1921 10 03 The Tan and Cardinal

Page 1



VOL. 5.





TAKE SCRAP DAY I Professors Smith, Vance, Lyons ____ I Chamberlin Added to For · First Time In History, Yearlings I Faculty.


No. 3.


and Professor Smith Represents Otterbein at Debate Meeting and ArWilmington Takes Advantage of ranges Schedule. Breaks In Luck and Takes Vanquish Sophomores In Wi th the open in g of the sc hool Th e An nu al Co nfe renc of th e Ohio Game, 14-13. Annual Clash. year. O tt e rbein welcomes among her Intercollegiate Debating Co nferen ce corps of in tru ctors five new mem­ was held o n Saturday aft ernoo n at th e OTTERBEIN SHOWS FIGHT Repre­ FOOTBALL MEN ELIMINATED he r s. who co me to replace fo rm er Chi tt enden Hotel, Columbus. membe rs of the faculty. se ntati ves we re present from eac h col­ T ie-up · Is Carefully Supervised By Th~ write up of Professor Beach ler. lege of the Co nference. includin g also Many Players Sustain Injuries and Faculty and No Casualties prmcipal of the Academy, appeared in Professo r Ma rshma n of Ohio Wesley­ Numerous Substitutes Are Used a n. Professor Bromley Smith r epre­ R ult the last iss ue. During Game. es · I The expanding work of th e col- sented Otterb ein. In th e first ga me of Otterbein· Followi ng a program that has, _in a I lcge ha s necessi tated th e adding of an Afte r prolonged discussion the qu ~ more or less popular way, decided, J ass is ta nt in the English Department. tion for the coming year was word ed football schedule, althouo-h making once a nd fo r all, the usual rivalry th at ' This position will be fi ll ed by Mis as fo llows: R esolve d, that th e app lica­ bu t four firs t downs and cc:>mpleting is evidenced between the under class- Elva Lyons, . B., o f Ko rth Balti- tion of the principle of the closed union but one forward pass and being men, last Tuesday was set aside as more. Ohio. shop would best serv e the interests of constantly out punted, Wilmington the day for the ann ual Soph-Fro3h Miss Lyons took her A. B. degree the Ameri can peop le. It was ag reed managed to nose out a vicor y here Scrap Day. at Otterbein in 1915 and ince t hat that th e "closed uni on shop recognizes la st Saturday. The day was ideal, the crowd was Prelimina ry to the ri sing of the tim e has taken seve ral summe r's th e principle of collective bargaining un, Tuesday morning, the first year work at Chi cago U nive rsity and has between representatives of capital and large and enthusiast ic and the team was in good shap e. men had placed sufficien t evidence of for the pa t two years been an in­ organized labor." W ith on ly five minutes to play an d their ability a s worthy contenders of structor in the Engli sh and General In making out th e sc hed ule of de­ the day by in scribing th eir class num- Science Department at Paua, I ll. bates Otterbein was placed in a tri­ a score of 14-13 confro ntin g them erals co nsp icuously ove r the campus Tn addiition to her duties as an in­ angle wit h Ohio Northern and H eid­ D itmer's men s tarte d a dri ve from and athletic field. st ru cto r Miss Lyons ucceeds Mrs elberg. Another triangle could not the thirty yard line and succeeded if) be formed with in Jh_e member hip of compJeti,ng thr'e forwa r pa s , a11.d After At~etic Dir ctor Martin had l .F lick.ii,ger as matron of Saum H all. d_uly explamed the rules and regula- 1 Prof. Floyd ance, . M., will fi.11 the Conference. Wittenberg, however, then making a line plunge of ten tlons as a~reed upon by fa~ulty and the vacancy in the French depart­ ha agreed to meet Otterbein ei ther yards, which carried the ball to representattv~ tudent _comrruttee , the ment, due to the ab ence of Prof. in a duel or a triangle. Mu kingum Wilmington's fourteen yard tin youthful asp irants withdrew to th e G" lb t M "II h I t wa willing to enter provided Otterbein when with only two minutes to play fie ld of ca rna e. 1 er I s w o was as yea r _a Otterbein's cup of anticipated joy wa g member of th e faculty here and 1s had no o bjections. The r elay was the first event on the th 1s · year t a k mg . d · draine d to th e dregs when A lbright a vance d wo r k m program and was won by th e sec- F renc h 111 · th e U 111vers1 · ·t y o f p ans. · Stockham Speaks at Chapel. fa iled in an attempted drop kick. . ond yearlings. The race was close M v · d h. A B d Wilmington checked in with an Wed nes day morning at the chapel 1s . . egee . r . ance r eceive throughout and only clmched when the f O tt b · 111 · 1916 d h. M service, th e tudents enjoyed as outfit a lmo t entirely different from last man was in the clear. The first rom er em an is aster' s degree from Ohio State Un iver- speaker, Mr. W. H. Stockham of th e team she had here last fall. Only year men, owing to their inexperience, two of last year's squad being in the sity. He is well known· to many Birmingham, A la. made several mistakes that proved Mr. Stockham, a ucces ful busi­ lin e-up. Their team was noticeably Otterbein people and is heartily wel­ costly. ness man, i a prominent figure in heavier than 0. C's and played In the ti e-up, although several foot­ comed as a member of the faculty. nationa l and international Sunday brand of football that wa not al Prof Brnmley Smith, A. M., will ball huskies o-f the classes were elimi­ have charge of the Department of School ci rcles, and in• a frank way together commendabl~ for a college> nated from the fracas by order of the Oratory and Public Speaking, a spoke helpfully to the student body. team . Coach, there 'were enough entrie to The hope of the nation is in the ( ontinued on page two. ) uccesso-r to Professor Fritz who i make it sufficiently interesting, even young man and' woman who cot'l~S this year specializing in Engli h at though the unnecessaTy roughness of from th e denominational college, a:1d Mrs. Cook's Class Has Party. the previous years was not so notice­ Harvard Un iver ity. who will stand for Chri tian princi-, Profe sor Smith r eceived both an able. In fact tho e who participated pies, Mr. Stockham aid. Last Monday evening about one (Continued on page three) in la t year's tie-up were prone to -hundred and fifty of Mr . Cook's Sun­ (Continued on page three.) day School girls gathered at the United Athletic Board Raises Fund; Dean Addresses Y. M. C. A.; Brethren Church for the annual wel­ Students, Townspeople Give. Cridland Sisters Play Duet comi ng party. Goodman Is Track Manager; La t Saturday afternoon several In the front of the room were many Thursday night, Y . M. C. A. was Conley Elected Cheer Leader greatly favored in being addre ed by money-making scheme were in evi­ sample of Chine e medicine , ent by • At the meeting of the thletic dence on the Athletic Field. Tags, ice Mrs. Cook' son who is a missionary Dean Cornetet. Board last Wednesday evening Hal cream cone , candy, and a refreshment in China. Some time was spent in ex­ The Dean , poke of the four great Good.man was elected Track Manastand vending " hot dogs" and ·coffee, amining these interesti ng articles then ger for this year. Mr. Goodman, due attribute of the Apostle Paul, in­ all had a share in raking the shekels a hort program was given-a pro­ to his tireless efforts as a sistant last tellectual force, emotional fervor into the "B leacher Fund". gram that was "different" in every moral integrity and .spiritual power. season was unanimously chosen for This campaign for money was ense of the word, and thoroughly enthe place. !so, with hi fondness for allitera- carried on und er the au pices of the joyed by all. . At the am e .meeting Cecil Conley tion, he di cussed the three great Athletic Board and will be repeated at The girls were then paired off, an was elected as Cheer Leader. Mr. "C's. Confidence, Co-operation and each home football game with the hope old girl and a new girl together, and Conley has returned to Otterbein onque t. that sufficient money can be accumulat­ a gra nd march was made to the base­ after a year's absence. When in The Cridland sister , Josephine and ed to at least begin the erection of ment where lemon ice and cookies school before he a bly filled the posi- Thanet, delighted the audience with long needed bleachers. were served. Every one who was tion as Cheer Leader and it was the a violin-cornet duet. They were Miss LaVaughn Leatherman and Mr. present feels that this party was a opinion of the Board that he was accompanied by Miss Mary Elizabeth D. L. Hancock were directly in charge perfect beginning of a perfect yea r the man for the place this year. Brewbaker. of arrangement . of Sunday School work.



Mamm:ith Crowd and Unlimited Enthusiasm Characterize Sea­ son's Pep Meeting

THE TAN A i D CARDINAL .-\ ft er this inci dent O. C's m en ra 11 i- !_! II II Ill Ill llll II I Ill II Ill II II II II II II Ill Ill Ill I Ill I Ill II II II llll I Ill Ill I Ill II II Ill II II II II II II IllII II I !,!;I ed with a last effort to sta,·e off defeat and the march down th e !ield was as pretty a bit of rea l last minute t",gh tin g that has ever been wines ed on the loca l gridiron. '§ The lin e-up: i§ O tterb ei'n ( 1:l I Pos. ( 1-l l \\' ilm' t'n. l{ eard on § -o.:l:icr L. E. SteYens : T. L. Lehman


Spalding and


Th fast football ra ll y of th e sea­ was held in the chap el Thu rsday e•:eni ng. ..\ n l'n thusiastic crowd filled !" very hit o f available space on th e lower tloor and gallery. Th e L. G. snappy mus ic of th e orches tra in­ Menk e Woods I § crea sed th e sp mt and made th e F rank lin Christman C. work cf Cheer L eader Con ley easy, as 'Howard R. G. Rea ms \ § he found no diffi culty in getting thos t T. Thompso n R. Howe pre,en t to yell. White : R. E. Schr•~ck Manager Dellinger introduced Pro­ Charles Q. Sprout fessor Brom ley Smith who talk ed in Farquahr L. H. IA. nd-crson an en thu -ia ti c manner concern ing Newold R. H . George th e p rosp ec ts o f victory . He pro­ Kurtzhalz F. Peden phe ied that Otterb ein' invin cibl e Referee-Worman , Kenyon; Umcombin~tion, good coaching, a devot­ pire-Hoyer. Ohio State. Head lines- _ ed team. and enthusiastic students, man-Pfeiffer , Denison. Time of could not be defeated. Professor quarters-12 minu te . To uchdowns. Hanawalt spoke bri efly on "The -Anderson. George, Ku ltzhalz, : Part We Play." Charles. Goals-Ander on, White, 2. The members of th e squad were introduced and Le vi Howe and Cap­ tain Roy Peden spoke on its be­ THE DIARY OF half, followed by Coach Ditmer. A COCHRAN HALL GIRL Mi s Dorothy Bright talked for th e ladie and led' in a few ye lls. ~ Every one present en tered into the • Sunday-Sunday again and it has pirit of the occasion an d eve r y minute of the entire evening evidenc­ been rainy all day. Went to Sun day School and chur ch this morning, C. E. ed the pre ence of the old" Otterbein and churc h tonight. I just love the : fig ht. music. Had roast pork a nd app les fo r Following the program in the dinner. Sure woul d e nj oy a change. chap el the cro,wd retired to th e Monday- V·l ell , I ur e am j n a c;ampu wher the re hmen ha d ,pre­ p r etty me s now. W ent to Columbu par-ed a mountai.J1 f mater ial for a tonight and stayed for 3. show. Mis-s- : hon fi re. ed the 9 :30 car a nd didn't get home :


Bradley ' Sweaters



eek S li p Over,



V-Neck Sh aw l Co ll a r , a t ---- ---- $7 .50 to $10.00


EA-R Lar o-e

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Fall' 'Hats

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till 11 :30. Am in disgrace with the Lat est h a pe a n d § Dean and don't suppose I can ever GAME IS LOST go to the city again withou t a body­ Continued from page one.) ·col r . guard. And Jim bought tickets for aptain }?eden won the to and all tho e. concerts! Tuesday- crap-day! and oh, w hat _ cho e to receive. fter about four ri ced minute of play whi h con isted of a lot of fu n I've had today! T he Fre hmen did ju t heroically. It was trai ht football, nder on bucked ti) ball over the line for the fi rst perfectly thrilling fo ee them take $3.50 to $5.50 tho e ophomores through. the icy bil- _ !ot1chd wn of th ea on. He fai)ed lows of old Alum Creek. to kick goa . Wednesday_.:.Got up this morning at _Ped n kicl ed off to W. who fumbl­ four o'clock, and studied awhile foi;- a d. Menke r ov r d. .!?eden and change. Didn't d<;> much good though , eor ,e, comp leted ll. forward pa s becau e I le.pt through all my cla e . good for 15 yard . fter a sedes of Went to Willie' thi afternoon, the 'buck George carried the ball over for fir t tune for a 'w eek, but I gues it •cond tou bdown . Ander on kicked 1'ii111,111,111111,,1111,,11,,11,,,111111111,,,,1,,1111,1111,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,, 1, 1, 111 , 111 , 11 , 1 was all right. t went with Jim. goal. Thursday-Ain't college grand? In the c nd 9uarter Kurtzbalz eve r felt o pompou over tbi You need my paper mter ept d a forward pa and ran chool before in my life a I did at I need your money for \ ' fir t touchdown. Thi wa a that Rally tonight. I'd like to yell Let us exchange. bit of car 1 snes a there wa not a 'Yea Ofterbeinll' from the top of the man within ta cklin g di tance and h water tan)c and paint ·" Team, Rah" on Every morning after Chapel by the had · 11,10 th ailing to the goal line. the tow r ox the dmini tratioi:i build- bulletin board or at the clubs and the Whit kick d oal. The half ended ing. ome bon-fue, too. Had a date dormitories. without fu.rtl'Jer c ring. with rt aft r the rally. Thing are Take your Jewelry Repairing and 1n th e third quart r the ball as g tting exciting. A. W. ZEPP, '24 xchanged from one ide to th other Kodak Finishing to Friday-Rainy thi morning so J -with ut mu ch da11" r of either goal didn't go to la e till after chapel. Every kind of paper from a Math­ Report to a · large note book. tin b ing cross d. Gue that' a rea oi:iable excu e. Had \\' ilmington' econd touchdown th mo t fun tonighL Kad the nice t Watchmaker and Jeweler O rders taken for ame in the fourth quarter after they pu h, weiner and mar hmallow ju t Robert's Rules of O rder. Westerville, O. had ucceeded in carryi ng the ball to like we were ou t door s, only we roast­ ed them with candle . Hope the other our twenty yard line, w hen Kurtz­ ha lz pa ed to harles over th goal gi.rl had as much fun a I did. date with m 11 can't wait till tim · I'm ju t dead for leep. ot Saturday-Jim i peev d at me. line. thi s being the onJy completed a turday night to mention the e'9" 11 eggs shall t i;npt me to leave th.e forward pa that they work d du - Called. roe up for a date and when I Hope he doe n't act horrid erfumed feather befo re chur ch time ing the afternoon. It wa a rare bi t told him I had one with. ,Ar t, be wa cros . He'll have to learn that if he about it though. He i o nice, ome- in the mor ning. [ l 1 k. White kicked g oal.



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electio n of thi wo nderful line fo r = men and women. W on1e ' $ 1\i[ , n --- ----- -------------------------------- 1.00 to $3.75 · en S ---··- ------------------ -- ---- --- --- ---------- $1.45 to $4.75


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a t ---- ---- $7.50 to $10.00 _

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J. N-ORRIS ,n= Watch stopped, Man mad. Mann fixed it, ~an glad.






Page Three


Mary Booher' s and Anna Jackson's IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllH parents of Mt. Gilead helped· mak e up th e pi cnic party Sunday. :


Mrs. F . J. R es ler and Mrs. Jami- :z: son of olumlfos, were Sunday clinne, guests.



-= -- Roberts' Rules Of Order, on -=

Publication Board Elects. Hi)mer V. Miller was elec ted by _ the Pub li cation Board a s Assistant Ath letic Editor, Mr. Miller' s particular' work will be to handl e intercollegiate athletic news.

= =

Sophomore Election Held ; Mills Elected President . _

IJCIATIIJN The " March changed N ational

French Na ti o nal Hymn . On! March On"! has been by Virginia 'Nolfe to her Him, '' My Chon, my Chon.''

Mr. Herbert F. Good of Dayton , spe nt Sunday with Jose phine Crid­ land.

At the recent class election of the Sophomores, Harold R. Mills was elec ted p•resident. The o t_her officers are , W . H. Ander so n. vice-p r esident; Margaret Graff, secretary; Warren Cogan , tr easurer ; Harriet Whistler, socia l chairman. The repres·e n tati ves to the Student Council as elected last year art Clifford Foo r , H. R. Mill , Katherine Kahler. Ruth A rmentrout.

Katherine Pollock entertained ome of her friends with a picnic this Freshmen Elect Officers ; E. F. McCarroll Is President week as a result of her parents com­ ing to see her and b ringin g a large Last week the freshman class met basket of "eats." and ' elected their officers for the enAt a push given 111 room 211 F ri- suing year. day for thirty gi rl s, some of the The fi nal results . are, E. F. M cg uests exhibited such grea t mesmeric Ca rroll, President; F. M. Pottinge r, power that " Belzebub" Bush will pro- vice-president; Thanet Cridland, bably withdraw fron1 the '{)tfofe sional secretary; John Benson, treasurer; world. A. Raffini a nd Oma Mumma, r e'J)'l"e entatives to th e Student Co un cil. Fres hman seeing the campu wing (?) for th e fir t tim e: "O h! is Gift from Dr. Pottinger. that for the children?" The P hilomathean Library wi hes Mr . Mae ellman Jayne , '20, and to announce th e receipt of a new Mi Ethel Eubanks, '20, were among book, " Tuberculo u , How to Com­ th e a lumnae who came to ee the bat It," a gift from Mr. Francis M. fi r st gam e. Pottinger, father of Francis Jr., of Miss Hazel Stevens, Mr. and Mr . the freshman class. Mr. Pottinger is Kraft and Mi Edith Gelbaugh, all th e author. of Dayton , vi ited Florence on unday.

_ :

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_ .

University, Bookstore_ - Candy = Magazines~ =

iit 11111111111111 II 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lllll 1111111111111111111

11111111111111 I 1111I1111111111111111111111111111 IIII I 11IIII1111111111111111111111111111UI11111 I I 111 IIllI I I



Blendon Hotel and Restaurant ==



"If big feet, knock-knees and bow- leg won't make a girl wear lon g Ilo DeHoff and Virginia Wolfe dres es, what chance has mode ty?" gave a pu h aturday in honor of -Ex. Gladys Yokum, '21, who is teaching at Well ~on, 0. FIRST YEAR MEN .

Frye and Ruth Luca ill.

-= = = = = = = = = =




TAKE SCRAP DAY lice Hunter and Blanche William­ (Continued from page one.) on took unday dinner with U nice The think it was "rather tame''. Beck. freshies co nquered their opponents in On unday, ctobe r 2, for the first this event after thirteen minutes of time in th e cliarie of t h Juniors, .yas strenuous combat. Outside of a few written, "Fried chicken for dinner." elimination · on the charge of unfair Oh Boy! play the affair was altogether up to Mr . oel of Canton, pent the tandard. At one-thirty the contestants and week-end with her daughter, Mary interested spectators assembJed at the oel. bridge of the renowned Alum Creek There wa a lively p,u h in "The where, after about three minutes of Haven of Re t" F riday night. heaving, the Soph were given their . Mr . Cox, of Chillicothe, i vi iting econd initiation in the cooling waters of this historic stream. her daughter Elizabeth axon . T he conquered and conquerors, Misse Elizabeth McCabe, '21, along with the satisfied and disappoint­ Helen Miller, ex '24, and Reland ed, w en ded their way back to their chreal of Ohio Wesleyan, were various pu rsuits of being just plain honored at a pu h given in room 20 . college tudents. R uth_ and! Irene Rall were ho te es at a push Friday. NEW INSTRUCTORS SECURED (Con tinued from page one.) We ar e orry to ay that Dorothy

hand-latest edition, = = Royal Typwriters, Films, : = Stationery, Loose Leaf Note = Books, Laboratory Apron·s, : and Athletic Goods, at low- = est prices, at the


ffi I11111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111= ii 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111_11111111111111111111~


= =


Call Citizen 21 or Bell 147-R, residence ; or Bell

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J. E. HANSON, The Clean-Up Man Agent for Acme . Laundering Company, General Laundr y Work and Peerless Dry Cleaning Co., Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Sanitary P r essers

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Headquarters-12 E . College Ave., Westerville, 0 . Subscrip tions taken for T he Country Gentleman,



Journal, Saturday Evening Post.



Prompt Service-Best Service.

jj I I I I I 11I11111 {II I I 11 I 11II1111111111111 I 11 I 11111III111111III11111111 I 111111I111111111I11111111I111111

special graduate work at H a rvard and Chicago Universities He is the author of several h umourous literary treatises on the a rt of speech and is have been very . B. and an M. A. degree from a regular contributor to the "Ameri­ Bucknell Univer ity and has done can Journal of Speech Education."

nii, :

Mi Mary Chamberlin of the class of '21 has returned as assistant in th Department of Art. Miss Chamber­ lin is sufficiently well known to mo of the stud'ents a to require no 111,­ troduction.

Page Four


wJure the appearance of the campus CALENDAR is never a chall enge to a singl e other Tuesday, October 4-East College Avenue class, but a disgrace to O tt erbe in. 6:00 p. m.-Y. W. C. A. ln th e future put away th e paint Wednesday, October 5- Pub lished Weekly in th e interest of PHONES 6:30 p. m.- Choir prapice. and th e whi tewash, and if youthful° Otterbein by the OTT ERBEIN PUBLISHING Citizen 26 Bell 84-R exube ran ce must eXJp,ress itself let it Thursday, October 6BOARD be in some w:iy not defacing those I 6:00 p. m.-Y. M. C. A. Westerville, Ohio 6: 15 p. m.-Cleiorhetea. Member of the Ohio College Press things we shou ld all hold de a r. 6:30 p. m .-Phila lethea. A ssociation Use the Library. Friday, October 7DENTIST STAFF 6 : 15 p. m .-Philophronea . Student life and student activites lie Editor .............. J. Gordon Howard, '22 6:30 p. m.-Philomathea. 15 West College Ave. · t an t Ed't A ss1s • t or •······- J • W • S ene ff , '23 far apart from the ordinary routine of Saturday, October 8Citizen Phone 167 Bell Phone 9 the business world, and college courses Co ntributing EditorsFootba ll , Ash land he re. G race H • H 1·11, '23 are tending more e.:ich year towards Horace W . Troop ' '23 specialization. These two facts may M'o nday, O ctober 10-Business Manager .... J. P . Schutz, '23 6:00 p. m. -Intern ationa l Re lations For all that is good to eat see Assistant Business Managersexplain in part the cri ticism one so Club. T. E. Newell, '23 often hears concerning the inadequacy J. F. Dillinger, '24 . and inefficiency of the training receiv­ CAMPUS (HIT (HAT Cir. Manager ...... Harriet L. Hays, '22 ed by present day students. 1 Assistant Circula tion ManagersL ucile Ewry; '23 We have here at Otterbein an up- 1 If yuu want to make Dad Moon a Athletic Editor ........ A. W. E ll iott, '23 to-date, complete library containing little ex tra work, jus t pa in t up t he Assistant Athletic Editorover twenty-two thousand vo lu mes of campus sidewa lks! ================= H. V. Miller, ' 23 literature-and how many of us make Are Local Editor ............ M . M . Collins ' '23 use of th e library other than for referyou bo th ered wi t h ch ro111'c Alumnal Editor ...... Alma Guitner, '97 inertia? Take one of Herb Meyer's Exchange Edito r, Virgin ia Snavely, '23 ence work or as a study room? Par t 31 W . College Ave. pep pills! . C oc h ran H a 11 E d 1torof the matriculation fee goes towards Though as a whole the FreS"hmen WESTERVILLE, OHIO Alice Davison, '23 the up-keep of the library. Does that Literary Editor ............ H. R. Mills, '24 f d • part o our ex pen itures constitute a are above reproach. yet, a carload of Bell Phone l90 Citizen Phone 110 Address a ll comm unications to The good investment or is it just mo ney Max im Silencers could be u ed to advantage! Otterbein T a n and Cardinal, 103 W. thrown away? College Ave., Wes ter ville, Ohio. A half-hour in the library every day The 1Coach insist s on plen t y of Good pictures are Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year, could be made one of t he most valu­ Jeep. So, yo u gridi ron perfo r mer s, payable in advance. ab le periods of our en tir e sc h ed ules. ei t her get to bed ea r ly or take a t wo I n t hat ti me we could k eep in touch o'c lock class! Entered as second class mat ter treasure . September 25, 1917, at the postoffice wit h t he outside world throug h co nFor t he team to play " to beat th e at Weste rville, 0., under act of ta ct with th e best thought of t hat :March 3, 1879. wo rl d in newsp apers, periodicals and hand" was a hard job Sat u rday. Get y our Kodak Acceptance fo r ma iling a t specia'i books. We owe it to our selves, to t he What we started to ay wa t ha t rate of postage provided fo r in Sec. parents who a re en di ng us h er e, to the band wa good. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, a uthorized th e wo rld w hich looks to us for leader~ .pea king of g rou p po n sor , wh o'll April 7, 1919. upplie at hip to make of our selves thoroughl y watch the fa culty ? well-rounded men and women, and A Dean is one who eeks the surely there is no way to do that with- A fresh man , verdant young brat. ympathetic Lellow hip and co- out extensive outside reading. Was •'invited" to this and to that. operation of the tuden t in the col­ Make it the ru le of your life-form To " pushe " he' d rush lege, apd yet t rive to u tain th:e the hab.it of pend ing a t least a ha lf- A11d listen to gush tradition and purpo e of the col­ hour of each day in the library an d Till he didn t know where he '·wa lege. reap your reward fo r w hat wi ll be- at." come a pleasure, in inc reased effici-Dean Cornetet. ency, knowledge, broa d-mindedne s, a nd co ntentment. J. W . S. Paint! THE OTTERBEIN

G. H . Mayhugh, M. D.


W. M. Gantz, D. D. S.

WILSON, The Grocer No. So. State St. Westerville, Ohio

C. W. Stoughton, M. D.


Hoffman's Drug Store B.W.WELLS Tailor

re you ambitiou to tell people WE'VE BEEN THINKIN' that you ane a live? Then gr ab a paint bru h a1Jd daub cverytl ing in That our "Frosh" behaved just i ht. grand on Scrap Day. .Mu t you inform the world that your clas i uuque tionably upe rior? Merely tear open th e neare t paint an and pour the content right and cf.t. \Vhate r: you do, don't be original! on't in-vent omething new, but cohtinue in the rut, continue to repeat th e ame ild w d childi h -prank that have been tried a thousand times, in hort, mea r the camp u w~th pai,ntl If there i , 011e thing the tudent body bould di countenance, or, a t lea t, learn to di countenance, it i t h T)1aliciou practice of a llowing c la rLvalry, or ometimes mer e p layJ;ul­ ne , to exipre it elf by marring college buildings and de troying theappearanc of the campu . The recoot- effort of th n ight­ TowJjng painter were due, we feel ure not to ~ny willful intent to d face, but rather to mi guided clas pirit. But tho ugh class spirit j a commendable thing, it shou ld a lway 1) confi ned ithfo certain limit . To



That our cheer leader is the guy Men without university training have who put the "pep" in pepper. made colleges a necessity. Gallileo, That everybody loves the "Fat Newton, Locke, Watt, Edison, Bell, Marconi, the Wright Brothers and Monn" . other geniuses whose days and nights That "that there Jazz Orchestra" have been devoted to invention and sure has the kick in it. discovery had a God giyen instinct That the beans and tomatoes at which backed with hard, unflagging inCochran Hall don't "go round" much dustry wrought those things which lately. help mankind to live easier and nobler l'ves. But they also made it imperThal: Solomon in all his glory was ative that before these inventions could not arrayed like one of these (our foot­ be of universal use colleges and uniball team). versities must be built and costly equipment installed. God sent the 1 The Week's Worst Jo1te. geniuses as a finger pointi,ig out the "My brot her got bi left s ide cut way for joyous endeavor and glorious j achievement. He gave mankind will off to-day by a, treet car." and spirit to build colleges to train all "How i who would come. Your college is not > '"' an accident. You are not an accident. All goes into the eternal plan of hap­ The Poet Laureate Speaks. piness for mankind. hat i o rare a a day in J une? college orthe t a that {?lays in tun love r ' troll without a poon boarding club withottt a prune. 22 North State Street


Dry Cleaning, Pressing DR. A. E. BENNETT Electric Physician

39 W. College ·ve. ================= STAR RAPID SHOE

REPAIRING At 27 W. Main St. We






machinery to do the work. We also guarantee the work ·c an not be beat. We appreciate your work and a trial convjnce you.


Shoe Shine for Ladies ,a nd Also Shoe Strings.




Page Five



CAPTAIN ROY PEDEN Roy Peden ha been with us fo~ everal year and is a "bear" on the grid. This is the second year he .ha been honored with the cap tai ncy by his teammates. Hi abi lity to sma sh

play , and his clean sportsmanship on and off the field has won him an en­ viable reputation throughout the con­ fe rence . This year offensive support wil l add to hi s ability to gain ground.


trampled Dayton (fo r merly Mary 55-0. Oberlin Eliminates Wittenberg from Next Saturday. Conference Race-Wesleyan Shows The confe rence really gets under . way_ this week. So~e . of Otterbein_'s Strength Against Sta~e. The fir t Ohio Conference inter- I1 coming opponents will lock horns 111 ectional battle of th e sea on was de- I interesting games. Wittenbe. rg ~eets cided in favor of berlin when Met- I Miami, _Hi ram meets _Akron'. He1delb berg will . try conclu ca lf ' s pro t eges h an d ed W"tt I en erg . . 100 with We · fi rs t foo tb a 11 d ef ea t 111 · th ree leyan, while Wooster. th e1r . Dem on mvades . ,. • ff h Id W 00 f i: O 0 More Ohio teams Wi ll tackle big 14 year · ,ram e er a - meat". Ca e ca ts her lot with Michicore · whit~ Re erve furth er demongan Oberlin will meet State, while Re­ trated Heidelberg's 1921 weakne erve journey to Annapoli . Otter­ when she romp ed away at the long end bein will be intere ted in the outcome of a 2'3-0 core. The Ca e-Akron of Kenyon' opening game with Mu game in which the Clevelander came kingum. Cincinnati expects a victory through with a 14-0' win completed 6ver the up- tate Baldwin-Wa1Iace aturday's confe~ence chedul . team. W est-Ohio-East. SPORTORIAL We leyan put · up a game fight in If tterbein never do es any more holding Ohio State to a 2 -0' · core tudent than to give him confiwhile Michigan ·flattened little Mt. denc and. poi e enough to take charge Union for ix touchdowns. At Syracuse the Orange machine of a ituation and influence an auditrampled Finsterwald's plucky Ohio ence in hi favor it ha endowed him boys for a 38-0 core at the ame time with a quality that will stamp him that the Wet ' Virginia Mountaineer wh er ver he go e . We refer di rectly to the after chapel toyed with Cincinnati to th e extenl oi peech made by Herbert Myers last 55 point . "With the exception of We leyan, week. Po sibly Mr. Myer was out conference team hardly upheld Ohio of order in that he had not been rectandards again t the big team of the ogaized by the power that be, and w.a not following tradition.al proceW e t and East. <lure and all hat, but in face of the e Semi-Conference. facts we are tempted to say: "Well Ignoring our own oi:row of atur­ that' the old tim pep, Herbie!", and day we find that "Pat" Page' Butler it i . team humbled proud Deni on 19-6. "Herb" ha been here long enough The Chri tian college is the big noi e to know what the spirit wa that domiin Indiana. Miami demonstrated a nafed the tudent body when 0. C. .cru hing offen e when the Oxfo rd.men. wa in the limelight athletically, and



he know just wh at it takes to make a student body r ea lly appreciate and fully support a team. When about five hundred more of us get that spi rit and learn to say th:<t word "FIGHT" like we meant it, th:it will be th e time when we " can't be beat".

Why Worry About

DARN BILL ! The other day Bill and I Were out on the athletic Field, !\nd Bi ll (a lway looki ng important) Was asked by a freshie What his Official capacity w.as. And Bill (Thi nking in terms of Hootch) Said: '·Oh, about two quarts." Darn Bill!

Homemade Doughnuts and Creamy Coffee

Breakfast? Wolfard's Special fo r this w eek.

T his ad entitles you to a ten per cent discount on all purchases except the Specials. W a tch this space for them each week.

A FABLE Once upon a time we had a chapel service, and everyone came in quietly to their seats and took active par t in the singing and bowed their heads dur­ POST MORTEM ing the prayer and the Prof who led We offer no alibi when we say that chapel didn't read any announcement Wjlmington got th e breaks of the and dismissed on time and we all got to our nin e o'clock classes on time and game. everyone was happy. 0. C. gained more yard than the Quakers in every quarter of the game. Let us console ourselves in the mis­ Previou to their mar ch in the 4th period the ·Quaker made only one first fortune of others! Bethany humbled the once mighty Marietta team 28-7 down. following a tie with lowly Mar hall. The red sweatered boy won t he repect of eve ry spectator when, in the Nearly eve ry day we hear of on'e La t quarter, after they had been bat­ or two assi tant being added to the tered and dazed by the punishment of coaching staff of this or that confer­ the heavier backs and linemen, they ence team. Makes one smile when worked the ball into the hadow of one thin.ks of the number of men on Wilmington's goal posts. Otterbein' staff. The work of "Tillie'' FrankJin wa Hiram i counting on finis hing the a revelation of grit, w hile "Eddie" to ltz bowed a ll kinds of tuff -at end. season trong. She mu t imagine that 0 . . will be a victim. We have Prof. Ro· clot's wor d for it that an Otterbein team never did When we aw o many hone t-to­ oleaner tackling so early in season. goodlness folk out on the athletic When we start our conference fie ld aturday morning doing their chedule we will at least be certain bit to get the field in hape, our faith that our foe will not " load up" over barometer went up everal degree . and the knocker, loafer and piker fad e a week-end. Peden's punt averaged 40 ya rd , in lhe background like a hootch hound at a . T. conventiol). Wilmington' 20 yards. Can't give a Coach much credit who We take .a firmer grip on life and hurl profane r emark at the oppos­ again come to the conclu ion that all ing team and it coach.• the optbni tic fo lk are npt dead and Howard had the mi fortune of being that life i n't really o bad after all, taken out of hi fir t Var ity game wh n om one co~e .around and tell ince he ha been in cbool, when be u that omething we have written i got a "kink" in hi arm wh ich rendered good. him u e les on the line. We imagine that when the girl ' o­ cial group have initjation , if any, th nited Brethren tock eem to have greate t e. citement will be quealing ri en in Penn ylvania. Lebanon . alor the .a nticipation thereof. ley held Penn. tate to 43-0. A ome folk idea of being influential year ago tate swamped L banon 109-7. i to have a tre t car top foe them.

IUI Ill Ill Ill IIIllIllII IllIll II IllIll II IllIll Ill Ill Ill Ill IIIll Ill Ill Ill Ill IIll Ill Ill 111111111111111111111 !!


_ _





: : :


~HOl --

~ ·- 9 5















!! 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 111111111111 111111111~





Dean Cornetet Announces Booking of At last we know why peanuts are Splendid Series of a popular food for students. It has been found a fter research by stu­ Programs. dents at Michigan Agr icu ltural Col- _ Never in the long history of The lege, that over two tons of salted _ Citizens' Lecture Course has th ere ap­ peanuts are co nsumed at Ea t Lan peared a program supe rior to the one ing each month. The largest conoffered for this season, according to sumption of nuts has been found to _ an announcement just issued by D ean take place at exami nati on tim e. N. E. Cornetet, chai rman of the local whi c h is very good proof that th e y committee. This talent costs more by help th e gray matter to fun ction .­ a hundred dollars than any other Ex. course given in previous years. The numbers are as follows: A three In a rec ent survey at the Uni­ act comedy, "The Mollusc "; the sculp­ versity of Kansas, it was found tor and artist, Lorado Taft, for more than thirty years connected with the that th e average expense of the Chicago Art Institute; The National average student th ere was $827.2!! _ Male Quartet, one of the great quar­ annually. It was found that fifty tets of our country; Ralph Bingham, percent of the students ea·rned all the foremost platform humorist; the money th ey spent and seventeen Chester M . anford, author, educator, percent earned all of it while at chool.


The Fir t Choice of the Be t Dres ed en Everywhere-

and lecturer. Then the great violinist who appeared in our Chautauqua la st D enver University stud ents have summer, Irene Stolofsky. She will be devised a new method of getting the supported by a soprano and piani st · students to attend the student associaThe exact dates will be announced tion meetings and rallies. A vigilance soon. The time and place of ticket commihee has been appointed to find sale al o will be announced in due out who the slacker are. I£ any stu- time. dents willfully stay away their names Dean Cornetet ays that it is · are published on the front page of the likely the reserves will be sold with college paper and on th<! school bulle­ the season tickets thi year. In that tin board s. case the gradation of seats will run from $1.50 to $2.25. A "Debs College" founded upon sociali tic ,principles with the plan TRAINS CHANGE TIME that all students wil l pay their own : Commencing Sunday, September 25, way is the aim of Mrs. Kate Richards a new chedule wa put into effect on O ' Hare socialisti c leader. Land has the C. A, and C. railroad. Following been purchased in Florida for the purpose. i the revised time-table: The plan provides for regular col- : 635- ( orth-bound) ······-······ 8:45 a. m. lege coun;es similar to those offered 605-( orth-bound) ·····-······· 2:07 p. m. 805-( orth-bound) .............. 4:38 p. m . in other schools, but in addition tu804-(South-bound) .............. 8:20 a. m. .dents 'wi ll be forced to earn th eir own 604-(South-bound) .............. 1 :17 p. m. way by manual labor. The morning 634-(South-bound) .............. 5 :SO p. m. will be devoted to tudie and the afternoon in ome form of re tive work. J. P . Schutz Leads Endeavor.


Hart and Fas at

Marx Park Suits




From aine t California the e fine clothe are famous for their mart tyle, fi~e ~11-wool fab rics and high­ cla ta1lormg-they' re the mo t eco­ nomical, becau e they la t longest.




Young Men's Student Suits

- .,~ ... with Two Pairs .c f P.ants at $35 ,!

"How to u e your pare time" was THEN THE F U N BEGAN the topic under discussion at Chri tian Endeavor, unday evening. "Were you and daddy good boys Leader J. P . chutz opened the when I was gone.?" a ked the mother. meeting with appropr-iate remark and "Oh, yes, mother-, rep,l ied the child. then turned the meeting over to gener­ "And did you treat the nurse re- al di cu sion. Many availed them elv­ pectfully ?" e of thi opportunity and a lively "I hould ay we did!" serie of talk resulted. "And did you kiss her good night Mis Elma Rhinehart furni hed every day?" pecial mu ic, rendering a violin olo. "I hould ay we did."-Ex.



pecially de igned, in the lively, nobby 1:1odel and weave that young men like.



,{.:;.. 'Teacher in Botany-"When do th e ~}:., l. J •' Among Otterbein's alumni at the leaves begin to turn?" footba ll game here Saturday were: ~ ¥J?F" Voice- "The night before exam ." Mr. and M r . 0 . A. Jayne , '21, of ,,..t~ !.,w. Tyro, Ohio ; Me sr . A. W. eally, '17, and Geor ge Sechrist, ' 17, of Day­ ton, Ohio; Messr . Walter Schutz, '21, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,11111111111111,111111111,111ff1 and "Sarg'' Willet, '2 1, of Ohio State; Mr. Spencer Shank '21, of Xenia, Ohio· Mr. J . R. Howe, '21, or Bone­ SUBSCRIPTION BLANK brake eminary; and Miss Betty Mc­ To Miss Harriet Hays, Cabe, '2 11 of Greenville, Ohio. Circulation Manager, Westerville, O .

Many Alumni Visit.

=============== -

BuJ For Less

A complete line of Otter-

Ladies' Phoenix Silk Hose, priced $1.10, $1.45, $1.95, $2.35, $2.55. E . J .

orris.-Adv Men' Phoenix: Silk Ho e priced 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. E . J. orris.­


bein felt goods.

U-Y M. JOHNSON Student Agent

Enclosed find $2.00 for one year' Cardinal. Name


b . . su scnption to the Tan and



!!111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111 11 11 1111111111111 111111111111111111111111111



Editor Tan an d Cardinal;­

Lloyd Burdette Mignerey of :lowrystown, Ohio, and M tss Ruth M. Phi£lips of ' ewark, Ohio, were married on Sunday, S!!ptember 11. They will make their home in Mowrystown.


A t a picpic of the touri ts who w ent with th T. T. mith party to Yellowstone Park and alifornia in 192d and 1921, held in Franklin Park, olumbus, recently, William A. Kline of Westervi lle, was elected ecretary~ treasurer of the association of S'mith tourist formed at that tim~. '16.

Page Seven

I've been '' thin kin" : That things are " loo kio" differ ent '.round here. That we've got some mighty fi ne equipment; the kind that should be worn by a winning team. That this equipment must h:1Ve cost omething; that somebody have "come across." That the student body ha\' e h ad a great deal to say about the person who procured th e equipment for Otterbein. That our President and our Trea urer have "come across trong." That it is up to you and me to "come ac ros " also. That every man woman and child connec ted with Otterbein should " do his bit." That to " do his bit" he n1u t sacrifice omething. That he might sacrifice a few 1110 _



= _ _


= =

-= = Our new tore, 35 W . Broad t.' al 0 at = 22 High t., Columbu '0. ... :

Cor age and Fancy Ro e pecialty.

= : § :



it our new to re when in t he cit



= =

Dr. Otto B. CorneJJ of \V ester­ v ille, wa in A hville, North Caro• Jina, la t week attending the tri enn ial : a emb ly of the General Grand Council of Ma ons. This week h e 1 men ts from hi "lady love" occa ion -· ~ 11111111111111111 lll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII Ill II llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllff attending the Ohio Grand Co uncil at ally to help get things in shape. That if it be a " he" t hat he might Dayton. !!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll teach henself to under tand; might ' 09. Miss Una Karg, who elect her "gentlema 11 friend," from ummer in ew England, i jn Wes- among tho e who are acquitiug terville for a hort visit at the home themselve like "he-men" by render­ of her brother, Rollin 0. Karg on ervice to their team and Vine treet. )le w·11 leave some­ time thi week for FJorida, where he every one of us take the will pend the winter. "kick" out of our "kicking" and put it

' 92.


OUr agent a t


"11 estervt e.


- The Capital City-Troy Laundry Go. Be t Service and Q uality.

Mrs. T. H . elson (Ruth into our boo ting we need not feel Bnmdage), who spent several weeks like hypocrites when we sing: "O h, in..\ e ter ille, with her par nt , Mr. w 're- proud or- our Ima Mat r. ''Fa n."' and Mrs. C. L. B run dage, lef t las t week for Kew Yo r k it y to join h e! "Begor r y!'1 aid an lrishma n who hu band there. wa watching another go through '05. illiam E. Ward of Bowling ome e..xerci e , "ye kape yer mouth as Green , who has for many year been wid open as if ye were Columbus the a pa tor in andusky Conference, is fir t toime he aw ew York." now taking up work as publicity man for the General Chur h Erection ociety. Mr. Ward and hi ,family will oon move to Dayton, hio.


Meats of All Kinds

' 03. At the r cent e ion of the ou.thea t hio onfer nee \ allin E. Riebel wa tran foued from the Mill Memorial church of Lanca ter to irclevil~e. The member of hi church at Lanca fer gave him a fareweJJ receptio11 before he enter d ttp n hi new work.

\V. War on of We terju t recei,·ed hi ment a acting uh-district manager of the nited ' tate Veteran ' Bureau. In thi po ition he wi ll have ch.arge oi the reonranization of the olumbu office of the Federal Board for V c;>catipnal Education the Bureau of War Ri k Xn urance, and the JJited tates Public Health er­ vice according to the recent ena t­ meot of ongres for the con olida­ tion of the o.risanization haviog care of forn1er ervice men. '90. Dr. Peter M. Camp ha r cent­ ly returned to hi home i11- Daytc;>n, Ohio, after making a tour of the an­ nual conference o~ the outhwest in th intere t of the home mi ion­ ary work o.f the United Brethren hurch. ·

Also Groceries at '



L aundry Return Wednesday . Wednesday's L aundry Re turns Friday.




e Call and Deliver.

~ W , A gent

Headquarters B . W . W ells' Tailor Shop

P hone Citizen 360

Corner State and Mai n Sts.


111111111111111111111111111111111111111 III HI IIII 11111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIllI II III I 11111111111111 jj,

DATE PHARMAC 44 North State Street Eastman Kodaks and Supplies of all Choice Brands of Cigars, Fine Pipes, kinds. Films Developed and Printed. Cigar Holders, Tobaccos and Smoker s' Supplies. Parkers' Fountain Pens, Even Flpw O PTICAL D EPA RTMENT Ink Pencils, Sheaffer's Ever Sharp Eye Glasses and Spectacles, Eye S hades and Goggles. Examination P encils ancf Leads. Fine Papeteries, free. All work guara nteed. Give us Etc. a call.

TER ti U'FLE B ru he , R ouo-e , Films at

DR. KEEFER'S PH be-What {he difference be­ tween a tage parlor- cene and a real parlor cene?

RAY M. JOHNSON West erville Agent

opJ1-0ne curtain and th

tar by rai ing the other by lowering it. -Exchange.


Page E ight

SILK HOSIERY L adie ' P ure Japan Silk, 1.50 valu e, s pecial at ------------------------------------------ $1.19 Thi number ha been a big seller-Becau e they wear, they fit, they cling to the ankle and keep their hape. Ladies' Reavy Silk-It' ilk from top t o toe ----- --------------------------------------- $3.25 M en's Silk Hosiery, all shapes -------------- ___ ----- _______ ----------------------------------------------- 7 5c Try the Guessing Conte t in our window3.00 Man' Hat or $3.00 Ladies' Hose Given Free.


Mr. and Mrs. Alberto Jaynes, '2_1, were welcome visitors at Otterbe111 last Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Jayne are located at Tyro, Ohio, where the f,9cmer is pa tor of the B. church. Mr. Jud on iddall, '19, visited fde nd at Otterbein during the past week. Mr. Siddall ha s.1)ent most of the summer in Chicago.



A big variety of plain and fancy boxes will be featured for " Candy Day"


Mr. Melby, a i tant tudent Y. M. A.. secreta:ry of O hio, 'I)aid the local Y. M. a vi it T hursday night. Mr. ham, addr e

Remember the sweetest girl on the sweetest day, the folks at home, and the kiddies too. It's Candy Day for everybody. Bear in mind--Saturday, October 8.



c. I;


H. Stockham, of Binning­ labama made an in p-i ri ng in Cha pel one day las t week.


Mr. Roderick H al derman, pent the week-end at hi home in Lanca te r, O hio. M r. Geoi:ge L. Glaunec, '19' who i practi cing law at r ewark, O hio, wa a vi itor a t tterbein la t Saturday.

In order to give the football team greater inspiration to fight at the game next Saturday, a " gang of old patriots" have sworn by the hairs of their heads not to shave or have another hair-cut until Otterbein wins a football game I Ther e'll be rea son to root Saturday I I

22 N. State Street

The Sweetest Day in .i he Year

M r. Dwight Mayne, '1 , is spendi~g the fall and· winter at hi • home 111 W este.rville. Mr. Elvin avanaugh, of Tampa, F lorid a who ha · pent t'.h e pa t two yea r ~ith us, i now a i lant Y . M . C. A., cre,tary at Tampa. We wish "Cavy" much succe s in his w~rk and ho p he wm b in college agam oon. The bonfire of T hur day night attracted the attentio n of the majo r ity of the citizen of We ter­ v ille cau ing some ala r m, much adm'irabon and lot of light.

ICE CREAM CO. ~~ ~ .,ar ,._Q2ifi ,-.

Hni-i:4 s'",;~ . 1{')u .1.


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