1 minute read
Cry Your Tears
Cry your tears Cry your tears Cry your tears For the world Cry your tears For yourself For the pain Feel the pain Cry your tears For the joy For the fragility For the exquisite privilege of being in this time
Cry your tears Feel the salt on your cheeks Feel the rivulet of the droplet as it descends Into the good green earth
Allow your connection To arrive Be reminded of the subtle layers, the subtle Levels in which we all connect
Breathing the same air Drinking from the same river Cry your tears Into that river Drink deeply from that river The river of humanity The river flowing Deeply raggedly across this planet Wipe your eyes Open them Look at the connection Look at the silhouettes On the ridge lines The pollen on the flowers The dust on your shelf This is the stuff of life, of us Hands across time Signs from earth Who knew, who knew this time Of crying our tears Of turning and transition Would be so sweet and so painful
Hands across time Hands across fences Join your hands with those of others Find yourself amongst the crowd in stillness Find yourself Know that we all have Our own genius Our own gifts That we We are the sangha, the whanau We are the buddha Together the next buddha Together
We come together Stepping into responsibility, urgency Sing the songs of each other’s souls Follow the lines of your breath The lines upon the silhouettes of the ridges To the skyline
Follow the lines Inside Deep inside yourself And jump into the flow Taking us where we all need to go….
Ange Palmer 20/6/19 https://www.facebook.com/angepalmerwellnessweaver/