2 minute read
1 Students are prohibited from visiting those of the other sex at the ir rooms, or receiving visits from them at their own, except by permission of the President or Principal of the Ladies ' Department, in case of serious illness The penalty for violation of this rule is immediate expulsion.
2. The parlor in Saum Hall will be used as a reception room, where only the ladies residing in the Hall may receive visits of their friends by permission of the Principal. Ladies will ob• tain permission of the Pr incipal before receiving calls in the parlor; and such calls shall be made on Saturday, be· tween the hours of 1 and 5 p.m., or at such other times as the Faculty may designate.
3. Ladies boarding or residing in the village can receive calls by permission , of the matron of the family; all other permissions for visiting with gentlemen wilt be obtained from the Principal.
4. Ladies and gentlemen will not be permitted to take rides, nor to attend entertainments together, in any cir• cumstances, except by special permission of the Principal.
5. Any who enter into the marriage relation will be separated from the College.
6. Students shall not organize societies of any character, or hold meet· ings of any kind, without permission of the Faculty.
7. No member of the Institution shall use tobacco in any form.
8. The rules respec t ing moral char• acter and general conduct are in force, with regard to all students, when absent as well as present, in vacation as well as in term time.
9 Study hours shall be from 5 to 6, and from 7 to 12 a.m.; and from 2 to 4, and 7 to 9 p.m.
10. During study hours, students are required to remain in their rooms and not to leave them except for the performance of some duty; and to abstain from all noises calculated to disturb or interrup the study of others.
11. The hour for rising shall be 5 a.m . Students are expect ed to retire as early as 10 p.m , and all lights in the University must be extinguished at that hour.
- Otterbein
What is Otterbein to do for a cheer leader this year? Our own "Cocky" Wood who has led the yells so ably for several years is now an alumnus last spring when it was announced that there would be tryouts for the posi· tion of cheerleader, no candidates ap· peared." Might not some person volunteer to serve his Alma Mater in this capacity. We should hate to· think that there is no one in our number who is qualified to take charge of some ori· ginality and practice but there is cer• tainly some one who will take hold of this. When the call is given for tryouts may we have at least a dozen candidates?
-September 24, 1917
Courtright Progresses
Work has been progressing very rapidly on the 1939 SIBYL, according to Monroe Courtright Editor. When the various clubs ha,ve been photographed, most of the work will have been com• pleted The cooperation which the stu• dent body has given the staff has been very good ,and is appreciated.
Donald Courtr ight, the Business Manager, announces that the SIBYL office will be open every afternoon~