2 minute read

A WalR Through Time by Celeste t<aitsa

A Passio1t,da AUair 6Y 5o1tif a faa

., . , ~e roG1.s.ttV1-g, I WGIS L ~d -p tGI , , of111<.u-0G1sst.0V1-S,Cu11... .Jc;ibu wntLe tV1-ctuLg~~ ~VI- oVl-t u ' growers. tV1- R.WGIVI-IA u • t neL-o wo111<.eV1- cul 1 ... e ( to fi.V1-cl. tne o-p-pon:uV1-~tlj o r "' t -ourcnG1se greeVI- uVlr , , LL t coffee ue.GIVI-S- r , 111<. -ourc½c;ist~ t½e~r s-pec~GI o .J .J' t ,,,l,(.tor sweehiA.G1nG1s.co , r L, we.b-bG1St1A IA~s nu , d roc;isted) coffee beG1V1-S I' o111<." • ne bro'r<.ers, ,0111<. GIVI, f'YGIVI-C~SCO GlrtGI , L cl,(.rrew:Lu based ~VI- tne SGIVI- , ,. e tne .t:oLLowt~ c;irhc e U tsSWVI- to SriGIY I' -=1--rl

Marta owe.VI-, grG1V1-ted l'IA.l -ptYVI<. nG1se.s. c;ire neL-pt~ tvie / fr-0111<. tnetr webstte.. it e,x.-pLG1LV1-S now 111<.lj -pl,(.rc tVl-'s grol,(.-p, VI-Ot oV1-Llj c;ilwolll<.tVI- wno , co111<.-pnse tn Dl,(.V\tVl-ge\VAWGI WOY\<. e b t l'IA-l c;iWt.s.DVl<-l Cu I , ... e, l,(. neL-o r sow..e wo111<.eV1- , ~Vl-

Lowt~ l'IA.l to roast so .J , .c; .. nV1,CWL R.WaV1-1ACI ga~VI- 1 ••= .J t~roeV1-1AeV1-Ct -1 , ~VItne --orocess\ I '? ·; -

[NOTE· foll - • .

Coffi · owing is an article · ee Roasting Website· copred wrth permission .

Abakundaka . . WWW.Sweetmarias.com J from Sweet Maria's Home wa rsa 1700 -

Rushashi washin . member cooperativ . ters for coffee g statron. The average aln e that mills its coffee at the the typical Wet production, the varietal is t/ u_d_ e here is 1600 to 1800 mePatio. This is fairrocess me~hod is used, wi~drtronal ~ourbon seedstock, and prove the quality ~:~e cert1fie_d, part of the U~un-d,y1~g on raised beds or bulk Production life ... but it is also a s . AID _pro1ect rn Rwanda to ima women's grou ofthe _ Abakundakawa co:ec1a! ~rcro-lot separated from the a premium fort~· Duhrngekawa, a sub-gro~- T~s is produced exclusively by ducers. s Particular lot that is ret Po the coop, and we have paid urned directly to the wome n pro-

Here's some more detailed information that explains the situation in more detail, this coming from the importer/development folks in the UK who are doing the groundwork on this coffee:

"Of the current 1,760 members of Abakundakawa Coop, 720 are women. Currently, 70 women make up the Duhingekawa women's group, a name that means "let us grow coffee" in Kinyarwanda. The women who are in the Abakundakawa group are women heads of household, to use project jargon. That means their husbands were mostly killed at the time of the genocide. They are looking after their own children, but often they are also looking after orphans from families of relatives, and even of non-relatives, where both parents were killed. They have formed a group within ABK. I'm afraid when we talked to the ABK president, Charles Habinshuti, this morning he did not know the name or the numbers of the group, but promised to

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