24 players 9+ years 3045 min.
You are monsters, attacking a city and eating its citizens. This will give the monsters energy to move. But it can also be used to buy new powers and points. The winner is the player with the most points when the game ends.
Contents 4 monster boards↓ 1 main board ↓ 16 bonus cards↓ 4 monster pieces ↓ 49 citizen meeples↓ 18 building blocks ↓
Game start
Put citizen meeples randomly on every green square of the main board. Building blocks are mixed and put on the grey squares with the meepleside down. You stack as many blocks as the number on the square says. Shuffle the bonus cards and stack them besides the board face down. Take the top three cards and lay them face up where everybody can see them.
In every turn you can do three things in sequence: ? Plan, ⇨ Execute or
Ἴ Buy. When you have finished, the turn goes to the player to your left.
All players choose a monster board and put the related monster piece on one of the four white starting squares on the main board. The youngest player begins. When you have played the game a few times, let the players pick their starting squares counterclockwise; ending with the starting player.
Game end The game ends when, after a player’s turn, there are two or less meeples left on the board. The other players will not get their turn.
your moves ? 1. Plan A monster has a mouth and a stomach on its monster board. In the mouth are 7 spaces with room for one meeple per space. In the stomach you can place all the meeples you want. The stomach also holds 4 action spots. Only the two action spots to the left (1 & 2) are active from the beginning of the game. Each spot can hold two meeples from the beginning. (This can be altered by bonus cards ) .
To plan your actions you stack meeples on the actions spots. They will control your monster’s actions. You can move meeples in the stomach in and out of action spots while planning. You can even swallow meeples from the mouth, but you can NEVER spit up meeples from the stomach to the mouth, once you have swallowed them.
Action spots
The different colour meeples make your monster do different things when stacked on the action spots. Building blocks have meeples drawn underneath and works like meeples once the building is smashed. One action spot can only hold meeples of one colour (plus possibly blue).
For every red meeple you can shoot one square away. If you hit a meeple, you eat it. If you hit a monster, you may force that monster to swallow a meeple of your choice from its mouth. If you have stacked more red meeples you can shoot further away, but you can never hit more than one meeple or monster with meeples from one action spot. You can never shoot diagonally, through buildings, through monsters or hit monsters standing on buildings, unless you are standing on a taller building.
For every g reen meeple stacked on an action spot you can walk one square and eat a meeple standing there. You can never walk diagonally or onto a square holding a monster or a building. If you have stacked more green meeples on the same action spot, you can walk the same number of squares in the same direction, eating every meeple.. With yellow meeples you can climb or smash buildings. For every yellow meeple stacked on the same action spot you can climb one storey of a building standing on a square next to your monster. If you stacked two meeples, you can climb to the top of a twostorey building and so on. You can never stop halfway up a building. If you are already standing on top of a building, you can smash one storey for every yellow meeple that you have stacked. At the same time you eat the meeple hiding in the building, adding the building block to your monster board like a meeple. If you want to climb a building and smash it, you need to use two action spots.
Blue meeples can be used as jokers ; replacing green, yellow or red meeples when put on an action spot. But they can never replace other meeples when buying bonus cards. Blue meeples can only be found hiding in buildings. A green meeple is preprinted in the first action spot. If this spot is empty you can use the action spot to walk one square, as if there was one green meeple standing on the spot. REMEMBER! An action spot can only be used in one direction. If you want to move or shoot in different directions or climb and smash a building, you need to use several actions spots.
2. Execute your plan
When you have placed meeples on your action spots, you can execute your actions. The actions are executed in order from left to right with action spot 1, followed by 2 etc. Remember that only two actions spots are available to unaltered monsters.
During execution of your actions you can place the meeples you eat in your mouth or directly in your stomach. You can even swallow meeples from your mouth to make room for the new meeples, but never move meeples from the stomach to the mouth.
Example 1
Example 2
Blob uses the preprinted meeple in the first spot and one green meeple in the next to walk and eat in two directions. The outcome is one red and one yellow meeple, which Blob immediately swallows.
In the next turn Blob uses a yellow meeple boosted by a blue to climb the twostorey building. From there it can use a red meeple to shoot a fireball consuming the green meeple on the neighbouring square.
bonus cards and gain points Ἴ 3. Buy
When you have executed all of your actions, you can buy one or more bonus cards lying face up on the table. Bonus cards earn you new abilities and points that you need to win the game. There are two different kinds of bonus cards. Ordinary bonus cards . Topmost on the card you can see a combination of meeples. That is the the price of the card. Grey means several meeples of the same colour. By removing this combination from your mouth, you can buy the card and put it face up in front of you. In the bottom of the card you can see the points you gain and the ability that your monster has now attained. Once it is yours, this card can never be taken from you.
Maxbonus cards : These cards are marked “Max. ”. If you have more meeples of one colour in your mouth than any other player, you may take the Maxbonus card of this colour, either from the three faceup cards on the table or from one of the other players. You do not need to remove any meeples. Once you have taken one or more max bonus cards, you cannot take any more ordinary bonus cards in that round. When you have finished buying cards, you must replace any of the three faceup cards that you have bought from the pile. REMEMBER ! Blue meeples only count as jokers on action spots, not when buying bonus cards.
Winning the game When a player has ended a turn, and only two or less meeples are left on the board (not counting buildings), the game ends. Maxbonus cards are redistributed to the monster currently having most meeples.
The winner is the player with most points on his/her bonus cards. In case of a tie the winner is the one of the tied players with most meeples (counting buildings) on their monster board.