1923 05 21 The Tan and Cardinal

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rce Act Comedy, "N othing Bu~ the





No. 29.




Commencement This Year Will Be Enthusiastic Meeting Held Noteworthy Event-Alumna! D ay Evening To Outline Coming of Special Note. , Gymnasium Campaign ___ ,


Truth", Given as Annual Class Offering. -- -MITCHELL LEADING MAN


:-- - ot Extra Inmng Contest Won From

_The Commenc:ment of this y:ar, Member of the various com1_11itO hio U niversity w ith Last with the exceptwn of the J ub1le e tees in charge of the Gymnasium Inning Rallies. eve nts of one year ago ought to be the . Ca mpaign met Saturday evening at mot largely attend ed for many years. I the U nit-ed Brethren Ch urch and dis- 1 STAATS SWAT SULTAN The graduating cla is by far th e I cussed ' th e Qian for the comi ng drive. Weil Chosen Cast Pl~ases Apprecia­ large t in th e history of the coll ege. After dinner, Chairman F. O. _Clem- ',\'est Vi giru . ·an .,Starts R:tllY in Eighth It numbers 92. The attendance for cnt s ca ll ed the company to order and that Overcame Six Run Leadtive Audience-Professor C. A . th e college is _far_in. excess of fo rmer to ld of . the progre s being made. Final Score 7 to 6. Frit~ Directs. yea r an~ th e md1cat1ons are that next Secretary Phi lli p , in active charge of La t \Vednesday eve ning the Junior ye_a r the , enrollm ent will even exceed the Drive, told of his trip. to Wash- I Otterbein's sterling, 7 •o 6, ten inn-~ la s staged a three act comedy, this years record . ington on Monday ot la t week, the , ing ba eball victory 0v!!r Ohio UniNothing But the Truth'' in the ColThe event for Commencement week meeting in ew York on Tue day vcrsity, played on the local lot last lege Chapel. Under th e direction of are as follows : and Thursday and of the one at Bosaturday afternoon, means for a new Professor Fritz the cla of '24, pleased Tllu~sday, June 7. . ton Wednesday, and announced that gym what Chateau Thierry meant for ~. large and appr eciative audienfe 7 :00 p. m .-Ope n ess1on~ of Ph1la-1 the ew York an.d Boston Alum ni d mocracy. omi ng at the ~ime when \\11th its pre entation of a p lay re- let hean and leiorh etea n Literary o- p lan definite ly to start tbe drive in the Ce~1tral Gym Drive Comm ittee was t h 0 e ci· ti e on J une 4 · Pletc with Jive humor and enacted by cieties. . about to convene and put on a p lana Well cho en carefully directed and Fri d ay, June 8-. f 1'_h'J Pre ident Clippinger, F. J . Resler, fe t for Otterbein' drive-to-the.-finj h I O 7 :00 P· m.-Ope~ se Sions talented ca t. ' o- Coach Ditme.r, W. H. Anderson, J . gym campaign, it meant infinitely Lester Mitchell Ul the Jeadjug role phr?n~an ao d J>h; loma th ean Literar B. · au, Claude Bronson and Mr . more than glory for tterbein a1;d her cleverly performed hi part j 0 the ocictie · Res ler poke and cnthu ia tically ba eball wrecking crewt;tats, npla Y, as a broker who thought-to the aturday ' ed uc- d erson, R ue b u h , Garver an d C o. . ' June 9- . . pledged support a nd pre d 1ct l!JJ:htent of t 11 thou a.ad doJlars-tbat 1 S.OO p. =~E:eceptlon by ident cc s. Pre ident Clipping r id that The blow wa truck at fhe c could tell the truth, the w hole aotl "MT · Chppmger to ern or Cla 5 the driv e would take hard work but p ychologi cal moment, and the comtruth and nothing but the truth for au d Gue st s, Coc hran Hall . that th pre ent tim e js a more oppor- mitteemen a em bled bubbling ovec twenty-four hour . He finally acuiiday, Jun e JO-. tune time from a .bu in es poin t of wifh Otterbein pep and e11thu ia m, 10 :00 a . m.-Baccalau reate erv1ce d f · cornpli hed hi end but immediately at Fir t United Brethren Church- view. t;!i bree e, o concertetj action. after \\ · · h b' f d th t h R . '". 1111·th. 1·n ch'a rg•' of publicity, The game it elf wa a r al thriller. h 'J[lmng t e et oun a e ermon by P res.ident W. G. Clippingvv ~ ad to prevaricate rather copiously explained that an eight page bulletin One of those affairs pu lled out of the to undo the damage done by hi trict er. wou ld oon be i ued. J. H. Larunore fire at the elev nth hour wh n one or t . 7 :30 p. m.-Anniver ary of Chri tian I · h h cnacity for the truth. ' . and R W Gifford took up and dis- I •o ug- mit · monopo ize t e tage. ~ of ' Association at Fir t U111ted Breth· · ' Th l 11 t t d h t 'ctarri t Whj t ier, in the part I • cu ed the p ublicity prob lem from e rea ra Y ar e w en aat by Dr. rvm . . d th · h h · h · I Th e Iehading lady played her pa rt in a mo t r en C hur ch- ddre . • the n w paperman' s v1ewpou1t, and opene e eig t w it a tnp e. C arming and capable manner. Ma urer, pa tor F1r . _e,ngregat1onal r H. R. Mill from the viewpo in t of the ' core tood i.x to nothing again_ t hurcb ' olumb u ' Ohto. O tter b eJn · an d vern h mg ' (Continued seven.) tudent and the college paper. had goneon page Monday, June 11. . . Ohio' way._ nd r 01, fai l cl to con,,voJunt - - - - - - - - I 12·00 oou-Banquet of CleiorheMarked ent hus1a m prevai led thrub G d . nect, ut arver core taat with · . d b M ccr Band HolldsS . M ti' ' t.ean Literary Society. ou~ a_nd th progranl1 submitted Y r. . C. -fir t tally. Hancock bounded Annua emor . cc ng J·gO n m .-Reception and Exhibit Phillip was ,vho cut o ff G arv r at , ec_ _ warm _ _ _y_approve ___ . . .,. The la t week' meeting of the of Art and Home Economic Departond, but Hank wa afe. He took vol New Catalogs Reveal , Unteer Band wa tbe Annual en- ment • econd on Fi her' error, .and cored 10 · . A w ith · · 8 :30 P .m.-Concer t b Y Mu ic De Many Interesting Facts on t' r e 1011 other orgamzalrey' ingle. eneff ~ifted to 1011 around Otterbein, it i cu tom- partment. In the Otterbein College Bulletin Hayne for the third out. ary to have a Senior meeting. Thi Tue day, June 12for 1923-24 which will oon be ready Mc.Car.roll op ned the ni.nth inn.in 12:00 oon-Annual Lunch on of for general di tributiou many inter- with a ingle, and Killinger w ub: ~ear it wa decided to ma ke the meet:~g different. The Band a embled jn Phila lethean L iterary ociety. e ting fact were learned concerning (Continued on page ix.) e l'ower Room at 1 o'clock for a de8:30 p. m.nnual Banquet oi Otterbein. The increa e in atte.od~Otional ervice Jed by Albert Zepp. Philophronean and Philoma th ean Lit- ance ha exceeded a11 previou years President Clippinger t the elo e of thi a11 adjourned td erary ocietie · ;nd the ain for thi year _exceed the Returns from Va~afion ~e A embly Hall where the Social edne day, June 24bighe t previou record by eight perMuch. Ullprov d in health, Pre iden.t The chief feature for Wedne day cent. Tbe total college enrollment i orn_rnittee bad prepared a banquet. lippinger return d to hi Mildred Schwab acted a this year will be the promot)on of th e 541 of whkh 446 is made up by the t Mi me Tue day eve ning after a month ' ;ast-rnj tre and called fir t on Movement for a new gymna ium by four regular cla e and live pecial ation i ern Calfiornia, wh re f ev. Glen Ro elot, the gue t of honotl, the alumni and a large number of tude11t . The enior enrollment i wa co ing from an op rati n or a hort talk about hj work. form er record athlete will return a nd 5; Junior, 7 · ophomore, 115 ; and forme I week ago. Aft r Mr. Ro elot, the following other interested in the projection of Fre hmen, 163. There are J 7 state Se • h Pr · re him 1f rnu h n1or member re ponded to the thi Movement. Oh1'0 lo · An · r pr ented and end roved d look the part. / t-rni tre , Mi E ther McDon12 :00 oon-Alum;11 ruv r a ry m no mencement time d, John Mayne, Juan Rivera, Elmer and Banquet. Penn ylvania, 16 and Indiana, will / ~tni , Herbert Myers and Cheng 8:00 p. m.- enior Cla s Play, whil the remaind r of the tudent 1 ui. en h · · Twelfth ight- hake peare. co me from more di tant tate of fhe gy ive_ Profe or Hursh then made a few Thur day, June l4nion. The number of men and tterb e ·day na 1~m :ernarks closing with the benediction. 10:00 a. m.-Sixty- eventh Annua l "II Add v.omen at • tte.rbein i a lmo t equa 1ly eve111n e.red the Comrnenc _ left, feeling that th e meeting was Comme ncement Exerci·e re ' 0ne of h.elp not only to the Senior but Pre ident Elmer B. Bryan, Pre ident divided, there bcing 265 ..m n and 276 ljl at addre at th e Bo, lin Green 10 high chool. themselves as well. Ohio Univ r ity, thens, Ohio. women.











T H E T A N A N lJ C A I{ D l N A

Pa ge T~o


the nece ity a nd va lu e of war. CHENG HUI G IVES ADDRESS \ to the stu de nt-body and ge neral pub- I Mayne Leads Y. M. C. A . lic. "J o h nny " M ay ne wa ca ll e d upon . . Dr. Jones Attends Banquet. T he l wi ll su dd en Iy t o I ea d y . M . ,. A . Th ursMe.m ber O f Senior Class Gives Splen. econd . par t o f the recita . Dr . E . A. J one was a g ue t at the be given trus .Monday mornmg. I d ay mg · h t w I1en th e an no un ce d I ea d er did Address on China's i Amh erst Alum ni banquet held at the p rogram was pre- 1e ft sc h oo 1 u d cIca Iy. , J o h nny " conT he fo llowmg • • Renaissance. Colum b us Club las t Monday noon. sented on Friday evemng: d d th ht £ I d ' · "Th . , p oug u 1 cu 1011 on e D r . Alexa nder iei klejohn. Amh er t' 1 uctc a • )eaking at the S unday evenmg . rogram. ,K Fallib ili ty of the Majo r ity." 'president. made an a ddre s to the 1 Organ-Ange 11ca . _narte 1 services at the U nited Bethrcn church Ed . h O 1 He showed how th e chu r ch has not :wenty a lumni present. In the even­ 1 it y er alway bee n righ t in it va riou tand. ing Dr. j one atte nded a banquet of Chcllg Hui, a member ot this year's Piano--Scherzando Beecher and howcd how it ha modrfied its the Phi Reta Kappa. honorary chol­ g raduating cla -. gave a plendid adMary Whiteford ince pa rticipating in inqu· i­ a ·tic fraternity. at Ohio State U ni­ dre on '·China· Re naissance". \ Vare view ong-Joy of the ~orning tions and hangings of heretic~. Thf vcr ity where Dr. Meiklejohn made Although on ly in America for a Ve ra Wright short period of time. M r . Cheng \'iolin-Dan ce of th e Cricket leader brought out too that the chu r ch another addre s. poke with marked clearne~s a nd deGreenwald once spo n ored lavery and the liquor liv ered a we ll organized address in a Add a L yon I traffic, but ha now long denounci: For all that is good to eat see manner that could be understoo d p· F h 0 1. p them. The cl imax of th e mct.:tin!,! without effort upon the part of the 1 ,ano- rom t e tant ~ ' :is hcyer then was that although the ch ur ch audience. Ruth Braley till spon ors war , would no t a Ch r istMr. Cheng's addre s was largely ian attitude between nations achieve \ . . 1 ong \ . hi~torical yet he wove add_1t 1ona 1 mat- \ a. Three Que tion John on greater a nd more lasting results i11 ter in so ·mooth ly that it was wel- 1 b. 'M other H ear t tickles the end? Following this a general j corned and. gave one a . much clearer L eota H artman di cu ion wa held on the ub1·ect of under tandmg of the Ch111a of today. 1 M d. . 0 According ·to Mr. Cheng, the awakrganeFitatton H . t u rgi · · b 1850 ranees am 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 III II II II 11111 llll 1111111111111111 II III 1111!! eni ng 111 hma tarted a out y 1· .1 f y Smith 1 and brought deve aboulot pme a gradual change. ~:sri: B:e~man §=== Mechancial nt came fir t on _ V io lin obligato by Josephine Crid land but after the war with Japan, the Piano--H unga rian Fanta ·y Chi ne e realized that mec han ical dechlesinger : 2 Pants Suits and Overcoats -

· 1


WILSON , The Grocer




Vl!lopm ut v.·as not s~fficient, con e- 1 . Virginia 'Nolfe !a n:~r:d: c;~. educationa l movem ent Violin-LilliM · an' DtanTce . Hae che ryon . a rgare . no th er . tage o f ~Ieve 1opm en t came P iano--Ca price Op. 23 _ Q uigley ' h through th change 111 fo~m of governFl ' o ren ce tep en h D O' h D . men t and the la t tag e wa brough t abo~t by the cha nge in the ph ilo op hy ong- 111 t -e eep t e aieawley



No 1 So. State St. Westerville, Ohio

·STUDENT'S SPECIAL! $20 OQ $25 00 $JO 00

: _ _ _

• ' • ' • Walk Upst~;rs a d P L = n ay ess.



M•11 I ards Clo thes Shop

= _ -


of hf · . D or i Drum Upstairs at Spring and High COLUMBUS, OHIO T he peak r cmpha 1zed the fact p· Q ;;: ii 1 tha the R na i a nce wa man y ided a no uaFrt t - " F h 111 111111111111111 111111111111 111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111 11egro rom • ourt ymphony) . . . . and while con 1d rmg art and h erh 1 a ure yet aim d to bring about a c uma~ =-t horough r eform of tr.e language, H azel Barngrover, F nnces :1fa rn , w hi h during the 7 000 yea rs of it u e Kath lee n teel a nd Mary W hi teford. by ome 400,000,0 of people ha de­ ve lo p d into many dialect . Because of thi latter fac t at fi r t only poor High School P ins and Rings, Wedding tra n lation of \V tern literature Announcements, Commencement Incould be made. Mr. beng touching upon the vitations, Engraved and Printed Cards, hri tian a pect aid that th e m ovem ent cballeng the place o~ Chri tian- Banquet Programs. ity a nd at tl1e ame tim e ncourage it tudy; Chri tianity at fir t wa op­ po d b y- pure prejudice, then lla sed through a period. of contempt but now. because of the awakening, the indifI rence i removed and the hri tian r ligion con qu ntl y ha a much be ter chance than e,·er before. 1n h opinion of the peaker, in the Columbus, Ohio mind of manv hinese th war ·l again t opium waged by the Chris- ===============~ \ tian is over hadowed by the fact DR. PAUL G. MAYNE, Denti.·st that opium wa forcibly intr.oduced into hina by the Chri tian .- The Office Hour : 9 to 11 a. m., 1 to Sp. m. mi ionarie . were naturally oppo ed •1 • Both Phones-Bell 31-R, Citizen 370 and given litJle recognition a nd their 1 teaching u.ffered through tran la- 17 W. College Ave. Westerville tion. However the ituation i now being turned quarely about, Mr. Cheng aid, and he, in conclu ion, earne tJy e.xpre ed th hope and wi h for cooperation.


II ~




Just received elegant articles for presents, Copyrights and Popular Copyrights, College

Jewelry, Athletic Goods, Art S u p p 1 i e s, Fancy Books, Kyanize Varnish and Thrift Paint.

Some especially fine stationery for the price at

RECITAL GIVEN Students of School of Music Presented In First Part of Final General Recital of Year. Friday evening, May 1 , at Lambert Hall, the chool of Mu ic offered the fir t part of it final gene ral recital

ER'S Try the N yal line of Remedies.

Page Throe~

THE TAN A ND CARDIN AL Tentative arrangements were made J. for Otte rbein to meet her traditiona l j ;orensic competitor M usk ingum and I . . . I ' \\"itte nb erg a 6 a111 this con11ng season.

Patronize O ur Advertise r s !

Call C itizen 21 or Bell 8-W .


I 1923


Be Issued Tuesday

Th e s ta ff oi the 1923 Sibyl a n noun-


W. M. GANTZ, D. D .



The Clean-up M an


Be ll Phone 9

Agent fo r Acme Laundry Co .

15½ N. S tate St.

'22. Ro ce , that th e iby l will be ready .for I teachi Y F. P ed e n. w ho has been di s tribution after chape l services J high ng and d1re cting a thletics in the I Tuesday morning. A ll studen ts who - G eneral Laundry Work for Ladies and 1 t Pa chool at Gr ec m ·ilk. Ohio, the I made the payme nt of one doHar laS 1 Gentlemen. tion Y~ar, . ha b een offe re d th e posi- l fa ll are entitled to a Sibyl. Bnng two new ; director of a thleti cs in the I and a half dollars and get your copy ton Oh~o eve lt High School in Day- of th e 1923 Annual. J. H . MAYNE , ' io. In a ddition to th e fact tha t t he an92 , B . cvir . F A . n ual has th e most elabora te cover ender) f · · · Z. Kumlcr ( Matt_ie · f an Sib y l, the book conW . College A ve. Westerville, O. We . 0 D ayton. O hio. was m d esig n Y Tu terv11le ca llin g u on fri e nd s las t tains many mo~e pages a nd has the ~ntir e pageant given at the celebration 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!! e day and W cl p •nn e nesday U elled ""· Mi . . ·· . last Commencement. nexc . been elec L illian H enry h as Just photography is a mong the many st nk ­ the E: ted teacher of E nglish m · fea ture 1, rner H' 111g · ct obok on 1gh Sc h oo l at West ---ha b en, New J er sey. Miss H enry The fu nera l of Mr. George Metzger. nulllb een teaching in th e East for a father of Harry M etzge_r, ' 12, and th necte:r of Year s, havin g been con- Myrtl e Metzger, ' 14, was h eld at e th th e sc hools at Ridgefie ld u. B . church Sunday aft ernoon . and p , a 1 ade Park Ill ew J erscy. The F. and R. Lazarus Company 8I. D § Prolllin~1t Clarence B. Dickson , a of Columbus inte nd s to se nd repre- Califor . surgeon of Los Ange le , . f th e companv regu larly to O hour nia, wa in W cstervi lle a few sentatives b · f 'l Week b f . . . . Westerville to solicit the usmess o " l!Ja i"~at r e o re last v1s1t111g his co lleg e stu d e nt s. \\>ho ar; _er and a few old fri e nd s Westerville, 0. _ hact not b~ll li~ ing he r e . Dr. Di c k son -= - 72 West Main St. 1 than t Wenty en 11 W C te rvill e for more ch ange · Year an<l saw great jj II 111111 IIIIIIIIIIII II II Ill II IIIIII Ill II Ill I IIIII Ill I IIIII IIIIIIIII II II Ill Ill IIll II Ill II IIll llllllllllff 111 II-a ret . the college and town. He urnin g f . . ew York ro111 a bus111 ess tnp to



The College Avenue




==============~=============== unday Eve Supper -4:30 p. m. t o 9 :30 p. m.


We make up box lunche for hiking parties.


Get Under



P:· . Edwin L e tden t · h uey of Dayton, 0 ., 0tterbc' of the board of tru t ees of elected tn College, wa recently r e­ Church Pr~ id ent of th e Council of '17 , C 111 h'is h ome ci ty. li, 19 1 ahn _fr. and Mrs. C larence A. ~oi ' hav; 1 Nieb el) of Chicago, Illiso announce d th e bi rth of a ; Y be:r on May 3, 1923. Th e little •hn. the name Pau l G ilbe rt '13 , 13_ M: t/ane (M' r. and Mrs . Roscoe H. ayton Oar~ Brown) wi ll move from ~an·1 ' h10 t h •, the fi ' o Scranton, Pen nsyl•ils accepted r t of_ J un e . Mr. Brane i chain of a Pos1t1on a manager of b~ Scrant tores wit h h eadq uarteres 1 • 11J in reon. The pos ition came to "'Ork he h cogo·t' 1 1011 of the exce llent '%. C a done in D ay ton . tbe harle R ils . la t tw · Frankham, w ho for O thsi tant Year has b ee n sp ecia l e lJ nitedtoS th e attorney g e neral o f p -~~Ctice of tate . has r eturn ed to the 1aw tn Columbus, Ohio, lo ha O ~ Ok Buildi~ened offices in the Out!. B g on Ea t Broad Stree t. nre ert Ja do· thre11 ch Yne , pas tor of the United 1,y11Jg edit u:ch in Tyro, Ohio, is also th 0 t!d, the°rtal Wo rk on the Tiro •t little ci;~ek.Iy paper published in


ttle n•

:---_ b A.t a

a e Plans Made



the e hould become a mem­ titur Present League of ations. tonality Conceded."




It' time again to lip t e old cap upon the top helf and forget it.

Attractively priced

Straw Hats {

$1.50 f.



Plain and Fancy Bankok ' Panama a 11 t b e rest .

Norris and Elliott



A Man Out-of-Date Is a Man Out of Luck! man out-of-date give an 1mpre 10n of a mind out- of-date, wherea an up-to-date ap­ pearance ipdicate an up-to-date intelligence. t that clothe alone will ev r comman l ucce · but at lea t they w ill command an ·audience! The wo rld habituall lo k at a man line be-fore it li ten to hi languao-e. don't handicap y ur elf with an unpr 0 Lo k ucc ful. po e ino- appearance. nd let u help y u do it.

Young Men's Hand Tailored Suits, some with 2 pairs trousers, at _____ ____._$35 Hart, Schaffner & Marx and Fashion Park Suits, at ---------------------- $40, $45, $50 1 •

Deb t

•ti recent . tb ng Co f m eeting of the Ohio Dee d n eren Cho ebate ce held in Columbus 1J _sen t Question for 1923-4 was herll11 Cd Stat be ' "Resolved : That the (:

A -Straw


= = = =





spend niuch time worrying over their/ Acknowledgment. We have on d isplay the S pring S uitvalue in dollars and cents. That value The literary article on page five, a ·n s and F asl-ions of The G L OBE -.w ill be there but its importance will I eulogy on Ab raham Lincoln. was TAILORI NG COMPA NY of CincinPubli hed Weekly in the interest of not be unduly estimated . \ written by R . M. Ward, of Philo- nati, ma kers of ''Needle-Molded" Otterbein by the pronea. clothes-and " Ne edle Molded" means OTTERBEIN PUBLISHING T he Chapel Improvement - - - - - - - -hand tailored , NOT pressed into shape. BOARD \,Vesterville, Ohio Because of th e suppo rt ginn to Dr The Yale Bowl is being en larged to B . W . WELLS Member of the O hio College Press Jones and to the resolution submitted seat 120.000 persons. \Vh en this 1 Association h d b I h 'd to t e stu ent oc Y hy t c presi en· accomplished it will have the largest 1 . STAFF of the Student Council. the Chapel • • ay , 1~vr · · Editor ....... ... .................. H . R. Mills, '24 period has changed from a period s_cating capacity oi any amphitheatre Assi tant Editor ........ Paul Garver, '25 lacking in dignity to one which now in the world. Contributing EditorsEast College Avenu e Lucille Gerber, '24 possesses that quality in increa im V. E. Myers, 24 proportion. PHONES Marguerite Wetherill, '24 The organ prelude was discontinuec1 E. F. McCarroll, '25 1 Business Manager ........ C. G. Foor, ' 24 solely because the student hody !'ai; I Bell 84-R Citizen 26 Assistant Business Managersscant attention to the music and le,, 31 w. College Ave. Westerville, 0. F. M. Pottenger, '25 appreciaion for the efforts of the or- 1 R. M. Ward, '25 Cir. Manager.... Katharine Pollock,'24 ganist. This lack of appreciation for Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone 110 the mu ic and the player was cau•;erl Assistant Circulation Managers­ Edith Oyler, '25 entirely by thoughtlessnes . which Margaret Widdoes, '26 protests at the time could not dis oel .\thletic Editor.... M. W. Hancock,':.l~ The subsequent action was taken to Assistant Athletic EditorDean Upson, '25 the regret o{ the faculty and many of Local Editor ...... D. R. Clippinger, '25 the students. .\ll'mnal E•litor........ Alma Guitner,'9i However. c,·ery evil hrings some ho,Y you Exchange Editor .. Kathleen White,'24 good. A period of depre · ion is <li,­ Cochran Hall EditorHarriet Whistler, '24 pelled by one of activity. Light fol­ Literary Editor .... D. S. Howard, '26 lows darkness. And the student< have been brought to a realization of Addre s all communications to The the worth of a proper Chapel periorl Otterbein Tan and Cardinal, 103 W. and what can be ga.ined from such , -~r­ College Ave., \,Vesterville, Ohio. Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year, vices. With the inspiration and le payable in advance. son brought to us by the leadt>r. come. a more temporal benefit . The Entered as second class matter eptember 25, 1917, at the postoffice student body is together, even if for at \Vesterville, 0., under act of only fifteen or twenty minutes. and Fastman Kodaks and Supplies of all March 3, 1879. becau e of that fact we sen e the pirit kinds. Films Developed and Printed. Acceptance for mailing at special Parkers' Fountain Pens, Even Flow Ink rate o{ po tage provided for in ec. o,£ a ociation \ ·hich hould comt- to 1103, ct of Oct. ~. 1917, autl1orized every · tud n of Otterbein. lt i. true Pencils, Shaeffer's Ever Sharp Pencils April 7, 1919. that the spirit i not a inten e a in 11nd Leads. Fine Papeteries, Etc. . Choice Brands of Cigars, Fine Pipes: former years but it can still he frlt Cigar Holders, Tobaccos and Smokers and it is still fostered . in the Chapel EDITORIAL Supplies. services. The Value of College. OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Care will need to be exercised in th" ! Th dean of the college of liberal Eye Glasses and Spectacles, Eye Shade~ .md Goggles. Examination free. All wor of the University of Akron tated future lest we return to our former t;-Uaranteed. Give us a call. hort tim a o that a coUege tate of indiff rence after the novelty cour e, uch a any tandard college oi the uew arrangement ha pa ed ot univer ity gives, may be fairly es­ away. yet the improvement is o grea timated a.t a money value of from that it will be the best argument a­ 15, 10 20,0 0. Ii:i other word , gain t improper ob ervance of the ~ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111 111111 111 111~ th av rage raduatc ha. in hi edu­ Cl\apel period. Leader in the ervice and t he ca ion that which i the uivalent, for mone -makin purpo e , of accumu­ tudent. a.r to h congratulatt'd: the lated capital to that amount. Taking former for their individual effort of a fafc iutere. t basi , y ix per cent, lat and t 11,e lat ter f r the elf- 01 trot Hi avcrag graduate hould be able and disc· Jin b in voluntarily exer- _ tnroughout hi active life to earn a ci ed to make the period v hat it ou~h( § monthly av ra e f from 75 to 100 to be. a time for wor hip and in pira- _ mor than if h bad not had hi colleg tion.


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= = =



CALE NDAR Ho ver, notice that the educator doe no: a ert that college gradua.t,e T hurrday, May 24re ularly realize thi pecuniary gain. Tenni , tterb in vs. Deni on. o. of then.1, though a ery mall Friday May 25-

= _

proportion throw away_ the financial a ball lt rb in V . Deni on. opporluu~ti of th ·, ducation Sa turday, May 26through lack of charact r. A larger · Tenoi tt rbcin v . Woo ter. number delib ratcly acrifice finanQuadrangular track m e , Deni on, cial gain and choo e commendab le enyon, bio U niver ity and Otterwalk of !if .in which compen ation b in, at D ni on. come more from certai n moral and in- M d M a 2 g_ t e 11ec t ua 1 a u· fae f100 • th an in · dollars • on ay, YR cital ·of Da Harri . Graduating lf the e two cla were to be dropped out of the calculation, the T uesday, May 29Ba e ball, tlerb in v . Ohio We capital valuatiotl. put upon the completed college cour e in tb above es- leyaa. timate would doubtl be too low. Monday , June 4But aft r all, th youn g man or Preparato tud nt ' recital, Lam-


woman who want to t the be t bert Hall. total of college value, th mot en- Wednesday, June 6duri ng ati faction which the e four Joint graduating recital y ear

can give through life,

ill not H e! n

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h b J as ecome a habit with hundreds of peop e _ = GET THE HABIT = : f' = = 0 Ur p•1e w•11 --_ _ I sa t"ISfy _

== = -


= =


Dif d Restaurant :§ e en OR -






Page Five



were raised up by God, in pired by I from his lowly home until his life

God was Abraham Lincoln. And a crystallized into a marvelous beauty IIthousand years hence no drama, no I resembling the Maker Himself. He


D e p a f t ffi e n t a f y tragedy, no epic poem wi ll be filled was translated by martyrdom to a L , with greater wonder and followed by I crown of g lory. And we can say of ·;;;;;==============================~ Mankind with greater interest than I him as anot her said before him. He Abral:am Lincoln I to meet it Her re ligion which yo u that which tell of the life and death fought a good fight, he fini hed the 1t e f

W I once disliked so much ~ wi ll vent ure of Abraham Lincoln. If Lincoln was co urse, he kept the faith . As W. J. state:;aveLh_eard much of Lincol n the ou now prize highly.'' These state- not in pired by God th en there is no Johnson said: " ince the beginning th¢ .. an. 1nco ln the law yer. L111coln ~ients a lthou_gh_ not showing any re- I su_ch thing a,,s God entering th e af- oi th_e Christia n era among men born 1 and c~izen, L111co ln the friend of man, ligious connction. do show that he / fairs of men. . 1 of ,, omen hath .not r:~e n a greater b any other pha.-;cs of his character, be lieved in a providence. Thus we have followed Lmcoln than Abraham Lincoln. 1 th e re ligious , 1·cte .,f his life has · d ~u bt u re not . · v Prior to 1850 Lincoln was 111. a great amount of atten, d 1.111 regar d to h·is religio us co nv1ct1ons . _,! llllllllllll llllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilll Ill I Ill llllllllll 1111111111111111111111_1 11.0 n. ceived tat ~ome peo1Jk ha\·c even ma e . d . s wrest ling with uncertamty. ernent h L. I a n wa, . If ,va an _- to t .:: ·effect that 111 co_ n / He was struggling with h1mse to and infidel, an atheist, a skeptic, j 1• his belief 0 11 firm foundation. It ari an . unb e1·1ever. Then the ques 1·1011 Pace • • not until after meeting R ev. Don't throw away your old coat because we can match a pair of e ln . I. was r . One of our m1'.1ds. Cou ld t ns man James Smith that he rec_eived a re 1g_1- _ trousers for it and you can save the price of a new suit. b th e worlds greatest characters akening We discovered this ousl t"~rst gre;t speech on th e right rnan of unb elief? la_incol . . . . . in , s . d ~ home 11 \\ as rat~ccl 111 a_ christ1an and ,,-rong of slavery cleltvere.. at laith of the Puritan or Orthodox Bloomington . Ill. In it he said: The 36 W . Broad COLUMBUS, OHIO _ la111iiv He was brought up arou n cl th e hattlc of freedom is to oe f_oug~t out iillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllff th · altar and thanks ,,·ere returned . • Slavery is a v10lat1on of ree ti on pnnc1p 1e. G d One rne_s a day at the table. 0 11 11 eternal principle. as sure as 0 bake occasion when there were only t ~ tliat Black Foul Lie can never [!_1111111 11 111 111111111111 11111 1111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!! ·d reigns d __ llleaJ, Potatoes on the table for the be consecrated into God': ~allowe t~ b th e father offered thanks for T h Can ,,·e as chnstian men _ I k cl rut · ·1c1 the _ less1 llp a d ngs and young Abe oo e I trong and free ourselves we1 lllt h 11 said: "Dad I count th ese sl hold the iron ,,·hich i to ty p • s ccIge or d l.J· oar bless ings". I manac Ie ane,\. the already oppresse . 'H rn h tor h ot er was a woman of super? Those who deny freedom to _ . . le d m . race. . er. And she mst1l h, . deserve it not themse 1ves, and __ h1,llJ cb aract ehef · I ot er,. G d not ed . s and teachings that rema111- 1 d the rule of a just o can With hi .. Al- un er . : i~o 8 5 NoRTK H1GH S1 . long attain 1t. t~Ugh h" 111 throughout hie. . life ·h· 1 mother passed out of hi • f th beautiful features of his , \\ 1lc t One o e Yet at a tender age, ye 1 • • f .th was his supreme re11 r .,.. Pre ....crn0 d ry endured. It muc h d e- 1 chnst1an ai G d · In a ,peecl1 d e 1·iv- :yo liancc upon I · e funer ung Abe that there was no B ff 1 he said: "l am sure ii'lllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii I al ma I held £or liis mother, so sever- ' er~cl at hu at otrue to the work. For i,t~r ~:~\ dlatcr he procured a min-I br'.~ifv \o ~~;rform it. I mt:15t tru t in 1111111111111 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!! the " a a burial service held over I a Jt · Being who ha never : .,rave of h" T that upreme \\'" h t Ory-Of h"I i mother. he mem-/ h. favored land. it ou in mother's prayers and teach- , forsaken_ is I will surely fail; with _ txi n remained with him to such an that ass1stancfe ·1" Again in his first , that h ·t I cannot ai · • t lhe "· cl e- "orld w en he became known ·I augura I a dd re s he uttered this sta _ Ill nf " over he made this state- ; 111 h. h hows his profoun reti;er 'h Ali that I am and all that 1 , ment. w tc Gs d. "If the Almighty Op Ir upon O . 1 lllothe e to be, I owe to my angel I iance f N t"ons with His eterna : -


Pants to match your Coat and Vest = UNITED PANTS SHOP

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Iii c~ hies ings on her memory". Ruler o d . a tt be on your side, the th aracter was thus planted in truth an JUS ir side the outh, . o of h.1 I 'ort h or on yot , I toot · h d ju fice will ure Y pres christian mother. The _ love \rVooted deep in her faith and that trut an . dgment of this great . · h ·1 by the JU I " -lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllii 11fe \v en we behold him in later vat f th American peop e. 1 tr.; h e cannot but realize that the tribunal o . e th war a minister litti been true to the soil. One day durmgenc: of Lincoln that IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMl 1 e ha b Id id ,in the pres "de h01 th een preserved that wou a b Lord was on our S I ·· llu1 "\\le c religiou bent of his youth.' h~ hopedr t l~ed: "I am not concerned ne,,in have the account of his wit- Lincoln epb t my anxiety and prayer ht b a lave auction and ob ervi ng about tha t duth.1 ration bould be on . . · that I an 11.~r rutality h with which the · slaves I d' "d " Panion andled, he turned to hi com- the Lor . t e:es left by other people nat G da_nd aid, "Boy by the EterThe te _t1monL1. I Father Charik ell for inco n. th o if • . . d a1 th· ever I get a chance to hit pea w . . b th in Illinot an b~lie,..e:n~ I'll hit it hard". Only a quy knowin~ ht:o/e aid: "Lincoln c%1d h in the teaching of Christ in . the White t f his life in the \\•e e ave tnadc such a tatement. pent '.1 .l!reat _par od had meditated fa-1 e frorn h. cl choo I of Chn t. an tent u n u pee t e d th i I early life that he ha Dur: the _God of hi mother. hi teaching to ~n round in hi~ the no1 hayg hi Young manhood we- do by the worl d · of Chri tianity I :n Onheo evide nce of him po e ing u10 t perf~ct Jrpe Henry V atter ?n, ~,<l th dox faith wluch character~ ever met. f. the Lincoln Union in Godat Perio · d but' he wa a believer in h.1 _or ation be · t e to "d ore Joqu ot tnbu ona1 . It wa. how n by hi per- of h1cago ~a1 ande divine guidance. . ~ Corre . d r · faith. an the on o f GO d • seed Pondence with hi fnen Lmco O he ar • Whe 11 t h ey were havmg . ome. "B orn a lowly 1a "th no g Iearn of . a hove w1 l-tncotn'"re ti·tng over love matters . rear d in . urroundiugs, he wa _111- 1 ~111\i h expre ed his belier that the light for :he h de tinv of a nation. af .sll ~iaJY had nt their suffering or tru t e d with t e h. gen . h ke peare get is .t1en(j "'a P~rpose.. A lso whe.n Speed' Where ~ d e adid Mozart get h1 AL ELLIOTT, Student Re_pre entative ~1~CoJn ti\ and at the ppint of deattl iu ? Wher hand mote. the lyre of .'ar be ~ plieq: " hould he as you mo ic? ~ho e . hman and stayed 1 ; :ndeeJW/g!led to 9 n ea,rly gi-ave, it thh «: ~~: P~;ut~ God! God t:;: 1111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111mnii 0 "llow t reat con olation to y;Q\l- t . and as surely a hat he i so well prepared God alone , u·


When Contemplating Photos = -=

Remember The Old Reliable



= = =


Page Six

Staats, Zb. ...................... 6 2 3 3 3' opener th~ Blendon team defeated the Anderson, s. s ................. S I 2 3 4 McRill outfit 7 to I. The chief a'.Garver, 3b. .................... 4 0 I 2 3 I traction o f t h c game was Reasoner s · Hancock. p.. r. f ........... 3 I O O O pitching. B ra dnc , games the Cook Club · k. r. f. ................ I O l 3 0 I In Saturdar·s l·lrey, p. ........................ 4 0 2 0 3 ,yon the headliner against the Bishop 1 1 ff 4 0 1 7 1 . azgrcgation by the score of 11 to l. ~a~r~·ll:··i·b·.··:::::::::::::::: 3 0 l 6 0 I \·V iddoes. pitching ior the Cook Club ......-,.....,1:::1rllll!lll!!.,.,_ I R. Anderson, lb ............. l O O 2 0 , pitched practically shut-out ball. . a Killinger .............. ........ 0 0 0 0 The second game of the mornmg •·•••·····-••·••··•••·•••··•••···•··••·•···••••••··· ·•·-·••••••·•···· . . b toltz ................ ............ 0 0 0 0 brought victory to the Blendon boys NET MEN WIN i tivities, while he wasn't gnashmg his _ - - - - over the Priest Club with a score of Totals ......................... .42 7 14 30 14 9 to O. I teeth, made the diplomatic move of I K H Record for requesting Pitcher Stephenson, to reR H A Racqueteers eep ome \ tire Right Fielde r Gossard mounted O hio A. . . O. . Week at 100%-Cornet et Troubled h · bb i H erro n, . s. ······-······+···· 6 0 1 4 0 1 t e ru er.. 1 0 21 By Vision. Gossard had a straight ball and a L:nhardt, 3b. ................ 3 l I 2 21 10l 00 - - -I, prayer. H.is d e 1·iv er Y was entirely W. olfe. 1. f. •··········•··•····· S S O Although somewhat shaded .by the satisfactory to the Otterbein slugger ' T111ker, lb. ············-········ bigger attraction on the athletic field whi le the latter possession didn't have Rush , c. ···················~····· 6 I 2 8 I last Saturday, the varsity tennis men's time to rise very high. Hank reach- Gossard, r . f., p. -·······-· 2 1 0 1 l victory over the Heidelberg netters ed fi rst on an error, U lrey singled, but Evans, r. f. •···············- ·· 0 0 0 0 0 rates summary consideration . They. the side was cou nted out when Seneff Hayn es, c. f. •················· 4 l 3 3 0 with the baseball men, maintained the I popped to Dol1ings. I Cady, c. f. ...................... I O O O 0 JOO per cent home engagement record Ohio made a hard try fo r a tal1y Fish~r, 2b. -···················· 3 0 2 2 he n Corn etet and White took over . th t th Andy threw out L en- Dollings, 2b ................... I O O 1 0 w . m . Burghalter and Harding in the decidhardt e aten first, but Wolfe tripled. Stephenson. p., r. f • ...... J• 0 2 0 2 HE:.ITZ... ' ing doubles match. . . '•Big" Andy, no,v on first frustrated -- - - - George Heitz White opened the smgles by wu~- the visi tors' hope when he used his x Total ........................41 6 14 29 8 t "Spigot" received a coveted basket ning the first set 6-1 , but loS his head to a good advantage by holding Ohio ................ 2 O 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0--6 match whe n B urghalt er tied a nd won Wolfe on· third while he elected to 0 . C. .............. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 1- 7 ball ' O' after his efforts had gone un­ rewarded fo r three years. Geo rge h;;s kill Ti nker unas isted afte r fie lding a by counts of 6-1 and 6-4. Although Captain Cornetet was off- roller a few feet off the bag. Rush's , a Killinger ran for Ruebu h in the also been a member of the tr-ack and color on account of bar vi. ion . he fly to Ru ffi ni blasted Ohio's last ' ·io th . football sq uad a ll thr ee years he has earned the right to go mto t h e cha nce to retake the pole. b Stoltz ran for McCarroll in the 9th . 'been eligible for Confere nce a thl etics. I The last half of the tenth was brief 1 x Two out when the winning run dou bles when he took two out O f three from Harding by scores @f 6-3, J and exceedingly sweet. Andy flew I scored. out but Ruebush connected, and ' 4-6, 6-1. Home run-Staat.s Three base Track Meet With Ohio . . t e d 111 . Stoltz ' N othern Postponed The same four men participa was injected as substitute run- I hits-Staats, Anderson, Wo If e. T wo the doubles, which went to O tter- ner. H e took second without getting ' base hits-Rush. Stolen base -An­ The track meet sc heduled for last 2 a ri e out of Ru h, and won a clo e I derson, Hancock, U lrey, Gossard. Friday afternoon with Ohio Northern bein in straight setl! of 6-3, and 6- · The local nett.ers promi e reve1:~e lide-in decision at the termination of Hancock, Ulrey, Go ard. Sacri- on the local track was cancelled by when Denis~n's Big Red netters visit a p retty steal to third. The little he ro I fice hit - Garver. Sacrifice fly­ Oh io Northern th e first of last week, the Otterbe111 courts next Thursday from Ripley, w. Va. put the finishing , Fis her. Error - Lenhardt, Fisher, due to that week being the school's afternoon . touches on his inimitable l}erformances Stephen on, Staats, A nd er on, 2; exami nation week. I Becau e of thi fact the faculty by scoring toltz with the winning Garver, 3. truck out-by Hancock, OTTERBEIN W I N S run. when he hit afely again. 1 3; by Ulrey, 3; by tephenson, 5. would not permit th e team to partici­ THRILLING GAME The opening inning are of no pa r- Ba e on bait -off Hancock. 2; pate. 1 orthern's second seme ter ends ( Continued from page one.) ticular interest to Tan and Cardinal tephen on, 2. .Hit by pitched bal1- thi week, May 22, consequently her stituted as base runner. Ruebush reader . Grover' m en si mply got to McCarroll by tephen on. Umpir.e­ pring port eason is short. followed with anoth er one ba e hit, Hank. He wa not up to par. He Durfee. .--------advancing Ki llinger to third. Ruffini had th e ~isfortune, moreover, of get- ; Horse Shoe P itching Makes breezed, and the1L was enacted the ting a na ty bump on his hurling O tterbem Court M en Lose Strong B id for Popularity game' out tanding performance. hand when the third man that faced J Early W eek Engagements The game of horse shoe , pe rhaps b t H taats c_ame to. . a • . e h a d t ar ted. a I him hit a izzler that coul d not b e \ Mu kingum avenged th e tennis de- better known as "barn yard golf", is 10 h t . t handed them on the local. court rapid ly becoming a favorite pastime :all?' wit a np Ie the ", nreceedl.llg . l d.odged. Hank . went. · back, a. n d :o~- 1 fea mmn g. Could he carry onr. Wou ld tm ued to proJect h1 characten tic earlier in the eason by handmg the among the studen ts of Otterbein. T en­ h.is old We t Virginian sluggmg ten- world-beati ng grin. But that wa n't local court quad a shut out at ew nis wa fonmerJy the king of spri ng den cie predominate? Would the quite enough. sport at Otterbein but recently hor e 1 Concord la t Monday afternoon . drying echoe.s of the college bell, proUlrey' pitching during the 6 2-3 1n the ingle , Hutton of Mu _ shoe pitching has put in a trong bid I clainung · Otterb em · ' s t num,,m · nL over innings th.at he worked wa beyond kingum , defeated Captain Cornetet for that pos1·t1·on. It is doubtful -.. Heidelberg in tenni , furni h appeal re_p;:oach. The July un. made Ulrey, l 6-1, 6-3 and Reed, of ·M_u ki ngum, de- whether or not hor e hoe will tri­ for ome meri toriou work at th e cru- the U lrey of old. He allowed three feated R. J. White 6-4, 8-6. umph over tenni as our favorite pas­ I ci;..l llO!IlC~t? Strike one! B~ll! Ball hit, and no r.uns. He struck out J Gighler and Bickley, Mu kingum, in time but ju t now it i certai nly rap­ two ! St-r-1ke, two! The still-confi- three bat men, and walked none. He the double took two traight et idly gaining in popularity. 1 dent Stephen on gi:ooyed !he ball. made three a i t , and fielded error- 1 from Cornetet and W,hite 6-3, 6-3. · Imo t any afternoon or early evI.es taat wings a lu ~ty ~mg. R_e ly. He made lwo hits, and stole a Thur day, the net men dropped the ening one can fi nd on the " link " be1 caught the old ~or eh1de fa:rly,thand t ba e. ..He discredited the word that I econd. match of the week to Deni- hind the A sociation. Buildin g man y started on a mce long trip rough time morbid individual have been on at Gran.v ille. The match, how- ardent enfhu ia t engaged in th e nd the ether. .By the time it had .e ed pa ing around to the effect that j ever, was clo e and exciting, Otter- game. The popularity of the port it journey among the bu.rdock lhat through. He staged a bein' racqueteer having everal and the great intere t that it arouse th th U lrey wa clutter th. land cape n_or of nde comeback. [ chance to wi n but eemed unable to ca n be ea ily und er tood by th e grand tancl., taat had turned eco O ne more little play that imply j "1uake the grade". fact that once. ome of our "b,a n ya rd 1 -Killi nger and Rueb ~ h had scor~~· dare not go u11mentioned. It i "JonorneteL lo tto Pro tor, 0£. Denigolfers" became o bu ily engaged 111 A li ttle more P ·ed wi th the t~ro": ner" Bradrick' circu catch of Go - ' on, 6-2 3-6, 4-6. White lo t to Bar- that they fini hed a game in a heavy and Staat had completed the circwt- bard's hot fly in the econd frame. ker Deni on 6-4 1-6 5-7 and in the rain. 11 ' ' ' and' Crabbs ' had knocked a home run an.d re.a Y Brad.rick ended a mean print with a l• double Mattoon lost to won the good old ball game. hoe tring one-handed catch and a Picker a nd Stockum, o D e ni on, High School Wins Cup. o-the game wa n't over-yet. W. pe r fect cart w heel. But he ended up 6-3, 1-6, 1-6. Harold Ander on tepped up to th e with the little pheroid firmly clutch­ We terville High School, by wi-n­ platter next a nd mearerl out a clean ed in hi hand. ning the County track meet Saturday Prune League. Baseball. triple. Garver laid dow n a perfect at the Driving Park, Col umbus, by bunt, scoring Andy, and the count O tterbein A . R H . 0 . A. P rune League ba eball is finally on the core of 122 to 35 gains perma· stood six all. Mr. Gr.over the gentle.­ Ruebu h, I. f. ··-·············· 6 1 3 3 0 1 it way after numerous set-backs due nent po e ion of the county track man who directed the Athenian I a c- Ruffini, c. £. ············-·····- S O O 1 0 to the wet weath er. In the season's cup. 1

, l I

' '


I I ).,;~




P age Se vea



dae four time a day or the ab ence of Vera Johnson in he'. part of an I A ll toge ther the evening' en tertain­ an a larm clock for a wee k and " o elderly lady wa _pa r ticu larly com- : ment was thoroughly successful due ,. ! n endab le for he r poi e and the fine e to the concerted efforts of all involved on a n d o on . . of her acting. , and the unusual abi lity of Professor That the Triangles seemed very H. K. Darling made a good bishop Fritz as a director. considerate of congenial companio n­ and was the cause of a good deal of 1 =============== hip when they chose their rep rese n­ la ughter because he knew "nothing ta ti\·es for stude nt council. about bu iness". I That he would ·have been very Kathleen \Vhite, Lucile Gerber, thankfu l for a few irons, rolling pin • Marguerite \Vet herill and Vergyl ' tale egg , onion , etc. to ca t at ome Drayer were all that could be desired .;, pectators at the Jun- in rega rd to ability and the powe r to I en te r into the fee li ng of their respecreater , tiv e part . In thi latter capacity g . . . . 1 That t h ere eem to t,e no · d J'fe than 't hat of Miss \.\"eth enll s act111g was e pec1alm tragedy orm I G . · ·o 11 uch an occa- ly effective. M1s erber never failchoo mg room ,. • t· t 1·c1e the dean's ed to arouse a laugh on her [ was an 1011 one no ices ou . _ ,. a"'I" door waiting for their turn a few innocent girl story. :1 DAN CROCE . 0 I angry faces and many faces that look The "behind-the-scene " ?arts were and wrinkled by time and hard- taken by Joe Eschbach, busme s man- 1 hi J • worn · 1 STAR SHOE REPAIR FACTORY andT a t week wa a week of ram hip -hair nets are torn , bobbed hair ager, Ralph K night, property man and Pach ere nade , a n unu ual upply of is protruding at all angles and every- "J~hnny" Noel a tage manager. j 27 West Main Street. . one i in great disturbance. At the fr · and Mr . D a \·id on \·1s1te - • d wit· h Ia t eve n t of thish kind apederious Alice her mind11 11111111111111111 1111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 O everal days ed ophomore w o gra · : -lr . Ba . frantica lly had both ~uffs che_we~ to a § iii h h ker pent everal day here f le before entertmg. This 1s one : • • er d aug h ter, Margaret: razz . of the things that makes u Iose our -_ :l!~ 11 Prob t. of Dayton was Rhea I youth. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H as Pocahontas, Glen-Lee Special and Fanoy O hio Coals. >Prices of did ~ 1;aughey's guest altho ugh he II . Doroth Bright, ex-'24, _ coal are lower than they will be any time this year. Let us have your 11 come primarily t0 see Rhea Fne nd of y fi d orders now. The wi ll be g lad to hear of her ne recor Bo dnerappearance of Mr. and :M~ . at Vanderbilt Univer ity. he ha \\·e tervi/ nd Florence B 0rd n.er r'n n 'ai ntained high grades all d h be~n 11 abeJ e wa a pleasant urpn e or elected to The cribb ler , an, onor~lr · ary literar'y organization. Coal yard- Eas College Avenue. Office No. 22 North State St. li ildre.d chwab and Mrs. ailor were ~ Bell : 101-R Residence, 29-R O ffice, 80-R Coal Yard Citz. 14-0-3R tnd. ~hwab' gue t thi week- JU N I OR CLASSPR ES ENTS PLAY lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllll lll llliii






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Glen-Lee Coal, Floral, and Gift Shop



(Continued from page o~e.) the head of th e up porti ng comhu band and father, Har~ pany an d a ' ' f g of 1Ir L o ld ' Mill p leased the . most exac 111 Elva Ly 011 · Yon vi ited Mi the spectators. " : N f ·; · • a nd Adda thi · week. :Harold McIn tyre a nd J ohn oe' ~ i<uth Illa h Foltz wa vi ited by her k both carried humorou par bro e r 'r d in a manner that be­ er a nd little i ter. and per orme · The e bTt and adaptation. poke a 1 1 Y · in their efThe Dorm Imp Says: three men were uncea mg d doifort to ave their ten thou an Th . -be terat thtwo victorie in one day eem Jar b t to Mitchell. ~ an having a trawberry unBeulah W \\'ill' ood ente rtained Blanche ian, on, '22 over the week-end.


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And for this week· ca ndidate we have \ which Esther McDonald, the leader, graduating recita l of Mr . Dan Harri · Mr. Paµ l Up on, I gave a very intere ting di cu ion on Thi is the third graduating recital vVho got ambitious one evening the last of the J. titt Wilson lecture given thi pring and will be of the And studied hi French for stressing the place that Art and Phi l- same high tand ard. 3 hours (longer than h had ever osophy must take 111 solvi ng the The program will con ist of a group Studied it before) wor ld's prob lems. An enjoyable of tliree German ong and a group And then forgot to set his meeting wa closed by inging ;,T he of t wo French ongs. An interesting Alarm clock and o Benediction". part of the program wi ll be three the Gi rl s. come next week and ee what pani h fo lk ong to be ung in Y. \V. C. A. has in store for you. E ng li h. The program al o include ext morning! ympathy, Uppi. a group of modern Eng~ish song of Nolan R. Best Author of New I va riou types. One of the fea ture Heard on the Same Subject. Book Entitled " Inspiration " of the program is an instrumental t Room Mate-"Hey, where are While on his vi it in We ter\'ll'c II quartet composed of Mi Cridland, a ll o ur dust clothe ?'' No la n R. Be t, of the Cla of 1892, Mis Wright. P rofessor pe ard and 2nd Room Mate-"Oh I ent ,it to paid a visit to the coll ege li brary and Profc or Grabill. lifford Foor we nt to his hom e in the was h and it hasn' t come back left there hi late t boo k en titl ed '·J n- 1===============:= Ohio ity . Friday for a brief vi it. yeti" spiratio n." Mr. Be t, who is the editor ! L t help you with your lunch "Pat" chutz pen t aturd ay and Reports have it that the very late~t of "The Co ntinent" visited in W e ter- 1 c us unday at hi s home in Pandora. fad is a "Secret Thrill!" (tho most of ville a few day before attend ing th e supplies. There's spice in variety and 'em aren' t secrets at all). It sure General Assmbly of the Pre byterian we can give you some good suggcs­ Noe l Roose and John Arthur would be thrilling if some of the Church at Indianapoli , this la t week. tions. motored to Canton th e pa t week. T hrills knew who e Thrill they were. Breaks Thigh ]3one D enny Brown pent a fe w day in They'd be urpri ed I Madi on, P a., hi home. . . ln Acc'.dcntal Observation of Abner. Tnppmg over an electric cord at­ P rof. and Mr . Hursh left unday morning for Ander on, Ind. to attend tached to an adding machine, Mi 01' Charley Perew Leona cott, daughter of Dr. Geogre th funeral of the infant daughter of Sent off an' got his self Strawberries, Oranges-, Bananas. Scott, whi le at work in the Bank of Mr. a.n<i Mr . H . P . Lambert. One of them there Westervi lle, fell and broke her right Etikett boo¼s what Mabel \ alters and Hattie Clark en­ thigh bone. She was taken to Grant Pickles, Olives and all good "Eats'' to You can return in five tertaint!d friend from Toledo the past Ho pita!, Columbu , where the limb Days if you aint satisfied. two weeks, Mrs. Adams and Mrs. qiake up your next lWtch. was et. It will be several weeks be­ Well Sir, Charley sot µp Brubaker and Mi ses Eisenman a,nd ' fore Mi s cott can be removed to her D,iy an ' nigpt Althause. MOSES & STOCK, Grocers home on Plum street, physicians say, Fer them five day Dr. apd Mrs. Carpenter of Sunbury and two or three month before she An' then he up and sent witne sed the game between Otter­ will be able to bear any weight on the TRAVELING Th' Dum book back! bein and Ohio, Saturday. broken limb. STUDENTS FOR An' he ez, sez h , OR LOCAL POSITIONS "AU they tie to it Emer on Bregg pent the week-end Sails for Europe.. ' I je t t' do everything .at his home in Dayton. Mi s Mrry Baker, daughte of Mr. A limited number of po itions are Th' blamedest, ork ardest Maurice Horlocker left Sunday for and Mrs . W. 0. Baker, West Col­ An' most on nateralest way Woo ter, where he has accepted a lege avenue, who has spent the :win­ still open to student de iring Travel­ Ye possibly kin and thats position in the Government Experi­ ter with her parents here, sailed from ing or Local ,vork starting in June, Etikett, by jickeryl" ment tation for the summer. Montreal la t Wednesday for Eng­ He sezl along educational lines. Opportunity Ian . he will v1 1t cotland, France Dwight Arnold spent Saturday· and to make $ 0.00 or more per week. and Holland, a well a England. unday at his home.. McDonald Leads Y. W . C. A. rite for full particulars at once. The girl who braved the storm last Dan Harris To Give Recital. Universal Book & Bible House, Tu day evening were amply repaid ext Monday evening at eight College Department, 1010 Arch Street, for their effort. After the piano pre­ o'clock in Lambert Hall the students Phil~de!phia, Pa. lude, devotional exerci e were led by will have th e privilege of hearing the Ecny Meeny Katherine Pollock. A fine duet renFor tho e uninitiated one , Eeny dered by Mr . Wells and Mr . Wright would like to rem <lrk t!1at of all the was especia I ly appreciated by the ll III III II II III IIIIIIIIIIII II II III II II IIIIIIIIIIII III II Ill 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ I day of the week, Friday i the most beautiful on e around the dormitory. That's the day of the great truggle :~~l~;\!le~! :~:.n g1~ittio~~rt =_ for the elu ive and much-in-demand The post office business is the largest single business in the world. broom, .mop and du t-pan. ' Ti then The general prosperity that abounds is rapidly increasing the demands that room-mate really get acquaint­ on the postal system. With the increase in business has grown our ed with each other. 'Ti then that neiahbora learn one another's private ~ e,xcellcnt police systems for protecting the service. A letter in Uncle E:: vocabularie . 'Ti then that count­ Sam's care is safe. le , long- ought-for trea ure are un- Thi i a big future for _ arth d and all borrowed clothes are denti t. There 1 returned once again. - 'Tis then that the ambition runs . not. Why, we could room for him in • ' • • anY 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 iii almo t become in pired on the ubj ect c mmunity with hi proif it weren't for the fact that at the ional r ice. Den- ~ IIII III II IIIIIIIII 111111111111111111fl 11111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II II III I 1111111111111111111111~ present moment our own room is a fe dismal and ghastly wreck that re­ ti tr offer a r at field Citizen 1012 "S · s proachfully tare · u in th e fac

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