-h¿, apcn-ß, tImh¬, hgp-X-\, XÆna-Ø≥, sh≠, ]®-ap-f-Iv, hmg, ac-®o\n F∂nh Irjn-sN-øp-Ibpw ssZh-Ir-]-bm¬ \√ -hn-fhv e`n°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. IqSmsX a’y-Ir-jn-bnepw {i≤ sNep-Øp-Ibpw hnfhv skan-\mcn IpSpw-_-Øn\v \¬Ip-Ibpw sNbvXp. _lp. tUm. Fw. Fkv. bqlm-t\m≥ dºms‚ ta¬t\m-´Ø - nepw Uo. ‰ntPm DEEPTHI 2018
h¿§o-kv, Uo. tPm_n≥ _n. F∂n-h-cpsS t\XrXz-Ønepw 12 AwK-߃ ASp-°-f-tØm-´-Øn¬ {]h¿Øn- ° p- ∂ p. _lp. G{_lmw tXmakv A®\pw _lp. F_n≥ G{_lmw A®\pw ASp°-f-tØm´w {]h¿Ø-\-߃°v anI® ]n¥pW \¬In-h-cp-∂p. Uo. tPm_n≥ _n.
]mcojv anj≥ dnt∏m¿´v skan-\mcn A≤ym-]-I-cp-tSbpw hnZym¿∞n-I-fpsSbpw t\XrXzØn¬ HmWw, {Inkvakv Ah-[nIm-eØv \S-Øn-h-cp∂ ]mcojv anj≥ {]h¿Ø\-߃ Cu A≤ym-b\ h¿jhpw `wKn-bmbn \S∂p. CS-h-I-fpsS A≤ym-flnI D∂-Xn-bpsS `mKam- I m≥ Ign- ™ - X n¬ ]c- a - I m- c p- W n- I - \ mb ssZhsØ kvXpXn-°p-∂p. HmWm-h-[n-Im-eØv Dff-∂q¿ sk‚ v tacokv (sN-ß∂ - q¿), Icp-hm‰ sk‚ v tacokv (A-Sq-¿-˛-I-S-º-\m-Sv), ]me-\n-c∏v am¿ _t en-tbmkv {KotKm-dn-tbmkv (sIm´c-°c - ˛ ]p\-eq¿), Ipºg sia-hq≥ sZkvXq\n (Xp-ºa - ¨), s]cp-º´n sk‚ v tacokv (\n-e-bv°¬) F∂o tZhm-e-b-ßfnepw {Inkvakv Ah-[n-°m-eØv iqc-\mSv sk‚ v tacokv (sIm√w), Cf-Ω-Æq¿ sk‚ v tXmakv (A-Sq-¿˛- I - S- º - \ - m-Sv), s\Sp-a¨Imhv sk‚ v tXmavkv (Xp-ºa - ¨), amcm-b° v ¬ sk‚ v tPm¿÷v(a - e - _ - m¿) F∂o CS-h-I-fn¬ `wKn-bmbn \S-∂p. Km\-ip-{iqj, hN-\i - p-{iq-j, tUmIyq-sa‚dn {]Z¿i-\w, IpSpw_-kw-K-aw, bph-P-\-kw-K-aw, kv{Xok-am-P-kw-K-a߃ k¨tU-kvIqƒ hnZym¿∞n°v th≠n-bp-ff Iem-]c - n-]m-Sn-Iƒ, sXcp-hp-\m-SIw F∂o {]h¿Ø\-߃ `wKn-bmbn \S-Øp-hm≥ km[n-®p. ]mcojv anj≥ {]h¿Ø-\-߃°v th≠ t{]m’m-l-\߃ Xcp∂ skan-\mcn A≤ym-]-I¿, siΩm-»m∑m¿, hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ, CS-hI hnIm-cn-am¿ CS-hI `mc-hm-ln-Iƒ, CS-h-Imw-K-߃ F∂n hc-tcm-Spff \nkn-a-amb \μn Cu Ah-k-c-Øn¬ tcJs∏Sp-Øp-∂p. skan-\mcn ]mco-jvan-j≥ Ub-dI - vSd - mbn ^m.-tUm.-tPmkv tPm¨, sk{I-´-dn-bmbn {_Z¿._n-_n≥ amXyqhpw {]h¿Øn-°p-∂p. Un.-tPm¨ amXyq Xqºq-¶¬
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
dnt∏m¿´v Imcy-hn-Nm-cI kanXn sshZnI skan- \ mcn A≤ym- ] - I - c p- s Sbpw hnZym¿∞n-I-fp-sSbpw klr-Z-bcmb hy‡n-I-fpsSbpw kl-I-c-W-Øn¬ \S-Ø-s∏-Sp∂ Hcp Imcyhn-Nm-cI kanXn skan-\m-cn-bn¬ {]h¿Øn-®p-hcp-∂p-. kmtlm-Zcy kvt\l-hpw, kaqly {]Xn-_≤-Xbpw Du´n Dd-∏n-°p-∂-Xn-≥ Cu {]h¿Ø-\߃°v henb Hcp ]¶p-≠v. Ffn-b-hs\ ad-°cpXv F∂ ssZh-h-N\w {]mtbm-KnI Xe-Øn¬ {]I-S-am-°p-hm-\p-ff Hcp Ffnb {ia-amWv Cu kanXn hgn-bmbn e£y-am-°p-∂-Xv. Cu h¿jhpw kan-Xn-bpsS t\XrXzØn¬ Ffnb {]h¿Ø-\߃ \S-Øp-hm≥ km[n-®-Xn¬ Nmcn-Xm-¿∞y-ap≠v . NnIn- ’ , hnhm- l w, hnZym- ` ym- k w, `h- \ \n¿ΩmWw F∂n- h - b n¬ A¿l- c m- b - h sc klmbn°phm≥ Cu kan-Xn-bpsS {]h¿Ø-\-ØneqsS km[y-am-bn-´p-≠v. skan-\mcn ZzniXm_vZn BtLm-j-ß-fpsS `mK-ambn Bcw-`n® km¥z\w tlmw sIb¿ t{]m{Kmw Cu h¿jhpw `wKn-bmbn \S∂p hcp-∂p. dh.-tUm.-Fw.-F-kv. bqlm-t\m≥ dºm-≥ {]h¿Ø-\-߃°v t\XrXzw \¬Ip-∂p. Uo.-P-bvtam≥ tPmk^v Uo.-_n-_n≥ tPmbn
ImbnI kanXn sshZnI hnZym¿∞n-I-fpsS Dt∑-jhpw imco-cn-I£-a-Xbpw e£y-am°n ImbnI kanXn {]h¿Ø\-߃ \S-Øn-h-cp-∂p. 2017˛18 h¿jsØ {]h¿Ø\-ß-fpsS DZvLm-S\w skan-\mcn {]n≥kn-∏mƒ ^m.-tUm.H.-tXm-akv \n¿Δ-ln-®p. F√m Znh-khpw hnZym¿∞nIƒ ImbnI hnt\m-Z-ß-fn¬ G¿s∏-Sphm-\p-ff {Iao-I-c-W-߃ h¿jm-cw-`-Øn¬ Xs∂ sNøp-Ib - p-≠m-bn. skan-\mcn IpSpw-_Ø - ns‚ A`ncp-Nn-°-\p-k-cn®v {In°-‰v, ^pSvt_mƒ, _m‰van‚≥, tS_nƒ sS∂n-kv, Iymcw-kv, sN v, XpS-ßnb hnhn[ ImbnI C\߃ ImbnI kanXn {Iao Icn®phcp∂p. HmWmtLmj tØmS \p_‘n®v hnhn[ ImbnI ]cn]mSnIfpw \SØ s∏Sp∂p. ^m.tUm.]n.kn. tXmakv A≤ym]I D]tZjvSm
hmbn t\XrXzw \¬Ip∂p. am¿tØm Ωm skan\mcnbn¬ h®p \S∂ C‚¿ skan\mcn thmfnt_mƒ a’cØn¬ dÆd∏mIp hm\pw skan\mcn Soan\v km[n®p. Uo.hn\oXv tXmakv
skan-\mcn DZym\w 2017-˛18 h¿jsØ Km¿U≥ kvIzmUns‚ {]h¿Ø\-߃ _lp-am-\-s∏´ Fw. ]n. tPm¿÷v A®s‚ t\Xr-Xz-Øn¬ `wKn-bmbpw kpK-a-ambpw \S-∂p-hcp-∂p. Btamkv siΩm-i\pw {InÃn siΩm-i\pw Ccp skaÃ-dp-I-fn-embn eoU¿am-cmbn {]h¿Øn®p. Im¬hn≥ siΩm-i\pw sb¬tZmkv siΩm-i\p-apƒs∏sS 26 hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ AwK-ß-fm-bn-´p≈ Cu kvIzmUv ]c-kv]c kl-I-c-W-tØm-sSbpw A¿∏W t_m[- t Øm- s Sbpw at\m- l - c - a mbn {]h¿Øn-°p-∂p. ]Xnhp ssien-I-fn¬ \n∂pw hyXy-kvX-ambn ]pXnb {]h¿Ø\ amXr-I-Iƒ sIm≠p-h-cm≥ {ian-®n-´p-≠v. Km¿U≥ at\m-l-cambn Xo¿°p-∂-Xn\v A£oWw {]h¿Øn®psIm ≠n-cn-°p-∂p. _lp-am-\-s∏´ ^m. tUm. Fw. Fkv. bqlm- t \m≥ dºm≥ {]tXyI \n¿t±- i - ß fpw t{]m’m-l-\-ßfpw \¬In-h-cp-∂p. Uo. Btamkv Xc-I≥ Uo. {InÃn tPmkv
ayqknbw 2017-˛18 h¿jsØ ayqkn-b-Øns‚ {]h¿Ø\w hfsc `wKn-bmbn \S-∂p-h-cp-∂p. A≤ym-]I D]tZ-jvSm-hmb _lpam\-s∏´ amXyqkv tPm¨ a\bn¬ A®\pw ]gb skan-\mcn amt\-P¿ _lp-am\-s∏´ sI. kJ-dnbm dºm-®\pw siΩm-»∑ - m¿°pw hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ°pw t\XrXzw \¬In hcp-∂p. \mep-sI´pw ayqkn-bhpw hrØn-bmbn kq£n-°p∂- X n\pw Ncn- { X- { ]m- [ m\yw Dƒs°m- ≈ p∂ ayqknb-bsØ at\m-l-c-am-°p∂Xn\pw kvIzmUv AwK-߃ Bflm¿∞-ambn kl-I-cn-°p-∂p. Uo. Im¬hn≥ tImin
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Staff Fr. Varghese Joseph Program Secretary Sophia Centre
Fr. Dr. Varghese P. Varghese Sruthi Assistant Director
Fr. Viji Kurian Thomas Administrator Sruthi
Mr. John P. Alexander Office Manager
Mr. Sibichan P. P. Office Secretary
Mr. Sajan Prasad Library Assistant
Mr.Sabu Kuriakose Maintenance
K. S. Thomas Sruthi Office Secretary
Mr. Suresh Jacob Purchase Manager
Mrs. Jeanne Jacob Divyabhodhanam Office Secretary
Mrs. Annie Susan Mess Supervisor
Mrs. Saritha Binu Library Staff
Mrs. Susan Boby OSDL Assistant
Anish C John Sophia Centre Office Assistant
Mrs. Sindhu Biju Bookshop Assistant & Sruthi Receptionist
Mr. Jijo Joy Office Assistant
Mrs. Omana Jousha
Mrs. Salamma Jousha
Mrs. Mariamma Joseph
Mr. Gopalan Security
Mr. Thomas Abraham Receptionist
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Office Bearers Richu Cherian Prefect Ist Sem.
Abey A.Thomas Prefect IInd Sem.
Tino Thankachan Class Reesh IIIrd year
Alvin Abraham Class Reesh IInd year
Anoop Abraham Class Reesh Ist year
Rijo Mathew Aquarium Asst. & Aqua Guard Asst.
Melvin Mathew Darpanam Asst.
Binoy Koshy Medical Asst.
Alex P. Mathew Guest Master
Joby Alex Post Master Asst.
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Joem Mathews Photo Archivist
Jibin Sabu Sanitation Asst.
Jerry Thomas Chacko Maintenance Asst.
Anup George Sunday School Headmaster Ist Semester
Shanu V. A. PRO Asst.
Vilbin K. Wilson Task Force Asst.
Tony M. Yohannan Seminary Chronicle
Vibin Sabu Mutual Assistance Asst.
Bibin Mathew Parish Mission Secretary
Manu Thankachen Electrician Asst.
Jibin Thomas Abraham Sreyas Ground Floor Reesh
Dn. Silin K. Nixon Nalukettu Floor Reesh
Simon Thomas Joy Sreyas First Floor Reesh
Jerin Johnson Sunday School Headmaster 2nd Semester
Anu Thomas Audio Visual
Hm¿Ø-tUmIvkv Xntbm-f-Pn-°¬ skan-\m-cn, tIm´bw
Out Going Students
Fr. Reji Alexander Prison Ministry
Dn. Jaimon Joseph Kandanad West Stewardship Ist Sem. Secretary
Dn. Aby Raju Kottarakara - Punalur Media & Computer Lab, Alumni Association
Dn. Geo M. Solaman Chengannur Post Master, Eco Sqad Incharge Ist Sem.
Dn. Sandeep S. Mathews Madras Reesh Ist Sem., Eco Squad Incharge 2nd Sem.
Dn. Geevarghese Jose Delhi Website & Photo
Dn. Ajith Joseph Angamaly Maintenance
Dn. Shibin Varghese Nilackal Class Reesh B.D. IV
Dn. John Mathew Thiruvananthapuram Parish Mission Co- Ordinator
Dn. Philipose Nilackal Sacristan 2nd Sem.
Dn. Amos Tharakan M. Kollam Garden Squad Incharge Ist Sem.
Dn. Sebi Thomas Chengannur Library Incharge, South Wing Ist Floor Reesh
Dn. Allen S. Mathew Mavelikkara Sanitation Master
Dn. Mebin Thomas Kottayam Stage & Decoration, Task Force, Sreyas Ground Floor Reesh
Dn. Bipin K. Yohannan Thumpamon Choir Leader
Dn. Leo K. J. Kochi Divyabodhanam Incharge Ist Sem.
Dn. Lijin K. Raju Kandanad West Seminary Chronicle
Dn. Able George Mathai Thumpamon Reesh 2nd Sem., Histroy Association
Dn. Rejo Mathew Joseph Mavelikkara Editor, Deepthi, Media & Computer Lab
Dn. Varghese P. Varghese Kottayam Divyabodhanam Incharge 2nd Sem.
We are one in Christ... 2017-18 Seminary Students