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Community spotlight: Todd Morin

YOU MAY NOT recognize his face or his name but if you have entered running events or triathlons in the Ottawa area over the last few years you will certainly recognize his voice.
Todd Morin has been involved in the running and triathlon scene since 2011 in a big way. Not only does he race in many of the events every year, but he also announces at quite a few others. Whether he is helping guide participants at the Somersault Series of events or during Lap the Gats it’s always nice to show up on event day and hear his familiar voice.
Like many others, Todd began participating in triathlon events to get in better shape. "I was 47 years old and wondered where my energy had gone and where did my college physique disappear to.” Once he started, he was hooked by both his personal results and the vibrant community, and he hasn’t looked back since.
He is now the voice of the Somersault Series of events as well as a coach with the Ottawa Triathlon Club where he shares his accumulated wisdom and experience on both training and event day itself. Since 2011, he has completed an Ironman, participated in numerous 70.3 events and run six marathons, including two Boston marathons.
As a Senior Financial Consultant with Investors Group, Todd recognizes the numerous similarities between both the events he participates in and his profession of financial planning. “Like during the events where getting to the finish line successfully requires a goal, a plan and a good coach, a healthy financial future is built on the same principles and dedication. Too many people try to manage their finances without these three key concepts and then wonder why things aren’t working out. ”
Todd’s latest project is his Community Event Trailer. As a participant in and supporter of many non-profit and charitable events, he realized there is a way he could do more to help. “Many events have to scramble to find the right equipment they need to host their events, and in many cases have to rent equipment. This eats up valuable volunteer or staff time and often takes away from dollars that could go into fundraising. This trailer takes a lot of the work out of that by providing an all-in-one event kit that can be booked with a simple phone call.”
Todd’s Community Event Trailer comes equipped with a professional sound system, tables, pop up tents, a generator and much more, including potential prizing and other incentives. “The best thing about the trailer is that it’s free for charities, non-profits, and most local events, so the organizations can save money out of their tight budgets, allowing them to give even more back to the community.”
For more information about Todd and the Community Event Trailer, or to inquire about a possible booking go to www.toddmorin.com or contact his team at 613-723-7200.