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Polynesiacs: Navigating a Home Tiki Bar

Travel along with Author Tiki Tom-Tom of Polynesiacs: Tiki At Home, on his recent trip to visit seventy-five escapist and immersive home spaces across the continental United States. Take a peek inside the private paradises and oases created by Polynesiacs from New York to California to Washington to Florida. Tiki Tom-Tom will share the entertaining stories of fellow Tiki lovers and also give you the details of his new sixteen-point navigation system based on what he learned from interviews during his visits.

4:00 PM – 5:00 PM • T&C Ballroom B • $20

Tiki Tom-Tom (aka Tom Jaynes) is a writer, photographer, artist, sewist, singer, educator, wanderer, and full-time Polynesiac. Despite his wild stories, Tiki Tom-Tom is actually a self-described wallflower, not a boisterous partygoer. Having previously worked as a community college administrator, he now lives a nomadic lifestyle and enjoys planning his next road trip while relaxing at Queequeg’s Coffin, his very own tiki bar in Durham, North Carolina.

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