1 minute read
We don't mind things like hair in our soup and lipstick on clean glasses. They're to be expected; in fact, we'd probably consider'everything just too, too sanitary without them. But why can't the kitchen think of some thing more original? If we're going to have those extra little tidbits thrown in free of charge with our food, why don't they make it more practical? After all, we're sure no one wouid mind finding a penny in the spaghetti or a bus ticket tucked into a lettuce salad.
We understand, of course, that a certain number of slips are bound to originate in the kitchen. But how about making them something new and novel? We're tired of finding the same old hair, flies, lipstick, and even a baby Periplaneta Americana on occasion in our food.
We're tired of playing this game of hide-and-seek. Can't we develop something new?
-Nov. 4, 1944