Otterbein Towers Spring 1973

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Campus Programming Board in Action Who Knows Better than Students what Students Like to Do? by Pat Zech , '73 A hypnotist, a bonfire, sk i trips , Kaffee Haus presentat ions-Otterbein has enjoyed these and many more activities this year. Responsible for planning these events is the Campus Programming Board (CPB ), a group of sixty students dedicated to prov id ing the campus w ith a diverse and extensive slate of activiti es . The success of CPB depends upon their ability to reach as many interest groups as possible. This year they have succeeded . A Columbus hypnotist, Pierre Robin , intrigued an attentive audience fall term when he performed in the Campus Center. He entranced several students who then played pianos and sang shower songs for their fellow students' amusement. In sponsoring M. Robin , CPB attracted various personal ities , including many who became instant " bel ievers" and those who thought there must be some easy trick to it. Planning activities to fit the needs of fourteen hundred students requires imagination and creativity . Jack Dickey, Campus Center director and CPB adviser, is convinced the effort is worth it. " By offering practical experience in creative group planning and human interaction , participation in CPB is valuable training for most occupations," commented Dickey. Maximum responsibility is delegated to the student Board members because they have proven themselves capable committee workers, he says . Under the new Governance Plan , CPB is a standing committee of the College Senate; like most larger groups, the members work more efficiently in smaller subcommittees. Each subcommittee chairman is also part of a ten-person executive committee. This year the groups and their chairmen are: Traditional Events: Jayne Ann Augspurger, Dayton , and Patty Elliott, Bethesda, Maryland; Publicity: Gene Olson , Williamsburg , New York ; Movies and Lectures: Maury Newburger, New York City; Entertainment and Dances : John Mulkie, Erie, Pennsylvania; Off-Campus and Recreation, Karin Kruger, Manhasset, New York. CPB's executive officers are Sue Wanzer, President, Lyndhurst; Kathy Pratt, Vice-President, Indianapolis; Reid Morrison , Treasurer, Millersport; and Roseanne Meister, Secretary, Columbus. President Wanzer believes CPS should strive to reach all students no matter what their number of their interest. ( Continued on page 10)

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