ar -ttta
V O L. 5.
RUSSELL PRIZES I" Land Virginia Wolfe, Lester Mitche;l and E lizal:eth Saxour Carry Off Honors in Declama tion Contest. E NTIRE PROGRAM ENJOYED
U f High Quality of Readings, se O Evening Dress by Men, and Music Add Much to Interest. . The annual Russell Declamation ontcst which wa beld in the C~llege Chapcl o_n the evening of Ap~il lO. wa a uccess from every point of view. The prizes for this conte t are provided for each year from a fu nd tahli hed by Dr. Howard _R u sell. !ways the center of much mtere t. thi year the co ntest was even better than usual. There were nine ~ont tant and each of them en~ertamed the audience in a highly atlsfactory tnanner. The first prize of fifteen dollar was won hy iss Virginia Wolfe, who r ad "Tl1 ·oul of a iolin" with exraordinary interpretation. Mis \V J£ ' reading wa admirably u.ited to lier and he appeared to be ti hi the floor 1oroug y at ase upon · r. L t r Mitchell won ..~~:~ ()rize, ten dollar , reading prez," by Robert Service. Mr. Mit hell g-ave hi election with force and real dramatic effect. The third prize of five dollar was awarded Miss Elizabeth Saxour who r ad "Confes iorts," by Conan Royle in a delightfully pleasing and humorou m.anner. Each of the other speaker showed unusual taJent an.d speaking ability. (Continued on page two.) V olunteer Band A ctive. nday vening 6 :30 J">· m. ! hat m an an thing to you? It i r all tud nt who arc interested in 1 1011 . Th tudent Volunt'e.r Band m et a tha h ur in Tower Room. La t Monday ni ht wa In tallation s iol). The followiug officer in tailed by R v. Burtner: E th McDonald Pre .; Herbert Mey r , Vic -Pre .; Beulah Wood. Secy.· Mildred Schwab, Treas.; and votional hairman; Gertrude eal11an. The foll wing member will leave the 13and thi year: Manson iehol , La Vaughn L ather.man, lice Hunter Gordo n Lincoln, and Faith yfried. ew memJ:>ers mu t fill the vacancies. Every tudent Who i inter.e ted in Mis ioIJ in any way i cordiaUy invited to attend the tne ti ngs each Mond ay evenin .
I 1•
No. 26.
of Heart's Desire" and " Nar- j D e.Enite Plans for Co~mencement , cissus" to be Given by Club WedWeek are Laid and Jubilee
nesday Night-Soloist Engaged.
W heels are Set in Motion.
Baptists Get Some Lucky Breaks and
Next Wednesday evening, April 26, I The Jubilee Forward Mo"emen t the Girls' Glee Club will give its an- Co mmittee met at the College last nual concert in the college chapel. Thur day afternoon and evening to The Glee Club, consisting of twenty- transact busine s pertaining to the eight member , has been hard at work Jubi lee celebration and the forward for ome time under the direction of movement of the campaign . Over Professor Spessard preparing for this forty person attended, all but one of program which is a depar ture from the confe rences being represen ted by usual Glee Club concerts. from one to five members. In addition The entire program will be the to th e regu lar members of the commusic of Ethelbert evin, the leading mittee there were present Bishop A . merican com po er. .\' evi n 's popular R. Clippinge r, Chairman of the Board ·'Na rcis u ," arranged for chorus with of Trustees, E. L. Shuey, Secretary violin obligato, will open the pro- of the Board of Administration, S. S. gam and W. W. Heimberger, Coluq1- Hough, and Secretary of th e Board of bu baritone, will sing a group of Education w. E. Schel l. so ngs composed by Nevin. The meeting was characterized "The Land of Heart's Desire" throughout t,y a spirit of frankne evin's only choral work, will be th~ and fairn es , of confidence and big number of the evening. This com- opt1~1sm. The secretary of the propo it.ton i a ecular cantata in two gram committee, Dr. E . E. Burtner, part , with an interesting story inter- reported that there would be five · I d ays for the o b servance o f · ' s b eau- p ec1a woven th roug hou t w1'th evm tiful melodie , and feature a .number Jul ile event : unday, Ba-c laureat<' D ay ; M on d ay, St u d en~an d E•x-s t u d ent· of o lo. Profes or Spessard will direct an d Day; Tue day, lumm Dayedn e ha arranged the special accompanying day, nniver ary Day and hur day, features. Mis Wright will be at the Commencement Day. . M' L f h . piano and Professor Grabill will acairman. . 1 e ev~r company on the organ. Josephine Pageant C~mm1ttee, gave a bnef review Cridland will ,play the violin obligato. of ~c leadm~ f~atures of th pageant. Local mu ic Jover should not fail Pres1de_nt_ Chppmger gave an extendto hear this cone rt for i.t promises to cd tab t1cal report of the pr sent b the major concert of this year' condition of attendance and finances local program. and of the po ibilities and need Tickets were placed on sale Monday. (Contin ued on page wo.)
IRES CROSSED SO MEWHERE WEATHERMAN MISSE S HIS ORDERS By Bonnibcl 'Yanney. Ha anyone seen anythin of the The Freshman maiden message sent by .' \ eatherman? th.' jarti.tor whether he wa hed tl? rhap it ha gone where the lo t wmdow o that anta coul_d pc ~ Jn titch e know tha h order- andl if th y ar goo d hfttle"g1.rl . 0. d •· odlcs of lovely day ' from t 1er hav ent to mot 11 r or mar " pring and un" but they have 110t blank t " while till other have o~acknowlcdg d the receipt oi the d r d gola he to wear over leom age. The orth Pole o. bas ho . continued to nd it product and ·we The young man' fancy ha lightly find our elve at a lo s to know what turned to thought of overcoat in to do ith em. lead of takin th cour u ually f lThe Cochran Hallite have wi hed I wed at thi time of year. But then th.at they had more than one Heeter who , ant to wear a frat in th building the la t few days. a fur coat. They have been afraid to tep outPerhap rukon Delight sid or fear the ch rde on th new with this sort of product but we p.re Ea ter bonnet would freeze. l'ho e f r tho e which are handled ol ly hy who have ventured out have plodded •• pring and homeward with shoe covered o'er by deck our elve mud that first cousin of now bearing Flame pretend we are com,forta,bL in tbei arm bouquet of violet in and hope that when May come trip gla s cans, protected th u i~ ~opesl of ping along she can untangl th wires k ping them from becommg b uer and get that me age through. with th co Id .
Aided By Errors Club Their Way to '.J:'en to Four Vicfory.
-- -
AND E RS ON HIT S H OME RU N L C d S oya1 row tays a nd C heers Through Nearly Two Hours of Cold-Twilight Ball Inaugurated. D eni on' baseball squad vi ited the Otterbein hore about the hour of twi light 00 la t Friday and once more foiled the Tan and Car di nal' attempt to mite th e D ni on Red. A pl ndid crowd of tudent and town people was on hand to hiv r through s •ven inning of m diocre ball. Run , ten to four, Denison. Hit , tv<elv to eight, D ni n. Errors, ix e2ch. That should be uffici nt e..'C cu e for lo ing. D enison Finds Weak Spots. Deni 011 wa not a much han tk b-,in a h~ cor seem to indicate, th y got th br ak till mor cl arly, th y arly found . C.' w akne and _pla d ·t to th 1- ·t Y J e im 1 . They waited, th n buut d, then waited wa ch fully. ba e tealer the Dcnionian with exception were a cle,;er a the prove,rbial bird called l he elephant. t 11 even half dozen oi t rbeiu put out - wcr admini (ered th paths. ~ Ulrey O ff Color. Irey wa · no up' to form. It eem as tho11gh the lanky g ntlernan could not get loo· 1ed up. His arm crav warmth and un hin . The oach had no r 1j f ht1d•r ' iu good (Continued on page ix.) J unior P lay to Com e Soon. fter much reading of play , liberation and di u ion, the Junior _play ommiltee has selected "Mr . .Bump t ad-Lei h'' for th junior play. "Mr . Bump ~ead-Leigh" is a , tandard royalty play by Har.ry Jame mith. and el forth the complica tion an mg from th endeavors o · ;i limber to hoi t her elf to the peopled· by hyph nated per sonage .
ll ha been _pre nted by the 11,'l " troll r " of hio fate at th Hart- ~~ man Theatre recent ly with gr at ~ Try outs hav been h Id th ha b en pick d by Pro{e or mi'th and rehear al have tarted. Tb dat' Will be announced ih the near futur .
DECLAIMERS WIN R U SSELL PRIZES ( ontin ued from page one.) R esler Family Will Hold Reunion I Celebrating 50th Graduation AnniThere wer nb weak places in the proversary of Mrs. Lillian H arford. , gram and something of th e clo ene s o f t th e D iamond Jubil ee Commence- 1 the co nte~ t is .hown by ·the judge ' rement of O tterbein College, Jun e 9 to por t that eigh t _of th e nine contestants )6, M r . Lillian R e ler Harford, '72, 1 graded above nmety-five per cent. The we ll know n throu g hout the Un ited I program wa a follows: B r ethren C hurch, w ill _ce leb rate her 1 · Mr. Pott_enger-"Mandalay"-KipJfiftieth graduation anmver ary. In mg. · honor of the occa ion, a Re ler F amily Mi J ohnson-"La ca,"1)011. Reunion will be h eld durin g comMis Schwab-" My Angel Child"m encement week when M-r . Harford, Dix. 1 her brother s, i ter and ni eces w ill be j . Mr. Mitchell-' J ean D epr ez"-S ervice. ga th er ed in W e terville. Mi Wolf-"The Sou l of a V iolin"-Anon M usic Violin Solo by Mi Jo ephine ridland .
I1\ na"-French. Mr. Ma on-"1'he · Mi ss · Go lden Mi Mi Fi k. Each evening change
1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111r!.! _
; _ _
Or two about the
Sophomore Senior Banquet-
_ _
1. You want the BEST for the LEAST MONEY:..,_ 2. You want VARIETY3. You want SERVICE-
We have them all- Corsages, Cut Roses and Special Bouquets.
= = =
= = =
Lance of Kana- :
See me at once.
Wright-"The Girl of the e t"-Bla co. a..xour-· Confe sion ''-Doyle Drayer-''The hoe ale"-
~ 111 111111111111 I I I I I I II I I 11111 I II I I I II 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Ill Ill 11111 of th e _pe~kcr appeared in dre , while thi wa a from the u ual custom it cer- Ill I IIIIII II II Ill Ill llll Ill II II Ill Ill lllllllllllllll llllll llll Ill I Ill llllllllll Ill llllllllllllllllllllll!,tl
tainly added greatly to the effecth•e- :_ . ... nes of the program. Mi Jo ephine ridland. a si ted by Mi Brewbaker _ at the piano, ente rtained wi th a violin
Representing the 5th Ave. Flor al Co., the Biggest Flower House in Cen t ral Ohio,
--As Ever--'
Good Things to Eat For Pushes and Picnics at FREEMAN & SMITH'S S tap1e an d F ancy Grocenes •
M olo. es r .AnMattoon, orche tra laxton, con i ting .ramer, of '9• .i-,-,. 5'========= . J ohn on an d Roo e furni h ed mu ic _ M. emhccs of th fami ly will be a before th e prog ram and while the t'mb lecl from eve r y part of th e nited 1audience awaited the decision of th e : tatcs and tw o per on , Grace Re ler hiv cly, '06· . an d I- t-111-an R es Ier S h u- judges. Mr. F. M . Thoma s. M r . W. , Kline and r. E . I. Bently acted mak er, ' JO, will be at the reunion from as judges. Mr . Mary E. Lee uppliJapan a nd lndia r pec ti vely. ed beautiful flo ~al decoration . Ever in ce 1872, wh en Mr , Harfo r d Profe or Brom ley mith acted as iilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH graduated , th e Resler have becen rep- chairman of the conk t a nd h e. a re nted in Otterb ein in almo t un- head of the pub li c peakin g depar t 111111111111111 I III III IHI 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lll I II II IllII II II I II II Ill II I II111111] interrupted uccc sion by at lea t one ment, is re pon ible largely for the member of the family. Thi fact, succe of the Declama ti.on Co nte t =-c~~~·~!a.'iiJ&~~,~~ co upled with t he prominen ce th e Res - this year. Jer now enjoy in the United Bre th ren Dr. H oward H. Ru. ell, th e founder Ch ur ch will make th e Re ler R union o f the prize fund , hea rd the evening' one of the Commen ce ment featu re . progeam. Mrs. Lillia n R. H arfo rd, in who e honor th e reunio n i to be held, i be t JUBILEE COMMITTEE MEETS k nown for her work in th e interest of (Continued from page one.) th e Wom en's :vli ionary A sociation the future. o th e United Brc'.hr en_ Chur c~. he The recommen da ti on of th e Board wa prominently identifi ed with th e of Admini trati on th at November be organization fr om it fou n clat_ion a nd u eel for the Otterbein campai g n wa i th e only one o f th e women mte re 5t - accepted and con fi rm ed, the inten ive e<l in t~ e ear ly. da): of ~he W. ~[. A. period of th e campaign to be from who till rema in, 111 active erv ice 111 Xovember 1 to 15. program of it;, b half. From 188 J-93, Mr · Har- publicity wa a uth o ri zed and wi ll be ford ed ited the "Women's Evangel", planned in con ultation with th e cam th e official org~ n _of th e W?men' M i - paign director, Mr. C. H. Dre hman. ionary A ociat'.~n, and m 190S _she It was agreed that th e fir t period I ,,·as elected Pre id ent of_ th e organiza- \ of publicity hould be to b rin g before ti n, which office he till hold · young people and their parent th e Other of the Re ler fami ly who value of hri tian ed ucati on and of will r etu rn with their familie to th e Otterbein a a training agency and, r <union are, Rev. J. I. L. Re ler '76, 1 further. that no direct appeals, hould John town, Pa.; E. D . Re ler, '91 , Cor- 1 be made until near the tim e of the in valli , Or gon; F . J . Re ler, '93, Co- I ten e period of the campaign. lum bus, 0.; Lydia Re ler Miller, '82, The n ext meeting of th e committee ~ Philip burg, Pa.; Grace R;e _!er hive- \ will be called in co nn ection wit h the Jy, '06. Kyoto, J apan; Lillian Resler Bible Conference to be held here o me Shumaker, '10, India; Alice Re !er tim between July 4 and 14. Brentlin ge r, '1 , Bo ton, Ma . M y love i like a red, red ro e. SPECIAL RATES TO OTrERBEIN STUDENTS "What is the technical name for How did she get that way? She bought a box of red, red rouge snoring?" " heet mu ic." And u sed it every day. IIII IlllltllllffltlllHN II11111 IIH IIHllll11111111111111111111111 II III III II I1111111111111111111111111 ii
= = -=
Your Photo 1s the only thing your friends
--= -
cannot buy.
One dozen Photos makes twelve appreciated presents.
Have the best.
Baker's Old Reliable Art Gallery --State and High Sts. ---Student Representative ~ - AL ELLIOTT,
Page Three
i Conference Report Given at Y . M . I • At th e Y. M. C. A. meeting. last i Miami Valley Alumna! Association I Thursday ni g ht, a few men enjoyed Holds Social Meeting in DayI a profitable evening. The President '. DA YT ON A L UMNI BANQUET
And A woman Came in An d aske·d Bill the price Of steak Bil l told her I n hi s even temp ered way. (B ill has an even temper,
A lways mad.) And he glared at him, And Bill sai d; ''Do n't e;it me up". She said: '·Do n' t worry I a m a Jewess." Darn Bill!
ton During Vacation. I gave an interes tin g talk e:nph 2sizin1s I the necessity of coope rati on. · · V O b · Al In a 1 1a1111 alley ttcr em umna . ed a method by I M· . . . b ri.ef way he o utlm .\ ssoc1at1 o n enJoyed th e . largest ban- w h 1c · . h t 1, e meetmgs . co u Id 1)e ma d e quet ever of the. va Iua I) 1e to eac1, s t u d en t . . . held III the history . II h w d I t orga11 1zat10n last Monday night. Ap ril T E N 17. when alumn i ex-s_tudCen ts a1~d to ~he'. s\a~:\:_ ~ -o C.a~.\.a T;a~!tn; '4Jllllllll lllllllll lllllllllllll1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHllllllllllllllllllllllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHl11li lll.!,! o th er fri en ds of Otterbem o 1lege 111 f d - d t f . • • • on erence. gave a eta, 1e repor o , : 1 Dayton a nd v1c111 1ty. met. 111 th e ban - t h e co n ference H e gave a very m. quet hall of th e First Umted Brethren . h. h f c: · O,urch D to n O hi o. One hun- tere stmg repor t w I C was O areat =-· · ay · d d be nefit to th e men who were fo rtunate tired and fo rt y-six person at ten e h t the fun cti on. eno ug to I)e pre en .
The food was excellent, th e program was sp lendid, and as at all such affairs, O tt erbein spirit was at white heat. Mi ss Jan et Gilbe rt, ' l i , er ved as toas tmi str ess and presided over the ceremonie with a master hand . Toasts were given by An nette Brane, '17. Park We inland, '11 , and by WenJ ell Camp , '25, w ho represe nted the present stud ent body. Special m usic was furni hed by Mrs. J essie Landis i:;-,,nkhouser. '99. con tralto. and bv t!-: -: Otterbein Girl's Strin ged Orchestra composed of Rh ea Mc Cori augh y. Marjora Whistler. Virginia Taylor and Virginia Wolfe. Other features such as selections by a vocal quartet, d • • b b t er an group smgmg Y a 11 a~que e oceu red througho ut the evenmg. . The Miam i Va lley Al uhma l. sociation is planning to establish two Otterbein schola rship for Dayton Young people, the funds to be ecured fc:om the member hip fees of th e ociation and .from the urplu realized on the annual Otterbe:n Glee ub Concert held in Da yto n ea ch
Science Club Meets. Because of vacation periods, confli cting lectu re numbers, and evangelisti c ca mpai g ns, the club has been unable to meet for some time. On Monday eve ning, th e fi r st of May, at sixthirty o'clock, the club w ill meet in its usual roo m at the McFadden Science Hall. T he meeting i open to the pub lic. Afte r the regular program a lunch will be se rv ed. Rem ember, you are invited.
What. . Those Pearl "O" Pins with Chains! =
_ _
Also Test Books, Closely Ruled Fillers, -
Tablets of Pre-war Size at Pre-War Prices,
Eversharp Pencils, Fountain Pens, Pillows, Pennants, Birthday and Mother Greetings, Athletic Goods, Crane Stationf'ry and Cor-
respondence Cards.
RSI BOOK STOD' J E = . ~ _ • ,
, · -
HOFFMAN'S, RCxall Store
-~~_,.·tl'.;>..=-:111.. ,._.,.
,jj Ill111111 II Ill II II II II Ill IIll II II Ill Ill II Ill Ill IIll Ill II Ill 11111 Ill 11111111111111 Ill 1111111111111111I Iii -
I= Ml\hlJES §
§ : :
§ §
P all rep~ aper, co1ors . Dcnruson Crepe ............ •········ ·· White Paper Napkins, 40 per F d ancy Napkins, per ozen .....,. Shelf Paper, colored, 8 yards .
E ~ _ Our
.... 10c .... lSc "'l,,\"1'1"~...-'.1'1/.
· ·-
lOc Sc
- :
Candi es, per pound .........
22 N. High St., Columbu~, O.
: _ - : - _
· t 5c' 20c, 25c, 35c, 40c
new store, 35 W. Broad St., als<> at
Toweling ········- ···························-· ....-,.,,..,....,... 10c, 15c, 20c Cl o th Fl owers for H as ........ lOc, 25 c t ............ ,..,r..c:•-"'"""'• 35 Oil Cloth in Colors, per yard . c ········· ················ ....
=_§ iii11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111n1i11111111111111ff -
Ladies' Pocket Boo ks a nd Gents' Bill 'Folders. Ask to see them at
In a meat shop
Plan For Commencement!
-=====§ .
Base Ball Rally Fizzles. The baseball rally that wa to hah :c been held T hur day night wa poorly attended. There were only about fifty rooters on hand at the time it was up po ed to commence. A nake d an ce .mcrea e d th a t num b er t o 74 . "Cec" Co nley howed his usual oldtime spirit and worked hard to put on a peppy ra ll y. Even he could not i!: make a hundred rooters take th e place of fo ur hundred. E~ ewell an " a ar" Johnson furru bed J azz. DARN BILLI The other day Bill got a job
we GOt Em -
Corsages.and Fancy Ro ..es A Spec1"alty.
v·l S l·t our new store W h en 1Il ' tl-\e city.
I ., M. ~i'0HNSO A·V 3 .
Is our agent at Westerville.
_ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111ii _ i1111111111111111n11~1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111
i ~
= _ -==-
I cl.ass
room as wc.11 as 111 outsi.de acti-1 1f no curb 1s put on t heir participation in extra-curricula wo r k. if Published \ Veekly in t he inter es t of they arc permitted tel become chool leaders in their first year. Otterbein by the OTTERBEIN PUBLISHING \Ve do not feel that freshmen should BOARD I he humiliated hut we do think they ·w esterville, Ohio M ember of t h e Ohio College Press should he kept properly humble. We ad,·ocate a wise sy, tem of regulation A ssociation which wi11 at the same time curb . STAFF ff , 1 freshman tendencie towa rd ha r mful E Adi~or ······E ···d··:·· ........... JH . WR. S~-l~ell ' ,22~ cockiness and insure real benefits to s1stant 1tor ·-··-· . '-· ,, 1 s, Contributing Editorsth e indi,·idual . the cla and the Bounibel Yanney, :23 school through a close r application to . Del no Adams, ,23 class work. and a properly directed Bus!ness Ma~ger .... T . E . Newell, 23 .., As istan t Bu mess ManagersI rogram o f sen.·ice to the school-suc.h Clifford Foor, '24 for instance. as taking care of vi iting F. M. Pottenger, '25 1 teams. Cir. Manager....Marjorie Copela nd , ' 23 The Men's Senate has adopted a Assistant Circulation l\~anagers- , I resolution concerning freshman reguKatherme Pollock, 24 . . , Edith Oyler, '25 lat1on-th1s years strong cl ass is the Athletic Editor ····-·-· H. V. M iller, '23 one to carry that through. \ Vhcn Asst. t h. Editor ...... W. P. Camp, '25 t hat resolut ion is submitted to a vote 3 L ocal E dito~ -·········· C. C. Co.nley, '.2 support it. and then work to secure Al11mnal.Ed1tor ···-- A lma Gu1tn er, 97 . Exchange Editor - · Ruth Roberts, '24 a real regulative ystem . Cochra n H all Editor Seventy-five Years Old. Majora Whis tler, '23 L iterary Edi tor ·-··-· Pau l Garver, '25 We a re all interested in t he D iamond
I v1t1cs.
enduring bo t h the h.ar dsh ip ?f cold Are you going travelling weathe r an d t he pam o f ee111 g th e • team beate n. 1t was a fi ne exhibition 1 this summer? of school s;,mt-we want to ee more of the sa,ne--cvcry student in Otter- Do you hesitate on account of the bein should ha,·c been there on t he worry of obtaining hotel accommosidelines. - - - -I dations and railroad tickets? Friday morning in chapel the Senior section of seats looked like the The American Express Company has freshman ranks t wo days before a I just what you want. vacation. l f the senior c!ass wishes to · · h d QUr l OUrS COVer t e WOr contmue a .t ime- onore cu tom why not m_a~e 1t a one hund red per cent 1 propos1t1011. l t would sure ly look Call Citizen 224 for information. better.
Ikost fo r the Jubilee!
Meats of All Kinds
Also Groceries at
T hat from a " track view" you can't tell tl:e Juniors from the Freshmen.
That w e lack the words to properly eulogize Mrs. Dr. Scott The only thing more wonderful than the lovely cake which she sent Miss Alice Knoch is the fact that every girl guessed cor Weste r i11e, Ohio rectl,y who was the donor. Guess we J l'.bilee Celebration t hat is to come know who is "always doing something ================ A dd ress all communications to The Ott rbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W. with commenceme nt week. T houg ht kind for somebody" . of t hat week ha ve bee n in th e b a ck of ollege Ave., W esterville, Ohio. That the new bleachers are "jim- G. ub cription Price, 2.00 Per Year, our mi nd s a ll year . N ow the eve nt i dandies". They looked like " more" payable in advance. ar,p roac hing we fee l omewhat keenly last Saturday. . it~ nea rne . ed ne day of t hi wee k, Entered a second class matter A pril 26, 1922, O tt bein q llege cele That F . F. F . might be correctly in S ptember 25, 1917, at' the po toffice tate St. a t Westerville, 0 ., under act of bra tes her seventy- fifth birthday. On terpreted "fine frolicksome fun" . Did Ap ril 26, 1847, occur ed th e first meet we have a good time? Number 77771 March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special in g of her fir t board of tru te e at That ince w e will soon b e entertait1rate of po tage provicled for in Sec. which meeting it was decided to open 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, a uthorized th e chool th follo wing eptember. ing old grads and vi itor , t ho e pieApril 7, 1919. That birthday, th e ignificance of ture in th e ciahon Hall mi ht East College Avenue I/ its occuring hil e we are in chool well he wa h d up. EDITORIAL PHONES should make u all mor e loyal to the That th e shinin g new fla g pol e Bell 84-R scho ol and more deter mined to con- wou ld look a great deal be tt er with Citizen 26 Freshman Regulation. ribute all in our po er to the uc- " Old Glory " at it fop. ce of th jubil e ceremonies. \\'ith the remarkabl grow h Both to h Ip in doing that and for That a g uard ought to be po ted at numb er of th e la t three y ear s, with th foot of aid fla pol to in ure the D: the changing per onnel of the student per nal ati fa lio n very tud ent _af ty of the rope. DENTIST body, with the branclung out of tu hould r a d Dr. Henry ar t' "Hi That ur uc,.,_. t Bi hop i "all to d nt intere l , and with the increa - tory of Otterbein" which i in the col 15 West College Ave. ing ize of th e fresh.man cla , cond i leg library. The r ading of that th e good.' Citizen Phone 167 Bell Phone 9 tion about ch ol are va tly cliff rent book wm enable yo u to appreciate the than they w re ten y ar a o. t pag a nt which i to be th out tanding that time an ideal of ompl te d mo , pectacle of commencement week and Putting Life Into Preps. For all t h at is good to eat see cracy wa held by th e entir e choo l to more intelligently help in promotin~ Come P r ep , 1et's get on our toes from the pre ident down throu h the it i f your ervic e are a Iced. and go out for all the pring port 1 fa culty to the gree ne t prep-there From now on till Jun e 17, boost for Let' go at it with our wbole heart and wa no uch thin g a freshman reg u the jubilee. oul. We can do it if w will. lation thought of in tho day nor You a k, "Why hould w go out?" A C hance to Serve. was £re hman regulation neces a~y. College was eriou. bu inc , college La t pring. three tudent i"n Pro Her ar th e r a on.s: Fjr t, the upper-======== == = = = = = ~ student were older than now, col fe or Hanawalt' botany cla s, Jo e ckl s men look down on u for not lege activitie were much more clo e phine Cridland, Lester Mitchell and going o ut and trying. If we go out th ey will how a different attitude to ly re tri cted . Harriet Whi tier performed volu~tari 31 W . College Ave. econd, we ne d the train Today, how ver, tl1 e ituation i ly and without reco gnition, a very ward u . WESTE RVILLE, OHIO uch that a new tat e of affair mu t commendable and laboriou piece of ing and practice. If we begin training be created in order to work-that of labelling the campus now we will be better fitted for the Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone llO college team . Third, track work ideals and tandard trees. W e are proud of the fr hman cla , It h a been ugge ted to u that the build up the body, tr ength n jt and it ha. done good work, it ha in it common name of the tree a ·well as put more lif into u . We do not leaders of undoubted strength, it h a its cientific name would look well and wa nt to go through college without entered into school life and chool mean more to mo t of u than th e training and be a w akling in busine s pirit in truly commendable style, yet cientific name alone. It ha also been and all li fe work. Fou rth, tho e e..x we have ·noticed tendenci e toward ugge ted that this year' large cla s pcri enced in the different ports will over expan ion. Jow with this ex could very ea ily complete the prai c train u . Fifth, while participating in port we will b keeping away from ten ive preamble we come to the worthy work of those three tudcnt bad habits of going to the pool room , of last year. point. There is danger to individuals of Here is an opportunity for ervice moking, chewingf etc. th cla s, to the cla s a a unit, to the wh ich we are glad to point out. Therefore, "Preps" for the above five rea ons, "I say let's go out for all school itself if freshman tudents Vv e wi h to commend that part of of the spring ports and prove that we coming fresh from high school triumph are allowed to forget that the student body which stayed through are not a bunch of babies even jf we J. W . H. college is a place Jor hard work in the the entire ba ebal\ gall!-e last Friday are only "Prep ".
w. Henderson, M. D.
ours By Appointment. 109
G. H. Mayhugh, M~ .D ..
W . M. Gantz, D.
WILSON, The Grocer No. 1 So. State St. Westerville, Ohio
C. W. Stoughton, M. D.
Dry Cleaning, Pressing RHODES & SONS
The College Avenue MEAT MARKET
i;,la;:& hi;- par7" i~ •the latest r elease from Hollywood, "The Man " f the Hou r:" For his performance du.ring the evening Mr. Famous assumed the name''of "William Brady". In the lobby downstairs Mr. Fiesta and Mr. Features kept everyone busily . ntertained. To the melodies from car "Doc" Cherrington's stringed orches- §ion from tra came in perfect harmony ounds of. ''Win ' a prize! Win a ~pri-zeJ the grave. Three rings for a nickel! Three chantes for just enc nickel!" An:'d • from · another side cam~ sweet lx>nes No: 22 ortli of, "The Best Imported ,Fr ncb. ,, 1
undie ! Brou~ht from the Fa.Q1ous Paris Candy ..Kitchens!-'' ,Fmm th north cam!,l a husky bass, "Zero Cakes 11-nd J,=>olar _Bars at Half Pric~! ~ Ah! Spr· 1 g 1/ '~am.s:l Selling Out at only Ten Cents!" wl;ticb.; _!\.nd tq~ ,l¥.imi of , V,i . ,fair ed~tre twas ,interrupted by, "Satia e l'h,at Turns to iAppctitel Quench _Your Thir l C-et Poe.tr..·, 4 t , i. . J _ y dJl.fy Gjl.H , -~d that supper you m1s~ed at thp. B s · I mt,st. up the_ 11 w of t_he ,Hall. ball $ame ! Come One I Come A.JU" iThe t;wo d.r,afte1__severa_!__to, as ·st !1em Mary Vance and Gene fove· ).1'ull ti apd prove~ th!:mselves to be capable were dim'f r gu st ' of• ~trs. Mary'- E. judg~_ oj ability for then- al\ ist;mts Lee uhday"~ _e nhig:i · - ~ )York d nobly.
======~~~~===== ,
50 for _·_:___ ·
· atheri;e 'Kabler spen.t Suudaf a . At a lat\) ho.tr att¢r 11.al. pit ofl 1 Coshpcton, apd Edna Del)inge~· \~as merriment tb:e t)lree c.hat~cter ob\he week-end guest of Alice. ~l?,9,~ 1?- tained a perm;i,'!,lent le-ave,._ R9 ve~ r,
' i is ,;bopoo t hat it will be po sible to .
Too tha of Mary "C am .aw, -e 1(!; '..in es erville.
x,-'..J . r a min g:: the ca
J1e gue
,y. ie · ! ch ra n Hall cor ·ced Satur.dai · ing a,rj h yelp afid <i Ge rb ,r. P ease, b, uo or 1: renades: T.h ey upset 1g Mis G1 nerves. Mi Marguerite Bouse, 0 xford, was the weel<'-end guesfl of Edna Hogle, Mi ouse is an a ccomplisheel performer on the cello. ' ow our space is all, but we can't re ist publishing a bit of real verse. Ruth Snyder fell into a briar pafrh, and to her we dedicate this pome: There was a young lady of Natchez Who fell in ome nettleweed patche With a heart full of gloom he it in her room. And cratche and scatches and cratche . Baffling F. F. F. Mystery Fully Cleared Up at Y. M.-Y. W. Party
"I t came. It has gone. It will n,eyer return." Thu speak in sorrow th se who failed to visit the As ocia. tion Building Ia t Saturday evening. Those three mysterious characters which baffi d the Journal's entire staff of reporter and d'e tectives for several weeks wi:re brought to light before a crowd of more than one hundred and fifty of the citizens of Otterbein. Mr. Famou the first of the trio to be ap prehend~d took up the greater part of the e;ening and time after time brought chee s and applause as he. ;
,l~~!:J :,., J
H: L S e cl · Thur tla,y 111 gbt. ' erb," 11 1· a live wire a:n,d eve i trerbein b o uld hear !um c d ,ofili_s _m ~.c ting w· L eva · pep rally- and he wi to have a conference with a e wh o ar e intere ted in going t Lake Geneva Conference. Yo y- get a ch'a nce to go, o, come an r ' Herb". 1-larjorie Cop elar,i.4 has been efccted Ci~culation Manager to s~c Lucile Ewry, resigned. cccd Mi Edward Clarke Musical Co. Entertains In Lecture Course Nwnber n Wednesday evening, April 19, the Edward Clarice Company, ub tituting for the Stolofsky Company, pre sentcd the last program of thi year's Citizen' L cture Course. The Com·pan / i composed of Edward Clarke, bass baritone, Rachael Clarke, violinisl, and Mi Warner, pianist. They pre ented a popular program of reading , violin, piano and vocal solo , and en emble numbers, ranging in sentiment from negro impersonation to comic opera. All three member of the Clarke Campany are in tructor in the Lyceum Art Conservatory of Chica go. nfortunately, a large number of persons holding eason tickets to the Lecture Course had not been inform ed of the concert, and almost a hun dred seat were left vacant. How ever, the performers rose above thi handicap, and the sentiment wa ex pr s ed by ome who had heard both companie that the Stolof ky company could not have furnished a better con-
Fine Gainsboroug air · Net "" Single Mesn, __ ______ 10c, . ouble Mesh 1..__________ 1
o e ...... 2 me, Eats to satis Appetite. Grocers
book the m for ano ther e.vep ing o me- ·· Gme in t h lit:1tfe . •
o nn1 >e l w e1 a.di~c " agai o.
re all~ g1 ad
State St. -
g Behind every article of merchancli e that we ell, stands the name of ome g reat manufac turer, a guarantee f quality. Our uits are from The American Art Custom Tailors. Our collars from Cluett Peabody Co. Our Caps from John Miller Cap Co. And numerous other items Which we do not have space to Mention.
From them we pa on to Y u a ervice of fair I nc1ng and quality which will a sure you of ati faction.
Norris & Elliott More Goods for Same Money. Same Goods for L~s Money.
""'.'HF. TA!'l' AND CAR DlN A L
Page Six
H. , pat.: hed a nd braced th ems eh·es up· 2 enough to hobbl e ove r th e high , ticks. 1 '. The newly introd uced gloo m is 0 caused by " Bob" Martin' s injury and I th e co-o-o-llld ,,·intr y bl asts. The lat0 ter have prevented adequate tryouts O· 1 Th e o ne pos ib le our ce of co m fort is, ~cnndee;~ot ....s:..:::::::::::::::::::::: ; O that it is a s cold at Gra nville a. ,t is. 0 here. Albright, If. ........................ 2 0 taats, If. .............................. 0 0 0 A COMPOSITE SCHEDULE Lehman . I b . ........................ 3 I 2 U lrey, p . .............................. 3 0 l Apri l 28, Base ba ll- Kenyon, th ere. Total s ............................... .25 4 8 April 29, Track-Denison, here. Denison A. R. May 4, T en ni s- fu skin g um, there. Lyne. 2b . .............................. 4 0 2 May 5, Baseball-Miami, here. Guc kart. I b . ........................ 3 0 1 Ma.y 6, T rack-H eidelberg, there. Owen, c............................... 3 2 2 May 10, Tennis-Deniso n, ther e. R etti g, s . ............................ 2 l 1 May 12, Track-Kenyon, there. Herr, rf. ............ .................... 2 l May 13, Tennis-Muskingum, here. D ean, rf........................... .... 2 0 I May 13, Ba eball- W esleya n, there. Mill er, If . .............................. I 1 1 May 18, Tennis-Kenyon , th ere. J en kins, cf. ······ ···········-······· 1 2 1 May 19, Baseball-Kenyon, here. Whitacre, 3b. ...................... 2 1 May 20, Track-Inter secti onal Meet Chandler, p......................... 3 1 1 at Cincinnati. Totals ............................... .22 10 12 May 23, Ba eball- D eni son, there. Deni on .......... I I 3 0 0 2 3-10 12 6 May 26, Tennis-Denison, here. Otterb ein ........ l O 1 I O l 0- 4 8 6 May 26-27, Track-Big Six at CoErrors: Ru ebu h, George, Andy 2, lumbus. Staats, L ehman, Guckart 2, Rettig, June 1, 2, 3, T enni s-O . I. Meet, CoH err, J enkins, Chandler . lumbus. Home run : Anderson. Three-base June 3, Baseball-Wesleyan, here. hit-Jenkins. Two base hit-Ulrey. June 6, Tennis-Kenyon, here. Stolen ba es-Mignery 3, Miller 2, June 9, Tennis-Wesleyan, here. Gucka rt. Sacrifice hits-J enkins, Whit Jun e 9. Baseball- ntio ch, there. acre, George, Howe. Struck out-by Jun e 10, Baseball-Ohio Univ., thereChandler 4, by U lrey 2. Bases on ba ll s off Chandler 2, U lrey 5. Umpire, Mr. Durfoe.
Otterbein A. Mignery, 2b. .................. 3 R uebu sh, cf......................... 2 L effel , cf . .............................. 0 George, 3b ........................... 3 Howe. rf . .... ..... ..................... 3
Four Home Matches Scheduled While Writer Sees Great Possibilities Dates With O berlin and Every Student Pulls For " Our" Team. Hiram Pend. An in compl ete tennis schedule makes its appeara nce. Tenni s schedules are al ways hodgepodges m ade of th e resi due fr om baseball and track programs. Graduate Manager Martin has suc ceeded admirably in avoiding conflicts. Home matches with Oberlin and Hiram are pending while Wittenberg has been written to. Dates arranged definitely are : May 4-Muskingum at New Concord. May IO-Deniso n at Granville. May 13-Muskingum. May 18--Kenyon at Gambier. May 26--Denison. June 1, 2, 3-Ohio Intercollegiate Meet at Columbu . June 6--Kenyon. June 9-Wesleyan. Martin Runs Into More Hard Luck.
"Bob" Martin, tennis captain and broad jumper, is on the bench again. Another pulled tendon is the trouble. A Columbus specialist's examination showed a worse injury than was originally anticipated. The ultimate effeet· upon " Bob's" athl etic aspirations cannot be determined. Tennis aspirants have been working out "in overcoats". The most promi nent men right now are : Martin, How ard, Ruebush and Cornetet. Football was played in China 4J 618 years ago. The hjnese used a round .Jeather ball stuffed with goat hair.
(B y Deln o L.
dams .)
O tterb ei n can be th e footba ll .champions of th e Ohio Conference in 1922. That is not a wild sta tement nor a boast ful exaggeration. If it is a dream it is one of th e kind th at can be ( Continu ed on page eight.)
SEASON'S OPENER GOES TO DENISON (Co ntinued from page one.) shape so th e big boy had to "grin and bear it". T he D eni so n men made stock of hi s apparent inability to field bunts. " H e'll how 'em" the next tim e. Brigr.t Spots Present. Ther e were bright spots in th e day's work. Capt. Mignery led his men like a true hero. At bat he made two hit and circled the paths on the error and stolen ba e ticket. His pilfered cushions totaled three, while he ac cep ted four chances in the field. W. Harold Anderson broke into the ranks of "Babe Ruth Junior " with a neat homer in the sixth . The sacks were unoccupied. f'Levi" Howe's fi rst put out of the game i al o worthy of mention. Irey cam e thro ugh with a nice doubl e in th e third, coring L eh man. " kinn ey", by th way has ab dicated a "strike out king". l:Ie made a brace of ingle . The oppo nent~ uph eld all tandards of gentlemanliness and portsmanship in characteristic..Denisonian tyle.
R. I 0 0 0
Still Cloudy Is Track Outlook.
Great gobs of gloom have been dis pelled from the track horizon, whi le other gobs equally as depressing have appeared. The joyous features are: The condition of the track. great str etch, 440 yards around, can now be u ed with comparatively small risk to life and lim b. Second , Peden is taking light workout and gives some promise of. "Roy of Old". Third, some hurdler have been found. "An dy" and "Chick" Staat are step ping a mean clip on th e 220's while Peden and "Hard-boiled" Miller l1ave
Are Otterbein's Caprains--''Min", "Bob", and "Ed"
Keep. Cool and Comfortable in our B. V. D's. Genuine B. V. D .'s ........................ $1.35 Paritan Athletic .............. 75c and Sl.00 Athletic Mesh ··········-····················- $1.00 Nainsook Special .............................• 69c Tennis Rackets, Balls, Baseball and Track Supplies. We restring tennis rackets.
Leod-Sanders Merrill Mignery (Baseball)
Robert U. Martin (Tennis)
T. Ed Newell (Track)
P age Severr
(Eth e l Meye rs) of Middletown, O hio , we re guest over Easter of Mr. Gifford' parents in Westerville.
F Cha rl es D. Yates, who wa for :t tim e enga ged in the war work of :ht '59. Solomou W. Zeller of We st field, Young Men's Christian Association i s : Illinoi s. died at hi home on Thurs- again in a reguar pastorate at Kelbg, day . ;\.p ril 13, in th e ninety-sixth yea r Idah o. of his age. In point of years Mr. Zeller was the oldes t of the g radu a te ' 21. Arthu r P. Peden, stud ent i11 _ of Otterbein·. He was a mini ster of Bonebrake Theological Seminary, ha s th e Gospel throughout his active life, rece ntly bee n ch osen a s istant to th e AND first in Ohio and later in Illinoi . pastor of the Fi rst U nited Breth:e11 About twenty years ago h e r etired chu rch a t Dayton, Ohio. from active work and has made hi s home sin ce that in \ Ves tfield, Illinoi , O tterb ein Girls E n tertain _ D ayton By Means of Wireless with his dau ghter. He ,vas th e grandO tterbei n was brought to th e at- ~ fath r o f Mrs. E. W. E . Schear of Westerville and of Manson Nichols, a tention of the public again last Mon- : member of the senior clas . day night, when a selection of coll~ge melodie , by the Otterbein Girl's '63. Miss Juan R. Kum ler of Day Strino-ed Orc h e tra wa sent broad- ton. O hio, died at the home of her ca t ove r th e cou n t ry by radio . ':'h e brother. F. A. Z. Kuml er . in Dayton ', roadcasting was done from the R ike- _ on Sat urd ay, Ap ril 15. Mi s Kumler Kumler Compan y, Dayton , Ohio, wa a teacher in h er earl ie r life, but in wni.: h, during the da y time u e i~s recent years had been living qu ietly in appa ratu for commercial purpo·es, : her own home in Dayton. and in th e evening , gives concerts '72. Wo rd was r eceived in Wester readings and minstrels by radio fo r th; ville la t w ek of the d ath at his entertainment of hundreds who r.o"v- § 'l hom e in Wooster, Ohio, of John are eq uipped with wire! s telephone : Scherri ck la t Monday noon, pril 17, receiving outfits. from hardening 0£ the arterie . . ! While the -orchestra wa playing at though Mr. herrick wa in failing Rike-Kum ler's, a receiving outfit, inhealth, hi cla mate w re hoping stalled in th e F ir t U nit ed Brethren. that h e cp uld be with th erp in Wes Chu rch, enabled the banqueters at the tervill e next Jun e to help them cele Miami Valley Alumna! Banquet to _ brate the fift ieth annh·cr ary of th ei r h ea r th e concert. graduation. The girl in th e tringed orcheilra are ir g in ia W O If e, R h ea Mc Co _ Wll!lll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 . '77. Judge Charles M . Roger of oaughy, Virginia Taylor and Marj ra lumbus, Ohio, ha announc d hi Whistler. candidacy for the Republican nomi nati orr for judg of the court . of Philomathea Holds Third appeal . Th peti tion now in circul a Installation Session of the Year tion in unport of Judge Roger ha ve P hilomathea he.Id it third l.naugural been ·goed by practically all the Come In and Look at These Materials: e ion of the year last Friday even lawyer practicing at th e F ranklin SWISS ORGANIE, 45-in., good shades, permanent finish, yard .... 95c : ounty bar, wh er he i w II known. ing and plea ed friends and alumni of : TISSUE GINGHA,MS, 32-in., attractive patterns, yd. ............ 60c to 75c If wa a pra ti cing lawy. r fo r many the ociety w·th th e J?rogram ren der : FLAXONS, Dainty Colors, yard .................... H... •H••··················..-·----······· 35c : • y ea r in o lum bus, then er ved eight ed. The following program wa given: SUITINGS, including linenes, Beach Cloth, etc. ...................... 35c to 60c yea r as referee in bankruptcy, and haplain' Addr ess· : INDIAN HEAD, fast colors, 36-in., per yard ...........................__________ SOc S for th e la t fift en yea rs ha been o n The Glory' of the Co1Dmonplace INDIAN HEAD, white, 36-in., per yard ................................................ 30c th e common pl a bench beinl? ele tJ .A. Toy, r ead by C. W. Vernon _ RATINE, Rose, Jade, Blue, Pumpkin, White ...................................... 89c d th· la t time without oppo ition. ]; r e i9 nt' aled ictorySPECIAL! '20. Mis Glady Howard of Lima, J. W. Gorge _ TISSUE GINGHAM, Jade, Rose, Orange, 75c value ........... 59c hio, pen t her Easter vacation a th e In tallation of Officers gue t of Mi F lorence Loar, ' 19, of Mu ic-Selected PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS, none higher than ................ 35c Mt. P lea ant, Penn ylvania. On at Philomathea O rchestra urday evening, pril . Mi · Loar en P re ident' Inauguralt rtain d with a la rge party in Mi Th e Crowned Cross Boward' honor. E. tock lager _ W estervi lle, O hio ~ '12. Mi . s Edith Bennett of e terRead by L B . Klepinier 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ff In the ex tem poraneou peak ng vill directed th e choru in the Miss Pauline Stubbs spoke for Ph la mi ionary pageant given und er the au 9ice of th e ollll;:nbn Pre bytery L thea, M i s Edna D ellinger for Cleior in th Broad St,reet Pre byterian hetea ;t.lld T. H. Bradri ck '94 favor Church la t Tue day evening a Qa r t ed society with a short talk. ' 44 North State Street ------of tbe program of the forty-- even th W omen's Clubs to Meet Here E astman Kodaks and Supplies of all Choice Bra nds of Cigars, Fine Pipes, annual m. eting of the Women' Tue day and Wednesday, April 25 Mi ionary o iety of the Pre byt~ry. kin ds. F ilms D eveloped and P rinted. Cigar Holder s, T ob accos and Smokers' and 26 th annual c nv ntion of :he S upplies. '93 93. Mr. and Mr . alter \ . om n' Federated lu bs of Central P arkers' Fountain P en s, Even Flow OPTI CAL DEPARTMENT Ston er 0£ Dayton, Ohio, sp nt Easter O hio will be held in the United Breth Ink Pencils, Sheaffer', Ever Sharp Eye Glasses and Soectacles, Eye · in W tervi ll e with relatives. ren church. tudent girl are invi :cd Shades and Goggles. Examination '16. Mr . H . H. Brunny, (Mary to all essions of the convention. The P encils and Leads . F ine P apeteries, free. All work g uaranteed. Give ua · ichols) with her little daught~r, of Men' s Glee Club will give a half-hour E tc. a call. P ik ton, hio, i visitin g at the home concert a a part of Tu day nigh's o f h er parents in W e tfield, Illinos, program. 'll .
= =
Corsages and Flowers to suit your fancy.
= = =
See the flowers for yourself at our store just _
across from the State House, on High St. and order them or see
= = =
ED. NEWELL at Westerville
The Munk Floral Co., C,olumbus, 0.
~'' B:1:;;''Y:;''M~;''¥;:;''N;;;'' I);;,;;'' ! ~
5. 5 =
= =
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Page Eight
OTTE RB E IN CAN BE CH AMPS (Continued from page six.) made to '"come true·•. Are you "from Mi souri ?" lf so read on and be shown. First, what makes a winning team? I Eleven men? A Coach? Weight? Fight ? A,l the e are essentials but in themelves they are not ufficient. Some thing more is needed. Something else \ which is equally essential. That in defi nable something that put Centre College o n th e m ap. H ere's a pictur e of it. Otterbein is playing at home. On W e a ll un ite in agreeing that the the benc h are twen ty subs cheering, old campus looked good afte r a week's pleading, praying for the team . Each vaca ti on n' est ce pas ? of th em pa rti cipates in eve ry play from the side lines. T hey are wi ld ' T he Mattoon Club has disba nded with joy at a gain of five yards and a nd its member ar e now consum ing they weep unas hamed at th e loss of th eir daily hash in vario us 0th er clubs tha t distan ce. of the school. I n the g rands tand are fo ur hun"Sar ge" Wi llet a nd Walter Schutz of d red O tte rbein stude nts w ho are play0. S. u. were in town over th e week- ing the gam e along with the eleven men on the fie ld an d th e twenty on end. th e bench. E ach yard that i gained eneff of D ayto n visi ted is th eir gain, every ya rd lo t is their " Di ck" friends at Otterbein Saturd ay an d Sun los . A ll th at co unts in the worl d is day. the wi nni ng of the game. They Staunton W. B. "Cocky" W ood of draw no men tal distin ctions re Wheeli ng, W. Va. visited fri ends at g a rd ing th e men on th e fie ld. They don't give a whoop w ho car ries th e Otterbein over the week-e nd. ball. Any man w ho can gai n a yard From indications Thu r sday and Fri fo r Otterbein is the ma n fo r them. day it loo ks like there is going to be F ou r hundred stu de nts, each of them big doi ng aroun d here in about six shouting, pleading, begg ing to win. weeks. W hat does it mean ? It means that Ye , but fina l x ams co me in about the team will wi n. Not eleven fi ght six w eek , too. , ing men but fo ur hundr ed a nd eleven W e were g lad to mee t Prexy's curly fighting students who love their chool enough to forget their ne rves, h ad d brother. their voices, everything bu t the single T he A lps Club a nd a correspo nd fact that Otterbein must win. ing number of fair youn g dam sels You ay this is ii.npossib le, a U topi 1 rav d he frost of arl y atu rday an condition which can not be morning and hiked out to Alum Creek brought about? It has been done. w her e t hey erv d. brea,kfast in true cnlr ollege di d it. P layi ng in alw od man's tyle. most every instance again t team Boost the ncx.t rally ! Comi ng up rior in weight, and repre entativ of larger school entre wei:11 May 4. through three easo11 without losmg Presiden Clippinger 1 ft Saturday afternoon for Toledo where he held a a game. "Bo" McMillan admit that he wa$ never able to punt more than onfer encc with Mr. C. H. D re hman, thirty yards in practice but in a game, Director of the Jubilee Campaign. He becau e he had to, he "lined them out'' poke'lll Harp ter unday evening. f r fifty )•ard. The wills of two hun t a mu. ic recital at Capital Uni dred and eventy follower mad Centre' team a team of supermen. versity · last Thursday njght, Mi J osephine Cridland, '24, who is assi t What would four hundred such fola ut instructor in violin at that chool, lower do for ttJ rbein? Spring footbal l i in full wing. The play d ev ral violin ol o . .Miss team that i to w in the Ohio Conne \Vrigh t appeared on the same program a accompani t, ference champion hip i in the makP r ofe or Grab il l played la t week Jng. Do you want it to e Ott rbein' team? Jf each of her ·tudents want fo r the ceremonie a ttending the it bad enough O tterbei n wil,l win. It s spdng reun ion of the cotti h Rite up to you. held in oJ umbus la t week. If you do n't kn ow the ga me, learn J. R William i a ga in able to be it. Thj11k foo tball. D ream about a about dter havi ng be n confined to championship team this pring and his room, all winter. this ummer and come back in the fall ready to upport it to th e limit. R,obert na ely, son of D r. harles A we aid iJJ the beginning O tterbein navely ha been awar d d a gold can win the Championship ! meda by th e athle6c board of Ohio Wesleyan ior having cor ed highest of any high choo guar d from the po~t~~tifa~ar~ rec:~:r;t~; a ~ibr:Xe; southern divi ion from town of 1500 ontain mo re than 2 000,000 books to 7000 population. and pamphlet . Thi number is exMany old grads retu rned to school ceeded only by the Congressional thi!i week as members of the J ubilee Library at W ashington and the New
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