4 minute read
Nix the guilt and hit the bike
Spinning your way to a healthier lifestyle
By Sylvie D’Aoust
EVERYONE HAS heard the adage, “pay yourself first,” when it comes to finances and planning for the future.
We would all be better off if we applied the same principle to health and wellness. Hectic lifestyles with all those demands at home and at work make it easy to ignore physical fitness. Sometimes it’s even tempting to feel guilty for taking time for yourself.
Family should come first, but it’s important to see the big picture. Neglecting your health and wellness could put a considerable burden on the ones you love. Poor health can
Regardless of fitness level, anyone can take up spinning because:
• An adjustable spinning bike is provided and no other special equipment or clothing is required. • You work at your own level on your own spinning bike. • There is no choreography to learn, and no jarring lateral or horizontal movements. • The instructors make the class fun and challenging and to help you achieve your individual goals.
have an impact on employment, too. Hypertension, chronic fatigue and stress can force people to under-perform and take leave from work. Neglecting personal fitness can contribute to health concerns in retirement and make it difficult to enjoy the financial security that took a lifetime to earn.
Many people are getting and staying in shape with “spinning.” This increasingly popular activity is the ultimate in efficient group fitness — it’s a great workout for every type of person and there are spinning locations throughout Ottawa. Virtually every fitness facility around the city now offers spinning classes, and some bicycle shops move their stock aside during the winter months to offer programs.
Embarking on a spinning program is an ideal way to get maximum fitness benefits from the minimum time spent. Spinning is group indoor cycling in an instructor/class format. It offers a good 45-minute workout, great music and motivational instruction. The classes provide spinning drills that can take you out of your seat to simulate hill climbing, spinning fast to simulate sprinting, and riding easy. These activities promote body awareness and improve cardiovascular conditioning within a short period of time.
Shop for a facility that offers a free 30-minute introduction class for wouldbe spinners. It provides information on safety, common hand positions, how to set the bike up to fit your body, and basic techniques for a smoother, more comfortable ride. You will learn how spinning can help to increase cardio fitness and overall well-being. If you like what you
see, you are free to choose the kind of class that suits you best.
Spinning and fitness novices might find the “E” (endurance) class is the best place to begin. With heart rate monitors, motivational music and certified instructors, you will increase your fat burning while learning to ride a little longer.
The “R&E” (recovery and endurance) class builds your aerobic base and provides cycling techniques and form. It prepares you mentally to resist fatigue while pedaling at a high cadence (spinning the pedals around 110 times per minute). Participants learn the secret rhythm of riding tempo by being mentally “tuned in.”
The SH (strength and hills) session involves slow, steady and hard resistance work that includes specific muscles needed to power up hills. It enhances cardio fitness, muscular endurance, and tendon and ligament strength.
Once your body has adjusted to this level of fitness, you could aspire to add a PS (power and speed) class. These training sessions will cause your body to better tolerate the physiological stresses of racing. Finally, you could work up toward trying an RD – race day. This is like an actual time trial done by cyclists, and requires a substantial fitness base. Race day really challenges and assesses your strengths.
Taking your personal health and wellness seriously makes sure you “pay yourself first.” A lifetime of good health is one of the best investments, and spinning is a “blue chip” bang for your buck.
— Sylvie D’Aoust, is a spin instructor and partner of Cyclefit Complete Lifestyle Solutions in Ottawa. For course details see www.cyclefit.ca.
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