Spring 2020

Page 24

technology/the future is now by Michael R. Bussière


in the age of lockdowns


t no time since the advent of the World Wide Web have our lives been so virtual. This was true before a global pandemic

forced entire countries indoors and pushed Internet traffic to the limits of network tolerance.

Telework and online grocery shopping have gone from optional for some to being the new norms for most of the population. Entire curricula are being adapted to online learning. Countless studies are likely underway to determine the effects on everything from office productivity to carbon emissions.

the connection that technology brings is even more important to maintain and build upon,” says Chris Pereira, Senior Director of Public Affairs for Huawei Canada. “People are finding creative ways to solve problems while working and studying from home, and I expect we will see exciting new developments and ways of collaborating remotely in the future.” Pereira is spot on in his faith in the power of human ingenuity, especially when we’re all bored out of our minds!

If the COVID-19 era is proving anything, it’s that people are applying a lot of creativity when self-isolated and can do just about anything at a distance over networks; especially, it seems, reach out and express themselves. The performing arts have long been incubators for virtual communities of collaboration and discovery.

In any analysis, it is the stifling of our The Berlin Philharmonic Digital sense of connectedness that is felt Concert Hall was one of the first most deeply as we look for any way channels to deliver sophisticated live to bridge the confines of social events to a global audience. The distancing. Companies who National Arts Centre delivers Huawei Canada is looking are in the connection business masterclasses over video networks believe the prototypes for human beginning with the tutelage of to leverage those early experiments embodiment over distance are former music director Pinchas with a new initiative based on emerging on a scale never before Zuckerman, but, for various seen or possible. “At a time when reasons, has never fully embraced its revolutionary new P40 Pro and we are all physically separated to the full potential of its fantastic P40 Pro+ smartphones. reduce the impact of COVID-19, connectivity and infrastructure. 24 OTTAWALIFE SPRING 2020

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