1 minute read
As another college year begins I wonder what is going to happen. Will there be militant fervor? Is this the year of apathy? Who will be the leaders? What will be the vital issues? Many of the answers to the above questions will be supplied by this year's frosh. They have heard about the Ivory towers for twelve years ·· now the moment for observation is here.
Like other college freshmen across the nation, Otterbein's will reveal their special abilities. They will, like the past freshmen, join the college community leaders and student followers in an attempt to build a strong, egalitarian, and prolific inst itution for future freshmen to enjoy and develop .
The task you as freshmen face will not be easy, but with hard and sincere effort I am positive you will triumph . The time is now, the place is Otterbein, and the direction and choice is yours. I hope you find your first year stimulating, interesting, and above all , creative .
I hope the black freshmen find their year not only stimulating, interesting, and creative, but also, full of blacknes&.
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Maybe in this way we can get them to quit wearing headbands and Indian moccasins to the football games . Our Fore-Fathers didn't slaughter thousands of Ind ians just to have a bunch of we ird punks go around immatating the filthy savages
In His name, we ask your support . Yours in Righteousness, Jon Hammond
Ed. Note:
The T&C invites all dirty, filthylooking, long-haired pinko-type radicals to reply