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God Ano War
Dear Editor:
I am writing in reference to Mr. Gahris' article on God and war in the Oct 12 T & C. It saddens me to see someone take a piece of the Bible, sep• arate it from its context, and then ap· ply it to the desired meaning. Put your hatred of war and personal ambitions aside for a moment, Mr. Gahris, and take another look at the fourtti chapter of James. He is saying that wars are a direct result of man's sinfulness. It is that simple and that complicated.
You cannot say that God is against war or kill.ing because God himself di· rected the Old Testament wars of Is• , rael. King David, ancestor of Jesus, killed' Goliath and later became Israel's most mighty warrior. Samson killed a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass. God uses wars and de cides their outcome.
God is love, but God hates sin. Je· sus himself said that there will be wars and rumors of wars until the end of the age, so your OPAC e fforts are futile. I am not pro war, but war will never be stopped until Jesus comes again. By trying to stop war you are chipping away at the visible part of the iceberg, and completely missing the huge mass that is submerged, invisible-a man's sinfulness The one way to stop war is to change man, as Jesus says in John 3 to Nicodemus.
You then, Mr. Gahris, go on to se· verety criticize and mock th:? ROTC program At this point I could drag in the "love your neighbor as yourself" bit but choose rather to introduce to you James, the brother of Jesus:
Do not speak evil against one an• other, brethren. He that speaks evil against a brother or judges his bro• ther, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is one lawgiver and judge, He who is able to save and to destroy. But who a~ you, that you judge your neighbor?
Isn't it strange that only a couple of verses separate your quotation from mine in the fourth chapter of James? Do not try to find pieces of the Bible that "support" your views but rather look atwhatthe Bible says, Mr. Gahris.
Larry Bormuth
I am not in ROTC.
Dear Editor,
Students VI/ho are critical of the T & C's policy this year and who want to see more campus news are scorned as being apathetic and unconcerned about · anything beyond Otterbein. This atti· tude reflects a shift on the part of the paper in its objectives, and it is a shift about which we, the members of the campus community have a justifiable complaint.
Our library is well • stocked with books and periodicals with which we can keep well informed on social and cultural events of national perspective. The only comprehensive source of in• formation we have about Otterbein is the T & C.
Greek news has slowly been all but edged out of the paper. Couples are made to pay for their lavalier and pin announcements. Sports are reported with a bias. We were told that the Otterbein football season is shot. When the football team does win, it gets less than half a page; when it loses, it gets blasted.
The article about Eva was both an insult to Otterbein and a contradiction of your stated policy about publicizing petty matters. Eva is a heroine because she spends time - time she is being paid for - playjng cards·. She can say she is rude in the presence of impor· tant people by saying that no one is more important than she is. True, but no one is less important, either. Every• one deserves the respect Eva demands. The T & C implied that the students think she is great. This one does not.
I will not sit idly by ,and help to subsidize this publication in its present form. If the policies do not change to include more student and campus news in the T & C, then I intend to actively seek to force the Tan and Cardinal to become financially independent. The Daily Data, which we also support. gives as much insight as our school pa· per presently does into what is hap• pening at Otterbein.
-David C. Bloom
Dear Editor:
This letter refers to Mr. Clark's reply in the last issue concerning Mike Webb's article about the card key de• lay.
Quite obviously, Mr. Clark missed the whole point of Mr. Webb's article. Mr. Webb rightly pointed out that the administration failed to adequately in• form the student body on the card key delay . If more information, such as cir• culars, had been given to each student, perhaps then the students, as well as some of the faculty, would not have blamed the administration for the delay.
But what is even more. sad is Mr. Clark's personal attack on a student for finding out the news and reporting it "as it is." It seems pathetic that Mr. Webb should be blamed for performing this necessary taslc
Furthermore, it is understandable that the students were upset about the lack of communication between the students and the administration. Stu• dents should not be expected to call for information this important to the students. Vital news on the card key delay should have been made available in the form of circulars.
-Carol McDowell
-Susan Hudson
Dear Editor,
I find it unsatisfactory to commun• icate with students through the columns of the T & C, however the Continued on page 3 1